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PAGE EIGHT Bluffton High Nine Will Close Season In Tilt With St Johns Bluffton High’s baseball team will bring its season to a close this W ed nesday afternoon in a tilt with Lima St. Johns on the Lima diamond. So far this year the locals have conquered the Lima team twice once in regular league play and the Oihes time in the district tournament in which the Burckymen advanced to the semi-final round before being eliminated. Both wins over St. Johns have been by one run margins, however, and another close contest may be ex pected in the last start of the year by the locals. Last week’s schedule was marked by another contest decided by one run, with Lima Central taking the measure of the Pirates by a score of 3 to 2 on the Lima diamond. Bluffton will have a “Good Roads and Good Streets” day stated the Community Association. Appointed to take charge of the work are: M. M. Bogart, I. M. Jennings, Sam Hilty, John Rogers, Albert Winkler, H. P. Ray and Dan Huber. The entire community will doff their shirts and aid in repair of streets and alleys. The Bluffton Stone Company is considering purchasing power from the town or the Western Ohio railway. Mrs. Lou Eaton and Mrs. William Euller spent a few days with their brother Frank O’Hara in Dayton. Teachers certificates were granted by the county board of examiners to Verena Hilty, Bertha Roethlis berger, Gwendolyn Lowry and W. S. King. A son, Frederick Walter, weighing ten pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Tschantz, April 14. NEWS OUR FATHERS READ FROM ISSUE OF APRIL 26, 1917 The following young men are At Last Phone 410-W Bluffton scored first in the tilt, garnering two runs in the fifth in ning, but the Dragons came back with three in their half of the sixth to clinch the decision. The Pirates were outhit in the contest, 6 to 5. You can drive a safe car and increase tire mileage up to 50% Bluffton AB Moser __...... _............. 3 0 1 Stonehill ......-.............. 3 0 0 Lewis ...... -....— 2 0 0 Swank ____________ 3 0 0 Miller _____________ 3 0 0 Reagan 3 12 Moore _____________ 3 0 1 Lee ________________ 3 1 0 Wilch ________ 2 0 1 Remember, its just as important to check the wheels of your car as it is to check the motor. An un balanced condition in the wheels results in excessive and expensive tire wear, worn parts and wasteful jprs and oil consumption. We are equipped to test your wheels quickly and accurately. Our new Dynamic balancer takes all the guesswork out at our service station rig) see it in operation. Totals __________ 25 2 5 Central 28 3 6 owners of new cars: Aldine Diller, Ernest Zuercher, Levi Grismore, Ed Keine and Evan Reichenbach, who purchased a Ford touring car. Now girls, here’s your chance! John A. Diller and Ed Laibe recently purchased 9 Shorthorn cattle in Indiana. What might have been a serious accident occured Saturday evening as Ed Good and daughter Iona w’ere returning home from Bluffton. An automobile struck their buggy and upset them. The horse ran away after breaking loose from the demolished buggy. Good and his daughter escaped with only a few scratches. Emmett Gratz has accepted a position as special agent with the Ohio Electric interurban company with headquarters at Lima. Miss Louella Geiger left for Chicago where she will spend three months in the American conserva tory of music. th the “Neon Eye”, I balancing wheels. It’s now and we invite you to You’ll be amazed at what a difference perfectly balanced wheels will make in the Easier Handling of your car. It’s the cheapest tire and accident insurance you ever bought. Stauffer Pure Oil Station Corner North Main & Elm Streets Your last chaiice to see PAPA IS ALL Senior high school play which attracted overflowing houses Monday and Tuesday nights to be repeated This Wednesday Night, May 22 H. S. Auditorium, 8:30 p. m. Admission Adults 40c Children 25c Proceeds go to the High School Band Uniform Fund I s vwlii 42 Seniors Will Be Graduated At High School Here (Concluded from Page 1) only last winter. He has appeared in Bluffton previously, and is popular with local audiences. Ranking scholastic honor students of the class, Robert Ramseyer and Elmer Stonehill, will deliver the valedictory and salutatory orations respectively, and musical numbers by members of the class will include a violin solo by Mary Louise Dean and songs by a senior girls double trio and a boys quartet. Waldo Hofstetter, president of the board of education, will present diplomas to the graduating seniors Rev. J. N. Smucker will ask the invocation and Rev. G. T. Soldner the benediction. Special music w’ill be presented by the high school orchestra. Three members of the senior class will be graduated in absentia by reason of being with the armed forces. They are Robert Stalter in the Army stationed at Lowry Field, Colorado and David Frick and Charles Swank who enlisted in the Army during the past week. Class Roll The complete class roll includes: Donivan Kent Augsburger, Karl Basinger, John Dale Berryhill, John Samuel Bracy, Quinten Harry Burk holder, Marion E. Criblez, Ray M. Follas, David M. Frick, James W. Harmon, Harold W. Hartman, Arthur L. Hilty, Hugh Hilty, Harry Walter Klay, Robert Dean Lee, John Julian Lugibihl, Richard Allen Minck. Harvey LaVeme Moser, Kenneth LaVerne Moser, Allison Neuensch wander, Robert Lewis Ramseyer, Leonard L. Smucker, Robert Lee Stalter, David Ralph Stearns, Paul Andrew Steiner, Charles Edward Stonehill, Elmer Dean Stonehill, Charles F. Swank, Ferol Pauline Althaus, Helen Bauman. Mary Louise Dean, Margaret M. Diller, Mary Jane Garmatter, Wilma Colleen Geiger, Margaret Anna Groman, Phyllis Jean Hardwick, Lois Joan Harris, June Marie Hauenstein, Patricia Joan Huber, Dorothy Jean Lugibihl, Anne Mc Ginnis, Phyllis Gene Marquart, Louise Irene Soldner. RADIOS Table Models aifrl Portable Sets BRAUEN RADIO SERVICE THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Jap Supreme Commander’s Swords Come in a Box 130,000 JAPS HAD BEEN KILLED by Admiral Mountbatten’s South East Asia Command at the time of the Jap surrender, when Field-Marshal Count Terauchi, Jap Supreme Commander in that war the atre, pleaded to be excused surrendering his sword because he was stricken with paralysis. The British Admiral granted this plea, but said that the Jap Field Marshal was to make formal surrender as soon as he was able. Time passed, but Mountbatten stuck to his order, and Terauchi is pictured here as, with the help of an aide-de-camp (left), he bowed low and handed over to the Allied Supreme Com mander not one but two swords complete with their case. High-ranking officers of the Allied Command, in which every 83 men in a hundred were from the British Commonwealth of Nations, witnessed the ceremony held in Saigon, French Indo-China. Louis W. Deerhake Dies In St. Marys Funeral services were held Mon day in St. Marys for Louis William Deerhake, 58, a Bluffton resident until April of last year, who died last Saturday morning at his home in St. Marys. He had been in poor health for a year. Deerhake had been employed for 20 years as a fireman for the Cen tral Ohio Light and Power Co., and came here from St. Marys when the Woodcock Generating plant was opened in 1937. He returned to St. Marys in April, 1945. Survivors include his wife, Anna Deerhake, and four sons, Alonzo Deerhake, St. Marys Kermit Deer hake, at home Robert Deerhake, Bluffton, and Louis J. Deerhake, Wapakoneta. He wras a member of St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed church in St. Marys. Burial was at that place. College Girls Choir On Three Weeks Tour A three-weeks tour of Eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Canada is being made by the Bluff ton College Girls choir, which left Tuesday on its first concert trip since the start of the war. The choir of 37 coeds is traveling in one bus and two automobiles. Accompanying the group are Prof, and Mrs. R. A. Lantz and Laurence Burkhalter, violinist. Prof. Lantz is director of the group. Concerts will be presented by the choir in Ohio at Wadsworth and Smithville in Pennsylvania at Phil adelphia, Lansdale, Souderton and Quakertown also Fairport and Lockport, N. Y., and in Canada at Vineland, W’aterloo and Kitchener, all in Ontario. Mt. Cory Church To Honor War Veterans Rev. E. N. Bigelow, pastor of the Presbyterian church here, will be the speaker at the afternoon session of a recognition service honoring re turned servicemen of the church and community next Sunday at the Mt. Cory Methodist church. Rev. Bigelow served as a chaplain during World War II. Special events also are planned for returned servicemen at the morning services in the church. Any person wishing to contribute directly to world famine relief can arrange to have a standard food package shipped by Care, Inc., 50 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. This is a non-profit corporation of volun tary agencies which guarantees de livery of the package to the nation selected by the contributor. Fresh Drugs and Quality Drug Store Merchandise of All Kinds Prescriptions Care fully Compounded Sidney’s Drug Shop Phone 170-W Ceiling Price On Soy Beans May Be Increased Soon (Concluded from Page 1) will be influenced as much by weather at corn planting time, as by any contemplated raises in bean price ceilings. Unfavorable weather often makes it impossible for the farmer to plant as much corn as he had plan ned, and much of the land so af fected is used for soy bean produc tion, inasmuch as the latter crop can be seeded later in the season. Little Surplus Grain At present there is little, if any, surplus grain on farms in the Bluff ton district. Existing grain and feed stocks are being held as a prudent farm practice to safeguard against emergency feeding needs. It is largely from this reserve that the government seeks to draw the food stuffs needed to tide over until the next harvest. Ordinarily, an increase in price is not sufficiently attractive to the farmer to part with the grain he carries as a feed reserve. In ad dition, there is a widespread feel ing that still greater increases in grain price ceilings may come which would in effect tend toward removal of price controls from farm products, which the farmer has been demanding. Appraisal of the current situation was summed up by one farmer this week, with the observation that sell ing the wheat and com he had in his bins would jeapordize his farm feeding operations on the other hand the money obtained from sell ing the grain could not be used, for there virtually are no imple ments or other equipment on the farm market. Under present condi tions, he said, grain in the bin looks more attractive than money in the bank. Rockport Memorial Services On Sunday Community Memorial day services w’ill be held at the Rockport Meth odist church, Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock. Rev. E. N. Bigelow of the Presbyterian church will deliver the sermon on the topic “One Year Later”. Pleasant Hill Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gleason called on Mr. and Mrs. Zahrend of Waynes field, Sunday. Dorothy Jennings is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Jen nings. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wenger and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wenger and Mrs. Jane Bager and family, Mrs. Chas. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mac An drews, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shindle decker and Walter Booth were past week callers at the Dennis Brauen home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips call ed at the Elton Younkman home, Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Zimmerman and family and H. P. Zimmerman were Sunday visitors at the Elmer Long home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess and family were Sunday evening callers at the Pett and Huber home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mayberry and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mont gomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kidd and daughter were Fri day evening visitors at the Maurice Bell home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arras of Ar lington spent Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Orton Stratton. Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips were Sunday afternoon callers at the Ly man Barnes home. The goal for the 1946 U. S. fall pig crop has been set at 31,500,000 head, a decrease of about 10 per cent from the 1945 goal. For cornbelt states, the reduction recommended is 9 percent but is 12 percent in all other areas. The new tungsten lights on our streets not only attract consider able attention, but the service rendered is much better and more satisfactory than before. Installing the new system has made Bluffton one of the best lighted towns in Northwestern Ohio. Cal Steiner returned to Chicago to resume his studies at Moody Bible school. Wilhelm Amstutz has been em ployed as an assistant principal at the Pandora High School. Grover Harris made a business trip to Oscoda, Mich., last week where he owns land. Willis Althaus left for Wellington where he expects to spend the winter. Mrs. Albert Deppler received a postal shower on her birthday an niversary. J. W. Mitchell a former Bluffton druggist now at Lima left for San Bernardino, Calif., to visit his son Robert and family. George Benroth sold his 60 acre farm to S. S. Motter. The farm is located in Orange Twp. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lugibihl left for Monroeville, Ind., to attend the wedding of their nephew, Dale Shifferly. News Our Grandfathers Read From Issue Of September 8, 1910 Chris Althaus who recently com pleted his course in DePauw Univer sity, Greencastle, Ind., left for Centralia, Ind., where he will be principal of the high school. Fred S. Beard a former Bluffton High school teacher will superintend the public schools at Arlington the coming year. The hunters, consisting of about a dozen of the well known citizens, who have made extended hunting trips east, west and south, w’ill hold their annual reunion with families and guests at the Kimmel planing mill Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Frederick moved to Mt. Blanchard where Dr. Frederick has been elected cashier of the Citizen’s Bank. Rev. Ray Richards, former pastor of the Lutheran church, is visiting friends here. R. S. Steiner of Great Falls, Montana, returned to that place the first of the week. He was ac companied by Amos A. Geiger who w’ill remain several weeks in the west. AfoUGfjfc Age makes no difference in enjoyment of Page’s delicious Homogenized vitamin milk. Among those who prefer its tempting creamy flavors girls, men and women of all ages* If you have not tried thi^imusual the time to do so! Telephoneers for delivery at your door The Page Dairy Company Phone 489-W Bluffton New Filling Station THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 East Orange Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Criblez and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Marie Wolfley of Bluffton. Mrs. Ralph Stager entertained the ladies of the Dola Missionary society in her home last Thursday. Rev. Roy Longennecker, former pastor, will occupy the pulpit Sun day May 26. Rev. Turner will be at tending the Northern Baptist con vention. Mid-week prayer services this Wednesday evening in the home of Rayon Boutwell and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Boutwell called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Stager last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boutwell and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Long, Sr. Helen Ann Trippiehorn of Findlay spent the weak end with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boutwell. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Boutwell spent Friday evening -with Mr. and Mrs. Rayon Boutwell and family. Mrs. Lizzie Sanders, Fred Morris and son Joe spent Saturday evening in the R. Boutwell home. Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Gallant of near Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kimmel of near Bluffton spent Sunday evening in the B. J. Boutwell home. Ray mond was discharged from the army last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rayon Boutw’ell and children Lynn Ray and Lonnie Sue spent Sunday evening with the Ken neth Chidester family near Bluffton. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the neigh bors and friends for their aid and sympathy extended in the death and burial of our husband and father, Otis Leiber also Rev. Oppermann who officiated at the funeral, nurses of the Community hospital, singers, flower donors, the Diller funeral home and all those who assisted in any way. added at Buckeye Lunch SIDELL Gasoline and Motor Oils Have your gas/tank filled and car serviced while you enjoy lunch here. Just across the bridge at Entrance to Buckeye Lake easy tcl find plenty of parking space and delicious/food. The buckeye Lunch Owned and Operated by William Smith Bluffton phone 119-W Mrs. Otis Leiber Mr. and Mrs. Rusell Leiber & Sons News want-ads bring results. Six, Sixteen or Sixty are buys and milk, now is Youngsters, who are active and full of energy seldom complain of aches and pains. However, over-exertion or violent exercise often puts a cramp in older, les used muscles and sinews. IYALGESIC sj^uld be your first thought for mus cular soreness, strains and sprains. Rubbed on, it warms the tissues__ cools the pain. Ask for NYALGESIC__ in the shaker-top bottle—it isn’t greasy or sticky doesn’t stain or blister. A. Hauenstein & Son