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PAGE TWO You can’t afford... to keep on pushing that old mower when you can get one of these new Znoella POWER LAWN MOWERS They come in 18 ... 21 .. and 24-inch sizes —and best of all they’re BUILT-RIGHT AND PRICED-RIGHT. Biggest Economy Buy at Lowest Economy Price See Excello before you buy a power mower O. C. Hnrsey & Sons Phone 173-W 111 Vance Street, Bluffton “BETTER Harvests come frori BETTER Care” Weather, Timing, Method of Application— are Important Factors in Successful Use of Dusts and Sprays E-Z-Flo Dust No. 10-Z-3A—10% Zerlate and 3% Aerosol DDT. For disease and insect control on Melons, Cucumbers and other DDT sensitive crops. 5 lb. and 50 lb. bags. E-Z-Flo Dust No. 37—7% Metallic Copper and 3% DDT. For control of both insects and leaf diseases of potatoes and beets. E-Z-Flo Dust No. 75-%% Rotenone.' For use on Truck Crops, berries and ornamentals. For insects only. 5 lb. and 50 lb. bags. E-Z-Flo Dust No. 200—DDT—Rotenone-Ferbam and Sul phur. General purpose dust for control of many insects and diseases. Especially for Gardens^ Roses, Ornamentals, Shrubs, and Greenhouses. 5 lb. and 50 lb. bags. E-Z-Flo Spray No. 8 Special Peach and Plum Spray. Con tains Wettable Sulphur, Lead Arsenate and Zinc Sulphate for control of brown rot, scab and cur culio of peaches and plums. 5 lb. bags. DuPont Vegetable and DuPont Garden Dust for Insects ahd Diseases in Garden Crops, Shrubs and Orna mentals. I lb. cans. Dowklor—10% Wet table, for Vegetable crop pests as: stink bugs, aphids, thrips, on sweet corn, truck crops, flowers, shrubbery and grasshopper control for Strawberries, Peaches, Apricots, Soil Pests. Also buildings contaminated with flies, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other insects. 4 lb. bags. We are the sole distributor for E-Z-Flo Dusts and Sprays in Bluffton. Consult our charts and catalogs for control of all Jkinds of Insects and Diseases. Let us help you use the proper E-Z-Flo Dusts or Sprays recommended for control of Insects and Diseases attacking various crops. Herr’s Flowers & Seeds 126 S. Main Street 123 S. Lawn Ave. Phone 147-W Phone 339-W I The ALL-WHITE OVEN Porcelain-enameled and brightly lighted, its smooth all-white lining has rounded corners, snap-out rack guides for ea y cleaning. SUPER WARMER Foods and dishes are kept warm with con trolled fast heat in this roomy drawer with handy sliding shelf. The AfcB/FST in Electric Cooking- Cook "By The Clock” While You Relax qr Shop Just place your meal in the oven, set the electric clock-timer and the ther mostat, and you are free fromyiresome oven watching and waiting.’ Perfec tion’s automatic cooking gives you free time to relax, shop or viiit. You are assured that a perfect meal will be ready "on time" all automatically. SEE IT HERE! Basinger Furniture Store Forty-seven Years of Dependable Service Couple is Wed in Evening Ceremony Miss Barbara Bauman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bauman, of Pandora, was married to Robert Koontz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koontz, of Bluffton in a ceremony solemnized at the St. John Menronite church last Friday evening, May 19, near Pandora. Floor baskets of white lilac and fem, and arrangements of valley lillies and twin candelebra formed the setting for the wedding party. Miss Susie Welty, aunt of the bride, played a 15-minute program of nuptial organ music. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Walter Purdy, pastor of Olive Branch E. U. B. church. The bride wore a glistening ivory satin gown made with Peter Pan collar, sheer yoke with tiny satin button trim, long sleeves with points tapering over the wrist. Her full skirt swept into a short train. She carried a white Testament topped with white roses with streamers tied in lover’s knots with greenery. Miss Carrie Bauman, sister of the biidPj served as maid of honor. She wore a gown of dusty Fose faille with off-the-shoulder bertha, sheer yoke ancl full skirt. Her colonial bouquet was of yellow’ carnations. The groom w’as attended by Jack Koontz, a cousin, of Bluffton. Fred erick Bauman, brother of the bride, and Joe Koontz, of Bluffton, cousin of the groom, seated the guests. Mrs, Bauman chose a Copenhagen blue satin dress for her daughter’s wedding and Mrs. Koontz wore a navy blue costume. Both wore red carnation corsages. The reception tvas held in the church. A three-tiered wedding cake topped with miniature bride and groom, was flanked with a triple taper arrangement and garlanded with green leaves. Hostesses were Mrs. Dw’ight Probst, Miss Kaye Nonna maker, of Bluffton, Miss Dorothy Bauman, and Miss Josephine Augs burger. The bride is a graduate of Pandora high school in the class of 1946. Mr. Koontz w’as graduated from Mt. Cory high school in the class of 1943 and served in the army after his gradua tion. Both are employed at the F. C. Russell company ^at Pandora. Fol lowing a honeymoon trip they will live in the Stratton apartments at I Bluffton. Beaverdam to Have Summer Bible School Beaverdam’s daily vacation Bible school will open Monday morning at 9 o’clock and continue thru June 9, it is announced by the local pastors, Rev. O. M. Boggs and Rev. L. D. Fauver.( In charge of the school will be Misses Angelyn Mandra and Mar jorie Daughtery of Ft. Wayne Youth Missions assisted by teachers from Beaverdam churches. Classes have been arranged for pre-school children from 4 to 6 years primary, from grades 2 to 4 juniors from grades 5 to 7 and inter mediate from 8th grade thru junior high school. Make washday a safe day in your home. Take steps to prevent w’ring er accidents. ADJUSTABLE LAMP Only Perfection has a lamp that you can slide UP or down to light the entire cooking top. MULTI-USE COOKER A 6-qt. size,complete with pudding pan, fry bas ket and rack, enables you to cook an entire meal at one time raises its own heating unit without hooks or tongs for surface cooking. EASY TERMS THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Richland Center Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and daughters of Sandusky spent the w’eek end with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Amstutz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marquart called Sunday afternoon on Mrs. Minnie Main and son Harold. Past w’eek and Sunday callers at the Amos Gerber and Marion Hoch stettler home were Mrs. Frank Burk holder, Mrs. Jess Amstutz, Noah Hochstettler and Mrs. Sam Kohler and daughter Madeline. Mrs. Herbert Coon and daughter of Colulnbus were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. I. Luginbuhl. Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Moser and sons spent Sunday evening w’ith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp spent the week end with Mrs. Amos Lug inbuhl and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Luginbuhl. Other Sunday after noon callers W’ere Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Marquart, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Neuenschwander and Mrs. Don Dill man and daughter Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hilty and Mrs. Robert Ewing called* 'Triday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaublin. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olt and daughter^ Sunday afternoon at the Wm. Amstutz home. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of Findlay. Miss Patsy Schaublin of Colum bus Grove spent Saturday night and Sunday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaublin. Judy Bucher was a Wednesday evening supper guest of Emily Hochstettler. Mr. and Mrs. John Hirschfield W’ere Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marquart and son. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gerber called Wednesday afternoon on Mrs. John Habegger who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Follas called Sunday afternoon on Mrs. Mabel Waltz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hilty and daughter Minerva spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amstutz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Follas and daughter Joan spent Sunday evening at the Malcolm Ew’ing home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaublin called Sunday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ream of Lima. In Memoriam In loving memory of our beloved Wife and Mother, Mrs. Ruth G. Steiner, who passed away 1 year ago, May 30, 1949. One year you’ve been away from us, Dear Wife, we’ve missed you so We’ve missed your voice, your touch, your smile, Your caring for us all the while Now’ God has taken you with Him And since His will was thus We’ll go on trying to understand His taking you, to that heavenly land. One year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was called away God took her home, it was His will But in our hearts she live th still. And while she rests in peaceful sleep Her memory w’e shall always keep A silent prayer, a silent tear— Beautiful memories of obr Mother dear This world is full of folks its true But there was only one like you. Sadly missed by husband and children N. P. Steiner and Janet Mr. and Mrs. Janhes Steiner LEGAL NOTICE R. Davenport, whose Memie _____ _____ address is Norfolk, Virginia, is fied that Daniel W. Davenport petition against number 39627 in the Court of of Allen County, Ohio, alleging of Duty as his ground for sam for divorce, and that said caus hearing on or after the 29th dad last known Rereby noti ins filed his her for divofoe in case Jinimon Pleas Gross Neglect and praying fe will be for of June 1950. rt Daniel W. Davennl By Sylvan H. Wise, his attorney./ 10 Here's how tfgfito make finer hay DEA tract© mower Carritf its own baloncod weigh!. Trails perfectly, makes square turns. Fully protected cutter bar. r. It's fastor, safer, oaslof th* Power Lift, Safety Fits any standard tract to aso. Com* in and I Rtlsait and many othr features. SWIPE*. ike and teddei Four-bar reel has removable patented, double curved teeth. Use with tractor or am to build tall, fluffy, windrows. You'll like its speedy performance end positive action. Next time yoe re ia town, drop in to see as. 0. C. Hurscy & Sons Bluffton, Ohio Bluffton Loses Net Match To Northern Bluffton lost a tennis match Sat urday to Ohio Northern Faculty by a 5 to 1 count. In men’s singles Hockje, Ada, de feated Simcox, Bluffton, 6-4 6-0. Peterson, Ada, defeated Little, Bluffton, 6-3, 6-2. Kelly, Ada, defeated Bracy, Bluff ton, 6-1, 6-4. Gilder, Ada, defeated How’e, Bluff ton, 6-1, 7-5. Reichenbach, Bluffton, defeated Goldin, Ada, 6-0, 7-5. In doubles matches Kelly-Goldin defeated Bracy-Reichenbach, 6-3, 7-5. Hockje-Peterson and Little-Simcox match w’as called in the third set with the score 7-5, 2-6, 10-10. Armorsville Mr. and Mrs. Victor Moser and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mosei’ and daughter. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Lysle McCarty and son and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moser and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Coldiron and family are spending a few’ days with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Klingler Monday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Klingler and son Keith and Hiram Klingler. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCafferty, Miss Margaret Guider attended com mencement at Dunkirk Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hartman and son Cloyce of near Hoytville were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Klingler called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vogt of Harrod Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hartman, Mrs. Mary Hartman and son called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartman and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCafferty, Miss Margaret Guider w’ere Dun kirk callers, Sunday. Mrs. Helen Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lysle McCarty and son called Sun day afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Moser and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hartman called on Mrs. Clara Bergman of near McComb,, Sunday. MrS. John Wingo called on her sister Mrs. Lee Clauss and family, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fenster maker and family called at the O. P. Harijman home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Klingler called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Klingler and family and Mrs. L. A. Klingler of Findlay, Sunday. Those w’ho took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hauenstein were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hauen stein and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Moser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweitzer and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hauenstein and fam ily. Mrs. J. W. Wilkins and daughter called at the C. E. Klingler home Monday. Mrs. O. P. Hartman called on Mr. and Mrs. Purl Hartman, Saturday. Next time you buy poultry your family meal, examine it grade and label. Europe now’ needs more of our corn and less of our wheat than was needed a year ago. AMERICA’S LOWEST PRI ED EIGHT! Only low-priced car to receive "Fashion Award"! Yes, Ford’s the only car on the road to receive the New York Fashion Academy's coveted Fashion Car Medal two years in a row... the only low-priced car to receive it, ever! ’’TEST DRIVE’’ THE ciifcir roue Only low-priced car with a "Lifeguard" Body I Welded, all-steel body Scientifically reinforced for strength—"sound-condi tioned" for quiet Quality coach work and baked-on enamel meal long life high resale value. Only low-priced cor with King-Size Brakes! Trips are treats with features like Ford's big 35% easier-acting brakes to take the work out of driving—and your non-sag foam rubber driver’s seat to banish fatigue. Trips are treats, too, when you see how far you go on so little gas and oil. 50FORD BIXEL MOTOR SALES 131 Cherry Street Phone 172-W Bluffton, Ohio ca* cn«c THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1950 Custom Slaughtering Beef and Pork,Slaughtering Processing—Cutting, Wrapping...............................2c pound Dressed Weight We are now equipped to give you this service winter or Summer Beef by the Quarter}----- Pork by the Side A to Z Meat Market and Locker Service 127 N. Main Street Phone 276-W ERRY MAI IT y RETTY RARCEAY A happy-go-lovely dress with corded skirt and a bodice scored with tiny buttons. Gently feminine and oh so refreshing in sea cool Spring Mill cotton broad cloth. Blue, y ‘llow, pink or lilac. Sizes 9 to 15. $8.35 THE LAPE CO. Congratulations Bluffton College on your Golden An niversary and 50 Years of Progressive Education. IT’S THE tvuNOMY PACKAGE! Only low-priced car with a V-type engine! Ford—only Ford—In the low-price field offers you the smooth, spirited per formance of a V-8 engine. Yet a Ford V-8 is yours for hundreds of dollars less than any other "Eight" Yes, even hun dreds less than most “Sixes." White udewall firor and whwl trim ringt optional at txtra coil. AT YOUR FORD DEALER’S accidknts--------