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BLUFFTON A Good Place to Trade VOLUME LXXin COLLEGE DEAN IS FOUND GUILTY ON DRAFT LAW CHARGE Larry Gara Convicted by Jury in Federal Court at Toledo History Instructor Out Under Bond Pending New Trial Motion Larry Gara, 27-year old Bluffton college history instructor and dean of men was found guilty by a jury in the Federal Court at Toledo, Monday afternoon of knowingly having counselled Charles Rickert, a former ministerial student at the college to refuse to register for the peacetime draft. The jury consisting of six men and six women received the case Monday morning at 11:06 a. m. and returned their verdict at 3:58 p. m. Maximum sentence is five years In federal prison and a $10,000 fine. The case, said to be the first of its kind under the 1948 Selective Service act attracted widespread attention. Gerald P. Openlander, assistant U. S. district attorney handled the prosecu tion for the government. Motion For New Trial Gara was represented in court by Attorneys Francis Heisler of Chicago and Gustavus Ohlinger of Toledo, the latter of whom immediately filed a motion for a new trial before Judge Frank Kloeb in whose court the case has been heard, beginning last Wed nesday. Should Judge Kloeb not grant a new trial, Gara said he was prepared to appeal to the Federal Circuit Court in Cincinnati. Bail bond of $2,000 was continued by Judge Kloeb and Gara was released. He was meeting his history classes at the college here Tuesday morning and will continue pending further developments. Gara has a teaching schedule of 14 hours weekly. Few Hear Verdict In contrast to the numbers of Bluffton college students and faculty estimated at upwards of 100 which daily attended the trial last week, there were only a few spectators in the courtroom when the jury filed in Monday afternoon and W. M. Lutten ton of Sandusky, the foreman, an nounced that a verdict had been reached. Gara took the verdict calmly end made no statement, but indicated he W’ould have something to say if the motion for a new trial is denied and he is sentenced. The trial precipitated a legal battle in which the prosecution argued that Gera was being tried for draft law violation w’hile the defense was that under the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and religion he had committed no crime. Attorneys for both sides completed their arguments Friday afternoon and Judge Kloeb charged the jury Monday morning. Rickert, 21 year old college senior studying for the ministry around ■whose refusal to register the case centered, is in the federal prison at Milan, Mich., serving an 18 months sentence for violation of the draft law. Rickert is a Presbyterian and Gara a Quaker. College Outlines Position A college spokesman said the stand taken by the two men was entirely a personal matter and did not reflect the position of the institution. He said the college does not believe in non registration and students have been so informed by the president on a number of occasions. However, it does stand for the principle of free dom to express opinions and freedom to act in a sympathetic way toward one who is living according to his conscience. College authorities said the institu tion and the Mennonite church have consistently recommended that con scientious objectors comply with pro visions of the Selective Service act and claim the privileges provided thereunder. However they further urge those granted exemption under terms of the act that they volunteer for relief work or similar service which they can perform consistent with their pacifist beliefs. BLUFFTON MARKETS Wednesday Morning Grain (bushel prices) Wheat $2.10 corn $1.18 oats 70c soys $2.07. Poultry—Heavy hens 38c leghorn hens 30c. Eggs—Large whites 41c large browns 40c medium whites 37c medium browns 36c. Butterfat—61c. Dr. Rodabaugh Named To Board Of Health Dr. Franklin D. Rodabaugh, Bluff ton physician, was named to fill the unexpired term of Dr. M. R. Bixel on the Allen County District Board of Health at a meeting of the ad visory council last week in Lima. Dr. Rodabaugh previously had been named by the board to serve until the advisory council meeting, held once yearly. Other members of the board are Dr. F. A. Young, Delphos W. H. Young, Harrod Samuel Smith, Cairo, and Walter Burget, Amanda township. ROUTE 69 IN UNION ANO ORANGE TWPS. TO BE RESURFACED More Than Seven Miles of High way Included in Summer Program Bids to be Received by State Highway Department This Month State Route 69 in Orange and Union townships will be re-surfaced this summer as a part of the state highway department’s 1949 road im provement program. A total of 7.21 miles of the high way will be given bituminous treat ment in the summer program, em bracing all of the road in Orange township and a part of it in Union township boundaries. In addition, 2.72 miles of the same highway will be re-surfaced in Liberty township, Hardin county, near Ada. Bids on the Route 69 project will be received by the highway depart ment until 10 p. m. Tuesday, March 29, after which the contractor will be named. Re-surfacing of the high way must be completed before next August 1, according to the contract terms. Other projects in the summer pro gram in this area will include re surfacing of State route 81, Jackson township. In this improvement 3.01 miles of the highway will receive bituminous treatment. Named Professor At Massachusetts Tech Ivan Geiger, Bluffton native who a year ago became head of the de partment of physical education at Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology in Boston, has been advanced to the rank of full professor, it was announced the first of the week. Geiger was graduated from Bluff ton college and later coached ath letics at Van Buren high school in Hancock county and at the Coast C-’nrd academy in New London, an. His wife is the former Winifred Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson of Spring street. He expects to spend the coming summer in Columbus studying for the Ph. D. degree at Ohio State university. Thieves Break Into Pandora Milling Co. Thieves found 12 cents when they pried open the cash register of the Pandora Milling company, Monday night. The 12 cents together with $2 in candy comprised the total loot, according to Edgar Pifer, manager, following a check-up. Entrance to the building was gained through a back door. Office desks were ransacked and the con tents strewn over the floor but the safe was unmolested. Trio On College Course Tuesday The Blafka Instrumental trio will appear as the fourth number on the Bluffton college music course in Ram seyer chapel next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, it was announced the first of the week. The company is headed by Miss Agnes Blafka, concert pianist to gether with a violinist and cellist. MARRIAGE LICENSES Ronald Keith Kirtland,1 finisher, Bluffton and Pauline Rosemary Pursell, clerk typist, Col. Grove. Donavin Wendell Moser, student, Bluffton and Ruth Mae Diller, Col. Grove. Quaker History Instructor Resumes Classes Here Pending Court Decision Gara is Native of Reading, Pennsylvania Wife Senior in College Here Served Three Years in Prison For Refusal to Register For Draft Larry Gara, 27-year-old Bluffton college history instructor and dean of men was meeting his classes as usual Tuesday apparently unmindful of the fact that he was the central figure in a precedent-setting trial in the Federal court at Toledo last week which attracted attention thru out the country as the first viola tion of its kind under the peacetime draft act. The slightly-built, red haired Quaker who served three years in prison for refusing to register in 1940, showed no apprehension at the out’ook of facing a possible sentence of five years in federal prison and $10,000 fine. He is now out under bond pending arguments next week for a new trial before Judge Frank Kloeb in the court at Toledo. This is Gara's first year as an instructor in Bluffton college. A na tive of Reading, Pa., he came here with his wife at the opening of the college term last September. The couple reside in Ropp hall where he serves as dean of men. They have no children. Mrs. Gara who enrolled in the col lege as a member of the senior class has been with her husband through out the trial and was in the court room when the jury’s verdict was announced Monday afternoon. Gara is a graduate of Penn State college and this is his first year of college teaching. He has 14 hours of classes weekly. Since his ar rival in Bluffton last fall he has been active in the cause of Euro pean relief. College sources indicated Tuesday that Gara will continue his teach ing duties here so long as he is per mitted to do so under pnesent cir cumstances. There has been no indi cation relative as to his successor. O. S. V. Glee Club Sings Here Monday I The, 47-voice men’s glee club of Ohio State university will present a concert at 8:30 p. m. next Mon day night in the Bluffton High school auditorium, during the or ganization’s annual spring tour of Ohio cities. In its appearance here, the glee club will be directed by Prof. Dale V. Gilliland, its young conductor, who has been in charge of the group since 1939. One of the most popular of Ohio State’s musical organizations, the glee club has grown with the uni versity it represents. Originally a quartet, the club has developed to its present membership of nearly half a hundred voices. Annual Farm Bureau Meet Tuesday Night Annual meeting of the Allen Farm Bureau Co-op association will be held at Beaverdam high school audi torium next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Two directors will be elected at the business meeting after which the evening’s program will include an address by Ray Hobson of Colum bus, director of field supervisors of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. Hobson, Wilmington college gradu ate, is a former manager of the Montgomery County Fann Bureau Co-op. Entertainment will be provided by Jack’s Xylophone 18-piece band of Richmond, Ind., including four tap dancers and performers on marim bas, electric vibraphone and Swiss bells. Births The following births at Bluffton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Redd, Jenera, a girl, Sara Lou, Thursday. Mrs. Redd is the former Ladonna Deppler. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Basinger, Bluffton, a girl, Cai-ol Louise, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Donavin Diller, Pandora, a girl, Laura Jean, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baughman, Ada, a girl, Janet Louise, Tuesday. Mrs. Baughman is the former Mar jorie Welty. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Amstutz, Ada, a boy, Jerry Lee, born last Wednesday at San Antonio hospital, Kenton. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1919 INSPECT COLLEGE AND SCHOOLS HERE FOR FIRE HAZARDS Safety Provisions* in All Build ings Are Said to be Adequate State Inspection Of All Schools Follows Disastrous Kenyon College Blaze Adequate fire escape protection is afforded in Bluffton public school buildings and at Bluffton college, ac cording to the opinion of local school officials voiced this week following announcement that the state industri al relations department has ordered an immediate inspection of all school and college buildings in Ohio. Fire inspection of scholastic structures follows in the wake of a disastrous fire last month at Kenyon college which resulted in the death of nine students. A force of 21 inspectors has been assigned to the school inspection pro gram, with orders to issue im mediate, mandatory directions for correction when they find building code violations which might become fire hazards. In commenting on the approaching inspection, Bluffton college officials this week said that all buildings on the campus are equipped with ade quate fire escape facilities. Fire Escapes Installed College hall, oldest building on the campus, has new outside fire escapes, installed last summer, and other structures have modern inside fire proof, fire exits. These include Lin coln and Ropp halls, women and men dormitories, and Science hall. All Bluffton college buildings are three story structures. Bluffton High scnool also has in side fire exits in fire-proof stair wells. The grade, school building, oldest of the town’s?school structures, has outside fire escapes. An inspection of both grade and higfiYO^o"0l buildings was made by the state for fire hazards during the 1947-1948 school year, Supt. Ralph Lanham said, at which time fire fighting equipment was found to be in order and no major changes were ordered. Fire drills are practiced at regular intervals in the public school build ings, to make students familiar with the procedure in emptying buildings quickly. Regular fire drills also lessen the danger of panic breaking out in student ranks, for pupils have no way of knowing if an alarm signals another practice' or a rest fire, school authorities said. 700 Enrolled In Hospital Auxiliary Bluffton Hospital Women’s Auxil iary has enrolled 700 in its biennial membership drive, it was announced the first of the week by officers of the organization. Proceeds of the membership cam paign totalling $724.80 will go into a fund toward the purchase of a walk-in cooler for the hospital af fording facilities for storage of larger quantities of foodstuffs and economies in operating costs. Mrs. Gilbert Fett, chairman of the membership committee expressed thanks of the organization to all contributors and solicitors taking part in the canvass. Officers of the auxiliary are: Pres., Mrs. Hiram Huser 1st vice pres., Mrs. Millen Geiger secretary, Mrs. Wilford Steiner. Phillips Road Open After Bridge Repair Bridge on the Phillips road over Big Riley creek northwest of Bluff ton, formerly known as the Mullet bridge, was repaired by Allen coun ty commissioners this week. The road, in vicinity of the bridge closed last week is now open to traffic. In New Locations Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sommer will move this week into their newly pur chased residence on Grove street, the former Moses Amstutz property. Don Moser has rented the Staater apartment above the Rice dry goods store to be vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Sommer. Rev. and Mrs. Merrell Boggs and daughter of Lima are occuyping the Mrs. Noah Niswander residence on South Lawn avenue. Rev. Boggs is a student at Bluffton college. Schools Close Here for Two Days as Storm Isolates Rural Districts Blanket of Snow will Prove Help to Wheat Stand Thru Critical Period Vagaries of the weatherman ap peared to be establishing a new sort of pattern with last week's six-inch snowfall which blocked country roads and caused a two-day shut down of Bluffton public schools, for it was the third year in a row that this district has seen mid-March produce the heaviest snowfall of the winter. The belated wintry assault during the second week of March this year was nothing new. Last year the same week brought an 8-inch snow fall, the heaviest in five years, and in 1947 a six-inch snowstorm isolat ed some rural areas for a two-day period. Tag End of Winter Coining at the tag-end of a winter of record-breaking mildness, this year’s snowfall found local residents unprepared for the assault. Previously there had been only three skifts of snow, barely cover ing the ground, and the drifts which followed the six-inch snowfall last Wednesday night and Thursday morning were the first seen here this winter. The snow will prove of distinct benefit to the wheat, giving it need ed protection through the critical period of March when freezing and thawing frequently wreak havoc with the stand. No classes, were held in Bluffton schools on Thursday or Friday, when bus drivers found they were, unable to make their rounds, and stalled cars were a common sight even on downtown streets. Mail carriers on rural routes were as much as four hours late in making their rounds, and they found many roads impas sable. Snowfalls In Mid-March For Past Three Years Are Heaviest Of Winter All highways were slippery and treacherous, and although there were no serious accidents many cars went into ditches. Dixie highway traf fic was blocked for more than an hour Thursday afternoon when a big truck-trailer skidded sideways across the road near Swiss Inn, three miles south of town. Anniversary of Big Snow The snowstorm came just one day earlier than the 8-inch snowfall of last year, which also was accompan ied by sub-zero weather. Highway travel, however, was not affected as much by the 1948 storm as by this year’s 6-inch snowball, for there was no drifting last year. This year’s snow more closely re sembled that of three years ago, also in the second week of March, which oddly enough also resulted in the closing of schools for two days when rural roads were blocked with drifts. Mid-March snowstorms are noth ing new, however, for oldtimers re call the blizzard of March 12, 1888, which is said to have been the most severe ever visited on this area. In the snowstorm that year country districts were isolated for more than a week. Bluffton High Class To Make Soil Tests Free soil tests will be made this spring for area farmers by the Bluffton High school agriculture class, it was announced this week by the instructor, Gerhard Buhler, school principal. Soils will be tested by the class for acid, nitrogen, phosphate and potash content, if samples are brought to the school. Josephine Steiner, daughter of Mrs. J. S. Steiner, of S. Main street, is enroute home from Venezuela on a two-month furlough from her duties as head of the Goodwill hos pital in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Flying back from her South Amer ican post, Miss Steiner expects to be in Bluffton the latter part of next week. Enroute home her plane will stop at Haiti, Porto Rico and Havana. After spending a two months’ va cation in this country, she plans to return to her duties in the Mara caibo hospital where she has been in charge for two years. The hospital was built and is maintained by the Rockefeller found ation. Checker Championship Game This Wednesday Bluffton checkers championship will be determined this Wednesday night in finals match of the city tournament to be played in the Swank Barber shop between Lester Niswander and Carl Burkhart. Niswander and Burkhart qualified as finalists in the opening round of the tournament Monday night in the council room. Harley Burkhold er finished in third place in the competition. Youngest player entered in the tournament was 13-year-old Arlin Campbell, of Jackson street. Josephine Steiner Flying Home On Furlough From Venezuelan Hospital FURTHER STUDY TO BE MADE OF SITE FOR COLLEGE GYM Parking Problems, .and Building Entrances, Basis of Addition al Survey Present Plans Call For Erection of New Building At Rear of Science Hall Before starting work this spring on construction of Bluffton college’s new $250,000 gymnasium-auditorium, additional surveys will be made to determine the Dost possible location of the structure and its parking areas for automobiles. Altho present plans call for the gymnasium to be built in the space immediately at the rear of Science hall, between Lincoln hall and the present gymnasium, a decision has not been reached as to the exact site. •Further survey of the area has been ordered by the building com mittee in the interest of providing adequate parking facilities and other features directly affecting location of the quarter-million-dollar struc ture. Facing and arranging the building and its approaches for efficiency and convenience is another matter of con 'cern to be decided to the additional surveys to be made by school author ities and their Cleveland architectal firm of Ward and Conrad. Altho construction of the gymnas ium-auditorium will be started this spring, work will continue only until the building fund is exhausted. Various details of the building facilities will be completed only as funds are available, college authori ties have pointed out. Progress of the campaign to raise funds for construction of the build ing have been sufficiently satis factory, however, to indicate that many of the building’s facilities may be ready for use during the coming school year. Rites Tuesday For Infant Schumacher Clyde Donovan Schumacher, five day-old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Schumacher, of near Mt. Cory, died Monday morning in Bluff ton Community hospital. In addition to the parents, sur vivors include a sister, Betty pa ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schumacher, Pandora and the maternal grandfather, Daniel Walters, also of Pandora and the material grandmother, Mrs. Louise Langley, of California. Funeral services were held Tues day in the Diller funeral home. Rev. Ernest Bohn, Pandora, officiated. Burial was in Pleasant View ceme tery. Concert Pianist With Findlay Orchestra Allen P. Dudley, concert pianist, will appear as soloist with the Find lay Symphony orchestra in its con cert in the Bluffton high school gym nasium, Monday night, March 28, it was announced the first of the week. Dudley is a graduate of Oberlin con servatory. The 60-piece orchestra is directed by Clifford Hite with Oliver Schu macher, formerly of the Bluffton Pandora district, as concertmaster and includes a number of local mu sicians. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live NUMBER 49 LIGHT PLANT WILL USE NEW TURDINE IN EARLY APRIL Municipal Plant’s $225,000 Ex pansion Program Completed This Spring Turbine on Line in April New Boiler Will Be Put In Use In May Bluffton municipal light plant’s $225,000 expansion program, launch ed three years ago, will be com pleted by mid-May of this year, with an additional turbine and a new boiler increasing generating capacity of the plant by nearly two-thirds its present output. Altho there have been some recent delays in installation work, the plant’s new 2,000 KW turbine will be ready to bo put on the line approx imately April 1, Supt. John Swisher announced this week. Pipe connections to the new 600 HP boiler now are being made, fol lowing completion of boiler installa tion, and it is expected that the equipment will be placed in use sometime early in May. Wiring Turbine Wiring the 2,000 EW turbine to switchboard controls will be complet ed in about two more weeks, the plant superintendent said, and after the end of that work the new instal lation will be ready for use. The wiring is being done by H. Wray Steiner, Pittsburgh consulting electrical engineer. All work on installation of the new boiler has been completed by workmen from the Babcock and Wil cox Co., of Barberton, and plant workmen, directed by Supt. Swisher, now are making pipe connections to the plant’s system. When the 2,000 KW turbine is placed in operation, Bluffton’s peak load troubles, experienced over the last 18 months, will be eliminated, and the plant will have two genera tors capable of adequately supplying demands of the patrons, Handle Peak Loads Present peak load demands range from 1,000 to 1,100 KW, Supt. Swisher pointed out, and only one of the plant’s two present operating turbines can carry the load. The larger turbine in the existing installation has a 1,250 KW rating, but the smaller one has a rated out put of only 75OKW. When the new 600 HP boiler is put into use in early May, the plant will have adequate steam power to handle its increased load, and the post-war expansion program launched in 1946 will be completed. Parents To Form Cub Scout Troop Bluffton’s Cub Scouting program will be reorganized at a meeting of interested parents at 7:30 p. m. next Tuesday in the Bluffton High school cafeteria. All parents with sons between the ages of nine and 12 are urged to at tend the session. Bob Changnon, field executive of the Shawnee Area Boy Scout council, and other scout executives will be on hand to assist in the reorganization program. Ralph T. Stearns, neighborhood scout commissioner, announced that a list of more than 50 boys has been obtained with the assistance of Bluff ton grade school teachers. Letters will be mailed to the youngsters in viting them to become members of the new pack. The cub scouting program is un denominational, and motion pictures showing various phases of troop activity will be shown to parents at next Tuesday’s meeting. Commissioner Stearns also an nounced that Herman Hilty has been named Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 56, and boys 12 years of age and older are invited to join the troop. Meetings are held every Monday night in the basement of the First Mennonite church. Evan Herr Is On Scholarship List Evan Herr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Herr, of Lawn avenue, placed on the Dean’s List, honorary schol arship rating, at Bowling Green State university for the last semes ter, it was announced this week. To qualify for the honor, stu dents must have an average of “B” or better in grades. Making Flour Whiter Dark blue lining is put in paper flour bags so that the contrast will make the flour look whiter. Some wheat is quite gray.