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BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live VOLUME LXXII WRITE-IN DRIVE LOOMS IN RACE FOR MAYOR HERE Howe, Present Mayor, Backed iK Write-in Campaign for Re-election Committeemen Urge Support for Baker and IStaufTer Named in Cashes W. A. Howe, Bluffton mayor who •was defeated for re-election two years ago in a last minute write-in campaign is being supported as a •write-in candidate for mayor at next Tuesday’s municipal election Fh a movement which makes the mayoral ty race a three cornered affair and may foreshadow a split in the local democratic party. Movement to back Howfe as a write-in candidate came as a new development in what was previously a contest between Arden Baker, democrat and Paul Stauffer, republic an. Current rumors that the election next Tuesday would witness a write in campaign crystallized the first of this week when Charles E.'Wells is sued in behalf of a Citizens com mittee, not further identified, a statement soliciting support for Howe, asking electors to write in his name on the ballot for mayor. Other Developments Appearance of the write-in cdfe paign as a factor, however, was only one of several developments which is highlighting the pre-election cam paign. Other developments the first of the week included a statement by Mayor Howe insisting that he was not a candidate together with a caustic (Continued on page 12) Night Police Is Hospital Patient Albert Reichenbach of North Main street, Bluffton night police is a pa7 'tient at the hospital here suffering from Rhmach ulcers. He was taken ill whiB he and his wife were visit* ing at the hospital Friday. His con dition was- reported satisfactory the first of (he week. Wade Bechtol is filling Reichen bach’s position as the night police under a temporary appointment by Mayor W. A. Howe. Lutheran Church To' Hold Dinner Sunday The Lutheran congregation will enjoy a dinner at the church, Sun day at 12:15 P. M., it was 5 an nounced the first of the week to which all members of the congrega tion are invited Following the din ner preaching services will be held in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Hold Masquerade At Black School Friday Community halloween masquerade will be held at the Black school in Orange tdwnship, Friday night at 7:45 with program of contests and games arranged. Each family is asked to bring one or more pies other refreshments may be pur chased there. Hospital Tag Day Here Next Tuesday Next Tuesday, election day, will be tag day in Bluffton, it is an nounced by officers of the Hospital Auxiliary aponsoring the project. Women of the auxiliary will be on streets of the business section thru out the day selling tags, proceeds of which are for hospital benefit. Births The following births at Bluffton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Deeter, Findlay, a boy, Walter Dale, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gossard, Bluffton, a girl, Darlene June, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Reymundo Guzman, Bluffton, a girl Ana Marie, Monday. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Mesler, Bluffton, a girl, Pamela Ann, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boehm, Raw son, triplets, two girls, Emily Ma linda and Evelyn Marcia and a boy Anthony Edwin, Tuesday. The boy died Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hostettler, Sr., P'uffton, a boy, Wayne Eldon, Jr.. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cupplies, Mt. Cory, a boy, Tuesday. Where You Will Vote At Election On Next Tuesday Bluffton A—Grade School. Bluffton B—H. S. Library. Bluffton C—Rauenbuhler Plumbing Office. Bluffton D—Mayor’s Office. Richland N—Twp. Room. Bluffton Richland S—Town House, Beaverdam Beaverdam—Town House. FEDERAL AID MAY BE AVAILABLE FOR HOSPITAL ADDITION Bluffton Hospital May Qualify For Financial Assistance in Expansion .... .. Committee Works on Survey to Determine Local Eligibility for Federal Grant Plans for a new wing at Bluffton’s overcrowded Community hospital, Solved three years ago because of the scarcity of-materials and labor, may be revived this fall, with action predicated on the possibility that federal funds may be available in helping to finance the project. First step in attempting to qualify for federal financial assistance was authorized last Wednesday at a meeting of the Bluffton Community Progress association when a commit tee wag named tor ^make a survey of the community To determine if there is need for hospital expansion. Results of the survey must be reported before December 13 to the Ohio Hospital survey, a division of the state board of health, which has charge of administering $2,692,000 in federal funds given to Ohio annual ly for hospital expansion purposes over a five-year teriod. One-Thlifc of. Cost If the local survey is approved by the state board, the Bluffton hospital would receive a grant of $1 for every $2 provided by the community in the expansion program, thereby assuring that one-third of the cost of the project would be financed by federal funds. After C. J. Moser, Jr., of the Ohio hospital survey, explained the feder al program at last week’s meeting of the Progress association, a com mittee of three members was named to conduct the local survey, prelimin ary to filing for financial aid in adding to hospital facilities here. On the committee will be D. W. Bixler, Woodrow’ Little and Mrs. J. S. Steiner.. Shelved Four Years Ago An addition to the hospital by building a new wing at the north end of the present building was au thorized foii’F years ago by the hospital board. Architect’s plans completed at that time included an estimate that the cost would be ap proximately $60,000. Later, building plans were shelved because of the scarcity of materials and labor, and there has been no move to revive the project because of the rising costs of construction. With the possibility of obtaining a federal grant covering one-third of the cost of building a new wing, the project was referred to the Com munity Progress association last week, and the survey will determine Bluffton’s chances to participate in the program of financial assistance. Florist To Hold Opening Saturday Formal opening of Basinger Flor ist, the former Grove Street Green houses, will be held Saturday, it is announced by the new owner, Ralph D. Basinger who recently purchased the establishment from Elmer Short. The opening will be an all day affair, it is announced by Basinger and favors will be given to the ladies. The new owner is an exper ienced florist who will operate the business here in conjunction with his floral establishment in Pandora. Bertha Balmer Estate Valued Estate of Mrs. Bertha Balmer, late of Bluffton is valued at $33, 997.61 in an inventory filed in the Allen county probate court. The appraisal lists real estate worth $24,000 together with $6,501.61 in accounts and debts receivable and $3,S.6 in personal goods and chat tels. Pickings Are Slim In Garbage Here As Housewives Cut Corners To Save Fodd Volume of Garbage Collected from Households Here Drops One-third Plenty of Edible Food Previous ly Found in Garbage Pails Nom Missing Garbage from Bluffton households isn’t as lush as it used to be and 100 head of hogs on the Arthur Swank farm in Orange township, which are the ultimate consumers of the town’s garbage ®re feeling ef fects of the slimming diet and will probably have to be fed a supple mental ration of grain. Reflecting high living costs and the nation’s food conservation campaign, the volume of garbage from Bluffton households is about one-third less than it was several years ago, workers in the municipal ly operated garbage collection system reported this week. Where previously an average of three truckloads of garbage were obtained on each semi-weekly col lection day, now there are only two as sharp-eyed housewives are cutting corners to stretch their food budgets. Since 1945, edible items in garbage have been on a steady decline, altho there has been a marked difference since midsummer of this year. For the most part, today’s waste consists of peelings, coffee grounds, vegetable tops and very little else, it was pointed out. Prior to 1945, in contrast, plenty of good food was thrown away, in cluding such items as butter which became rancid, uneaten baked goods and dry bread. Sight-Saving Drive Nears Completion An early return of contributions for the Lions club sight-saving cam paign, launched last week with the mailing of stamps to Bluffton area householders, was urged Tuesday by those in charge of the drive. Purchase of eye examination equipment for Bluffton public schools will be one of the community pro jects financed by proceeds of the campaign locally. Equipment to be installed is re quired by the state board of educa tion. In addition to the school program, the Lions club plans to expand its program of community sight conser vation activity by providing assist ance to worthy persons who need care for their eyes. Russian Missionary Speaks Here Tuesday Discussing the possibility of Rus sia becoming the greatest world mis sionary field, Rev. Peter Varonoff, a native Russian, will be the speaker at 7:30 p. m. next Tuesday in the Bluffton Missionary church. Rev. Varonoff is the son of Chris tian missionaries to Eastern Europe. His lecture on “Russia, God and Vic tory” will be illustrated with photo stereoptican pictures. Youth Fellowship Meeting Sunday Bluffton Youth Fellowship meet ings for high school and college age youths will be held each Sunday evening through November in the basement of the First Mennonite church. First session in the series will be from 8:30 to 10 p. m. this coming Sunday .sponsored by a committee representing Bluffton churches, the Bluffton College recreation associa tion and the College Church com mittee. Informal games, singing and group activity will be featured. Rev. Paul Cramer will be in charge of the first meeting. Peter Schnegg Rites Thursday Afternoon Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p. m. Thursday in the Basinger Funeral home for Peter Schnegg, 69, retired laborer, who died at 12:57 p. m. Tuesday in Bluffton Community hospital of complications. He had been in ill health for sev eral months. Rev. J. N. Smucker, pastor of the First Mennonite church, will offi ciate at the rites. Burial will be in the Ebenezer cemetery. A native of Bern, Switzerland, Schnegg was bom June 1, 1878. He is survived by one sister and two brothers: Mrs. Leonard Stager, of Bluffton, Jacob Schnegg, Bluffton, and Gottlieb Schnegg, El Monte, California. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, OCT WARM WEATHER EASES CRITICAL COAL SITUATION Scramble for Coal Intensified As Government Officials Predict Scarcity With More Bins Filled During Summer, Shortage May Not Be Severe Here The scramble for coal was further intensified here this week as govern ment predictions that a winter coal shortage “is very probable” stam peded the demands of Bluffton house holders who have a scanty stock of fuel in their bins. Coal has been scarce in Bluffton so far this fall, with dealers re stricting deliveries to domestic users as a serious shortage of railroad cars cuts sharply into shipments from mines. In apportioning out the trickle of coal they have been receiving, deal ers have been unable to make but little headway in building up the scanty supplies of householders who failed to fill their bins during the surirtner. Much of the present shortage of cars, affecting shipments to Bluff ton from the mines, is caused by a last-minute rush to route as much coal as possible to the ^upper lake area, thereby resulting in a bottle neck so far as deliveries to other points are concerned. How much the condition will be alleviated after the lake shipping season .’closes is questionable, how ever, in view of government predic tions that the demand, both indus trial and for homes, will outreach the swpply during the winter. Many Have Full Bins The effect of a winter coal short age he v, may not be so pronounced locally, dealers said this week, for more householders than usual had their bins filled last summer, and are fairly well protected so far as winter needs are concerned. Another favorable aspect has been unseasonably warm wt ther thruout October, which virtually eliminated the need for home heating during the month. Otherwise, however, the outlook is gloomy, with government experts outlining the current coal crisis in this way: During the first six months of this year, soft coal miners produced about 13,000,000 tons a week, but since last July weekly pro duction has averaged only about 12,000,000 tons. Shortage of railroad transportation facilities further is complicating the picture, and there is little indication that closing of the lake shipping season will change the situation materially. Triplets Born At Hospital Tuesday Triplets, two girls and a boy, were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boehm of Rawson at Bluffton hos pital Tyesday night at 8:30 o’clock. The triple birth is believed to be the first in the history of the hos pital here, attaches stated. The boy, Anthony Edwin, died Wednesday morning at 3:45 o’clock. Funeral services were held Wednes day afternoon at the family home near Jenera. Condition of the mother and two daughters Emily Malinda and Eve lyn Marcia is reported satisfactory. Attends Conference Of Plant Managers C. A. Lloyd, manager of the Bluff ton plant of the Boss Manufacturing company has returned from a two day conference of plant managers held at the company’s headquarters in Kewanee, Illinois. The company, a large manufactur er of work gloves operates numer ous plants in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas and New York. For the past 27 years Lloyd has been manager of the Bluffton plant which employs 55 workers. Schools Here To Close On Friday Bluffton public schools will be closed all day Friday to permit in structors to attend sessions of the Northwestern Ohio Teachers asso ciation at Toledo. Shew me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of a man you are, Cor it shows me what your ideal is, and what kind of a man you long to be. 30, 1947 Mary Jane Burkholder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harvey Burkholder, west of town, was elected Bluffton High Scnool Homecoming Queen by the student body Tuesday afternoon, and will be honored at the school’s Homecoming game with Columbus Grove Friday night, November 7. Her attendants will be Mary Schmidt and Norma Klapp, the other two senior girls nominated as queen by the football squad. Coronation of the queen will be a feature of halftime ceremonies at Crowning of Homecoming Queen Launches Activities Grid Game A Feature W. H. Mohr. Trustee for 18 ears, Discusses Progress at Dinner Thronging the campus in the largest homecoming turnout since pre-war years, graduates, former students and friends of Bluffton col lege gathered here Saturday and Sunday for the various events of the homecoming weekend. Opening with crowning of the Homecoming Queen Saturday morn ing, the day’s program progressed through the freshman-sophomore tug-of-war, an afternoon football g^me, the homecoming dinner and presentation of two plays by the Thespians dramatic society. Miss Alice Locher, of Pandora, was crowned Homecoming Queen in a colorful ceremony on the baseball field, Saturday morning. Her at tendants were Barbara Sprunger, Berne, Ind. Joan McCarty, Waynes field and Harriet Schertz, Meta mora, Ill. The crown bearer was two-year-old Ray Hamman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hammon. In the tug-of-war after lunch, the freshmen were hauled t'.jpagh Ri|iy creek by a rugged sophomore team, thereby dooming the first-year class men to continue wearing their green caps until Thanksgiving. W. H. Mohr, of Bethlehem, Pa., member of the college board of trustees for 18 years was the speak er at Saturday night’s homecoming dinner, held in the Ropp Hall dining room. Talking on the subject, “The Prog ress of Bluffton College from the Viewpoint of a Trustee,” Mr. Mohr stressed much is owed to the men and women who have sacrificially developed the school. He stressed the fact that little has been done to properly reimburse faculty mem bers, and is glad for the steps taken to set up a retirement and sickness benefit program. P. W. Stauffer, president of the college alumni association, was in charge of the dinner program, with Prof. Russell A. Lantz serving as toastmaster. Dinner music was pro vided by Roberta Manges, cello, and Ruth Porter, violin, accompanied by Claren Sommer. All are college mu sic students. Following the dinner, Thespians presented two one-act plays, “Alma Mater” and “Mushroom Coming Up,” in the Ramseyer chapel. Parents Day observance on Sun day was marked by open house in the dormitories, following which Rev. Harleigh Rosenberger, a graduate in 1941, addressed a vesper service on “The World’s Greatest Need.” His theme stressed that the world to day is in need of Christianity more than any time in history. Body of Pfc. Donald Crawfis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crawfis, of Columbus Grove route 2, which was returned to this country from the Pacific war area on the Army Trans port Honda Knot two weeks ago, will arrive in Bluffton at 9:25 p. m. Thursday night on the St Louis Cleveland Nickel Plate train. Accompanied by a military escort, the body will come here from Co lumbus, where it was taken with other Ohio war heroes in a special funeral train after the army trans port carrying the war dead from their resting places in the Pacific docked at San Francisco in mid October. On its arrival in Bluffton the body wil’ be taken to the Paul Diller fun al home, where it will remain Mary Jane Burkholder Is Named Bluffton High Homecoming Queen Varied Events Attract Big Turnout For Bluffton College Homecoming the Bluffton-Columbus Grove con- test, with the Bluffton High school band participating in the show. hollowing the game, a homecom ing dance will Im? held in the school gymnasium, with Bluffton and Co lumbus Grove students and Bluffton alumni invited A small admission charge *ill be made. Sanction for the homecoming dance, an innovation here, was granted at the last meeting of the board of education on a probation ary basis. College Trustees Talk Building Plans Retirement plans fof faculty members and proposed remodeling of Science and College halls were dis cussed at a semi-annual meeting of Bluffton college trustees Friday in Musselman library on the campus. Annual reports of the college ad ministration also were made at the session. woard members attending the ses sion included E. W. Baumgartner, Berne, Ind. Ezra Moser, Bluffton Rufns Rich, Washington, lit* Free man N. Swartz, Norristown, Pa. Oliver Diller, Wooster A. S. Rosenberger, Dalton, Ohio J. S. Slabaugh, Nappanee, Ind. William Mohr, Bethlehem, Pa. Lowell Ris ser, Danvers, 111. Wilmer Shelly, Bally Pa. D. D. Hostettler, Sugar creek, Ohio Walter Yoder, Bloom ington, ?1L Roland M. Bixler, Ham den, Cokn., and Lloyd L. Ramseyer and' Carl Lehman, ex-officio mem bers. Also attending were E. S. Lape, N. E. Byers and D. W. Bixler, all of Bluffton, members of the advisory council and Mrs Rufus Rich., Wash ington, Ill. Mrs. Milford Haas, Pandora Mrs. James Suter, Pan dora Mrs. Milo Miller, Pekin, 111., and Mrs. Clovis Oberli, Berne Ind., members of the women’s advisory council. i A visitor at the board meeting' was Dr. Harry M. Gage, former president of the North Central Asso ciation of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Body Of Pfc. Donald Crawfis, Returned From Pacific, To Arrive Here Thursday Halloween Pranksters Face Severe Penalty Four rural mail boxes on Bluffton routes having been torn down this week, presumably by Halloween pranksters, brought a sharp remind er from Postmaster Ed Reichenbach that this is a federal offense and those guilty ate liable to $1,000 fine or three years imprisonment. Deer Hunters Leave For Canadian Wilds Two hunting parties, one from Bluffton and the other from Ada will leave this Wednesday night to hunt deer in the north Canada woods. The men will arrive at their destinations in time for opening of the season, Saturday. A Bluffton group, reported in tending to remain until each bags a deer will hunt at Bruce, Mines, On tario. Making up the party are: Leland Sechler, Gerald Swank, Joe Birchnaugh, Alvin Stager, Weldon Lugibill and Dewitt Ewing. Ada hunters bound for Raabe’s camp, Espanola, Ontario, are Jud son Klingler, Frank Montgomery and Lewis Klingler. until funeral services set for 2:30 p. m. Saturday in the Methodist church. The body will lie in state at the church for one hour preceding the funeral. In conformity with State Board of Health regulations, the casket will not be opened. Rev. Paul Cramer, pastor of the church and chaplain of the Bluffton American Legion post, will officiate. Burial will be at Harmon cemetery in Gilboa, with full military honors. The Bluffton Legion post will be in charge of the graveside services. An honor student in the graduat ing class of 1936 at Pandora High school, Crawfis was 24 years of age when he was accidentally killed in Honolulu on Nov. 18, 1942 Before going into military service, he was -mnloyed ’•‘y the C. F. Nirwandei Implement establishment in Bluffton. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Trade NUMBER 28 VOTERS TO GET FIVE BALLOTS NEXT TUESDAY Municipal and Congressional Tickets to Bear Partisan Designation Township, School Board and State Proposals are Non partisan Five ballots, only two of which will bear partisan designations, will be given to Bluffton voters when they go to the polls next Tuesday in the November general election. The two ballots carrying party emblems at .the top of their respec tive columns are for the municipal ticket, listing candidates for 12 town offices, and a congressional ballot bearing the names of Democratic and Republican candidates for Fourth district representative to Congress. In addition there will be three non-partisan ballots, one listing candidates for the Bluffton board of education another carrying Rich land township nominees athd the third a special state issues ballot. 20 Town Nominees Twenty nominees seeking the 12 municipal offices have their names on the town ballot. .Neither party has a full slate of candidates for the municipal council or the board of public affairs. List of town candi dates is as follows: For Mayor—Paul W. Stauffer, Arden R. Baker, D. For Clerk—Richard Cookson, Charles Emans, D. For Treasurer—Hiram Huser, Sidney C. Stettler, D. For Council—(Six to be elected)— Charles Auk»rman, Carl Cahill, Richard Davies, Armin Hauenstein, Cleon Triplett, Republicans W. O. Geiger, Wilford Gratz, Don Patter-1 son, C. A. Stauffer and Frank Todd, Democrats. For Board of Public Affaire— (Three to Elect)—Harvey Beidler and Republicans a, jjorrest Steinman, Democrats. School Board Ballot On the non-partisan board of education ballot there will be four candidates for two offices. Nominees are Levi Althaus, Carl T. Derringer, Earl Matter and Augusta Steiner. Althaus is a candidate for re election. Waldo Hofstetter is the other member whose term expired. Township Ballot Riqfiland township’s pon-partisan ballot wi|l carry the following nom inees: For trustees—(One to elect)—Al bert C. Augsburger, Walter Schaub 1in. For Clerk-r-Ray S. Hilty. For Justice of Peace—C. D. Am stutz. F6r Constable—Two to elect—R. E. 'Griffith, Charles Lora, William Lut terbein. William McCulloch, Republican and Joseph C. Quatman, Democrat, are the candidates on the congres sional ballot to determine the succes sor to Congressman Robert F. Jones, w’ho resigned last summer to accept appointment to the Federal Com munications Commission. State Issues Of the four state proposals appear ing on the special issues ballot, the soldiers’ bonus bill has attracted the major interest. One of the others is a proposal to increase the mem bership of commissioners of the state sinking fund by providing that the governor and treasurer of state shall be members in addition to the present membership consisting of the state auditor, secretary of slate and attorney general. The third special issue is relative to the term of office and compensa tion of probate pudges. The fourth proposal would earmark money derived from fees and auto license sales for use on highways and related purposes. Street Carnival At Beaverdam Saturday A Halloween street fair and car nival will be held in Beaverdam Sat urday night to complete a drive to raise funds for a new fire truck, purchased by the village one month ago. Rides and other concessions are being sponsored by the Beaverdam Community Fire association in a two-block area which will be roped off on Mill street for the event. In directing the fair President Leo Nelson of the association has appointed Gail T. Arnold, men’s i chairman, and Mrs. I. L. Sawmiller, women’s chairman.