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I 6 mA BUY UNITED •TATES SAVING* /BONDS AMD SUM VOLUME NO. LXVIII TOWN TO HAVE FIRST BLACKOUT MONDAY NIGHT Bluffton Eight to Participate in Northwest Ohio County Test Blackout Will Not be Time for Announced in Advance To Public Bluffton will have its first test blackout Monday night, as part of an eight-county Northwestern Ohio test, it was announced this week by Jesse Yoakam, chief air raid warden. Exact time of the blackout will be kept a secret and residents will be informed of the start of the blackout by the blast of the waterworks whistle. It is that it will come ness falls. believed, however, shortly after dark Changes in the blackout Signal Slight revision signals is announced this week by the Bluffton Civilian Defense council. The newly adopted warning system is as follows: Two Signals First whistle, or “blue” signal will be a steady two minute blast, re quiring all lights to be out second whistle of “red” signal will consist of a series of stacato blasts for a two minute period. During the “red” signal all traffic must stop and persons must seek shelter The third whistle, or the return to “blue” will be a steady two minute blast requiring all lights to remain out but pedestrians and vehicles may move “all clear” (no whistle) will be given by street lights being turned on or radio an nouncement. Residents are asked to have their radios tuned to Lima broadcastfng station WLOK for instructions explanations as to procedure. and Require Compliance Under a municipal ordinance pass ed by the town council on May 3 all willful violators of town and county blackout regulations will be consider ed guilty of a misdemeanor and li able to prosecution. Under the new alarm system, all lights should be turned off at the first sound of the whistle and re main off, even after the third whistle alarm has sounded, until street lights come on or an all clear signal has been given by the radio. Industrial plants will not be re quired to blackout or blink their lights. However, operators have been asked to extinguish all lights that will not interfere with produc tion. Passengers on buses and in private automobiles will not be required to leave these vehicles as they would in case of actual air raid. Pedes trians are required to remain off the streets. Wardens to Patrol All air raid wardens, wearing their white helmets and arm bands, will check on the lights in their re spective districts and assist residents in conforming to blackout regula tions of the civilian defense organi zation. It is understood that since this is the first test blackout that violators will not be prosecuted unless they refuse to comply with orders of authorized members of the local civilian defense organization. Will ful violators will be prosecuted, it was stated. Final instruction for the trial blackout ■will be given to all deputy air raid wardens in a meeting at the Mayor’s office in the town Thursday night at 8 o’clock, it announced by Yoakam. hall was Couple Is Wed At Home Of Minister Marriage of Delbert Luginbuhl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Luginbuhl of near Bluffton and Miss Esther Shoemaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Shoemaker of Pandora, took place at the Methodist parson age in Pandora Sunday afternoon. The couple was attended by Hiram Bucher, of near Bluffton, as best man and Miss Elva Pickett, Triplett employe from McComb, maid of hon or. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the bride’s home in Pandora. Rev. Everett Mosslander, pastor of the Pandora Methodist church, re ceived the wedding vows in a single ring ceremony. The couple left for a short wedding trip and are expect ed to return by the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Luginbuhl are em ployed at the Triplett Electrical In strument company and will live on East Elm street. High School Graduation Events Open With Staging Speaker JYR. Ernest E. Miller, president of Goshen college, Goshen, Ind., who will be the speaker at Bluffton college commencement exercises at the First Mennonite church Monday morning at 10 o’clock. RAIN, FLOOD AND TORNADO SWEEP BLUFFTON AREA Four Barns in Orange Township Blown Down by Destruc tive Gale No Corn Planting This Week In Watersoaked Fields, Farmers Say Swept by flood and tornado the first of the week, the Bluffton dis trict was returning to normal Wed nesday as cloudy and cooler weather gave respite from the heaviest down pour of rain and the most destruc tive windstorm in recent years. Rains which fell over the week Cnd and until Tuesday with scarcely an interruption sent their banks flooding lands, periling farm inundating already fields and brought farm activity to an almost complete standstill. streams over adjoining low livestock and watersoaked Adding to the flood situation a tornado ripped thru Orange township southeast of Bluffton early Monday morning blowing down four barns, unroofing buildings and leaving trail of damage and destruction its wake. a in Corn Planting Delayed Farmers said Wednesday that with the most favorable weather, it would be impossible to work the ground be fore the first of next week. With no more rains, they hope to resume spring tillage by next Monday. Even under the most favorable of condi tions, there will be much corn to be planted in June, it was stated. Several feet of water which cover ed bottomlands of Big and Little Riley creeks, Monday, had receded on Tuesday. Clearing weather brought a resumption of plans (Continued on page 8) High School Alumni To Meet May has for 28 Members of the Bluffton High school alumni association will enjoy a program at the school auditorium Friday night May 28 at 8:30 o’clock to be followed by dancing in the gymnasium. No alumni with Bluffton addresses will receive invitations other than the newspaper announcement. Due to food rationing the traditional ban quet will be eliminated this year, it was announced by Dr. Gordon Bixel, president of the association. A committee under the direction of Richard Lewis is making arrange ments to secure an out-of-town or chestra for the dancing. Soldier Injured In North Africa Action Don Montgomery serving in the army and a grandson of Mrs. Han nah Swank, formerly of Bluffton, was injured in action in North Africa and is being sent to a New York hospital, according to word re ceived here the first of the week. Details of the injury were not dis closed. His mother, Mrs. Bessie Montgom ery of Toledo is an elder daughter of Mrs. Swank, a former resident here. Mrs. Swank now makes her home with her daughters, Mrs. Irvin Zay of Lima and Mrs. Marion War ren of Findlay. 1 Of Senior Class Play “American Eagle,” Senior Class Play to be Given in Audi torium 8:30 p. m. Baccalaureate Sunday, Class Night Monday, Commence ment Tuesday Presentation of the Bluffton High school senior play, “American Eagle”, at the auditorium this Wednesday night at 8:30 o’clock will mark the opening of a crowded week of com mencement activity. The play, a three-act mystery, will be repeated with a different cast, in the auditorium on Thursday night. The production is under the direc tion of P. W. Stauffer. Baccalaureate services held in a union meeting in nasium Sunday night at will be the gym 8 o’clock BLUFFTON COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT WEEK Friday—“The Rose Ramseyer chapel. 8:30 Maiden”, p. m. of May 4 p. m. Saturday—Crowning Queen... Baseball field. Alumni banquet. Ropp Hall. 6 p. m. Shakespearean play. Baseball field. 8:30 p. m. Sunday—Baccalaureate. seyer chapel. 3 p. m. Ram- First p. m. Vesper choir concert. Mennonite church. 6:30 Monday—Commencement. First Mennonite church. 10:00 a. m. with Rev. Emil Burrichter, pastor of the Reformed churches, speaking on the subject, “Personal Service”. This will be Rev. Burrichter’s final ad dress here before assuming his new pastorate at Plymouth, Indiana. Class night exercises will be held in the gymnasium Monday night at 8 o’clock. Members of the class, will be introduced informally and a pro gram utilizing the varied talent of the class will be presented. Graduation exercises for the class of 44 seniors will be held in the gymnasium on Tuesday night at 8 o’clock with Dr. Roy Burkhart of Closing the events of the com mencement season will be the 62nd high school alumni reunion to be held at the gymnasium Friday night ,May 28, at 8:30 o’clock. Due to wartime conditions, light refreshments will be served instead of the usual banquet. Following a program to be held in the forepart of the evening, dancing will be enjoyed to the music of a popular out-of-town orchestra. Bluffton Couple Weds In Rawson Wedding of Miss Melvena Hilty and B. M. Whisler, both of Bluffton, was solemnized Friday morning at 9 o’clock. The ceremony took place in Rawson at the home of the offi ciating minister, Rev. Paul Zimmer man, pastor of the United Brethren church of that place. Rev. Zimmerman read the nuptial service using the single ring cere mony, in the presence of the bride’s brother Melvin Hilty and Mrs. Hilty. The bride was attired for the oc casion in a traveling suit of navy blue. Following the ceremony the couple left on a week end trip, returning Monday evening, in the street. They will reside Whisler home on South Main bride, a nurse, has been con with the Bluffton hospital, the daughter of the late Mr. The nected She is and Mrs. Samuel Hilty. ler, son of the late Mr. and Scott Whisler, operates a farm Bluffton. Mr. Whis Mrs. near Pre-School Clinic To Be Held June 1 The annual pre-school clinic will be held at the Bluffton grade school building on June 1, from 9:30 to 11:30 a. week by Mrs. Clayton Murray, chair man of the committee on arrange ments. it was announced this m., Free medical and dental examina tions will be given to all children starting to school in September. The clinic is sponsored by the Mother’s Study Club. Other members of the committee are: Mrs. George Carmack and Mrs. Ralph Badertscher. i Remains Buried Here Wednesday Body of Mrs. Jennie Miller of To ledo was brought here for burial at Maple Grove cemetery Wednesday morning. Interment was made at the side of her husband, the late Minie Miller, a native of Bluffton. Mil ler’s father Joseph M:ller was a pioneer resident here. FHE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, MAVl 20, 1943 THIRTY SELECTEES CALLED IN DRAFT LEAVE WEDNESDAY Names of Allen County Quota Are Announced by Draft Board No. 3 Twenty-one Go to Army: Seven Will Serve in Navy and Two With Marines Thirty selectees, the quota fur nished by Allen County Draft Board No. 3 for the current May call, left Wednesday for formal in duction into the armed services. The group which left Wednesday was accepted following physical ex amination a week ago at Toledo. Of the 30 selectees, 21 went to the army, two to the seven to the navy and marines. Army the army are: Entering Bluffton—Willard Lee, Wm. Am stutz, Jr. Ropp Triplett, James Am stutz, Roger Howe. Lima—John Earl, Frederick Hil yard, Robert Lauck, Kenneth Hawk, Raymond Binkley, Janies Hughes, Edward Taylor, Donald Brenneman. Spencerville—Noah Gallaspie, Al bert Edgington. Beaverdam—Robert Cartwright. Elida—Benjamin Branson, Robert Morris. Col. Grove—Richard Hall, Evan Burkholder. Pandora—Herbert Amstutz. The following will go to the navy: Delphos—Donald Lause, Donald Hageman, John Fair. Bluffton—Richard Balmer. Lafayette—Jack Witham. Lima—Roger Joseph. Elida—Herman Huber. Marines Lima—Carl Thomas. Delphos—Bernard Wiechart. 31 SENIORS TO GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE MONDAY Commencement Address to Given by President of Goshen College be Graduation “in Absentia” to be Held for Eight Seniors In Service Thirty-one seniors will graduate from Bluffton college in the 43rd an nual commencement to be held in the First Mennonite church, Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Graduation “in absentia” will be BLUFFTON HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT WEEK Wednesday and Thursday— Senior play. Auditorium. 8:30 p. m. Sunday—Baccalaureate. Gym nasium. 8 p. m. Monday—Class Night...Gym nasium. 8 p. m. Tuesday—Commencement, 8 p. m.. Gymnasium. Friday, May 28—Alumni reun ion and dance.. .Gymnasium. 8:30 p. m. held for eight members of the class who are in service and will be unable to attend the exercises. Of the class of 31 seniors, 18 will receive the Bachelor of Arts degree and three the degree of Bachelor of School Music. Tentatively the re maining ten will obtain degrees at the close of summer school in August. Of these latter, eight will receive the (Continued on page 8) Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Ada, a girl, Sandra Faye, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Parrott, Con tinental, a girl, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mericle, a boy, Gerald Eugene, Monday. Mrs. Mer icle was formerly piehorn. Miss Eileen Trip- Russell Sc ha u bl in Mr. and Mrs. a boy, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Grove, a girl, Judith Ann, Tuesday. Brice Darbyshire, Bluffton housewives may obtain 10 pounds of sugar per person for home canning with coupons from war ra tion book No. 1, it was indicated in an announcement from OPA this week. OPA has announced its intention to designate two coupons in War Ration book No. 1 as “home canning sugar coupons”. Anyone will be able to buy 10 pounds of sugar with these two stamps. Since the home canning rules per mit a maximum of 25 pounds per person, housewives may apply to the Allen county rationing board for the extra 15 pounds if they are needed. The amount of sugar which anyone has obtained for canning since March 1, 1943, will be deducted from Miss Ruth Neuensch wander to Be Crowned Queen in Col orful Ceremonies Many and Varied Activities Are Crowded Into Annual Pageantry In the attractive natural setting of the Bluffton college baseball diamond will occur the crowning of the May queen and the traditional pageantry accompanying the ceremony in the annual May Day festivities to be held on the campus on Saturday. Always the highlight of May Day is the crowning of the May Queen. Miss Ruth Neuenschwander, of Phila delphia, Pa., will with Miss Grace maid of honor. In addition maypole dancers, flower bearers, musicians, escorts and others have been rehearsing for the tradi tional pageant. Other activities of the day include: Morning—Varsity breakfasts, tennis games, luncheons and reunions. Afternoon—Class activity program, box opening ceremony, organ music, crowning of the queen. Evening—Alumni banquet, Shakes pearean play. One of the features of the after noon program will be the presenta tion of class activities by the seniors at Ramseyer chapel at 1:30 o’clock and the box opening ceremonies of the class of 1933 in front of college hall at 2:30 o’clock. The alumni banquet will be held at Ropp hall at 6 o’clock. The Shakespearean play, The Merchant of Venice, will be given in the natural outdoor setting of the baseball dia mond at 8:45 o’clock. Final Rites Held For Albert Watkins Funeral services for Albert Wat kins, 72, were held at the Paul Diller funeral chapel Friday afternoon. Death came at his home on Riley street Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. He had been ill a year and bed fast two weeks. Death was due to carcinoma. Mr. Watkins was bom in Hancock county Dec. 6, 1870, the son of Wil liam and Susan (Tusshing) Watkins. On May 10, 1895, he was married to Estella Garrett, who survives with three sons and three daughters. Bluffton Housewives May Obtain Part Of Canning Sugar By No. 1 Ration Book be crowhed queen Adams of Celina, of Lansdale, Pa., Herbert Fretz, will escort the queen to her throne. He was elected popular man by stu dent vote earlier in the spring. At tendants to the queen are: Lucille Medler, Findlay- Esther Mae Geigiey and Ruth Burkhart of Gettysburg, Pa. Dorethy Beckenbach, Kenton Lucia Grieser, Jenera Magdalene Oyer, Bettye Lewis and Mary Alice Howe, Bluffton Margaret Shelley, Pennsburg, Pa. Sara Moyer, Mt. Cory Mabel Hill, Lima. Children are: Brice Watkins, Mrs. Jean Swank, Mrs. Myrtle Mann and Mrs. Alice Wentz of Bluffton Mar ion Watkins of Detroit Kenneth Watkins of Columbus Grove. There are two sisters and two bro thers: John Mrs. D. B. Ollie Fisher of Oregon. Watkins of Bluffton Huber of Lima Mrs. of Sandusky and Pearl Rev. Gerald Bright, pastor of the Church of Christ, officiated at the services. Burial was in Maple Grove cemetery. Honorably Discharged Robert Murray who has been sta tioned at Ft. Lewis, Wash., has re ceived an honorable discharge be cause of disability. He arrived home Tuesday. ... the 25 pound total each person is permitted. The rationing board has urged that all persons wait until they need their sugar for canning as facilities are not yet set up to accommodate a large numbei- of applicants. The coupon system is expected to enable housewives to do the can ning which comes early in the sea san and it is believed that in many instances it will be sufficient to take care of the needs of the average family thereby making it unnecessary to apply for additional sugar. Most families will not need maximum of 25 pounds of sugar person, the maximum allowed OPA. May Queen To Be Crowned In Traditional Pageantry At College Campus Saturday the per by Some details need to worked out yet and further nouncement will be made. an- HIGH SCHOOL TO GRADUATE CLASS OF FORTY-FOUR Commencement Exercises Will Be Held in School Gym nasium Next Tuesday )r. Roy Burkhart of Columbus To Give Class Address at Exercises Diplomas will be awarded to 44 Bluffton High school seniors in com mencement exercises to be held at the gymnasium Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Dr. Roy A. Burkhart, pastor of the First Community church in Co lumbus, will be the speaker at the graduation services. The valedictory and salutatory orations will be given by Robert Pannabecker and Dorothy Anderson respectively, qualifying on the basis of scholastic standing. Musical numbers on the program include a xylophone solo by Barbara Jean Triplett, a vocal solo by Alice Oyer and a flute solo by Raymond Schumacher. The high school orch estra, under the direction of Sidney Hauenstein, will play the processional and recessional for the graduating class. Members of the class are: Ralph Althaus, Sylvan Burkholder, Herbert Conrad, Weldon Deppler, Herbert Devier, Calvin Dudgeon, John Dunbar, Janies Gratz, Floyd Herr, Edgar Huber, Albert Ingalls. Richard Klay, Denard Loganbill, Donavin Moser, Richard Oberly, Rob ert Oberly, Robert Pannabecker, John Schmidt, Raymond Schumacher, Dav id Smucker, Clyde Sommer, Janies Stonehill, Kenneth Winkler, Robert Young. Dorothy Anderson, Ellen Basinger, LaVerne Burkholder, Mildred Camp bell, Doris Dunifon, Harriete Fett, Aline Hilty, Treva Hochstettler, Flor ence Hofer, Dorothy Jennings. Adah Lehman, Mary Ellen Lugin buhl, Eileen Moser, Alice Oyer, Ruth Slusser, Wilma Steiner, Barbara Jean Triplett, Roberta Wenger, Mary Jane Worthington, Alice Santschi. Rites Thursday For Mrs. Catherine Danner Funeral services for Mrs. Cather ine Danner, 94, of South Jackson street, will be held at the St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. She died Tuesday morning at 8:35 o’clock at the home of a daughter Mrs. Elmer Hochstettler of Fort Wayne, Indiana. from for Her death was caused asthma. She had been bedfast three weeks. In she Mrs. Danner was a native of terlochen, Switzerland, where was born July 2, 1848. Her husband Gottlieb Danner died several years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Wilson Hughes of Lima and Mrs. Hochstettler at whose home she died two sons, Louis Danner of Lima and John Danner of Fostoria. One brother, John Burke, of Inter lochen, Switzerland, also survives. She was a member of the St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed church. Officiating at the services will be Rev. W. H. Lahr, former pastor of the Reformed church here and Rev. Emil Burrichter, present pastor. The body will remain at the Diller funeral home until time for service*. 1CT0RY BUY UNITBD aTATB* STAMM NUMBER 4 DEPUTIES PATROL TOWNSHIP ROADS DURING BLACKOUT Seventy Deputies to Assist In Richland Township, Monday Night Blackout Signal to be Given by Radio Swiss Inn to be Headquarters When the test blackout is held here Monday, the Richland township civ ilian defense unit will have the most complete organization in Allen county, it was slated by a representative of the county sheriff's office at a meet ing of the deputies in the town hall Monday night as plans were complet ed for the coming blackout. One of the problems of rural black out procedure is to get the blackout signal to all of the township, resi dents at the same time. According to present plans the blackout signal will be given by radio over Lima station WLOK for those who are unable to hear the blackout signals from the whistle of the Bluffton Municipal Light plant. All township residents are advised to keep their radios tuned to the sta tion all Monday evening. No definite time has been assigned for the black out on Monday but it is believed that it will occur shortly after dark. All Lights Off All lights in the house, bam, hen house and other farm buildings should be turned off or blacked out during the period. All automobiles, truck and tractor lights should also be turn ed off, it was stated. Headquarters of the blackout will be the Swiss Inn, one mile south of town on the Dixie Highway. Willard Jennings, chief air raid warden, Chas. Lora, fire chief, the township trustees and several first aid representatives will be stationed there. All accidents and violation of civil ian defense regulations are to be re ported immediately |o the Swiss Inn. Severe penalties are provided for all willful violators of blackout regula tions, it was stated. Deputies at Crossroads Deputies will be stationed at all important crossroads in the township. Additional air raid deputies have been appointed to make a total of about 70 officers in the township assisting in the test blackout. All automobiles in the township will be stopped during the blackout and will be permitted to continue with their dim lights on only in case their mission is most urgent. Air raid wardens, auxiliary police, the township trustees and first aid representatives will participate in the trial procedure Monday night and all have been urged by Jennings to be in readiness. A follow-up meeting will be held in the township room in the town hall no Tuesday night to compare notes on the experiences and to make sugges tions for improvements, Jennings an nounced. To Enter Foreign Relief Organization In preparation for foreign lief service several former college students will course of study at Goshen, Indiana. war re Bluffton summer college, take a Goshen be assigned to The students will foreign relief centers, sponsored by the Mennonite Central committee, in the following areas: Central and South America, China, Porto Rico, and the Near East. Assignments will be made on the basis of the aptitudes and interests as shown in the der experts in tional problems, assignment the stay in the country assigned for the duration and a year after the war. course of study un relief and intema When accepting an student agrees to Taking the course of study will be: Richard Pannabecker and Bertran Smucker of Bluffton Harold and Arthur Thiessen of Basna, India i Richard Weaver of Goshen, Ind., and Ed Zehr of Gridley, Illinois. Completes Navy Course Eugene Newlan, 21, son of Warner Newlan of West Elm street, has completed his training at the service school for fire-controlmen at Great Lakes, Ill., and is now qualified for active duty aboard a Navy Man-O War. Newlan was selected to attend the school on the basis of aptitude tests taken during recruit training. The instruction was for 16 weeks. New lan was included in a class of 66S men recently graduated. k 'A i .’i 1