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BUY UNIT** ■TATW VOLUME NO. LXX PAUL AUGSBURGER IS CLERK OF BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Returned War Veteran is Nam ed to Position Tuesday Night New Clerk Will Assume Office on August 1, Board Announces Augsburger, Bluffton World veteran has been named clerk Paul War II of the Board of Public Affairs effect ive August 1. Action naming Augs burger to the position was taken at a meeting of the board Tuesday night. He will succeed Edgar Hauenstein, Bluffton pharmacist, who has been clerk for the past 25 years. With the naming of a new clerk, the board announced other changes that will be made in the office set-up of Bluffton’s municipal electric light and waterworks plant. Full Time Job Chief of these is the change from a part-time to full-time basis. Augs burger will receive under the new arrangement an annual salary of 41,800. Hauenstein who handled the work in connection with his pharmacy re ceived a salary of $1,020 annually. The office of the board which was previously in the Hauenstein phar macy will be moved to new quarters on Vine street at the rear of the Basinger furniture store. The room is now being fitted up for office pur poses and is expected to be ready for occupancy by the first of next month. In Office This Month Augsburger will be in the clerk’s office at the Hauenstein pharmacy this month to acquaint himself with the office routine, preparatory to taking over the work on August 1. The incoming clerk is experienced in clerical work and previous to his army service wras employed at the office of the Production Credit asso ciation at Defiance, an organization -engaged in making loans to fanners. He is a graduate of Bluffton high school and Northwestern School of Commerce, Lima During his two years of service in the South Pacific area he was en :gaged principally in clerical work, 'holding the rank of technical ser geant. Released from Army the the Augsburger was released from armed services last month under Army’s new discharge schedule with '93 points to his credit. Since that time he has been here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Augsburger of South Jackson street. In announcing Augsburger’s ap pointment, the Board of Public Af fairs pointed out that his salary will »e subject to approval by the town ccrancil, which controls all municipal salaries. However, no difficulty obtaining approval of that body anticipated. in is on A fire-year lease has been taken the new office location at a monthly rental of $25, beginning July 1. Raise For School Service Employes Janitors and maintenance employes in the high and grade schools were given a flat increase in salary of $75 for the coming year in action taken by the Board of Education, Monday night. The pay raise will give janitors an annual salary of $1,700 and main tenance man $2,000. Action of the board Monday night follows an adjustment in pay of teachers w’hich was taken at the meeting last month. For the coming year high school instructors will re ceive an average of $1,865 and those in the grade school will average .$1,750. Roland Bixler On Business Council Roland Bixler, president of J-B-T Instruments, Inc., New Haven, Conn., and son of Mr and Mrs. D. W. Bix ler, of Kibler street, has been named to the Industrial loan and credit com mittee of the Connecticut Manufac turers association. Bixler also was one of 32 New’ England businessmen selected from Maine, New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Rhode Island and Connecticut to participate in hearings on the financial problems of small business, held recently in Boston by a sub-com mittee of the U. S. House of Repre sentatives committee on small busi ness. School Bus Driving Jobs Go Begging School bus driving jobs, eagerly sought during the drab days of the depression a dozen years ago are now going begging. Notwithstanding the fact that th? jobs draw the highest rate ever paid for this service, the Bluffton board of education found no takers for three of the four bus driv ing jobs Monday night. Aaron Messinger, veteran driver for the past 12 years signified that he would continue in view’ of emergency. Two Bluffton college students w’ho drove buses last year will complete their studies here at the close of the first semester. Bus drivers’ pay is $52.50 a month for nine months. SHORTAGE OF SOAP STARTS STAMPEDE OF BUYING HERE Available Supplies of Laundry Soap Swept from Shelves in Frantic Buying 3ar Soap, Chips and Powder Are Bought on Impending Rationing Rumors No laundry soap has been avail able as a stock item in Bluffton groceries for nearly a week, with the normal shelf supplies swept bare in a stampede of fraqjic buying on the part of housewives fearing a soap shortage. Small shipments received occasion ally by individual grocers disappear from stores within hours as eager housewives quickly .•« rm THE BLUF Restaurateurs Ponder ProHem Of Substitutes For Meat And Potatoes the in an Wilford Geiger, high school structor who recently purchased interest in a clothing store here is not an applicant for the bus driving job which he held last year. up the entire available supply. The situation has been particularly bad so far as laundry bar soap, soap powder and soap chips are concern ed, and growing fears of a shortage, aggravated by rumors of rationing, during the last week found toilet soap supplies also well nigh ex hausted. Supplies Dwindle For the past month soap supplies have been steadily dwindling, but the real pinch came the latter part of last week when a few local grocery stores found their entire supply ex hausted. This immediately set off a wave of hysterical buying Saturday and housewives began of stores to buy plies. Soon the in every store. making the rounds all available sup shelves were bare Some grocers attempted to put an informal system of rationing into effect by limiting the quantities individual purchasers could obtain, but despite the precautions all soon had disappeared from shelves too. soap their See Relief in Rationing The attitude of the dealers, rassed to the point of desperation by continual requests for soap, was seen when a woman with a worried expression asked, “Is soap ration ed?” “No, lady,” said the dealer, “but it certainly ought to be.” har- Newspaper dispatches this week indicated that the situation is gener al thruout the nation, with the same vicious circle, starting with rumors of rationing, being repeated else where. As a result, a wave of buy ing follows, depleting storeholder’s supplies of soap, forcing rationing as the only solution to the problem. Recovering From Jap Inflicted Wounds Pfc. Robert Criblez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Criblez of near Bluff ton, who was wounded during the fighting on Okinawa, May 15, is convalescing at Nichols General hos pital in Louisville, Ky. His wounds consisted of injuries to the upper back caused by an enemy shell fragment, resulting in partial paralysis-, from ing. which he is recover- He arrived w’eeks ago at hospital at Hamilton Field, Calif., from where he was removed to Louis ville. His sister, Miss Rachel Criblez and Miss Ida May Arnold both of Bluff ton visited him at the hospital last Sunday. Many Culinary Dodges Practis ed to Stretch Diminishing Meat Ration Potatoes V anishing from Menus As Patrons Feel Sharp Pinch of Scarcity Increased rationing restrictions coupled with current shortage of non rationed foods have made operation of a restaurant a continued night mare for the last month, with pres ent indications pointing to the de velopment of more complications rather than an easing of the situa tion. Meat and potatoes, the foundation since time immemorial of restaurant menus, now’ are severely restricted or out all together so far as the bill of fare at local eating places is concerned. How’ to find these two principal foods, or replace them with suitable substitutes, is a problem that is adding premature gray to the hair of local restaurateurs. Meat? on local restaurant menus on an “if and when” basis, Meat now is and all kinds of culinary dodyges are being practiced to stretch curtailed meat rations. Fish are scarce and prices are high, and poultry, the foundation for Sunday dinners, is on the scarce list. Hamburger, lifeblood of the quick lunch trade, has long been a memory, and can be obtained only infrequent ly. Further complications have been added to the situation by an OPA announcement that a further cut of 20 per cent will be made in restau rant meat allotments for the current month. Cuts of 12 to 15 per cent also have been made in canned fruit and vegetable allotments, 25 per cent cuts in sugar and 20 to rations. Potatoes Too are dras- Un-rationed foods also tically short, and the potato famine existing here for the last two weeks has resulted in that old restaurant standby virtually disappearing from cottage cheese and macaroni and eggs are doing double duty as sub stitutes for both potatoes and meat. An evidence of the times was the glee with which one local restaurant operator told how he skirmished around to find 10 pounds of potatoes, and how he would stretch that quan tity out by serving it as potato salad. Fresh vegetables of all kinds are short. Fresh peas, generally plenti ful at this time of the year, could not be found in the offerings of Bluffton grocers over the past week end lettuce was virtually unobtain able and grapefruit were scarce. Orange were plentiful and there are indications that peaches shipped from the south will be received good-sized quantities. in in Sugar Bowls Empty Further reduction in sugar quotas may force the removal of sugar bowls from the tables in the restaurants that so far have them there despite rationing. few kept res has All of which means that the taurant patron who heretofore been dining fairly well as compared with folks eating at home will now feel more keenly the pinch of war time food shortages. The effects of sharper rationing also will affect many persons who have been making a practice of eat ing out part of the time to stretch their ration points further. Charles Montgomery Promoted In Italy Charles W. Montgomery with a 15th Air Force Engineering Squad ron in Italy, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant from that of corporal, according to a recent an nouncement by his unit commander. He is the husband of Mrs. Mar jorie Montgomery of Spring Street and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Montgomery of Orange township. Entering the service in January 1943, he w’ent overseas in December of the same year. He W’ears the Army Good Conduct medal and Operations stars. the European Theater of ribbon with tw’o battle Births Mrs. Robert Peterson of Mr. and in this country two the Air Debarkation Findlay are the pa rents of a boy, John Franklin, bom at Bluffton hospital, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Harrison, Mich., a son, They previously resided Balmer being the former Born to Balmer of Monday, here, Mrs. Eloise Lugibill of Columbus Grove. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 PARTY CAUCUSES TO NAME NOMINEES EARLIER THIS YEAR __ Candidates Selected At Party Caucuses Must Fite On Or Before Aug. 8 )ate of Filing and Primary Set Ahead Because of Overseas Soldier Vote —....— Democratic and Republican cau cuses to nominate candidates for Richland township offices and for three vacancies on the Bluffton board of education must be held within the next four weeks to permit filing candidacy petitions before the dead line on Wednesday, August 8. Caucuses will be held earlier this summer than usual because of state action in moving ahead dates for filing and for the primary election, so ballots for the November election can be printed early enough for mailing to men and women in serv ice. Normally, the deadline for filing by candidates nominated in caucuses is in September, and the political meet ings to name them are held the lat (Continued on page 8) WHEAT HARVEST IS WELL UNDER WAY IN BLUFFTON AREA Major Portion of Acreage Will be Cut This Week Quality Good is Estimated at 25 Yield Bushels Acre Heavy Straw Poses Problem Farmers in the tiff ton district are in the midst orwheat harvest, cutting one of the heaviest crops in recent years. First, wheat last Saturday and with the prospect of settled weather the bulk crop will be harvested by the this week. was cut of the end of to be First grain is expected marketed here the last of the week and dealers say the crop will be of Reflecting prospects for a large crop, wheat was quoted at $1.54 a bushel on the Bluffton market Wednesday. This is a decline of 14 cents from the $1.68 quotation which held steady last spring. The current price applies to both old and new wheat. good quality. Average yield is placed at about 25 bushels per acre some fields however, will produce considerably above that amount. With little winter damage to the wheat, because of deep snows which covered this area followed by abund ant moisture during the spring, the stand grew fence-high with unusual ly heavy straw. Combine Most of Crop Most of the crop is being combin ed, an operation which cuts and threshes the grain in one operation. During the past few’ years the short age of f^rrn labor has stimulated the combine method of hervesting. This year, however, despite the lack of manpower, some farmers are reverting to the two operations of cutting the stand with a binder and threshing it afterward. Because of the unusually heavy straw this year, farmers fear that if left in the fields it may “smother” next year’s grass crop. The matter of removing straw from the fields after combining has raised complications. There are not enough small balers in this section, farmers say, to bale the straw in the fields which may influence some growers who ordinarily combine their crop to cut the wheat and thresh it despite the shortage of help. Robert Moyer Gets Rating As Sergeant Robert W. Moyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Moyer, Mt. Cory, has been promoted to the grade of ser geant at Peterson Field, Colorado Springs, Colo. Sgt. Moyer, who operated his fath er’s farm in civilian life, entered mil itary service in September, 1943. He is assigned as a radio operator at Peterson Field, an installation of the Second Air Force. ON NEWS Parents Of Marine Killed On Saipan To Pfc. Minard Deeds, Bluffton col lege graduate in the class of 1942 who was killed W’hile fighting with “conspicuous gallantry” on Saipan a year ago has been posthumously awarded the Silver Star medal by Secretary of the Navy Forrestal. Corn has had plenty of moisture for rapid growth over the last several weeks, but the situation also has been such that cultivation is in good con dition. Good Oats Outlook Cool weather the early part of the summer has been favorable for oats, and a near record yield of that crop is expected. Soybeans also are grow ing rapidly, and with the wheat har vest well under way a better than average yield is expected. Decided easing in the shortage of potatoes, which has prevailed here for more than a month, is expected within the next fortnight, as new home grown potatoes come on the market and victory gardens start producing their yield. Potatoes are expected to provide a better than average yield, altho the acreage is smaller in this area than it has been in past years. Union Mennonite C. E. Rally Sunday Young people’s societies of five churches will participate in an All Mennonite Christian Endeavor rally to be held at St. John Mennonite church northwest of Bluffton, Sun day night at 8:30 o’clock, fast time. Societies of participating churches are: First Mennonite, Bluffton Grace Mennonite, Pandora Ebenezer and St. oJhn Mennonite, and the First Mennonite church of Lima. Hiram Kohli will be chairman of the meeting and representatives of the different societies will apppear on the program. Principal speaker will be Rev. Jacob Entz of Nappanee, Ind., president of the Middle District Christian Endeavor societies. Preceding the evening meeting a potluck supper will be held at the Pandora school park at 6:30 o’clock fast time. Graveside Services Are Held For Infant Graveside services were held at Maple Grove cemetery, Sunday morn ing for the infant daughter of Thom as and Jennie (Ramsey) Fett of Lafayette. The child, born Saturday morning at Memorial hospital, Lima, died shortly after birth. Father James Nett, pastor of St Mary’s church here officiated at the service. Receive Navy Medal At Church Sunday James Dwight former receive His parents Mr. and Mrs. Deeds of route 5, Lima who ly lived near Rawson will their son’s aw’ard in ceremonies at the Rawson United Brethren church at the close of the morning service next Sunday. Deeds, who was 24, was mortally wounded the second day of the Sai pan campaign, before he died a Jap strong marine advance his heroic efforts the citation which award: “While serving Battalion, 25th June 16, 1944, but he helped to smash point and keep a rolling. Details of are contained in accompanied his with the Third Marines, Fourth Hay Crops Are Best In Years And Wheat Harvest Is Better Than Average Here Corn, Handicapped By Late Start, Is Looking Better Potato Prospects Good Heavier than average rainfall which fell thruout the month of June is be ing reflected this summer in an unus ual farm crop picture. The farm outlook is especially bright for feed crops, including alfal fa, clover and timothy hay, and farm ers are encouraged over the prospect of ample feed for next winter’s re quirements. Altho corn got off to a late start, because of a wet spring that delayed seeding, hot humid weather has help ed the crop overcome its earlier handi cap. Corn Outlook Promising Over the past week there has an almost incredible change in prospects, and bettering of the look is reflected in an easing of shortage conditions arising from the fact that most farmers were holding old stocks pending some definite indi cation as to what might be expected this year. ’lentv Of Rain, Favorable Growing Weather Brighten Farm Crop Outlook nrn /'hniMrart thn lanananoo nnei.l PLANS FOR ROAD WORK BALKED BY BAN ON ROAD OIL New been com out corn Marine Division, in action against Japanese forces at Saipan, Marianas Islands, he unhesitatingly volunteer ed to lead his men in a flanking movement when his platoon encount-1 Preinduction Physical Examina ered an enemy strongpoint, during al tions This Month For Group perilous advance. Bluffton’s Summer Street Im-1 Elida—Edward provement Program Likely I Shenk, Paul Hartman Will Be Delayed Evans. National Restrictions On Road Oil Also Affect Town ship Plans Improvements to Harmon road and I Spring street, delayed since the out- I Qf Men "Private First Class Deeds val-1 iantly pressed forward under al withering, intense barrage of hostil, Notifications Sent By Draft Board fire and charged the Japanenae posi tion, thereby relieving the fire on the rest of his platoon and enabling them to continue their advance against the enemy. “Although mortally wounded dur-1 Eight ing the fierce action, Private First I ani the Class Deeds, by his daring initiative I eluded in and valiant fighting spirit, had con-led by Allen County Draft Board No. tributed materially to the success ofl 3 to report for July preinduction our forces in this hazardous opera-1 Physical examinations. tion, and his courageous devotion to I Bluffton registrants called up for duty throughout was in keeping with! physical examinations include Robert the highest traditions of the United I B. Marshall, Route 2 Evan E. Herr, States Naval Service. He gallantlyl Lawn avenue Otto Klassen, 339 gave his life for his country.” 8. Jackson St. Harold E. Amstutz, Neither the town or township has I Bis death was unexpected. He had road oil on hand for the improvement I n0^ complained of illness previously programs earmarked for completion I and on Saturday worked in the hay this summer, and a new ban put on I held and was in town that evening, use of the material last week by the I The son of Amos and Susanna Petroleum Administration for War I Thut, he was born on Aug. 10, 1896. likely will hold up the work for at I Be w’as married Dec. 27, 1941, to least another year. I the former Carrie Motter, w’ho sur- Re-surfacing of Harmon road and I rives. There are no children. Spring street, already delayed for I In addition to the widow-, survivors four years because of the war situa- I include his father and his mother tion, had been placed at the top of the I and two sisters, Mrs. Hiram Alt list of street improvements scheduled I haus, Bluffton, and Sylvia Thut, La in the town this summer, and village Icarne, Ohio and two brothers, La officials expected to complete both I verne Thut, Bluffton, and Raymond projects if funds were avaiable. I Thut, Springfield. Ban to Face Come! and als„ was a buyer of hay anit The new ban on use of road oil ap- I s|raWt He was a veteran of World, patently will bring cancellation of the w„ a„j was a member of U1O program, altho the council has not Firs, Mennonite church. met to discuss the situation since the |. were held Tucs(!ay new restnctions were put into effect lfternoon at tbe Firs, Mcnnonite Richland townsh.p trustees had chur(?h, wi(h Rev N Smuckeri planned to put oil on about cght miles I aston officiating Buria| was in of hard-surfaced roads which were the Ebenezer cemetery. badly damaged last winter. No new I _________ construction had been planned, but I present indications are that even re-1 UUnmail KlieS pairs will be out of the picture. I Presbyterian Youth Conference Continues Principal purpose of the new gov-1 _____ ernment ban on road oil is said to I Funeral services were held Tues provide for an increase in the supply I day afternoon at the Paul Diller fun of fuel oil, stocks of which are badly I erai home for Mrs. Charles B. Kauff depleted. Need of heavy fuel oil is I man who died at her home on Riley said to have become more acute with I street at 8:45 Saturday. concentration upon the war with Ja-I Rev. Milton Fronsoe, pastor of the Pan- I Church of Christ, officiated at the First Ban in 1942 I service. Burial was in Maple Grove A national ban on the use of road I cemeterF oil first was imposed in October of I Mrs- Kauffman’s death followed an 1942, when the use of asphalt and as-1 illness of 30 hours. phalt products also were restrited. Ini Born, November 1 18, in Snyd September, 1943, this order was re-1 er county, Pennsylvania, she was voked, but restrictions on road oil con-1 married in 1893 to Mr. Kauffman, tinued in force. survives. One daughter, Mrs. In November, 1944, the entire ban I NeUte M. James, of Flat Rock, Mich., was lifted, hut re-insatemont at this I a brother, John Meirich, of Hunting time, only six months later, again ap-|ton» I®&» an’l a sister. Mrs. Bessie pears to‘have delayed the completion I Burgoyne, also are survivors. of necessary street and road improve-1 Mrs. Kauffman was a member of ments, the Bluffton Church of Christ. The week’s program includes class-1 of enemy fleet units. es and discussion groups in the morn-1 The Bluffton ing followed by recreational activities I mate first class, in the afternoon. I to that activity The conference here is one of sev-l He is the son of eral which are being held by the I Soash of Bluffton, denomination in different parts of the| former state. BUY NUMBER 12 EIGHT BLUFFTON kf^ECTEES CALLED FOR EXAMINATIONS w No. 3 To Allen County Registrants registrants from Bluffton surrounding area are in a group of 20 men notifi- Route 2 and Sherwood A. Diller formerly of this place now’ living in Alameda, Calif. Arthur L. Hilty, Route 2, Colum bus Grove, and Jay W. Basinger, of the same address, also are to report for physical examinations. Called with the same group is Charles A. Heiser, of Route 2. Others who are to report for ex amination this month are: Lima—Kingston M. Winget, Rob ert N. Winner, Robert F. Walters, Jack H. Rader and Francis H. Thompson. Laman, Louis and William Delphos—Ralph N. Melvin R. Haunhorst. Spencerville—Eugene break of war because of material pri- I A 1/ orities, together with an extensive re-1 tlOme ^lltl(lay pair program mapped for Richland I township highways this summer to I ^'nor Thut, 48, died suddenly at .erase evidences of heavy winter dam-li^*s ^arm home where he was bora, [age. may be curtailed or even aban-ll one*balf mile northwest of Bluffton doned due to a new’ war ban on the I Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock of a use of road oil. I heart attack. Burget, and W. Kerr. July’s preinduction call of 20 is slightly heavier than in June when only 14 men were taken for physical examinations. Thut Dies Mr. Thut was engaged in farming Are Held Tuesday Evan Soash Is With Pacific Fleet Patrol I Evan Soash of Bluffton who has The second week of Presbyterian I been in the Navy for the past three conference on the Bluffton college I years has been assigned to duty with campus is being held this week with! the Hawaiian Sea Frontier, a unit another group of young people num-1 of the fleet which patrols the Central bering 100 in attendance. I Pacific to keep the sea-lanes clear man, pharmacist's has been attached for three months. Dr. and Mrs. M. D. His wife, the Verena Balmer Uvea on South Main street