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BLUFFTON A Good Place To Live VOLUME LXXI NEW BIDS PER LIGHT PLANT INDICATE 16 CENT SAVING Boiler with Attached Bids on Stack Range from $88,897 to $93,399 Low Bid Is $15,511 Under Pro posals for Boiler and Separate Stack A saving of approximately 16% in cost of an expansion program at Bluffton’s municipal electric light plant by eliminating the construction of a separate stack and installing a boiler with blower-equipped stack was indicated on the basis of new bids for the project opened Tuesday by the board of public affairs. Three bids on the boiler with at tached steel stack ranged from $88, 897, including an estimate on erec tion costs, to $93,399, with a specific committment on erection. The low bid is $15,511 under an ag gregate expenditure of $104,408 which would have been entailed for installation of a boiler with a sepa rate stack, called for in previous bids rejected by the board because of the cost factor. No determination of contract a Ward was made by the board Tues day, because only one bid embodied a specific committment for all phas es of Jie work. The other type quoted, a fixed price for materials, with esti mates for the cost of erection? A study of the comparative bicjs will be made by the board’s firm of consulting engineers, Emery, Marker and Emery, of Toledo, before definite action is taken. Firms placing bids opened Tuesday were the same as those bidding on previously rejected proposals for the bailer with separate stack. Bids for the steam generating unit, including the attached stack, were: J. A. Young Co., $93,399 complete Babcock and Wilcox Co., $79,041 plus cost of erection, estimated at $13, 037 and the Wickes Boiler Co., $77, 897, plus cost of erection, estimated at $11,000. AH bids are subject to price adjustment. To Observe Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stettler of Mound street will celebrate their Fiftieth wedding anniversary Satur day with a dinner at noon in the Walnut Grill. They were married February 14, 1897 by Mrs. Stettler’s uncle, Rev. Peter Greding at the Reformed church parsonage at Richland Center, south of Bluffton. Mr. and Mrs. Stettler are lifelong residents of this place with many friends and both have been active in church affairs. Their three children are Theodore Stettler of Cleveland Mrs. P. A. Wiebe of Willard and Mrs. Wm. Cox of Ashtabula. Their six grand children are Halstead Settler of Two Jima Theodore of Cleveland Judith Wiebe, Willard Julia, Jon William and Jane Sheilah Cox of Ashtabula. Three From Here In Honor Societies Three Bluffton students have been initiated into honor societies at Bowling Green State University. Juanita Bame, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce D. Bame, of Jeffer son street, has been accepted into Book and Motor, scholarship honor society. A 1945 graduate of Bluff ton High school, she is a sophomore majoring in Spanish. Dorothy Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Anderson, and Meredith Edinger, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. John C. Montgomery, both of Orange township, have been chosen for Kappa Delta Pi, national honor society in education. A junior majoring in comprehens ive social studies, Miss a member of Pi Kap| tional honorary varsity debate ney the blaze was extinguished by the Bluffton fire department. Clubi, J^od^ei Eastern Star A social hour and refreshments Royal Neighbors The Royal Neighbor meet their ess. Party Members of the club are: Mrs. Paul Basinger, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Robert Dillman, Mrs. Wayne Downey, Mrs. Paul icle, Mrs. Troy and Geiser, Mrs. Richard Mer George Schumacher, Mrs. Mrs. Tschantz. Women Methodist The Women’s Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will meet Thursday night at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. W. B. Augsburger. Mrs. F. J. Batterson will be program leader and Mrs. Richard Davies in charge of devotions, esses are Mrs. Cliff Rufus Gorham and Berry. Assistant host Stratton, Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Lutheran Women The Lutheran Aid and Missionary society Kibler, o’clock, review "They Found the Church There.” All women of the church are invited. w’ill meet with Mrs. M. M. Thursday afternoon at 2:00 Mrs. W. L. Harmony will Henry Van Dusen’s book, Church of Christ Women The Ladies of the Church of Christ will meet in the home of Mrs. Joel Basinger, Thursday night at 8:00 o’clock. Roll call, a good deed or saying of Washington, Lincoln or Ed ison Devotionals, Harriett Stonehill Hymn, Marcene topic, "Rachel,” hostesses, Manges. Martz Missionary Deppler Topic Manges. Assistant and Myda Jane Blanche Mary Mary Skating Party The Ada Saddle club has issued an invitation to the Bluffton Saddle club to attend a skating party at the Lima Roller rink next Monday night at 8 o’clock.Tickets sold at the door. Orange Twp. Farm Members of the Delta, na Women’s Cluh Orange Towns elebrate the 31st ar bride will be matron of honor. Mis Genie Marie Wilch, also sister of th bride will be ring bearer. THE BLUF Tournament Fever Grips Town As Pirates Prep For Delphos Jefferson ere planned for meeting of Bluffton East ern Star chapter next Tuesday night. A good attendance is desired. To Wed Saturday Wedding of Miss Clare Reagan, daughter of Mrs. Lenore Reagan of West kibler street and the former Edward Reagan to J. Doyle Dix of Lima, son of Melville Dix of Spring field, will be solemnized at a nuptial mass in St. Rose Catholic church. Mrs. Richard Brickner of attend the couple. The who is employed in a estate office makes her her errandmother, Mrs. Mr. and Lima will bride-elect Lima real home with Clara Reagan in that city. Mr. Dix, an Army veteran is employed at the Lima Locomotive works. will lodge Friday night at hall. Helen Cars 8 o’clock at will be host- Card A Valentine card party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary society of St. Mery’s Catholic church will be held on Tuesday night, February 18 in the church is invited. basement. The public Travel Class Mrs. G. W. the Travel class at her home Wed nesday evening. Numbers on the program were: Indians Up to Date, Mrs. J. N. Smucker Arizona Desert, Mrs. R. L. Triplett. Linden was hostess to High-Low Club The newly organized High-Low club held its second meeting at the home of Mrs. Clyde Briggs, Thursday night. Mrs. H. M- Troy held high score in card games of the evening which were followed by refreshments. The club eclected the following of ficers for the year: Pres., *Mrs. Fred Tschantz sec.-treas., Mrs. Briggs. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE First Bluffton Tourney Game To Be Played At Northern-Gym Next Monday Undefeated Pirates In Bracket With Tournament's Strong est Cage Teams Tournament interest was running at fever pitch in Bluffton this week, as Bluffton High’s undefeated Pi rates drilled for their game with Delphos Jefferson at 7 :30 p. m. next Monday night in the Class ex empted village and parochial school tourney at Taft gymnasium, Ada. Riding the crest of a spectacular 16-game winning streak, which also gave them undisputed championship of the Western Buckeye cage league, the Pirates will go into action as tournament favorites. In some respects this is a dubious sort of distinction, for it means the "pressure will be on” in every game, with each competing school anxious to gain the honor of pulling an up set and knocking the favorite out of the running. Favorites Compete Another factor that is making the Pirates regard the tourney seriously is one of those strange quirks of tournament drawings whereby what appear to be the four strongest com peting teams landed in the same bracket, and must engage each other in the first two bracket games. If Bluffton gets by Delphos Jef ferson, which has record, a stronger them they Lima tilt. follow Bluffton’s first start next Monday. an impressive test will await .Feb. 20, when winner of the on Thursday, will play the St. Rose-Delphos St. Johns The Lima-Delphos game will Earlier in the season Bluffton top ped St. Rose on the Bluffton court by five points, 52 to 47. Last week Delphos St. Johns beat the Rosar lians, 34 to 31, giving evidence of how comparative scores indicate the ranking of the three teams. Five Other Teams In the other bracket of the tour nament are Ada, Wapakoneta St. Joe, Lima St. Gerard, Hicksville and Lima St. Johns. In opening tournament games this Friday night, Ada tangles with Wapakoneta and Lima St. Gerards 'meets Hicksville. Lima St. Johns, drawing the only tournament bye, will play the winner of the St. Gerards-Hicksville tilt on Tuesday, February 18. Finalists of the two brackets will meet to decide the tournament cham pion on Saturday, Feb. 22. The win ner and runnerup will compete in the district Class meet at Celina the following week. Hicksville is defending tournament champion, and Wapakoneta St. John was the 1946 runnerup. St. Rose won the meet in 1945. Pi Delta Society Pi Delta, Bluffton college honor so ciety will entertain junior members and the college faculty, Friday night at 8 o’clock in the Mosiman room at the library. Wilfred E. Binkley, professor of history and political science at Ohio Northern university will be guest speaker. Prof. Binkley taught in Biarritz, France last year and is au thor of the book President and Cong ress published this month. Members of Pi Delta executive committee are: Pres., Mrs. Kenneth Luginbuhl vice pres., Dr. I. W. Bau man sec.-treas., Miss Carolyn Rom ey. Social committee: Dr. C. H. Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Burkhalter and Mrs. Donita Harnish. Farm Women’s Improvement Club The Farm Women’s Improvement club will meet at the home of Mrs. Lola McElwain, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 20. The program follows: Roll call, the kind of music I like Biography of Mrs. Truman and dau ghter Margaret, by Myrtle Lutter bein Music of different ages, Mabel DeWitt, of Bluffton. The nurse a graduate of Rawson High sch and Lima Memorial hospital nurs school. INTE NO MORE CONTESTS FOR TOWN OFFICES ,, BUT Democrats and Republicans Have More Candidates Than In 1945 ’rimary Unnecessary This Sum mer With No Inter-Party Contests Developing With no inter-party contests devel oping on either ticket prior to the filing deadline last Wednesday night, Bluffton will not have a primary e lection this summer, a repetition of the last "off-year” election in 1915. In contrast to the political situa tion of twd years ago, however, both parties filed virtually full tickets, as suring the most spirited November municipal election in nearly a decade. There are 10 candidates on each party slate for the 12 municipal of fices. Democrats and Republicans each nominated only five candidates for the six council posts, and with three to be elected to the board of public affairs each party named only two nominees. Mayoralty Contest At the head of this year’s tickets there will be contests in the Novem ber election for the office of mayor and town clerk, in contrast to 1945 when there was only a Republican candidate for mayor and a Democrat ic candidate for clerk. The number of council candidates is the same as in the last preceding municipal election, with a total of 10 nominees. This year, however, there are five council candidates on each ticket. In 1945 the Democrats had six and the Republicans only four. The board of public affairs contin ues to be the unwanted ^Bluffton of fice, with only four candidates this year for three posts. In 1945 there were three candidates. No More Filing With last Wednesday representing the deadline for filing, anyone else seeking municipal office will have to file on the November ballot as an in dependent candidate. Bluffton’s tickets for the Novem ber election offer the following nom inees: Stauffer Clerk—-Richard Cookson treasurer, Hiram Huger Council— Armin Hauenstein, Charles Auker man, Richard Davies, Cleon Triplett and Carl Cahill Board of Public Af fairs—Harry F. Beidler. Barnes, Harvey For Mayor—Arden Emans Democratic: Baker Clerk—Charles Treasurer—Sidney C. Stettler Coun cil—Don Patterson, Frank Todd, Chester Stauffer, Wilford Gratz, W. O. Geiger Board of Public Affairs— A. C. Burcky, Forrest Steinman. Arnold Bigler Is Buried In Michigan Funeral services for Arnold Bigler, 67, former Bluffton resident, were held in the First Presbyterian church last Wednesday at Hesperia, Mich. He was a brother of Otto and God frey Bigler and Mrs. Minnie Kimmel of Bluffton. Mr. Bigler, a resident of nearby Muskegon, Mich., died at Blythe, Calif., while he and his wife were on a motor trip through the west. The body was returned to his home in Muskegon. peria. Burial was at Hes- son of the late Mr. Bigler, pioneer Bluff- He was the and Mrs. Fred ton residents and left here about 35 years ago for Michigan where he operated meat markets in several cities. Besides his brothers and sister of this place who attended the funeral services, he is survived by his wid ow one son Kenneth of Grand Hav en, Mich. a daughter Mrs. Florence Bolene of Muskegon and sister, Mrs. Celia Kohli of Ft. Wayne. Colored Singers At Sunday Vespers Here Bluffton Implement & Harness store, Saturday morning. Proceeds from the sale will go to the talent fund project which the church has under taken. ON NEWS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY ®AY, FEB. 13, BLUFFTON, OHIO 1947 Neighbors Discover Woman III In Bed Mrs. Lydia Ewing was found help less in bed at her home on South Lawn avenue late Monday afternoon by neighbors who became appre hensive that something was amiss when they saw no signs of life at her residence during the day. Gaining entrance to the house through a window, Mr. and Mrs. John Tosh and Mrs. Forrest Harmon found the woman in bed, apparently the victim of a paralytic stroke and unable to summon aid. She was removed in the Basinger ambulance Monday afternoon to the Bluffton hospital where her condition was reported somewhat improved Tuesday. Mrs. Ewing has lived alone at her South Lawn avenue location for a number of years and indications are that she was stricken Sunday after she had retired for the night. Her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Schaublin of Co lumbus arrived Tuesday and will re main for several days pending de velopments in her condition. Body Is First of World War Brought Home from Over seas War Areas The body of Lt. Wayne Yoakam, 29, arrived in Bluffton with a mili tary escort on the 9:25 P. M. Nickel Plate passenger train last Thursday night, the first World War II sol dier to be returned to this area after meeting death overseas. Lt. Wayne Yoakam’s Body Brought To Bluffton With Military Escort II Army Captain Accompanies Body Here from New York Funeral Saturday On the railroad trip here from New York companied detailed as authorities. City the body was ac by Capt. Dean Becker, a military escort by army Vernon Yoakam, west of Bluffton, father of Lt. Yoakam, and a broth er, Jesse, met the train on its ar rival here. The body was taken to the Diller funeral home until Fri day morning, then to the Yoakam family home. The remains, in a sealed casket, were viewed privately by members of the immediate fam ily. Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon in the Arlington Good Hope Lutheran church, of which he was a member. Rev. Arthur Ris miller, pastor, officiated. Burial was in the Arlington cemetery. Lt Yoakam died on December 8 at Wurtzburg, Germany, from in juries received when his jeep was involved in a collision with a train. His wife, the former Luella Mae Smith, of Jenera, who had been with him overseas returned home by air plane, reaching Bluffton on Christ mas eve, boat. and the body followed by of Vernon and Matilda Yoakam, Lt. Yoakam was A son (Lauby) born in Richland township on Feb ruary 11, 1917. Mae Smith, of 1945. He married Luella Jenera, January 7, member of the First Bluffton, at the time of He became a Mennonite church, of the age of 14, and at his marriage transferred his mem bership to the Arlington church. A graduate of Bluffton High school in the class of 1936, he later received a degree in electrical engineering at Ohio uate State university and took grad work at Yale university, addition to his wife and par he is survived by the brother, In ents Jesse, of near Bluffton, and a sis ter, Mrs. Cleora Gehres, of Chicago. Births The following births at Blufftor Community hospital: Mrs. Paul Keller, Lima, Harriet, Thursday. Mrs. Harold Marshall Lite 1, a bov, Martin W. Eggs—Large whites, 37c 1 browns 36c mediums 32c. College Dramatics Seek Costume Aid A call for assistance in costuming Bluffton college Thespian players for their annual Shakespearean play' next spring was sounded this week because of post-war difficulty in renting suitable garb for the period dramatic production. Sought from local residents by the collegians are old brocade, draperies, feed sacks, elastic, flannels, lace cur tains, mosquito netting, velvets and other costume materials suitable for making Elizabethan clothing for "As You Like It,” which will be present ed in the campus ampitheatre during commencement season. Donations should be made by next Wednesday, so heads of the dramatic society and determine if the project is feasible. Those who wish to make contributions can call Lincoln hall, telephone 249-W and report. cos- Ordinarily Shakespearean are rented from theatrical supply houses, but prices are higher than ever and frequently costumes are received in such poor condition they cannot be worn. Couple is Married in Ada Sunday Afternoon Wedding of Miss Mary C. Kramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kramer and Byron E. Betz, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Betz all of Bluffton, took place Sunday after noon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Early of Ada. Mrs. Early is a sister of the bridegroom. Rev. C. L. Stager of Ada officiated. The bride who was given in mar riage by her father wore a white net over taffeta with fingertip veil of illusion held by a halo of the same material and carried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Betty Kramer, sister of the bride was maid of honor and was attired in pink net over taffeta and carried a bouquet of yellow jonquils. Oliver Beach, Jr., of Jenera was best man. Following the wedding a reception was held for members of the im mediate families and the bridal party. Mr. Betz is employed at the Trip lett company in Bluffton and h* and his bride will occupy a new home which they recently purchased in the Garmatter addition on College road. Brother Of Blufftton Man Dies In Oregon Joel Baumgartner, 77, former Bluffton resident, died at his home in Salem, Oregon, Friday morning, according to word received here by his brother A. L. Baumgartner of South Main street, lowed several His death fol- years’ illness. Daniel and Elizabeth pioneer Bluffton resi at the age of 17 for The son of Baumgartner, dents, he left the w’est and settled in Oregon, where he since resided. He was cashier of a bank in that city for many years until his retirement several years ago. His wife about 20 years ago. Salem, Surviving are two daughters: Josephine Baumgartner and John Caughell, together with grandchildren all of Salem, brother here is the only other vivor in the immediate family. died Miss Mrs. two sur- Funeral services were held at Salem, Monday, followed by inter ment there. Two Fatally Injured Have Relatives Here Mrs. E. C. Ludwig of Poplar street received word of the death of her nephew, Edward mont, mobile place. Kruse, 30, of Fre killed in an auto Sunday at thid Mrs. Virginia Ma who w'as accident His wife, rie Kruse, 28, fatally injured in the accident, died Monday in a Fremont hospital. The accident occurred when a car, driven bv Garard Boob, brother of Krv sued to Ralph Rammrl, 24. of Jack Geneva Hochstettler, 26, of 163 N Mound street, Bluffton, waitress. BLUFFTON A Good Place To Trade NUMBER 43 OPEN COLLEGE GYM DRIVE TUESDAY AT SOLICITORS DINNER Community Contributions For New $250,000 Structure Sought In Campaign runds For Gymnasium-Auditor* ium To Be Raised In Can vass Of Homes Bluffton college’s value as an educational force in the community was stressed Tuesday night in Ropp hall at a dinner for solicitors, mark ing opening of an Intensive two weeks drive to wise local contribu tions for the college’s proposed new 11250,000 gymnasium-auditorium. What the college offers in main taining a higher community cultural level, and the educational opportuni ties available for youths of the area were pointed out, as nearly 150 solicitors received final instructions for their part in a house-to-house campaign that will end on February 26. Nearly half of the school’s record enrollment of 295 students come from the local area, and year in and year out the location of the college here makes it possible for many to get higher education who otherwise would not have the opportunity, it was pointed out. There are 127* registered from this community thin year, college records show. Serves Three Functions Bluffton college’s proposed $250, 000 gymnasium-auditorium will serve three major purposes on the campus. With its largest enrollment in history, and operating free of debts, the college has planned the gymnasium-auditorium as the first step in expansion program required to keep pace with the growth of the i institution. Three major functions served by the building will be its adaptability for physical education as an audit orium and a location for student recreation. One of the finest gymnasiums in Northwestern Ohio, the new Bluffton building will seat 1500 persons for sports contests, making it an ideal etc., in addition to serving for col lege sports needs. Auditorium Use Used as an auditorium there will be seating space for 1800, answering a need for performances such as the annual college Messiah concert, commencement programs. The larger auditorium also would permit bringing scholastic musical contests to Bluffton and give ade quate space for union church and community gatherings, denomination al conferences, etc. Separate quarters also are provid ed in the building for a student union, embracing a large recreation room, a lunch room and a kitchen. In addition, an expanded campus recreation program will be made possible by new physical education facilities of the gymnasium. In addition to the three major needs, several minor purposes also will be served by the new building. Other Purposes Offices are provided for men and women physical education directors there will be a therapeutic room to care for minor physical ailments practice rooms are incorporated for musical students and display cases for the exhibition of the college’s extensive collection of fine arts objects. An adult need of growing import ance is that in the hobby field, and a hobby room is provided for student levelopment in those pursuits. Design of the new building is tuch as to satisfy these many needs with in a minimum space and minimum building standing of the college, and to effectiveness of the educational pro gram offered to students. at the the the cost. Erection of rill mean much to Gene Siefield antes Wenger Wed F7 Went alem, ployed at the Triplett plant where htr hu.'btmd also is employed. The couple will make their home for the present with the bride’s parents on South Main street.