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BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live VOLUME LXXII ..........<p></p>BAKER ..... Interest in local politics was stim ulated during the week before elec tion by a write-in campaign to re elect W. A. Howe for mayor This, political observers said was respon sible for the phenomenal upsurge of voting and electors were lined up at voting places here waiting to cast their closed at 6:30, Tuesday night. Incomplete returns from the con gressional district Wednesday indi cate that Wm. McCulloch, Piqua re publican, defeated Joseph Quatman, Lima democrat, for congress Un official returns from 367 of the 412 precincts in the district gave Mc Culloch 37,825 votes and Quatman 30,470 The proposed soldier bonus amend ment will carry by approximately a three to one majority, it was indi cated Wednesday. Three other pro posed state amendments will prob ably carry, it was indicated, but by closer margins. They are proposals to increase the term of probate judges from four to six years, en large the sinking fund commission which administers the bonus from three to five members and limit the use of gasoline and automobile taxes to highway and street purposes Boards Work Late Because of the heavy vote, Bluff ton election boards in charge of counting ballots worked late and it was long after midnight when results in Precinct C, the last to report, were posted on the door of the Rauenbuhler Plumbing shop, the precinct voting place. With numerous local contests close and the count in the last precinct necessary to determine the outcome, a crowd gathered outside the voting place notwithstanding a drizzling rain, awaiting the results. OFF-YEAR VOTING SETS AREA RECORD TUESDAY The unexpectedly heavy vote here gave precinct election officials some anxious moments Tuesday when it appeared that they might run out of ballots. However the supply proved sufficient. Bluffton Precinct Boards Work Until After Midnight Tuesday Counting Votes Beaverdam Board Calls For More Ballots Heaviest voting in recent years in an off-year election which prevailed in Bluffton, Tuesday, found its counterpart in many other localities thruout this section as municipalities selected of ficials and settled numerous other local issues. Approximately 900 ballots cast in Bluffton Tuesday was estimated at 75 per cent of the total vote here and more than double the usual off-year vote. ballots when the polls Also adding interest to the elec tion in Bluffton as well as other places in the Fourth Congressional district was the contest for the va cant seat in congress of Robert F. Jones, republican, who resigned last summer to accept an appointment on the Federal Communications com mission and interest in the soldier bonus amendment in support of which veterans organizations active ly campaigned. In Beaverdam, however, where the voting was also unexpectedly heavy because of a proposed school levy and other local issues, an additional supply of ballots was obtained from the office of the county board of elections Tuesday afternoon when it became apparent that the regular sunnly would be exhausted. The heavy Beaverdam vote reflected by the fact that the .count was not completed until 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. final after 'Negro Soprano In Concert Here Monday Roena Savage, noted lyric soprano, will be presented in the Bluffton Col lege Concert series at 8 p. m. next Monday in Ramseyer chapel on the campus. Miss Savage has a broad exper ience in concert appearances, and in addition has taught in two colleges. She has appeared with symphonies in broadcasts featuring I’ rench, Negro and Spanish folksongs. In addition she was honored by selec tion as soloist for the 20th and 25th anniversary meetings of the Asso ciation for the Study of Negio Life and History. The concert artist’s most recent radio series, “I’ll Sing Thee Songs was presented over the Don Lee Mu tual Station on the west coast. I jf Return From Four Months In Scotland Mr and Mrs. Sidney Hauenstein of Campus Drive arrived home Wed nesday after spending the summer in Scotland with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W M. Tod at Galashiels near Edinburgh. Mrs Tod is the former Barbara Hauenstein. The Bluffton couple who left late last June made the trans-Atlantic trips by plane Returning they left London Monday night and arrived Tuesday in New York, making the trip home by rail from that city. BOARD BUYS NAVY TURBINE UNIT FOR LIGHT PLANT HERE 1850 KW Unit to Be Converted for Operation in Muni cipal Plant Contract Let at $24,720 Bid Plus Cost of Conversion and Installation Purchase of a used 1850 KW tur bine, removed from a Navy escort ship, was announced this week by the board of public affairs, after a con tract had been let to Charles Weaver and Co., of Detroit, on a bid of $24, 720, plus conversion and installation. The turbine was one inspected aboard ship several weeks ago by Supt. John Swisher, of the municipal light plant, and its installation will give the local plant additional gen erating capacity required to handle a rapidly increasing electrical load. Accessory parts for the turbine are included in the $24,720 purchase price. No estimate was announced on the cost of conversion and installation. Delivery to the local plant will be made within 30 days after the con tract is signed. Conversion will be accomplished here after the turbine is delivered. The Charles Weaver Co. bid was low of two submitted. After conversion, the 1850 KW tur bine will be sufficiently large to han dle the town’s peak loads, providing adequate standby capacity that now is lacking. Present equipment of the plant in cludes 1250 KW and 750 KW tur bines. The latter is unable to handle the present town load at peak capa city, precipitating the need for addi tional electrical generation capacity. Missionary Convention At Missionary Church A missionary convention will be held at the Missionary church here beginning this Wednesday night and continuing Thursday and Friday nights and Sunday morning and evening it is announced by the pastor, Rev. Robert Welch. Services, beginning at 7:30 will be in charge of a missionary party headed by Rev. C. J. Gerig of Ft. Wayne, district superintendent of the Missionary church association. Services are announced as follows Wednesday—Rev. Gerig. Thursday—Illustrated lecture on South America by Rev. Judd, re turned missionary. Friday—Miss China. Sunday—Rev. at 10:30 a. m. I the evening. i w rf w $ $ Ohio Northern Professor Will Speak At Meeting in The H. S. Auditorium Iluffton High Band Also Will Play for Armistice Day Observance Here Bluffton retail business establish ments will be closed from 11 a. m. vntil noon next Tuesday as the town a one-hour observance of by a high pauses for Armistice community school auditorium. Day, highlighted program in the Day Speaker at the Armistice service will be Prof. Lawrence man, of Ohio Northern university, on the subject “Americanism.” Free- the Special patriotic music for program will be provided by the uniformed Bluffton High school band, directed Hunter, by the post. by its conductor, Harold The meeting is sponsored Bluffton American Legioti Marking the start of the Armistice Day observance, the deep throated whistle at the municipal light plant will be blown at 11 a. m., signalling the customary pause in reverence of the memory of those who gave their lives in World War 1. Legion officials this week urged residents of the community to at tend the exercises. In observance of the day as a national holiday, the Citizen’s Nation al bank and the Bluffton post office will be closed thruout the day. High School Office Is Ransacked By Thieves Thieves broke into the high school building Monday night, ransacked the office, forced open one safe and jammed the lock of another but found no money which was appar ently the object of their search. The robbery was discovered by Wade Bechtol, janitoi ened the building at 5 o’clock. The parently the work gained entrance through the boiler ed tools from the manual arts de partment and janitors’ quarters which they used to force doors leading to the office. when he op- Tuesday morning break-in was ap of juveniles who to the building room and obtain- A light safe in the office contain ing records was broken open but the marauders failed to crack a heavier safe in the office which contained a sum of money The lock, however, was jammed so badly that the safe cannot now be opened it was stated by Supt. R. S. Lanham, Tuesday. from the sheriff’s office Deputies were here prints and the case. of West Beyerle of Africa Gerig in C. Berkey and Rev. Tuesday taking finger collecting other clues in Revival Services At Brethren Church A two weeks’ series of revival services opened Monday night at the County Line Church of the Brethren with Rev. Crider of Indiana, 'i'lnge list in charge. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, NOV. «, 1917 IS ELECTED BLUFFION MAYOR IN HEAVY BALLOTING£9WlUlliK**- Bluffton High School Homecoming Queen Will Be Crowned Friday Night The Queen and Her Court Left to right: Norma Klapp, Mary Jane Burkholder (queen), Stores Will Close Tuesday During One-hour Armistice Day Program TAKE DYING FISH OUT OF BUCKEYE TO WATERWORKS State Tests Show Oxygen in the Buckeye Will Not Sustain Fish Life Fish Gasping for Air in Buckeye Removed by Sportsmen’s Club to Water Works Transfer of large game fish from Buckeye lake to the Waterworks quarry was under way Tuesday and Wednesday, as members of the Com munity Sportsmen’s club sought to save thousands of fish dying in the larger body of water from lack of oxygen. Crews of volunteer workers started seining gasping fish from the Buck eye Tuesday evening, after tests by Fish Management Agent Clarence Clark, of St. Marys, showed oxygen content of the water was not suffici ent to sustain fish life. Clark’s tests, made at the request of the Sportsmen’s club disclosed there was less than one part of oxy gen per million of water, less than half the amount for fish to continue living. Conditions at the lake became criti cal on Monday, as large schools of game fish floundered helplessly at the surface of the water, gasping for air. Aerate W’ater Aerating water by pumping it into the air with the town’s fire truck Tuesday afternoon did little to allevi ate the condition, and the removal of fish was started in the evening after (Continued on page 10) Births following birth at Bluffton The hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reichenbach Bluffton, a Wednesday. Pandora, a day. Mr. and Bluffton, a day. school homecoming festivities. Council /IJ-o girl, Margo Ann, last Mrs. Cleland Amstutz, boy, Albert Gene, Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crawfis, girl, Linda Kay, Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Carson B^prshall, girl, Janis Elis?, Friday. Bluffton, a Mr. and Mrs. Warner. Continental, a boy, John Louis, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Luginbuhl, Rluffton, a girl, Michele C, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Power, Jenera, a girl, Rachel Marie, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Findlay, a girl, Sarah Ann, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burns, Gilboa, a girl, this Wednesday morning. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oyer, Wapak oneta, a bov, Thomas George, bom Sunday at Lima Memorial hospital w'here Dr. Oyer is on the medical staff. Singspiration Service I I Following the game a homecoming! dance will .be held in the high school! Constables—R. gymnasium for Bluffton and Colum-| Charles Lora, D. bus Grove high school students and Bluffton alumni. Nearby Towns] BEAVERDAM I. L. Sawmiller was mayor of Beaverdam with 112 to 61 votes for his opponent Lutterbein. 4 re-elected votes Wm.L Other Beaverdam results: Clerk—Athene Durkee 162. Ruth Bums 20 Huber 160. elect)—P. W. Treas.—Bernice (six to Wm. Amstutz 101 Frank 143 W. A. Arnold 86 Elected Tuesday Mayor—Arden Baker, D. Clerk—Charles Emans, D. Treasurer—Sidney Stettler, D. Council Charles Aukerman, Armin Hauenstein, Carl Derringer, I The queen, daughter of Mr. and! Augsburger, R. Mrs. Harvey Burkholder west ofl Richland Twp. 31uffton, together with her two at-l .endants are all seniors. School levy 3 mills for 2 years—I of Old Testament at Princeton Richland South: Yes 73, No 25.1 Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. Beaverdam: Yes 138, No 42. Monroe:Iwill be the speaker at six-day Yes 79, No 27. Total: Yes 290, No Iseries of Bluffton college Bible 94. I lectures opening Sunday morning, School Board.—Howard Moser,I Nov. 16. and continuing thru the Carl Amstutz, R. F. Simon. I following Friday. I On the opening day of the annual ARLINGTON I lecture presentation, morning and Arlington’s $215,000 school bond I evening services will be held in the issue carried 637 to 227, or 50 votes I First Mennonite church, and an (Continued on page 10) I afternoon vesper service in the Ram- Vrirk Mrs. Charity trick Dies Wednesday I At Ebenezer Church\lh]{ I seyer chapel on the campus. Monthly singspiration senice ofl H°"'ard Nce’ Allentown, Pa the Bluffton and Pandora area will|Robert Jiaftz,er’_ Goshen» Ind be held at the Ebenezer Mennonite church, Sunday night at 9:15 o’clock. Schools Will Hold Night Session Here R. R. Wilford I Geiger, D. Don Patterson, I). Ches- and Mary Schaudt. Ler stauffer. Ti)dd Crowning of the queen between I Board Public Affairs arvey halves of the Bluffton-Columbus Bridler, R. Edgar Conaway, R. Grove football game on Harmon I Forrest Steinman, D. field, Friday night will be one ofl School Board—-Levi the high spots of the Bluffton high Clerk—Ray Hilty, Justice of Peace—C. D. Amstut Griffith, R. BIBLE LECTURES AT COLLEGE OPEN ON NOVEMBER 16 Dr. Charles T. Fritsch, Prince ton Seminary. Will Be Bible Lecturer Am-1 Ministers’ and Mennonite Wo men’s Conferences to Be in Conjunction with Institute stutz 72 Anderson W’alter Beck 114 Clarence Boop 80 O. K. Burns 47 T. V. Stirn 136 Ralph Vertner 116 John Young 64.1 Dr. Charles T. Fritsch, professor I Beginning Monday, Nov. 17, there I in two lectures daily. in the morning at Ramseyer chapel and in I the evening at the First Mennonite Mrs. Charity Frick, 78, pioneer I church. Bluffton resident and widow of thel In connection with the Bible late Robert Frick, died Wednesday| lectures, a two-day minister’s con noon at her home on Cherry street. The body is at the Paul Diller fun-1 Wednesday and Thursday, Nov, eral home. Funeral arrangements I and 20. A are incomplete. I ference also ference will be held on the campus, 19, Mennonite women’s con will be conducted on the I same days. I Speakers I will include _____ I Ind. Rev. E Mennonite go. On the gram, National Ed-lgchnen be dismissed and classes it the minister’s meet Rev. A. S. Rosenberger, Olin Krehbiel, Berne, Rej J. Bohn, Pandora Rev. Rev. and Pannabecker, dean of the Biblical Seminary, Chica- women’s conference pro speakers will be Rev. Kreh- biel, Miss Rita Freie, Amsterdam, Holland, a Bluffton college student .Mrs. John Neufeld, Miss Helen Bohn, Regular sessions of Bluffton H'Kh|^fjss Edna Ramseyer, Miss Frieda and Grade school classes will be held! Lehman( Dr. Lloyd L. Ramseyer, this Wednesday evening, as part oflRonald Eichj a„d Rev RUSsell the local observance of ucation week. School students will Wednesday afteinoon regularly scheduled for that period will be held from 7:30 to 9 p. m. Buses will transport rural pupils to I Coal pulverizing equipment will be and from school for the nightl put into operation late this month classes. Ithe Howard Stager coal yard to Coal Pulverizer Equipment Here All patrons and friends of thel produce stoker coal for area users, school district are invited to bel A threatened shortage of stoker present, and student guides will bel coal led to Stager’s decision to in on duty to supply information and! stall the new equipment, which in direction to all visitors. I eludes a coal puverizing machine The school open house program! and an oil treatment process, will constitute the regular November! Egg coal, which is comparatively meeting of the Parent-Teacher as-1 plentiful, will be pulverized to make i sociation. I stoker grades in the process. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Trade WIN IN THREE-WAY RACE AS VOTERS JAM POLLS Four Democrats And Two Republicans On Council Voters Favor Republican For Congress Soldier Bonus Car ries Here Arden R. Baker, democratic councilman, was elected mayor of Bluffton for a two year term Tuesday in one of the heaviest off-year votes in the town’s history. He defeated by a margin of 76 votes his nearest opponent, VN. A. Howe, republican, present mayor, who was supported for re-election in a write-in campaign and P. W. Stauffer, republican candidate for mayor. Total unofficial vote was: Baker, 349 Howe, 273 Stauffer, 206. 1 akes Office Jan. 1 Baker will assume the office of mayor on January 1, next. His term as a member of the town council expires December 31 which also marks the expiration of Howe’s term as mayor. in Tuesday’s voting cen the mayorality race, a affair which developed a when a bi-partisan fac 'd Howe in a write-in re-election, although he said he was not a candidate. tered in three-way Althaus, D. R. Trustee Albert Richland Twp In the race for clerk, Charles Unofficial Returns Unoffic the vote precincts of in Bluffton, Beaverdam township n page 10. Emans, democrat, defeated Ilichard Cookson, republican, by a vote of 487 to 340. Emans, who is clerk of the board of public affairs also will assume the duties of corporation clerk next January 1, succeeding W. O. Geiger, democrat, present clerk who was elected to membership on the town council. Stettler Re-elected Sidney Stettler, democrat, school mathematics instructor, re-elected town treasurer by a of 445, defeating Hiram republican who polled 372 votes. high was vote Huser, Four democrats and two republic ans will make up the town council. They are: Armin Hauenstein, re publican, with 613 votes W. O. Geiger, democrat, 611 votes Chas. Aukerman, republican, 609 votes Don Patterson, democrat, 551 votes Chester Stauffer, democrat, 486 votes Frank Todd, democrat, 378 votes. In the council, Aukerman, Patter son, Stauffer and Todd were re-elect Hauenstein is a former mayor ed. and councilman and Geiger is at present corporation clerk. Board of Public Affairs Edgar Conaway, republican, who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of the late Harry Barnes, was elected to that office with 476 votes. Two new members elected are (Continued on page 10) Wheat Tithing Movie At Union Church Meet Perry Hayden, founder of the world famous Biblical Wheat Tith ing project, will appear here at 7:30 p. m. Sunday to show his col ored movie of the program in the First Methodist church. Sponsored by the Bluffton Minis terial association, the movie-lecture will be presented as the regular monthly union service Rev. Paul Cramer, pastor of the Methodist church, is president of the Minis terial association. Inspired by a sermon based on the text John 12:24, Michigan Quaker 20, 1940, Hayden inch of wheat on the late Henry Ford. in the Tecumseh church, on Sept, planted one cubic land furnished by The original plot of land was four feet by eight feet in size, and as commanded in Malachi 3:10, he de cided to pay a tithe of the crop to his chureh and replant the remain ing nine-tenths The first crop was 50 cubic inches, and the sixth and final crop was 72, 150 bushels, requiring 2,66 acres for its production. It was harvested by 276 farmers of 30 different faiths and creeds. According to Robert Ripley’s “Be lieve It Or Not,” the project if eon tinued for 10 years would require all of the land in the United States, and in 13 years would cover the en tire globe.