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PAGE SIX ALLEN COUNTY Lima Area Office To Aid Veterans Harry J. Reeves, Toledo, was in this area in connection with the es tablishment of an area office of the United States Veterans administra tion which will be located at Lima. Interests of World War II veterans in Hancock, Allen, Putnam and Paulding counties will be handled through this office. The office will be located at 209-11 North Main street, Lima, in rooms 405-412 in the Citizens building. It will be open from 8 a. m. until 4:30 .m .daily except Sunday. Flagman Injured In Lima Train Crash One trainman was injured when a Baltimore & Ohio freight crashed in to an Erie freight at the South Lima junction of the two roads. E. L. Steele, 55, Huntington, Ind., a flagman, suffered a back injury Harold McClain, Auct. Ray Long, Clerk 40 HOGS—10 head registered Hereford sows, to farrow in August and September 9 gilts registered, to farrow in August and September registered Hereford boar 2 yrs. old 2 yearling register ed Hereford boars one fall boar 20 spring shoats. All hogs im muned for cholera and pneumonia. Papers will be furnished with all hogs eligible to registry. 100 Laying hens, AA-Leghorns. FARM MACHINERY A full line of farm machinery including Moline corn binder 2 wagons 2 sets double work harness Ward hammermill and electric Choreboy milking machine. 5 Dickelman hog houses brooder house 12 by 18 like new 2 hog feeders 2 hog fountains hog troughs 2 hog crates. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Majestic 7 cu. ft. electric refrigerator Kalamazoo coal and wood range Wilcox-Gay console type electric radio 6-tube Belmont console type electric radio dining table 3 kitchen cabinets sewing machine corn dryer 2 kitchen tables 12 chairs library table rock ing chair occasional chair linoleum rug 12 by 14 new cabinet grand piano and bench 2 piece blue velour pre-war living room suite blue 9 by 12 rug and mat made by Oriental Rug Co., hall tree rug filler for 12 by 14 room large size Ward Heatrola with new set grates lots of good glass cans 5 gal. barrel churn Vogt 75 lb. white enamel ice box stand 2 Simmons beds with inner spring mattresses 2 iron beds 3 dressers 2 Axminster 9 by 12 rugs Royal Blue electric cream separator rubber tire wheel barrow and other articles. Hay—A quantity of new baled hay: alfalfa, red clover and timothy mixed. TERMS—CASH NEWS NOTES FROM FOUR COUNTIES when the impact hurled him from the caboose of the Erie train. Three cars of the Erie train and the tender of the B. & 0. train were derailed .blocking traffic on both roads for several hours. Lima Couple Manage Children’s Home Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Leonhard, op erators of a boarding home for child ren at Lima became superintendent and matron of the Allen County Children’s home. They succeeded Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Moyer, re signed. Lima Firemen Aid In Wapakoneta Fire Fire of undetermined origin caused damage estimated unofficially at $100,000 at the main plant of the Bryant Mfg. Co. at Wapakoneta. Lima and Wapakoneta firemen fought the blaze two hours and saved nine other company buildings. A. L. Frame, manager, said 40 vacationing employes would aid in Public Sale As I am moving to Idaho, I, the undersigned will sell at public auction at my farm, 3 miles west of Ada on Hardin-Allen county line road Tuesday, July 24, 1945 Beginning at 10 a. m. The following property: 2 HORSES—Draft team 8 and 9 yrs. old, wt. 3800. 29 CATTLE—10 head good milk cows, from heavy milking strains, Brown Swiss, Shorthorn, Jersey and Guernsey from 2 to 7 years 19 head young heifers and steers from 3 months to 2 years old also Swiss, Shorthorn, Jersey and Guernsey 2 of this number are registered Brown Swiss yearling heifers and one registered Brown Swiss bull, no relation to heifers. These were purchased to start a dairy herd and will be a real buy for someone. GLEN LONG, Owner Lunch served on grounds. ..... It occupies only a relatively small area, and yet combines a maximum of utility and efficiency with a charm that is all its own. A modern GAS RANGE will do your bidding quickly and automatically, and a silent GAS refrigerator will be the dependable custodian of your food. Yes that tiny blue flame that heats as well as cools is really destined for fame! WEST OHIO GAS COMPANY gaged in making tool handles for rebuilding the plant which was en the government. Ex-Slave Slayer Dies Preston Carter, who says he was born in slavery in Virginia 100 years ago ,died in Lima State Hospital, where he had been an inmate since a few weeks after its erection in 1923. He was committed from Franklin County and earlier had served a sentence in Virginia for murder. Hold Dayton Man Roy E. Carter, 47, Dayton, was trdered held at Lima for grand jury action after Mrs. Gertrude Miller, Cridersville, charged he represented himself as an insurance company representative and took $1,443.28 to help her collect a $3,000 insurance claim after her husband’s death. Allen County Leads In “E” Bond Sales Allen County led all counties in Ohio in the percentage of its quota of E-bond sales during the 7th War Loan campaign, Phil Trounstine, state chairman, notified R. H. Mc Donald, county chairman. The coun ty purchased 117 per cent of its quota of $2,159,000 of E bonds. The county was within $550,000 of doubling its overall quota as the total reached $9,297,942. Foil Delphos Robbers Police Chief Samuel Link reported thieves obtained no loot when they broke open a safe in the Wagner Novelty Co. and also entered the Equity Store. These were the first robbery attempts at Delphos in 18 months. Hold Lima Juvenile A Lima juvenile was held by Put nam county authorities in Ottawa in connection with the theft of two automobiles, one of which he wreck ed near Columbus Grove. HANCOCK COUNTY Assumes New Duties Henry A. Marti, Toledo, has as sumed his duties as executive vice president and general manager of the Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co. Cite Findlay Corporal For Heroism Corp. Donald J. Yoder, Findlay, has been awarded the Soldier’s Medal for Heroism, the 12th Service Com mand announced in Italy. Air Patrols Tie In Findlay Meet Toledo and Findlay squadrons, Civil Air Patron, tied for first place in a drill formation exhibition held at Findlay in connection with a group CAP maneuvers. Squadrons from Toledo, Lima, Sandusky, and Findlay participated. Four parachute jumpers from a Detroit squadron entertained 2,000 spectators at the maneuvers. Fall Fractures Leg Lorraine Marilyn Smith, age 6, suf fered a fractured leg when she fell 1 I I I s S- w THE uUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO 14 feet from an upstairs window at her home in Findlay. Team Bolts, Hurls Woman From Wagon Mrs. Thomas Beard of near Find lay suffered head and neck injuries when the team of horses bolted in a hay field, throwing her from the wagon. Findlay To Get Park ing Meters Parking meters will be installed in Findlay within 90 days, it was an nounced following acceptance by the City Board of Control of a proposal to install 500 meters for a nine month trial. HARDIN COUNTY Ada Soldiers Home After Discharges Sergeant Nelson McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride, of Ada, reached home after receiving a dis charge from the army air corps June 26 at Stuttgart, Ark. He was in the service three years, saw some rugged duty in Alaska and the Aleu tian islands, and has recently been stationed at Esler, La. Corporal Richhard E. Stambaugh, veteran parachute rigger, who has nearly three years sen-ice in Italy, Normandy and Germany, arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stambaugh. He was discharged at Fort Dix, N. J., on June 30. End Fund Drive At Ohio Northern Former students of Ohio Northern university contributed $13,502.97 to ward the operation of their alma mater in the annual Loyalty fund drive ending June 30, it was announc ed. More than 660 members of the national alumni association were donors to the fund this year. Pastors Team Up To Run Gospel Tabernacle The Rev. David H. Morgan, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church at Kenton for five years, has resigned to become an associate of the Rev. Ray Dunlap, pastor of the Lima Gos pel Temple. 0. N. U. Students Bat tle Food Crisis The Kappa Psi Boarding club, a co-operative effort by two groups of students on the Ohio Northern cam pus, began to function this week in an attempt to solve an increasingly difficult food situation. Members of the Theta Phi Delta sorority and the Kappa Psi pharma ceutical fraternity joined forces, pooled their red and blue points and formed the boarding club in an ef fort to get more varied and cheaper meals than have been available. The sorority girls do the cooking, the boys helping with the dish washing and other work. Expenses are shared equally. Two meals per day are served. PUTNAM COUNTY Putnam Needs Nine School Teachers Nine vacancies exist in the faculties of Putnam county schools, County Superintendent C. D. Ver milya said. In making the statement Vermilya said that the Ottawa board of educa tion expects to hire a superintendent qualified to teach mathematics, sci ence and coach basketball. A num ber of applications are now being considered by the members of the board. Other vacancies in the county are instrumental and vocal music in structors at Continental and Leipsic commercial teacher at Leipsic com mercial instructor at Glandorf social science and English teacher at Pan dora and Vaughnsville vocational and home economics at Columbus Grove and elementary teacher at Cloverdale. They Also Have a Victory to Celebrate HAPPY RANGOON CIVILIANS «how their pleasure on the return of British and Indian troops who recently re-entered the chief city and port of Burma. Up to the entry into Rangoon, the Japanese lost nearly 500,000 soldiers in three years of Burma fighting. British troops freed hundreds of Allied prisoners, including some Americans. Mr. Vermilya stated that the posi tions of music instructors at Contin ental and Leipsic will be hard to fill and from present indications the schools may be without music teach ers during the school year. Schedule 4-H Club Program Special activities for the 4-H clubs of Putnam county were outlined in Ottawa following a meeting of the activity committee in the county agent’s office. From July 16 through July 31 the county health nurse, Mrs. Harriet Vandemark, will visit all 4-H clubs. The county picnic will be held at the Columbus Grove swimming pool August 15 with various features be ing planned for that day. August 31 has been set aside as county 4-H Day with the health dem onstration contest scheduled for the morning in charge of Dr. H. A? Neis wander, county health commissioner. The club demonstration contest will be held in the afternoon in the audi torium-gymnasium in Ottawa fol lowed by the style revue. To Build New Road Authority to construct a road one half mile long northeast of Ottawa to be known as the Pacey road has been granted by the board of Put nam county commissioners. The Ottawa council will be asked to share in the expense of the pro ject. The right-of-way is 50 feet with the road to be 16 feet wide, it was reported. However, one of the property own ers along the proposed road has de clined to donate the land for the right-of-way and the board has granted the authority for the con struction on the ground that all prop erty be donated. The 17 owners who petitioned for the road explained it would give them a more convenient thoroughfare on which to come to Ottawa. Bomber-Gunner On Way Home After a tour of duty in Italy with the 15th Air Force, Tech. Sgt. Wal lace B. Carl, 21, of Ottawa, radio operator-gunner on a B-24 Liberator bomber, is returning to the United States for training and re-equip ment, according to an announcement by Brig. Gen. Fay R. Upthegrove, his wing commander. Since going overseas, he has been assigned to the 456th Bombardment Group commanded by Col. Thomas W. Steed, of Etowah, Tenn., a Lib erator bomber group which has par ticipated in numerous bombings of German-held targets throughout southern Europe and the Balkans and one of the groups Nazi leaders were referring to when they credited the 15th AAF’s strategic bombing for their downfall. The veteran unit is being returned to the United States for a brief per iod of training and receipt of new equipment before jumping into the battle against Japan. Barn Near Gilboa Burns The barn on the Roy Cherry farm, five miles northeast of Gilboa, was de stroyed by fire Saturday morning when gasoline ignited as Mr. Cherry was repairing a tractor. Mr. Cherry was adjusting a tractor in the barn when sparks from a short circuit in the wiring fell to the floor and ignited spilled gasoline, it was reported. The flames spread so rap idly that Mr. Cherry could not stop the fire and the structure was wrap ped in flames when the Pandora vol unteer fire department arrived. Besides the building, a large new tractor, a calf, several chickens, the front tires on the tractor being re paired. an electric drill, several hund red potato sacks and a number of miscellaneous items were consumed by the flames. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT THE ^TATE OF OHIO Allen County. m. 9Oite of *’:era!d W. T-inp!ehorn Decen«ed Ruth J. Triplehorn of Bluffton, Ohio, has been appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of Gerald W, Trinlehorn late of Allen County. Ohio, deceased. Dated this 18th dav of June 1945. RAYMOND P. SMITH 12 Probate Judge A (Unfttd Nation* Photo) Beaverdam The Womens Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church held their annual guest day Thurs day at the church. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour. Rev. Riggs was the guest speaker. Present were: Mrs. Wm. Amstutz, Mrs. Sam Bushey, Mrs. E. C. Pfeiffer, Mrs. Arthur Pugh, Mrs. Everett Rowland, Mrs. Ed Cook, Mrs. Ed Marquart, Miss Rosa Sear foss, Mrs. Lillie Anderson, Mrs. W’il bur Clark, Mrs. Ed Anderson, Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. I. J. Amstutz and Rev. Riggs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Badertscher of Bloomington, Indiana visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Yant. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rockhill of Napoleon and Mrs. Etta Yant were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Yant and sons. Mrs. Gladys Williams of Lansing, Mich., spent the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Huber and sister Miss Bernice Huber. Miss Nancy Tyson of Rawson is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William D. Ellenberger. Mrs. Mary Plaugher of Dayton visited over the 4th with her mother, Mrs. Emma Jane Barber and brother Frank Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Anderson and family of Pandora were Wed HP 4* a-x I MASTER FEED MILL Leland Basinger, Mgr. WHY take nine months to get your pullets into production when you can have them laying in much less time? Complete balanced growing mash is the answer Prepare your pullets for early laying and continued heavy production by feeding your growing flock Banner Growing Mash. Price $3.40 per cwt. or use your home grown grains with Red Rose or Hubbard Sunshine High Protein Supplement. The Bluffton Milling Co. DEAD STOCK REMOVED WITHOUT PAY BUCKEYE REDUCTION COMPANY, Findlay, Ohio Phone MAIN 475 Collect BRANCH OF FOSTORIA ANIMAL PRODUCTS, INC. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 nesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Younkman and grandson Bernard. S. Sgt. Robert Michael and wife were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Michael and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and daughters of Lima, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wagner, Miss Adda and Clem Yoakam spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Wilbur Clark and son and Miss Ellen Clark. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sawmiller spent the week end in Detroit, Mich., where they attended the wedding of their nephew, Ensign M. E. Purdy and Miss Bette Page of Tulsa, Okla., at the St. Paul’s Episcopal church at 11 o’clock Saturday July 7. A reception was held in the English Room at the Statler hotel for the immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. John Troxel had as their guest the past week the lat ters brother, Cloyd Shaffer of Wapakoneta. Mrs. Frank Williams who has been quite ill the past two weeks is re- ported feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith and son Jimmie of Jersey Shore, Pa., were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pugh and family. Miss Marion Pugh is employed for the summer at the Aviation Products Co. in Toledo. SWIFT & CO. COLUMBUS GROVE DAILY MARKET HOGS— 160 to 400 .. 1460 400 up.......... 1435 SOWS .................. 1385 STAGS ................ cows— 1300 1350 Good ................ 900 105C Cutters ............ 650 850 Canners .......... 550 650 Calves .................. 1550 Spring Lambs ... 1450 Ewes, Good........ 650 700 Ewes, Thin ........ 400 500 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Every Load Insured STAGER BROS. Bluffton, Ohio MWQUALITY MASTER EGG MASH Don’t waste good feed on noo-producer*. Cull out son-producers keep the good birds busy on the nest! Give good hens the best of care —and plenty of the egg math that contains the proper mixture of the essentials for heavy egg production... The formula for this feed has been tested in the Master Mix Laboratories. Made with MASTER MIX COHCEHTRATE rr AND FEED HIGH