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BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live VOLUME LXXI FEDERAL AID MAY GIVE TOWN NEW START ON SEWERS Loan of $8,000, Without Inter est, Sought to Complete Plans, Specifications $250,000 Intercepting System Considered Construction Aid May Be Available Drafting of final plans and speci fications for Bluffton’s oft deferred sewage disposal system to make the project ready for the start of work by contractors, appears to be as sured for completion this summer, under a program made possible by federal financial assistance. Decision to proceed with the plan ning program at an estimated cost of $8,000, funds for which will be loaned to the town without interest by the Federal Works Agency, was reached Monday night at a meeting of the town council. Application for the loan was made on Tuesday. At the same time councilmen were told that the State Department of Health, long concerned over Bluff ton’s sewage disposal problem, is urging municipalities to take advant age of the federal loan offer, so they may be in a position to start work immediately on disposal systems once materials and labor are avail able. $250,000 System Bluffton’s application for funds to proceed with planning is based on a $250,000 disposal system. Of this $146,000 is earmarked for the con struction of intercepting sewers along Big and Little Riley creeks and $105,000 for erection of a sew age disposal plant. Networks of sewers thruout the town to empty into the interceptors are not included in present planning, because of the cost factor, which means that a completely new system here must be postponed until a later date. Explanation of the loan’s avail ability was made to the council Mon day night by Carlton S. Finkbeiner, of the Toledo engineering firm of Finkbeiner, Pettis and Strout, which prepared Bluffton’s preliminary sew age disposal plans before the out break of war. No Interest on Loans Federal loans are made available thru the Federal Works Agency, ■without interest, to complete all planning and specifications, fitting the project for advertising for bids and proceeding with construction. Repayment of the loan is not re quired until construction of the sys tem is started, and the money comes from bonds issued to finance the pro ject. With federal financial assistance available at this time, it is possible to eliminate the delay that ordinarily is involved in preparing complete plans and specifications for a pro ject after a bond issue is authorized by voters. Decision to proceed with planning at this time will mean that construction of Bluffton’s system can be speeded greatly once the “cleai light” is given at the polls. Federal Interest Federal interest in an early start on sewage disposal systems for all cities on streams that eventually empty into Lake Erie stems from a pact with Canada that pollution of water going into the lake is to be entirely eliminated. Possibility that federal grants may soon be available to assist munici palities in financing disposal systems also was presented to the council by Finkbeiner. He pointed out that the Mansfield Act, now before Congress and which appears to be favorably regarded by legislators, provides for grants of up to 35 per cent of the cost. Should the act be passed Bluffton would be eligible for a grant of $87,500 to apply toward total construction cost of $250,000. Bluffton’s sewage disposal head ache broke out in a new’ form with in the last month, when it wras learned that property holders in the new’ly opened Matter addition on Harmon road have no sewage outlet. A request for municipal assistance in constructing the sewer met with the fact that since the town has no municipal system, sewers here are a private problem, and the town has no funds to assist property holders in solving their dilemma. BLUFFTON MARKETS Wednesday Morning Grain (bushel prices)—Wheat $1.89 com $1.60 oats 68c soys $2.04. ........................................................................................................................ Hailstorm Damages Corn Crop Sunday A hailstorm, said to have been one of the worst in recent years did extensive damage to standing corn in the farming area between Pan dora and Mt. Cory, Sunday after noon. Altho the damage was confined to a comparatively limited area, loss to farmers in that district is reported heavy. The hail came in connection with a severe electrical storm which swept that section about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Northw’est of Mt. Cory where the damage w’as heaviest, fields of standing corn were riddled and the ground w-as covered with hail. MILLING COMPANY STOCKHOLDERS IN FAVOR OF SELLING Approve Acceptance of $35,000 Buying Offer of Farmers Grain Co. Vote at Meeting Tuesday Night Unanimous for Accepting Proposal Stockholders of the Bluffton Mill ing company at a meeting Tuesday night approved a proposal to sell the business to the Farmers Grain com pany. Represented at the meeting were 341 of the 373 shares outstand ing and the vote was unanimous. The meeting was held at the Steiner ga rage on North Main street. E. L. Diller, secretary and manager of the Milling company explained in detail to shareholders the proposal to sell the plant and all assets to the Farmers Grain company for $35,000 with exception of the bank balance, outstanding book accounts and inven tory estimated at an additional $11,000 less federal taxes. He indicated that an agreement on terms of sale had been reached with the Farmers Grain company and rec ommended acceptance of the propo sition. Approval by the stockholders which followed Diller’s presentation of the plan clears the way for con summating the deal. Take Possession October 1 The stockholders meeting also ap proved October 1 as the date for turn ing over the business to the purchas er in return for the cash considera tion. The meeting also designated Diller and H. P. Mann as trustees to wind up affairs of the Milling company after that date, including the collec tion and payment of outstanding ac counts and distribution of liquidating dividends. Among the principal assets which the Farmers Grain company will re ceive in the transaction are the build ings and equipment of the Milling company, together with a railroad siding and four acres of ground at the company’s plant on Cherry street. Farm Woman's Club Holds Annual Picnic Members of the Orange Township Farm Woman’s club and families held their annual picnic at the Orange Township Community house last Thursday night. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Car son Marshall and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swank, Mrs. Lois Caughman and son Don, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fett and son, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Trip plehom and family. Mrs. John Warren ,Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Anderson and daughter Doro thy, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marshall and son, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Long, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson and son, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hursey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Warren and fam iyl, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ewing. Mrs. Don Montgomery, Mrs. Dorotha Par rish, Mrs. Maude Thompson, Mrs. Lydia Ewing, June Gallant, Charles Warren ^Jimmy Lugibihl and Miss Burdella Ferguson. Price Of Bread And Other Baked Goods May Be Raised Here Soon (One by-product of the coal strike is an increasing shortage of lime suitable for use in fruit and veget able spray mixtures. Some potato growers have reduced the lime in Bordeaux mixtures by half the amount usually recommended. Food Price Increases Author ized Last Week by OPA Not Imediately Apparent Bread Will Go Up One Cent on Smaller Loaves Cereals, Macaroni to Cost More New food price increases author ized last week by the OPA are ex pected soon to take the cost of bread and other bakery products to higher levels, perhaps even before the current week is out. With new prices in effect, here is what Bluffton shoppers may expect when they go to their regular food markets: Bread—One-cent increase on loaves weighing up to two pounds on larger loaves, two to three cents. The small loaves now sell at 13 cents here. Bakery Products—One cent a doz en on bread rolls 15 per cent on cookies, crackers and biscuits. Flour—About one cent a pound. Breakfast cereals—One to three cents a package on all kinds ex cept corn flakes, puffed rice and puffed wheat. Macaroni and Noodles—Two cents on eight ounce boxes one cent on smaller packages. Butter prices meanwhile have dropped somewhat under the 80-cent level it commanded here for some time, with present selling marks around 73 cents a pound. Three Graduate At Lakeside Institute Three Bluffton young people of the Methodist church, Joann Har mon, Sarah Jane Huser and Lois Hauenstein were members of the class graduated from the summer in stitute course at Lakeside the past week. Certificates were presented to Phyllis Hardwick, Dick Kuhn, Don Augsburger, James Harmon, Marlene Berry, Bonnie Burkholder and Su sanna Kempf, The Youth Fellow ship of the Bluffton church was awarded a plaque for having met requirements for an honor youth group. Mrs. Forest Harmon and Mrs. Paul Cramer were counsellors and Rev. Cramer conducted group dis cussions and worship services. Forest Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Huser and Miss Theresa Slusser drove to Lakeside, Sunday and brought the Bluffton young people home. Peggy Eickenwiler, due to an attack of mumps did not go with the group to Lakeside who spent last Sunday there. Reunions The Peter and Elizabeth (Neuen schwander) Hilty reunion will be held Sunday, Sept. 1 on Bluffton college campus. The Christian Hilty reunion will be held at the Hilty roadside park on Route 30-N near New Stark, Sunday, August 18. Pres., Joe Hilty sec., Mrs. Evelyn Gratz. The 37th reunion of the Black school will be held Thursday, Aug. 8. Pres., Howard Benroth sec., Mrs. Arthur Nonnamaker. The Shulaw reunion will be held at Lafayette park, Sunday, Aug. 11. The 22nd Augsburger reunion will be held at Bluffton college campus, Sunday, Aug. 18. Pres., Homer Gratz sec., Mrs. Paul Spallinger. The Schumacher family, including descendents of the late Peter and John Schumacher and Barbara (Schumacher) Steiner will hold their triennial reunion on the Bluffton col lege campus, Sunday, August 11. Pres., S. W. Steiner sec., Mrs. Irene Schumacher, Pandora. The twentieth annual Augsburger reunion will be held at Riverside park shelter house No. 3, in Findlay, Sunday, August 18. Pres., Charles Augsburger, Sec., Mrs. M. L. Wahl. Town May Buy Road Scraper For Streets Possibility that Bluffton may buy a new roadscraper for use on muni cipal streets and alleys developed at Monday night’s meeting of the town council. In action of the body, Town Clerk W. O. Geiger was authorized to ad vertise for bids on a scraper with an eight-foot blade and scarifier. Estimated price is in the vicinity of $3,000. In past years, the town has used Richland township’s grader for its street work, but the equipment no longer is available to the munici pality. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 8,1946 ....... AUTO SKIDS OFF ROAD IN STORM WOMAN INJURED Mrs. Geraldine Ewing Of Near Beaverdam In Bluffton Hospital J'*. Accident Occurs Near Pandora During Stolen Sunday Afternoon Mrs. Geraldine Eu Beaverdam, is in th munity hospital wit and possible intern! suffered in a highi Route 12 near the three and one-half Pandora, about 4:30 The bride, rod high sch at Miami V Mr. from the service. Cleveland 18, of near Bluffton Com head injuries complications ay mishap on Wynkoop farm, miles east of p. m. Sunday, was in a car ii John Ewing, Hugh way dur nd hail storm, accident vic by her skidded driving The husban off th wind driven which ing a and struck a tension line. pole carrying a high Mrs. Ewing was brought to the Bluffton hospital in the Lehman am bulance of Pandora. Her husband was unhurt. LaRue-Beery Wedding Is At Harrod Church —_ Wedding of Miss Hope LaRue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy La Rue of Lafayette son of Mr. and Mi of Beaverdam took gregational Christii rod, Monday evenin The bride was sister, Miss Nor maid of honor Jr., brother of best man. Ushers Rue, brother of Van Meter. After the ce was held in the parents for 165 couple left for nd Carl Beery, I. Delmar Beery e at the Con urch in Har 7:30 o’clock, ded by her LaRue as Slmar Beery, egroom was Weldon La e and Louis a reception of the bride’s and later the wedding trip. from Har- student nurse after three years’ employed by the of the American army He is office Telephone and Telegraph Co. Has Research Post In Chemical Field Everett Hiestand, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hiestand of Orange township, recently discharged from the Navy, has been awarded a re search fellowship in chemistry at Ohio State university, Columbus, it was announced the first of the week. He is visiting here this week, ac ompanied by his wife, the former Yvonne Barnes of Denver. They were married at Alameda, Calif, June 30. The couple will reside in Columbus and he will begin his work in Octo ber. In New Locations Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davies and family are moving from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McElroy of South Main street into their new home on Harmon road. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fruchey are moving from Ada to a prefabricated dwelling on their lot in the Fred Mueller addition on Jefferson street. Mr. and Mrs. Racine Warren and son are moving to Kenton. They have made their home with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Niswander of South Main street. With Service Men Russell Gratz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gratz has received his dis charge from the Army. Robert Gratz, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gratz received his Navy dis charge, Friday. Harry Minck, son of Mrs. Mabel Minck of South Lawn avenue has received his Navy discharge. Evan Herr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Herr of South Lawn avenue returned home after being discharg ed from the Navy at Great Lakes, Illinois. Lt. (j. g.) Gareth Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd is home on terminal leave and will receive his discharge August 26. He was in service three and one-half years, nearly three years of which were spent as an instructor in the naval air force at Corpus Christi, Texas. Lt. (j. g.) Ralph Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Short is home from Shanghai, China, after serv ing 37 months in the navy, 22 of which were spent in the Pacific theatre of war. Merrill Arnold, who was unable to summon aid because telephone lines were busy last week when his barn was struck by lightning, said Tuesday that he plans to rebuild the razed structure before winter. Lightning ripped thru the build ing in a heavy storm Tuesday of last week, and immediately after the bolt hit the structure the entire mow was ablaze with flame. In the mow at the time, Arnold was thrown against the side of the barn by the shock, and barely made his escape before the upper part of the building was wrapped in flames. Attempting to call the Bluffton fire department for assistance, it w’as Heavy Rains Must Bring Relief Soon or Crop Prospects Will Be Sharply Cut Showers During Last Week Lay Dust July Driest in Last Six Years Farm crop yields are seriously threatened, home garden plots are parched and lawns are turning brown, as drought conditions brought on by the driest July in six years entered the sixth week last Satur day. Showers last Sunday and a light sprinkle early Tuesday barely did more than lay the dust, and provid ed no relief to conditions that are at the critical stage so far as farmers are concerned. Weather bureau reports show that the past month was the driest July since 1940, with only .92 inches of water falling during the prolonged dry spell. This is 2.81 inches below the 3.75-inch normal average for July, and increased the seven-month deficiency for this year to 4.25 inches. Heavy rains must come soon, or com, soy beans, late potatoes and sugar beets will show the effects in this fall’s harvest yields, and dairy farmers report that their parched pasture lands already are prac tically worthless so far as grazing is concerned. Until rainfall Sunday afternoon, a constant grass fire menace pre vailed thruout the Bluffton district, and one conflagration on the Myron Motter farm, near the Oliver Zim merman barn off Main street, had to be extinguished by Bluffton firemen at 1:45 p. m. last Friday. A driving rain w’est of Mt. Cory last Sunday afternoon brought drought relief to that section, but a hail storm which accompanied the dou’npour caused extensive damage to corn. Summer School Begins Last Term Bluffton college is beginning the last term of a 15 week semester w’hich will close August 30. Teach ing for this term are Richard Weav er, chemistry Prof. M’Della Moon, genetics and Miss Lucile Ritchie of Lima, geography. Previous courses were taught by Rev. P. E. Whitmer, W. A. Howe, Dean J. S. Schultz, Prof. E. J. Bohn, Prof. Otto Holtkamp and Miss Bridget Snyder of Pittsburgh. Gun Club To Hold Trap Shoot Sunday “Busy” Telephone Lines Block Call For Help As Barn Burns Trap shoot of the Bluffton Gun club will be held at the Gossard fil ling station two miles north of Bluff ton, Sunday afternoon, it is an nounced by C. V. Stonehill, club sec retary. The shoot will begin at 1 o’clock and is open to all contest ants. County Painting Two Bridges Near Town Drought Menaces Farm Crop Yields As Dry Weather Enters Sixth Week Two bridges in the Bluffton area are being painted this week by the Allen county commissioners. They are the bridge on Bigler road at the far end of the Buckeye quarry and the bridge on College road at the Henry Huber farm north of town. The average total expense of farm machine operation on 20 northeast ern Ohio farms in 1945 was $1,135. The total included $248 for fuel and oil, $428 for depreciation, $296 for repairs, and $163 for interest on the amount invested in machines. On the same 20 farms, the average an nual cost for horse feed was $172. impossible to get “central” because the telephone lines w’ere busy until it w’as too late to save the burning building, he said. Fire damage of $2,000 was repre sented by loss of the building, and baled hay which filled the mows. A combine and a number of hogs were removed from the 26 by 36 foot structure before fire reached the ground floor. Lightning struck the barn at 5 p. m. w’hile Arnold and some helpers were unloading baled hay and stor ing it in the mow’. The Arnold farm is that formerly operated by his father, W. A. Ar nold, one and one-half miles north of Beaverdam. COUNCIL APPROVES BOND ISSUE SALE FOR LIGHT PLANT $125,000 Issue Recommended By Board of Public Af fairs Is Granted Sale Of Bonds Will Provide Funds For New Boiler And Stack At Light Plant Sale of $125,000 in revenue bonds to finance improvements to electrical generating facilities at Bluffton’s municipal light plant was approved Monday night at a meeting of the town council. Request for the approval together with a recommendation for action, came from the board of public af fairs, which at a special meeting two weeks ago approved the bid of Stranahan, Harris and Co., Toledo bond buyers. Referring the matter for council approval was necessary, however, be fore the sale could be made final. Interest Cost 1.98 Per Cent In the Toledo firm’s bid was a pro vision for an issue extending over a 20-year period and bearing interest at the rate of two per cent. In ad dition there is payment of a prem ium of $2.24 on each thousand dol lar bond, thereby reducing the inter est rate to 1.98 per cent. Dated August 1, 1946, the bond issue will have as its security the electrical generating and distribution equipment of the Bluffton plant, not including waterworks assets. Funds provided by the bond issue will be expended to cover the cost of adding a new boiler to the plant, constructing a new smoke stack, and making changes to the building necessary to accommodate the new equipment. Accepts Call To Ebenezer Church Rev. Howard Landis of Phila delphia has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Ebenezer Mennonite church west of Bluffton, it was an nounced the first of the week. He expects to move here in the fall and will occupy the church parsonage on Grove street. A call to Rev. Landis, pastor of the Mennonite church at German town, a Philadelphia suburb was ex tended last month by the congrega tion of the church here. Rev. Charles Warren is filling the pulpit this summer as a temporary supply. Rev. Warren is a son-in-law of Rev. Ezra Steiner, formerly of this community who for a number of years has been a foreign mission ary to northern India and Tibet. Rev. and Mrs. Warren will leave to do mission work in the India-Tibet area as soon as conditions permit. Young People's Rally At Ebenezer Church The tenth annual young people’s rally will be held at the Ebenezer Mennonite church in a four day ses sion August 15 to 18, it was an nounced the first of the week. Principal speaker will be Rev. Olin Krehbiel, pastor of the First Mennonite church at Berne, Ind. A special feature will be a concert on the closing evening by the Berne Men’s church and special musical numbers during the conference by talent from the General conference churches of the community. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Trade NUMBER 16 RADIO BEACON FOR AIR TRAVEL NEAR COMPLETION HERE Steel Tower With Building Atop On Harry Gehrisch Farm East Of Town Beacon In Wheat Field At Intersection Of Two Prin cipal Air Routes A spot in a Wheatfield on the Harry Gehrisch farm in Orange township, four and one-half miles east of Bluffton on State Route 103, is destined to become an important landmark in air travel, and a federal radio beacon is nearing completion on the site. Now visible from the highway is a 12-foot square metal building 30 feet in the air on a steel tower which marks the “crossroads” of important north-south and east-west airlanes. Erection of the building by Civil Airways Administration of the Fed eral Department of Commerce is the first step in establishing the radio beacon for the direction of air traf fic. Install Radio Equipment Radio equipment soon will be in stalled in the completed building atop the tower following which the beacon will be put into operation. Power to operate the equipment will be supplied by electrical lines. Another metal building, 15 by 36 feet, at the base of the tower will house an electric generator and gas oline motor, which automatically will provide current in case of failure of the power line. This will insure uninterrupted operation of the bea con in any kind of weather. When in operation, the beacon will provide a radio signal to aircraft, whereby the pilot can tell if he is on course. In effect the equipment is to air traffic what road signs are to motorists. Air “Crossroads” on Farm Plans are being made, it is re ported, to establish a radio beacon about every’ 75 miles along principal airlines. The “crossroads” on the Gehrisch farm mark the intersection of principal air routes south from Detroit and east from Ft. Wayne. Tests to determine the site of the beacon here were made at the Black school, at the intersection of Routes 69 and 103, one-half mile west of the Gehrisch farm. Construction of the buildings and tower has been under way since last spring. The beacon is three miles east of a new Bluffton airport being devel oped by Clayton Bixel for G. I. fly ing instruction. It will be serviced and administered from Findlay. Haiti Missionaries Coming Here Sunday Missionaries from Haiti will speak at the Defenseless Mennonite church, Sunday, giving illustrated talks on their work in that field. Pastor Toussaint, a native preach er will speak in the morning and in the evening will be heard Rev. and Mrs. Chester Corrello, returned missionaries. Clover Farm Store To Open Saturday A unit of the Clover Farm stores organization will be opened in Bluff tow, Saturday by William Gaiffe and Carl Krichbaum, it was announced the first of the week. The store will be located in the Zehrbach block on Vine street in the room formerly oc cupied by the Menno Badertscher grocery. Births The following births at Bluffton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Amstutz, Bluffton, a boy, Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, Bluff ton, a boy, Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thiessen, Bluffton, a girl, Anne Rosilyn, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Deeter, Findlay, a boy, Kenneth Eugene, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Traucht, Rawson, a girl, Carolyn Sue, Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Rollan Rader, Har rod, a girl, Karen Sue, Thursday. Capt. and Mrs. Charles Patterson, Springfield, Mass., a boy, Tuesday. Mrs. Patterson is the former Carol Cookson of Bluffton.