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AGE FOUR FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH J. N. Smucker, Pastor Sunday— 9:30 a. m. Sunday school John Boehr, Supt. Classes for all. 10:30 a. m. The Worship Service. Rev. and Mrs. John P. Suderman of Berne, Ind., will be with us in the morning service. 8:30 Union Christian Endeavor meeting at St. John chutch, Pandora. Rev. J. J. Enz of Nappanee, Ind., will be the speaker. MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Robert R. Welch, Pastor. Wednesday 8:00 Annual Pre-Conference busi ness meeting Thursday 2:30 Womens prayer meeting the home of Mrs. G. Strunk Sunday 9:30 Sunday school. 10:30 Morning worship 6:30 Prayer meeting. 7:00 Young peoples meeting. Child rens meeting in basement 7:30 Evening worship Everyone is welcome. Investors Mutual, Inc. di rectors have declared a dividend of 20c a share pay able July 16 to holders of record June 30. This is the same amount paid by this balanced fund in the similar quarter last year. Investors Mutual, Inc. now has assets in excess of $60,000,000, owned by over 35,000 share holders. 1. Doldner Dist. Manager, Bluffton, Ohio This Sunday inAe hurriwsH at EVANGELICAL & REFORMED CHURCHES V. C. Oppermann, Pastor Emmanuel’s 9:30 a. m. Church School 10:45 a. m. Morning worship Friendly Couples class meets on Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reno Gratz. Plan to attend. No choir rehearsal this week St. John’s 9:30 a. m. Morning worship. 10:30 a. m. Church school. on Choir meets for rehearsal Thursday evening at 8:00 p. m. Girl’s Guild meets for their picnic on Monday evening July 16, at 6:30 p. m. Place, Buckeye Lake. O Clientel EBENEZER MENNONITE J. J. Esau, Supply Pastor Thursday:— 8:30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study 8:30 p. m. Choir practice Sunday:— 9:30 a. m. Sunday school 10:30 a. m, Morning worship 3:30 p. m. Radio broadcast from WFIN, Findlay. No evening service, joining the Christian Endeavor Rally at the St. John church, 1‘andora. DEFENSELESS MENNONITE Stanley Rupp, Pastor Thursday— 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting in charge of Rev. Levi Mellinger Sunday: 9:30 Sunday school 10:30 Morning worship Don't lot hot luoathor cut your milk chock Unico Milk hardware for sanitary milk production will pay for itself by eliminating losses due to spoilage during the critical summer season. Tanks are heavy duty galvanized iron. The two can size has interchange able tubs so that milk can and utensil washing can easily be done. These strainers consist of a seamless, sanitary bowl and plunger. The dome type plunger absorbs shock preventing distor tion of the disc. Whirlflow strains faster because of the large straining surface) Mr. Iner Basinger, speaker 7:30 Young Peoples’ services. Childrens meeting in basement 8:15 Evening worship Rev. Levi Mellinger, speaker CHURCH OF CHRIST Milton Fronsoe, Minister Bible study 10:00 a. m. Lesson topic, “Gods Purpose for Abraham”. Golden text, “In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed” 10:30 a. m. Communion and Wor ship service Preaching topic: “We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus as the Lord.” Please remember the following an nouncements, Willing Workers class party at the home of Miss Joan Carr at 8. Those who do not have trans portation be at the church between 8 and 8:15, Thursday July 12. We had two children at the Lake James Christian Service Camp this week. They will give a report on the activities at the camp this com ing Lords Day. One will also be baptised who made his confession while at Camp. I maintain church members should remember that when they criticize the church, they’re really criticising themselves, because after all they are the church. For let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or as a meddler in other mens mat ters but if a man suffer as a Chris tian, let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God in this name. I Peter 4:15-16. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH J. A. Weed, Minister Thursday 8:00 p. m. Meeting of Woman’s Society of Christian Service at the home of Mrs. Fay Isham, 121 S. Mound Sunday— 9:30 a. m. Church School. 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. Ser mon topic: “As His Custom Was” THE BLUFFTON EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH W. L. Harmony, Pastor 9:00 a. m. Morning worship service —theme, “The Presence of Christ” 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Supt. Harold Beals. Replace rusty, damaged cans with these new and sturdy Unico cans. They are made to stand rough handling. Unico milk filter discs are a vital part of this hot weather team for stopping milk spoilage. They are easy to use no fuss or muss and efficient in action. Unico products handled by your local Farm Bureau Co-op. Allen Farm Bureau Co-op. Ass’n. 103 S. Main St. Phone 377-W Bluffton, Ohio CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sunday services at 10:30 a. m., Subject: God. Testimonial meeting at 7:30 Wed nesday evening. The reading room at the church is open every Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. The public is invited to all services and to visit the read ing room. This society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rockport: Morning worship 9:30. Church school 10:30 Mr. Glen Mayberry, Supt. Bluffton: Church school 9:45. Mr. Norman A. Triplett, Supt. Morning worship 11:00. Rev. Charles Donaldson will be the speaker. Elrose David and Sharon Graham return ed to their homes in Waynesville after visiting with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. William son. Mrs. Emmeline Nonnamaker spent the week end with the Iendon Ba singer family. Misses Patty and Cledabell Jen nings of Clyde are visiting at the Wright Klingler home. Union prayer services at Olive Branch church, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Koontz, Bible school 9:30 daughter Martha Ann and John Roger and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stauffer of Bluffton called at the Arthur Nonnamaker home, Sunday evening. Callers the past week at the Ami Nonnamaker home were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and son David and Mrs. Cora Nusser, and Mrs. Della Bond all of Findlay, John and Fem Koch, Russell Elzay, Frank Dray, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nonna maker, daughter Kaye, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nonnamaker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Chas. Nonnamaker, and Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Klingler, daughter Marilyn and son Howard. Mr. and Mrs. William Bish and son William of Jackson, Mich., spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bish and daughter Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koontz spent last Tuesday in St. Marys visiting friends. They were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Mon roe and family. Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koontz and son Sgt. Robert Koontz and June Gallant were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallant and family of Bucy rus. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Halsey and family of Akron called Thursday afternoon in the J. R. Fisher home. Out of the total of $25,000,000 ap propriated for making loans to ten ants for farm purchases, an allot ment of $578,000 has been made to Ohio. Ten states received allot ments exceeding $1,000,000, each of the 10 being in the South. The national goal for the 1946 wheat crop has been announced as being between 67,000,000 and 70,000, 000 planted acres, which would be continued full production of wheat. The 1946 rye goal has been set at 2,800,000 acres, as compared with the 1945 harvest from 2,200,000 acres. STOCK SALES Wanted—Good cow. Paul Shulaw, Bluffton phone 578-Y. Cattle fly spray. Gamble’s Auth. Dealer. Service bulls delivered. Fee $2 plus 5c per mile one way. C. N. Long & Son, phone Ada, Red 1360. tf Wanted Fresh and closeup springer cows: Holstein, Brown Swiss and Guernsey. O. C. Burk holder, Columbus Grove phone 438-5. 13 Wanted—All kinds of butcher cattle, steers, heifers, cows and bulls also unlimited number of veal calves. Stowell Packing Co. Call N. P. Steiner & Son, Agt. Bluffton phone 189-W. tf For rent—Bulls: Shorthorn Here ford, Angus and Brown Swiss. Ira Moser. tf Peers I REX OIL Hog breeder! who have used Rex Wheat Germ Oil will tell you that sows getting this breeding aid produce larger litters and stronger pigs. Rex Oil will help farrowing—help reduce pig mor tality—and give pigs the viability to live through. Come in and get full details on REX Wheat Germ OiL Sidney’s Drug Shop THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Rockport Richard Cupp the week end with friends on University camp us in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Van Meter and family of Belle Center were week end guests -f relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Bert Lemley of New York state is spending his vacation with his mother Mrs. Abiah Lemley of Columbus Grove and sister Mrs. Coy Kohli end family in this neighbor hood. Several members of the Presby terian missionary society attended a Guest Day meeting of the Bluffton society in the home of Mrs. Sidney Hauenstein in Bluffton, Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Charles Moore of Ada, President of Lima Presby terial, was the speaker and honor guest. Miss Vinnie Meeks who was a patient in Bluffton Hospital for several months, was recently re moved to the home of her sister, Mrs. Tom White in Rockport. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maple and sons William and Richard of South Bend, Ind. have been spending their vacation in the home Mr. Harry Maple in Columbus Grove and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Muriel nan of New Lon don spent the past week with her cousin Miss Marjorie Cupp. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall of Harrod and their guest Miss Ethel Boyer of Covena, Calif., spent Friday even SELF-SERVICE Ptt OMAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC HA CO. GOLDEN RIPE ELBERTAS FRESH RIPE SWEET HONEY DEW MELONS KEK OR HOT- TEA ....... SULTANA CID] HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR WYANDOTTE CLEANSER ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall. Miss Boyer, who has been visiting Ohio friends the past month, left Saturday for her home in Covena. Mrs. Millen Geiger of Bluffton and mother, Mrs. S. M. Overhoit oi Medina were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Marshall, and were afternoon callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cupp. Mrs. Chris Amstutz of Eustis, Fla. a former resident of this vicinity, who has been visiting relatives in Lima for several weeks, arrived here Wednesday to be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Burkholder and other friends and relatives in this neigh borhood. cSofowrnn“........................ FRESH SWEET CORN ^7".... FRESH SWEET CHERRIES WASHINGTON BING, LB. 35c MACARONI ..... ,.,g MARVcL VARIETY BREADS Miss Ruth Freet who is employed in Lima was a week end guest or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freet. Mrs. Elsie Palmer Jenkins of Columbus arrived here the first of the week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Cupp and other relatives. Eugene Van Meter who was one of those who made all preparation for entering the army by giving up his job in Jefferson and moving his family to the home of his wife’s parents in Belle Center, then was released because of age, has secured employment in Bryan and plans to move his family there soon. He is the son of Mr. Harley Van Meter of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Begg and sons John and William spent the week end with relatives near Colum REALLY FRESH COFFEE SERVED ICED? CANNING PEACHES APRICOTS FRESH Jl'TCY EMflllC California FRESH Grown LXIHUnj 252 CELERY HEARTS CALIFORNIA no A BIC EC Loaded WATERMELONS 6 Tender $4.59 PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING SPRY 69c GRiseb^’7" 3^ 69c Pl RE VEGETABLE SHORTENING ... Jar NECTAR %-lb. pkg. ARGO 29c VINEGAR gil. natmiHMD LIBBY'S APPLE 32c loaves MIGHTY SOFT Northern Tissue 4 rous 20c n/L. 1-ib. bag 3blbg59c California Grown size ........................................... 25c tender ... bunch 5 CARROTS 59c PLUMS ibs. With UnMRUEd Sweet Juice LUSCIOUS RED RIPE CLTTERS 2 9c ibs. Hahule.°L LIMESrV’X........... 39c LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS FRESH CANTALOUPES VINE RIPENED 2 lbs- 19c bus. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and little son of Princeton, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burry and son Tommy’ of Pandora were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Marshall and son Robert. Mt. Cory Sara Guin of Iowa and Donald Roach of Cleveland are visiting Bessie Guin. Callers on Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, Sunday were: Mrs. John White, Ruth Ghaster, Willard Kram er, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones called on Mr. and Mrs. George Quimly recently. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. King, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wolfrom and daughter Shirleen motored to Camp Guthery, Ind., to see Pvt. Willis King of the army. Treva Hartman and Ralph Moser of Findlay were united in marriage, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Van Scooler of Pandora called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballister, Sunday evening. W. B. Kramer spent Saturday night with his daughter, Mrs. Clara Bauman in Findlay. On Sunday they went to Delaware to visit relatives. Mrs. Cleo Steininger was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steininger. Mr. and Mrs. Dull "Battles uno family were week end guests of her parents in Akron. Mrs. Nettie Pitzene has been »ICC106S I flHT J3£75c Enjoy two of really fresh AGP Coffee—aervad frozty cold. Make coffo double ztrength—pour ova ice cubes—ersam and sugar fo taste—get really re-FRfIHad! A&P Coffes comes In a blend to suit your taste. FULL BU. Southern Grown 4-Lbs. 45c FULL 24-LB. LUG FRESH ICEBERG 45c HEAD LETTUCE2^? FRESH GOLDEN k ... ?X.vR08a LARGE TENDER GREEN STALKS PASCAL CELERY .... FRESH GREEN lb. 12c HotncnouRe 8c 11-oz. Pkg. CORN FLAKES zz ~:.z READY TO EAT QUAKER 8-oz. ... pkg. "v: MUFFETS ..... 33c i. 9C 8c 1-lb. CORN STARCH .. Pkg. A-PENN DRY 18c 1-gal. .. can CLEANER YVKON ASSORTED BEVERAGES 2 8c i£ 21c ANN PAGE SEASHELL MACARONI ANN PAGE ELBOW PEAS 12c 9© bunch sSeraDd FRESH KITE 2 lb8. 39c 35C stalk 25 U.S.P. UNITS OF 57c VITAMIN D” PER OUNCE 17c 32-oz. bots. 4 19c PIXIE SPANISH SALTED 8-oz. pkg. MELLO GLO EAKLY JCNE 20-ot. can PEANUTS Tall Cons He 33c BUTTER cau DONUTS Dated "Fresh” Doth 1 DOZ. PKG. JUNKET RENNET TABLETS FOR ICE DFf* CREAM EVAPORAHD St NBKITE CLEANSER ...,X:5c HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP........... SOUP of 8pinudi I’. L. I’nsweetened JUICE FLOUR IONA THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 visiting her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Flick, in Lima. Mrs. Fenton has been quite ill but is some improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones spent the Fourth of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henderson in Columbus Grove. Ruth Ghaster was a house guest the past ten days of Mrs. Della Spenker, in Toledo. She also called on Mrs. Gertrude Mentzer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamlin, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. Cloyd Pilton. Mrs. Harold Boobring of New Orleans is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boobring, and Mrs. Abe Clymer.. Mr. D. Buchannon who had a fainting spell last week in the bar ber shop is a little better. Food Outlet One out of every three retail stores in the United States is a food outlet. PRODUCED BY THE MAKERS OP KINGTASTE SALAD DRESSING & MAYONNAISE New! Improved! MARVEL WHITB BREADS^ 3 Ir32c Freaht Delicious I PLAIN POUND CAKES 17~ 28o JANE PARKER JELLY ROLLS 22C eaeb ON BROWN 16-oz. loaf JANE PARKER BREAD JANE PARKER I2C IIC ROLLS .^4.’ 30c JANE PARKER BREAKFAST k- ROLLS 180 MARVEL ENRICHED 8 Sandwich diinc,,kg-°f 9 pkgs. 21c DUnJ rolls He .. for MARVEL ENRICHED HOT pkgs, pkgs. DOO ROLLS 2 2tc JANE PARKER DROP COOKIES S MARVEL SOI TYPE RYE BREAD JANE PARKER RAISIN POl ND CAKES 29c For zesty good eating, and for good nourishment, too enjoy A&P's delicious fish! Fish Is rich in protein, plus important vitamins and min erals! And fish is a thrifty dish, too! FRESH CAUGHT, LAKE ERIE SHEEPHEAD 19c DRESSED, PAN READY WHITING 18c FROZEN. NO WASTE lie ...*X HEINZ CLAM CHOWDER ■.... 13c ..*X CAMPBELL'S Cream 12c JUICE .n*i38c BALL OR liERR MASON JARS ...\X57c A&P FRVIT PECTIN Iv PILLSBURY ENRICHED JJQ FLOUR.................. 31c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE ....‘X23C TOMATOES ... HC CUT-RITE WAX PAPER ’ITF- 125-FT. I Z roll COD FILLETS 39c QUALITY MEATS DELICIOUS FLAVOR iR APEFRUIT ...“™ 29c APPLE KEG APPLE 3%-os. S.C. FRANKS 40c SMOKED PORK SAUSAGE IS?”" u, 47c FINE COLD OR FRIED HONEY LOAF 60c NEW ENGLAND .... pkg. SCNNYFIELD PANAKE 7c X" HAM “54c “Homs canning is one of ths nation's most important wartime programs cn the home front in 1945."—W.F.A. U. S. Department of Agriculture SAVE YOVR SUGAR! JANE PARKER SPANISH SQUARE CAKE each 2/c