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PAGE TWO Couple Is Married In Pandora Church an In an early fall wedding, Miss Dortha May Bridenbaugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Err Bridenbaugh of Pandora became the bride of Robert E. Gratz, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gratz of Bluffton in the Pandora Methodist church, Friday September 6 at birthday Dr. A. ficiated iusing gladioli, branch Mrs. foliowin PLAN Mr the anniversary of the bride. C. Schultz of Chicago the double palms and four s candelabra. Milo Lora presided at ’or the musical lowed Jr. bride and ton. The was used for the dd at the home gthe ceremony dining! e was attractively centered) hree tiered wedding cake! y a miniature bride and! topped groom. and Dolly Nemire and Mrs. Alva Bridenbaugh! served. The bride is a graduate of Pan-1 dora high school and (‘inployed atlla the First National bank in Pandora.l| £irl The bridegroom, a graduate of Bluff-| ton high school recently was charged from naval service. For FOR THEIR Farm Bar*au oflert a choC® dD»* lil® insurance plans to h*!p you in planning foar children's future. Paul E. Whitmer, Agent 245 W. GrovZSt., Phong:350-W Bluffton, Ohio mom CO. USE INSURANCE OHIO oma oxumbus town guests attending the and reception included Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ada Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Mrs gowns skirt. Misses Mary Ann, Ruby|| oaugh, Mr rip The couple left on a wedding in southern Ohio and Kentucky, traveling the bride wore a two piece! kvith black acces- nsch Har- Mr. Mrs. Walter Butler, Ind. and Mrs Mr. ar Mrs. augh of Mr. and Ellis Guthrie Is Wed In Pennsylvania Mjss Ruth Elizabeth Barndt,I mghter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles! arndt, of Souderton, Pa., and Ellis' Bluffton college gradu- on of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph of La Fayette, were mar dav afternoon at 3 o’clock an orange blos ied a white Bible nd baby’s breath e matron of honor, Mrs. Rosenberger, of gowned in pink maids were Misses Helen Koplichack, of Smithmill, Pa., and Ruth Laube, of Bethlehem. They wore blue I William Guthrie, of La Fayette, a brother of the groom, was the best man. The ushers were Charles Barndt, of Souderton, a brother of the bride, and James Bradford, of| Burlington, New Jersey. Miss Martha Brobst, presided at the console. I panied Miss Jacqueline Until it comos, keep your old ear on the job with Hudson Protective Service! Have your car lnspected regularly—and serviced expertly. That’s Rule No. 1 for motorists who are on the new car "waiting list.” It’s a long list this year—for never before has there been so great a demand for Hudson style, quality and performance. Of course we hope you're scheduled for a beautiful new 1946 Hudson one of these days. But until you get it, let us keep you in the driver’s seat with prompt, expert Hudson service —moderately priced. That’s the commonsense way to assure safer, more dependable transportation, as well as higher value for your car when you come to trade it in. of Telford, She accom Grasse, of a wedding Souderton, who sang hymn by Mendelssohn “Morgen” by Strauss “The Faithful Heart,” by I Vibal “O Perfect Love,” by Bamby, land the nuptial benediction by Mc I Donald, the latter being rendered I while the bridal party knelt in I prayer. I A reception for 50 relatives and I friends followed at the bride’s par lents’ home. They then left I week’s stay in the Poconas I region in Pennsylvania. I The bride is a graduate of lerton High school, class of 1943, and I I the Jefferson School of Nursing, I Philadelphia, in 1946. The groom is la graduate of La Fayette High I school and is now a senior at Beth lany Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Iwhere the couple will reside. A PLATE OF PO schoolgirl solemn 6-14, she is spend outside Hamburg, Cross civilian reli and distressed w portant job in tl meals, from 3000 Indian troops in 1 the densely-overc Emptied of meat, wooden packing and feeding bowl week, went more ££[Funeral Thursday For T. ,'|| length match old fashioned bouquets. I Funeral services will be held veils with flowered tiaras to I their gowns. They carried I Kathie Wolfinger, of Perkasie, Pa.,I Thursday morning at 10 o’clock at cousin of the bride, was flower| Desenberg Trinity Lutheran church Her gown was blue satin with|near Lafayette for Thomas Desen a blue satin bonnet. She carried a|berg, 77, of Lafayette, retired farm basket of mixed flowers and scat-| er who died at his home Monday tered rose petals before the bride as) morning. I she approached the altar. Wolfinger, a brother of the flower! I girl, was the ring bearer. for a resort Soud- When are you going to get your new car Every Spoonful Counts Jackson township the son of An thony and Louise (Binkley) Desen berg. He was married June 19, 1904 to Bertha Staley who survives with a daughter, Miss Lillian Desen berg at home and a brother, New ton of Galion. Rev. C. L. Stager will officiate at the funeral after which burial be in the Desenberg cemetery. John, Maurice & James Hilty Speed Dusting Use a dust cloth or dusting mitt in each hand to get the dusting chore done in half the time. Your neighborhood Hudson dealer is one of 3,000 selling and servicing this great new car. Choice of Super-Six and Super-Eight engines ... All popular body styles Nine standard colors, four 2-tone combinations. HUDSON TROY MOTOR SALES Main & Elm Streets Bluffton, Ohio THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO take Captured By Bluffton Youth Is Attraction In Columbus Museum i Desenberg IV. Death was due to cere- James| bral hemorrhage following two and one-half years of failing health. He was born Feb. 10, 1869 in little German oys and girls, de Home, just 55 British Red According to abou will CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to friends and neighbors for their aid and sympathy extended during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, Catherine Blosser Hilty. Also our heartfelt thanks to Rev. Smucker and Rev. Soldner for their consoling words and prayers, to the pallbearers, those sending flowers, the First Mennonite church and the Stanley Basinger funeral home. im- readv hildren in new life. itents, the Toom furniture larder, in one le of Hamburg A Kirtland water snake one of two captured during the past sum mer by Charles Tripplehom, Bluffton youth and stu university is or tractions at thi logical and Columbus. s is associated with Thomas, the mu natural history. Dr. Thomas only living young—the others hatch eggs. The eleven babies scientific exactly Thomas peared i Sunday. black spotted backs and undersides! of bright red. Lawyer: “Have you told me everything?” Prisoner: “All except where I hid the money. I want that for myself.” $ •2 9 S' (Concluded from page 1) school and the son of Dr. Panna' turned know He •y ms wife ent at Ohio State of the leading at Ohio State Archae torical Museum to eleven living yoi to be the largest i for this particular Trippiehorn v the field of repti Dr. Edward S. seum’s curator ng which is said umber on record Rico now ne-half of Ohio’s snakes bear -undecimtuplets in terminology—are colored like their parents said Dr.I in an interview which ap in the Columbus Dispatch, They are pale brown with The snakes are of a species rather rare in this section. They feed on| earthworms and there is little pendence between the parents children. de and are Only reason that the brood still with their mother is that in thel museum they can’t get away. In connection with which Dr. Thomas pointed out that there is no founda tion for the old belief that young snakes, when frightened, run down their mother's throat for shelter. Former Bluffton I Bluffton In Happy College Students In Hunting Ground Post-War Reliefl For City Shoppers projects include the following: Meat, of course, is first on the Robert Pannabecker, who has en-| list of these modern hunters who do listed with a tractor unit under) their foraging in small towns in UNRRA and the Brethren Service) stead of the forests, but they do not committee. He is to spend 18| confine their shopping tours to that months in China teaching the Chin-| item alone. ese the use of American tractors in| Also sought in their canvassing rehabilitating areas which were) are soap, toilet tissue, oleo and eggs, flooded during the war. with the strangers making the same unit. Viola Amstutz, a graduate of Pandora high school and Bluffton college has sailed she will join the relief unit. Delmar Stahly, with the Mennonite work in Italy. I Much of this work clears through| UNRRA. I To Work In India Mary Elizabeth Amstutz, also al graduate of Pandora high school and I Bluffton college, sailed July 7 for| Bombay, India to work in the| Indian famine area under the Men-) nonite Central committee. She was| I granted a two-year leave of absence I from Ashland high school for this) work. (Concluded from page 1) carries on a vast relief enter-1 said that their numbers have been surpassed only by the Amer-| greater than ever before since OPA Friend' Service com-| price ceilings were re-established on meats the second week in Septem and women| ber. in the various humanitarian! Ms at Prime Object He is a graduate of Bluffton high) rounds of all groceries whenever F. they hit town. re-1 Generally speaking, however, they the| have not been too fortunate in their in search for scarce items, as local re tailers who are wise to the game left Bluffton have made a practice of reserving withithem for their regular trade. Those come on the days when Bluffton rith of Germany. This v mited church relief agen Cralog. I the Detwiler, ex-34, will soon I aKa'" to some other nearby town nr three years service in|their road of food adventure. pt and Italy with war refugees. Others take advantage of the hap the former Neva Bader-1PX combination offered hy good roads tscher of Bluffton, will fly to Europe! and mot’r cars t0 dlrect t° in the near future and accompany I source, and the farmer now is o him on his return to the states'nc a brisk business right at is his home in Souderton, Pa. I borne with those who seek to corral In Jungles of Paraguay I the source of good things to eat, at Betty Keeney of the class of 19421the point where they are produced. is doing a pioneering work in Para-I .guav. South America, developing a U"der the growing practice of in| feeding project to improve thel buying at the farm, the producer no dietary habits of the natives in the I lo"‘r has t0 *ake things to market. The snake last week gave birth|chaco jungles of this smaH SouthI for the market comes to him, and at American nation. This work is underltop Prices, too. .the Mennonite Central committee. With no hmit on poultry prices, species. Ellwvn Hart21er 44 and Arthur the the ,lmlt fa™ dea'n*s is a specialist in| ThiMrenj cx.,44 arc workingl"ith meat-hungry city folks willing in the M. C. C. project in Puerto|‘°. ‘rade food Jfold,n? Jmoncy primarily devoted to medical ch,*CTa of undetermined age and clinical work. Carl Lehman, touFhn'ss- C,ty hoppers are no business manager of Bluffton, ‘or oua,y P°«r Jud^s of poultry, and formerly connected with this und'r P"*6"1 a'rcumstanees many of them are learning at a price. I Burkhard, ’43, was a mem the Mennonite public health Gulfport, Miss., which was Ruth ber of unit in working with improverished Negro! I and white population. In addition to these former Bluff tonians in foreign relief, six Bluffton college students spent their sum mers working in the mental hospitals of Howard, R. L., Norristown, Pa., and Cleveland. This work was open ed by units. Esther Helen Klassen, Ella Mae Myers and Grace Bauman. the Civilian Public Service Included in this group were Berky, Eleanor Rosenberger, Bohn, Janice Welty, Otto Jones Reunion Annual reunion of the Jones fam ily was held September 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Glancy. The occasion also marked the 64th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Glancy who received some handsome gifts. Thirty-seven members of the family were in attendance including: Mt. and and and Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Cory r. son Bobby Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Riley and daughter Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jones and daughter Marguer ite of Vaughnsville. and Mrs. Zay Jones Joe, Tipp City Mr. Beam, Lima Rev. and sons Robert, Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Marc Basinger, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Glancy, son Clif ford and daughter Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry and son David of Col. Grove, Mr. and Mrs. New Ian Habegger, daughters Rosemary and Fernann, and son Rodney of near Beaverdam. Miss Margaret Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Risser, daughters Betty and Doris and son Dale, Mr. and Mrs. John Glancy, Clarence Jones and son Donald, all of Bluffton. Mr. and Mrs. MUNSON R. BIXEL, M.D. Office 1-3 P. M. Hours: 7-8 P. M. Cherry St. Office, 118 Bluffton. Ohio Phone 12O-Y a i scour a Farmer Sells at Home Prices for live chickens at farms are reported varying from 25 to 35 for China where!'ents Pound. Leghorns bring the large Mennonite|lowe)r '"th I wards thru the various grades to ’33, is connected! THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 194g heavy springers at the top quotation of 35 cents. Shoppers on fairly good terms with the farmer may get eggs at around 52 cents a dozen, despite their growing scarcity, and tomatoes, late roasting ears and other items are on hand to round out the city dweller’s hunting expedition to the rural areas. Mayor’s Notice Burning of rubbish or leaves is forbidden on Bluffton’s streets sur faced with asphaltic concrete or other hard surface streets in the town. This practice damages the surfacing materials and greatly shorten the life of the pavement. Please cooperate in our program for better He streets. W. A. Howe, Mayor Patient: something to put me put “Doctor, what I need is to stir me up—something in fighting trim. Did you something like that in my prescription?” Doctor: “No, you’ll find that in the mumbled few church he was marri mumbled a few word: sleep he was divorce. He SIMPLE PILES ____ _nmlng an of simple piles. The answer: The Page Dairy Co. still wants more milk and from present indications will continue to seek more milk for many months yet to come. Demand for products of The Page Dairy Co. enable the producer to feel certain his milk will continue to bring high, money-making prices. in his ?ment Dept. of Agri pprovai oy pro ducers and distributors in the Colum bus area. The agreement would set maximum prices at $4 a hundred weight for Class I milk, $3.75 for Class II, and $3.60 for Class III. Class I and Class II prices would ad vance from the present level in 25 cent brackets up to the maximum as prices for milk to be manufactured increase. 88 lev* simple way orenest UNGUENTINE RECTAL CONES^ F!Norwich' OF UNGUCMTINS Sidney’s Drug Shop What's Ahead In The Milk Business? Every dairy farmer at some timer in recent weeks and months has asked himself: “What’s ahead in t^ie milk business?” Page wants your milk call or send us a postal card. The Page Dairy Co. Bluffton, Ohio Phone 489-W Harry R. Turner, Plant Manager Field Service Representative, William Lahman The same vagrant breeze that plays havoc with skirts and hats and hair blows up dust and germs from the streets and sidewalks. When dust gets in your eyes—think of EYEMASTER —a soothing, refreshing lotion that clears the eyes of dust particles restores the natural sparkle. master Drops also ease strai ue to sun or water glare. Ask forthe sani tary “one-drop dropper-bottle” at your NYAL Drug Store—there's one in your community. A. Hauenstein & Son I A