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FACE TWO The of co doubtedly 1 ion for its The e] heights. strike in Cragged Mountain Ranges Are Both Friend And Foe In South America The colorful pageant moved for centuries through the pass es and defiles of the cordilleras and when the torch of liberty was lighted in the new world, the colonists battled for their independence amidst the grants of the sierras, fighting some of the decisive encounters in the very heart of the great ranges. According to the Encyclopedia Bri tannica: “The continent of South America is divided from West to East into three longitudinal zones—the cordilleras of the Andes, the lowland ■belt and the plateaux of Guiana and Brazil, the last being interrupted by the narrowing of the continent and the opening of the lowland belt to the Atlantic coast.” The Andes are but a part of the series of mountains that nearly en circle the Pacific, but they themselves the longest mountain system on earth, extending from the Isthmus of Pana ma to Tierra del Fuego, distance of 4, 500 miles. Before reaching the Andes, however, as soon as we pass the Rio Grande, we find that, in Mexico, the capital city lies on a platau 7,400 feet above sea level surrounded by the two arms of the cordilleras. Like a mighty, winding serpent, the range passes through Central Amer ica “literally bristling with hundreds D. C. BIXEL, O.D. GORDON BIXEL, O.D. 122 South Main St., Bluffton EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Office Hour*: 9:0(1 A. M—5:30 P. M. Evening*: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. Cloned Thursday Afternoon. Francis Basinger, D. D. S, Evan Basinger, D. D. S. Telephone 271-W Bluffton, Ohio MUNSON R. BIXEL, M. D. Office Hours: 8:30-10 A. M. 1-3 P. M. 7-8 P. M. Office, 118 Cherry St. Phone 120-F Bluffton. O. Stepping along in a never-ending whirl, girls of today find these RED GOOSE Shoe* ideal. The smart styling and foot comfort afforded have made RED GOOSE a popular favorite of growing girl*. Select your pair today. *40* Gay 'Ihuhd Stahl Qttaa -Ripley happy. Pasco in Peru, Cotopaxi (19,613 feet) highest active volcano, and Aconca gua “the mightiest peak in all New World” whose 23,613 feet surpassed only by the summits of the are the Of the ten countries of South Amer-' ica, all except three—Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, are "touched” in one way or another by the Andes. Ar gentina and Venezuela being of those the least in contact with “the giant who is at once a generous friend and an implacable foe.” As a friend, the cordillera has— through its inexhaustible mining treasures—been a source of wealth for centuries. The word "Andes” is said to come from the Indian word anta, meaning copper or metal in general. Fabulous ly rich mines of gold, silver and cop per were worked by the Incas and the Aztecs as well as by their Spanish conquerors. It was the lure for these riches that lead the Spaniards’ colonization on. Even today deposits of lead, iron, plat inum, quicksilver and tin have been powerful incentives for the difficult feats of engineering that have made the mountains accessible. Their presence has also altered con siderably, and most always favorably, the climatic conditions of the countries it crosses. As a foe, the cordillera has proved to be for centuries, an almost uncross able barrie hindering civilization and even friendship between nations, but the advent of aviation has, in a couple of decades, brought that barrier down. Much more friend than foe, the cor dillera is, undoubtedly, one of the outstanding geographical features of the Western Hemisphere, one which has played and will play an important part in its climatic, historical and ec onomic background. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbors, friends and relatives for the aid and sympathy extended during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father also Rev. V. C. Opperman and W. H. Lahr for their consoling words and to the singers and all those send- H. GRATZ FAMILY SHOE STORE Store Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday 8 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Closed all day Thursday. ££SSS££SSS££££SSX£SXSSS3335^^ 'Former Local Man Is Wed In New Knoxville of Lima of Bluff Adel la and Mr receding the ceremony Holtkamp played a program music. Miss Alice the bridegroom, sa Me”, and another Henschen and Allen Hensch thers of the bride Ray Nei Given in marriage by her fat! in and marquisette, bouquet of white peas, and her onlj gold cross, a gift from the bride groom. Approximately 150 guests attended the reception which followed in the church social rooms. After a short wedding trip, Dr. and Mrs. Oyer will reside in Lima. For traveling the bride wore a suit of black linen with matching acces sories, and her corsage was of white roses from her bridal bouquet. The bride is a graduate of New Knoxville high school and Lima Me morial Hospital School of Nursing. At present she is head nurse in the pediatric department at Memorial hospital. The bridegroom was graduated from Bluffton high school, Bluffton college and Hahneman Medical col lege at Philadelphia, Pa. He served his internship at Huron Road hos pital in East Cleveland, and at pres ent is resident physician at Memorial hospital, the U. corps. He is a first lieutenant in S. Army Medical Reserve LaFayette Lima Belle Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook of w’ere Sunday guests of Taylor. were Kline Kline, Jr. at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sunday callers of Robert the hospital near Lima. W. S. C. S. met at the home of Mrs. Inez May, Wednesday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Ivalene Urich, Miss Cadda Rumbaugh, Mrs. Louella Koogler, Mrs. Freda Arthur, Dale Murray, Mrs. Dile Arnold, Josie Hall, Mrs. Bess Brackney, Hilda Badertscher, Mrs. Ethel iser, Mrs. Edith Downing, Mrs. dred Carey, Mrs. Catherine Schumach er, Mrs. Ruth Sumney, Mrs. Daisy Ludwig, Mrs. Cora Ellis, Mrs. Paul Faze and Mrs. Dwight Nichol. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Hel Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dorance Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. E .L. Rob erts and daughter attended a dinner in honor is home on furlough. of A/S Donald Roberts, whe pakoneta spent the v Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ui Mr. and Mrs. Leo Di Wa and Mrs. John Atta of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fett were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey of Beaverdam. Billy Joe Downard of U. S. Navy is spending a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Downard. Mrs. Catherine Staley and Miss Staley of Ada were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Desenberg and daughter. Mrs. Lula Roberts was a Thursday dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Shafer of Ada. Mrs. Bertha Desenberg was a Fri day caller of Mrs. Marie Wingate o: Ada. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hall were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bas sitt. Vary Spinach Preparation Spinach can be included in meals frequently without becoming monot onous by varying the preparation and the serving costume. Instead of always serving just plain boiled or steamed spinach, try a cream sauce, or add a few chopped chives, onions or herbs just before sending it to the table. A bit of minced, crisp bacon or ham added in place of butter gives a good flavor, too. Work Sodium Deposits In order to keep its textile mills, soap plants, and a glass factory in operation, Venezuela is working its own sodium carbonate deposits at Lake Orao. These plants need about 1,200 tons of this material monthly. Notice I will receive sealed bids on the Mrs. W. S. Dearth proper ty on North Main St., Bluffton, Ohio. Lot 150 ft. by 58*/j ft., with two houses. All bids to be in by Aug. 31, 1944. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Hoy Kogers RT. 1, BLUFTON. OHIO THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Forest "Smoke-Jumper” in Togs Clubbing out a 14 to 2 decision over the Findlay Point Service team, Triplett softball players 11th victory of the sea ight at Findlay. Bluffton scored th, son Mondaj Bluffton teed off with a five-run assault in tinued with the end of one-sided vi threat Class Picnic Member!s —... Close-up of forest “smoke-jumper.” Helmet, mask, and heavy canvas outside suit arc for protection against trees and brush in landing. Regular parachute is in pack on back, and emergency parachute, in front. After the “jumper” bails out, the plane circles and drops fire-fight ing tools, rations, and rescue equipment by cargo para chute. Ten “smoke-jumpers” were on duty last summer in Siskiyou National Forest in Pacific Northwest which the Japs apparently tried to set afire in 1942. Flaming Meteor Hurtling Earthward Seen In Daytime By Bluffton Residents fiery object believed to have a meteor was seen hurtling stern skies about been across middle 9:15 a. m. last Friday by several persons in this ai who stopped 'here the occurence what appeared to ng down in flames A truck driver immediately afte said that he saw be an airplane goi against the western morning sky. He described it as a silvery shape, resembling an airplane in the sun, headed northwest and shooting rap idly earthward with fire streaming behind it. Then it disappeared from sight behind the tops. Mrs. Merle 1 Route 25 about i of Route 69, nea oik who lives off le-fourth mile west Mt. Cory, also re- Triplett Softball Team Wallops Findlay, 14-2, For 11th Victory first inning, and con sporadic outbursts until the game to score the ctory. eantime Maynard Geiger in an excellent per the mound for the b, giving up only three tiring opposing batsmen six of the nine innings, lone two runs were fash fourth inning when the igether an error, a base id a hit in their only ihiffton’s superiority. turnir w formance Triplett ult 10 men batted before tired, and five men had of the Philathea class of thodist church of Lima en picnic dinner, Sunday at of Mr. and Mrs. Fay rmer members of the group Grace Met joyed a the home Isham, for during their residence in Lima. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adam, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Everett and son Warren, Mr. and SAVE. heat' [OOC close a-872 ICO/* EFFICIENT -OHN MADE THE SK3N$! a n been on base before the first man I Leiber was put out. I H. Gratz Bluffton batsmen indulged in al Bixler, D. W heavy hitting spree thruout the con-1 Beeshy, I. test, getting seven doubles and one I Burcky, A. triple. Russ Gratz had a double and! H. Burkholder a triple: Anderson two doubles, and I Berky, Spaeth and Eikenbary each I contributed a double. The box score: TRIPLET Gratz Berky ..... F. Swank Burkholder Luginbuhl Deppl Findlay AB 2 1 Mrs. J. T. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Napier, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reiff, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooney and daughter Jean Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zuber, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sprague, daughter Mary Belle and sons Paul and David, Mrs. R. C. Beaumont, Miss Irene Truckenmiller and Miss Marina Joe Weatbay. To err, sometimes is natural—to rectify that error, is always glory. —George Washington. clean plate' Btf A -wr AT is vovft Phone call REALLY MICESSAQN? Columbus Grove from a prison camp been the hits safeties. ported seeing the meteor. I Lions finally gave out. Startled witnesses from western I Best defensive measure of the Ohio, all of Indiana, eastern Illinois I Lions was their pre-game stipulation and northern Kentucky variously de-1 that no more than nine Triplett scribed the phenomenon as an ex-1 players would be permitted to bat plosion, a silvery flash in the sky I in any one inning, regardless of the and a plume of black flames hurtling! number out, and that as much as earthward. I anything else helped hold down the Rumbling explosions accompanying| score, the object’s flight in some made many think it was a bomb, and others who thought a falling airplane plagued radio stations and military officials I spectators contributed more than with their reports. areas I It was worth all the aching backs robot I and pulled muscles, however, ac it was I cording to Lions President Dr. Gord police,! on Bixel, who announced that I in a collection Ohio astronomers, called on for an I provements at Buckeye explanation, said that all *the vary-1 park, ing reports could be caused by al The box score: large meteor, a very unusual sight I LIONS CLUB in daytime. I Tschantz 1 Triplett Detwiler Howe Bixel, Dr. M. R. .. Bixel, Dr. Gordon C. Bame Bracy, 2 2 0 German War Prisoners From Afrika Corps Now Working In Columbus Grove German prisoners w’ho formerly ?rved with Field Marshal Erwin ommel’s famed Afrika Corps have een assigned to work in the Colum us Grove Packing Co. plant, pro iding residents of this area with ieir first opportunity to see mem ers of the crack enemy outfit. About 50 German prisoners were i the unit which arrived in Colum ns Grove this w’eek, all of whom served with the Afrika corps. prisoners were detailed to The Bluffton Lions club raised more an $25 to be used for the improve ent of the Buckeye Lake swimming ol and park in a benefit softball ime played at Harmon field last Wednesday night, but lost the decis ion in the contest to the strong Trip lett team by a score of 20 to 8. no respect could the tilt have termed a pitchers battle, Triplett outfit clubbed out and the Lions club had In for 17 The latter outfit, many of whom had not played for years, amassed their total of hits largely because of the fact that one more out ning. In the 15 men to bat pire Elmer Lichtenwalter to try his wares as a pinch-hitter and when he dribbled an easy infield out the they were permitted in each successive in last frame they sent before calling on Um- the $25 inl and to help toward lake AB 4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1944 at Defiance, alter that only 13 women would consent to wc mato processing plant 1 0 4 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4 2 2 4 5 2 3 3 On each day durjn season, the prisoners will be hauled back and forth between Defiance and Columbus Grove, accompanied by armed guards. They will receive 80 cents per day as provided by inter national pay the wage. CHERYL LYNN HIGH CHAIRS Framed Pictures Our new fall line is the largest we have ever shown. Pictures that will add beauty and charm to your home. See this show ing today—all reasonably priced and attractively framed ready to hang. law, but the company will government the prevailing are about 600 war prisoners There in the camp at Defiance, Lions Club Raises $25 For Harmon Field In Benefit Softball Contest J. Yoakum R. Patterson Lichtenwaltei Totals TRIPLETT Ream B. Swank Lugibill ... R. Gratz Eikenbary Berky Basinger Moser B. Burkholder F. Swank Geiger Deppler 17 0 2 2 0 2 2 3 0 Totals .. 20 25 Honor Returned Seaman Honoring Cecil Richard, S 2/c, of Camp Endicott, Davisville, R. L, a family gathering was held Sunday at the Jerry Cherry street, been spending his wife, the singer, who has been living with her father and sisters while employed at the Triplett Electrical Instrument Co. Seaman and Mrs. Richard are spending the greater part of his leave at their home in Helena vis iting his parents and other relatives and friends. Basinger home on Seaman Richard has a 10 days leave with former Princess Ba- Those who enjoyed the picnic din ner at the Basinger home on Sunday were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Decker and daughter Eleanor of Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Basing er and daughter Luquetta Faye of Pandora, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Ba singer and daughter Carolyn of La fayette, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richard of Helena, Jerry Basinger and daugh ters Myrtle, Pearl, Dorothy, and Gaynell of the home, and Seaman and Mrs. Richard. Will power is what makes you do what you know you should do when you don’t want to do it. high chair, youth’s Combining in one a chair, kiddies rocker and handy kitchen stool. See this high chair—its really something different and its usefulness extends far beyond that of ordinary high chairs. Its unusual convenience and greater safety feat ures make it the choice of careful mothers. Mothproof Closets Cabinets New Storaid Closets just in. These closets are ce darized and protect the contents against moths. And you’ll be wanting one or two of these handy Medicine Cabinets also the new Bathroom Utility Closets with 5 generous shelves. Basinger Furniture Store