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PAGE FOUR DEFENSELESS MENNONITE Stanley Rupp. Pastor Thursday— 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting in the home of Mrs. Alma Bixel. Sunday: 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Morning worship. 7:30 p. m. Young People’s meeting. 8:15 p. m. Evangelistic service. Everyone welcome! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sunday services at 10:30 a. m.» Subject: Sacrament. Testimonial meeting at 7:30 Wed nesday evening. The reading room at the ohurch is open every Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. The public is invited to all services and to visit the read ing room. This society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH J. N. Smucker, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, Mr. John Boehr, Supt. Classes for all ages. 10:30 The Worship Service. 6:30 Intermediate Christian En deavor. In place of the regular evening ser vice we are invited to attend the Dis trict Prince of Peace Oratorical con test at the Methodist Church. LUTHERAN CHURCH W. L. Harmony, Pastor The Second Sunday after Epiphany. 9 a. m. Sunday school. Holy Communion 7:30 p. m. Ser mon theme: “Given For Thee.” Automobile Insurance Is more necessary today than ever before. Laws are stricter losses are greater repairs are high er. Full coverage gives complete protection. PAUL E. WHITMER 245 W. Grove St. Phone 350-W Bluffton, Ohio Representing Farm Bureau Mutual Auto Ins. Co. Home Office: Columbus, Ohio. Largest Insurer of Automobiles in Ohio. i hunrhesa J? It’s Not Too Late To Insulate ZONOLITE EVANGELICAL it REFORMED CHURCHES V. C. Oppermann, Pastor Emmanuels 9:30 a. m. Church school. 10:45 a. m. Morning worship and Congregational meeting. The officers of the Sunday school will be installed during the morning service. The choir of the church meets for rehearsal on Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Friendly Couples class will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Gratz on Sunday evening at 8:00 if the weather permits. Cornelia Missionary Circle meets at the Parsonage on Monday evening at 8:00 o’clock. Youth Fellowship meets at St. John’s church on Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. All young people are asked to attend. Catechism instruction Saturday morning at 9:30 o’clock. St. John’s 9:30 a. m. Morning worship and Installation service. 10: 30 a. m. Church School. Choir meets for rehearsal on Thursday evening of this week at 7:30 p. m. All members try to at tend. Youth Fellowship meets on Sun day evening at 7:30 at the church. All young people try and attend. Catechism instruction Saturday morning at 9:30. CRURCH OF CHRIST Milton Fronsoe, Minister Sunday: Bible School 9:30 A. M., Bible Study, 10:00 A. M. Communion and worship service 10:30 A. M. Lesson Topic: “Jesus Begins His Ministry. Preaching service Topic: “Solving the Town Church Problems.” Evening service: “Worker’s To gether With God.” Please remember the following an nouncements: Let’s attend the Prayer Services as often as possible. Missionary Meeting, Thursday eve at the home of .Mrs. Eli Doppler. We are happy to announce that six SAVES MONEY GIVES WINTER COMFORT More and More home owners are installing Storm Sash each year, and getting real winter Comfort. See us before you buy. $1.90 UP, STORM DOORS SAVE FUEL! Make Your Home Heat Tight Storm Doors Do The Trick Many Styles & Sizes In Stock. Priced From BAG ONLY $1.20 INSULATE KOCK WOOL BATTS WITH WATS K PR OOF PAPIR BACK ijit’s a Cold-Trap Insulate to Make Your House VINTER PROOF for Moit 24*. 30* $6.90 UP I I.-"' 1 $39.60 Attic Floors Steinman Bros. Lumber Co. have been added to the church by primary obedience on January 7th. Keep praying for the Evangelistic Campaign, That the church may be revived and many souls be won to lan to attend our evening s beginning January 14th at Church school 10:30 Mr. Nelson Wells, Supt. Bluffton: ser 7:30 EBENEZER MENNONITE J. J. Esau, Supply Pastor Sunday:— 9:30 a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. Rev. Samuel Schutz willpreach. 3:30 Radio Broadcast from WFIN, Findlay, Ohio. 7:30 p. m. Combined Christian En deavor and Missionary Program. Thursday: 1:30 p. m. Sunday School Commit tee meets at the pastor's home. MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Robert R. Welch, Pastor. Wednesday: 7:30 Union Prayer Service. Rev. Rupp of the Defenseless Mennonite Church speaking. Sunday 9:30 Sunday school. 10:30 Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. 7:00 p. m. Young People’s meeting Children’s meeting in basement. 7:30 Evangelistic meeting. Everyone is welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rockport: Morning worship 9:30. Church school 10:00 Mr. Norman A. Triplett, Supt. Morning worship 11:00. Rev. Charles Donaldson will be the speaker. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH J. A. Weed, Minister Wednesday: 7:30 p. m. Week of Prayer Union service at Missionary Church. Thursday: 7:00 p. m. Junior Choir rehearsal. 7:30 p. m. Week of Prayer Union service in this church. 8:30 p. m. Monthly meeting of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service downstairs at the church. Friday: 7:30 p. m. Week of Prayer Union service at Lutheran Church. Sunday 9:30 a. m. Church school. 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser mon topic—“Prayers That Are An swered.” 10:30 Monthly meeting of King’s Guards, downstairs. 11:30 a. m. Girl’s Chorus rehearsal. 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowship Even ing meeting. 7:30 p. m. District Prince of Peace Contest in this church. Pleasant Hill Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips call ed Sunday afternoon at the Harry Weaver home. Mrs. Cleo Garau spent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. Ed Althauser. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Welty spent New Year’s eve with Mr. and Paul Faze and children. Mr. Mrs. Floyd Faze of Cairo were day afternoon callers. Mrs. Margaret Brauen, Mrs. La mar Basinger and daughter called at the Alta Garau home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Reichenbach were Sunday evening callers in the Raymond Stratton home. Mr. and Mrs. Orton Stratton enter tained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edwards and son and Mr. and .Mrs. Morris Bell and family of Columbus Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Strat ton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shulaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Basinger and dau ghter called at the Clarence Shulaw home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Huber called Sunday evening at the C. M. Gleason home. The W. S. C. S. of Pleasant Hill church will not meet Thursday be cause of road conditions. STOCK SALES Service bulls delivered any time ex cept Sunday. Phone Ada Red 1360. C. N. Long & Son. tf Wanted—Al! kinds of butcher cattle, steers, heifers, chavs and bulls also unlimife*■dqiumber oi weal calves. Stowell Picking Go. t»n n. p. Steiner & on, AgtJNEl tTton phone 189-W. 1 k tf For rent—Bulls: ^hXthorn Here ford, Angus and flrotgri Swiss. Ira Moser. tf For dehomlng caHjl i write G. Jefferson street, Arteries emasculat Call Findlay 49 H. Edwards, Findlay, Ohio, ed and no bleeding, phone 2433-J. 123 For sale—Day old calf. Hofstetter. For sale—Jersey of month straight Clapper, 1*4 miles highway on county Waldo cow fresh middle and right. Geo. south of Lincoln line. THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Pandora School was in session, Tuesday af ter having been closed because of deep snow and drifting roads. Mrs. George Decker was brought home from the Bluffton hospital, Mon day. Mrs. Lena Basinger entertained ladies of the Missionary church at an all day sewing bee last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eisenbach re ceived the sad message Sunday that their son Arthur who was with the Navy in the Pacific area is reported missing. Lewis Dukes of Camp Atterbury, Ind., visited his wife and little son here over the week end. Miss Edith Burkhart was home from Findlay over the week end. Ralph Alkire of Riley township will act as a juror on the Ihitnam county grand jury. Albert Schutz on the first petit jury and Glen Cherry on the second petit jury. Clyde Crow of California camp is expected here this week or next. His wife ,the former Evelyn Hilty is a teacher in Pandora high Mrs. Phyllis Grothaus was a caller at the Mrs. home, Sunday afternoon. CHURCH school. of Findlay, Adam Hilty Mrs. Chris Sommer wlil entertain the W. S. C. S., Thursday evening. Pandora grange officers will be in stalled at the Gilboa grange hall, Fri day evening, January 12. Officers of the five Putnam county granges, -Mui GOLDEN YAMS OB JERSEY SWEET POTATOES FRESH Mrs. and Sun- and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gleason daughter Mere Friday night dinner guests in the C. M. Gleason home. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Jennings and son Larry entertained Sunday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jennings and son. Pound for pound the largest selling loaf in America 32%Oz. Loaves Loaf.............................11c R1 MARVEL ENBICHED SANDWICH DDE All I MILK I 400 U.S.P. UNITS OF VITAMIN PER CAN 4 Pandora, Pleasant, Sharon, Leipsic and Gilboa will be installed that night. Also officers of the Puntam County Pomona grange. Mr. and rs. were at Findlay, Mr. and Mrs ning to spend several da. Qual. 4 Stanley Burkhart Sunday afternoon. Melvin Hilty are plan- weeks in Mrs. William Basinger returned home last Friday from a visit with her daughters and their families at London, Grafton and near Columbus. Her daughter, Mrs. Leroy Roudelbush and son Bruce of London brought her home to the George Basinger farm, south-west of Panodra. Thomas Crawford and family who have been living on the Davy heirs’ farm south-west of Pandora, move from that farm in March. Paul Luginbill family will move the Davy farm. ibs. 35c PASCAL CELERY £»£r.. 29c LOADED WITH JUICE FORIDA ORANGES do.. finer quality LIBBY B'9 O O 4 7 FANCY WASHINGTON BOX WINESAP APPLES FRESH NEW GREEN CABBAGE BEST QUALITY 39c KETCHUP LIBBY IONA NUTRITIOUS COCOA .......... R- TAH JC CANS ANY SIZE PIECE LARGE BOLOGNA PIECE OR SLICED SLICED RED BEARS 2 4 Contains 34 oz. DHCMM Thin Slices ... loaf JANE PABKEB FRESH CRISP POTATO CHIPS 25c ^HIIIIIIIINIIIIinUllllllllllillUiUiflUlllllllllltllllllllHIIII^ Whitehouse Evaporated Miss Mary Elizabeth teacher at Ashland, the week end. Flori- reelected Mutual presi Tele- C. J. Windau was dent of the Pandora phone Company Elmer Burry is vice president and John Coulp, manager ngiht operator, Gladys Dorman. Di rectors are: Hiram Geiger, Wilbert Zercher, Lester Harkness, Charles Reese, Elmer Burry and C. J. Windau. will The onto C. J. Windau of Pandora, preident of the Putnam county sugar beet growers association, will preside at the Ohio Sugar Beet Day program at Fremont, January 9th. Martin E. Blunk, formerly of Pan dora, died at Findlay, Friday and was buried Sunday afternoon. 16c TOMATO JUICE 23c OUR OWN TEA BAGS ..X I2C pkgs. MARVEL ENRICHED SUGARED, DOZEN l«c WHITE SAIL SOAP FLAKES OLD FASHION BAKED LOAF 23c BRAUNSCHWEIGER SAUSAGE "38c RING LIVER PUDDING 23c NEW YORK HAM COMET LONGRA1N lb. .... pkg. SMITH’S DRIED 25c DIHHER ROLLS ... 7c JANE PARKER ENRICHED DONUTS America’s Favorite Donuts 15c PLAIN, DOZ. 1 LB 33c LB. Amstutz, was home over recently had an at Lima Memor- Henry Hilty, who operation performed ial hospital is getting along nicely. He will be brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fruchy later on. Dortha Grisnicre, who had charge of the Riley township seal sale says it was the best sale Riley ever put over and came to $383.94. Miss Naomi Beery of Elyria, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. John Beery and oth er relatives here the past week. The Grace Mennonite Missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon January 11th. Mr. and Mrs. John Schutz of East Orange, N. J. will live in the farm home north-east of Pandora, belong ing to Walter Schutz, a brother, who with his wife are now stationed in Africa as missionaries. The Schutzs while in America several yeras ago on furlough, built a very nice modem brcik house on the farm. Mrs. Evelyn teacher was at Hilty’s home in the fore part of Hilty Crow, local her brother Wayne Indianapolis, Ind., the week. Her sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Wayne Hilty had sinus operation. a BLUFFTON MARKETS Wednesday Morning Grain (bushel prices)—Wheat $1, 66 corn $1.12 oats 75c soys $2.04. attfi Ife .2 YELLOW ONIONS .... RICE ...............2 26c LIBBY MIXED FRUITS BABY FOOD 8c 10c SUNNYFIELD ENRICHED RICE GEMS 5%--oz. 38c lb. PEANUT BUTTER SULTAHA ...... 2 jar ANN PAGE PURE 20c GRAPE JELLY .... lb. jar Jane Parker Chocolate Iced White LAYER CAKE .... each 35c JANE PARKER COCOANUT MARSHMALLOW BAR CAKE 26c KARO BLUE LABEL SYRUP 35c 5-LB. GLASS ALL CLEANED, PAN READY WHITING BONELESS, PAN READY SMOKED FILLETS BONELESS, PAN READY HADDOCK FILLETS ALL CLEANED, PAN READY BONELESS, PAN READY 27c THURSDAY, JAN. 11, 194 BOY SCOUT NEWS Troop No. 82.„ By Morris Groman Assistant Scoutmaster Jack Berry was in charge of last Monday’s meet ing of the troop, which repeating the pledge of This was followed by the led by Bob Coon. I FRESH FRESH RIPE 19c ibB. SsSon.d... opened by allegiance Scout Oath the Coyote In a first aid contest, patrol was judged the winner, fol lowing which a game of “Steal the Bacon’ ’was played. A basketball game for members of the troop is planned for next Mon day’s meeting, starting at 6:30 p. Bi Lots of people know a good thing the minute the other fellow sees it first. —Job E. Hedges FRESH- SWEET flavorful ~~D|Yig rnRRCMRIHE PRODUCED BY /THE MAKERS OF KINGTASVE GENUINE MAYONNAISE rS-LF-'SERVICE Ct EAT ATLANTIC fr IHC TEA COMPANY I FRESH 1 PINEAPPLE CUBAN SPANISH BED I LGE. 18 SIZE 39« a noy Outdoor TOMATOES its. 45c 33c D'AWOU PERRS *%».. 2 29c FLORID mesh bag 45c TAHGERI Sweet. Tasty 99/* 4£ruit .................. doz. LwU II® VIGOROUS AND WINIY RED CIRCLE Lb. 24c RICH ANO FULL-BOOIEO EIGHT O'CLOCK .T 59 MILD AND MELLOW EVERYBODY LOSES “WHEN FOOD PRICES GO UP" Servicemen's families and others liv ing on fixed incomes are the first to suffer BUT EVENTUALLY EVERY BODY LOSES when food prices go up. Because our dollars simply buy less. Kelp protect the value of your earn ings and your savings. Help protect America's future. It's smart and pa triotic to KNOW YOUR CEILING PRICES kmxt —hi us ro urt n ww ltrs DICLAtt A PAPER HOLIDAY A A If" BLUE PIKE 37c BLUE PIKE FILLETS WaAPMNOPAPW W AVLs AUWMTIWn Lb ous boys’ uvt» •art rtrt irurr mpct w anr tountrtM 16c i.b. 33c lb. 32c lb. 49c lb.