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Xoakam, Vernon Bt. #2 ,. Bluffton, Ohio Jan.60 BLUFFTON A Good Place to Lire 84 YEAR NO. 37 Bond Firm Making Study Beaverdam council has author ized a Cincinnati investment house to prepare tentative con t#»cte for users of the proposed municipal water system. April 1, 1960 has been set as the target for preparation of con tracts and completion of a survey by the company. “We should know long before then whether this project will work,” Robert J. Brink, repre senting Charles A. Hinsch and Company, Inc., told the council. Mr. Brink also recommended financing the proposed system through n combination of mort gage revenue bonds and general obligations bonds or property as sessments. This would be a big step away from the council’s original hopes of financing the water system from revenue alone. To Prepare Survey Hinsch and Company will pre pare a survey which will show what monthly rates should be charged, the type of financing the village should use and the minimum number of users the water system must have to be profitable. If they find the project is not workable they will report this to the council. Acceptance of this company means they will be given first chance to purchase mortgage revenue bonds at an interest rate to be set later when the method of financing has been chosen. If the project is considered unworkable and is dropped there will be no charge to Beaverdam for preparing the survey, Mr. Brink said. How To Pay? Issue of general obligation bonds or property assessments to carry part of the costs seems necessary, Mr. Brink said. Either of these would require a vote of approval from the village. A fav orable vote on these bonds would al.'o make it easier for Bea verdam to market mortgage revenue bonds and could mean a lower interest rate for these. Consulting engineer Francis Conners pointed out the council’s early decision to finance the whole project through revenue from the utility. Mr. Brink countered that Bea verdam is “a borderline situa tion.” Their proposal will receive better attention from financial institutions if it is not based completely on revenue bonds from such a small water system. “Beaverdam has possibilities, but it will take time, thought and work,” the bonding representa tive concluded. A preliminary survey shows 178 prospective users of a village water system. Usually between 70 and 80 percent of the potential customers will sign for a water system, Mr. Brink said. This would mean that Beaverdam could expect sign options system. i that from 125 to 142 to to subscribe to the firms will be Financial far can more favorable if the village produce the top figure when (See “Water”, p. 12) Eagle Creek Church Begins Expansion Move An extensive expansion pro gram involving additions to the front and rear and deepening of the basement is under way this winter at the Eagle Creek Church of the Brethren located on Route 30, east of New Stark. Bluffton builders, Klay and Amstutz, who recently completed an addition to the First Mission ary church, Bluffton, have the Eagle Creek church contract. The front addition is 21 by 24 feet and will provide space for a new entrance, a nursery room, small all-purpose room and jani tor supply and pump room in the basement. Exterior of the new front will be of sandstone Veneer. At the rear a 12 by 30 foot addi tion will provide a new Sunday School classroom and rear en trance to the basement. The old basement floor is being lowered 30 inches and an ac coustic tile ceiling installed. The completed project will provide a large 35 by 25-foot fellowship room and a completely new kitchen. A new baptistry is also being constructed. The plans were prepared by Miles Miller, Findlay architect. May Require Tax To Finance Beaverdam Water Construction 65- Year Service Ending for Organist Sixty-five years as Presbyteri an church organist will be con cluded Sunday morning at wor ship service when Edgar Hauen stein plays the chords of his last postlude as official organist. The 82-year-old Bluffton drug gist began his services to the church as a youngster in the sixth grade. The congregation felt at that young age, he was capable of playing its reed organ for Sun day services. Edgar had been persuaded ear lier to take up the organ by B. F. Biery, who was head of the Sun day school at the time. He stud ied on the church’s reed organ, and has seen the t-hurch add another reed organ then switch to the pipe organ, donated in 1919 by Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Cun ningham. Mr. Hauenstein and C. A. Biery studied pipe organ together after installation of the new instru ment, and they have alternated at the keyboard for the past 40 years. During his 65 years as a church musician, Mr. Hauenstein has played the piano or the organ in every church in the community as his services came into wide demand. Even with his years of experi ence, he has still not escaped the popular White to be slowly Traditional and Christmas seems slipping over the horizon in the Bluffton area. Only one really white Christ mas has been recorded during the 1950s and that one, a fine six inch blanket, came during the opening year of the decade- A one''inch snowfall grace-U the area on December 25, 1956, but came so late in the evening th. practically every one with a wishful interest in white Christ mas had already retired to their beds to dream of the next year. The law of averages and the odds both favor a white Christ mas. Snow, or a trace of snow, has fallen 26 times in the past 48 years. The almost complete drought of the past 10 years also points up the long overdue need for a white Christmas. Weather of every type has marked Christmas in this area. A snowy, icy cold Christmas is quite likely to be followed by almost spring-like weather the following year. Temperatures have covered a range of 75 degrees, from the low 12 below zero in 1924, to the balmy high of 63 in 1940. A roaring 12 inch blizzard hit the area in 1916, by far the heaviest snowfall since records were kept in this area. Other heavy Christmas snow falls have been eight inches in 1935, seven inches in 1914, 1917 and 1944 and six inches in 1950. The 48-year record of Christ mas snows is: 1911, no snow 1912, no snow 1913, trace of snow, 1914, seven inches 1915, three inches 1916, 12 inches 1917, seven inches 1918, trace of snow 1919, one inch 1920, no Census Takers Will Find 10% Growth Locally Census takers who will swarm down on Bluffton early next year will find a growth of 10 percent or more, according to an unoff cial census year by- the Commerce. prepared early this Lima Association of 1950 population of to the unoffi- Bluffton’s 2,423 had jumped cial mark of 2,671 early this year. This is an increase of 248 and a boost of more than 600 from the 1940 census of 2,035. has char during the population Surprising growth acterized Beaverdam past decade, as its has leaped a spectacular 32 per cent, from 450 to 594. The unofficial figures show Bluffton still holds its place as third in the county, behind Lima (56,000) and Delphos (7,173) and well ahead of Spencerville (1,993). Edgar Hauenstein need for practice. Each service requires a half hdUr or more of practice several evenings of the week. In August of 1956 Mr. Hauen stein was honored by the con gregation for his church organist. A small plaque was attached to memorating his long service as the organ com record. Always modest, he has request ed that no special recognition be given Sunday as he leaves the organ console. What Happened tolJPAite Christmas? Only One Here in] the Past Decade snow 1921, no snow 1922, trace of snow 1923, no snow. 1924, five inches 1925, one meh 1926, three inches 1927, no snow 1928, one inch 1929, five inches 1930, no snow 1931, no snow 1932, no snow 1933, no Know 1934, three inches 1935, eight inches 1936, no snow 1937, no snow 1938, no snow. 1939, trace of snow 1940, no snow 1941, no snow 1942, two inches 1943, no snow 1944, sev en inches 1945, two inches 1946, two 1948, no snow 1950, six inches 1951, trace of snow, sleet 1952, trace of snow 1953, 1955, 1957, inches^ 1947, two inches 1949, no snow no no no snow 1954, no snow snow 1956, one inch snow 1958, no snow. One-Way Street Passes Again Proposal to make Campus Drive a one-way street around Ropp hall passed on second read ing by a 5-1 vote at Tuesday evening’s council meeting. Pas sage one more time will make it effective and give Bluffton its first one-way street. Councilman Charles Hankish Jr., again cast the lone negative vote. He suggested setting up a no parking zone, rather than 1, 000 feet of one-way street. “Santa’s House” portrayed with Santa departing from the lawn in his sleigh while his wife awaits him seated beside the fireplace, won first place in the Jaycee outdoor Christmas light ing contest for Mr. and Mrs. Al dine Weiss of Riley street. The awards were announced Tuesday evening following deci sions by the judging committee consisting of Russell Brooke, Dean Nonnamaker, Morris Gro man and the Rev. James Hein inger. Second prize was awarded to the Swan Stonehills on East Elm street for their colorful red, white and blue display of a large star over a gaily lighted television tower. The lights also outlined the entire front of the house. A Christmas greeting in lights at the Alan McCluer home on East Jefferson street received the third award. Santa was shown in his sleigh before the colorful ly illuminated shrubbery and house carrying a sign, “Season’s Greetings from the McCluers.” The prizes were $8.00, $5.50 and '$3.00 merchandise certifi cates provided through courtesy of the Bluffton Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Greding hardware store. The Artificates are all redeemable in merchan- Winter Proves Its Identity With a Chill THE BLUFFTON NEWS ____________________________A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO THURSDAY) DEC. 24, 1959 Winter sneaked into town early Tuesday morning, bringing with it the season s coldest day to show its power. The thermometer dipped to nine above zero, tying the low mark which was set on November 18. The slow slide to nine above marked a de Iarture from totally unsea sonable temperatures earlier in the month, with the ther mometer climbing as high as 51 on December 16. Snow, w'hich has been pil ing up and dlsap|earing at a record record snowy fall of total for the season to 19.3 inches. If this pace continues it ‘will eclipse the old record for total snow fall during a single winter. rate, will set a new if the winter is as as the fall. Sunday's 1.6 inches brought the Installing Dial Phones In Mt. Cory A new dial telephone system now being installed in the village of Mount Cory and surrounding countryside will go into operation January 10, it was announced this week by Walter Welman, mana ger of the Community Telephone Company of Leipsic. Modernization of the Mount Cory system will bring slight in creases in the rates for business phones and private lines, but party line patrons in rural areas and town will remain the im^ Mount Cory residents wifi able to dial, telephones in ton Ridge ahd Pandora as werk as Mount Cory without toll. The Mutual Telephone compa ny which operated for many years in the village was pur chased January 1, 1957 by Com munity Telephone company. Masons To Attend Church on Sunday Members of the Bluffton Ma sonic lodge will attend church as a group Sunday morning at St. John’s United Church of Christ, one of the two yearly ob servance’s of St. John’s Day. The men will meet at the church at 10:30 a. m. for the 10:45 services, John Gilbert, mas ter of the Bluffton lodge, has nounced. Mt" j, Mr. Welman said that the switch over to the new system is slated for Saturday, January 9, and that it should be com pletely operative by the next day. In addition to gaining the bene fits of the dial system, patrons of the system will have advan tage of an additional fourth cir cuit to Findlay. All long distance calls will be made by dialing the operator in Finday. an- NYC Closes Its Arlington Depot The New York Central “Santa’s House” Wins Top Prize For Weisses in Lighting Contest dise at the hardware store. Honorable mention was award ed to Maynard Geiger for his un usual “black light” illumination of two evergreens in his front yard, and to the angelic front porch of the Gene Benroths. Cuppies Family Home on Visit From Venezuela Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cuppies and family who have been mak ing their home in Venezuela, South America, are enjoying a month’s visit with friends and relatives in Bluffton and Mount Cory. The Cuppies, their son, Billy, and daughter, Linda, arrived here Sunday by plane. Mr. Cup pies is a foreman with a road construction company working in the Latin country. Mrs. Cuppies is the former Wanetta (Peggy) Bronson. They are staying with her folks, the Fred Bronsons, in Bluffton and his parents in Mount Cory. Ift' Insurance Agency To Change Hands Here January 4 Paul M. King, who has repre sented the Nationwide Insurance Co. in Bluffton for the past three years, will step up to a district manager’s post and has transfer red the local agency to Bruce Shelly, effective January 4. Mr. King will undertake a pro gram of training at company headquarters and then do field training before being assigned to his own district office. It has not been determined which office he will head, but it is thought that it will be one within a 50-mile radius of Bluffton. entering the insurance busi here, King succeeded Her Traucht, who advancement In ness bert ilar taine. Lines has closed its express office and depot at Arlington. Express and freight is being handled at the Findlay depot. the Mr. the had took a sim in Bellefon- president of As present vice Business Men’s association, King would have assumed presidency next year, if he remained in the community. Mr. Shelly is a Bluffton col lege graduate of the Class of ’57. He is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Wilmer Shelly of Bluffton. He is presently employed in the accounting department of the Ohio Oil company, and will leave that position to take over the local agency. Village Approves Extension of Dumping Contract Extension of the present con tract to use grounds in the rear of the Amstutz Hatchery as the village dump was approved Tues day evening at council meeting. The village must cover the dump with a foot of dirt and when they finally abandon the area as a dump they must cover the entire dump with dirt. A new dump is slowly being prepared along the banks of Big Riley creek across from the sew age disposal plant. This will not be ready until a much larger and stronger dike is built along the creek, mayor David L. Risser said. Rental of the present dump costs $35 a year. SINGLE COPY 8c CHRISTMAS ON MAIN STREET Bluffton’s business section never looked more festive for a holiday season. The Businessmen's assoc iation has festooned every lamp post with greens and colored Christmas tree lights. Four large swinging bells hang overhead and a large Season’s Greetings sign wel comes visitors at the north end of town. On the right a large old-fashioned candle lamp is silhouetted against the town hall tower. Retiring Village Clerk Honored by Colleagues to tribute Tribute was added for retiring village clerk A. J. B. Longsdorf, who was honored with a surprise presentation at the year's concluding council meet ing Tuesday evening. Representing many of the men who have worked with Mr. Longs dorf during his 10 year term as village clerk, former mayor Wil bur Howe presented him with a piece of luggage. Only last week the retiring clerk was given an engraved gold wrist watch from the Bluffton Lions club. Mr. Howe recounted Mr. Longsdorf's public service as su perintendent of school and as vil lage clerk, pointing out that “a man who has retired twice be fore certainly deserves public recognition.’’ Calling whimsical attention to 1 the fate of many public offi cials, M-. Howe concluded by saying “generally we kick them out of office, but this is one time we protest it.” Mr. Longsdorf was surprised by the presentation, which came midway in the council meeting when many men formerly asso ciated with him as councilmen, Physicians’ Offices Closed Saturday Bluffton physicians have joined several local business firms in announcing that their offices would be closed the day after Christmas to permit them to en joy the long week-end hoiday. Among business firms which have announced the Saturday closing are Steinman Bros. Lum ber Co., the Master Feed Mill, and Farmers Grain Company. All downtown retail stores will be open as usual Saturday, sev eral announcing that year-end sales will begin on that day. The Citizens National Bank will remain open this afternoon, Thursday, until 2 p. m. instead of closing at the customary noon hour. CT 7. .fl/- i v public employees and Board of Public Affairs members sudden ly entered the meeting. Noting with satisfaction that many of the men who combined to give him the gift were former pupils of his during his 19 year term as superintendent of schools, Mr. Longsdorf also thanked all of them for the co operation they h|id given him during his term jh office. “If a few of the nice things said about me during the past two weeks are true, I’ll consider myself well paid,/’ he said. Farmers Produce Has New Location On S. Maifl St ucc lias moved bii on S. Mam nearly 14 years Farmers Pn| Id a nc.v loc? i street foliowingl at their old location at 322 N. Main. The new location is in the bam at the rear of owner Clayton Harkness’s residence at 321 S. Main street. The bam has beep completely remodeled to accomo date the cream, egg and poultry pickup business operated by Mr. Harkness. He has been in the produce field in Bluffton for the past 22 years, with the exception of over two years spent in the Navy dur ing World War II. He came here in 1937 as man ager of the Gray and White company's Bluffton store, which was then located where Pat’s Barber Shop now' does business. Mr. Harkness operated the busi ness there until 1943 when he was called to the Navy. After his return he opened Farmers Produce at its N. Main street location in January, 1946. PLOT ANNEXED Annexation of a small plot on Geiger street belonging to Albert Flinn was approved at Tuesday evening’s council meeting. Bulldogs Picked To Regain From Pirates Carnival Crown in If anything seems certain this uncertain world it is that the Bluffton Pirates are about to have a three year Holiday Carni val winning streak shattered next week. (We said the same thing last year when the Pirates entered the Carnival with a 0-5 record, but they still man aged their third straight championship.) Favorites this year are Cory Rawson and Columbus Grove. If the clubs run true to form in the openers, the favorites will tackle each other in the championship windup Wednesday night. Columbus Grove meets Pan dora Gilboa in the opener at 7 p. m. next Tuesday, with Bluff ton tackling Cory Rawson in the evening’s second game. Los ers meet losers in the first game Wednesday, with the winners playing for the championship in the second game. Columbus Grove had little trou ble handling Pandora Gilboa 48-29 early this season and Cory- seriously ex Bluffton 48-35 Rawson was not tended in defeating two weeks later. If these re-matches follow the the Hornets should swing through easily on Tuesday night then swing off against each other the top spot on Wednesday. Cory Rawson, considered to be a major threat in the Han cock county race, has made a slow start this year. They have been handicapped by the absence of Lynn Young, who had been counted on to be their top scor er. A leg injury has kept him on the bench for most of the season. C-R’s record for the year is 1-4. How Do You Score? Bluffton also bears a 1-4 rec cord. Their major problem has BLUFFTON A Good Place to Trade ANNUAL SUBSCB1FTIOK BY MAIL U.M Stone Co Buys Farm Near Quarry plans of the Bluff- Expansion ton Stone company were outlined this week following the disclosure that the company has acquired a 58-acre farm from Miss Rhoda Matter and Mrs. Marie Craig. A small housing subdivision, expansion of the quarry and a new quarry access road are in cluded in plans outlined by Her bert Conrad, manager of the Stone company. The Matter farm is located at the comer of Bentley road and Harmon road in the southwest comer of Bluffton and adjoins the present quarry property. Seven acres between Harmon road and the Nickel Plate rail road will be subdivided into building lots, Mr. Conrad said. Another 11 acres, lying in a strip between the Nickel Plate railroad and route 25 will be used for expanding the stone quarry. An access road will be built in this strip, running from the present quarry to the Bent ly road. This will enable many qu?rry trucks to come and go without bucking traffic on village streets, Mr, Conrad said. The remaining 40 acres of the purchase lies on the south side of Route 25, across from the present quarry. 1960 Baby Derby Will Giver 12 Mile Radius annual by the associa- Rules governing the Baby Derby sponsored Bluffton Business Men’s tion were released this week. In charge of the program are Dr. B. W. Travis, Dr. Howard Shel ly and Dr. F. D. Rodabaugh. A shower of awards, contribut ed by many members of the Bluffton Business Men’s associa tion. awaits, the first baby of the new decade be born in Bluff ton Community hospital. The mother must reside within a 12 mile radius of the local hos pital, or she may be a regular patient of any physician living in Bluffton or on Bluffton rural routes who has been previously scheduled to come to the local hospital for delivery. “These limitations are broad but necessary since the Business Men’s association sponsors the program to show their apprecia tion to the people of our trade area,” Gene Benroth, Business Men’s secretary, said. Last year’s winner was Alan Titus, son of Mr. and Mrs. By ron Titus, Lafayette. Births following births were re- The corded at Bluffton Community hospital during the past week: Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Little, Bluffton, a boy, William Jay, bora Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huffman. Bluffton, a girl, Merry Christine, born Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gil breath, Harrod, a girl, bom Monday. been an in-and-out offense W’hich yields points only occasionally. They hit their high-water mark last week end when they scored 52 points against Spencerville but the highest total of the year to be racked up against their de fense. Starters Buck Schiffke and George Burkholder were benched for the Spencerville match, but their performance in reserve rolls may have won new recognition for both of them. for Young Bulldogs is Columbus Grove's lineup dominated by underclassmen, they are starting two soph omores, two juniors and only one senior. Their major scoring threat is usually junior Lynn Darbyshire, with help from Jer ry Stechschulte and John Welty. as Pandora Gilboa, slowly im proving, finally broke into the win column by easing past Ot toville last Friday night. Like the Pirates, their problem is putting the ball through the basket with more frequency. Rol Etter, Dale Basinger and Mike Meinke have done perhaps the most of their meager scoring. A prediction from The Bluffton News? Certainly. Columbus Grove to win their fourth Carni val and break a four year dry spell. Bluffton will defeat Pan dora Gilboa on Wednesday af ter losing to Cory Rawson again on Tuesday night.