711 M'
7TO. '1.9,
i I II
J T 'If" "
Ilavitif added to tha material of our effira on of
And a hand'owi awftmentof
fV. .r pt.nrrd hi .tacnt. arery thing in oat II n.,
a.rb ..
Foster. Cirrnlnr,,
Kkow Hill", l'roirrimmP,
lluad Hills, Iuvilallolis,
Label, Cnr.l",
Hlsnk Notes, (,'kfrki,
I'nmphlct, Hooks, Ac,
f.th. moitasttifaetntT mann.r.
Orders Filled at Short Notice,
And on the very
Lowot Terms,
Tribune Job Office.
M'HF.F. nIl.r:Y. Proprietor..
.11. Mo HI ft,
..eneral CollertmR and llnfineu Agent Foitoria.O.
U. I,. ;rinitlia
Attorney and Counaullor at law,
TtlHit, Ohio.
Ofllee in CVwrnn-inl Bow. Jtt efl, t f.
i ool'KR K. WATHiXt K?.AM WII.LArTc.
?IM atrend pmmtHlv tn nit MnU of Vrl lninai;
11 IMHra tn Conmien tal How, TilRn, libio. a5
is. r. om:,
Siuipr'i Block, oppuaito Court Hoiicp. t'
Blair. ficl!) .'7 If
J. K. 1IOKU,
Tillin, Ohln.
A W,
OFFICE -la nh.h..' N.w lllork, .r P''
rto.r. tVl.l
Ijroiiard AdaniM, ,
NOTAItY Pt'lll.ir,
Anil fi.n.r.l In.urnnc. Agent. Jlllc wilh W. P.j
II. Nnl.k, TilTin, Kino. .r,III.W
IV." 17 A; IliT Soblo,
Attorneys and Couiiai'llirt nt Law.
Ilrtk. in Hln,.i' N.ar llloi k , 0..0lt. Ill I'ooM
joiis e. tita.. ri.iON l. bskwer.
Ac. Hrcnrr,
Kollcitor In I liHiici'rr,
Room., I n rtlli.oi'. Nr. II liwk . op.n.ll r tl.f. Col.rt
,!,,. I itl.r. M.iy HlJ.. .V IJ
Sinn & JotiiiMon,
Attortiuys unci Coiuisdlurs nt Law.
rll.l.Mll, k'n ll.u...'N.M HI,..k.i.vrrVolliurr'rl.'li.
In. .Iu.ji Mm .lrrl. I'ml. iunl li.i.in... "nil
ollriolnn ol nil k.n.l. ol l Uiin. ..uni.li) lln..eil
Tilhn, ll. I7ll. U 5S. . ..
. -I. A. S ivm or.
ll.ira.nni.il III. prarlin., n.l will siv. tri. l "ttrntin..
o.HLu.in... .nlrn..l K. him. Ilrtir. in .li .-orn.rol
KliMl'i lllm-k, il.frr.W iki'V. H t11" '
liaorc. Taylor. oppoaila th rAhawl.aa llo.n.
W U I i a riiri vTiilMii
.Volari A'ublic, and
Connni.sioniT f.n- K.ntucky ami California.
OKKHK No 3U Wart Kourtl.flraal.balarai-n Wat
aaa W.inot .i..,:ioln.ilijhio.
I'oulorla, OMo.
r..llM.iin .nil l.nnri Af.nl). will liromntlr
tl.nil lo Ik. .oltoclio. of .11 cU.ni. .nllu.lr.l u
i ..Mi. ill .liainlnf (;o.nli... VMI.
limit too.. a. whai. k-al ailvic ..aril in l"fo.a.
.i..- t.Mri.ra Ju.l.re.ol tlia I'a.ra. 1'rr.n.iM.n.
In. lo bu, or Mil l.n.l or Tow. I'nHHrty will Una II
tliail draal.j. loju.a. ...... in?(r,-n.
R. ran TO ri.wri k Mrtis, tin.ll.y.
4iniT A llROWI.,,
V. I'. i M Nooli, T.flln.
K..riaCa., r'oi.ori..
Ila . 84, IMS If.
William I.aas;
General Land Agent;
Wo.lilta.nrclfullr inform Hi nublia 1I14I II. I.a,
a.ct.d with till pritio. fff"l.t
ratio., w.'.hins to boy I.M.L t Town lta,
Bad II 1. Ih-.I . Iv.nt.J. I..I..nma m. joor. ...
...i... Lartu.. l.llai. tc; ...a ti
wilLin to ..lll.av.hrre. fc" n.a.lium, by Ic.vin.
da.orlpl.on ol i,...tt ,tatm., k". . tor anlrr.
taroilirnlr. Kli.wba..'. C'oiniuctci.l Ulock.ortrlb.
drra.JSIr '
'ttSi:K-IL II. Hli.tll'i
c o i;vr i s uiz tv; mo
OS!... I. Hbawhan', lllock. ov.t Ui B.nk of
'VIIililA!tl AM.l T,
r.lneli nml Wati-hwXakcr.
Allkiudtof watches keptooiieUntl j onhand
Store In Commercial Kow.
Tilli", b.pt. J7tb, 161. ly. T
(iKORtii: r.KAit,
KostorlrXi Ohio.
CARRIAG1-: & WA(iON Maker
and m"i,"-ti(it of
OftLabott qualiif. A .iy Ol Kn Itviirr
const anl ly 03 kiit, It hu tl.un in Y uainrta. They
ltor atntjilivau' uniwij .lor it rtlha.
All order prHiiiily auemiod 10. taialD-ir
Tiiliu A. I I, Wayne Ita.
1 OffiaeoflliaT.-k Y . W .K R fV,
lUeeinher, Ii-AH.
fi Ko fflf a olthiieninintii iariuaneatl
im T Hn , and t w.rtotte rttam. oerniited
la Ue -2nd ttiry f 1 oiob'i It lo: h ; i-oni r rf' KUin
P.rry tireola. U. t. K I ' M r I r,
dec II
l. pC'ALITf.B. O.
I.IcAliKter & Cowles.
tn?er of
MM'. l-l-m I NttwtlllKk,
On. .loin li.i..lil Natl,
TIHln, A pit! 1 Ins4 If
(VTT1M H"!';1" "tT'-rn nrrrri
A1II.Krepcielv '.nlnnulhf ltir tbal
m bailtt-r ahoii, a ll"!"'"! ' ! hlnlio tliuc,
ui ii a I nil irttiiie. w'tr r ba u rratty iinf) euntneifna
(iti.. J h ,ti i nut hairrul.anUa lixku.iuttiaip'Miiij
Iil ratr i. II. I
n l.aoil .11 III.
ni.a bair.ajol Willi Ii lie guaranta. o. I.a
. A. Ml
Sow 4ooil.! Sow in
M. A. Ill's 11 . NO HFMiIM'a
lock of l.l...rv nd Kane. Uooil.t
Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers,
Ptitmi, Putin. Vei-et., PilVt, !,aiei, Frnhfoirfer
let ThrntU, Nre.Hc., Pint, and nllihe Holfl of h
tin a.tat'.,-hn.nt in h..b th attention of lhe tnill of
Sener. ennnl vanil vir-tnity t" fene'lfnliv invited. The
dork ,t ot id hl qtinlitt and wilt be nM .-lieiw-r t haa
ran H honrMUwhrrf. All fcn.l of Millinery work
l.O!ent,0 iRlftl llt wHli.ltap.M.'h.
A lhfiMIMrMnt mi'lf In rnnittri- Milliner.. -AIm
firM MiJt Cilt.ihtMi rmih IM ha- ner
hen riWrrtveted fnr Hra, HrMtU.KrMVpiln. Felon-,
llrti,('hnpd hamUBTwi at) d We a tat and injuria, ol th
Rnnm tn Tomb' Blovk.oppoilt tit Phawhan llnna.
Tiffin, Ohio. !!
THE partner. Mp etlinf bntirra H Tomb, Jnhn
the nnderifned hnv annrialeft lhem-tvei toreilier
foil he pnr(w nf rnntinmnf tHa lntne of Tomh,
Mm Jl Co.. antkr tlia aania nama and tvk as harcto-
fore .
Theratl)he no tntrrmptlnn In ihehmtneti atlir-
(Afore .-AnlH t-d, and K m rvlaa will b oafvtd
in thapayman l itefri,vn! m
3 month! 4 per cent,
ia n
rertitaitajn allre pn-Alit iw demand.
fi. TOMII, JOHN T. (H'HH, 11 H. 111788.
A. U. HN HATH, JOHN (itl.I.HJ.
Jert If.
II. S. Wenner Sc Co.,
Sni.KlE8., FTO.,
JclYoraon St., noar(crnian Catho
lic Church, Iitlin, Ohio.
A riVr.iln.., nflh Utc.l it.lrtm nt Hurvi... tl.. ft.
1 i.hH in Hi. , nt.nnf-r .nil of thp mort rfrbl
m.ritl.i nnn.tanllr on hmH, .nfl pnnnrtl. m.'l. to
. - . . . - ii m i t' ' l i u a. I-,.
lr. J. HIcAdoo.
1 tfl.T. promptl? aMond to all ralU, atther in Tif
V fin or ennntrv. in ',nin.h'rine lo the afWirte!.
rii.riiliirrintina pld to Female ilneaet. Hhower
Kml flanv h.ittt ennnented wtlhtN offioa, ntdtrnlrd
w urn ii.i' nvjimrriv bimull. ( Hhfa wcilul I tie
.'on.lenM.ljr- -.- VVard.Titlm. Oliio.
i v : t
I'irrr.it vaMust.
Itngxy V 'iirri:ic Jlaim-lacturt-r,
F.n.l nf t'ip Coi"-' Hon.o.on MnrkctSlrcet
Ir. Ii. . Allen,
Milliner & Dress Maker,
F rw.ro fir.r V. K . Hh.M.h.n'a .loro, Main itrMt.
Ti l.n.lllno, Illh, IK.W tm
v. v. iti:iMiAi:z,
ii:iTAi. m tji;.
OPFU'P. in lli,whTin'l Blm k, ?d .lorr, illrartl,
mi lar tlia Tribitna Oiricr, Mnrk at atrrei, Tillin, 11.
Hi. Wag tier,
.11 KItl'll A NT IAII.OII.
N II ll.al.r in n.nlr.Mail. Clolhlnj, Clolh.,
,...ni.n , V.illnf i.Iif.
Hl'.r.on .Main itreal. oiaiont. th. H.n.c Onntv
Wholesale Grocer and Commisflon
Mm lMnt, No. 3tl k tl Watar ltret, i!in" tl or-po.
he t tn. JL lavton K R I 'emit, Haniliitkv. tltiio. l(w
and n-fined Hngxf, Moliaart, irl, Rice, Hiairli ; 1
iiiialilifi ol iniw nut ntvllra, 1 fit, t ollce, tVo. Or
iler for r t"li, Huh, I Initf r, nter iini, fcr., prnnt pt-
ly 6ii"u. -t onfingBfniiTj(i-a. oiau
(I.atk com i:r at i.vti.k.)
"Wholeaaie Grocer,
' TSin ii.,, ; i .n..Xornliau t; .
llrnli-f li.Wino,, I.Oli''
kv, lit
oic, Nurm.n
Ili.il, "
I'.lrt .r-M. bnn
(Formerly cnllcd tin "City House.")
LSVI WEIRICK, Proprietor.
h,.rn r.-bniit. ra-fumiaii. n .ml I. now .1
! , r
The niii.rri.L'nrd drilrn- to liiroim till friend, and
ti,ia.r,,fnontiM:,ir ti.m.e (no.e ivw-) tht
( hoU-l ( ready rot Uia iecrtifo m gua.ta. 1 tro
Home l
rtMida AT In tlieeountrr
1 ri'tw hi in it 1 lit 1 re oivti;li to anenmmodate anT nnm
herol ltor-,and wlllalwayt hava an nlmnilnni a ot feed.
trt 1 r,in"
Titlin' Oetolter 1 , .15 'f
Wnf4licft4V Jewelry
MOTMiif llfiMKirKiillt lk iilt-t. Ill llitat.ll lii j""t Hieiiftl
VViMiaier'i Druf and lloo M' fa, ISo. ) Himwhnn'i
lltoc , mid uliritnn inMei linn ol'tiia liwk of W iiUhei,
loc-lti, Jewelry anil Hilver waie. and hopaa ttt merit
a alinre of oalilic paironneo.
Hfnirlna ilone in tlie hJtt it la OT WorkmKntUip.
Tirhn. Jnoa3, lHSH.
Una jOftrrtriTned front Naw York and opened ft
Fill Absoutmknt of Mii.ijneuy,
romnriitnj Mot, Cnp, Hor.4-dr-ei, American anil
rrt-ni-h Klwra, Emtimnledei, riii, liantiKf-rohotli,
Mitii, Knl Heir, Tor!., Ktlentlon hkirlav, tic.
Hhe witl he ti.iiittv lo wait uonn all liat favor her with
call. All unler iromillv nMrnrinl to.
On MaioMraat, in liliurk'a Block. Tiffin. 13
W. II. Tark. M. I.
OYYW.W on Main streft, opno.ito ntark'- HVrk;
Tttrln.Oltto. na7 'M
Dr. Franklin Is tit Home again,
' . and bnvinf aaaoolated biaaiahT with c.r
efi r itl do ill work ant railed to ptotapUy. and
AVari-ant rSalifrf action.
lit. Franklin ml b. parmiltrd In rami.d this com
wnmitr, ,bal bl. .icr. no. . Maill.l.. .nd Horr.rY
eoalilaa blw to tra.t iI.mmmI T.rlh and tiatna wilR
tM,ltai.nniaa. than HSita wl.o .ly lo tliamMITp. ttlT.a.i.s
UV.U.L, b.t wuom oi.tm to tbut title l.allogatha,
AIIwron, hat!.. I1ECA VF.n Tr.FTH, rilsFAS.
I ll lii vis, ot in want .r AKl'IHI'IM. TKb'lll,
will dn wall 10 call at oaroirioa. on. door Wait ol filuaw.
ba. Iliio.a, I'crrr .1.
Tillin, June IT, .19.
TO TS8I) I'l lIBiK'.
ThehMirtaia df ih lata firm of Shrlver andHnaalb
ba conduct!, t tlia old itand by
.aSfossc 'fcjlirivcr,
who, tlitnkful for favor pt, ik tl eotinotd pairon
Mm it jnt or.Wrin l-wrge and well 4h-rled
STOC'I of .4OIM,
wli.rn will u. or. . , lew Jayi.
April '."i,lr.
ITuts. Cnpa. Eurs, HntVulo RoI.cb,
H.w-kikt. .Ml Wool. lilov.a,.na Milla.ai to.
V .l. i, Ileal, Manila.ky, OI.IO.
t "ilibe.t u.h .i.ci paid fol nil kind, of
aa.l.'-k.i..; .vo daai. i. binkan bank .nd ..wnirtut
tnunty, (wlil anil .ilv.tcoin, ale., ate. aaplll-lr
(o tvan.ncl a pn.ral Aanklnr boilnaM,.nU pay i.t.r.it
on liu,.la . telliiw.t
3 uoMlb., i ...t ea.t,
. - j ..
,lj M .Ml.
Cart.Sr.t. pay.l.. In all ..Ml mn dVwa.d.
K. Ii.at, A.ti.H.rM, ainaii IHi.a.V,
.-p.. H.aki-ra.
I i.U.-ltNrt tti-li.t... I. .ulalill h Mualta-.!..,). .
La lad nimm plain, irl,n u.,ni..i .a
mi. adl.lt. Mute ut t . h lliiiuuulti. iMUiraia.l.
BUSINESS CARDS. Tiffin Weekly Tribune
BUSINESS CARDS. Tiffin Weekly Tribune ONE.
A Innnirnt, An lunir,
A wnnl ir t.-nr,
Vim ti'll. ili it. iwiT
To MiUli n or ulnwrT
A pmin in tlip Mnl,
A ru( nrtli tlie iimI,
iilnv yit liltfl tlio lninl
'iN'i'nili vlnj einiU't of i'Ol!
A Word from tlio Hp!..
Lie--. yy lliny rlt
i mi.... .
A fniwn from a friiji...
r roiii yninU to it. ml I
Iiif. ' nnfi m.kfn It. ln.1o
Of j.v, fnilitn. f.nr,
At il'tly tli.y roll
War niiJiitg to ypar.
Tln tine a, tlicy
Tlire monicntA; f.r tlio,
Kiieh gmin in lif.-'. g.HnA
A itnca. lill U'l
1-inoli notion mill livo
"Wlion tni'.ttiig the One.
I If rvK.r(. to ivl)
Of doctla tliou Ln.t ili.no.
On corth M tli amil,
Oniiii.otiit fnll;
Itctiu-iiilnT. tlio m hilo,
Tliif ono nmy nil f
From the Dublin University Magazine.
The Last Victim of the Scottish
whllo his
boilinjr blood pradunlly subsided, and his
pas.ion cooled in tho presence, of death.
The whole thing had taken place so sud
denly, that he could hardly behove the
livinir, breathing man he had been talking
to ao amicably but a few moment bol'oro,
was I y i i ) tr there murdered by his own
hand. Hut suddenly, as ho p:iz"d, ho felt
his flesh creep with a strange horror, as
he raw tho soulless eyes of the blind
maiden upturned towards him as she knelt
on tho ground hy her dead father, towards
whom alio crept with a ftop so stealthy
that he had not heard her. Hamilton
drew back, shuddorinrr, from tho fixed
stnre; ao dreadful seemed the expression
ol hnto on her white, irhastly face; but as
ho rece.Ied, sho crept towards him on her
knees, and laid bur hand, which .ho had
steeped in her father' Muud, on his, till
it bore tho same red stain, and said, in a
low Btifled voice: "You have murdered
him, and you shall die for it. Nono saw
tho murder, for my blind eyes saw it not;
but think not to escape; the vengeance of
Heaven will track you out one day."
Then flinirinir nn her arms to heaven, sho
exclaimed, "My father, O, my futher !"
and lull upon tho curpso with a .brick so
wild and picrciiift, that Hamilton felt aa if
it must have ruiir upon tho curs of every
person in tho town, ontl reached even
through tho massive walls of Inrerary
That cry recalled him to himself; he
must cscapo right speed ly, or another mo
ment would see him surrounded by those
whum it must rotwr; tho instinct of self
preservation at o.ico took place of every
other feeling, and wilh one bound he dart
ed to tho other door, opened it, rushed to
tlio ntuUlo. mount 'U In nurse without sad-
.1 In i.p l.r;.lli. ,l... .1 ,.r
l.ln.Tthofsp-B Tppt. ri' rfT7nriiiorfl nwnvT
that the inhabitants heard of him as they
rushed to tho inn, whence tho blind girl's
shrieks were still heard echoing.
Hamilton never slackened his nuro till
ho had laid ten miles hetweon him and
Inverary. In those days, tho com so
justice was a. stum as it was summary
and he felt well assured that tho present
Marquis of Argylo.the youugor brother of
, louiiu out mo niuruercr ot n.s retainer, es-
pociulty when ho hartl from ENjH'tlt the
circumotancoi ol uis dcuth; auu it ho nuc-
i, rival.wouUI never rat till ho had
, V. .
cccded in hi. aearcb, the aervioc. of the
"maiden" would right speedily bo called
into action for Kenelm him.olf.
When at last he ventured, under cover
of . dark fire wood, to too h.s furiuu.
.,r. kr..,. n ,n.iX.. knu,
.lu.ii.., ..w Vi ul. w .inv
av..ii inn. nl.iinn.ni. n-ilh nn
mean, of avoiding discovery, with no
small axiety as to the issue. II is best1
hope was In the fact, that none had been
present during the murder but the blind
girl, who could not identify him, and thut
not a single inhabitant of Inverary had
seen him, except her head father himself.
He waa now not very fur from tlie house
of hia kinsman, whore he originally in
tended to havo passed tho night. The
time ho had spent so fatally in tho inn
Invarary had not extended beyond an
hour, and tho rapid pace at which he had
traversed tho last ten mile, had fully
brought him to the timo when ho would,
according to hi ordinary stylo of travel
ing, havo reached hia destination. Ho
therefore resolved ta proceed thither
once, as if ho were only arriving from tho
village whore he hud li lt his servants, and
to truit that no ono would ever suspect
him of having made his unlu. tu.iuU) uVtour
.... i . n.i - ,
intothe domain of his enemy. Ihi. plan
succeeded purftxtly, ho was expected
his cousin, and the next morning In. ser
vant joined him, having left his comrade
doing well; so that no doutit was for
moment entertained that he had ever de
viated from tho road he had been expect
ed to take, and lie had once mora started
for Edinburgh bofore tlie nows of
murder had spread beyond Inverary.
Nevertheless, whon the fact did become
kn.wn.it created a great sensation, chief-
, . i-
to owing to the peculiar circumstances
he cae-a murder committed by an uh-,,.
known assassin in presence ol oue sole
witueas, and that one deprived of the pow
er of seeing tho murderer, ws. even
tluwo day. of bloodshed, a striking event,
and the mysterious escapo of the criminal
seemed altogether unaerounUihle.
Thn Mnrnuiil nf Arirrlp. al.il w... nt
cimtle on the fatal night, left no stone un-
in hia pfTort to discover thn n.irtin.
tretor of tho deed; being stimulated to
activity in tho search, by the strong
suspicion he entertained that the assassin
was in some way connected with the fam
ily of his foes, the Hamilton. This
gathered from the conversation between
the murderer and his victim, whii h
peth detailed word for word; hut it ufford
ed no clue whatever to the actual iudivid-
les. and aJllicU'd of tho dun to find
fuga with the fuuilly of t!iir chuf,
ual, and Keuoliu himself was never
peeled, i
After a few week, of nseleas investiga
tion, the search was given up; but the
of the murder were carefully record
ed by the court of justice, and the Lord
Argylo declared that .1 ever in Ins nn
tho uod.ismn wero discovered, ho would
bring him to tho scall'old, be the interval
ever ao long. Elspeth found a home
the Marquis's household, a. iter the
old fashion of those time, winch recog
nized a claim on the part of all the help-
Kotmlin had, to all appconuic, e.c.oped
with purled iiiij.uu.ty.
Yot b", L'tty ami rt'cklcs t li opriniMlJli'iiinrio
wall nt crrtlv hnunt'-l hy one ilnrk fnro-i
bdinrr, whii-h never left him, niylit orilny. j
Ciinlrll woo tint the tir.t ninn hp hud ,
nhiin in tho ronnp of this Kturiny rnri'or.
hut he win tho firxt ho hnrl mutiUrtd; tho ;
first nhoxn hfo hp li l taken uthrrw t'
thn in honornl.le wiirfuro; and treily
the liiifnilinr; retrihiitii.n of arttml crimp
bail rotnmpneerl in the deep iierret ol
his ho hpnrf. Where over h went.
ah. np or in crowds, from the hour
when the low solemn wariiiiijr of tlie blind
Ijirl came to him, s he stood with his feet
(lalibllntj In the blood nl" her father, he '
nt-niu iiiav ti.o v riiiLriiiLT ii. inn I nr. n.ii.
tellimr him th;,t vo.me.iu e would snrelv I
ii,..! i.;. 1 .1... i.,..i.... ;...;.. .,r
the Invieiblotrack him out who.. Ic..t ho'"1
ominous whisper In hi soul, nor the!
sweet tune of tho pentle 1,-uly Kllen,
while she luur.iured her bridal vows, I
f till was it soundinir there, nlien t!.e foe
ble cry of his first-born spoke of new tie.
- 1 i i, i
to make hlo sweet: and, later still, he
heard it through the firinif of the salutes
that preeted him as ambassador on a for-'
eipn shore. Years passed on, most of
which wcro snout at one of tho continen
tal courts; and when, at last, ho returned
with his wifo and family lo Kdinhurp, the
murder of tho inkeepcr had not been
tho'ijrht of by any one for a long time
One day, about a month after his arriv
al in the Hcottisli capital, Hamilton was
walking along Wo most tssbioiiahlo part
of tho old tow n, when) the houses of the
nobility wero chiefly to bo found, when
oneiuion w.n niiriu u u l.y a iray,
which wa. goingon in the streets between :
two soung men. Such a sight was hy no
means uncommon in those d.tys; but the
furry of tho lads was o great, that it was
evident some serious mischief would en
sue if they were not a parated. Hamil
ton, whose rank in the o ty entitled htm
to interfere, at once rushed in botweon
them, calling to them in a loud voica to
desist Immediately from further quarrel-
nig, and with a firm grasp of Ins strong
L-...I.. .1... -I II... .1. 1...
i.aiii.D on u.u BiiuiiiutT 1. 1 I'm u, liu se.ii
tiiem reeling lo tlio opposite siUe. ol tliu
The affair had collected a cotmidernlilo
crowd, and Hamilton's rank and position
wore well known amongst them an that
uiey an inatio way uir nun an no rewirneq
to resuino his walk. One moment he
stood thero in all his proud prosp-rity, re-1
ceiving the homago of tho peonlo n. his
and scarce bending In lolly hoad
in acknowledgment of it. Tlio sunshine
of a bright summer sky, atreaining down
tipan his noble and coniinandlng form,
but to tipily the brillinucv of his
worldly prospects. One moniont lie Btta.d
thus, and tho next, the vengeuiico that
had so long tracked Ins stoiia unseen laid
hold upon hun with a deadly grasp, and
i. ..... ..t :!.....- -....i. .1.......
n.u .mi o. iiioiiiioM. . uiiit-i puiio. no. u
to set in blood. A shriek, so thrilling
and intense Unit -it seemed to pierce his
very heart, suddenly rung through the air,
ami nil eyes, as well as hi own, were
turned to tho spot from whence it appear
etl to have arisen and thero
iglit pro-
sonted itself, which caused the stately
namuion to grow paio ami ircmnio uko a
On tho highest step of the stono
stair which led to tho door of tho Marquis
of Argylo'stown residence, a tall haggard
loukiuu woman was alindim. her arm
that they were sightless, soemed to glare
upon him with a iiorriblo triumph, as
nriL-M;u oui it. tun uimwure nearu iar.
und near; "Seiu him! seize Unit man,
uoi.Yur iiu .nuj uc iiu i uiu iiiutuurur
r c. .1 r l i "... i... i ..... i.
f my father I know him by his voice,
; i Many of Argyle's retainers wero amongst
! tho crowd, und the Marauis himself had
j been drawn to tho window by the noi.o
ofthe fiuarrel. All knew Klsneth Cntnn.
bell, tho blind woman, and rcmoniberod
,f the ouarrol.
w lluul 1 1
inunlor all could
r iniiiiT a uiyni'Ttuus iiuirutT ail couiu
tostifv to tlio tttiutL-ntma of hor bp nan of
heari .... and to the reneatcd cmres.ii.n
of her lonLrintr desire that sho mi -ht hear
tll0 Toice Z tlo a-rassin so long sought
i vain, for sho remembered tho full rich
.... i .i ,,
y nn, woru one i.isiau, ere tun a coriiso
.'l -U. c.t. -U. ..v ...j i. . " .....
. .
them again if she could but once hear the
and now. aller the lapse
nl 1. 1 1 ,l.i.aM train rl.A w.i '.linnwn rtin
had struck her car, and again
and attain
sho .creamed out: "Seize Inm! seize him!
I know ho is my father, murderer."
another moment Argyle wa. confronting
Hamilton, too thankful to huve such
charge established again.t his ancient en
emy. The people crowded round, and
hod been disposed to doubt the blind
woman p recognition. Hamilton', own
awe-airuca conscience Ki.anai upon us
uuLii, .... oi,,,v,u U. I. I..O, uui
u.. ..... ..a.u ur... u.c
blind woman', ghastly face; ho left his
hand, full at his side, and exclaimed:
the hand of God. and I am lost."
spoke truly; he was lost indued.
Argyio speedily brought linn lo justice.
ti... ki:...i . . j
alio uiiiiii aui.tuti a a.iuni.LD naauiitiui a
tional)1 nor uiJ aUornpt to controvert
it; it was as if the very blood ofthe tnur
dered man had risen up to cry for ven
geance; and all men detuned it a right
eous sentence which doomed hi.n to the
Not many day. after that bright morn
ing when ho stood as it seemed, on tlie
't ;...... , ".n
. ' u. luii.iuni au on. j
of ha(1 been d t)
,nd hr - , .,
"'t-eI)l"a' )ul
tornnd HUt die lor that
uaual he
pinnnelo of fortune, w ith admiring crow
around him, he found himself again tho
cenUe of a large assembla'0, the object
The deadly maiden
r.c,iii .in. tl,.r .;.
im. and at her foot tho iu.I.Ih ldv Elliott
Hamilton sot weeping bitterest toare,
saw tholovtr of her youth, tho hus-
' Willi-
1 ever knew that
rash dend. The blind,
band of her riper years, led up to die,
They let him pause one Instnnt to take
leave of h"r. "My Ellen, do not weep,"
he said; "this is but tho work of God'aun
woman' Voice has haunted me through
all these years, a. it seems mine has
hauntod her. iShe told me vengeance
would overtake me, and it is como mor
cilul it is tli nt it meets mo on the ocull'old
and not iu the tiros of hell." He kinsed
her pale lips and passed on.
Slill nearer to. the fatal maiden stood
the blind wouioii, w ho bad murdered
a. surely as he killed ber father. He
his banc on hers;"Elspoth, you areaveng-
ed," he said, "I am about to die. Now,
vour hatred naaa away, and pray
. "I will, she answered, and tears
from her siihtle eves as he pued
i ! ,n u,,H'..r
Iu another instant tho maiileu
her work, aud tlio lust of her
tiiu. lay slaughtered iu her terrible cm-,
The instrument nf death thus atrangely
ro-' named was never used again. It w auu-1
and j peraoded by tho more modern fiishion
exeutiri c.r. initials, nii.i 11 ..iy now
iu thtf Mifcuin of the Anxiety of An-
tails of
in Kilitilmruli, witli the dark
Min y't cirr.Mlmir on tlio futnl knili-,
Hi' h wit h-fl tltiro l.y the Mom. nfhitn
who in very riVrd rniil truth wn brought
tojitio9 l.y the lj;iil rrtriLution c
htivo reronlvd. ' '
Free Negroes to be Imprisoned.
New Orb-.n. p.pcn. of Snnd.y laM h-ive
been received by mail, lly new trii-
lation t.. inti .-tlo. t on lhe lt of IS. ik
teml.er, all free person of color an ivintf ,
there nniHt iinnied alely be lodged In jail
and remain until the departure of tho boat ;
or rii.nrii.il mril l.iey rriTO.
- -
C-T"r.very member of ronires.rlf-t-
,'-V!T Tvnncrnt n "i"' rXn
'slv ' l' et ot nuntaken
Ohio Statesman, Oct. 17, 1850.
n. ..iVu. i ,.. roi n, fi.vu.Tv
ti, (.,i k... .,, n,.i i
,.MH.11Nivo (,1(.,lmi.llt. whu h will est
. .. .
.i' l Ai'i iini.v II'.. Hill. Ol, ii 111. I. 'ii ,
the Kutl .b(lt $.-,0,000, and which will
not be read t'V one man in the Stale in
ten thousand, hns at length found its way
from the State I'nnter a
di ry. It will ho ready for distribution in
few weeks."
iHoo to the bin-"f
The "Nigger Question."
Th Cincinnati Haiti t' truthfully re
ma i ka that "things are coming to a strange
pas In this country. The Democratic
party "the preat and only national partv,"
litis Wcome a party of one '(lra, and tftst
ono thing is "tho nigger quct-tion." It
discusses nothing else; thiitiis or nothing
ua Itrt Alortlon at Hie South t im till-
on Uli(l- j,. cu-atr. for tho neat pres.
ideni'y siiHtain this topic and no other.
Mr. Douglas has written several letters,
all relating exclusively lo this. Mr. Wise
think ho has a better chance than Doug
las, because his position on Slavery is
more agreeabln to Itia parly. Tho other
candidates have sn eyo on this one thing.
It I nuito anpttrlint that so far a. the Dem
ocratic party is concerned, this alone will
(, retfM.,, ,t the next presidential elec
p 1
Keep it Before The People
That Judge Rasnst, in 1S43, doclarcd
himself in favor of the Wilmot I'roviso
i iS60 , ul.UOiinced tlie Fugitive Slavo
j,tw j tie bitterest laniinge he could
! command, and unhesitatingly declared
t,.(l i., KOM itrike down a Soutlurner
,y wrt (0 attempt the WW.) . o Al
right, tlave on hit prtmuett And keep it before
th0 people that he nitule speeches against
I 0lovin the Fugitive Slavo Law, ami that
ll0 ,lu cnilidato of a partv, which ad
soemed yocau.., thirteen states ol the Union,
! cmrressional protection to slsvery in the
territories! This is tho man who asks to
i, Governor of ( )hio. Will you Votu for
fur)l , mrly yu helievo those who
. .y t . . . ....
know t in lact nl lis e.hsilirintr Irollt. lor
party, will not.
Democratic Love for the Negro.
In New York a constitutional conven
tion, ogerwlielmingly democratic, secured
il, n rioht of soll'r.iirn to colored men with
IS restriction only of property. So in New
Hampshire without restriction. In Louis
child. , ( negro sullrago carried tho Stute for
I t, IU. and a democratic Judge distorted tho
inw ,,ichaa todociduthut a negro wis
. .. :t i ii.,u.;.. im
The iletnocrscv nnl,t In .ton tb
ho!j(r hout negro sullrage, in tho face of
.,., . record. But then, in IMS, they
r,.solved unaninioiisly in favor ofprohib-
jtnig slavery n tho territories, wlnlo in
" .
1H&U, their southern brethren aro clnmor-
oud in favor of a mluvo code.
Democratic Economy.
Tho AdmiiiiHtrtion hui horn niftnatr-
ni,,u..u .
1., t Xa Km- ,-, .t . ....:..
A . fe .... .
11,0 v".r.e OI . . "J".?- v "on "6.
!um,,.a te fon ro, 01 li.e Bovcrnmeui, ne
'u T il fS I
' , "f 0 ' . Treneury of $27,710,114;
sum and borrowed 833,000,000 in addition.
n. , .1.. 1....:.:
I ' llicreaseu uto lUL'luuiuiD rj icil.e
itholiovernmentfroni (i0,000,000 under
, pim.0 Aamini.trntion, to over I00,
murd.irer.peak; ' 0(JO , , hi. 0W1,nmri.
ageuient including the interest on tho
Trenton Rep.
Democracy and the Congo Trade.
Tlio LouiBvillo Journal of the 20th inst.,
says; " We fully believe that an overwhel
ming majority of the Democracy nf Bouth
if j Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Misissip
any p Rre n fBvor of the trade; end we have
, not ,., i,,nsl a,m,t thnt nms, ff Dot aU
tho Democratic organs in thoao States
win llst4in w in th0 opinion. It is per-
rectly tnanltest to us, that, within two
tireo VP.rSi cvf.ry mn jn thnne Htntes
"Itont f-,h(.m that does not go for tho Con
is B trnffic wi be denounced by the Hotith
llo ern Democracy as o dirty Abolitionist and
base traitor.
Karsas-Ehoj.ink But.. What course
will be taken towards Kansas by the next
Congress cannot ho told, but It is likely,
wo think, that the alavo democracy will op
pose her admission under tho Costitution
recently formed. How far tho National
Inle'tiuencer may be In tho secret,
that party, wo of course do not know.
ds "ays: '
"Litghsli Bill," If we rerrtombrr
"If"', providoa that no stop shall be takon
j "T "o people oi it ansa toward me torm
n atjon of a State Constitution until after
baa beea aoortaiued by a centos duly
a: legally taken that the population of
j Territory equal, or exceed, th rat'o
rt.'preseuLuitou reipiirt-u lor nieii.oer
the popular branch of Congresaj And
stppose it waa meant that lli id census
should be taken by the Federal Govern
. I .... U .1.. I I .1 L.I
I ' VI ' . 1 .u.o..i,r.
' ..... .
IT niauver cuuias mat party may uino-
with reference to Kansaa, they can inflict
no greater outrages upon the people ofthat
Territory than they have already perpe
trated. Pum Talk. The Auti-Lecompton
Democracy of Culiforuia, at Uieir recent
buto Convention, adopted thu following
him i very cmiihutio resolution: ,
laid lletolved. That the Administration
James Buchanan, by it outrage on
rights of the people of Kansas, its unrelont
let for , ini proscription of tried and worthy Demo
crutie principles, its constant vioiution
full tho pledges which brouiht it into life,
on : attempt to make tho Legislative subject
tn 1 1... HiHi'iilivii Deiiortinelit. uild its rros.
bad, extravagances, misinanageinet and
vit) ruption has forfeited the respect and
the confidence of the American people,,
) . " . . " t
fr-Tlie building adjoining the Steuben
county (N i .) Poor llouoo.iu wlncti
of sfvertl lunaliivt, was burned ou Sutur-
ou.uuv .ii'oi, auu ni u. ii.w ani,iun.w
cttpanl wero loiisted alie.
"Greasy Mechanics" and "Small
Fisted Farmers."
Tho CiticiuiiHli I'.nytiinr i Wonting
very popilnr anions tlin Dolilnrrarjr of
Ohio. It luny bo rearih'd aa thp h ading
orean of thai party in Ou Statpi It cir-
culution far cxcrriU that of the S.fl.f-
mani alll t artlcha arc timrc frcquonlly
(, th(W of lhe crntr,, or ...
;, ... .. . ,
' J"" ' I'"'" nn" ,',,lr,,
of pro-Slnrery tditors, and for a Inii
time, by a (rentleman Imported from Now
a. trloa na. At tho present time it i mi-
. ., , e . n , .....
der the control of a Mr. P.t.ka, irK,.H ,
i,n. anil notorieu. for hinir hem the ml-
itor of tho .W Hide Itemenrirf. during
;th.r of those anr-.no,, article. o"Cre..y
rnechanlcs,1 "smnll listed farmers," "free
Isi hools," and the vuk'nr society of the
North, which rreate.l no lit Ho tlutterinir
.,., all o.rti..- at tho time of their an-
n i
iiearniirp. That the rentier niny know
w hat sort of a man he is, and what kind
editor the leading Deinocratio or
gan of Ohio has, we reproduce an extract
from his cehbrt"d article on "Tree
School '' Wp ,sk our Democratic
friends to put It into their pipes ami
smnko It. Here is his language:
"We have pot to bating everything
w ith the prtix Frku, lm i sr.a negroes
down ami up through the whole rattlogua
fhi.e f'trtiis. fri.k labor, i hkk society,
mi K will, rst r thinking, rat.r, children,
and rKHK schools nil belonging to the
same brood of eWna';! '..i. " iltrt th
wont of all iihi.miiiiitioiia I. the modern
system of HIKE SCHOOl.B. 'IV Au'
fcni'frl Fvtrm flf frr srAoos hat Irrn
the cm vnit prolific murre of th' itiUrl.
i(y and trtmrnnt thai turned htr . fit
its into Sixlvmi and iiomorraht and htr
laad into the romtnon nt't tny placr qj
hmdina Vt.diamitr: W'K AHOMI
The Democratic Doctrine.
Mr. Buchanan, in his letter to Prof.
Billiumn in June, 1857, said "Slavery ex
isted in Kansas uuiL r the Conttittition of
the VnitrdStatei" and in his special Kan
sas Men-age to Congress he declared that
Kalian waa 'at that moment as much t
Slave State as Georgia or South Carolina.'
Tho Washington Constitution, tho apo
dal organ of tho President, in a rccont
number lays down tht following doctrine
at a natural eorollnry of Mr. Buchanan'
admission. We commend tho doctrine
to our "squatter sovereignty" friends who
opposo a Sluvo code for Iho Territories,
a. a molter worthy of their attention.
Hero is the article from the Cotuliua'on
"The Constitution recognize, the right
to hold slave property in tho Territorie.,
as a nirlit iiiilcleasiule hy I ongres. or tlio
Territories, and placea that property, like
every other sneclea ol property, unti
the protection of tho conria of tho conn-
I .
try, created for that purpose, and armed
with full power and authority lor its elo
It I aa unwiso as it ii untrue tn Attempt
. .ii ,i,,,,., hrtween slave rtrop
crtv mid anv other rlnrrtew an ,i.i.-.
nnd to require the passngp of special Inws
lor tlio protection ol tho lormer. Mnve
are property just as money, hom 'hold fur
niture, cattle, or a lv. r poon,aro proper
ty. Tho federal court will apply the
sumo laws to sluvo property as they do to
all other property, nnd those aro ample
for tho purpose; and if a territorial legis-
Inturo should attempt to pnsa laws hostile
to slavery, the federal Courts would treat
such legislation as void, and apply the
proper remedies lor the correction of the
.- - . .
"Taken in and Done For."
The OAi'o State Journal "yot" tlie
Statesman badly, tho other day. Under
the head of "True Popular S iveioignty"
it published the following:
"That Slavery Ii an evil, that it wa.
brought upon this nation by no mora!
right, and exists by what is believed to be
the force of necessity, bocauo it is inter
woven with every political relation and
civil institution in the South, is not to be
While public oninion may be divided
perhaps on tho subject of agitating the re
peal ot tlia r ugltivo Hlavo I,jw, t'lerj is
nevertheless another matter In close con
nection with it, on which, it is believed,
the sj'iilimont of our people is entirely
united, i'ho area of slavery mint never
be extendi d in this iovcrnmont while the
voice, thn united voico and action of Ohio
In any constitutional form, ran stay it,
Here with propriety, we may take our
stand: Thut far, proud van, tliou thtdt
advance, but no farther thalt thou come.
The Statesman sw allowed the bait most
readily, and waa consequently "hooked
in." It tulked about the uhovo as contain
ing "dfctrinct of that o'd traitor," Joshua
R. Giddings, and all thut. The littlo ab
olition editorial was, of course, full of dun
gcr, full of unconstitutionality, full of dis
union I
Tho beauty of it, it), ad say tlie Journal
"the article waa taken verbatim from the
inaugural address of Governor Wood, thut
the. Democrat of the straightest pct,ln I y3
sho of unfortul,all.!y tho proper credit wa. omit-
Unfortunately tho prop
ted, thereby exposing u to the charge
abobtiimimi." , i , . . '
A Little Arrogant, but True.
doue Mr. Eustis, a member of Congreti from
Louisiana, cxultinely exclaim:
"In the Presidential contest where
field will bo occupied by the Republican
and Democratic force, marshalled in bat
tle array, no man can heaitr.te a to
filace, Nu con of Louisiana can mii titke
ti banner; for whatever error the Democratic,
party mny have committed and
undoubtedly has many to answer for
whatever inconsistencies it may have fal
len into, wo must boar in mind that
Southern men, Southern statesmen, have
ruled supreme in its councils, and held
de ti met in their hand."
Thero, you northern fliee, on the cart
vheels of the Democratic party, you
no longer to claim that you help to raise
tho dual!
,'ru OrThe Republicans of the Fourteenth
District, composed ofthe counties o' Lo
rain, Medina, Ashland and Wnyne, have
nominated Hon. H. G. Blukn, ofM ilina,
to fill the vacancy in Congress ue-.-uaiun-hy
thu death of M..n. ("yum Spink.
. ,
i.rovement ha. reMed
'"' would be snvs
0.'7"The CoHtttliiliun say. th late ar
ticle of Mr. Douglas, in Harper,!. "uiMFaV
ftVTn Wisronsin Demorrstic State
Convention,' convened at Madisnn on thp
9Mh( nominated II. V. Ilobnrt for tiov
ernor, ami A. 8. I'ahner Fir Llout. Gov
ernor. '
Tut Guitar Dr.Mot'fUrio Civif.iztn.
The Sovthrrn I.itrrirry M'vt nyrr ays:
"No people t-vef b.-eanifl civilied trf
ept fi th - hnrii of domestic Uliirrry
it is me ti.timiHtion upon whicn all irit-
wiihout it.allman-
Cuinpliment t'V Virginia While pnp
nmti.Mi p-ionm; rntiiiti r of w hit ', who
on n not read and write 77,(Hi.M Massa-
chusetts white population lr,4..8;
whites whu cannot read or writ. J7,
oil'.'! What a triumph of tho (;feat C'Mli-tcr.
The Fugitive Stave Act.
"Kvery nienili.T of Congress, eloctcd
hy the Democrat In Ohio, will vote to
repeal this Fugitive Law, ' never
doubted that the passage of the Fugitive
hlavo bill would bu an act of mistaken
policy. OWo Statesman, Oct. t7, ISoO.
Such w aa the lnnytiaije of the nrgnn of
tho Ohio Democracy in IflOO; yet it and
ita party have since become the special
champions of tho act, w hich they were
pledged to repeal.
How Democracy Changes.
At io less than five Deinocratio Stato
Convciitiuns in 181V, 'A0'H1 'u. and'63
did they ' . i
(inwln, That th" people of Ohio now,
as they ev r, have done, look upon sla
very as an evil, mid itnlnVor tlil- t the full
durelopmeiit' nf th? spirit and pr.ictx.il
bent ht ol tree institution; and that tin y
w ill at all time feel il lo be their duty lj
use all p iwer cle.irly given hy iho turin
ofthe national compact, to prtvent its
incrent, to mitiyat and ftna'ly eradicate
the evil.
That waa Jeflor. mian and Jackson
DeniocrricyjUutil w ithin the last fivcyeara.
Since that time Iho ( lino Dotaocraey have
taken a aummerspt end linded in the
South. They have not only abandoned
the doctrine proclaimed in this rt solution
but they used all the power and patron
age nf tho government to make Kansas a
slave Stnto. Free State mon were butch
ered In cold blood, and the p"rpetrtora
of these horrid murders, instead of being
hung up for their crimes, were rewarded
with fat oflicos by tho President Taca
rauat Adv.
The "Bayonet" Fabrication—
Mr. Dennison's Statements.
A correspontlent ofthe Clevelnnd Lea
der gives the following account of tho man
nor in which Mr.DsxMsoif dispobcaoftho
Ilutrcr eouhty "alKdavy" case:
- In the National Democrat of tho 3lth,
thero is a very emphatic rep tition of tho
lie concerning a at.itcmeiit of .Mr. Df uni
son, in regard to "surrendering fugitivt .
J1"" """i00 ,,;n!,I,r .tl,B I'fsions of the
I P. ,,, .t.i.n " lli. i. ri.ni.rli-il In l.v)
Constitution." Ilu i reported to have
iiitl : . " !
"If lam elected Governor of Ohio
and I expect to be I will nut lot a'iy fu
gitive he returned t Kentucky, or any oth
er Sluvo Statu; unil It 1 rnnn....iit it.
il. any other wuy, ns ( oiiniiii.ider-iii hief
of the Mihlid o tho St it ', I will employ
the bayonet, so help me God.'"
It was my good fortune to he present at a
Republican mass meeting ut Uallipolis, on
tho 114th inst., which wus addressed hy
.Messrs- Deiiinson nml Corwin. In the
Conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Dominion
drt w In in his pocket a Copy of the p.ipt
which originated tliatchargo,and aflcrrca-
uicg It uluuil, dispiwi ii ol it in these words:
"This article was handed me to day, w ith
a request lor its public rnluutioii. 1 have
never before set n a copy ol this paper and
prohubly never shall agnin. For tho con
versation alluded to, t r thn words uttertd,
or anything opjnoackiny tht ecntimttii of
the pai ayrajih, a here chu.gud upon me,
it it an unfounded and maliciuue tie, and
the editor of the paper l.iuu) it lo le tuch,
when he penned it." "
If my aUtomciit needs confirmation,
would refer to tho editor of tho democrat
ic paper published at Gullijiulib, who Wua
at tho meeting rel'erd to.
Fatal Accident. It hns seldom be
coinu our duty as a journalist to r cord
morn heart-rending occurrence than tho
death by burning of F. S. Heintuiid (drug
gist, with Mow ry & Vance) on Sittirdny
evening. A bout noon he wa called to aaist
in extinguishing a burning bottle ot Daiuar
Vurniah, w hich having b -..illed over caught
nre on the ouUide from tho lluuiii nt the
fluid lump in the funnier, and as the store
appeared In dungcr of taking fire from
tho ol.e proximity ol C'.iniiust.Dlortrcii
ImrriedJv irrumud the botllo bv the ueck
Bna nut.o,l 0ut the huckdoorwith it.whun
jt ..he was placing it on a storo box,
it exploded, throwing tho contents over
hi arm, hmh. and body, which wero
horribly burned ero ho c uild pa through
tho storu to the street anil receive asm.,.
tanco as to cans.? his death in a few hours.
The city Marshal, Mr. (iilkison, Mr. A
Kndly and others had their hands cvpt-
. . ...... t. ' . . I . . . .... . .1 I
v.y uurneu laiuaruiaT in ciouiimou, amui
brought skill and 11 sh, the skin of tho
right arm and ho ml coming oil' almost en
tire, wilh the finger nails attached, having
nearly the appearance of a glove. Tia
sad tiling Indeed to aoe any human being
thu suddenly called lo die, but wbrnuue
a. altogether worthy as wu. our young
friend, is cut down in tho prime uf life ui.d
usefulness, we have a hurttbittle with our
fooling In order to become reconciled,
and can only do eo by pausing suddenly
in our dorp axirrour and grasping with the
miglity strength of a C hristian faith tlie
fact that, however mysterious the dispen
sations ol'God may appear to us. they have
ever proven and ever will prove to bo
j Air. . IL was married only last April,
and leavea an inconsolublo wile and nu
merous relatives nnd friends to mourn
[Mansfield Shield and Banner.
Singular Homicide.
A man named Shreoves, in Knox county
discovering two men ono night lust wek
helping themselves, on his premisei,
waloriuelons.without leaving, a not Veil
ol llii'iu dow n w ito a cloli. Ho sprung
to his feet and closing with bliroeves, stall
ed or cut him with a kmle which he
heu using on tho un Ions. Tut) si uillo
was soon over, when f'hieevt s reco.juiz
ing the trespasser 1 1 be a couple of hi
friends and neighbors, accepted their
and invited tin in to his h. u&
n .rcilia of relreshmeiiLs, 'J he cut
jl.a,l received w..s p mi.-d uVi.r us a ttifl'ng
I iiiutter, hut il w oi inoro st rious than
I supposed for the n'xt day it caujjJ
likwln. Z.V.'o ila :ntlt.
Con P H jtmoci. An Irish tir- keep
er, having ordered a quantity t-f bsddrk
fish, by Adams St Co.' F.xpre,
aomewhtt iiuliy nant upon tho delivery of
the fish to find on the outside of tne pack
ago tho letter "C. O. D."
"An sure," any. I at, "I (hdn tordnf
The rjriiresman examined the fiuhenff
proiiotim c,l them hno'tlnck.
"Well," . ay Pat, "c-o-a won't .pelt'
. "tHi.ruh'' the exprossman replid,c-o-4
apell cod."
"An," .ays Pt, tritimphantly, pointing
to flit. tMi,"tiCiu' fsu!1'
"Ye you aro right, tliTe."
"Well, that make Cod-flh,dun't it, r
...nl I" . .
' Hut where do you get the cod folr,J
rcfiirns tire epresn.au. 1 ' " .
Look there," is Tat. pointing to the
portentous "C 0.1." "ihal'a o4, to !
"Oh, no," rrplle "cxpres," "that.
C. O. D.' whlrlr means, collect on d
liveryl" "Ah, bedad, t didn't think o' that cried
Pat, acralrhing hi head with oat hand
and feeling for hi purse With the other;
"hut, young man, let me give you a bit t'
silv ce. When yci bring any more bun
dle lor me, Uoti t put on anything o mys
terious again; but lest revore the big lot-
ters, D. O. C, and then yea can 'deliver
en collection, which any fool can under-'
stoml." : t
Tho expressmnn walked eff, much
pleased and promised to lay Pat', sug'os
lion before the supcrintendest ''.?
A GnrAT 8ritfAt. Lewis, when a
candidate for thn Legislature, puhlishod a
Circular to hid fellow-citixeaa of eight col
umn,. Whereupon ho said
It may bo ask.-d why I wroto o lonfj a
circular. All anecdote, will illustrate my
answer. Onro upon a time an old ldy
sent her grutitlson out to act turkey.
On hi return the, following diaiogua took
place: ,
"S immy, havo you set herl"
Ves, grundma." " "'
Fined the nest all up nicolyl"
"Mighty fine, graudma."
"How many eggs did you put under
her!" ... ,.
"One hundred and twentv, grandma. "
"Why, Hammy, what Jid jod put so5
many under her iorl" '
"Urand.ua, 1 wanted to coo her preaJ
My opponent will pitch Into tbi c.r
culnr, and I hope they will havo a good
time in making large percentage of hW
A short ono w ould he aa niucn at) tue
could a t over, but I wanted to see then
spreail tin niseive. ( (
Wash't I Titr.nTo3 Atarccentclee
lion in this Stat i, a m presented himself
at tho polls to claim tho benefit of tho
elective franchise '
Feeling a deep Into-est In a certain can
didutP, the f.ilher, w ho w as evidently op
posed to the boy preference, stood at the
btillot-hox ti ml challenged hi r'ght to vote
on the ground of his not being of age Th
young man declared he waa twenty-ono
year old, thut he knew it, and insisted on
his right.
Tho lather becoming Indignant, audi
wishing as tho old saying Is, to "b luff him
oil " belore the judge, (aid:
"Now, II ib, will you (land up there and
contradict me! Don't 1 know how old y or,
Itwul Wasn't I thercl"
Jl ib Inokeo. hi. contempt for the olef
mnn's speech a. he hastily replied;
"Tliunderalioill 'opu.e you woe: waan't
I I hero tool
This settled the afTuir, aud tn wont tlio
clou's vote.
t '
"I fear you are about sewed op," said
a croaking friend to a cheerful invalid.
"(), no, 1 have only one little stitch in
my sue." , . ,.
Kvcrybody hue heard of the fnmotis !et-
ithalposod botween the adverse chinfo
of Tin Council and Tyrone, the moot; law
come Kirrtsponilt lit iu bittory; . ,
- "Pty mo n,y tribut", or if you don't
O bonsr.Lt."
"I owe you no tribute, and if I did -
A young fellow riding down ateeo
hill, und fearing that tlio toot of it was beg.
giah, called out to a clown who waa ditch
nig, and a.ked bun if it waa bard at tho
b.itt iu.
"Ay," added tho Count ryman'it la hard
enough, I'll warrant you."
But iu half a doien .ten the horse
sunk up tho .addle-girth, w hich made tho
yuurg galluut whip, spur,rnrao and swear.
' Why yon ymi rascal," said he to the
ditcher, "didst thou not tel! me it waa hard
at tjie bottom!"
"Ay," ruplicd tho other, "but you aro
not hulf wuy to tho bottom yet."
. ''J any,, mother," said a regular street
loafer tliu other night, after he had depoa
it d something In a rickety old cupboard",
and laid himself down upon the floor.
"I want you to wake me when I g-.-t
"How shall I know when you get try V'
ubk tl his mother.
"O, just wuko me tip any time; I'm al
ways thy,"... ...
Iionfollaw, in tin "Hiawatha," thus elu
cidates upon tho tondcacy of young f.
IO...I In run .ii'iiv with tlia "feller...
' 1 litti il is our daughter leave Us,
Those wo love and those who love us, 1
Juat when they have learned to help us,
Comes a youth with flannlinrr I., t.tiirtr)
With his tluto of reed a stranger
Wander piping tliroiiiih the v.iiu.oe,
Beckons to the fairest maiden.
And she follow, where he lead, her,
Leaving all thing for the triiy;v-!'
There is a man in Algiers who tells such
good etorle. thnt hi friends say it Isdarij-
eroua to wulk w ith hi in In th forests, lur
ail tho liyciinn come around to lnu-h.
"Haven't you finished scaling thut fish
yet, Bum!'' "Nu, master, 'ti. a very laros)
inc." "liv,yi.u huve bade t.ii.e to : uui
a mountain,.
Tall. yraml, w hen asked by a lo.ly f-.
mon for ber beauty aud stu .i.l.H, hot
she should rid In rueil'ol soiecoi l,, r u. ualo
some admirer.., replied: "You have o. 'y
to open your uiouth, madam."
Customer lo reitnurant Irian ''I'-fl'
Rot.Uira.it man '-Don't call me a b .'.
six." Customer "Then do vW-l 1
June ly, und do.rt'iull lien im.iiuM ..,. i
any more."
I w Md could have raw yourrrf't teat."
s iid a l ly to a young gentlcinaii ho n I
li.til . Ii .'.aril, us advni.iure in It'. -
in.rtitli I'ao. 1't.e'e tl,..y aits ,"
salj he, poililitig to In ..ilul fal!. ,:.
MGulbin I very c!, e " it -xd,"
he wid .u.i.l.le h..i:t ' .'' I
SVc.l" rental kt 1 .l.r(., "
t the ! una s .on .,,
a, way thou