Newspaper Page Text
v , i .7 i ll' - .-v r if jnw STOW' WMVt'.a. lo V"OXj. .1 Os ) . no, ro. (1 il 11) j 1 Li3 WyhStly .101! FRISTIIG, Hatinc added to the material oi" am r office one of DAY'S MICDAL JOliUERS, And handium aitorttnent of Wl are prepared to .senate .very thins. In osr line, inch as Fonter-, Circnlnr-, Show nills, rritsrnmmr) llnad Uill', Invitations, Lnbol-, Cnrde, Illnnk Note., ('berks, ruinphlcto, lluoks, Ac, Ifatbe noitstj.fnetnry manner. Orders Filled at Short Notice, And on the vrrjr IjO'Wowt Torms, At Oi. Tribune Job Office. M'K EE Ar IsAII.EY. Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. JM. JIoHVtt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3enerl Collecting anU lltaineit At-ent; po.lntie.fl. ,,IH " ' It. Jj. ;riftitli, Attorney and Counsellor at law, TWln, Ohio. ( In Commerci.; Now. COIU'KR It. WATMUNi KLAiM W I L I . A It 1 1: WATSOX Ac wii.i, i:i, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, "VTI.t. attend promptly to nil kindi of let,-,) l,ntnit; V V Office in Commcruinl Row, Tiffin, Ohio. oovA ii. i m.l,i:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Singer's Block, opposite Court Hnu. Up stairs nctit'57-tf J. K. IIOKD, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Tlllin. Ohio. o FF10B la Bhawhan'a Naw lllock, oval Slirirai', oiora. tL.(l!,-tf liConaiMl Adanist, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MOTA1IY PIIIH.1C, And Oanaral Inanrnnoa Agont. Ollicuwilh tV.P.iV II. Wo, .la, Tiffin, (II. 10. aeplO-1 r w7i. Sc IlTloble, AttornoyBand Counsollors at Law. HrDca in biasar'a Naw Utock, ojipoiita Ilia Court Hob, a, JOHN O. 1.KK " keuus e naaat. lice Ac Brewer, ATTOIiNKYS- AT LAW AND Nollnltorn In l.'hiancorr. Room,, in.ii,iar'. No llliiok, oppoaite tha Court . Tllti. May lllh.SKlt LIANDKR ITI. WILLIAM M.J0HNOl 8tem Ac Johnson, Attornuys and Cimnscllors at Lnw. OKKlUK.i'n llilfi'Sw lllo. k,iii rVoUiiu'r'i. laili iaalrsMa,n amal. I'mfasaioanl huaini... anil , Iho ollamionof all ol claim, .nimill, allauaad 10. Tiltin, lino. I7lh, II SH. J. J. Steincr, ATTORNEY AT LA W, pramii-e, and will "rict sitenlion In hint. Illt'tca Id ilia eornaiol Khsrl'a Bla. k, cluei lly almy Ilia ,or room of Ml. (I,,,,, Taylor, and ouiotl Ilia rJliawhao llou,o. apl Villiaui II. lia.c.iport, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .Votary l'ublie.atul Commissioner for Kentucky and California. OPPIUK No SU Wo,l Pourlhrttlot,bati-n la,n dJValnat i.1Oinoionntl1jlhio. ofl-. O COLLKCTION AND LAND AGENCY, JOM S Ac TIIO.IIAS, Eostorin, lltun. Ganaral Oolloolins and hand A nasi", will nromptly ailanUlolhacollaolionof all i.lniini antrmlcd tolliair oa,a, in Hanacm and ailjoininf I'ounlia,. Hill alio allsnd tooaia. whaia a.lvica la nea.lad ,n rro.a. mli ni .una nafora -Ionic. ofll.a I'.nc. Partem wl.h Inalo hoy or aoll i.anil or Tows frop.ny will rind It to than adraolaja tojiya . acall. JON.;r. E. W. THOMAS. Rsris TO Pt.Ml Mutm, Pindlajr. Umr di Hkiiwss, ' W. I'. t II. Koaua, Tiffin. Pojtss ft Co., potions. Dae. 94, Iki-if. Will ia in ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND General Land Agent; Woohlraiprc, fully inform lh public Ihul ha l,a, con. aaotad wllh I,,, practice tii's LAND. AGENCY Paraona wl'.liln to boy Lands o, Town Lota, fill a.. i ti.. I t.,...)... In aiamina nl, jnoki ol on. (ria. loi IvMimn, prioa., lann,, lilUi, ate; and thota wl.bin to iillRti. l a raany otoninot, uj leaving dascMpiina ol prnparly, term,, aoi.. lor enlir. t aT-tltht-e ia tfiiawtiaa.'.Cuiuinercialuwa.uTariha ' CAH0 PAlo roa I.ANU WARE ANTS. do(J5Hlr "cEoitiai:. ii. iii:mI, CIVIL KlftilNEKE AND co u.vt s uit iu i 'o u: Odloa in BhawUaa'a Clock, ocr tie U,ik of Tiffin. fcbiHr WICIalAM ii A L.L.U I, Clock and AVatch-Makor. Allkiiulnuf wutehe keptconstautly on hand Store En Commercial Kotr. Tlllin, Sept. 17lh, 1H51. ly GKOIIGU (SEA 11, FAhtorin Ohio. CARRIAGE & WAGON Makeb and iuantiacttiror of . Orain Ortclloira, 0tlabeit quality. A upplv of tlia laitrr he keep oaiianlty oa kand, at hi (hop in t'uttttria. Thay I mi for la at Mil th van' Itartlwaia uoro it Tilfia. A li order, promptly attended to. maVO-lr X iliia&I',"t. Ara 5 c liail (Coa il. Ollloaof IhaT. FI.W.R.B.Co.,1 llafiemhari ll-!iM. I MEnffleo ofthiaeampanylaparnianaot't l,tra. lerlin,i, In tha yad .lory ot 1 otar . H loch ; i-ora.r nf M.manu rarrv siraata. II. B. m'llHtLl),(.t',. 4.cl7 M. MO'aLISTia. o. cowLrs. I.lcAlister Sc Cowles. )K ALEUS ia PTi.iVF.H. aad Mane fact rrere of Tia. t'"J-i tnm VVare. lomi' iNew llltK.k, one iiyr (-.mihoi hntiWr'- baniware note. Tillia, Aprilli, Ir.:r if "ainii iiKmlia AM!l.i;,Hrtt)ciir!v lit 1 onii. the public (hat har'iwr bu,i, aJ)oi um-r tUi UaMhaa llitaae, ope a at allbuart, m hrt he . i,.i!riu vivo ciutuuirra gtNMl abate, a in in hairua , antJ a luti.rianlThauiiiooitia-f aiiwiiiunm itrkivi. nivv rpi on l a nit hay Kl'M anU rea oratiweforlt.eUair.alel wuKhhewaiNleeaiohe jfiMjeJ lt,eU"- A.AIiLl. jMl7-lr, ra ara kit ia iVfW ((iol! iw (stood!! VM. A. II I 'Sit A Nil A RE this day nne. In a lirgestock ofMilliBery and pane Hoods, coast, l, n of llonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Pin-net, Saline, Velvet, fHIki, I.aeei, Embroider iei Thr-aiU, NtMMUiM, Tin. and allti.e iroitm of inch Hn ttndlihn)nl In which )( Attention rT OicUdfrt nf Hnr ennni vanil rti'it'it it rMftl'nll innte.V, Th H'orfc i n th bit iji.ty n.t M -h-p (n b tmnflit "fwnf r. All hinil of lillinry Work tlonfiinth till ItI wll h itiinlrh A liWrlli-ouni mnil to pnntiirv Mi)Hnrt. A1w forinl l'nn(l Hi(vi, lh rmitT lht hn Mn lcn (llctT( for llnrn. HonliU, Kriarpilm. Oloni. Bni l, t'hnpllit.4lian(l llt)iMaia and injur U ol th iki n . U oom n Tomb'i I)lovi,opoiit thtShawhaa lfnnt, Tillia, iiIho. oetlfl TOM1U1USS&CO., It.iiil.rr. THR partttnlitp ,itmr btwn B. TftmH, Jnh T. jlaim'dlOn, K. Ihi,, h.,vini;tlili itav ki,mI th anilr.iffnrd hn airriairft th.mirlvr, litr'r fur thi pnnia of rnnlintnnir IHa hnitn.n nf Tnmh, tlti.t 4i Co., an'ler tha aama nimi anH l)r) M hrto for. TU.ra lll'e no a.hera tnfnrv .'nnlut't.l, nmi Ilia inni, rnlaa will ba otxarvail in tiianaymtnt of intrrnt, 3 month, 4 liar cent. (I J 11 " 6 11 r.rtinf a II pur aM on rl.wanrl. U. TOMII, J'MIV T. Ill HH, II. H. IIUSS, A. U. PNHAI II, JOIIM Oil. I. IU. J..,iir. II. S. Wenner & Co., MANUFACTLRr.RS OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SOLKIKS., KTC, Jefreraon St., near Gerninn Catho lic Clinrcli. Tinin, Ohio. FINRitnrk ufthelateititT.pi of nmr-ft fin in l ho hfti ninnncf und of Ilia moil dumhln mnlrriali, oomlnntly on Imnd, and promptly nind to ordir. mVb7. H. 8. WKNN UH C'U. llr J. ITlcAdoo, IVMLL promptly aMand to all ralli, ailliPF In Tif- tin nt K.iimlrv in Mtlm n i tri n In tht nHlirtoit r.irtiMilamitMtlinn nni.l in I-Vmxlo ilirftirt Shown nnd Hnnce hMt eoniiPrtrd n ltl (he ottir. mfl)'-ntit.t tuTt 'Ifenift' ni'Tiiarv b liiniBlf. Olllca vt of tti VonUn ltriilg4 VVard.Tillin. Olno. rr,Ti:it vaxxiwt. IsiipVy Ac Carriage laiiu racturcr, Enst of the Com-' Mouse, on Market Street. Tilnn.Sopt.2'.ltli,lHft4 ,11 tn. Fi. . Allen, Milliner & Dress Maker, Bonm ovr F. K . Phrin-hnrt'i tlora, Mnla itrttt. Tt l n.tJIiio, (K-t. 15lh, IMP fiin . . Ili:iMIAICZ, ii;TAii snt4.i;.. OVPUT. In Shnwhnn'a Blonk, d Hory, dlrartly iin.lartliaTiilmna otlica, Matkat itreai, Tlllio.O. o.'; Ma '.Vaiier, SI E It CI I ANT TAII.DIt A HII Basin in Haady. Mails ClolMnf, Cloths Hlnrron Alnin itreot. omin.lla lha Rtnan Cnnnl, it ... i. .ii JAS. D. WHITNEY, Wholesale Grocer and Commisson Mvrehnnt, No. 31 1 tk 3 13 Water Htrtt, ilirrrtly oppo. tit ('in. & Dayton Ii H lpnt, Hnndnsky.Oliin, Hnw anil rtiiil Hujinri, IMnlnnet, Hrttnf Rica, Htarch inll tntrihiitjt ol Ponpa inn L andfai, I en, I once, Vc. Or-ilt-n inr full, Salt, flnitor, W'atai Lima, tc, prompt' Porter. fT.ATE rOKTKR a, I.VTLtJ,) Wholesale Grocer, And Commission Merchant; rnt. lVtttaa. Liui.ori, t'ii'art, tnnrlir,r and hlatt Hiyl'o..). r, a.c, "PIiirii.BW--aai..-t... ti,. (Duo. iti. lit IT DAVIS HOUSE. (Formerly called the "City Houie.") TIFFIN, OHIO. LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor. Tha under. nrd dotlrat to infoim all friamU and tlialaiapaliom of tha t'ilv tinnta, (now the Havii) that hta botal i ready for itt ierpiinn of fciU. Tha llnma Inii liven rahnilt, re-luniithd and ) BOW ft yiioilat any in tha country. htrofhorri.and wilTalwaytliava an nlianilnnca offwad. I L I I U'L IUli'li Tiffin' Ortoher 1, 1PJVH if WatclioNtfc Jewelry a - i-sj i hoti - Having ,iMi,IINnilill lo.i.,., in lln.cll) luiijtilt npciicil at Vvuo.tcr'i Drua-and Hnok Horn, No. 1 elianlmn'a ItkMk.and.nllrit.ani.itpacdonof hi, atock of Wntcha,, Clorki, Jewalry and ISilvar waio, and hoMia to merit a ahnra of public patmnast,. Ki-pnirins in inn In tlia halt style 01 woraman,n,p. Turn, June 3, Je.'iO. 1 E W M I LlVlEK V AND FJNCYTORE. MISS E. T. COBURN juit returned ftom New York Bud opened t Fum. Absoktment of Millinery, t'omnriiirtr llnta. Capi, Had-rlretie. Amerioan and Frt-iit-h t'luweri, nml.rntiUf iU, Uftiti.LerultvilV Mitt. KnUf Hair.t 'ortif. Kiivntton t'kirii, kc. tha w.ll ! Iiapfiv to wail upon all i hat favor Iter wilba call. All order pniniplly uttrnttftl to. Uu Main-treat, in lllauk'e It loch, Tiltlu. aplS W. II. Park, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND8UIJ(iEON rPKirK on Mam Ureal, oppoiita lllal'i Wr-k; 1 1 llin, (tio, niv,f a DENTISTRY, figg Dr. Franklia is at Home again, and having aitociated himMlf with 11 R. SAMUEL GEE, w will do all work ntn.ttud to oi prompUy, ttntS Warrant Satisfnctiou. lr. frmklia miv b permitted to remind this com pnt!v, that hi eitr4n Medicine and Hurjrerr eiitauiee bnu to trat disrated 1Vtb mu! tinin with bailTucct-a tliiwi aHme wht, tylt it.emaelvei fuauaoa tie utuls, luU. vu- t)lautyo Utatutlo ta altogetiier tab- Alt'ner-on PKCAYn TF.FTM, lIPFAH- t Il lI M4 . n ' lUI'll.'11'tll T L' tTII willthi wf 11 tocnll at our ullice one door r'et of tittaw han lloutt, on I'vrry t. F KKANKI.IN. r? AM I'LL GEE. Tiffin, June 17, TO Till: 11' II L1C. Tha buiinenofthe la tu firm ofRhrivarandnaath will ta oonduutadi at tiia old atand hjr Icssc 8Iirivcr, who, thankful for favore past, aiks tho txttinaed patron age 01 oie OLD FRIENDS nd CUSTOMERS. lie 1 jntt orderin-t m large end well aeleeted STOCK ol' .'OOIS, which will ha h,e ia a faw days. Apnl-iV.O-bll. C. C. K E E C H, Hutu, Cain, Furs, IJulliilo Robes, Horkskia and Woolea filuvcaad Miltans: Mo. W Mlpr.liaat, rlandu.Lv, lihlo. t 4 .. i.tvaf cath (uicvs pal for si) kioda of Kara anil;tk,na; alo daai. ,n hrk.n bank sod nn'-urreut uiooay, ,old and Bilvalcoia, alcalo. sep!u.r BANK OF TIFFIN: MIANH AN'S NEW lil.Ot K, THIS BANK WILL CONTINUE lo transacts avnai.i liankinj business, and otj Inuraat ou ilejioails a. fullott.i 1 months, 4 par .tnt, S .. ia i a ' Cartincatas iiarahia in all caas oa demand. r. liusaaK, A. o. rMiiH, biteuas UosaaT, Stf.,.l llnnkari. 1KKrtllNHwlth,nKU .stabliih Manufactory. a in nnw and thrt.oic ,i tt lu r. hull nt'.a Is Kuod, M of ih. tlautiounlon rtt,uit..aiit. EXHIBIT Of the KocolpM A i:pritriltiirr tlonmi 4 oitnly. tnr tho year rudlnK AiikuM 10th, 1M.1. AtrDiToii'i Orrtrr, Stniri Coputt, ) Tirrift, Ohio. Sept. 1st, lf-5!l j TO THI CotrT OF CoMMOM OF SkuF.- ca Count,;! herewith ubrnit KfMirl of the rripu artii rxniltliirva of Sonrn coun ty fox tlx Jtm.t tuJing August Kith, 169. E. O. KOWK. Count; Auditor. county ruNo. I- E. Ilotti. Tnxw'rof Ronoca Co. Pr. To ain't ol ti. II. Hi-mine Inte 1 roni. 7p7 GO " " from A. farr, auct'n liconao, 1 IMI " " " J . Weirirk, juror fr., . . IS" "0 ' llimry Wolf. 5:1 Ml " " T. 11. nil.T Xi Wl " " col. on iluplmio l)cc. 15H, 87i:i 75 " " from fiiK-s anJ eoi HI 74 " M Int. on surplus revenuif.. . 5 O'J " " rol. on duplicate, June 1M'J, 35,r7 14 " ' Tavern licuuau 4 97 13415 an Cr. I.KWA Ifi . Mt4 , ' out m 1 27 Br ortliri rrtlimcd intprest on same " Tress, fcr for collecting dup. . .' " on 4 50 " am1! pM for adv. di linipipnt list. " n rrllm. to J. II. NigliswanJor. " balance on band IS 41 I 7;i 1919 13115 '20 IMnsmsr rtinn. To amt co'l. on dup., Duo. If58. . . . " June lb5a.... ir.07 nti 6U3 21 SI01 17 Cr. lKi3 49 4!" 51 C 15 207 74 Dr onleri redeemed ' interest on sumo " fees for collection of dup. , " pd fur adv delimptcnt lint.. " bulauce on hjnd SilUl 17 RIIf)lt fDND. 309 90 3(il7 :i!l 1 If9 15 I To mt from G . II . tluniint? lflttf trraa ' cullectcd on dup lec 1W5H. , . 1 " ' Juno 1C59. . 63i7 71 Cr. 61.10 10 i:ih ni 191 4" 7ti!) 29 By order redeemed . . Intorest on snnin Fees for collection of dup.. Pd for adv del.uiiuent list, . Balance oa baud WM1 74 aoio rtrxn. 1409. IN 5U71 15 25 U3 7107 15 Cr. 90 I I 4-i 7 1 To amt of O II iJfUiliifr, late tress. " collected on uup Dee IcSH... " " " June lc5'J.,. By order redeemed , Cortihcatca rcturnid Fees for collectiun of dup V I for adv deliti(iient list Balauco ou band Kill 70 t!6 2Cl 7107 15 TOWMSIItr Ft'ND. Ta am collected ou dup Doc lr'.M.. . 201" ?5 " ' June lfO'.l. . t57 'Jo 2'JOC 33 Cr. 4 45 By amt over'pd by O II Ilemlng. . , Fee for col of dup Pd fur adv del n list Order redeemed lialauce on bund 69 90 7 40 . 1907 19 e9c 34 MUG 33 ooamaiiTtos ruaa. ' To am of ft HooOi'K lo" Te n. . co(loetedon dup leo 1w5h.. . " ' J une 19.. . " from fpeeial tax per Kepubllo :i4IOr. WI.M9 29 75 Cr. 1 13 49 11 53 3351! 99 2315 18 By amt fee, for col of dup. " pd for adv delin list.. Order redeemed Bal on baud &93012 SCHOOL FUND. 3K7 13 9 90 To amt from O II Hemiug late tret. M show license . " oolondupDec 1S5H. 19276 14 jane iwa G04H h i " IutonSchool land from Individ. 1003 71 " " " Bute.. 3104 12 Bute com chool fund 15mK7 20 37&ti 04 Cr. By tron fee for col of dup. . If 3 25 39 93 . 2 II34 9H M39H 4H I'd tor ouv aeon list. . . . Order redeemed Balance on band 3o7l6 04 rtincirAL or school land. To amt of Q II llemini;, late ticua. . 7f.7 C4 " of owner of lauds 149130 225M 94 Cr. By treasurer'! fee on gl"IP9 70. . . 6 95 " " 1U1 BO. . . amt carried to State accouut. . 1 01 2S50 9t 2'ja 94 iNTatT or tcHnoL Land. To amt of G II ilemlng late trm. . 1132 " from owner of lauua Mt3 By trea fee collecting tHH9 81 . auit earned to actioui account . KI.IB snow Licrxsrs, moo 120 To amt of G II liutning late treu. , " exhibition 133 Cr. 69 69 By trees fee collecting $120. . amt carried to State ac't. . . . " ' School ac'ut 139 rara tosnhk rt'NO. 17 Cr. .6 To amt of G il lleming late trea. . By order redeemed. . amt on baud 11 17 It CTION DUTIX. T arot of G II Hemiug late trea. . By am! to State account 1 Cr. 144 rrnnta licensm. T amt of G 11 Humming late trea. " from pedlan SR5 350 635 Cr. 633 By trea fees for col (3 50. . . cmt carriei' to tSlate ac'ut. . 6 TAVEaN t,ICr-.NI. 1411 6 Cr. 4 To amt of tavern keeper By trea feet for collecting $5. . amt carried lo county ao'ul . . . ratNcirL or t arn asva.nua. 1HO00 Cr, loOOO To amt from G Edward , . . By amt carried to Stat ac'ut WTiaiLKT oa imor a To amt froic. U I Iwanl S Davis ( W Cam pbeli ' boud ) 151 12 ll4 Ci. 1 157 6 11,1 By trea fee for cot (344 69.. . . auitcarriod to Suite ac'ut... . " " cuuuty " . . , . irriTit rt'sn. To ami from CS II llrniiutt late tieaa " ' show licenses . " principal surplus rvr. . " ' auction ilutiia " " pcdlsr's licenses " priucipal school lnnd. . " " Int. surplus rctr 1(1 W K13II IMIO'1 141 d:t: 2-vin is ir7 u.i ssiw.i in To nitt amt tax of l?."i! collected. . -I.I5SU t'r. rtj amt orer id Slate Irea-tirer. . " pd Statu tretiH as per ruc'ta, vlr; I or aiukiii luiiit;:. penernt reeiiue ftnvl. f.n 1 1 Ill-no 71 r.:,7 oi r.H" in 1-1) 1)0 i;7 O.i lOiM 4."i " state com school " . " lliH school Ittirsrr ' . principal school Isn.l. " ' tin plus rev . . " Interest " . . lUUneu on hand rt4.!." 'jo ncciriTVi.sTtox or n.i.axrx iji TM r. hinilnVry ' J'. 97 71. lliide ' y Kna.l Township " r):H Corporation " SHI 5 I" .i:ld " ,. 1 1 r rea i urnpiae " ii- Stale 107.-1 4."i ! -, 1 mrcriTti.Tim: Of Ortlcra drawn on ihj (lencml Ct unt.f nnd other ruMtli. Capita in criniiual pruBmitlont. . Spocinl jurtiit 2117 I'M 0i Talc juror. 309 90 l-7 X 4 11 45 on.', 5" 11 40 09 III 109 Oh rinoo Repnlar juront. (Irund jurors School examiner Post nflieo account Gas for court house " fixtures " Statistics of bay and onU County I'litilinK- Fuiuitura fir court house and jail., Trnii.pnrtation on law and books. PnhllhhinK lnw Llverv hire for eonuuisnioner. . .. Con,n,isa;opcr' fees Auditor' fees ProM'CiilniK attorney' lee Clerk's fees Sheriff' fees Prorate jiuie" fee Recorder' lees Superintending bridge luiildiuij . . . Repairs for court house and j .... Sale for tress' olhce trau.-portt'n Clothing for prisoners Survey and view nf roads Blank books and stationery Ilnnrding prisoner Cleaning et. Id front of court bouse. linil.iing and repairing bridge Witneste before (fraud j'-iry Fxpetiscs of elections Road fund O.i 1 9. :'l '-' :'.! I . 1011 509 93 3i"i nil "li.l 70 ".'i.'e f-9 tnt; i-j 3i) 2 400 OH H M jo yu 115 00 4,10 75 1059 52 on 13 7H5ii 73 r77 49 4 25 3233 3'.) 219 50 211 10 31122 51! 24134 !W 3:'5li 99 1HHI 00 17 97 12G 00 School fund Coi-poratlon fund Infirmary fund Free turnpike Tri asury examination F'uel for court house and Jail Codla i? Insane cases 254 00 OH 70 Coroner Inquests k post mort. ex. 217 79 Insurance on court lioure on 270 50 Seneca Cd agricul. eociety F.xpense In arresting nutu moe. 17 Ml Redemption ol wouil t o. tauu... Townnlup '.rea stiool settlement. Mupplug tps for district assessors. District assessor' fee Hoarding juror K cording mottgago, Huron Co.... 'I'owiiahlp asaeuorr fee 9 on I'J oo till too 4 992 Autil lon'n (' . rsj ci fti.-r, -Hi nt. 1st, l.-i'J. ( TirtlK, I eerlify thrt the lon-p-ohi ; is correct. K. G. BOWK, County Auditor. T-rrwatr-a-rw rrr rtmn. SrHn I CoesTV, "ftr I, Geo. S. Cbriatltp. Clark ot the court ol Cunimoii Plea, do hereby cerlily thai the forecuing ia correctly copied fi-uuillio oriijiuai report made tu this oilier. Witnesi my baud and the seal ) of said Court allixed this 9ihd.iV h S. ( of fi pteniher, A I) 11-59, GEO. S., Cl k eplfi 4w lly W. M. Dililiue, Dept. 00 00 60 20 90 00 27 75 52 27 44 02 35 00 03 97 87 e:'. 09 72 95 02 b: SAFE jv;rLAST. Yo To re Implosions! Grecnougb's Curbonic-Acitl Gal, Non-Explosive Burning Fluid HAVINU purr;liaiiltha e.'ln(ve rfjfht to mnntii--and tell the IS V 11 5" i It iHl VIS M'HNlJ FU'IM ANI CAMI'llKNK, for 'I'nfln and vicim. now otVt-F it for inle at a tririe more than I have halo. lore aoid ihecomnton kind. 1'hi fluid hu been if ur in mo l of tha New Erik-land io-ne, for the paittwo yenre, and hae aniler-fone an'ilon hefnt- ''Franklin Inittlale" and I'olleireot I'harniacy nll'hil adelphia, I am convinced thai it may he otnl wif per fect nlVtr, and will not explode nndrr any eiroufklan oealn the ordinary uia of llurninf- Fluid. I hav, I'uily letted it. meriti in (he presence of many ciliierli nnd all pronounce it of the olntot iiuftoriancO loevry fami- ''"'Safo nnd Rrilliant Liglit! To thoia who have heretofore preferred tofhrnoil, rnther Uike the liak of the exploalnn of fluid. would any thitt the n-tli:le I rei-nniiiiend It HI'.AI.l N"N KXl'L HIVK,nnd may he Bird without thealtnltteat ponilitlity of an i.'cutent. It ia bmU in tU iu lampa aa common htirniii-f fluid. I'rtrsa, HI) rent iter rall.n, r ll oant a o'rt, t IT I he only plare in lliii til whare tl fluid ran be hitd It at the Urns, Hi ore of j' F. M ARtl'AHD T, on Mnrhei itievt, 3 uunra below the Davi loone, I if- no iTand roirSiLE. The inLarriber ntfrri for tal S3 A: 1-9 Arrcs oTaiul, owned hylhe lala JOHN iK, dereane It hetne the pun of fund jivin him in the divide ol it father iti tnte, THE LATE THOMAS COE, IrXEASF.D. This land Is, a Wast of th. ioipovtme with ona and joinma lha t'na road. ' I lie suli.i'lllicr now oners a'J snn j,.pi.i innra in Wtily, Ikie '.Mi and i acras to ha sold lualhar, and 3U lots at. all aiuifc-tuiar. Tims mnita asy. JOS1AII 1MIAKER, avavcaiiir ol , r. I n, do'4. Partonsran address ma through th Tlllin P. II. auglll-'jin AttarliiiMMit iolii-o. Alt War, Plllf, aa,ntt Mirhsol'. Mw, ,Cl. Il.fora Paler henn.uian, J.P. Vanlc. towntlii,, Haoca Cuiialv, llliln. On lha Vlh ila of A u.iiit, 11 In51, saul iiitln-a Ittnad an nr'l of Al,achii,riil lit. alNi.o acllos. Inr lha sum of ,1 tHr-ttt. 4? -1 oil dol lar.. (Sntdca.a is a.lou;nad inlliur'lh lis, ol If 'ill, at III o'clock, a ui, lor nuahcait,,,;- ,o.3w AHA WAY. Ilt-alth and Lap pine mm rOl'NU M tN who ar. auHnr Horn Ilia anVclsof) X,.,o.Q md parruaocniiy ra.ioraj h ntttig ,h. ' OONCENTRA'ED CURE, OS J. Ci xx ix V i t x o A Remedy f Greimud Certain Cure. Thiiromaily is ,mlai in smil tiialt.ana will he sen, niailtuaty addiais. A In will .allilr. I'taltfuta week, and voo will aiiH-neo. n artial hcncAI. A eir- colnr coiilainius full ,iaroulara, sanl (fiaa) on ap.licn Uon. I'nrc.ncr IhioIo. 1 1 ,na hollln wlllla.t a nitinlh. Jl. B. Hiiftranurilr I. .iS"hlr furailhai aoi. Address K. L'KUr B, M.nir.l Arant, frbtair 744 lirnadttav, N. T. i:i,i,is, iiito' sc c o. (buoceatHjri to fl. Bhiedley tad ltotliera Carriage .TMnufac lurcr At Republic, Seneca Co., Ohio Woald r..,iet -.fully tsnonnr. lo Ih. Public lha, nava pu,, ii4m,j in, Ntnm.c., n,,ui.v.n to H A.rtii.ihh-y an, uiotnais, and arc uc..-.i.,i io all kind, ol work iai)iil,sstsiiiiiii(siiiij l.'ARRIAIiP.rl' UrniiiF.f, and PI'I.KIKH, l'liir h Oi.y ItaiuiilauiMlva slial. ha aacoud tofiaa IpriooH Modornto Bf.l.lif . I Il.oIi 'i'Ii, I . .i- Ir J....T. Pill.. Ja.iia. H. Kli. . HheulLr. 1,,'.Krll,NS w 4 NTI Ml HllAMIH HP t:l-l HATP. It., Itu.lilt. tan adturtteemcnt ul Unuiitttoiiou i. anoilin vuluitsi.. Jul U -jw LANDS FOR THE LANDLESS. j ! I oo no 75 00 - I It i nmpnaprl, in tlit fnllowiti" rsr.i. ; to Pxhibit tho moordof thu voti-i. anil pro a ct'tdiiiif in both liranclti- of Tonresa I during llio avHsinn which teriniiintcd on the 11 ol Mart h. U'.V.l, ttpnn tho disposi tion of Uio miliho tliiiuiun of thu liint.'.l Sla!,.. The official rvport of lltoso vnton and ormMMHliiore in tho f'oniircx.vion.j i:i,J will bt ri'lorri-il to liy thu in j.-rf ol that work, no tli it tlu romlor w in cIi kik, o ilo so in tj- verily the aTCtiriit Y ol tho n'.in t.itioiis inndo. . No siihj.Tt can lie morn iinportnnt Ihnn t lint of llio ihspoMition of our public binds. In extent, tiny embrace om1 thonntul tiii!!i ri ncroH, (mil the iiinuner otilo ir iio pnsition nll'i i U the socinl conihtiott ol Ilie I ncoiile ol tho old Slates aa u ell a of the J(,rt, -.n,r.! A ?" t qiii Ktion l,inri-xilinv ill respect to tlieao IuihIk lian lit Uat awiuneil a tlel'- inile form, and his a t uii htone ol partu s. "I'll n t. iin 'lion in. " 1..I.. . public dolimin kImII be open to iiioiiop.ily ly perulali.rK. lendin;' inevitnbly to l,.le.Urinto.racy,..rwl.elhorltKhiillbe rewrved lur tu ttiul occiipotits, in hi, mil ttr.;,Ki7;tlqmtitiea.ata no;ninl price, or without '"'I-V' , i i i. i mi- aueetlon ,a. i.lwaya existed. I,t it i. only recently that it ha. nsKinned a form, by l.,.,i. t.kun tip h party. omiiMu,,,,,,,,,!-,,,,,,,,,!,, , lmol"n",l,ml V, ",., .., i,i,r no .,r....H,t,l,lr action by tho Blnveholdiiij; interent ol tho South. From tho naliiroof Hit) i'iasi.,that intnreat i opiioaeil to pro-einption law nnd lioineKtcad law, because Slaverv can. not cx'xt at the aiiine tinin with a evnte.n of ainiill IreehoUlB. ll' our new Stat, s nre occupied in tiuaili reeclionn, tie v will bo occupied by litriners.and nut held by peo- ulaii rs or ircal pliintera. 1 una, then, until the recent reoratu. ration" of tho Hepiihlictin nnrtr. there win uo nutional imrtv which wne in a condition to take tin this uoontion becatiHe, until tho reorfraiiixnliiui ul thi party, there wna nono uhich wn not llueiic.rd or controlled by an intent ail-. veme to pre-i iiiplionH and hoiueHt''ads. Un the 20111 ol Janunry, (pn-o 402.) a bill rolnliiiK to pre-emption, reported from the Committee on Public l.anda.was before tho Ilutiso. Tho bill pro- posed to iiiako eetno t liiinpea in the do- of exiHtiiiK pre-emption law, but ofl'ertinir tho atib.tnnco of tho nrreiitvatein ol diHiioHinir of tho ntihlic hinds. It wna. however, in I'arl.iimeiita- ry order to propoao to amend tho aa to clmnoe tho preaent aystein, and to brins tho House to a direct vote upon proionitionB. Tho friemla ofeuch clt-nifei were prompt to avail lltemaelvea advantii(;e. I Mr. Grow, of l'ennsylvania, moved to amend tho bill by adding the following oa an additional aection: "lie it further cnarteil. That from and after the pasauio of thin act, no public land ahull bo exposed to sale by procla mation of the l'rcsident, unlees tho iuno nhall huvo been aurveved: and tho return of uch anrvev tlulv filed in t!ie Land Of- fice, lor ten yeara or nioro befura such in ilo." . . ' .7 . sjiwajaMuij lavyt ol Mr. Urotar a Uuiim out ul ordur. It aa strictly oeririntio to tin, noiollo., bill, and.uulo tho bill it.ell'could bo eo"t id of bv aotno aido blow. a .lirert vol.. Tin. ,. nin i. ,lr I I olnveboh l,.. ariHtocrncy, who an. i T., ,. ( , " " ,, ,, , , ' . who are crafty M well aa ,old, forthwith reaorted to l'urlimnetitnry tactic, to avoid adiroctWHUO iipun Mr. Grow, proponi- Uon. Their firnt inoveinent waa a motion refer tho bill and iiiiieiidment to the Com mitteo of tho whole famiharly and aptly atylod, "the tomb of the Capuleta." thai releronre had been carried, tho bill would never luvo been reucneit, aim i.i . i , , wnrda "v.u nearu oi aiur- The v.n .1 .: r... ..... r. . .i o 1 ... 1" , ,-' hill to tho Committee of tho Wliolo waa aa follown tho Democrat in rotnitii, tho Uepublican in italics, and tho South A liioricuii. in small cai's: YEAS, 90. a in A in Mnino Wood Ij Now Hamshire Vermont 0; Massachusetts 0; Connecti cut Arnold, Iliuhop 2; Rhode Inland New York liurrotiyh$, Maclay, Rueeell, Taylor 4; New Jersey Wortendyko PeniiHylvania Ahl, Chapman, Dewart, Montgomery, Morris, Ritchie, Whito Delaware Oj Miiryland llAnnis, Km AUD 2j Virginia llocork, Caskie, Ktl mundaon, Faulkner, Garnett, Mileon, I'owell7; North Carolina Craige, R tif fin, Scaled, Wiiialow 4; South Carolina llnyce, Branch, Keitt, McQueen, Mile 6j Georgia Crawford (Iartrell, Jark on, Seward, Stenhenii, Tbiite, Wright 7; Floridu Hawkins 1; Alabama Cur ry, Houston, Moortr, Shorter 4; MiBaisnip pi Hrirkridnlo, Davia, Mi'Rao 3; Louisi ana Eustis, Hiuitlii,'i, Taylor 3; Texas Ilryan, Reagan2; Alkin, Jones, Mavhabd, Readv, Savao-n, Wat kin, ZoLLicoirnn 7; Kentucky Hur nett, Jewett, Maiikiiall, 1'eyton, Sti ven on, Talbot, Usukbwood 7; Arkansas Minaouri AitDEitsoi", Caruthere, John Clark, Jamea Craig, Phelpa, Wooirsoa Ohio Buriia, Corkt rill, firoi-hheck, Har lan, Lawrence, JVicliots, Pendleton, Val Inndigliam 8; Indiana Davis, Englirih, Oref t, Uughea, Nihlack 6; Illinois Mar shall, Morri, Shew, Smith 4; Michigan Wisconsin 0; IowaO; MinnesotaOj Cal ifornia 0 'JO. NAYS, 92. j by ; Ihey a... is hind, Maine Foster, Oilman, Morse, Wash burn 4 ; New Hampshire f'ratin, Tap fan 2; Vermont Morrill, Royce, W'ul- ton 3; Jllanaacliuiifttsi oujition, u urun- game, Vhilffee, VomitU, HatltS, 1 1 all, Knapp, Thayer 8; Rhode IaUnd Jlray ton, Vurfee 2 Connecticut Vlark, Vean 2; Now York Andrews, Cluru, John Cochrane, iVoiy h'enton, Granger, Hatch, Hoard, Jielxey, Mattton, Morgan, Morse, Murray, Olin, I'almer, 1'arker, ISvinner, lhompton IN; Wow jemey Vlawsun, lluyler9; Pennaylvania Co- vode. Edit. I lurence, Urow, Join , Aim Leitlv, runiance, Stewart 9; .Maryland Bowie, Stewart 2; Viigi.tia tioodo, Hopkina 2; North Carolina Gilmeb, Vance 2; South Curolina 0: Georgia Florida Oj Alabama Cobb, Dowdcll, Ktallwonh 8: Miiiiiii Uingloton LotiiBiana 0;Texa0; Arkans,, 0; Ten nessee 0; Kentucky 0; Ohio tltnyHam, bliss. Vox, (Wi,llall, Letter, moil . - t , . u I. .io Sherman, iitantoti, I omph in J.I, aac I i nijsua Culjajc, Foley, K llgore, i'ellil Wilsonti; 1 lliuoiw t arnsworlh, Kellogg, Lot jy, Woshburnc 4; Missouri Jituir 1 : Michigan Howard, Lem h, Waldridge Waldron 4;Wuco:inin Potter, H'ojA frume 9; Iowa Curtis, Davis 2; Cali fornia, Scutt 1 ;MinneHota Cavaiiaugu, Phtli.e2;-12, Tho ni'ilic .to refer the bill to the Com mittee of tho Whole havitn; thus failed, the II.. use was brought tu a direct vote upon Mr. (irow'a ainenilinent, whu h was adoplt il by the followitiir vote : i YEAS, 98. JlVoifr 11; Indiana Vol fit, Kihorr, . , 1,i,1ll,J.-arr,.;.r,A( KeM ;,,.,,-, WaMwrn 4; Mlel.l pract.eal .Jjl.anl, leach. WolbriiWe, U ', Kreat .. Wiac....ain-iflt; fottrr. Maine f'cuVr, ( Union, Hfor'f, W'ath-n..-..- ii' f a. at ... it i.:.. iuria, i , wo i , ( v 1 1 :i to I'o'ii'- fit-, V.n.i'a,. Tn7'oi :.- Ver;,,,int-.0r.ia,nl,i'V,l'U''''' mi, itnyre, ll inn j; in is.'ncniHetis , Hpil.m. llurtiVamt. C'W. c, lWv - . . . J Davis, d'ooi.i, Udl, Atiiiyi, Tfi'iyi Ulio.le lMlnnd Jlrtv.ti.h. IhirJ'rt 'J; 10 necticiit 'i on 1: New Vork 4n.rc , Hrnnelt, Jlurrotiiht, l lnrk, John t'oeh rane, lktlx t'ln1'", (iianirr, llmnl, AciV. y, M al'fsoiK .lloryiin,, t ii r rny, U.'in, ' in r, I'arlrr, S'urmnn, V.iii. r, 7H .!. n HO; cw Jemcv litil-biii 1: lenns'lni,ia t'bnpinnn, Ci tiirfr. A.'.ie, Klorenee, 'm,r. A rim. ,1itr r, Phillips, 'urriiiniT, iiAi, .Srirurl II; D.'Imv.ue 0; Jl irvliinil Stewnrt 1: Virginia 0: Ninth Ctrolina 0; South Aia- ("nrolina 0; tienri-ia 0; Flomtn v; buuiM): M.Ki...,iii.ii (! 1 ii..ins l IVv. ' ' ns tl; Arkaiouii II; I ennessee AlkiliH, Avery, Jones, Savafe 4; KonHnky l...F.,l Sll..ini...,.i rrdll...t t. I Hi i.t iJlvA;i Cock.rill. tl iJJin.,, ,,... ,.,,.. i ........, i ...i..- ..' ' Si,' ' siint'-n. rwUn. UavAJiirne :i; Minnesota t'nvat.a.i l'l.elp9; Iowa- Vu, f., Unfit- 9; Mia- Hoti ri ii In ir 1; California 0; OH. t j .. i 1 "!.. NAYS, 81. I j" ! MisaiBiippi IJiivim, JMi Kae, BiokIc pondiiiK '"' 3i Kouienna Kohtis, Saiulio ilj .Texas Itenean I Arkansas 0; Ten tnll neaaee Mavraiid, Kkahv, Smith, Wat withtmt kinw, .in. i.icoki er 6 ! Kentucky Ilur- Indiatin Dnvin, Foley, (irepc, lliiehe 4; lllinoia Ilodoe. Mitmhull, Sliuw, Smith, I'll Michigan 0; Wiaconnin 0 j Minneao suoh t 0; Iowa U; Missotiri Aiini bion, 'CurutherH, Chirk, Craijj, l'helpa, Wood ol'thi S(,N fii California Scott II HI. Upon tho adoption ol Mr. Grow' ainend- - Maine Oi New IIniihiro 0; Vermont. 0: MnMichtis,'lts 0; Ithi. I-lnnd 0; Connecticut Arnold I ; New Vork Itus- "ell, SearMi,', Taylor 3l New J ersey lluvler, Wortendyko 2; I'eniinylvtitiia- Ahl, Ili-wart, l,eiilv, illniitooniery 4; Del a wii re Whitely 1; M irj land Ib.wie ireiiiiu Itor.iH k, t aakie. I'.iliiitiiiHoii, (tnruclt, tioode, Hopkins, Miil.-niu, I'ow ell K; North Carolina- Brnnch, Crnl.'o, ii mkh, Kullin, Sctiles, Shaw, Vanui; Wiimlow H; Hotilh Carolina llniiliain, Metiueen, Jlilea 4; (ieoria Crawford, (iartrell, Jtcknoii, Svwnrd.Ste- iheiiH, 1 itii'K, Wright 7: H,.ri,la--Ilaiv- Kin A lunainn.-t onii, i tirry, wow- "oil, Houston, Moore, Shorter, Sttillworlh ' ntt. KHii'tt, UimKitwooii 3; Ohio I Cox, I tall, l'eiulletoli, VnllondiL'ham 6 moot, tho Republican vote, aa will be seen, wn uiiniiiuiouniy in inu niiiriiiaiivu. o votea rrom thu Hlavo State all but tiino were in tho ne;;utive, and, aa wo shall presently ace, there wna only olio of that liuinlier who was real v in lavor ot It. Una one boitiK Mr. Blair, of MisaourL Mr. (irow'a nnienduioiit buiiiir li.cnrpo- rated into tho bill, the next uueatiun wus , inn, n the luisMiee of tho bill, which was yiii iented by the lollowiii;: vote Uurnaltho YEAS, 91. , , to If 0; 0; 1; . .. -. Ww1' K it i ? ond 4 Nw Ilau.psli.rt Crnoin, i'lte, ,. I ?.rr- eri,u,t Morrill, Itonrf, llnr,ame VhU.e, Cvr&K'MLZ '"och. Hall, lino;,,; Thor 10; Khoilc taci, iiau, a no i, inuwr in; ivuoue Ui-ll rayton, ltrfee '2; Connecticut vlark Jlrn ,, N, Jw yrVA Venn,tt,lirroun,,CW,C. li. VocK- raie,J,ihn Cochrane, iV ulJ, t'enton, (Iron ger, Hutch, Hoard. Jiel.n i, M allium, Morgan, Morse, Murray, Olin, I'a'mrr, 1'arker, Aitnuer, 1 hamjmm 21 ; New Jur Bey Vlausim, Roliliins 3: l'ennsylvnnio n,, n;.i u a ii .- .-j.i.-. a.. . ,.. iiiuois, m urviuncr, i,iiraie, Knuait v. 1Jt!iliWorH 0. Marylnnd-rW 1 ; Virginia VJ nortn -'r""ll . 1 ar"ll,ia S tieorgia 0: Florida 0: Alubama OiMinaie. Hippi U; Loiiisiuna 0; Texu 0; Arknniiu 0; TennnaNOP 0: Kentucliv Oi Ohio llingham. Bliss, Cox, (itddings. Hall, Harlan, Horton, Leiti r,tihU r,Mott,&her- man, Slanton, Tompkins, Wade 14; Mich igan Howard, Leach, Walbridge, Wal tlron 4; Indiana Vvlfox.Kilaore.Vcttit Wilson 4; Illinois t'arnsworth, Kellogg, Lovejtry, Morris, IVWAAifrn 6; Wiscou in Potter, Washburn H; Iowa Curtis, Davis 2; Minnesota Cuvanaugh, Phelpa 2; Mwaouri If lair 1; Calilorina 0 Ul, NAYS, 95. 0; It. 6; 0; , 0; 1; ,i. I , Maine 0! New llainpahiro 0; Vermont 0; MuBsachtiHi-ltnO; Rhode Inland 0; Con necticut Arnold 1 ; New York Corning, Russell, Benri tig, Taylor 4; New Jeraoy Huyler 1; Pennsylvania Ahl, Chap man, Dowurt, Florence, Jones, I.eiily, Montgomery, Phillips, White 9; Delaware Whitely 1; Jllaryliiiid Ilnwie, Rh aud, Stewart 3; Virginia llocock.Cankie, Ed- inundnon, (larnctt, Goode, Hopkins, Mil- Hon, Powell H; North Carolina Cruigo, (iiLMtrt, Kuflin, Scale, Shaw, Vance, Winslow 7; South Carolina llmihuin, lloyce, McQueen 3; Georgia Crawford, (Iartrell, Jacksun, Stephen, Tkiite, Wrieht tj; I lorida Hawkins 1 : Aluhuma Cobb, Dowdell, Hoitttton, Moore, Short er, Stttllworth ti; Mi.aia.ippl Ilarksdulo, Davis, McKae, Singleton 4; I.eiiinliiiia Sandidge, Taylor 2; 'f exus Ilryan, Reu- gan 3; Arkansas Greenwood 1 1 " eunes- see Atkins, Avery, June, UlAVKAnn, HtAuy, Havnoo, Smith, Watkms, .oLt.t- cofpeh 9; Kentucky llurnett, C'uy, El liott, Jewett, JllABniiAi.L, Slaiion, 1'eyton, Stevenson, Talbolt IInhpIiwooii 10; Ohio Iiuiii-.f'nrkerill, Groesheck, Pendleton, Vallaiiihehain 0; lo Jittna--D iris Foley Gregg, 11 ugh e 4; I II mod Marsiiul, ui,,uj ar '. ... ' 2; MichiL'an 0; VVmconaiu 0; low all; Alis- snuri Asncu.os, I 'anil hern, G lurk. Craig, Phelps, WixiDsom o; Minau,ia 0l I ali- fornia 0; 05. Tho defeat of tho bill, in consoqlienee of the incorporation into it of Mr Grow' amendment, shows that a majority of the Hoimo was really opposed tu that amend ment, although it had been adopted by a veto of U to HI. Certain members, who did not daro to vote directly against the amendment, joined in kill ir. ir it afte-warda, by killing tho bill, of which ll bad ueou uiado a part by their own votes. -in.... V,...l kiu.-.rt r.f M irvlnnit. At- kins, Avery, Jones, and Savage, of Ten. nasaoo, and Jewett, Stevenson, and Tal " . . .... i-fi-.. bolt. of Kentuckyy, who bad voted lor we amendment, voted afterwards against the bill, duly one, Mr. Blair, ol tho nine Southern suppurtcra of the amendment, proved true lo it in tho end, and no other Soulhern member came tu ita support ill the liuul vote, saving only Mr. Davis of Maryland, w ho ruprcconW the froe-Whor uiterests of the ciiy of Baltimore, rather than tho interoats or passions of the nlave holding and landed urimucriii-y ol the plant ing Males. Alt, rw iUil,oii thu eauie d.iy, v hcii theite , ., votes npon Mr. Crow' nniemlment were t'iven.tlie represent itives lr ni MiiineaoM. both of the,, tnenbers of the D.-mocrjUic nnrtv. ilehvered snceclien. in u-l. .-I, il... mii.le no secret of their rhnirmi that a aeuro vitnl to their constituent y en- countered the nearly unaninintw nppimi. : lion of their 1""" Mr. I av-i to Olltbisbilli , , ;-,,n.v',w" , ' ' tnajirnty ol ; his side ol t in 1 1 ..i, j.. u..i .... ,i ..... 1 M iiLirv iihiii" niiniHi ij Hull, I any it rranl.!v, I my it in narrow, thnt It w: In the Keptiblienn side of the; House to whom wo w re rninpelleil .i look for support of this j,it nnd honorable tnonmiro. tienlleiiien front the South,' 1,'cntli'iiicii v h i have broad n, r. s and hlej plantnti. iis, nideil here I. i day by their t ilea 'more In make lt"piihlirnii Stnlea in the North than by an vote which lin.s been cn-t within the hut two yeais. Tine ' hero ami a nit lis to hiih- ,,'P, .M"",l,t yet they, to a man v 111 ,n i lien peiiiient lab ir ul U... tl ...t .... ' 'I, sir, have inln ril. il my Deiinn-racy , have been attached to the Deinorralic par- ly front my boyhood; have believed in thu i Trent truth naeiirjnriiired bv the 'lathers o, lot- iiiiui, nini ii'ini ciii-rin in ii , i,..ii II-- lieiooslv, knowinir that, by their laithltil application tn rvery department of this Uovortiinrnt, ttm rmtion linn rown ti 1'ro m Klnivulinrx colnril-Mr to prtwiirronK, Hi orlul, uinl Hovcroic;!) Stnti H., I..... r w..... '......I. ........ nil- II I H'V a.1 '111 II' I II t' 1 1 1. Lt'lIM' 11 ' t 'IIM' 11 1(, I .ti.l ...!-.. a.1 v.,t..a. 1,.. tl..: I... tho ttctual tiller ol tho bone't. in-l dustrioiia laborer, htiyoiid Hie "rasp and avarice ol tho specul'itur, I tell you, sir, 1 , falter and I hesitate." The amendment of Mr. C.row, forbid-! i utr the public mile of lands lor at least, ton venro i.llor ll,..ia oorvi.v .,.,., I.I ..t. r.. the uri at bulk of tho lamfs to pr,M nipt- ore, and would eivo to pro-oinplurs a Ion;; pnv day, and thus nave them from the en ormous usury they are now compelled to pay to money lenders. It woulil not re diici) Ihe revenue, derived by the Treasury from tho public, Ian, In, hut would only postpone It, and this postponement would be far leas to th" Government than it would ho beneficial tn the setllrr. Tho (iiivernineiit can burrow money at four and a half per rent, per annum, while the settler frequently pay a live -ter rent, ner month for the money to tut -r hi Inmla, to prevent their ;, lo at puhao auc tion. On thn lat of February tho qtiealtun of public lnnd waa nirain before the limine, tho poiulinjr lull (Itotino lull I'o. 72) lioiofr a bill to si'curo homesteada to actual settlers, nnd boinj; in tho word fol lowing: A BILL TO SECURE HOMESTEADS TO ACTUAL SETTLERS ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. lie it enacted by tho Ri iiste nnd Hollso of HeprtteiiUitivi-s ol the United States ol Aiiut ien ill t'oiireai aasi niblnl, Tlmt any person who is the bead of a family, or who has nrriv e.1 nl Ihu o of twenty onii years, and is a cltif.i'11 of Uio I'nilt.l Males. or ho ahull hare til. ,1 his iuuntiiiii to ln-eome siu li. ns rcouin-d y the nattiruat,oii Inwsoi ti, t intmi nnu dulll, from and ltT the pasan,' of thin net. he eiilltlt-,1 to enti r, free of eoitl.iuie iutirt't' aeetioi, of vneant and tiiiniiro,riated tmblie lands which uttiy, nt the tune ihe a. plication was inaile. Ihi siihi. cl lo iinvnte eiitrv, nt r 1 25 per ncrc, or a uuiiutiiy lotuil than-to, to Ik, In enlcd in a y , in eonlu, inity with the . ral otnlivuuoia ttt the pulilio lands, and iifur tie aainu shall l,m o bu n surv. ycil. tit-n. -J. aWtl further eleieti-d, That iKtrmin npnlviiiir fur Ilie Inni 111 of 11,1 1 nrt Oitill, ioioi, npplieitlioil It, (l,u rcj:i..r of tttrf Tff TWTuti'. :'l',""t ,:1 nin unit uu i,r inn ii no in a r or at aWatal,j IS lit elil v -olit, loirs nr iin,, ,. of h,., n,,.l ,!..., such application is ,ile f,,r his or her exclu sivo lint and benefit, lllld Ibnse speeinlly men tii.iicd ill this net, n,i, I not eide r tliKctlv or iieliivelly fur thu ui- or Uutliluf any oihtY pern, .ii or persona whoiiioe'er;aiid Uuii, iimk tut (lie nlliilavil u ,11, thu r.-iri-t'-r, he or she hall thereupon lie permitted l.i enter Iho i ih ii 1 1 1 v of laud nbenJv speeilii d: I'mviiled, however, 1'htit no u.,rtilicate shall lm iveii or j ab 1,1 isrin d llurefor until the cxpira lion i if live y, an, from thu ditto of such ontry , nn if, lit the expiration of such time, sir lit sin- lime then-ali. r, the pel n nmkii sueh entry, or, if hu bo dead, his widow, or, in eatuof her d, nth, his heirs or devisee, or in case of n widow making sm'h entry, inr heirs or de visoe, in ease ul her do ilh shall prove by lu-o eredilile witni-sses that, be, she, or they, have continue! In reside it, on nnd cultivate such land, ami still residu iihh the same, ami hnve not alienated the sniiie, lir any purl lin n ,, I, then, in snob ease, he, she, or llicy, if at. that time a e'tlir.en of the I'uiteii Slate., shall, tu, pavmtnl of ten dollars. In( eulitleil In a putt at, uslu other ease jirovided for by law: And prorided further. In case of lloi death of both fallieraiid luolhcr, leaving uu iiifaui child or children under t.ieiilyou years ufuiri-.the riilit and Uio fee nlmll' inure to Ihu Win I'll ol stud infant child or chiMrcn, nnd the ex cut or,, or ifunrilian uiny, nt nny time within tu'o years afi, r thu ueath of Ihe siirvivitiaf l.nront, ana in neeordaiiee with the laws ol llie rtliilu in Wlii'-h sueti ehllilo'ii fni- ihe time heini have their dulniell. sell said laud for the beiteliL of said infanta, bill for no ther purpoMi; nnd the purchaser shall ncuiiirc uu noaoliiu, rule nv in h piiretiiise, anil lie en tilled to a pat lit from Iho I'uiled States. Hto. 3. And bn it further cum ted, 'J hut the register of tho btlid elliee aluttl note all such application on the tract lHU,ksnn,l pints ot Ins oiheo, and ktvp a rt'itter of all such cities, nnd make relurn thereof to the tietieitil liud Otlice, t'.gither withtlui primf upon which they have been founded. 8 to. 4. And bo it furl her enacted, That all land ae,ui,vd utti'.er the ,rnviai,'ii tf litis act snau in ,tio evei.i o, otne uui,;e to anc sntiaiscllo oi any una or ueuts eoniiucieu prior lo the tcstiin the pat"iit th. i-t for. Sic. 6. And licit further enaeied, That if, at any time afler liliiiir Ihe nlli.l.ivit, ns re rp:iired in Uie aeeoml seetinu of this act, nnd before tho expiration of Iho five yenrt afore said it, shall be proven, liner duo notieo te linn nolleo Ui of the register the seltler, to the saliafi.etion lof the laud olliec, thai the pertin harine tiled ""en omuiivii sunn novo nriii'inv eoanitea ins ..-t. . ,,, ,1.. it. .., 111., m,. ,.,i ri ll" ,n; than six uioiiih at any tiiu, thou, sn.l in that eatu, ,l.o lon.l 8,, entered shall re vert bsek lo the Uovoraiii, Ml, nn4 1 d;,,p,nMl of s, other public lauds urn- now by law, suii- jcat ia,. ni..,i,l Uitlic ti, n, nil Land (Ullee. riao. o Aim u foiih. r einieted, Thai no individual shall b. , i iioiietl i ,,v, .,,, mull one eniry linen r mo .. . , i. , n4 et; nilo nut, too t t'lil ill i .--n-n-. , w, t no , im Ijind tJOiee, isliorei.y riquireo lo prepnivan,! ifaufl such rules niel r iuli. lions, ctinii -teut with tliis set, aa ahall be neei .tpnry and prop r W carry lit pit.v isioits Kilo t II, et; mnl thnt the reglnters and reei-ivers of tho aev, nil laud otuce sunn oe ennu. u io eoi.i( ii.t,o.i for any lands lo roeeivrt tho salile rt d under the profiaioli of tin set that they aianowcu- Hilled tu roooivo who tilled tu roooivo wlioji the siuo (lumitity lull.) is enured with money, one half to Ih- paid by the p'rm.ii ut'ikiug tile ,. I die nt ion, ,e iiuio oi so ooin,;, una ioe orin i nun on iaaile of tlie net! ilieiiLO lit- llte ,.....oii l.i wtiun il niuv In, i,...l: IWi.l...! 'l 1.1 ,,lh. lint net shall bv so cull llllled aa lo io-1 ..sic inlerfere in any manner whatever with exisi iug per eiupi it.ii tights. The previous question liavi g been or dered, tho House wits bruit;.. ht in a duett voir, upon this bill, without lebttte. A motion to lay tlio bill on .ie t.,'-!e was lo;,t yea 77, nays iu;ai,d tin, lit) then - too'1 ' , "ajs 7o. ine CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. Republican Senatorial Convention. lion. lh'"f0 "nJ ,,,at ,U R'TuMic.,,. pre rnl ,, -"tm'ii-t d to cast the entire vote of their respective cmntie. Tlio Convention then proceeiUd to th nolnillBtion f n CBII,!i,Ui8 f- State Sen il ,. . , , t,ir, Whi n ail illflirm0 tt'sllot ll hl 1 t;,:, Convention met at t'pper B,. 'ny on f"turdir, the loth inst,, and " orr,'nnii!l'' railing Cuy C. Wortli of Wynmlot to the chair end appointiiifj . t !!, ce of Seneeaand fl. It. Urks ' -""J" -..-..- Hn n 1 1. , i . , 1 " ", th. appo.nte.l It,,, run . 1 ij.i i.r u..h . 1 lir ci... : iii iun rial. .I'll oi rieiiei a, JF, W. Hwif;' Smith of Vya..,t a committee to fit a bsiofap- po, t;oiinirnt and report the number of d. Ir .Me In which each comity wiaen titled. A committee of three, consisting of Kail ll ll of Seneca, John It. TlnlTinan of Crawford and Dr. S. V. II. iineol Wyan dot was appoint! d to t h tt and report Senatorial District Committee. The committee on Apportionment, through, their t hiiirman, D. V. Swljrart t. - . frtinreseiitft- 1 'on, one oeiepnto tor every :,) and ooa for etory fraction of 25 or more nte cast rr j,,,,, Pl,tk in ,HJ3i wllicl woij en. lille the tlifl'ereiit ronntle to the fullow inomimber of rich gat"; Hen, ct ' ' ' 45 Wyandot - - - 9H Ci aw ford ' - 80 On motion It w as noreed that a niijor ity of all the votea cast ho ne3cnry tat with the followitip ii'sult: K"won I.eith 11 St) S nee Wyandot Ciawford 45 1I 60 41 The Convention then prof reded to a formal ballot, but before tho result w&a announced, a telegraphic dispatch w re ceived from Tillin, ulatlii? tht !'' Kw- eon would not be a rani'.iile- Tho Convention then took a rcces of ten minntea f"f roiiotiltation, when the numo of James M. Svkvess of Seneca wii announced and a ballot wa hud witli tho following result: Steven I.eith Scatterino a Sonera 45 I 1 Wvnndot SO Crawford i C5 31 Mr. Stevmi, having received a major!' ty of all the yules cast, was on motion do- lait'd the unanimous choice of tho Coti- lion for Senator. The Convention next proceeded ta nominate a candidate for Iho Board of E'ptall-ntion. The nnnies of R. W Mnsgravo of Crawford and Henry Peters and Thomas V. Reber ol Wyandot were presented. Two ballots wero had witU Iho following result: IftIUmot. Reber U eter 20 5 floncra Wyandot Crawford li 1)7 25 45 1!K H At LOT Seneca - Wyandot Craw ford The name ol Mr. Peter w as. withdrawal after tho first bullet and on thu Second ballot Tiiohas V. Rtuzn of Wyandot, having received majority of all Uie vote cast, was on motion declared tho unoni' nious nominee. Mt. Stevens, Judgo Leith and Cupt. James Uoyd wero thta culled out and made somo appropriate remarks, which were well received. Tho conimittc appointed to select a Senatorial District Committee, reported the following names, which report was adopted: Soncca J. C. I.kk Tirtin J. II. Wyandot T. E. Gm-sixi. Upper San, Cvei'S Sears " Crawford D. U. LocitH Bucyrua H. C. Rowsb " On motion the Convention adjurned. Mosgravc 11 30 411 ad GUY C. WORTH Chn. II. L Mck.e) c , D. R. Locke S'cy How a Soldier feels in Battle. iiiij1v.. Kr,,. 0(- of A young French oTicer thus w rites of his lii at I'xperienoe in b-tlloi "Our oflicers kept us back, for we werJ not ntmicroiis enough to charge upon th enemy. This win,, nmrsovur, pi-J.- , dent, Sir this murderous fi.e so tatal to the whr.ct coats did us but liit'.e harm. '. Our conicil ball penetrated their dense niawie, w h Je thoBe of tho Austrian whia- i tied poat ottr snrs Hud respected ouf per- 1 sons. It. was he first time 1 had lire, : nor was I tho otiij one. Well, I am eat. inllerl with mhelf. True. I doik.eif the ; ' ... . ' i i .i "a" Henry 1 ., they ay, did the nine at tlio Dcgtnn;iig ot every uniue. It in. In fact, a phyaicul effect, iiidepeudent of the will. "Hut, the tribute paid.if you could only feci how each shot electrifies you. It is like a whip on a racer' logs. The bal' wtiistl pruii you, turn up tho earth sroumi you, kill one, wound another, and )ou hardiy notice them, You grow i:ilona eunpow il'.r tu'-uuia t , . y , jj. l;(,H, your Ur.iiu. K.-iMoo-k bl-o.!-' and the 1 uik n ti-.i-d ti;t n ,,,K ,.,., v, . 'I'hero is BoliU'tlliii; t, nil vl jiu-,, .,,,iS j that ten il'lu pah.-ii-ii excilid in a r by tho night of blood and tho l buttle. "Everybody who h-m tried t, t tho (m-, uliar intoxie.ili ol ti.n: ' . by buii,.' in a buttle. Tlr.-re i- uliup- iiidtit-nco at, out tin, c. - 1 at ! , i lirul w Ii mi It- ot a en ' . ' i r. , . . , , .. in U Irom Cotvtid to h of j uie 11 So metluies to in .i. ill I hi, lo.toco tc eiic.o bu iii,.-.e w ho Ii: ihe.njo'ves." ;i i.i ii en'1.' ': . aiul t I lui All ot ) .'t.i!