Newspaper Page Text
II r hi i : w v unit VOL. XL TIFFIN", OIIIO, IPIIIDA-Y, SKPTIEMBKIl 30, 1859. NO. 51. JOB MIITIIG. flaring ad dad W (ha material of oor oflloa atia of DAY'S MEDAL JOimKRS, And ahntnltoma aatnrtmeBtnf HI r Wa Br. prepared ta t.cnte atari thing In nrllw, aeoh Aa Potr, Ctrralnm, Shnwltiil., I'rotrnmmc, Hand llilla, Inrllnlioim - lilnnk Wolo., Chork. Pnmphlrti", Iluok., Ac, Orders Filled nt Short Notice, And on tha rf JjowoBt Torruis, Tribune Job Office. JI'HFFV nAILl'V. PropriPlortJ, BUSINESS CARDS. ni. Lionel i, ATTORNEY AT LAW Qnfrl (Tollcctitif aud Dnaiaaai Afnt; Foitorift.H aplH Attorney anil Counsellor ot law, Tillin, )lit.(. OIB. In Cftmmrpii; How. Jtin.?(l,lf. COOl'KRK. WATdO.1i K.I.AM WlLLADIt: ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "X TI,, RttoB'. proaintlv tt nit kind onf;i1 liuiinrti V O.'Hoa ia OmniwiMiftl Kw.Till.B,Uhio. rov,t ATTORNEY AT LAW, fiiaqw-'g Block, oppoiiM Court Ilouao. Up tnin octoi-ti J. K. HOKI, ATTORNEY AT LAW Tiflin. Ohln. FFICF. la 8hwha' H-w Ubvk, atrar Bl'rirar'. Leonard Adams, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PIJHLIC. Aarl(an.ralln.Qrana Avont. OlUca with W.P.fc II. NMa, Tiinn, Ohio. a. I 1 f XV. T. & II. Noble, Attorneys find Connaollors at Law Olfloa In Bingar'a Ifaw Ulock, oppoiita tha Coatt JOHN O. LII. KriJON L. Ier Sc. IXrowcr, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND Rfillritnr In Chmtfnrr Rontnt, iningr" New l.Nok, oppoalta th Ponrl T..r.n M w 1 1th. .J.lf II LCaNDE. STEM. WILLIAM M.JOIINtON Stem Sc Johnson, Attomovs and tonnsollora at Law OKKICF t.n lll..'Nw IHoi'k.oT.rVollmei'.rl.'h. IfJa alora; Main .Irv.t. rmreftaionrtl btiaina.t anil tha eullefltton of all claim. nfoiitly altanilaU to Tiffln, llec. 17!h, It.v. J. .1. Kit'iner. ATTORNEY AT LAW llmn-i.m.,1 tha ,rrlic., and will lva alflol allenllnn In allha.ln..acntrn.l.l to him. Olfica in tha oomarol Eh.rt'8 Blouk, ilirartl. alm.a tha Mora fuom of Mi. Caorra T.jlor, anJ oxna Ilia Hhawlian Uoaia. apm William II. Da.ciiiorl, ATTORNEY AT LAW JVntnru M'uhlic. tttnl r., ,.,;. .;...,. f..r K,.itnckv and Onlifornia. OFKU.'H No 30 Wait FoQrtliHlioat.hatwaan Malt and Wnlrtot ata., Cinclnnnis IM.IQ. ri. COLLECTION AND LAND AGENCY, JOAES Sc THOMAS, Koatiirln. 4hlo. Oanaial Onllaoliaa and Land Aaanu, -ill promptly nilaadlolhaaoilactioaof all vlanna aalruatiNl tolhttir .. la Hanaoa and aiUninin Ounnliaa. Will alio atlaad loaa.a. wbeia l.rl ail.loa ia naaclid in rroa -.i... BDiia h-for. Ja.tievfoCtho fenra. rerannawt.b ln la on? or mil Land mTown l'iort; willnnd ll H.OI ad.aata(a aoa.i. ,nNM E. W. THOMAS RiralTO Paixal fc Mamit, Findlay. (intT or Hanaai, W. P. i II. Koulb, Tiflin. Koaxaa U Co., Foalorln Dao.DI, IKSHlf. William I.aiifj: ATTORNEY AT. LAW a X General Land Agent: Wonlilra.p.etrally mfona tha pnblia thai ha aaaoon nairi.a.lii hi. utaatiua a iv(.'uiur LAND AUENCT P..r.,.a. wi.Mr., to ImiUniU ot Town Lola, ar lad it lo than advantaga to .ii-in. hit Voofc. of an. tfiairlonatloa,prir.,l-!i., lillaa, aVa. and llxwa ari.liina lo aallhar. hara a wailf n.Uluni, Iijf lvavin .a.rriplinn ol property .tarmi, tec, fur .nirr. I jroinV. In Kliaah-na'aCoaamarolal Ulook.orartha " ""ahi'i PAl J loa LAN 0 WARRAHTB. dorSJHll . "i:itJ.ii. ii. iiiii.xw, CIVIL ENGINEER AND C O U.VT V S Ult MZ YOU OBlrala Bhawhana Dlook.aat tba Dank ofTilBn Milf? WILLIAM ALLU1, Clock and A aUli-.1IaS.rr Allklndiof wittchce kcptoonstaiitlyonhnnil Stiira) in Commercial Koir TllVm.Scpt. 17th, 1H51. ly GKOIUIH GEAR, V a . arv a. 1 . CARRIAGE fSs $ kil ON Maker and atanitrsriirot of fftbabU qnnliiv. A Mi!'y 'la lnut-r ha koapi aoBtftllf a bund, at hi skint ia koaiwita- Tbay ara tlHlNuKi aiMt-iiivaa tifnowara uora it I una. All anlan pftNMpilr atlaadfirf to. ataiu-lr Tit:in .V Vt. Wayne Hail laoau. OrH.aaf ihaT H W.I I C.., llaeamhar, IrbH. TH En foe a fi hi aoarnpaa tl a parmaaanily liiea tad ia rutla.aadtha vanna. rooraa aooapl.d. la tfca lad.lora al Taaib'. Illonk .nr.rrof Maiaaad r.'ir.u.ata. U.H- KUMUKLU, Bao'j. a.oi j I, HC'lL'tTIt. . COWLCB. LIcAlister & Cowlea KALKSftta HTOVr-rt, and ManulWorara ofTiB, oi;rNad Htmm Iron War. LoMia1 Sow Ulot-k, mm door Huuibof Mnyiwr'a kardwara atora Tlllia, Aprilft I hah tf miSSl,1 ISKIMBIB SIP. AMIl.terairravlivaiy taliMaaa tha piMm that a barUtii abii, adjuiatyfj Uk hhoiuvj, lion, tttxtm at allboara, what ha " --aily (u (ie ouavitrmaraa frtt-uaiabave.a trim katnial, at lu&uii&u tbaD,j(aain' airaaoaolriaa. Hk "niwawiti baad a a r tut aad r orttit-a toriUa hair,alu waLjika uauttittio ba ;od ttf"- A. WlLbtt. 111 bia ia New ooil! IV cur oo1a!! M1HH RH A . fcM. A . It PUP. K N I) A K R tMa da ? opn !! ft lir tock of Mi Ulnar aad Fane Ooodi. flonaiating of llonnots, Ribbons, Flowers, aflamat, Satlna, Valuta, Bilka, Lna, Kswhrntdar tot Thread, Ndlrt, Tin. nd altth ftr-trat of lack in tahliahmtnt to n hirh thn Hllinliifi of th Indira of rmtii rand vk'inOr ia itntMfnMf Inwtiad. ha Hto"k it ot tha heal rjnnhljr and w ill be told rhHpr than c ha tnachtflwHrr. AM fctmla of Miliiaar work InHftinlhA Inteat at wllhiliipNlrH. A Hhratdiormnt marie to Mnniri MilHnfTt. Alan fnranht Camilla IrWIir-e, tha beat fmHj- that hsa er bsen riiamsreH fur Rama, 8a.ld., Krterpilaa, Felona, Hoiia,(JnapdhABdand alfdiiaaaea and tajarivt I la i . Ronm tn Totnb'i Dlock.onrmttto thaShawhita Hnnie. Turin, Ohio. oetl TOMB.I1USS&CO., Itnnkcrn. THS pTtaawMp !(. nn btwfa B, TnK, Jna T llnHnilin, R. Hun, Knvint'bla flu ipird Forth p!iToi of rnntinnnf im hnainM of Tomb, Hnii ft Co., lh mm anma aat ttrt brro- for. Tber mIm no ttitMrnrt'ofl la tha hn.a aaKp TOfnr0onilortl, Rif lb mid fBivi will k ebtorrari in tbpymfBt of inters ot, via? m a m j oinnini a par ffM. l U " " f,ntl't,tB atltt on (tomaiirt. B. TOMH, John T. lll'Hrt. (3. H. HISS, A. O. e.NKAl U, JUliM U1LL1U. dacl-tf. II. S. Wenner & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SCLKIKS., ITO., JeDerBon St., near Gorman Catbo- lie Chnrch. TilTin, Ohio. A Ft N F atak of tk 1att ntvlot of f.artft,atf ,, fin- i V libd a tha Wt miinnr and of lh mn dnmbla aiaiorialt. oonfnntl a hnd, and pfomrilw nrndn to nrcirr. i j.. ll. . f. .1 r. k B l i' Ir. J. ITIcAtloo, Tf1.L protnntlT aitnd to nil rll, aitbor tn Tif Kn orronntrTtln a 1m.nntrlns to tha a)11irtid. r1i-ii1ratt'tioB pttd to rVrrmle df !. Hbowcr pn-. I'biaca bntha nonnetrd with tha otf-m , md.iantd rt ! m iietrvrr hj h(mr!r. (iflhp watt of tha Wnoa-Wn llr,d-,V Ward. Tiflin. Ohio. jfil. - PETEU VA1XKT. Iliigy & Carriage Ulami- inclurrr, Enninftlte CourMIntiAo, on MarketStrcot TlHn,t'Pt.2:)t1i,lH54 Mrs. L. C. Allen, Milliner & Dress Maker, Room ovr F. K . Phnwhnn' (orw, Mtiin atracl. T"bB.(hto, (lot 18th, h.W Oni C. V. Itr.IMIAICZ, distal stni:o. OPF1CB In BSita-linn'a niiwk, d atnrr, dirtlj nn Lrtha Ti'bana OITica, Markal atiaat, Tlir.n.ll. ocVSly HI. WnRiier, MEHCII.VNT TAILOU. A NO P.alrr in Randr.Mnde Clnthlne, Clotlia, 4 a i.aa.lin.rf a, valine. ,Rr Btnrrnn Alain atract. oiinotita lha Beaaca Coant iinna. JAS. D. WHITNEY, Wholesale Grocer and CoinmisBon Mfrrltont.No. 311 k S13 Water tirat, direi'tlr onrwk. (tt;in.k Davtoa K R lnot, HnndmkT, Ohio. Itnw and rt-fnmd Hnara, MnlnttPt, Bi mt, Rica, Htarvh ;nll inalitia of nonpa and Caadlaa, 1 a, Cnffrt, a. Or Irn for Fnh, Halt, I'lnittrr. Watar Lima, ke., prompt ly iimu. nooanaafaoaarnati. tafiS-tr 3- Porter. (l.ATB PonrHR a LYTLK.) .. Wholesale Grocer, And CouiniisHion Merchant; lanter InWInat, l.lrjaota, Ola.r.poMiawaawlblaal. inL'Toaril.t, tea., Monnan Unll, iV alar alrcit, ban- iln.kt, Ohio. irplll-lr DAVIS HOUSE. (Formerly culled the "City IToute.") TIFFIN, OHIO. LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor. Tha nndariirttad datrt lo Inform all hlafrirndi and the Into natron ortlm l. il Homo, (now tha Uaviaj innt hla hntal la roailv for tna rcfiriition of aiiaata, Tha Hon baa baan ra-b't(It, ra-furniahad and ) aow aa goodaa any in lha count rr. I nowaava aiHMiinir non;n iwrt)ornrnooi am r htrofhoraa,aad wiljalwayibivaan ahnndnnra of frad, lata 1 Yli.IH-i. Tiffin Ortnhar 1, 1PM 15 tf Watchos& Jewelry Hma ii aia -a :! tii' Halii ptjiuianoittlw ItvuMcii mthiaoiiy baiftut openml nt Wooiiir'i ItruiT nnd Itcw-k Mora, No. 1 fhawhan'i lllook.andaolbiltian inviwctlnnorbiaatock af Wnlohwa, Ckvoka, Jearelrr and tSilvar vat a, aad hopei to merit a anaraoi pui.iic paironiK. Hrpairim tmna in tna beat atyiaoi worimananip, Titlin, Ju nal, IKrtf. NEW 3iili,i,i;i:v FA NCYSTORE. MISS Es T. 0015DRN Hm jaairatnrnad frnra Naw York tad opnrl Fclt.1 Assortment cf Milmkebt, rooi'iriainit Rata, Capa, HeaJ-drtitaa, Ametleaa and rrnrh rlowrra, r-mi.Kin.fii'a, Vatla, HrinillitFriitMiifa, Mil' a. Falaa liRtr,('orvta. Kitrnaion Hkirta, tec. Pha will bahairpv to wail upon all thut favor har with a oall. All Of den iiromplly ntirndad to. Oa Maiaatraal, in lllnrk'a Mlock, Tifflo. pl5 Wr. 11. Park, ITf. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OKFII'K on Main alrnat, Tiflin, Ohio. opHMita lllaok'a lltork mi7 "5U DENTISTJtY. rS Dr. Franklin Is at Homo (igain, and hmrin anoclatnd hlaianlf with MR. SAMUEL GEE, wa will do all work aatrnatcd to m promptly, aar. AVnrraal atiMlaction. Dr. Franklin an ay ha pannitted to mmind thi eora ananiiw, that hit aiprtrnca in rMrriioina and rart;trT annblea him to trant diaaaaad Tef h aad Lnma wiiii bataarsoocaaa than noma who .lyla thamae lrp Hi'robon Utttiliata, but wlioa clfcimftu that tuto it aito(;t:tucr tab' AirnwBiMvii,,; prr.ATrri tfftii, imsf n. EU tiuMri, or in waa t of ARTIFICIAL TFETH wiUdo welliocall al oaraAaa, eat door Waal of tihaw- naa uoaaa, aa ferry at. , F. FB A NK Lilt. SAMUEL GEE Tilfin, Jana 17, 1P50. to tiki: run lic. Tha huainaaa of tho lain firm of Slirivar and Haaath will M oaiultvit h1, at lua old ataiid by ' - Jesse Sliriver, h, thankful fotr faron ptut, kakt tlM eotioaad o ana oi oia OLD FRIENDS nnd CUSTOMERS. fi la j nal oriUrlnR a larg and aalaota4 HTOV1L of (aOOS)S, abicb will ha h.ra ia a faw data. April .1h:!. C a C a KEECH, ITats, Caps, Furs, BufTiilo Robes, llnnk.liia anil Woolaa r,lor..,aal Mittaatt No. 1IU VA'ai.ratra.t,, Ohio. I oaah pricaa iak for all kiaila of Tura aad.SAio.i alo deaia ia broken bank aad ano.rr.ul aaoa.y, tolil and ailtarealn. ale. .ate. eviilu-lr BANK OF TIFFItl: HIIAWJIAN'SNF.W IH.OC'K, THIS RANK WILL CONTINUE to tranaael a franaral Hanaing tih.inau, and uay ialaraat on I'ciMieiua, toilow,; S aaoulha, 4 pal aaai, ,t m . )M S " Cartifieaua uaiah.a la aU caaei on d.aaaail. e. uoaaar, A. u haa.TM, UTAIMBN UuHIXT, liana ra. IlKHKONH wi.hin, ta Maaal'aelotl.a in a.w aad thriving nlarw, ahra hiunMI I. xaod, aaaj vfa. HaaaavaliJ baaalaauaat. EXHIBIT Of lt Itocrlpta a i:x partial It nr ol VrniM-ii 1'onnty, lr tlia yenr rndiait Auicaat 10th, It5. AtDima'a Orrirn, Smn CortttT. ) Ttrrin, Ohio, Sept. lut, 185y To thi CotinT or Crmann or 8- c CoiTr:--I her with auhmit a Krporf of thai racolpta and nponilitumi of Sinrra coun ty for the tear amling AnKat I "ih. 1 h'J. E. (). IIOWB. Count Auilitor. COUNTY FUND. L. E. Holt. Trpna'r of Braaea Co. Dr. To am't or O. II . Ilominir lata Trsat. 7n7 60 " ' from A. f'arr, aurt'o licenao, 1 00 " ' J. Wairlck, juror faea,. . 13s Oil " Honrr Woir RIM) " T. H. Haohy SI Sfl not. on duplicate Deo. 8753 7S " " from fine and enata HI 74 " M Int. on nurplna rovenua.. . S 02 " eol. oa duplirato, June lt-i'J, 3557 11 " Tararn liconien 4 7 1311& a Cr. Fr ortlera reilromed 13(135 lfi ' Interest on Mm 51 H4 " Treaa. faca for cillietiBg drip. . . Sal B7 " " on 2.i4 50 1 97 " ain't a'd for adr. il.-llimuant Hat. 1H 4 1 " tax rerun, to J. 11. Nigbuwamlor. 1 73 balanoa on hand. 191!) 13415 30 iNriamaaT rttKn. Ta asit eo'l. on dup., Dae. lw.r'8. " Juno 1W9. 1507 !)R o93 81 21(11 17 Cr. By order redeemed " intoroat on name fee. for eolleolion of dup " Jid for adr di'liiiquent lint " ba!atieo on band 1H33 41 4 3-J 49 54 fi 15 307 74 3101 17 rtaiwiK rtrdn. To ami from G. II. Homing Intetreaa " onllcctrMl on dup Duo 1H5M... " " " JunoliJ59.. ICfl in 3G47 3'.l llf'i 15 6397 71 Cr. By order) rdeornifl 130 19 1381(5 131 41 7 fill mtoroflt on name Fee. for collection of dup. Pd for adr delinaent lint. Ilalauce oa haud 33 5397 74 aoo rtrND. To amt of G H Hemlne, Into trenn.. 1409 3R 6071 15 35 93 " collected on dup Uvo 1H5H. . . . " " JunaIr59.... 7107 16 Cr. fir order redeemed Certiflcatea rcturntrd Feea for collection of dap . . Td for adr dnliitqueDt liat. . . linluneo on hand 2KM 14 4090 71 109 70 8 9G 2H01 7107 15 TowMnnir rviin. Ta am vollaolvd on dup Doo 1P53.. " Juna IK59. 304S 35 t57 9 91K6 33 Cr. 4 45 69 90 7 40 1997 19 b28 34 By amt otcr'pd by G II Homing. , . Keea (or col of dup Pd for ad dclin liat Order redeemed llalance oa hand S906 33 140 99 3IIOM9 83 13 49 coaroaATiot nrwn. To amt of G 11 liatmlnp; late Irene. . " eollcoted on dap Doo IKiH. . . " " " June In59.. . " from apecial tax per Republio 29 75 5H30 12 Cr. 113 49 14 63 3350 92 2315 IB By amt fee for eol of dup. . . " pd for ad delm line. . . . Order redoemed Bui oa hand 583012 3f,7 13 09 20 1227B 14 coin r4 school ruan. To amt from G ll flemlng kt treas. " atiow iicennea col on dup Dee IH5H Jane if.vj " Iut on School land from Individ. KHI3 7I " " Sute.. 3104 42 " Sute com ackool fund I5rH7 211 3H7M; (4 Cr. . 1H3 25 . 39 93 By traaa fee for eol of dup. I'd ror art ae in list. .. . Order redeemed Butane on band . 2II349H 14398 48 SK75tiG4 ramcirAL or acnoot Lamd. To amt of G H Hemiug, late treaa. , 7C7(i4 " of owner of laiiil 1491 30 2258 94 Cr. By transfer's feaa on 13P9 70. . 6 95 " " lui uu. . amt carried to Stat account. 1 01 2250 98 2258 94 iKTiaraT or school lakd. To amt of G H Mumiug lata trens. , 118 32 " from ownersol lunila PHI 83 100S 15 Cr By ra fee coUocline 8K69 84 . amt carried to school aoeouul . 4 44 1003 71 lWJSli show Lictxara. To amt of O H Heming late trea. " exhibitions 1900 120 00 139 Cr By treas feos collecting $120. . amt carried to Slate ae't. . . , " " School ao'ot. .. .. f9 69 139 Eaxa Toannxx renn. To ami of G H Hemiug late trea. 17 Cr. By order redeemed, amt on kand 6 1163 17 ArcTion oirrixa. To amt of G H tUming lata trea. By amt to Slata account rxDLAnS LlCXNaB. To ami of G II Hamming lata treas. " from pedlar 144 Cr. 1 985 3 635 Cr. By treat fee for eol 43 60. . . . amt carried to Blalo ao'ot.. . 633 6 TAViaH LlflKSM. To amt of tavera keepar By trea foe for collecting 5. , auit oarried to cauuty aa' nt . , . 6 raiacirAL or tranes aarxnua. To amt from G lCdwaru By amt oarried to State ac'ut iktmut om niari.c aitxNiit. To amt from Q F.dwurda " 6Davi(WCampboll'boud) 1ROO0 Cr, 180 151 122 By tie fees for eol $344 C9.. . amt carried to Sute ao'nt. . . " couuty " ... Kit 600 Cr. 4 14 50 08 35 00 00 87 69 03 97 btjt rrnn. To amt from 0 II 11 ominjr, lata tieaa 104 90 ' ahow licenaia fi!i'Ji ' " prlnclpitl aurplaaroT.. 1hm0 ' auction dutiaa 141 " " pedlar'a licvnaea 6 3.1 " " principal aehool land.. 39in H " " Int.annduarrr 157 95 To Dtl amt tax of I r&H aollictad. . . 3.r6'.'5 1(,1, 3135911 " ' I t r. Ily arat orer uid Slata treaaurar. . 3 81 pd State trean aa per roo la, ait; t or einkine; fund 05 ' tnral retanue fund. . . . 6041 " atal com aehool " .... 10.-H0 71 dint achivol lil.rary " C.97 93 M nrinei nal aehool land 191 H 13 " " auriduira l-DIKl Intereat " 157 95 Baiaoaa ou kand 107M 45 3435 90 r.ririTtji.Tiii or aAti aira in ti't. County fand 1-119 Infirmary " 7t Ilridgo ; 3J Koail S- tl Totrnahip " r5M 34 Corporil..n " 9315 H School " 1 1.1'JM i- FreoTurapik " 11 53 Sutlo 107t145 2;iH3 73 icariTri.tTin Of Order drawn on the General Ccunty and other runda. Coat In arlmiaal profocutiona Special juror 3117 71 I'M 10 392 20 I alea jurors (tegular juror 1)7 351 (raud jurtira School examiner 411 15 205 50 11 40 99 10 109 fis 138 00 9.M 25 253 IH 10 7(1 502 23 30110 20.3 70 355 r-9 970 83 SOU 'X- 400 00 H4 61 30 30 115 00 400 75 1059 52 9H 13 - 1 50 8473 f77 49 4 25 3233 32 Pont nfflo aoenunt Gaa for court houe " fixturea " Statialica of hay aud oata I ountt rrinlinf Furniture for court houaa and jail.. Tmunpoitation on law and booka. Pilbllshinp; low Liter hiro for commisaioncr Commiaaiorer'a fee Auditor' feea Froeecutinp; atlornoy'ft foe Clork'a feea Sheriff' fee Procato judjjo'a fool Recorder' fnca SiiperintendinK bridge huildinc . . . Kewiira for court houae and jail. . . . 9 ifo for treaa' olflco A trannportat'B Clothing for priaonar Survey and view of ronda Illank booka and stationery llonrdtnp; priaonera Cleanluf; at. in front of court houaa. Building and repairinf; brldirc Witncnaea before prand jury F.xpenac of election , 91951) 211 10 3023 5fi 94134 !)S 3350 92 1H00 00 17 97 12C00 854 00 Koad fund. School fuad Corporation fund Infirmary fund Kro turnpike Trrnaary examination r uel for court houae ana JMl. ..... Cntu la Inaatn eaae Coronnra inqaeaU ft poat awrt. z. Inaurauca an court bonne. i Seneca Co. aricul. axity I'jpenau In arreatinfr Rufu Mo. . Redemption of Wood Co. land.... Townnbip 'xeaa nbool aettlementa. . Mapping tpa for district aaaaavir. . Duti let aaaeaaor' fee RoardlnK juror ReenliiiR rnortpnge, Huron Co Townahip aMcasor feea rt 70 347 72 65 00 970 50 17 50 900 19 00 fio 00 890 00 400 "5 993 00 67473 51 Aoniroa Orrica, Sbnrca CornTr; Tirnw, Ohio, 6ept. lt. 1H59. I cortify thrt the forreoin; la corrcel. K, GJiUWiL, 1 Th Statk or Onto. Sxnrca Countt, S3. I, Geo. S. Chriatlip. Clerk of th court or Common Plena, do hereby certify that the fomenine ia correctly copied from tho original Pivporl made to this office. a- Witneaa my brtnd and kl.a seal i - J of said Court affixed thi 'Jill day u ' ( of Septemlicr, A D 1H.VJ. -v GKO. S. CIIUISTI.1P, Cl'k. epl6 4w By W. M . Dildino, Dept. SAFE TJ.AST. Vo ?ort? Ilxplotionn! Grecnongh's Carbonic-Acid - Gas, Non-Explosive Burning Fluid, HAVINtj porrhnartltha exolntiva rlrfht to maniifrirj and tall tha NOtf-KUI'LOHIVE 1U HNINt) f LIH 11 A Nit CAMIM1ENK, for Tilf-n and vtfinttr, now oifvt It for aala at a tritla mora than I havo hcrato- for a aold tliaaommon kind. Thia fluid haabaan in aaa ia moat of tha New En? land lowna. for tba paat two roar, and haa nndarprona an liivenljration b for tha 'rrnnklia Inalltnta" nnd toiirfta ot I'hnrniaay ot rnu advlphin. I am eonvinoad thai It mar ba naad with par ft'et aafatv. and will not ainloda amlr anr oiraamatan- oaain lha ortlinary aaa of Uornirijr Flaid. Iharafolly tttidUa merit In tha pratanca of many eitiranai and all proaoBooa ll f tbaattaoti imponaDO) toavary laml V"B . bale &na JJrulmnt lig(iti To tiSoaa who Kara haratofora prafarred to hnrn oil, rtitbvrtnka tha riik of tba eiploainn of flnid, 1 won an that th artlola I rarommand fH KKA1.I.Y Mrt- UX r Li H1 VK, and may ba nat'd without tba aliirbtaat poatiliiliiy of an avoidant. Jt ia a aad in UiaaamuUmpa rta common imrninf nniti. iTK-a, rut eanta par an) ion, or VI aenta a qnan. tc'The on Iv nine in thia ttr whra tlie fluid nan he haul la at tha I In., Biora of J. F. MARUl'AKDT, oa lnrkt atraat, I doora balow tha Dana lloaaa, Tif fin. Ohio ao tl-tf LAND FOR SALE. Tha loWribaroffrra for aala fQ Sc 1-3 Acres of Land, htOtalnla JOHN COR, iteaaed, It hainrthe part af lanH fitla hiro In tha divtite of hla fhther'a aa tale. THE LATE THOMAS COE, DECEASED. Tlili land lata Weal of the laoprotoinanta with ana and joining lh. Co. roal. I he nlicrlh.r now onra A3 ano i aorea tnera 10 aiult, ih. 3V ana u aero, to he aom toalk.r, an 4 au i lola aie all alleealnir. Ttrma aiala aaaf. JOS1AH P. 11AKF.R, Eintor of J, p. Co., d-n'd. Peraonaran addraaa ma through the Tlffia P. U. auul-grn A tt.irhitiriit Notice. Aia Wat. PIlrT. Michael H. Moot a, IhPl llefora Petal Hemi.enah, J. P. of Veolua town.hip, Banana Coantt, Ohio. Oa lh. llh rlat of Aaeaat.A U IHff, aaul Ju.lK'a iaanad aaoriUrrof Altachmant lh. ahote aotioa, forth, aoaa of aiilt-two 47.a dol. lara. Haid oa.e la ailjournad nnlil th.Hih day of Oct 1H6D, at III o'clock, a n, for ioaltManna. a,,2-3 AHA WAY. Heal Hi n ml Ilappincaa SlilOUIlED, -irOPNO tnr.H who ara aaffarlnjr from thearTaataof M. aaii-abuao. oan t aeraly aad parmaaaaMyrattorad ttv Binr tna CONCENTRATED CURE, 01 .x d ix art vitnop A Kemedj ! Ore auu Lcrtain iur. Thlaramadv l tvat up la tan all riata, and will ba aenthr mailtoaay addraaa. Atrial will aaiiafy. Iraa It for weak, aad yoa will aaptnaraa a graat banarit. A air- enlar aoatainini full particalaia, aont (fra) on aaplioa. Uon. frira.par holila, On hottla wtlllaat aeaontb N. B. Tbiaramatr iatuilabi- fomiher ax. Addraaa K.CKUtiLK, M-dirnl Afnt, frM Ir 749 Untadway, N ,T i;llis, xsKO'aS a to. (Hnoeatkora lo D. A. bhiadlcy and flrothara.) Carriage Jlanufac tiirir At Republic, Senoca Co., Ohio. Woald traapMtfullf annonnra to tha Pablio tkatlhay hava puri-haaad Uia Mnnufaoiory ltratOiorUaloaj(iir, to H. A. Hbailday and iir.itt.ara. and nr piapnrad tu all hind i of work In tbaii Una and willcpaaUally kaap oa nana fAHRUr.KH, Ulr(;r.iP.8. and Pl'I.KItP. Whirh iby fla'UrthamwUt ahall b aaeood to aoaa I the nut. Priocw IXToclordivto ata. ui'lii' , liulob.i jlliu, 1 , jp. I r Joa T Kll.a. J.aaia. B. Klia. llo. Hhal.ller I i. HHiirari wantini; I'liAMir: nr i i.i mai tor haalih, a'e Ml HaioaiiMiion l.a.i la auolbtcqlasio, rllHi " LANDS FOR THE LANDLESS. Grow's Homestead Bill. (CONCLUDED.) A ther two Totoa woro iitiintial!y ("" airaa, wo onir Pirn us laat otto. whirn Pon ,,,B PgO of tha bill, soil which was aa follow: YEAR, 120. Milne A bbntt, Fmlrr. Oilman. Mnrt. lVotiinrn 8; New Hampshire fraym, mpfyon 3; ermnnt Morrill, Rnycr, Walton 3; Mnnaachtiaott Utjjln- J)avr, f.'ooM, Hall, Knarp, Thayrr 10; Khndo lalnnil lira. Inn, Durfte a; Con- nmticut RiKhop, Clark, Vr'an 3; Now York A nilreim, B.irr. iurrouAa. C. II. CorAronft.J.ihn Cochrane, Comini'. WJ. Frnton, Uocxitrin, tirantirr, llankin,, iioara, Aiwy. Blarlay, Mat Irion, Morgan, Morrr, Mu'rrav. Olin, l'almr, Parkrr, PollU, Ruaaoll.'aVm'nnrp, Taylor, Wari 27; New Jersey Adraln, CVancioa), int, Wortendyke 4; !cnnsvlrania CoTvmV, lHrit, Klurence, f.'roir, Ilirkman, A'ri'raj, Morrit, I'hillipa, j'wrrinnoa, Kobert, .S7 v.irl, Funic I 13; TMawar 0; Maryland 0; Virtrinia 0; North Carolina 0i Georgia 0; Florida 0; Alabama 0; Miaaiaaippi 0; Ijjuiaiaua 0; Texaa 0; Arkanaa 0; Tennoajor Jonea 1 i Kentucky Jewett 1 j Ohio J? in jham, Illit Burn", Cockerill, Cox, fWidnyf, (Jroonbock, Hall, Harlan, llorlon, Law- renee, Letter, Miller, I'enillnton, Shrr- man, Stanton, lompKtn.i, Valland'i'ham. H'fuifi 19; Indiana Cow. Colfax. Davia. Foley, Gri frir, A'ljor, I'ettit, Wilton 8; Illinoia f'am.tfw(a, Hoilcoa, Kcl!oyf, i.ovrjoy, jinirria, Minitli, t othlnirne 1 Michigan Hcnutrd, LearS, Wallrritlit Waldron 4; Wlsconain II illinghiiruX, Potter, ITo'ftiWn, 8; Minneaota Cnv- annni'h, Phelps, 3; Iowa Cr(i, Darit, 9; Miaaonri Crab', 1: California Mc- Kibbin, Bcott 9; 120, YEAR, 120. NAYS, 76. 1 a tn a do a r: Mtine, 0; New Hamp.iliiro, 0; Ver mont, 0; MoaanchtiRplta.O; Rhodo Inland, Connecticut, 0; Now York, .0; New Jer aoy, Ol Pennsylvania -Iidy, lj Pola ware Whitely, 1) Maryland Bowie, Davia, IlAiiRia, Kunkol, Ricacd, Stewart, 0; Virginia Uncock, Cankie, F.dmund son. Faulkner, Gamrtt, Goce, Hopkln.. Jonkina. iVhor. MiUnn. N n i,i,P .. Junkins, Itcher, Milaon, Smith. 11; North Carolina Branck, Craii'e Uti.trr.R, Ruflin, Scales, Shaw, Vauck, Winalow 8; -..ii... ii ur- I.'"" ........, a,, .... ami, McQueen, Miles, fi; Georri a Crawford, Garlrell, Him., Jackson, Howard, Steph ens, a riitk, W riL'lit, tl; riorula, Ol Ala bama Cobb, Curry, Dowdell, Houston, Moore, Shorter, Htallworth, 7: MiasieHinnl Barksilalo, Lamar, MclCie, Hinirloton, 4; Louisiana Eustib, 1; Tex rut Rca- pan, 1 1 Arkansas Greenwood, 1; Ten- ncnetr Atkina Avery, Matxaud, Rkadt, Smith, Watkina, Wright, ZoLLioorrxR, 8; Kentucky Burnett, Marhhall Ma aon, Peyton, Underwood, At Ohii .V.Vai. i. T.l;. r,.i;0, u....i.. KiM.w.v. lilin,.iM.-;r,.ii ok... - ........... Michigan, 0; Wiaconain, 0; Minnesota, Iowa, 0; Missouri Ardersok, Clark, WooDSOH, 3; Culifornia, 0; 76. One throo Southern 'membom, Jonoe of Tonnrsseo, Jowctt ofKontueky, nnd Craiff of Missouri, vototl for tho bill, thereby mnrking unmistakably tho sec tional ehnrar.tor of tho opposition to it. f w a U imuhliqan yote, with a solitary rxcouuuii, wanirivun sunu lor iiiu uui. Of tho Northern members, connorted with tho Domocratle party, twonty-nino voted for tho bill and aix voted nrninnt it. Thug, of tho entire Democratic vote in tho House, a large majority wag against tho bill, but even thi is leas important thnn the other fact, that tho Smithorn wing of the party wa almost unanimous ly against, it being thm southern wing which control in tho party councils, and which, when out-voted in tho Houso, ha other department of the Government, tho Sennto and tho President, with which is more powerful, and by mean of which it baa ao far rarely railed to doTuat mean iirce, however popular and boneficial, which it dislikoa. Tho homestead bill had now passed the House by a decisive majority, but it had yet to encounter tho moro dangerous dual of the Sonato, in which the Demo cratic majority was larger, and in which the reproBOntrttlon of tho slavchuldinrr States is proportionately groator. No direct vote upon the bill was, fact, reached in the Sonata. The South ern managers would not permit a direct vote, and it is proposed to ehow by what mot hods they evaded it. At that stage cf the sce!on,tho Sonnto is the theatre of almost daily contests the priority of business, it boing in the power or the majority at any time to aside all pending or assigned business, and tako up any bu which they deaire to set upon. . There are thus two ways of killing obnoxious moosures. One is, to act upon them and vote thorn down. Another to ovorrilaugh them whenover they proposed, by proceeding to consider some other burliness. This lattnr method invariably resorted to whore a measure, obnoxious to a majority of the Senato, supposed to be acceptable to tho pooplo. And it was procisoly by this method, and for that reason, that tne homestead was run over, shoved aside, evaded, and left unacted upon, by the Sonate during its lnte session. For a proper understanding of tho pro epedinfrs by which this overslaughing tho homestead bill was accompliohod, it necessary to ohsorvo that two other sub ject viz: tha regular appropriation bills I .U- t.:ll A. .1 I r-..L aim iiiu uui iui iiiu purcjinna Ol luua were being pressed upon the time of Senate during the last days of the session, and both of them commanding the support of the majority of that body. On the 17th dny of February, Mr. Wado, of Ohio, (pajre 1074,) moved to postpone all prior orders and take tip tho homo stead bill, w hich had passed the House. The following eitracts from the bebate upon this motion will exhibit tlie points made: "Mr. Wads. Tho homestead bill, which 'am a good deal attached, has, I be lieve, twice passed the House and come to thia body, but somehow it has had go-by, and wo have never had a direct vote upon it hero that I know of. I not propose to discuss it for a single mo ment, and 1 hope none of it friend will hebute it, because it has been pending be fore Congren tor several years, and pui'sume evtiry Senator is perfectly well acquainted with all its provisions, and made up his mind a to the course bo will pursue in rogtud to it. I have no hope that anything I could eay would win any opponeut of tho bill to it support; and hope every friend of tho measure will take no time iu debate but will try to a vote upon it, for I think it is tlie frett measure of the session. All I want, all aak, ia to have a vote upon it." "Mr. Hun, of North Carolina. 1 Omik , rllurt to proa tin homeati-ad bill, an aa !ti lUaplnro the appMpriation li llr. I mtiat anpeal to tho 8cnnte to rnnniiler how littlo of tho oaaion i now lull to ua. and whether wo ouifht not to take tip the approprintion hill and di.poao of It. "Mr. SniM.n. of Minneaota. Tho 11 ua lane it up, and have a r:r Tote jupon it." "Mr. IIt;Ti;. I do not conceal tlie ' fWt that I am very much oppoacd tn it, i but I atippoae, whenever thia hill rmnea p, it niu.t be the anliject of debate. " ".Mr. WiLaoa, of Masaachuaetla. I ap Reilly, precinte the anxiety of tho Senator from i Virginia to take up tho appropriation 11 j but I would uirT't to tlint Senator that ,bp allow ua tn take up thia bill, and have a upon it. I do not auppoan that (anybody, who I In favor of tho ra. aauro, 'deairea toromumo the timo of the Si-nnto, it thi tn(fo of the eaaion, by dicua.inrr It. It hna been tliaruaned befuro the na- , . I 0; it or in for off is, is is bill of is tho to thn do I I I & ton lat In the aeanicm now to take up thia bill to ba acted upon here, at Iraat until wo art upon other groat moaaurea upon which thero la mora unanimity of In tho country, and a hifhor aonao of ilutr pon ua to pnaa thfrr. inp: tho few day of tho aeaaion tliatfo-j main." "Mr. HirHTtn, ef Virijinia. I bailer that a fortiiiirht from to-rlay will tako ua to the Sd of March. Now, it la known that wo hitTrt nearly all the linnortnnt an- nroprmtion billa. and one that unfiniah. ee). to take up. I hone tooro w ill bo mi friend of thi hill deaire nothing hot to upon it, not to wate time In debate, tion. It I well underatotMl. I believe it in .untamed by an overwhelming majority of the people of the country." "Mr. Want. I hare no ilotiht, from the buaineaa boforo ua, thitt till i the laat opportunity wo ahall have to act Hnon thia 'preat mpawuro. I hopo, aa I aaid before, jovery friend of it will aland by It until It i citjiertriumphant, or defeated, and that, too, in preference to anv other buaiiiena that may bo urm-d upon um. A to tho appropriiition bill, I hnro not the leant fear but that thoy will po throui.'h. Their pravitation carric-a them throuirh." Tim qiii-ution wa then taken, and Mr. Wade' motion wa enrriedby tho follow vote, tho Republican buirijf indicated by Itnlica: Ykas Moasra. TJritfnt, Broilerick.CAon- S1 " ir " ' L1". '. Hamhn, Harlan, aer, Lollamer, Vtxon Doolittle, Fettrn j Johnson of Tennessee, King, Ptiih, Rice, 'XT?' Til' ,' j w,7 Trumbull, WtV, and Wron UH. Srvard, Shields,, Smith, Stuart, Nava Mon. Allot. Il.-t.l nr,l- min, Bicler, Urown,Chenut, Clay.Clintf. hnm, Davis, Fitch, Fitzpatrirk, Green, Mftmmond, Hunter, Ivorsnn, I.ano, MaU lory, Mason, Penree, Uoul, Slidell, Toombs and Ward31. Upon an examination of thi vote, will he aeon that the Republicans, voted unanimouslv.ln tho afliruiativo, and that tho Southern Senator woro all in the negative, with the solitary exception Air. Johnaon of i onnoaaee, who ia a self- maat made man, aprung from tlie pooplo, and ' i with no Bor.onal connection with tlio lH,.v. slnvoholdlng aristocracy of hi aection lha country. Of the Northern Demo crat, Gwin, Bright, Pugh, Rice, Shiold Smith, nnd Stuart, all being from the new Statu, voted for Mr. Wade' motion. Tho homestead bill waa now up, and ao tar aa its irienita wore concerned, notii- ing wa asked bat a veto, which would not have consumed ton minute. But vote wa precisely what tho Southern 1 manngcra wem Puturniinca to nrr.J. Instantly, thureforo, upon tho announce ment of tho success of Mr. Wade' mo tion, which brought the bill boforo the Sonnto, Mr. Hunter took tho floor, and moved that it bo set aside, ao as to tako up another bill, via: the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. No question of order wns rnisotl upon this motion of Mr. Hunter, but it was well characterized as "ehild't play," to move to set aside a bill, Instantly alter a vototo take It up. 1'encling somo conversational debato upon Mr. Hunter's motion, the hour twelve o clock arrived, and tho Vice President ducidod that tho Cuba bill, hav ing beon assigned for that hour waa tho subject pending bofore tho Sonato, Heroupon, Mr. Wade movod to post pone the twelve o'clock order, and con tinue the consideration of the homestead bill, and thia motion prevailed by tho fol lowing vote: YiAH-Mcssrs. Dell, Bright, Drodorick, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Vtxon, 1 too- little, Douglas, Durket, Festenden, Foot, Fatter, Hale, Hamlin, Harlan, Johnson of Tonneasoe, King, Pugh, Rice.fietrarii, Simmon, Smith, Stuart, Trumbull, Wade and Wilson Navs Messrs. Alien, Rates, Denja min, Bigler, Brown, Clay, Clingham, Da via. Fitch, Fitzpatrick, Green, Gwin, Hammond, Hunter, Ivurson, Johnson Arkansas, Lane, Mallory, Mason, Pearce, Keid, Nebastian, Hlidell, Toombs, Ward, and Yuloe 38. On this vote, an additional Southern Senator, Mr. Bell of Tvnnossee, ranged himself on tho side of homesteads. But this waa oflsot by tho ratting bark to the negative ido, or Mr. Uwin, who is really a Southern man, and who only intends resido in California ao long as he can hold office there. The homestead bill was now again bo fore tho Senate, but the question, as stat ed by tho Vice President, was still upon Mr. Hunter's motion to set it asido, aud tako up the consular and diplomatic ap- nronriution bill. Mr. Mason, of Virginia, threatened "extemled debate" upon tha homestead bill, if itb cousideratioii waa insisted upon. Ha doclared, at any rate, for himself.that he intended to "go into it pretty largely because he had not vet ktunim a li'l fraught with mischief , and mitrhief of most demoralizing kind." Mr. Wade and Mr, Seward, in brief and encrgetio terms, exhorted the friend the bill to (tand firm. Tbevote wastheutaken upon Mr. Hun ter' motion, and roaulted aa follows; Yias- Messrs. Allen, Bates, Bayard, Bonjnmin, Bigler, Brown, Clay, Cllnpmsn, Davis, Fitch, Fitzpatrick, Green, Gwin, Hammond, Hunter, Iveraon, Johnson Arkansas, Kennedy, Lane, Mallory, Ma son, Pearce, fteid, Sebastian, Slidoll, Toombs, Ward, aud Yulee3U. Nats Messrs. Hell, Bright, Brodorick, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Dixon, Doo little, Douglas, Durkee, Fenrnden, Foot, Foster, Hamlin, Harlan, Houston, John son ofTonnesseo, King, Pugh, Rice, & ard, fiimmont. Smith Stuart, Trumbull, Wade, and W.jon 28. Tho vote being n tio, tho Vice Presi dent, Mr. Breckinridge, voted iu tho af firmative, and thus, after a long struggle, the homestead bill was, for that dsy, over slaughed. Of tho twenty-eight votes for over slaughing it, all but 6ve aro from tho South, and ono of these five, Mr. Gwin,, is only a temporary rusidtut of a free Stute. "" Joiinaon ol 1 ciineaaee, Jonra, hin(;, I'utrh. R ieo, S-(trd, Shirlila. .Simmon's, luart, TVm6, W'aile, and WiVjon -! ! a- Nay Mrrj. Allen, Bate, Bayard,; Benjamin, It 'fler, Bri)lit. Brown, Cheaniit, '"J'i tlinirman, Cr io nili n, Pnvia, Fitch.. anitaming thn hill, only thror. ara frm tho H nith, and of tlicae three, only one, , Mr. Johnaon of Tonneaai o. hna any afllli ciitiment ajion with what I called tint l)em cratic diolptrty. ! ' i ll of of a of of to an to of of Of the twenty-right TPtea in faor of Two day ftfterwanla, on thn 10th of oruarv, mr. tv ano ntMin movrd tn naitln ll prior order and tak up the nnmetean hill, hut llti motion wi raa nog. tiwt by the fullowinir vot t; Yi Me.r. Brmlirick, C'irrfrr,, omcr, Hum. Vtn'.ttVr. Pur r .rn,irn, rvm, ll amltn. liar. rilxpatrii k, (ireen, Hiuumond, Houaloii Hunter, Ireraon, Kennedy, Mnllory, M ami, 1'enrrr, 1'olk, RiMrt. (Sehaatiaii. HII. dell, Smith, Tooinb, Ward, and Yulor 31. I'pon theae two day, tho 17 and 19th of February, tho qtientmn waa made be- the ronairirratinn of the homeatoad hill and the conaiileratinn of the npprop-ia-1 tion hill, tho necenaity of pn-aMip which laat billa did not fiiil to be inniHted upoiij by the Dcinorratir mannper. At a auti-l tqtient atae of tho eiuinn, R will bo presently een, tho question waa made between ronaiderinjj the hnmentead and ronaiilorinp the Col a bill. Upon tho 8Mh dny of February, upon the ocraainn of a motion by Mr. Slidellito to poatpono all prior order and take up the bill lor tho purrhnan of Cuba, Mr. Doolittlo ri a nted it. and railed upon the frirnda of hotneateail to vote it down, that he himself miirht aiihmit a motion to tako up tho homestead bill. Mr. Poliltle said: "I think It would be better to take up ihl quxtinn of tho homestead bill and upon it, and then the Cuba bill will come up. 1 aak the friend of the home-1 stead bill now to stand by it and Dive It tho preformed. We do not seek to nn-jhi tagnnitn It a no;ninnt the appropriation bill al thi hour of the anaaion. ' could not expert, or hopo, of tho frienda' of thi homoatend bill, who act w ith the majority of the Senate, Hint they would prefer (akinr up tho homecluad bill, and romo in anlnirnniam with tho appropria- tion billa, becauna thry oro nrreaaary; but a betweoti tlio proposition to take: up the Cuba bill and the proposition to take up tho homestead hill, 1 cnll upon all frienda of tho homestead bill on thi and tho other ido of the Chamber to land by it. Now is tho time or never." Tho vote wss then taken, and tlie mo tion to tako up tho Cuba bill pravailod, as follows: Yba Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Bell. Benjamin, Hiolor, Brown, Chcnnut. Clsr. Clingman, Davis,' N itch, Fitzpatrick, uroun, Gwin, Hammond, Houston, Hun ter, Ivurson, Jones, Lane, Mallory, Ma son, Polk, Pugh, Reid, Rico, S bnutian. Shields, Slidull, Smith, Stuart, Toombs, Ward, Wright, and Yule 35 IN ATS : Messrs. Brodorick, C ameron, Chandler, Clark, Collamert, Dixon, Doo little, Douglas, Durkee, Ftttenden, Foot, Fotti-r, Hale, Hamlin, Harlun, Johnson ot lunnensee, Atomicity,- A 117, roarer, Semtrd, Trumbull, V W snd WeWi; i he Cuba bill was now up. and Die dis cussion upon it protracted the session into ins night, snd almost Into the noxt morninr. it was dlstlnetlr seen rfurlnrr UIO liroirUBB 411 una uiscussion thst would be without practical result, and that no vote could bo reached before the final adjournment of Congress. Accordingly, at ten o'clock in the even ing, Mr. Doolittle full it to bo his duty ronew the attempt to act asido thn Cuba bill, tho subject matter of an idlo debate, ao as to take up tho honienloud bill. His motion to that elluct, and tho commence- ment of the debate upon it, w ill bo found on page 1351 of the Congressional Globe. Such extracts are made aa will exhibit its general churcteri "iilr. 1 BtiatnoLL, If there was any as surance that tho homestead bill could takon up, after the Cuba question waa disposed of, I should bo willing to see havo the go-by on the present occasion; but we have sought roncstedlv tn briiia- up the homestead bill, and every move. ment that has been made to bring it has beon met with a counter movement, crowding it out of the way with soiue- thi lie also, If the Senator lrom Virgins will give an assurance that we shall have a chance to bring up the homestead bill, and keep It belure the rtenato until wo can got voto upon it, after tho Cuba bill ia thro', and that ho will not intorposu an appro priation bill, 1 would join with tho gen tleman in asking my frioud from Wiscon sin to withdraw the motion ho has made." "Mr. II u STUB. I certainly will proas tha appropriation bills. I will give promise to vote to take up tho homestead bill." "Mr. TarMariL. That Is as I expect ed. Wo now have notico thnt we ara be mot with an appropriation bill the mo ment tho Cuba question is disposed snd hero we are wasting our time at thia stsgo of tho session in making long speeches, and debating about the acqui sition of a country tliut does not belong to us, Instead of providing for tho settli ment of tlio country which we own. There can bo no hope of getting up the homeatoad bill as against an appropria tion bill." "Mr. Seward. After nine hour yield ing to tho discussion of tlio Cuba ques tion, it is timo to come back to tlio great question of the day and tho ago. The Senato may as well meet foe to face issue which is before them. It is an presented by thn competition be twoen these two questions. Ono, houiCHtoad bill, is a question of homes, of lands for the landless fieeinen of United Btates. The Cuba bill is questiun of slavos for tho slaveholder the United Stute." "Mr. Wade. I am Tory glad that this quortion ha at length come up. I glad, too, that it has antagonized with this nigger question. Laugh tor. I have boen trying here for nearly a mouth get a straight-forward voto upon this f eat measure of land for the landless. glory in that measure. It is the great est that has ever come bofore tho Ameri can Sonato, and it has now como so that thure is no dodging it. Tho question w be, shall we give ui'"ers to the uigger less, or lands to tho landius.. I moved some days ago to take up this subject. It waa said then that there was an ap propriation bill that stood in tho way. The Senator from Virginia hud bin ap propriation bills. It wns iinporteiit, then, that they should bo settled ot once; there was danger that they would ba lot, Mul ths Government would stop in ( and the appeal Was muds to eon tlemen to g'.va this bill tho go-by for U;i timo being, at all event., and the aep. u waa euxcc.-.lul. Tlio appropriation bills) rAT-,iier. Allen, Kerjamin, By ard, liL'ler, Brown, Chcnnut, C'lny, Cling tin,Iiurlin!amr,Vktffre,Comin!t,Iavii, n, I) tnfl, 1'iU li, Fiupatrirk, Green,. itiwin, Hunter, Iveraon, J.ihnaon of Ar- kanaa. f ,anr, tillory, Maaon, 1'nlk. Pojh, R'iil, Ricr, firbaumn, filiielila, WideH, Tooiiib., Ward and Wrii-ht 39. : ntiToiei , i"ii. Tho Republican, w ho had en twrrn , Heavored to (jet it up in all IWrt: and on all ocraalnna without ancce, felt it to be their duty to abandon a manilcntly hopev !' atnir-ln. From tlii review -of the vote in t!i Senate and Houae, it will be teen that the two jrroat national parties, toe one blll.Pepreaontinp; tho rights and iiiterent of free labor, and the other repreaootitifr tlie ' pretonaion ol nejrro aluvrry, hnve come a well (lediied laauo upon thia treat I land for tho term of ten years after thrir j surrey forhiildinir, durinp; that time, i tbe'r diapoaitlon cither at public aale 1 or by private entry, and pivin;' to the pra vote 'emptor a pay-dny which would save him from usury, by giving him time to provide ""'"a out of hi crop wherewith to buy freehold. Afterwards, we find these ' aamn Republican in the House voting Wplw lth the same unanimity for a homestead bill. It i prolmble, and indeed Is known, tliat aotne Republican preferred ona ' meaauro to Die oilier, but they voted for ! both being agreed in tho main object, which waa to preaere tho public domain for the actual aottler and small cultivator, 94. late it to ba It up us a no to of, the is sue the of to ill lis Te-ry caay now kehind Oil niVfrf on- oration. I.nnh(er. When yon come) to nircrra for thn nii'trerleaa, all otJior oneatiiina ailik into inaiifnirannr." Mr. P.ioliltlr- motion to art aaidi tha Cuba bill for the ptirpoae of takir.cup tha homratoad bill, waa lot, by tha fnllowinjf Yra -Mora. Broilerick. Camrrn. Clark, Vhandlrr,(.nll,imrr,UKiliHlt, Ff ccn, fool, Fivt'r, d, Ilamlm, ltitr. Ian, Johnaon of Tcnnoaai r, A lii; AiVnr oral, .Vim menu, Trumlitll, Wanlf and Wif- hj r.. Thi w the laat attemt t made lo r't up the homestead bill in the Senate. It had drat been overalaughed by the appro printlon billa, and now the Cuba bill, and no expectation remained of reaching' It dunnr the few remains dura of the - matter of the diapoaitlon of the public do innin. In tho Houae, we see tlie Republican votlnjj with unanimity for a proportion to secure to pre-emptora all the public ana Doing willing tn waive ilillerencea ot opinion ss tn detail, so long aa the main object should be at all events secured. In tho Senate, we witness the same uiiaiiininitv'on tha Republican side in fa. Vor of the homestead bill, and should have witnessed it upon tho proposition to pro hibit sales of lands for ten yosra after their survey, if a voto upon that proposi tion could havo been reached. On tha side of tho Democratic party, we witness an opposition to both these measures notindeod absolutely unanimous but of such a character aa to render it conclusively Certain that that party will conliiie to oppoao those tuoaaurca to the end. r rum aotne of the new atatea, where the general sentiment is strongly against tho monopoly of tho public domain by capitalist und non-resident speculator, the Democrotir Senator and Represen tatives wuro obliged to vote with tho Re publicans upon these questions, Hut tho Southern Democracy voted ranks solid against all reform) and it i tho Southern wing of that party, a all tho world knows, which control it poli cy. The opposition of the slavuholdinir aristocracy to homesteads and pre-emp-tions is an indubitable fact, and it is a fix. ed fact, because it is fouuded njion int-r- csts which aro unchangeable. Homo stesd laws and pre-emption luws, secur ing qtiartor sertinns ol one hundred and sixty acres to actual cultivators, would amount to a Wilmot Proviso, which no ingenuity could evade, and which no Su preme Court could nttlii'y. The oligarchy understood It well, and hence it is that their opposition will bo implacable and eternal. One Southern Democratic Senator, Mr, Johnson of Tennessee, and a lew South ern Democratic Representatives, voted on these questions with the Republicans, but this proves, not that there is any di vision of opinion among the oligarchs, hut that thero aro portions of the South which the oligarchs cannot fully control. The great body oftho whitepeoploofthe South are non-slaveholdors, aud are just as much interested In homesteads and pre-emption laws as the people of the free States, In some districts, theso questions hsve been canvassed and are underutood, and the Representative of these districts are compelled to voto on the side of free la bor. In fact, there is no better weapon with which Republicanism can assail the oligarchy iu their own homes, than this weapon of pre-emptions and homesteads. In lighting that battle, tha oligarchs will loae the advantage of tho prujudicea of tho poor whites sgninst tho negroes and tho Abolitionists, Tho homestead ques tion ia a whito man' question, The opposition of tho oligarch to pre emption and homestead being hied and immovable, becatiso based upon personal and political interests which cannot be changed, it results that the friends of land reform, of what-jver political opinion in oilier respects, must unite to put down tliiB oligarchy ,ad the Democratic party by which is controlled by it. Wboevcr sup ports s party, supports its measures, what ever his own individual opinion about thoso measure may be, aud the meaaurs of a party are dictated by tha wiflurnc which predominates in it. That there are vast number of pnrsons who habitually vote what is csllrd the Democratic, who are in fovor of preserviu tho public do main for actual settlors, is certainly true, Uut it is not the Jess true, thai such per sons help to keep in power a national party, which, from tho essential natuo of its composition, and from the fixed pur poses of the power which dominates ovar It, must lorevcr opposo a policy seeks to cut up the public duiuaiu into small freeholds. It is in vain, therefore, for' the Doug lases and Bright of the, West to point to thoir own individual votes in favor of homesteads and pre-emptions. If the nun of thia stamp bo admitted to be ever so sincere snd ever soreli. b'a in those respects, it is sulicioi.t thst t ley are ia extrlcably mixed up and allied with a pow er st tlil'Siiiitliwhirhiaimplacahly hostile to pre-cmptioiis snd homenteaos. I.ind reform is impossible until that power la put down; to put it down, the Douiocr.t s party, falsely so culled, must b putiiii) n. I'he logic w hich points to that conclusion is iiivincoiblo. OTTIioaii-ipt to msiiipulats the rr turna iu til.' r oui tliColiu're iniuLiI Diotrii t ill Kentucky, o us to givn au appxient it. .i . jt f ii I lii ; ii mat), liemocr .it,).;, woo - t en en the Ik.i.I ol ( v.... , . ioi iib'd lo give the cei h i. t.y c I c t Andorooo, Oppo.-iuen. 'I t.t Hull i!i.-i !..d u s the Con;(r0p.-ioijwl dol- i1 duel v t'e. U t