Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1944 Permanents that enhance your Attractiveness and Charm Complete Beauty Service by Experienced Beautician Make Your Appoint ment Today Call 239-W Vel’s Beauty Box Veldean Moser Caris N. Main and Vine Streets Service BE PREPARED- for the inevitable HIGH EGG PRICES next fall and winter with Gasson AAA White Leghorn pullets started two weeks. We have them. Also Barred and White Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. Chicks on hand thruout June. JORG HATCHERY Phone 182 W Bluffton, Ohio Efficiency Integrity Progress Ambulance Service Phone 222-W 239 S. Main St. Look for the name Hy-Grade That’s your assurance that you are getting pasteurized milk. Remember Every bottle of Hy-Grade Milk is pasteurized and that is especially important in warm weather. For safety’s sake insist on Hy-Grade Milk the only pasteurized milk sold in Bluffton. HY-GRADE DAIBY Phone 398-W for delivery at your door BPS Flatlux and Enamel used exclusively on the stage of “Jane Eyre” SEE the walls done in “TRIMZ” the ready pasted wallpaper that adheres even to bare muslin. GREDING HARDWARE within keeping of present day conditions. Basinger Funeral Home G. W. Comb* Licen»ed Funeral Director in Ch«re during absence of Stanley E. Basinger, who to serving our country in it* Armed Force*. on the bottle THE BLUFFTON NEWS B. F. BIERY, Business Mgr. C. A. BIERY, Editor Published weekly at Bluffton, Ohio, by th^Bluffton News Publishing and Printing Co. Subscription rates: Year, $2.00 six months, $1.25 anywhere inU. S. Entered aa second class matter at the poatoffice at Bluffton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. See us for sanding floors. Mrs. Ray Clark at Bluffton Roller Rink. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ludwig and daughter Nancy of Lima visited relatives in Bluffton, Sunday. Rev. A. C. Schultz and daughter Carla of Grove street are spending several days in Chicago. Ray Thut of Springfield spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Thut of South Main street. Miss Mary Jane Worthington in nurses training at Toledo hospital spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Amstutz. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kinsey and daughter Kay of Cuyahoga Falls, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Steiner. Millard Fretz of Akron spent the week end with Mrs. Gertrude Gage of West College avenue and attend ed college commencement events. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schaaf and daughters of Bridgewater, Mich., spent Mother’s day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schnegg of East College avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eversole en tertained at dinner, Sunday: Mrs. Noah Augsburger, Mrs. Verna Crouse, Mrs. Charles Bartholomew and daughter of Lansdale, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Houston and children of Beckley, W. Va., spent the week end with their sister-in-law, Mrs. F. E. Houston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stratton. Miss Ida Mosiman of West Middle town was here over the week end to attend Bluffton college commence ment at which her niece, Mrs. Holly Burkhalter was graduated, Monday morning. Mrs. D. R. Trippiehorn is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Newland and family in Columbia, Mo., while Mr. Triplehorn is on a business trip to Mississippi. PLAY safe. Don’t make harsh lax atives a habit. Try new Post’s Raisin Bran to add gentle bulk to daily meals help you keep reg ular. It’s new—it’s delicious! Richard Klay who has finished his course at the naval training school in Dearborn, Mich., spent Sunday i with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Klay. He left Monday for his new location in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. ffalph Locher and little daughter Virginia Lynn of Cleveland spent the week end visit ing Mrs. Locher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Worthington of South Main street and attended Bluffton college commencement events. Miss Genevieve Fett of Bowling Green State university accompanied by a college classmate, Miss Marilyn Smith of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, spent the week end with the form er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fett of Campus Drive. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Sniucker of South Lawn avenue over the week end were her sons Carl of Wadsworth Bertrand of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Orden Smucker and son of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hilty and son Jerry entertained at dinner, Sun day the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jess Houston and children of Beck ley, W. Va., Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Augsburger and sons, Mrs. C. F. Stratton and Mrs. F. E. Houston. Diller ambulance removals Mrs. Clyde Coburn and infant daughter from Lima Memorial hospital to Beaverdam Samuel Diller from his home north of Elida to Lima Me morial hospital William Derr from Beaverdam to Bluffton hospital. Ralph West of Chicago, formerly of Bluffton visited Wednesday at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff West of South Lawn avenue. He came to see his father, Fletch West, former Bluffton resi dent, now a patient in Lima Memor ial hospital. Sunday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Lugibihl of North Spring street were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mont gomery and sons of Ft. Recovery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Younkman and daughters of Clyde Mrs. Daisy Pifer of Rawson and Mrs. Wayne Lugi bihl and daughter and Miss Lois Long. Mrs. Oscar Lora and daughter Eloise of South Main street will leave Thursday morning for Clarks burg, W. Va., to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Allman and family and attend graduation exercises of Betty Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allman, who is a senior in Washington Irving high school of that city. Rev. Ward Boyd of Fargo, North Dakota visited the first of the week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. N. Bigelow and family. Rev. Boyd, father of Mrs. Bigelow officiated at the baptism of his four months old grandson Bruce Bigelow at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Bigelow on South Jackson street Tuesday afternoon. Members of the Bluffton and Rock port Presbyterian congregations were in attendance. THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Frank Neuenschwander of Pandora is doing interior decorating at Bluff ton hospital. Mrs. E. C. Ludwig visited Sunday at the home of her son, Glen Carni com and family in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mis. P. A. Wiebe and daughter of Willard spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Stettler. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Morrison of Detroit and Laverne Morrison of Findlay visited relatives here, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Amstutz and daughter Sharon Kay visited Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Don Salisbury and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Amstutz. Mrs. Dolores Clark and Mrs. Lola Myers spent the week end at Ft Knox with their husbands, Ray Clark and Clyde Myers who are stationed there. Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Bright of Shadyside, Ohio, spent several days last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gid Luginbuhl and family of West Elm street. Mrs. Charles Bartholomew and daughter Lynn Kay of Lansdale, Pa., are visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eversole and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hull and Mrs. Eileen Huttenlocher of Toledo spent the week end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd and fam ily of Franklin street. S/Sgt. Marvin Hilty of Deridder, La., and Miss Edna Howard of California are spending two weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hilty south of town on the Dixie highway. Misses Lois Witmer, Marguerite Sumney and Miriam Klopfenstein and Leonard Sumney all of Grabill, Ind., spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Rupp. Pfc. Chas. Rupp of Long Island, N. Y., and C. I, Rupp of Archbold visited in the evening. Mrs. Gertrude Gage of West Col lege avenue left Tuesday for La Grange, Ind., to visit her daughter Mrs. McKinley Woodworth and family and attend high school grad uation exercises of her grandson Junior Woodworth. On your next shopping trip re member to get Powderene, the wonder rug cleaner and Mirra Moth Proof, positive protection against moths. Both at Basinger’s Furniture store. tf WRITE this down. Ask your grocer for Post’s Raisin Bran ... a magic combination of crisp-toasted wheat and bran flakes plus California seed less raisins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cox and children Julia and Jon of Ashtabula spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stettler and attended the 1 College May day exercises. They left Sunday for Weston to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox. Capt. and Mrs. Dale Zeisloft and daughter of Camp Hood, Texas, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Benroth and daughter Beverly of North Lawn avenue. Mrs. Zeisloft and Mrs. Benroth are sisters. Mrs. A. D. Gratz spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Firestone in Ft. Wayne. Mrs. Fire stone who is a government inspector for the Western Electric company was recently transferred to that city from Lima. Misses Freda Ehrsman and Della Krebill and Pvt. Robt. Zeigler who attended Bluffton college commence ment festivities were entertained, Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stearns and family of Spring street. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nique and family of Findlay entertained, Sun day: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stevens and family of Ada Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armbrecht and family of Pan dora Mrs. Bertha Matter and Rolland Matter, Mrs. Robert Deerhake and son Don of Bluffton. Mrs. Cal Steiner and daughter Marcille have returned from Warren where they attended the wedding of Glen Steiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steiner, former Bluffton residents, to Miss Lula Sandrock of Lickingville, Pa., last Tuesday night. Mrs. Steiner and daughter went to Warren from Cleveland where they witnessed a performance of Carmen by the Metropolitan Opera company. Mrs. Lydia Badertscher entertained the following at a family gathering at her home, Sunday: Mr. and Ws. Albert Badertscher, Mrs. James Mitchell and son of Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Badertscher and family of Pandora, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Badertscher and family of Arling ton Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balmer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coon and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Geiger and daughter Nancy of Bluff ton Mrs. Ralph Diller of Lima Mr. and Mrs. John Everett and family of Beaverdam. Mrs. Joy Huber and daughter Sondra living south of Bluffton have left for Newark, N. J., to join their husband and father who is employed there by a large aircraft company. They were accompanied by Mr. Hu ber’s mother, Mrs. Cora Huber. The family will reside in Lodi, a Newark suburb. Pfc. Jason Trippiehorn of Phila delphia visited the past week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Trippiehorn of South Main street. Everett Hiestand in naval training at Great Lakes, Ill., visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hiestand of Orange township last week. Mrs. Josephine Carnahan is spend ing several weeks with friends in Toledo and Monroe, Mich. Miss Wilma Nash of Toledo spent the week end with College friends here and attended graduation festivi ties. Miss Ruth Badertscher of Wright field, Dayton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Badertscher over the w’eek end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Detwiler of Souderton, Pa., visited during the past week at the home of their son, Paul Detwiler and family and attended Bluffton college commencement Mon day where their daughter Miss Ger trude Detwiler was a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mre. H. P. Huber attended funeral services for J. A. Wjright at Spencerville last Wednesday. Wright a master farmer was widely known thru this section. He and the Hubers made a tour of Europe six years ago with a party of Grangers. Clubi, j£pdg.ei ana Societies Engagement Announced Engagement of Miss Helen Habeg ger of Busby, Montana, who was graduated from Bluffton college, Monday to Herbert Fretz of Lans dale, Pa., who was graduated from Bluffton college last year, was an nounced during commencement week. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Honor Recent Bride Mrs. Thomas Conaway, the former Wyavone Wilcox, was honored Tues day evening at 130 South Jackson street with a miscellaneous bridal shower given by Miss Grace Norway assisted by Miss Harriet Burkholder. Games, contests and bingo were enjoyed by the group and the gifts were found hidden thruout the house by the honor guest with directions given in little verses. A color scheme of yellow and purple prevailed and refreshments were served at the close of the even ing. Attending were: Misses Verna Keifer and Glenna Kohler, Mesdames Robert Cooney, Jr. Richard Cook son, Robert Deerhake, Edgar Cona way and honored guest and hostesses. Regrets and gifts were sent by Misses Marjorie Buckland, Bette Murray, Dorothy Jenkins, Lois Ba singer, Bette Holtkamp, Doris Leichty and Louise Bovee. Richland Grange Rural Life Sunday will be observed by Richland Grange next Sunday beginning with a basket dinner at the grange hall at noon. Everyone is asked to bring their own table service. An afternoon program will be held at 1:45 o’clock with Rev. V. C. Oppermann of the St. John’s-Em manuel’s Reformed churches and Rev. Bernard Baughn of Beaverdam Methodist church as speakers. Special music will be arranged and the public is invited. Legion Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary will meet in the Legion hall next Tuesday night. Amico Club The Amico club will meet at the home of Mrs. Vernal Corson on Thursday night. Mrs. Esther Kirk land will have charge of the pro gram. Presbyterian Social Club The Presbyterian Social club will meet at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hauenstein, Thursday night at 8 o’clock. Assistant hostesses will be Miss Leia Frick, Mrs. O. E. Dud geon and Mrs. N. W. Cunningham. To Wed Saturday Wedding of Miss Bette Lape, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lape of Grove street and Carlton Wilson, son of Mrs. Magdalena Wil son of Dayton will take place in the Presbyterian church at Helena, Arkansas, Saturday night at 8:30 o’clock. Miss Lape accompanied by her mother, left for Helena, Monday. Mr. Lape will leave Thursday for that place. The couple will reside in Helena where Mr. Wilson, a return ed overseas airman, is continuing his training as an airforce pilot. Garden Club The Garden club will meet at the College Rock Garden, Friday even ing at 5:30, weather permitting. Each member is asked to bring a pot luck supper and garden tools to work in conditioning the garden following the supper. Bridal Shower Miss Marcille Steiner entertained Sunday afternoon at five o’clock in honor of Miss Lora Schultz, a coming bride. A lovely gift was presented to the honor guest. Supper was served to the following guests: Misses Grace Geissinger, Gertrude Detwiler, Frances Becken bach, Viola Amstutz, Wanda Suter, Helen Habegger, Eula Locher, Lois Summer all of Bluffton college Miss es Bette Lape, Bettye Lewis, Mes dames Wilma Mumma, Marie Thies sen of Bluffton Thelma Gratz, Ypsilanti, Mich. Holly Burkhalter, Greystone Park, N. J. Verna Sprunger and Miss Margery Baum gartner of Berne, Ind. Mrs. J. S. Schultz, Mrs. Cal Steiner, Miss Mar cille Steiner and the honor guest, Miss Schultz. Regrets were received from Misses Lucia Grieser, Trella Bosserman, Sara Moyer, Adelaide McGinnis, Ruth Neuenschwander and Lucille Steiner and Mrs. Margaret Weaver. Eastern Star Bluffton Eastern Star chapter will honor departed members in a memor ial service at its meeting Friday night at the Masonic Temple at 8 o’clock. Where Our Soldiers Are Pfc. Harold Kindle 35867699 3713 AAF Base Unit Class C-44 Contract Army School Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, Calif. Pvt. Marion Marquart 35836655 Pit. 3, Co. D, 61st Med. Tng. Bn., Camp Barkeley, Texas Pvt. LeRoy Lugibihl M. C. A. D.—A. T. S. 131 Miramar, San Diego 45, Calif. Pfc. Wilhelm A. Amstutz, Jr. Co. B, M. T. D.—N. T. S. Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania Rationing Calendar So that you may keep in mind the numerous important war-time ra tioning dates, the Bluffton News is publishing this weekly reminder: MEATS, BUTTER. CHEESE, FATS, CANNED FISH AND CANNED MILK—Book 4 red stamps A-8, thru T-8 good for 10 points each under token ration ing indefinitely. PROCESSED FOODS—Book 4 Blue stamps A-8, thru Q-8 good for 10 points each under token rationing indefinitely. GASOLINE—Stamp 11 in A book good for 3 gallons of gaso line thru June 21. SUGAR—Stamp 30 and 31 in Book 4 good for 5 pounds of sugar indefinitely. Stamp 40 good for 5 pounds under can ning allotments until Feb. 28, 1945. Spare stamp 37 must ac company applications for addi tional canning sugar asked from rationing boards. SHOES—Airplane stamp 1 and 2 good indefinitely. i WANT-ADS See me for custom plowing. Lester Niswander, 223 N. Lawn avenue. For sale—Bedsprings, antique chest of drawers, large overstuffed rocking chair and drop leaf table. Mrs. Ralph Patterson, 108 Riley St. Wanted—Richland or Manchu soy beans for seed. Raymond Roseboom, Bluffton phone 592-W. For sale—Six month old collie male pup. Raymond Roseboom, Bluffton phone 592-W. For sale—Bigelow Axminster rug. 11-3 by 12, in excellent condition. Mrs. A. D. Gratz, 129 S. Lawn aven ue. Wanted—To buy or rent folding cot for use by sick person taking sun baths. Call Bluffton phone 550-W. For sale—30 feet quarter-inch round rod suitable for fence brace rod. Clarence Young, Bluffton phue 590-Y. Wanted—Someone to take over vic tory garden, plowed and ready to plant with seed furnished. Mrs. Minnie Murray, N. Jackson street. For sale—Spike tooth harrow, sin gle disc harrow and single row rid ing cultivator. Cheap. E. P. Stein er, Bluffton phone. For sale—Good young Guernsey cow fresh soon. Francis ’Williams, 1 mile west and mile north of Beaverdam. Wanted—To buy good used garden plow also good Briggs & Stratton motor. Lester Young, Rt. 1, Bluffton. Chenille throw rugs, rainbow colors, $1.69 up babyguard high chairs $9.95 metal garbage cans $1.49 up. Gamble Store Dealer. For sale—Baby stroller. Inquire 301 S. Main St. For sale—Marigold wallpaper cleaner. Kempf’s Wallpaper store, 127 N. Lawn Ave. For sale—Three new 12 ft. gates. Frank Neuenschwander, Pandora. Wanted—To buy pair of ladies tennis shoes size 6’2 or 7. Call Bluffton phone 214-R or see Betty Weinhold. For sale—25 bushels cleaned Rich land soy beans also sorghum seed. Rayon Boutwell, 3 miles south of town. See Rell Potee for lawn mower sharpening. Rell Potee, S. Mound Street, Bluffton. 5 Wanted—Clean cotton rags, will pay 6c per pound. Bluffton News office. tf Septic tanks, vaults and cisterns cleaned. Address P. O. Box 1, Bluffton, O. 4 Local office for Acousticon hearing aid also batteries for all makes. Mrs. Walter Gratz, 110 South Lawn Ave. Phone 467-W. tf For sale—Healthy started chicks two weeks old at reduced prices. Jorg Hatchery, Cherry St., Bluffton. Bluffton phone. tf PAGE FIVE Garbage Notice Beginning Thursday, May 25, gar bage will be collected twice each week, on Monday and Thursday, in stead of weekly on Monday, as has been done heretofore. Patrons of the garbage collection service are re quested to have garbage pails ready for collection early in the morning. W. A. Howe, Mayor 5 NEW FLOORS OUT OF OLD Expert sanding and floor finishing. ED GOOD 124 Lawn Ave., Bluffton. NOTICE See me for sharpening steel plow points and gen eral blacksmithing. David Basinger 125 Riley St., Bluffton Seed Disinfectants CERESAN—Wheat, Oats and Barley SEMESAN JR.—For Seed Com SEMESAN BEL—For Seed Potatoes. Sidney’s Drug Shop Home Recording That boy overseas is longing for the sound of YOUR voice. Don’t disap point him. Make that record today. Raymond Roseboom Bluffton phone 592-W Years to build protect it now Your property which repre sents years of toil and effort is worth the few minutes which it takes to insure it properly. Remember—fire or wind can destroy in minutes what it has taken years to build. Your best safeguard against loss is insurance. We will "lie glad to suggest the type of in surance best suited to your needs. There is no obligation. W. F. IUTZI Fire Auto Bonds Adjustable License Plate Holders |711 044sl I. .... Eich Holds license plates securely and will not rattle. Brass, heavily chroma-plated. Bluffton Implement & Harness Co. Firestone Dealer Bluffton THURS.-FRI.-SAT. O’ROURKE” CHAS. COBURN JANE WYMAN SUN.-MON. AMAZING with DEANNA DURBIN TUES.-WED. DOUGHBOYS