Newspaper Page Text
i.aus or OHIO. -lt tl - : J, W. BAILEY. nrur.r. v it aim: v. EDITORS AMI I'KorKlKTORS Tht TltlltlMO Is pi'MI-hor. rfM friilnv Moriilmr. l.oo ir unninn in nitiniii-r. (iikf.sknH kon' Ulrica, romrnil Mntn mid ,Mnrk-t strrHa. . u l i iiliiy .tlornliiff. St i. :, Iiati. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. run 'vrmiit. WILLIAM DKNMSON, of Trinklin County. To L?lTsT oIo, ItONKKT C. KIRK, of knot Count. FUR APIMTOH OF PflTI. ROPFKT W. TAYLOR, of Mahoning. rn u'BF.Tnf r iTAii:, AODISON P. Kl'oSr.l,!., of Clinton. rin Tnns'ira or art-rc Al.FRKU l 8TONr'if Franklin Co. ron irrirvi jrn;K, WILLIAM V. (.IIOl.NON.ol Hamilton. r MVimn n usn or ri'ntin John ii. u rmsou v, or Scioto ''onnty. von sritooL coVMI"-to"ir n. ANS'J.N SMITH, i f Franklin C. unity. ri'H OTATK SIKATOB JAMK.S M. STKVKNS. of Ki'ticcs. r..K noiiiri or ryri.izTnm THOMAS V. Ur.ULK, of Wyandot. hi:pi m.iiVN' rorsTY tm klt. - m Bum riTTivr, OIDF.ON JONES of Jnckson, HORACE IIUliKH of Clinton. for rRotrrrTun ittobsf.t, NELSON L. IIRKWER of Clinton, roii rtrroiuirn, JOHN K. Mcl'OllMAl'H of Clinton, roll rini"il It, JOHN SWICART ol S. inio. ron HfBvrTon, LEWIS K. IIOLTZ or Clinton. FOR INFIRMHT MIICCTon, W.M.RANDALL of IMcn. ONLY TWO WEEKS! R-piililicni.,, rrnii'tnliiT that Tuerday, October the 1 1 (A 'i. I'.loctioii ilny I P n't stay away from tin li 1 Our canst- in juM nd tti'iiintiilit your aiil. Work! Work!! Work!!! Republican, work for hijf innjorltii's in cri'ry township, III Inn T uiitv, ninl ki'cn on Hoiking until the hist rote i polled mid you will come out of the fivlit with VICTORY mi yi-nr si,!e. Murk Hint I REMEMBER. The R nihl'rar, moctiii),', nnnoiinrril elsewhere to be hclil In ilitlVrciil part of the County, l.el the word ho ciri nl.itoil fr nnil near and I ! thorp ho a ,,'iMicral attoiiiliinrc of rion of nil parties. REMEMBER. SEE TO IT. I.ft our K'piihlicaii friends in tho il li ferent townships nee to it that their full strength In uut on the ilny ol election I lie Si Tncsduy ol Hit, .her. Lot not one vols be lost. Il may 1 limine the final ro ult in the County. Repitl'lirins should so amne their business as to he t the polls early nml spend tho whole ilny in Freedom's cum'. I.' t no one May nt home The White Man's Ticket. Tho Republican is t nipti.itic.illy the whito man's ticket. They believe that slavery should be confined within its present limit that slavery degrades la bor, that it is a t urn" to any people and should not be permitted to bli;;hl llm noil of the territories, which are I he r.rhti'ul heritage of froem -n. They believe that the territories are tree tiiicVr the Con'- tution and should U e, free fir the hrm-tlt pfnni'ts tin n ml that the policy of our government should he so slipped aa to protect freedom rather then shivery in other words thnt Freedom should lit rational and Slavery sectional. These are the principles, which the Republicans are pledged to support and On y are the principles of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson. The Democratic (so called) party are willing to concede everything W the South. They believe that slavery has right to go into all the tcrri'orice or the United Statea and be uroio te,l under the Constitution, and they are cooperating with tho South in order to nationalize alavery, Africanize the territories and build up a slave aristocracy among lis. 1'eoplo of Seneca, these are the ques tion!, the great questions, to i1 decided on the 11th day of October next. You have eone and daughter!, who expect sonic day to emigrate to the West. I) i you want them to live and work side by side with iM'gro slaves! If not, veto tho Re publican ticket, for this is the very thing they are trying to present- lion t lend ...r -.,. or iiifloeuve to a party thot ml.! liv thn S.iutll and that yields every demand, which the H.-uth mak upon them .... , . tlM .Ianrtnit.'r intro n nut "i mi unj u. txk.L. dsrec ime out and s.y that mo lemiories Mi'-ni lo ue epi i"'n the benefit gf fre ono. whit lahos'rs net Trumbull's Great Speech. We furnish our suha. fibers this week, will, an Extra, containing the able an. nanscerahleapetvliof Senator Tm KB' of Illinois, delivered at Sandusky, on Kri dny evening last. We wish that t-viry voter in tlie County could read it, completely .nnihilates D mglaa' aham j pretence of Popular Sovereignty and .cttteri.ll hia sophistries to the four wlntls. It ahowa tlint Douglas i in sistent with himself, with his part t :i!a Liatury. - I ! "oasted ilufirinr revoluliiisr "' absure! Ihat hia cry t f sKif-' aovereijjnty is a byporritieal j t"e to catt-h northern votes and i.rtual turreiitler to l!io South. Mr. Douglas' niagsxino artit le is rom etely disncet 'd and exposed in all droumess, ill sophistries, transparent ' 'il 'rfiie and its gross oniiasioiia ami "lsifisatiuna of liiatory. The speech 'ia coinpleie vindication of the 'Wiping policy and miaaiou of the Re puhVWsn na,ty. Ilcatl Hand band It to your ncl.hor. The State Fair. wee. ot VuB Htate Fair anrville, biA. Uma far, weather has era very uuavoraV,U, and iU vtendance, no Audit, be inuJ, 1ps i,, wiu UllC!pS.lod, " [...] Treads the Baby Act. Judi'O Ranney, in order to pet rid of the force of hla Wilmot Proviao letter. written to llullnnu in 1H4S, upraaaing aentiincnta which be aaid then war "honeatly entertained," put In tho plea of non-accoiiiitnl'ility. Ilu aaya bo bad not then arrived at years of sound discre tion and that be baa since discovered that what lie thru advocated was not tha true d ictrine. This mny bo olio way to jfet out of a hid predienmeiit, but It is certainly a very humiliating and cow ardly one. In 1 S IH, when Judj;o Run ncy wrote tho letter referred to, ex pressing sentiments directly opposite to those be now holds, bo wss 31 years of R1ra qmle a la'y feu y. nml lliniiglit himai'lf wiae enough to Iim a candidate for Ooiurraa. Two v' arn urtor be Was auf- ficienlly adu t to be elci ted a member of tho Conatitiitioiuil Convention and in a vvar or two more be h id made sueh ropid ro(;roFs, as t bo capnhle, in Ilia own cm- tiniation, of aittinif on the Miiprrmo llenrh fthe Slat -. Jud' Usiiliey will pain 110 frienda by aorh miaerablo l,xli 110; and puerile i x-fliaea. "Lands for the Landless." (.In the outaido of to-ih.y'a paper, we ominenco the publioution of no aitiolo unih r this head, show ing the pomtiona ol .. . on 1110 fiueatioii of the t" ' '"- ' KriintiiiK l illiln tonctual settlera. Let lu- horinjf men of all parties rend it and then ak themselves, w hich party ha done tha moat to jnve them a homestead I This import ant ineamro baa been one of the reut olijeiis ol the Republienn party In Congress, but it his been invari- nbly dof. ateil by southern slaveholders, sided hy their northern democratic, allies. The proposition of Mr. (irow. allowing; the public, land to ri'innin unsohl for ten years after the mrvey, for tho benefit of preempt ts, w in defented by thu demo cracy, the Republicans bi-inir an unit in its In v or. Finally JWr. (irow's Iloineatend Hill passi-il the Mouse, 7o mmrnl$ vol in; uiuiri't it and eiery Hcjiulhican but one for it. The hill then went to the Senate, where its fate is well known. It was pottpoued, time nml again, and finally laid over altogether hy the caiting vol ol Vice President llreckentidgo and the iji;I0,i!(I,ihio Cuba Hill taken up in its stead. F,v.'ry Repshlicau ill the Senate voted ngn'nst the postponement nml near ly every democrat voted for it. Thin it wi be seen that voting rJilll.lKO.nim into the hands of the I'resi- dent, to dicker for Cuhi, is of vastly more inivirlance to deinocr.its, than opeuingiip tie unoccupied lauds of the West for free ,'iuinigriitioii. The slavohntding democracy nro oppos ed to dividing up the territories into small fiirius and giving them out to nctii il set tlers, beciiiise it rncour.iges immigration and builds up free si ites, They knew that the adoption of such a system would be nil effectual barrier to the spread of slaveiy, wbii-li is the yreat ilesiderutuiii of the democratic party. Hence they want to discourage free immigration and give the lands to corporations, bind sharks imd shive-h d lit! ' 111 moonlitM. James M. Stevens. i Our nominee for Stit Houutor, is cm phiiticnlly the cand.diite of tlie Inhorim; man. tie Is a laboring man himsoll has alwnya hoen a liard-workini; niechiinic nl'l'r '( it s t.n I"'- 'v in liivor of a lloine- steud l.nw, (jr.iiitinn to actual settlers Hit) acres of tho unocenpied lands of the West. II" is in l.ivor of koopiiw the lerritorica . . i . i i Iros, iis our lathers .h nKne,l they should he, for the bciu lit of free, white laboriiiK men, and is utterly opposed to the dcim. doetrine that the slaveholder lias a ........ , . . . m-lit to tnko Ins slave, into the territories and work them by the side of white me- liianii s, furmera aud day laborers His opponent, .Mr. Orr, Is or has horn a third r.ite lawyer, and has always made polities his tr.ide. lie is a'omptun Di inoirjit after the striiteot suet, ii strong partisan, and, if elected,, will carry out all tlie odious piim iplea of tho slave dt'imii'rai'v. Choose between them. Lincoln and Trumbull. ia to ior. I Have not left a urra- sxl of Don Ins in (Uiio. Tin y hnve lluyed him alive and completelv riiVlled his stum popular sovroietitY. l)ni,'lin, while he tins face for the North, is really playing into the hands uf the South. Southern states nu n say lin y want no bettor duetrine thiol hia, for the rstHhlishuivnt of a slave ciulo for the territories, and the revival the slave trade. Douglas pistes slavery unoii the same hssis as other nronertv. but sas the people of .territory have the , . i i i--v- ri'I'l It fniiV I'' CVHirt U llttll K: lit tUM1 not aav thev can vrtAibit or txe'ude it. - . . i.Miueryu placed upon the amc uami ,,,, Cllll R (.rrlti.r.KB nm! W ii,t tl,-.t l.i tlm tuntPrK. mui ih tnt.tUtl to tho aaint proiornon; aiu-mpi 10 racume hy territorial leialatutii would he aimply etmtincution and tUtTffore unttnitHitution al. Thia in ltni"laa arirunient in a nut- ahell. The Last Resort. ment bai in to tlie ilemocrstic ij Voters of ihia Tiuinty. Is that the only reason tho Adivrlher can assign, why you shouhl support tho ilemoeratie tiekel! a its is at The A ivtrtiier makes this last, des perate appeal to the democracy: Thut ll they do not vote the clean I. "-vo ticket, there Is iImv r ot Chase or some other i"hlnck" Republican beiiifj elected V. Senator. Ii that the cui'r" rr.'- I i Hare eniocrat.1 no conscience that should tlictato to them how they should vote? T!.i armimant ! .L;,. inn, olution, passed at the do or.,ie A - ....... ,' . . , , votaij .u.iv. i, which iaiu uowu mo whole duty ol a modern democrat, as fol lows: "Reso'ved: That it is thn mnn ''. J. yftvrlrmx:rwliode.ire.toniain.!"7 tain am- HTiiiniit'iii organisation ol party, to vote a dean and uncralcktJticM. . - . .. - . . ei, uu that we hereby fvtga ourselves 10 uso an nunoratue moans to secure eloctiou of the ticket thia day nominated. German Uinocrats, this resolution was intended for you. . OyChaa. Kent is an independent can. didete for Judge iu the Tolvdo district. Lecompton Hall. A rumor proT.iili that L. W. Hall, bct- . 1 .... r - IIII " 1. t,t Km teiiilereil thn appointinent of Comminion erofthe (iruornl Lniol Ollire, in pines of Ileiiilrirki reaijrned. If true, it if an other ini"tani o of the reward of tr'-aehery hy the Adiiiiniatration. German Democrats. Tho "Cliipio" any, iinleoa you Tola the tiho'r ilrmtx-rnlic t you are traitor mid not lit to ho in tho party. You are not allowed tovoto Independently and lie enlled democrat. All tho pnrty wnnU ii your voted. Y'our ervite in other re eperta arc not arcuptnhle. W'c any to you and all, VOTK AH YOU I'LL'ASIO, but bo anro you VoM in tolli(fontly, boneally and for thu beat in trroMH o the country at Inrjfe. Look out for Fraud! The lot iil'ocn are flooiliii( tho comity with t li i tioiioeriii,! iloi uuienta, and their aecret einiMaariia nrn at work ill every township, il;sseniiiuititi( falsehoods and . slanders on the Republican rnndidates. 1 I 1'ngh baa his hired agents all over the Slate, working to e cure a majority in the next legislature. Look out for them. lookout for "org- c,7 liii.iiii,'," ami all kinds ol dark lau - tern tricks. 1 i I How is This! Our tsxes this year are considerably b'gber than they were Inst. While the State levy Is the same as before, the county levy has been incresned throu lilihs of R mill on llm dollar. Last year the county levy was 3 L'-.l mills oil tho dollar; this year it is 3. This will make! on increase in the aggreg.ito lax of the ; county of some guinuO a nice little sum surely to come out of the people's pock ets, these hard times. We cannot see any renson for this additional assessment. A majority of tho Commissioners are democrats, nml under their administration the laxea of the county have been Im reas en fiuiini, 111 one year Democratic Doctrine. , (lovernor Magoffin, thu Democratic (lovernor elect of Kentucky, was inaug urated a few days ago. In his address he laid down tho following as the Demo cratic doctrine of tho South upon the shivery question: "Tho Territories are the property oftbe St les, anil nil nave an npuil right to go ,,.,..,.,1 ,.: ....,. The .,oo,l, . l. emigrate therc'lnvo the right to. and will determine for themselves, whether they win or win not nave slavery when tiny have framed a c.oustilulion and propose to i oniress in I'lnii,, into the Union as a sovereign Stat". Jtut thy have no rijihl to dn so trhild t'ici are in a Territorial condition." The Slave Trade-Opened. ! section ol the Ilevised Code of tlie State declare, aeainst .1,,. l-f-nl rioht. and, 1 forbids the l.rin-i.ii; into this State ol . . - . . .. . f . . a Ohio Iiiicoforo editors Imvo been dviiy- iiif tho statoiiieiit that the slave trade has boon fully re-opened under the lliiclisnnii adininislratioii. Wo prosuino they will acknowledge their error, since Doiiolns' aiiiiounceiiieiit ill his speech nt Ciduiubiu, nn '1'uosday of last week, '-that t.'tc slave trade van aoain in active ojieratiun. is useless for Democratic, papers In 1 Itf lilllilli,"' ""tnoril lloliioorslo'i .moors and politician!. The late Domo- ...Ii.. ,..l r.....,.i;.. t,.,l,l nt l'..rl (iibson, Mississippi, on tho nth ol August, passed tho tollowiii)r roaoluti ui: lietoh-cd. That we deem it due to ex- -..:...: -I - ....I I IH t UI I, ,', fill l ll I l' in" won n. .ii i ii, I'm ii , , ti) (j1rnr(, Hn t,. ,.;,.,, ,,fthis m 'otiiiL', ,1Ilt , mm., ofthe 'Juth article ol the 1th kmios urnler the nenaltv of l mm.! oui-ht to be expunged from the staiules: nni r.nmr. liir I H.Oil ! nul l llli'll t as nil indorsement of Federal usurpation, as a reflection upon the institution of Slavery,! and as bointf contrary to sound Southern polirv, we tlo further declare it to bo the sense of this ineetini; that the I.-(riHlsitiiro of this State oiu-ht to repeal said enact ment at its next regular session. it II. 0 Northern State, to ih'i.y. - III, .i..;..(r c ,hul ..... r, mmr, w h.ti, llm civilized world lias ilctumneoil as pi. ( i ,lv.,ciloil lv a very counid- Then and Now. i of .,, a It ii well to compare men'! words, when they speak their own independent senti ments, and when Ihey speak under the lash of parly dit t ition. Judo Kinney in ISIS, when not n candidate for oilier,' wrolea letter t Jude lloll'iiiaii of war-'yesterday, , I..,.. , ;.. ,., ,. i . ren , a mi Jtultf.. Kinney in I..!1, cindidute for the olhce of dovoruor,; speech nt Tillin. Oi both oeeasious treated of the power of Congress oyer m.,,. !.. ,, ,;,,.; ,. . .., Slavery in the 1 crritoriei. Wo place , , """" 'I'""""" u" Raiinrv opimon tn IMl KaMy'a opinion tn 1H41I, rr eii in tha Uolltuan tpiw.kwd at TkMi. . . . . . .Wh',' ', U 1 haa no itmiht nr ir? or tha I mint finte-, rt t"rt t'onimM tur.t iimi iii t..rri.ii.t JiT.rP;!:.''.! .JS" """u.. t Merj in tt, aw, in ii. I vrnl.itiva ( i I -M,rl,?!w! , ,,,,;,,,. ;.luu ;u. , day eveiiinp. 1 he loss f 'J.000 ia to- , tal, there beiii(f no insurance. Twenty or thirty workmen are thrown out of em ,s ' P'ovmi'iit. - if S. - - ) COThe Loral election in Kami a, "'1,rtf eoiiHtilnliun ha hden lie fore tho people, all indicate Repuhlican rainn. j Tlo . o now seems little doubt tliat tlio' ! constitution will be adopted hy nnil- aomti nisjoriU -p'ie ol Democratic op .. .nn,,, . ftrThe Kpringtield () iVmM slates ' tbst worKshop of Driscol's carrisgo factory, in that place, waa burned on Fri- - A1,,- M'""r','J' l'"''!'-"". and ins; I t.... .tv.i: u. I nt niai-ani nn. ai I nun, n iiitv ;tit'B- rs l), iiiii,.n and Hannev held their lirst I debate, the (.'tin of the democracy made a (ffiieral rullv to suntsin the cause. t T ', J ' .' " ; isennior Jiouiia.s, .-irnalor I'uj li, Jl. II. 1 I'ayno of Ch vi lsnd, Messrs. lirmshaek I and I'entlletun, ol Cincinnati'.Allen, ol tlio1 ! I'rake Dioli irti I'ox of L oluiuhua, lr lor ft! I.r, ,, h.i.' lint I . . 'In, .i.rli. , , , i, v that JudunIUnney uecds their hol, ,v "aiumi Dayton Journal. nV.n i;..n : .. VT,.C ,.. ,'!.' , . , . ' i... ... caught between an approaching freight car and a ifraiu anout on ono of the warn- llionses in thai Ulace. and was instantls IJ. ' NATIONAL DEMOCRACY. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY IN OHIO. "Ws belirvs that tha people of an or fanired Territory, the mni as those of a Slate, have the riylit, under the Coiisli tution, to establish or t xclude, protect or prohibit slavery, as to them shall seem Cin. Enquirer. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY IN KENTUCKY. "The people who rmiijrale to the Ter ritories hnve the Fi(bt to, and will deter mine for themselves, w betherthey w ill or will not have slavery when they have framed a coiist.tution ami propose to t. on- jjreaa 10 coon: ion, no: loiiwii ,,n ei(jn Stite. Hut they AatM no ri'jht to do o u hilt they are in a Territorial condition." Governor McGoffin. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY IN ILLINOIS. "The Constitution neither establishes nor prob.bits slavery ill a territory, but lesvvs tho people thereof free to regulate their own domestic, institutions in their own way: tuhjictonly In the i'omtitution the Initrd HUtter:" Stephen A. Douglas. Query. What is the import mean ing of tho clause: 'Subject only to Conititution of the Vnilci .N7ilt ,"and in ; . what respei t is the power nr thu people ot Territory over the inatitution of Slavery, subject, or controlled by tho Federal Con- stltulionl When master tskes his 'alarcs into k territory does he Continue to he a slave or is ho discharged from serv itude? These are questions whiih Mr. Doug- las in bis Magazine article has dodged. xv i 1 1 ..... ,;..!. 1. . ri. a swer! ... ,i iiiiiui VI IIIU nUltMIKT Oil NATIONAL DEMOCRACY IN VIRGINIA. "The Constitution carries Slavery into 1 and pstahlishea it in nil the Territories. 1 and Congress is bound to protect it there, i N,itl"'r 1,10 I''P1"' "f 'ho Territorial Legislature have the power to exclude It. The iloctriho of Douglas is even more .it I ..iv.. ... :.. .1- I . il prnciiciiiT nun fiiueuveiy siiuversive 01 thu constitutional rights of slaveholders than is tho doctrine, maintained by Mr. Seward and his adherents of the Illack Republican parts. Mr. Seward holds that Congress may rightfully exclude slave property from the territories. Mr. Douolss contends that tins power resides in the local authorities of each territory. No man in Virginia can he found hold enough, now, to advocate 31 r. Douglas's doctriuo through the nress or on the hus Richmond Enquirer. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY OF A MISSOURI CANDIDATE. "I regard the man who would aid in tho escape of a Fugitive slave as no bet ter than a hii'hwavman and rohher. I would hang him to thn first tree, as an enemy to I ho Union, the ( onstitution and Gov. Stewart. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY OF AN OHIO CANDIEATE, when he wants Free Soil Votes. ' I would not id to catch a netrro if en i it'll upon ny ins mnstor. I woulil.on the contrary, feed him and clothe him, if in want. Nay, I would ifo farther I would furnish him a horse and point him thu road to Canada." Dr. Dorsey, at Bellefontaine. NATIONAL DEMOCRACY. Isone.indivisibleand identical in all States and in all latitudes tho same vesterdai. to-day and forever in whose doctrines ami principles there is no conllict, varia bleness or shadow of dili'ereiiee." Geo. E. Pugh. Senator Douglas at Wooster. "'' vmlent cxpro.isions roirardinn his ro oratic 'wt. J If. j'ourse hi, remarks t.,,,,-,iB ; J'-' ""'I 'iia product on aru aimed at the l.resi.lent and Cal.inel.snd indicate the in- ! ! ! r-' r - XVnr,y Pe,.V lUri,.k.ii rpvirw f IIiirpi.r.. MttlJ,lilI0 Rrt.r. He is reported to lutvo accused the AUotiii'V-ttonernl of fulsUvltiu. and oft Senator Done-las iiiiiiearod acconlinr to nnnoiliieemont ns we jonrn hv sn carlo- 'sice teli'jrrsifililo iin;(i l, t tV..oivr.i. i,Mfrii' nuroipi to tii-Mroj mo jyooio ';rMlc l'r'y n1"1 "r' 'k uown nil tlie lea- " V". ... .n.l.i o, It niui-t he conceilod, however dull the t, pnuiphlet of the Attornoy-tienornl may he, that it is distinguished by anoni-j iiii'iuiy courioous nine, ii noes not, we i In'lioVO. COIlttlill Sll lltlirr nt lomailU word. .. . , " . , . J 1 Mr ! ""lot thorelore ;nstilio even by a n provokinjj example in usinj; coarse tense hostility toworu the Adniinistration ''T w,li,;n 1U 'aa animat !. Uthe impres- " '"i ii ii lth oof , 01 i i n iioihii-ii i arc to 1,0 trusted, and wo bclievo him to he t'ndid, Mr. Douglas appeared yesterday '" diararter of a rancorous partisan lu'" " suuicsman, ami uiu uoi sue j J" lu iMtitf , Cincinnati Con a lavorable impression. CowtttKreiV. From the Cleveland Herald. The Discussion at Cleveland. cuas 1 etw i cu the two. Ai it has baen' inco these di bates commenced, so it the Republicans left the! i jrround in the bit'liest spirits, sntislied that lii1.wuijh th iilva of these debate, ori-1 Kjimted in a democratic trick to thus (jet the speechei of their candidate before' 'Republican readers, yet tho result these discussions will but heighten en-; , ,.:,... ; bchalfofthe able s.,d in.inri. ni - t The discussion on yesterday, between Measers. Peunison and Ranney, wss con ducted with thnt courtesy and (rood breed inn thnt have characterized all these tlis- blu Republican gubernatorial candidate. Ileiinison probably made the bold- est charirn in his speech here of any (iit'titT u' l'nitn. jiu juiuj'L'i, irtMii iv Urt. right into tlie miildlo of Nltvory IVopftatmtism Doinocrai-y, ami ridilU'd the OUUlUlK I roll. D-W IO HUTU. lilimMHttr ! wp nor foot! v rlectrifvinir. ho raited tte- ' mihliciina tu thoir vory torn in ojtoe-a ttdmiralion and covered l)einoerat y with very cont'union uf lace. Ha ahowed the treachery, and tho ilifhonciify. of the "iiern pcinoctacy, ii janua lacou pro .'.'.VL'la '" nr'l'h t K ceplion, its trickery ern votes while vie Mini?' evervthiiii; to the Slave newer, hi a man- - j ner iniinitable, and estuhli.'btd for orator . rs uk iiioiiit the first nulitiesl oiaiora of tho land. I Mr. Deunison has now proclamed hia 1 '' llk "'n, in every part of tho .... . j .i usn- I nl1! I nllNlllini Bllll thuyA ill Hia Is m ney'a questions and those of tho fm.irrs who, like Puph, Mnnvpeiiiiy.and Sail'ord,! -. " ...iv Mi.;.,.ru uib sif,s. iiere,- be it spoken to thecredit of Democrats, no int orient r appeared. We shall Rive Mr. lleiiiiiBon's speech in tdny or two lull. 1 no frank, and open manner of Mr. Deunison, in bohlly fscinir eTcry qusntitm, ! is in mnrktsl contrast with the sliiiillimr! t ' - " -..-. ..... rn n, , u Kiv n list ia meant hv a Csteiriirirsl aiiHwiir but, like a "det ition" under the old form of nraetice he hss an maov , " hore.ises." and "therefon a.""thst i. rta,""that is aid . -ml ; ay-;," ami "a aforesaid.." and "to; ! u.,1. ' I ...... 1.. . ... . .-.i . . .. r umirs oiiioiino Hole noboilv can at e here he wont in. We1 ut iy me most astute lo tell, by Kanney'a tn,, ,-rs iu uciniisuu a questions, whether i i,w iuiiiiii aiwu un in neaii or on II... .......... . 1 : . L . '"'"": " '" " Ut t Uie end me debate lie ay flat on hia back. .. 1 ' i-X;ov. ('!,. ami if, u-, r stm will a,.k ., ,,.... ..1.'."." dsviiext. How our Nominations are Received. ! vd. The following artii les, taken from the Wyandot Pioneer and Bucyrus Journal, show how the nomination of our candi dates for Ptalo Senator and Hoard of Equalization ia received in those counties: RF.ri RI.ICAS SF.SaTORIAt CoKVF.RTIOR. Mejtimcnts of every man who is acquainted with Mr. R her, when we say thnt this is , nt ,1.- ...... k..u .1... . The Republican Henatorial Convention for this district convened in this place on last Haturday, but at present writing we not been furnwlied with tho pro-1 . ,,.-. "" "i. Respectable delegationa were ill atten dance from all the counties in the district, notwithstandini; the early psrt of tho tiny was wet and diHaerseahle. James M. Stf.veik, Eq., of Seneca County, was placed in nomination as a cnmlulnte for Senator. We are not ac quainted with Mr. Wtovens, hut hive been tohl by those w bo are, that 110 better 110m !...:" 1.1 1 . 1 i it . i said to bo a nlain. practical, thinkini, man ....1 k .,...!.' A...1.I ntiu users n i 1 n I TV v ici inn m n jiiiiii rt Tiiumai V. Krnrn, Kq., of thin Coun ty, wn tioiniiinlnd at a Cftndidnto for .u f iL- 11 I -.ft t iiit'iiiutT in 1 ii' iitmiu in rjiiuiiii.niH)n, hiiu and wo know that but weneaktbo sen- one of the very beat nominations that could possibly have been made. Those acquainted with tho duties of a member of that Hoard, must acknowledge that Mr. R. is the very man for that place, and the vote that ho will receive in this coun ty w here bo is beat known, will olinfy our friends in tho district that his qualifi cations for that position aiu nnnn-n and npprerintr.,1 iy Ins neighbors. We say hurrah for "Undo Tommy!" Wyandot i'l'oncer. HenaToriat. Corvkstion. Tho Con vention for tlm Neontorinl Itiutrtrt putn. .w.uiwl of fVn,uf..,t W,,li .,,,1 J. ,.,..- met nt Upper Sandnxk'y, last Saturday. We have nrslaid our r'onv oflhe nn nl. ings, and cannot procure another in time for this week's issue. James M. Stevens, of Seneca, county, whs nominnted for Senator, and Thomas V. Reher.of Wvnn- 1 . . . .. .. - . . .. '. tlol ftleniDerol tllO Hoard ol 1'iqun.llZlltion Mr. Stevens is lino of tho lu st men in tho distrirt. Ho was elrt tcd Auditor of Sonera County, in 18.')-l, hy a tremendous innjority, and iionin in lM.Mi, hy a larjre majority, when tho rest of the Repuhlican tieket was detested. lie is a man of (rood ability, or tho atrirtest integrity, and is eminently lilted for the plaee. He ia a rahini't-iiiakrr, and resides at Melmurc. Mr. Stevens will poll a very heiivy vote, and we look upon bis election as almost certain. Mr. Reher Is nn old and respectable I ,.r v'i. ....i.. " I ... r o- , ...... in juiiuii, , iiiirii,. niiu in 1UIIV capable of performinr tho .-ii - .. - i . - dulio." ol III, i Bucyrus Journal. Hon. Wm. Dennison. From the Newark North American. Rri "h ,J "f. h on Jlirieti wlli(.u ntto , , uoliticsl rnruer. His ia a fust speaker i(li a t'tmil volnr, . i...i.... i. whilo'he other maintained that they were wasree aid oujfht to bo kept free. Ho lien went on to (,'ivo tho action of the (iovrninelit on tliis eubiect; tho Or-! di.ianc. which prof-clod the Northwest ' from slveryj the acts ornaniiint; Wis a c inain, owa, Oregon, die, which all pro he hihiled luvery, and concluded that he would nt waste any worda on the history of tleor- TL,I .ir ii nl.... - - I that he hj learned the fundamental prin Mr. ciiih s ot tho Reiuhlicau party from of, ashinptn, Jellerson, Henry and the of up' ' Mr. Ileiinison lias evidently ruised him self in tho opinion of his friends by the palhint manlier in which helms sustained himself since the opening of tho cam paign. Ho has shown a courasro a readi ness, a familiarity with political history, an attachment to principle and a straight forward history of purposo which have commanded the admiration of his sup porters. Mr. Dcniiisoii appears to innrk ed advantage by the aide of his able and respectable opponent. In tho various discussions which they had at Tillin, Dayton, Chillicotho and Zancsville, lie has pursued a course so out-spoken and manly, so freo from the unfairness usual on tho stump, and ut tho smno time, so earnest and consistent as to command the general admiration of his supporters, and the respect ol Jus oppo.ters. Mr. DemiiHon hss eWilontfy jj-nined in ll, imlijie cit'lii'itiori hy Ihoso JiHrus- alontf, snii Judge Hnoncy Norms to linro Hlethri sort ol it sticulntion which la. liowovor. ailllicieutlv lllinreasive. Hut .n...War he lacks vivacity, versatility and copious ness, lie makes a clear statement of hla - . .. points and is hoard with attention: hut his points, themselves, are weak and open to assault. v e aro surprisetl too, at his in rr.olHintr HI". r!s iim (In, fl.ln,tii riroirrnua , i-.-.f.. 1 1 catch the applause of the baser ma- terials of his audience by means which would bettor become such men as S. 8. Cox. At Zanc-ivillo tho Jude represented tjst tho Republicans were the otl'spring of the Kuijlish ajjitator, tieoroe Thomii- s n; still represented the principles of that ehquent ami much abused emissary. He so; forth that they were opposed to the destitution that their course would divide tin Union; that thoy were tho milliticrs tf (lie Unilett Stutei laws, and muintaiued loctrines that were atranire. new and danreroiis. The reply of Mr. Dennisun to tiis unfair and disingenuous atiiteue'iit waBas triumphant as words could muke it. Id said that tho distiliftivo feature of tin Itepuhlican nartv, as rontrasted 1 wilh'Jie Democratic party, was that one ; nininuined the rijht ol'sluvery to (jo into all tin territories under tho constitution. lutliers ol tt Revolution. Their position was tho poitloii of tho Democratic party down to and was the recognized policy of to govcriiment. In further proof ofthkho also read the letter of , Jiultre Htinnl to Mr. Humnan. Mr. Dennn -aid thut, it ho was eloct- ed ho inuatt.athe aworn executive, of tho State, too to uy execution uf the Kujjilive - , taw since tin law waa declared consti- to, tutional by Unauthorized, tribunals, but it waa .law I'miL'nant to bis nature. ' cruel and inliiuun in lis imiviauins. ai;aiiist the aorso of our people and tlio morality of the ii. mil r.,,.,lit l, ro I pealed. Ho elmld act aoainst slavery always, and in .j directions, within the ! laws, .ml never hould cease to believe mni u nau no ngiv to .preatl one inch be- a W , II I I liii l,,iiihil J I. . . . aus,.. . L . . !a yond the bounils af those States where it was maintained brd usajjo aud positive r IISl" I Ull'IIUI. The Departure of General Scott. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. i.,l to f.u, accompanied by o Lay, lett Waslii,.toii yesterday at- 'rnot.n onrtnitelorol' Ct ternoou, ted in I hnrsduy' (reicral newspaper dis- TI,.,.,,.- ...ill orldn time for the stea- . ,. .... . ......... ... ! lurr nf thonrh i:..a..l S3...,,t,- t..a,v.... J", i, (tun (ll I ll tioi.s were written bv lie President him self, sli .ir i nt.irf'i.tu- w lit. I.:... ,1... ........ bers ofthe Cabinet conidinir in hi wis- d.imln i,i....rv.,il..k .11 bers of tlm t r.,t.i:.. i i.i. doiuto pie.ervo tho hour a. well as psVuo . . . oi ine couuirv, in conneition with tlio cian Junn Island dispute. Ill baa alsodiscrc- 1 tionary power in tho nutter. From the State Fair. ZANESVILLE, Sept. 20. Much more slock ou exhibition than at any 1 1.., 1 1 : .. . . ..i. ! .t ' lire v ions fair: lsnre show i,f Lnrii I'iiv Isst till, I, h ... -...I.... char IT8 ' .-rsnpers; mra.ncr jt-ltarillj,'. Disastrous Fire at Chicago. art ig in sj ow York, Providence, liart bavo (or(j ar)d SprinKrMlil r oinpanies. A ltree Ciiicaoo, Hoptemhcr 16. The most disistrous eonflnprstion that hss yiaited our citr since the great tire of '67, oc curred last iiiht. The fire broke out about nine o'clock, in thestalile of F. Mehring &Co., entire ly destroying it, together with its cen tents, including four valuable horses. The total loss will probably not be less than f .'jl)(),non. The total insurance will not eiceed IS'JdO.uOO, of which the greater number ol tho builnimre destroyed were dwelling houses, and of but little rslue. The origin of the fire is not ascertained. Two firemen were slightly injured by the lalling walls. Later from Pike's Peak. St. Iifis, Sept. 17. Advice from Denver City to the Bth inst.. reached JLsl "Vt II WUriri TPfl'TUny, rtur"" fr'"" n""yi'r .,.tr.,,? A"TJ'j ,,011110 election Oil tho 5tll ilflt., g'VO a majority of nine hundred and thirty-three against the Mute Constitution, and in favor of Territorial organization. The returns from the mountuin dis- . . . . . . . '"C18 lllld ll0,.-,t n. "C""- , Z1-'0 "V j" 'lot. 01 o 01 1 Large number of miners were leaving .lins for the vallcvs, in conae- quenco of the prevalence ol rain snow-storms. and f The Kansas Constitution. LEAVENWORTH, Sept. 5. Count'r proclamations have been issu ed by the Hoard of State Canvassers niitliomoil litf llin Stnlo Constitutional Conveir.ion, and Walsh, tho Territorial 1 Uoovotwy, in regard to the reception ol the returns of the voto uu tho Constitu tion. Tlis Hoard cluinis that the authori ty of tho Convention was supreme. -Walsk characterizes their proceedings as illegal under the Lecompton Constitution. Return! were directed to John Calhoun. Accident on the C. C. & C. R. R. COLUMBUS, Sept. 10. The express train on the C. C. and C. Railroad, which loll Cleveland at 3:5.' this iiiorniiijr, wns thrown ofl' tho triii'k four miles north of tho city, hy the hreuk ini; of a tlaniro on the wheel. The en gineer and lireman were hndly injured, and several passengers considei ahly hruis ed, but none seriously. COLUMBUS, Sept. 10. Re-nomination of Gov. Banks. FITCHBURG, Mass., Sept. 20. Tlie Ropuhlir.aii Convention for the nomination of Stute ollieera was held hero to-ilny. Thero was a lariro nuiuher of deler'nt 's and appiir 'lit unity of opinion. Elision II. k'elloio'.of I'itlslield.was elect ed I'raside nt, w ith ire l'residenta rep- .- ii -c .1... fi - r.'soi i i tr n I sot t o in oi iiil' ro.aii;. viiif . . Hunks was renominated without opposi tion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' New liSooks MICIIKI.ET'S Love, IAmour. Tlii nurk iraliug n prenl irnation. Komnnco anl its Heroes. Ten ytNiis of a Ari'tliotl Int lYench- rr'i I, ill. A wry intrreMing work, hy .Millnint. JiIIar of Fir.), or Israel in IJond !. rutra ol iha iu(i! u iJavitl. ilvvry chriltian hoiild tt-aii llivin. Tent and Harom. Now Ioo6 received wcuUy and all IViiti.lii-al tiiIird at t'lul nit-ra. All ill lii if raJor's Aolire. Nol lie I lirri-liv kivi-ii III m llir unilt'r.iBiiiil lint Hi I, "." M'l' Mini , t . , 1 , ti,l . A liiiini.Ontur ol i,. ... I r.liinlitttl, Ut.livr. ili'r'il. IiO ol' Hi-imta i.iinly, III..,.. .. t. IIOI.T.. I'linlon, f .t. nil,, 1S.-,'.V i.'a 3.v Wan t-l, CIRI. Til III! Kill's R Wllltl. UNf. THAT A. nnil. ril'inil. H wrll nml fitn coin we-ll worn. nirmlril will lin.l rniliM nirnt ni'I'U. Kinimrv at llm tlnfi nl' ftnnr oiliirr nvr r'trjti. as. Hill MKK A OAUfKNTKR. Wanted, A G'rl to do House Work. Ono 1 1,1,1 i,ilrrlnnil. hrr Imtins.i wrll enn fiml a good tits lion liy ,kinj( Silii ntiili nl llii. tillii . A (leiiliiiiriit IXoticc. Jantet .M. TAtlvnun, I'luintitT, again! Henry Htanton, Mtl'i-iiil.-iiil. llcToro Jna If. I.riilyt J- Clin'on ti., Pnra 'o O. 'I'ltc nlmva nnnivil MclVmlant will Inkf nnlira tliHl nn thw I iliiv ut' r1riitnitH,r. A. II. I.''l. .aid ; J,,,o, iui-ii an r nr non-rimf nt i thn aiov a uni, wr '" ni iiuiiviinp uiiiiar. ami ninvir rrnia. Tillin. O. hi-pt. 'J'.l, 'j'.) JtMRt l. I'AliaKiUN. Notice. Tlio Antiiiiil Ali'i'tiiifj of tlio Board ,,r lliri'clor. ft ml .Vlrmlirrt of lit. H.nrcn I'onnl la Innl lo.nrniii r I ,M,'iiiny, Hill lie tiflil nl liir ollicol' liir SfcrctKrv. in 'I illin, on Tlumilnv llir ll'h iln, ol llcliilirr, IK'.S. W. I. AMI, Sri. Tillin, li'il. lOlh, 1M9 3w Guard nsalnst Fall & Winter Tires HY ( iiok i: i.sru.VACii Willi TIIK t Ittirter Pe rpt'tunl. CASH CAPITAL, 1. AnSOl.l'TK AND I'MMI'AlltKl). NET SURPLUS OF 952.181,72, Aaaiittc irkiif ol 4u yri tcc tutl ipiia.-. I'PWAHDS OK l,00O,0OO OfkiitDi luv lin pi ill bv tli Inturaai- Com- jiJitiv in tti Kl Inrtv ar. TU vvlu of miistbl InmrBttr will bo iirtarcnt I frwm th lnHowinf l.or.S r.illl III THE .EI SA ln ulS(i THK ,.A8T MVK YKAHS. ,o,, . , ,,,,,.,,1, , i. i,.i.1;.n, ,is..,iitTi, nki.ii.,ii; Inilmna. . lit,. -111. SI snl kv, . Piirt.:iM.4ll liiiiioit, . 4l-.:i.':.n Trnn...r, . VT..1 IV.'.'I kaatat Jk Nrh. 1S,'.M.T.77 Arkau,a(dt lit. '.'3,li44,tiJ i., k iim. iui.) ii .. I'.ua'a ll Va. ai.j!d.b! l '"oi'i" l,iU anil Alnli.iua, f.V.'.4 1'.', IS 1. . - ,. u .1 a.., ' 8"k l't'i"' '"" rouoorsi 1 .. .. I.ri.rolil. I 8i.k imiui at i.u, ru.i.iri .is soi,.s aad ' ......i... , Ku".'...,. .f liw.uusw . . anS roalrai.. lor trrm. ol 1 tn 3 vratt Thj li t. Mfftivsj ioug il a.-stiilly tiid. nnil tit wftitv Kilt i ib A.tua lniwo i'uiiiT jv'4-aastM-a ia it liu, ItoulJ (( t rdoulk4 by ! ivatlv lu irtsnrv ami mi.tvrilMiiiliii; tttsrir Imii tniri. Iuftn( tirtnnl 1 1 " lh ti'vi. y tot rvhaltlf Ihmkiid bvume n iiitt(ilit aJuiy lb ImIii ol ltu'ri) ouavr lu uuia loabtis Ut mwk ! Akmcib is lit th pr(n-l ritiri bi town thro out tlssj hii l'ulti'irs ivaurii mutmiit itlr, by an t-Hu.i..., .il.o.,li.,,th.l....icUa.JllJ.lily, ih uu i awiiiurnMi a f all oi ia iir ,ty w ' us in Sll sua ' '" Iiit orporuli d is 111 I LKiiXAHU ADAMS. Agenl I Tillla,i.S. I, I.-4S-Jrs -.RAT ' linis mid Medicine IP IE D? T ! .Xo. 1 Shairhan' Itloek, (on lh corner,) TIFFIN, OHIO. sT. jr. WooHtor, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, raft-nt jTlrriirint-, Pcrf umerv, foech VnrnUh 1'urnllnre nnil llnninr, Wises, Bkandiks, Litjuons, &c. WAT1T1 J?i.rUil 10 000 tiiffes Wull I'litier, from ,t.prnro nnH 0winl,, trill l- mlil nnrlf nt ro.f In ,lwr oif in, 01 r pri'il rm srtir., infon'rinnii vet twf.'ff off.-fr-ii in Out city donl forjfvt thv )nc, WUllsTKR'r. School I'ooks, Stationery, Inks, tt., tie. Patent Medicines of every c3- criitinn. (Jlmreliill s Ilypoihosiiliiti's of I.lms nnil Hoiln. fur I'ontnnijii ion, retnvinn Syrup a very ecle- liralcil srtivlc lot Ih lll, Senndinavian l!lood Purifier. Kennedy's Medical Discovery. lloofliind'a (Jennan P,itters. Boerliave's Ilollaml Bitters. Dr Cliristie's Asno Balsam I wlll a ,n miv prton thnt will prm-nre s Ih?ui nn li nr otic inii',ur tu a, Ahum anil r'evcr. Jliigiiinuii it Clark's (teniiino fort Liver Oil. Jutt rcclvcil Hnti. Ilr. Tnmoiiil. ( r e on o 11 cli'g Non-Kxtdosive lluminf Fluiil. Ci lcr jnllon. Vegetable Oil Burning Fluii, AT J. F.'S No. 1 flinnlian'i 11 lock. i tt it... V . liVV filly Con Is Will lmy 1 11). Condition Powders, th ht In iMr and only ht It" f ht rommrwi prii'P. IIKXH TtIK TK- riMONV. I'r. -r W.rnl. vrr, Va-terinnrv H it ra"" "V:"I hnvr n.rd V.Ktr 'i Coinlitiona 'otlM, aixl I ron'i-r him th hc-l ar Uric in no. I Imvr ni.l Shmn'a, nml other ktmla. nnd I conaidi r thU fur aiiprfrior tor rlfainiiic th IIIimmI and t-ivtiif nn npprttil give the hair aglony appear nncf ri-al ailtiv." Mr. Thoinnt ri-nlt of Tvmorntr nnd Mr. Morton of Ri'liuhlif, inv: V hivf 'nfd n varirtv of kiml, nl wi roniilrr Wonaii-r'a far iretf rahle to any in uai.'' L'onte nml ir tlicni. HoavcK oim Irollar Will luiv a liottlo of medicine tlint will piir lirivM lOliTlnnHv. IIKAH TIIK TK.i I I toNV. Mr. John MMil int.: "I liilve ii.piI one liott'e or vonr llvnvc nirilitine, Nml II lin. irl'orifil n pe-rle,'! cur ." I. H. Tin. I. s ni-w .rpnr.omn. II It nol n I'owilsr, kill l.iiinil. Km ' ! J. F. Wou.ltr, Olllv. lolc Kviloiie Will lmy ft liottlo that will euro Pols Kill svriv tim. For tnle nr J. K.,,inly. Itinvr Hone one Dollar Will lmy I'ox of King l!one cure. Fur ml tijr j. F. Wouiltr, only. 11 t Ti. A. rV f ! KILLER! m 23 Cent Will buy a llotils of KILLER, which is n certain l!nt Killer and no ! mibtiiko AVarran toil. 1 000 000 RATS kilKid niiniially in the Statu of Ohio. Tor Snlo by J. F. Woostcr, only, Tiffin. Tillin, OLio, Hrpl.SJI, Kjn. NEW ARRIVAL of GOODS AT i. a i. nucuiiT s BOOT & SHOE STORE, Main Slrret, Tillin, O. lt Will' I. II I'AI.I. TIIK ATTK.vrillN OK I ' Hi. piihlio to ll. lad Hi. I w liat. mci.4 lh. larroil aiMlt ol Bootadisnoos, IJ'IATHKli it 1 vrr nlTiT(l in tKii market, which w will SELL LOW for CASH, ONLY. CALL AND UKK before Ton but olsc wb. A. 4 U. kl'liULEK. Titlia, '50.-3,11 A MBHOTY P ES AND Fliotograps! Falkner & Pennington, Taka tlii i matKod of inform) fiitrtair frirailt ami old rot lunivra that tltay bava tiurv hej m lull Ilia tisa laatra uicut, v Inch it caliu)atil Ui la bo lara. anoupsi Tooao who waul a rood ban' lifr.tii uirtaro ofthoai mKh, or IrivniU, w i il bo ac;uina.Oilalil by gi vu.g call at our AlaiiiiuiAii G- all ory, Wharo wo aro taklnff tha lalrtt an moil faahlonablo 4ll ficiun, al pduaaauiting lo llio bard tikuoa. .Special Attcntiuii I. called lo M. M.CRllVOl.D'8c.l.lirala COLOllED AMEKOTTTE. Thn U)la of riclar. took tha XPLX'ttt XX"OTTllVVlXL at tho State Fair, at Sandusky Citj. It ficls all other for beauty neatness and duiability. in,..-' l'li ii mm mm Ci'.'.f' A rofdial lnUatio U girn to IjuIIoi and Oaallo auva lo call aad oiaitilna au. ditkiaat lvtaiol Pirlara. KMttt in chaMkaa'i aVkivh, lunuarly ooeai4 Uaiiiuch Kaikir. FALKNKR & rKNNlNGTON. faliiinH'itiia (i vn in Um Art oft rctMsablliw. Titlui, Ai'iiioiii, cj It xU ' a bj BACIIElt & WENNER I xx Full 231 mat. Clothing and Furnlslilng Goods II ATS AN D CAPS for srKi. a.m inm:n. E hn tit rtwrl Atir Binck mt ttw 1 tnl tlrini nH Humrnpf (ioodi, unci mrr nw bwt. prprd ttiin to cihit.n ( nnr rniinmen, ml Mis .itirni ol trnrK Couniy gnr rally, on l lit mit uni and vnrird STOCK OF GOODS, ComprUIng all lh la Rich in Fabric, and now in Stjlc, ami which w r nuking pio oTtlrf ffiltibitanilla tft f'natnont. Our tn li, ft.r tfiinnt it r. (jniilityiiDil rich. ni, cannot b mrjmsitt ouiaku of ci'li. t lollisi hn f 4r? ih-i'l nl elr( motif which r of ilia tinl Krrnrh, Kni Iih d Ufrnmn maaalactarva. flv of rtstj maka aad color, black an4 ler4 lUekill. hnv Pilh.Pattn unit MnrtilVi nftha t1nt tnd mnti biuurn( tfe tvvr brotif lit to thn market. French. trih and American Orillt and Oav-kt; Ulay and Itlotiae l.itif n;srtoa ( unit, tr.. in ft hi art'r, trihr with m coiniiltt itock ot UanU' rnihinj Ooodi, ALSO- A larir itor-V of KkiIt Mhi) f' fr tpritif aad tiimmrr. K'rr known itvlv of t'nm and Viilrull from th tighta to laihionablo wtda imf. lint ( nniil rnibrolla. In nnr Hat and flip dar1mnt w fl cnfiilat thit w will l all to ?iv atialartion bHh ta Unalitf an 1'rire. 'l'h d.lTfr?nt itylaaand cotora of UaUtfotoo? nuini'rom to mention. rr.on.ln want irthi.Tmw mad. or oil. wii ranniM tntl to br ayilvd . noi only in rda aodiirlco but Uo in mnk, nt i hnva all our clnihing mal lT rMricm-il vnrluin. turtN'k ti larja and varitf ami all wi ak ia an nxamntion ol out good bofoicuwi' rhatirtf rlivwhrro, for w will SF.I.L AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. raciii:r & avf-.m:k. In Singrr't Mark . on door North ofllobVa old atand '1 ilrin, April lit, IS'J tr MKllCllAN'lS' INSURANCE COMPANY o r II lli OKD, t'O.iX Tlii, linns orths bill ml mnti wliH eominitl In lli Intnl. Capital - - 200.000 Willi n Urpn tnr'nt fnnil. ill ,n.iir"H tuMliof ororifrlY SI the lowrtl islt I'oliciutlMni-'l ltliiUilly.l; , I.KilNAKD ADAMS, Agent Tillin, Ohio, Mnrrh IS.Mt If M.J. KISi'llKR. t. VOSSPSOS. Kirehner &z Vrandron i.h ro Inrorm His rlllisnl of Tillin snil ticlniljt that lliry list tutmiirnteil s nw in Snyder's Block Tiffin 0., li.rflliYillki'fpcnnllBSll a wsll unpltsd "orl mrml ol nil kinilt of Giocciics, rrovitdons, DCii(ufls, Ac. Ac. Ac, of which would nitnt, Ten. Coffee, Molnsses, b pic e, '1'obHcco, Hortp, Siimnr, Srup, leiier, tiunrs. til nil les, 11 uisins, I'rlineM. I-lies. ayrtinaes, l.eiuons, .Unions, l'ilbtu, At., Ac, Ac, Ac. Flour, i'orli, It neon. Milt, J'hh OH, Ac. Tar, Also, Oats, Corn, Siorts nntl MillfoeJ in general. Onr rmlraior Ii lo s 1 1 . Ty our cntlnmrri. by irllinf llirni rooil hiioiU Al rra.onnlilr pric.i, anil liO ihrrvby to p .on liir l onliilrncr oi l iir piililic. Air. K irrlmrr. hnvinfrtiralonir llm. brrn in Ih. .m. plovofthr Mriin lliokirk, ii intimat.lf ariuainlcd with tli. hu.inr,, nml will c that lb. above promil it cairt.ilunlf.titliftilly, SO PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. IfW' will pnr tha mara.l prlo. rbrnnlt.r, t'.jjgt and lh. rrmluctioniof t'arin.r. grsvrallyJ KlRCIIKER it VOBNDBON. Tillin. O., Jon. luih. If.Vl Ir Another Revolution is Upon Us. A New Season and New Lifo la animating av.ry triih thr pl.atsr.a of Ih. i.a on, anil with lbs PLEASINO INTELLIGENCE THAT THE CHEAP CASH STORE o r Soiidcr & Carpenter I Aow lleingFillcd With a Full and FashiunahU Stock of Fall & Winter "n-nw a f f TV Q Jlract from tha b.adofths Mark.t,arMnprliiBf Tlio XXot Qooda naauraeiuroil in tha four qaaitan of lia (jtobo, in all va'iatiei of Dry Gooda, Carpctinpa, Oil Cloths, AlattingB and Ladies Shoes, (and batter thia all th?M Coodi wilt bo aoliD At Aetonishin-; LOW PRICES, Among tha moi protuiMniarticla nayba foaad DRESS GOODS, Rich Biswailo. Chimakoa anil Mripod PH-! RtarhorT bat Oil Uulrii Ulack. I root TJ ctt. to 9 Tfd. 5m.H)ard. .Muilm i all aow ; iroi cant to vt a yrt. 1000 yard.-of Prial warrantao M1Jr collora, IVr0 conta a y a1 IHUOyirdtofSooiaani PnniM worth lift yanl.alllnf fur u muih. 8 bo I in ( aad Hbittlnf aaiilaai variety, aad al prira anal can't bo boat. About VH1 ahwlsi brovba C'anol Hair Tbibat ttliaaj sllanket bhawU. lung and iijuani. farict and Oil Cloth Rooms. Xpetry BraaaoU, thrao ply tafraint fin and per il u Vaaitiaa Kioad cuttoa aud woul till) tiff. Oil Ci.ot.i3, Mattkns, IiLG3ttfec TT1'1 lt l ram a nib rod tt foods aro all mw. This .tor watopnd in April lal, with nn niiraw dktk, and with lb liuiuaiia Kill Purt ) it now nrnt th mo! tnvitiuy aurtoiont tn th city. l'la vail and finniM at No- 3 r Ua whan Hlt-ok, bOUbfc R & CAHI'tlNTLU. Tiffin, tept.?d. IbS'J if Great Bargains in Land. Tha nWrifnrf will mM at pnblic aaclioft at U sur of Iho t ait lluuaa, ia TilCa, Oa WoJneeJay Sci.t. 28tb, (if not iliaooatd ofaooncr al privat tale) aboot twtaty aurotlad, ailoaiod on half mi Vm ioih ol It thn . o lb Muiiawk Riiad. oaat ol Judto VVUh. ll will bo aold in oa body or in Iota oI'imo orlhroo aero to aait pivhacra. A altt ol 1 1 a aanao caa bo aooa at tbo $tf. a- of Tuanb, tiuaa Jt 4 o. AlaO ooo In lot o Colkgo 11 1 1 ry dirabt l'ir a bat Idi rig lot . Tarawa ay . Tata ia a rat- upuortaativ fot uataoaa wtahiag aoild lnt KHa ouid ol tti en tin. Hi- B. TOMU, Ajat. 10