OCR Interpretation

The Bluffton news. [volume] (Bluffton, Ohio) 1875-current, July 03, 1947, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Mr. and Mrs. Med Murray of
North Jackson street spent the past
week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dwain
Murray and family of Ashland and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Patrick of
Ground to Your Taste
23oz btle.
IO lb. bag
100 lb. bag
Mrs. Ethel Roberts of Yuma,
Arizona who is visiting at the
home of her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Augsburger,
is spending a few days with friends
at Col. Grove.
"A Day to Rededicate Our
Hearts to the Cause of Free-
dom and to Remember That
with Freedom Lost. Nothing
that Remains is Worth While."
A Fourth of July Thought
Freedom from partisanship^ that*pro
tects one group and sacrifices another^
Freedom from discrimination against
any class or creed.
Freedom of the press to publish uncen-
sored news and editorial opinions/
Freedom of speech that allows an'open
distussion of our national affairs.
Freedom from treasonable propaganda
aimed at our American way of Jife.
Paul Diller i.W'
Umn 222 W-IMufftBn
—//2 SMA/N 48C-W
Jir Boxes
Per Jar
(4 Jars for $1.15)
We have in stock
a complete line of
all your canning
Per Pk£-
^29c b°x
U. S. No. 1
69c ,■
B. F. B1EKY, Business Mgr.
C. A. BIERY, Editor
Published weekly at Bluffton, Ohio,
by thluffton News Publishing and
Printing Co.
Subscription rates: Year, $2.00
six months, $1.25 anywhere in U. S.
Entered as second class matter at
the postoffice at Bluffton, Ohio,
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Frederick Herr of Akron, former
Bluffton resident, visited here the
first of the week.
Donivan Augsburger of the Boy
Scout camp at Defiance spent the
week end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Augsburger.
See me for memorials of all kinds.
Samuel Bixel, 409 S. Main St., Bluff
ton. Phone 429-W. Representing the
Lima Marble & Granite Co. tf
Mrs. Adah Lugibihl of Chicago,
former Bluffton resident, visited here
over the weekend.
Mr. and James A. Griffith moved
to Kenton where they will make their
future home.
Truck cushions rebuilt and re
covered. Murray Upholstering shop,
Thurman street.
James Dilley of Athens is spend
ing the summer vacation with his
grandmother, Mrs. J. S. Steiner of
South Main street.
Ice cream social by Boy Scout
troop 56 on Presbyterian church
lawn Saturday night. Proceeds will
go toward the summer camp fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Michel moved
Monday from the Chester Huber
apartment to the Nelson Basinger
house on Kibler street.
Lloyd Murray and daughter Mrs.
Dari Hess of Tiffin attended funeral
services for Charles Higgin at Van
Wert, Monday afternoon.
Robert Ewing, instructor in the
Bluffton schools is attending a five
day teachers’ conference at Bowling
Green State university.
Miss Mary Margaret Basinger,
student at Wooster college, spent
the week end with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. E. W. Basinger of Spring
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Augsburger
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Stratton who are on a
two weeks’ vacation at Carpenter
Lake, Mich.
Lt. Com. DeLos Kervin and Mrs/
Kervin and two children Mike and
Pat of Annapolis, Md., are visiting
at the home of Mrs. Kervin’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Triplett of
South Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Quenzer of
Los Angeles are visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steiner of West
College avenue. Mrs. Quenzer is
the former Maeanna Steiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hauenstein and
family of Marion, Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Hauenstein of Ann Arbor and
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Davy spent Sun
day with Mr. ahd Mrs. Edgar
Hauenstein of South Jackson street.
Mrs. Wayne Topham and son
Tommy have returned to their home
in Newton, Kansas after spending
two and one-half weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Soldner
of Cherry street.
Wayne Lehman and family moved
here from Beaverdam and are oc
cupying a house trailer at the rear
of the Sinclair service station at
South Main street and East College
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howe and
family of Centerville and his mother,
Mrs. Anna Howe of Trenton will
spend the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Bracy and Mayor and
Mrs. W. A. Howe and families.
Mrs. L. L. Huber and daughter
Mrs. A. W. Rytima, the former Joan
Huber, of State College, Pa., are
visiting the former’s mother Mrs.
Wm. Althaus and daughter Miss
Bernice Althaus of North Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hilty and
daughter Minerva and Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Hilty and daughter Linda,
south of Bluffton, are on a motor
trip to Los Angeles and other points
of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Hilty and daughter expect to remain
in California.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Boyer of
Quakertown, Pa., and son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Young
of Perkasie, Pa., returned home
Monday after spending the greater
part of a week with the L. R. Bau
man family of Riley street. Mrs.
Boyer is a sister of Mr. Bauman.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Griffith and
Mrs. John Rogers spent Sunday in
Bowling Green. Mrs. Larue Dewait
returned here with them and will
make her home here with Mrs.
Rogers on South Main street.
Have that chair or living room
suite rebuilt and re-covered. Nice
line of materials and samples on
hand. Murray Upholstering shop,
Thurman street.
Corp. David Frick who has been
with the Second Army on maneuvers
in Alaska for the past five months
is home on a 25 day furlough visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Frick of Mound street. At the close
of his furlough he will report at Ft.
Meade, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Anderson and
family are occupying their newly
completed home on South Main
street. They have been making their
home with Mrs. Anderson’s parents,
Mr. and Mr*. L. Cook of near
ClubA, J^odge*
and Societies
Orange Twp. Farm Women
The Orange Township Farm
Woman’s club will meet with Mrs.
Maude Thompson, Thursday after
noon. The program follows:
Devotionals, Rhoda Montgomery
Roll call, current events What Made
You an American, Clara Long
Cities of the United States, Eulalia
Warren Celebrating the Fourth of
July, Edith Powell.
Richland Grange
Richland grange will meet next
Tuesday night at 8 o’clock.
Richland Community Circle
Richland Community circle will
meet Thursday afternoon, July 10
with Mrs. George Myers.
To Wed Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Schutz of
Pandora announce the coming mar
riage of their daughter Sara Jane
to Ralph Balmer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Balmer of Bluffton. Both
are former Bluffton college students.
The wedding will take place Satur
day evening at 8 o’clock at Grace
Mennonite church, Pandora. Rev.
Ernest Bohn will officiate and open
church will be observed.
The couple will live in Oak Harbor
where he has been employed as in
structor in public school music.
Bridal Shower
A miscellaneous shower honoring
Mrs. Paul Soldner, the former
Virginia Geiger, was given Saturday
night by Mrs. Wayne Topham and
Miss Louise Soldner.
Bingo was played during the even
ing and prizes of kitchenware were
presented by the winners to the
Guests were: Misses Helen and
Lucille Bauman, Helen and Dorothy
Greding, Dorothy, Gaynell, Pearl
and Myrtle Basinger, Lois Harris,
Rebecca Hofstetter.
Mrs. Elva Geiger, Evelyn Lugibill,
Magdalene Foust, Treva Crawford,
Eudora Soldner, the honored guest
and hostesses.
Regrets and gifts were received
from Misses Mary Koontz, Helen
Gerdeman, Dorothy Kohl and Mrs.
Ellen Johnson.
Miscellaneous Shower
Miss Edna Huber a coming bride,
was honored with a miscellaneous
shower at the home of Miss Gaynell
Basinger, Tuesday evening.
Guests were: Miss Eloise Knight,
Williamstown Miss Mabel Augs
burger, Pandora Mrs. Helen Wol
from, Rawson Mrs. Jane Schaeublin.
Misses Verona, Hilda and Ruth
Steiner, Dorothy Wenger, Mae
Huber, Dorothy and Pearl Basinger,
Gladys and Dorothy Klingler, Doris
Jean Badertscher and Mrs. Harry
Gifts and regrets were received
from Miss Lenna Niswander, Pan
dora Miss Eleanor Motter, Mrs.
Frances Wenger, Mrs. Florence
Bame, Misses Myrtle Basinger and
Twylah Camicom.
Miss Huber is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Huber and her mar
riage to Cloyce Earnest of Beaver
dam will take place Sunday.
Gertrude Hoy Circle
Gertrude Hoy Missionary circle
will meet Monday night at 8 o’clock
at the home of Mrs. Bert Swank.
Mrs. Clair Michael is assistant
Summer Church School
Is Open To Children
Opportunity is open to Bluffton!
children for enrollment in a sum
mer vacation church school on the
Bluffton college campus next w-eek
in connection with the Ohio Congre
gational Christian conference of
church workers.
The school will be conducted as a
laboratory in connection with the
conference and enrollment is limited
to 40 children, half being in the
age group of Grades 1 to 3 and
half from Grade 4 to 6.
The conference will open July 10
and continue through the 15th. Reg
istration blank which appeared in
last week’s .issue of the Bluffton
News may be used. Additional in
formation may be had from Rev.
V. C. Oppermann.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Getties spent
Sunday in Mt. Gilead, visiting friends.
Sidney Stettler, Bluffton high
school instructor is employed this
summer at the state experiment
farm at McGuffey.
Diller ambulance removals—John
Moser from his home on North Main
street to Bluffton hospital Mrs.
Floyd Basinger from Bluffton hospit
al to her home near Pandora.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Edwards and
three sons of Spring street returned
Tuesdy night from a two weeks’
fishing trip in Northern Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Steiner of
Caldwell visited at the Enos Steiner
home east of town over the weekend.
They were accompanied home by
Miss Lucille Steiner who will visit
there and also visit at the home of
her brother Ray Steiner and family
at Sterling.
Lawn-mower sharpening. Kell Po
tee, Mou^id street. 12
Indian‘‘Cents wanted: Will pay the
following prices for average circu
lated coils: $35.00 for 1856 F.E.
$4.00 for 3877, 1909-S $1.50 for 1871,
1872 $l.|0 for 1870, 1908-S 75c for
1869 50q for 1866, 1867, 1868 25c
for 1861, |1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1878,
1885 15c for 1864, 1879. Other old
coins als0 wanted. Robert Benroth,
612 S. Main Street. Phone 342-Y. tf
Why wprry if afflicted with any
known skih disease. Ask about V-J-O.
Sidney’s Drug shop. 17
Wanted—-Chickens. We pay high
est prices for top quality. Reynolds
Bros., next to town hall. Bluffton
phone 492*W. tf
For sale—Seed potatoes, all varie
ties. All certified from Wisconsin,
Michigan, Maine, Red River Valley.
Maine B-Z Cobblers, bag, $3.79. Lots
of ten bags $3.49 each. See your
nearest A ft Food Store manager
for retails n larger quantities. tf.
For sale—Weather-Seal inter
changeable winter windows and sum
mer screens with genuine interlock
construction. Order now for screens.
W. J. Reagan, Rt. 5, Lima, Ohio.
Beaverdam pfeone, 175-472. tf
For sale—Two building lots 65 by
200 ft. Harley Burkholder, 156 Rail
road St. Phone 405-T. 15
Wanted—To do custom baling
with John Deen1 automatic tie wire
baler. Clyde Hauenstein, 5 miles
south of Bluffton on Bentley road
and mile eaat. 11
For sale—McCormirk grain binder,
good condition, cheap if taken soon.
E. P. Steiner, east of Bluffton.
For sale—Motor scooter in good
condition. Wade Oberly, 115 E.
Washington St.
For sale—New bathroom fixtures:!
lavatory with chrome attachments I
complete white mqtal shower cabinet
with fittings, curtain and trim
toilet also steel cabinet sink with
porcelain enamel and free swinging
faucets. Must buy all. Call phone i
For sale—24 inch Sunbeam
furnace with pipes and registers.
N. P. Steiner, 132 N. Jackson St.
Wanted—To do custom baling of
hay and straw with New Holland
automatic twine baler. Carl Mar
shall, Bluffton phone 536-W.
For sale—Good feeding hay. E.
P. Steiner, east of town.
Wanted—Custom baling. Berdell
Huber, Bluffton phone 642-T.
For sale—Tomato and Chinese
cabbage plants. A. E. Oyer, 217 N.
Lawn Ave.
For sale—Used Maytag washing
machine, good condition. Ed Cona
way at Sohio Service station.
Just received Two Buckeye Power
King lawn mowers also Pathfinder
power lawn mower. C. F. Niswand
er, McCormick-Deering dealer.
Wanted—Butcher cattle, hogs and
calves. Swank Bros. Meat Market,
phone 208-W. tf
House wanted—We have a cash
buyer for a well located apartment
ized or duplexed house or will trade
in a fine 6-room modern home in an
excellent location. C. D. Bame, 124
E. Jefferson. A. D. Gratz, broker.
For sale—New Ferguson buck rake
for Ford tractor used on less than
4 acres of hay. R. L. Trout, 1%
miles south of Beaverdam on Napo
leon road.
Lost—Farmall tractor crank
between Massey Harris store and
Clarence Steiner home. Finder re
turn to Clarence Steiner or Bluffton
News office.
For sale—Boy’s bicycle in good
condition. Earl L. Matter, 2 miles
south of Bluffton.
Some corrugated roofing in 8 and
10 ft. lengths. Leatherman Sheet
Metal Shop, 107 S. Main St., Bluff
ton. Phone 152-W.
Wanted—Fox terrier or rat terrier
pup for children’s pet. Call Bluff
ton phone 541-T.
For sale—Three piece living room
suite Maytag washer typewriter
full size bed with good coil springs
and mattress 2 volume set of
Howe’s Historical Collection of Ohio.
Mrs. T. W. Desenberg, on Rt. 81
within Lafayette corporation limits.
For sale—Three spring or fall
ladies suits dusty blue,
medium blue and rose
blouses and dresses siz
also man’s tweed suit
in good condition. Call
or see Weldon Dop
o’clock in evening dr1 s
day. Ii v
For sale—T rat
Wilmer Badertscher, 2
of town.
For sale—1947 powe
er also one horse
mower. Ferd Morris
road 1 mile south of
For sale—Tent 10
Klay, West Elm St.
For sale—Pair boxir
new. Lewis Weyer, li
Bluffton phone 473-W.
Former Local Girl
Married In Indiana
In an impressive ceremony against
a background of peonies, roses, sum-
mer flowers and lighted tapers, Miss
Wilma Steiner, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. E. G. Steiner, formerly of
Bluffton and now of Lafayette, Ind.,
became the bride of Rev. Vernon J.
Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arth
us Petersen of Chicago, on Saturday
June 21, at 2:30 in the Evangelical
Mission Covenant Church in Lafay
ette, Indiana.
A musical program was presented
by Mary Steiner of Woodburn, Ind.,
cousin of the bride, as pianist and
Eunice Hcrber of Port Huron, Mich
igan, as vocalist.
The bride, attired in a white satin
gown and finger tip veil, was given
in marriage by her father, who also
officiated. He was assisted by Rev.
Andrew Rupp of Woodburn, Ind.
Miss Phyllis Steiner attended her
sister as maid of honor. Miss Mary
i Helen Zimmerman, college roommate
of the bride, and Miss June Petersen
sister of the groom served as brides
maids. The bride’s attendants were
attired in maching lavender, yellow
and aqua gowns of taffeta and net.
The flower girl who wore a full
length pink taffeta gown was little
Nancy Petersen of Chicago, niece of
the groom.
Attending the groom was Kenneth
Petersen of Chicago, brother of the
groom, as best man with Rev.
Wayne Judd of Ft. Wayne, close
friend of the groom, and Paul Stein
er, brother of the bride, as ushers.
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held in the church base-,
ment, decorated in yellow and white
with Mrs. Stanley Rupp and Mrs.
Volon Boyer and Miss Carolyn
Steiner, sister of the bride, in
The bride, a graduate of Bluffton
High school, graduated from Taylor
university, Upland, Indiana, on June
3. The groom, a graduate of Ft.
Wayne Bible Institute, has had a
pastorate in Macungie, Pa., the past
two years. The couple will enter
school in the fall for further pre
paration for missionary service in
South America.
Couple Weds At
Home Of Minister
Harold Crouse, son of Mrs. Wade
Bechtol of Bluffton and Miss June
Smith of North Baltimore were mar
ried Saturday night, June 14 at 9:30
o’clock at the home of the officiating
minister, Rev. E. N. Bigelow of the
Presbyterian church.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Crouse of near Ada, brother
and sister-in-law of the bridegroom.
The newly married couple will live
in North Baltimore where he is em
ployed at the carpenter trade.
Beaverdam Church
Rededication Sunday
Following completion of improve
ments to the Beaverdam Methodist
church, special rededication services
will be held Sunday, it is announced
by Rev. L. D. Fauver, the pastor.
Improvements included a new ceil
ing in the church auditorium, re
decoration of the interior and re
laying of the drainage system at a
cost of $1,650.
Following the church service Sun
day morning at 10:30 o’clock there
will be a dinner at noon in the
church parlors. A jubilee service
will be held in the afternoon at 2
o’clock including a re-presentation
of the church property to the con
ference representative and a mes
sage from the superintendent of
Lima district.
The Stettler family reunion will
be held at Richland Grange hall,
southwest of Bluffton, Sunday, July
20. Louise C. Stettler, secretary.
For sale—Estate n
Emerson Lugibihl,
Marshall farm, Oran
cocoa brown,
laid, size 16
s 16 and 18
size 17, all
For sale—New fo
with bath and full
phone 580-W
iler after 5
11 day Satur-
For sale—300
bricks. Frank
Bluffton phone 478-1?
errier pups,
miles south
lawn mow
drawn field
on Rawson
St. 103.
is old Jersey
ial breeding,
use south of
For sale—Two mont
bull calf from artifii
Garau farm, second hi
Pleasant Hill church.
ly 12. John
gloves like
1 Cherry St.
For sale—Small bicj
5 to 8yrs. old scoote
electric motor young i
Russell Leiber, 2% mi
of town.
Wanted- Stray swai
We also remove bees
ms of bees,
from houses
or other places where they are not
wanted. Howard Rickly, 3 miles
south of Bluffton on Bentley road.
tural gas stove,
n former Roy
e township.
ir room house
jasement. Call
Bluffton phone 501-1
For sale—Sweet
Amstutz, Bluffton pi
cherries. Eph
lone 626-T.
wire edge
euensch wander,
Thermosoal storm
screens, storm sasl
stripping in one
metal adjustable clo
sures 30% fuel s
payment plan. For
tion call James Rah
123% S. Main, I
For sale—Used 6 i
or refrigerator. In
Main street. Blufftc
windows with
and weather
rrmanent unit
uro frame as
kings. Liberal
ler distributor,
luffton. Phone
u. ft. Kelvinat
lire 353 South
I phone 381-W.
(ri^s, ripe next
k second last
lorn furnished
19 S. Main St.
sale—Sour ch
Aaron Goig
on South Mail
apartment. Inquire
Phone 230-Y.
hie for child
1/6 h. p.
hepherd dog.
As southwest
For sale—Cream
bring bottle for exc
Geiger, 442 Cherry St
k’ the quart
ijange. Albert
For sale—Fifty-thr
house and bam located near Bluff-
Thi^Leatherman tin shop will be
closed Thursday, Friday and Satur
day of this week.
News W’ant Ads get results.
Add beauty a*d glamour to your
window*. Venetian Blinds made to
your special mess
urements. Liberty
Blinds have pat
terned fascia and
brackets which
enclose the mech
anism .. tape
with cable erose
ladders braided
tilt cord and at
tractive putt.
Approximately three weeks de
livery on made to measure blinds.
Call for estimates.
Basinger’s Furniture Store
45 Years pf Dependable Service
Now in stock—immediate delivery
133 S. Main St. Bluffton
Fresh Drugs
ty Drug Store
All Kinds
Prescriptions Care
fully Compounded
Sidney’s Drug Shop
Phone 170-W
because vte—
acres with
ton. Mrs. H. W. Althaus, phone
238-W Bluffton. F. Garretson, broker.
carefully, check your re
quirements so that you
get adequate insurance
help you get prompt
payment of your loss
represent only strong
companies w|th proven
ability to pan all losses.
lutzi Insurance Agency
Phone: 295-W
113 Fj S. Main Street

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