OCR Interpretation

The Tiffin weekly tribune. (Tiffin, Ohio) 1859-1868, October 07, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076793/1859-10-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 1 np
r .
TIlIN, OlltO, UII IX'VYV OCTO BER T, ".1.850..
IP' 1
"10 1
" ft ' ,- ' ; '
Ravlpa addad to tba material of oar ofllca art of
A Hi) a baadtotaa aatmrirnant of
um m mi,
n sr. prepared to ier-til. vr uiin In oifllii,
Poat.rs, Cirrnlnrt,
hv , 11 I rrurrammpn.
Hand llillt, luvttalions,
.nn", vnm,
lynnk Note, Check, ,
I'nmpblui, ' Hook,, Ac.
lata w a.t4.fator uaar.
Srders Filled at Short Notice,
' . And on Iba vary
Iiowoat Toxxij3,
f ; At ma
'Tribuao Job Office.
'. M'KEK nILFY, Proprietor.
,ural Collaclin. and Buaioeaa AgeotJ Foitoria.O,
Attorney Btxi Counaullur at law
Tiffin, Ohio.
Offl.w In Crtmmrri.; Row. Jnnr9fl,tf.
A 1 1 UUW E 1 S AT LA W
X ITH'l' attend prompt U tr all int of ls-anl Itmtnrii
i . une ! i4imairuLHi how. 4tnn,ubi. sori
II. F. OtiLK, -. .....
sU,er Ur-Jt. opposite Court Ifoune. Vp
aU&u- nciy oi it
jr. u. noun,
' ' ' ' . Tlllin. Ob in. ".it y i
rrrrv. ia ' n. tuXk,v RhH'
A ad Carter.! Iniwnnn A---. VlSca with IV. P. ft
a. a . 1 IITMI. unto. 9p1V'lt-
.-.-.WW a. A W.VMa.a
Attorucya juid Conngellors at Law.
winco u btifcCt lacfc, aaptl( the Court
r- I A - T n .
B..I1.I. I i'W... .11.
ftoo.i l.dtu'.ei.a UIi,opuiillM nr
. Tillio.M.y Ulh. iij.lf
Ml cm A- .YnlinNun.
Attornuva and Counsellors at Law
urriCK.ln ilia nw iiioob,ovw oiim .ri.'r.
i..l..n. U.i. ilt.vt. fmhuinnil Imain... Mill Lhfl
oolleotioa o( oil kin.U of ulaiiui arumpllj atluotkd to.
Jr. .r. Stfinrr.
Ha.ra.amo4 1 oraoli.. aad will iva .Irlci alloatiaa
in all hoiin... cnlro.lr.l to htia. Oliiuo Id lr.o cofnrrol
tb.rt'a illock. throct.gr aliova lh .tnro nm oi Air.
tioorm Tajlor, aad aypo.lt tka BkawMa uoaoa.
William II. Davenport,
Jmotary l'ublie, ana
nnntn.i..i..n..i f..i KHittuckv fttid California
lFKIt:K No l Wo.t FoorlhSlr.ot.bolwo.a Maia
ad VValnot .t... Cinriaaan, Oaio. avnri ir
-'oktoriR. OUiu.
Ga.vM CollMliatt and tUnd Ax"U, will pramntlT
htlAtit. ia th Afillentiou itr m elh ri ntraatril Mt thfl
far. U tfanaoa aad RtlHntaf ont.-. Wilt Ui
lla4 tooaift whitia mri auvtoa u imiivo ia rruv.
luur tttlm batrur Jutllo.iof lha !'. 'f oot win.
n to hnv or .all Land or Iowa 1'iuuarlF wilt ttad it to
1 " ' - ' E W, THMMA8.
J . .', r.o.
BrT0 Pilmi It Mimn, , mdlay.
t'.ntr A 11 now .
Vv'- l- Koi''i , Tifla.
FotTKK i. Co.. Foitoria,
Pee.?!, P5H.f. "
, ... William Iansr;
T:Toaii.?r- AT LAW,
General Land Agent;
WonLI raiiMrtfull Inform t ha nalille thai b kai con
keiedw.lliM. praetioa f rajlar . '
Periona withinr to bar Laada Tw will
.id it tm ihii dvaat-a (BBifitM bi.tochi mfmm-
iattof locmitnB.prtot(urmf, litUi, fccj and thn.a
iiibiajf t frlthavaharaft ?ady a-dinm, by loavia
arnptiao ol ptriirny , Irtwt, ate, lor awr,
rri't- ia riiawha'--"-nMWl Uak,avth-i
I d-S.&Htv .-
ii oimi:. ii. iii;niJ,
: o lyt v s win vr4 on.
n.i. Fkhn llkk, otr u Bank of TiSa.
JoiHr , -
flock rind AVatch-MaLcr.
y I Wiiidnut tt tohpfi kontcolislantl) ou baud
store in v nimerciai Kor.
Tiflin.Scpt.'ntli, 1H51. j
(iEOltCE G E A It,
fnatorla, 0hin. .
I a XTtlXTL Ox'ttCLloei,
Vtb bM qaalHT. A iurpljr oMht Ullw h baapa
jnaiaally oa bstd, M hit at.a. in Fo.iotm. That; ara
)iofnr f4t rtii.liimn'i lUrdwiira Lot it Tirr.
J At) rdtiirfiiiM(l aivaadadto. matO-lr
rTjLawi 5u Ft.. Wayne Hail
j Hoad.
I Offloaaf ibaT.fc Fi.W.K .Co.(
i HtoWf ft blanftayi a Bartnananrl loa
t riiajn,aadtba arraa vhon ooepfiid( a
h 1d alvry ai T Hlok;-it-nr if Mam and
rr a- r n . n. v. nu.Tirii.i', y
J TTpAlifiter c Cowles.
y.AI.KRl HTOVKH. and Mniafaartn of Tin,
' t:opi--f-' J lTa VV.rtt, l,i.mia'MwiiladLv
rti-oi H.tnihof N-tlif'i iar tluvw.
i linn, April-, IKjM tr
'l RAIK URi.VS 8. a. erry oa tUttr baimaaa
iraaM.fHlly t HitM-nt..a, flvo from ffwln.
a furly Vinv-icli 'vt ia ( nat th paa M4ow
..iiiiM-Mil pf ilniMiunb.a. Lxl.t In ivribti
, '"" . - ' fnl tftn
t ti-tUti wiiq u aba Umiv Mtiii
r.-i- il.r4tir f:-lil(T NrW trtll.rit
(..(.ji .'.,:. av .liuiU of UM iinmWiton
MI!- A . A M: A IM S 11 A N It A R R tbia tla v npan
ill a large itock of Milliaart aad Faaer iiood.
a.ttlta af ...
, Bmnels, Ilibhonsi, Flowers,
flnm-a, Rutin. Valrt. PiUt. L-K"t, Kmbroldar
ini ThraU, Ndaa, Tina, and aUth firtrm nf wrh
an ttaMt-htiMiit Ut vbfh auaatton Of th Hah- afl
f"an-r rnanivartd vl.-intt, i. .(! fu Mv inviid. Tba
rtloa-k ia at tha h1 tinnliij attd witl b inM rhaapa tha
nan ha bAafhlalwhTa, All kind nf i llinar work
don in lha latail trla wM h li ntf-b .
A hbfiltitMifit mad tn ttonatr; MtlMnart. A'
Toraalo Canada HaKa. tha b! rvmfdvthru hit arr
hn dlartAvatad for Ilnrna, rValda. K.ri tTptlat. Katana,
Bniil,Lnipd haaUtaad alldltaaaaa aad lajariat ! Iba
km .
Room In Tomh'i Block.onooiita thaBbawban Boata.
Tittin.lbi. aatlt
TFf rt partnarafilp Wttrr btTn R.Towtb, Jnhn
T Hoaa and t-ao. R. Ilwaa, bavina 1Mb ilar nra
tha nndarairnad bava natariaiad tlimelaa tnaathaff
ror th pnrpooa or rontintttnf In hntttn af Tomb,
Hnaa Ax Co.,aadar iha ana a ma aad ljh aa barata
Thra a III ba no intmiplloa la lha bnatrraaa aaharau
tnfor oonda-ld, and tha aama rulaa will a obrd
ia tbepajneat at mtrtt,viat
1 nnntbt 4 aa coat.
. $
Crlflr-ataa,la atleaiAipaTablaoadVaiaaal.
H. Tomh, John t. Ill hh, . h. IHBP,
II. 3. Wenner & Co.,
Sulkies., rrc,
JolTorBon St., noar Gormnn Catho
lic Chnrch, Tiffin, Ohio.
A FTNFitorV ofthaUteitnvla orn-arifft.ato., An-
i V iabd in th batt tnannar and f tha moil dnmhl
mairfal, oonatnnlly Oft hand, and pronuxly niaila to
ordi-f. nil'i7. II. d. WKN.NKK ft CO.
Dr. aJ. TflcAdoo,
WK.T. promptly attonrl to all .all. aitlr ta Tif
Hn oraoonlrT.in atlmtnitl.rinf to th arHictod.
r.rrinl.r.untion p.id to F.m.l. .ti.aio. Hhowrr
ami Dung hilhi cnrtnwIMl with th off.", moilirstl
wh.n ilrni.1 n bthimMtr. tncw.toftli
W00.I.0 llrl.,.' tv.id. Tiir.a. Ubio.
lyil. .
; VV. tVAX a'A.."i:st.
RiiKy A Carriage ITIanii
lacturer, Ksat of tlie Coiir II. ulc, on Market Street.
TitHn,S.'pt.S'Jth,lb54 .
ITIrN. L. C. A I Ion,
Milliner & Dress Maker,
Room avar F. K . Phnwhaa'a atara( Main alraat.
Xitha.Ohia, Out. 15th, 1H3H 6m
V. ). II U I L II A It z,
FrtCf. In h.whMi'l Rlork. SJ .lory, rllr.ctly
w an miint noon Ullir, Al.rK.t .tr.t, I IITlD,
M. AA'agiicr,
AhTt lloaWc la R.ail.-Mart Clotal.,. Clolhi,
Caa.iin.rA. Vo.liait.,-tv. -
Mort-oa Maia itrooi. iiil th 8aa Coa.tf
(frrpitrly called th " City Ilout.")
LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor.
The an iter altar! dealraa tn In foil all lilt friandt Rod
lhalAupnlrnni tir llir Cit Honaa. ( now tha Uavia) Ihnt
liia botl H raadv Utf Vt rvcaptmn ttf anaita. Tba
lloaaa baa buan ra-baitt rafarniafAMI ajad la pow aa
ircMidna an iu thaooaalrjr. " -
I mwhnta aialilint 'Mtt-ahtO-oeommodatanaT nam.
barofboraa',awalwt lalwaahava.oabnnilanr pffatl
Tiffin rVtol.f 1 , 1
1 U
Mjln pwiaianriitly IMul in ibiavity ha (nt ipoi.-l
at nouiirr i lru and Hab Mora, Nn. t t!iavhan'a
H look. and aolimunn tnatktiadion ofhtt tlock of Watch I,
.tarha, Jawalry and hilv waia. ajtd boaat ta. anar
a ahnrf nf public patrnna. '
RfpuriiiK don in tt, tie.t itylaof workmanabip.
tftln, Juna 3. IH59.
av iti i iTlIIv lk
llMjatt ratarnad fro Ktw York aad apnd a
Pomfiriairf Hitt, fapi, Hnd-drritna, Amrlona nnd
rrt-wn riowrra, r.tniroianaar Vaila, llanilktaohaift,
MilM, KnUe Hnir.t Waal., r Ui'ldaa akitl ftc.
rU will bah.ppr io wait aitoa allhatravurbet with a
can.- AM onlr proninily mirnnrtl to.
Oa Maiatifatii, in Hl.rk'a tok, Ttflln, , . 'apll
AV. 11. Iark, M. I.
fiV n:E oa m.i. Hn.l,
VJ Tirr.n.Oloo. 1
oppo.it lllark'. Hlook;
, . . ai.'7 'au
Dr. Fmnkliu is at Home again,
and btwiim a tool at d htntalf with -
wa will do alj work oRtrtiitctl to, b pojufitlj, avqr.
Warrant Satisfaction.
Dr. Franklin mv ba narmlttatl to remind thia am
wanny, inai nia aient-aaa ttt Manicma and Par err
anable him to iraat due. aad Taatb and Gntna with
battartaorntt than tonia who atvla themaalr. Hinaiim
la-ntittt buiwhotaulaHD 10 that. lilt taallnf.thar fkb
All parMm I.a-injr HFCAVKO tFf.l H, DNKA.
El) 4.1; MM, or in wau. of ARTIFICIAL TFETH,
wninn weino mii tu oaroitira, van Hoot ttt of haw
baa Hoot a, on iVrry at.
Tiffin, Juna 7,
Tba baainaaa of lha lata firm of Sliiirai and rlh.atb will
a ouaV'acte.i, at tba old aland by , . .
wbo. if inkfal for faroM paat. aaka tba -iiiad pa.rta-
U it J'i' larina a larg and wall aalaclatl
sravu or noons.
which will bm ham ta fuw dirt.
Aptll'iH.tt . .
, fill AH'IIAN'S NEW Ill.(l( K, . ,
to tranaact a anral Uankiaa ba.lDaM.aju) iav iataaiat
40 Utipoaiiaat fullowa:
3 aioain, pa, rat, - -
a a
CertitVcaUt pavabia In all otuataa daatvd
fc. I'oiuicv. A. U. hmr
tTH, B.BMita aJuarar. .
frotfet (lie Lhfs cf Yoursolves
and Families I '
puotect youn pkoperty
Th. as.tai.li.MO' mU M.noctr.11 umum t lk
V.hlic ih.t h h.a ium rael.il a .iumiI ai Lb c.l.hn.
Electro Blacnetlc Conductor,
wblok a i. at .11 Hnnridi to aat as aa abort Mo.
an.l o rtfaMin.t.1 uimi.
Thi. Kt ll bv.i n, a MM Mi I. Dim ukiaftk
nl of .11 rxlxn, bom. it :.,bll Connor a
boo Obi. I a.rm; Mvo.. ,kn.fnM. .11 ...tntal JmH
ru.t, boionmnoh wub lr.i Huuno., ta ha. aioro
wrlw thui aojr aih.i C'4iuu, i. M.
I. B. AIm, paopaira U pat ail oiher kiad of Hod. If
Tho Annual Mejtin of the I Sou id
f IMroewt rl Mrolxr, f lri. Hrmnt foa.lT M
.-..v..Bi..iir1 wur a. imm at tb oaVowl
Hi. rWmiart, I. Tillio, oa Thal. Ik n.h rt.. of
V .lr, Ida. W.l,AMi... .1
Til.B.Dt. Hrh. ISM Sw ' '1
Of ll ltvrrlpta i;iiMnrfllurroi
el aM-m-n 4'ounly, lor llio )rir
rndlitK Aiitfl lOlli, lat.19.
AidiwiV Orrtr-c, f nr Coi-wtt, )
'l irriw, Dhio, c. l t, t5
To Till Coin n, C..t Pl.i. or S.ni-
ca Croirr: 1 arrcwlth anbmlt a Krport of.
tha rfflpt ami ripendUuira otirji.oa onnn
ty for th. jtar .ading AoKit lOtk, lr49.
, m. . uw b., f
. . i cnuit Aaditer.
casar ma. .
L. E. Halta. Tn'r of B.-nawt To. Tr.
Toia'ltlQ. H. HraiinirlalaTraaa. 7p7 fiO
" from A. Carr, anct'n lipanae, 100
" " J. Wairn k. Jurors faea... 13-(m
.. H,r. Wolf. 61 .Kl
, T. 11. uKbr an in
" col. on tluplicala Dec 1858, 875175
" " from fioea aud ooala etl 74
" " " int. on aarplua revonua.. . 5 09
" " r.il.on iluplioala, Jtisc 1N6U, 3557 1
" " Tarcru licamei i 117
13415 SO
13035 16
54 C4
Wl 57
18 44
1 73
Bj onlara redoBneil
' tnterait oa mm.
" Trcai. fera for collrtlag dup. . .
" " " onti!54 50
" aro'l p'rj far a.lr. d.-linquot liat
" Uti rafun. to J. M. Nigti.wandor
" balanco ou hand
13415 !W
Nriamar rvan.
T. amt co'l. so dup., Im). IKM.
" " Juue Ifi59.
1507 96
5U3 21
31U1 17
Djr ordcra radeemad
" Intvreat on aame.
" frra for collection of dup
" pd for idr delinquent lirt
" balauco on hand
1KJ3 42
4 3'J
49 54
6 16
307 74
' ' BI01 17
aainna rvNi.
Ta amt frnraG. II. Heming lata treat V, 20
" aolleotcd on dup Deo 15H... 36-17 J!
" " " Jud. If359. . 14rtl 15
53'J7 74
Br ordari redeemed . . . . ,.
Intorvrtt on aama
Pee for colleelion of dup..
I'd for adv delinquent Iht.
lialanco oa baud
5130 l'J
33H 18
181 4
6337 74
boad rmo.
To amt of G H Heminn, late treat..
" collected ua dup De. IH.rr4.,.,
" ' Junalr5
n --r r
, .w - r ..'.) . a .
1409 3H
6071 15
25 93
7107 15
2R3 14
4190 74
Ilj oMar radeamad
Certifiratea rtrturned
Fees for collection of dap . . .
I'd for adv dalioqu.nl lial. . .
Ualauau oo band
109 70
8 96
2f 61
7107 15
Townanir rrno.
Ta am oollectvd on dup Doc IS.. .
:; Jao IWil.v
. b67 9.
Bj nmt ovcr'pd bi G H Ilemiog. .
r'ova (or col of dun
I'd for adv delln lit. ........ .
Ordara redeemed
, lial. ace oa band 4
4 4S
7 4(1
1997 19
'MB 99
cnaroaaTioa th.
To mt of O If Homing late trent. .
" collected on dap De. Ir.'iA. . .
" " " Juno Ib59...
" from .peelal lax per Kepublio
3110 89
755b I
113 19
Itj amt feet for eol of dup.
" pd foradr dvlin Uat. .
Order, rvdueaied .V. . .
11.J on band
S.150 92
2315 lrj
" . . . acnoot, njun. .. ,
Ttaintlroai 6 it Homing late traa. 317 13
" " ihow liconae 69 20
' col on dup Dee h6 . . . . 1 227 14
" " Jane lf59 C04Hr4
," Jul oaSchwa-linod from Individ.. 1INI.171
Kute.. 31(14 42
" EUCo'oomacauol fun..
, 15f7 20
3b756 G4
' Cr.
. 1M25
. 39 93
. 24134 98
11 troll fee. for .ol of dup. . .
I'd for adv dc'in list. .. ...
Ordur. radueniod ,
Ualaiic. e a bund., . . ... . . . i
raiaarai. or aciioot, uas;
To amt of O H Homing, lata traaa. .
" of owner, of laud...,,
. 1 -i .
767 64
1491 30
325H 94
,, -Crv
2250 98
Br transarar. fee. on J1SP9 70. , .,
amt carried to Stat, aoc.unt. . .
2258 94
INTcararr or acnaot HMD.
To amt of G H liumiug lata traaa. .
. ', from oarnara of land.. .
1008 16
' Cr.
4 44
1003 71
. 1 .
Bv traaa feci eolleclinff 1889 84 .
amt aarriad to aebool aoeount .
1008 IS
' 19 00
, 1MHK)
. V ; awow LlcKMiu.
To amt of G II Iteming lata traaa.
" .xbibitiona.
139 00
Bv Ima. fee. collecting J120. .
ami carried to State ao't. . . .
" " School ao'ut
69 20
139 00
laia Tvaanai roao.
To amt f G 11 iiaming lata traaa.
17 37
By order radaamod. ........... ...
aiat aa baad
5 75
17 37
T. trot of Cf li Ifgoilug late treat. .
By .mt to But. ecount . . . . ;
rT. ami of Q li liuanuuio Uu trea..
" (ram pwdlar. , . . ,
By trea fea for co'l 13 SO. . .
ami oamod to BtaU ae'nt. .
TATtaa Lictaaa.
To aaal of tavava kovjiara.
By tr fuel for collecting i. , Ma
4ul caxriad to ctuity a tit
. - too
raiacirai. nv ean.L. axvKNOK.
To anil from G KdnanU 1P0 00
. . Cr.
By amt tarried to Stato ac'ut 180 00
in-TKiiorr on .can e aivimii.
To ami from O Kdward 151 87
8 Dvi.(W Campbell a boud) 12
157 95
6 02
By treaa faea for ool $344 69
amt earned to elate ac'nt
' " twuuty "
' . 09
' 633
14 Wj
ar.Ta rfiNn.
To ami from O II H..inint lata a
M .. ak.iv lioaaara. . . ...
" " prinrlpil (niplua r. .
" ' aivrtion dutii a
" " pi'llr'a licin
, principal rio.il Unvl. ,
. .4tl
' :iii
o-v.mi :i
1 57 !': I
" hit. a.irj.hi. rrv. . . ,
To r.tt amt las of l cullcctcd
3b iai W
IV. ;
T) aait o.or pnld filata traaaarar. i
" ixi Stat trra. aa not rwa'ka, via
Kor ainkiuir luarl hM5 15
5iktl S-
" 7nral ra.onaa fuod. . .
aula coin tchool " ...
M di.t .'IhmI library " ...
" prinattai afliool t.Dd. . .
" aurplua r.f . . . .
" Intrrvat "
Dilto. oa kaad
liv-ii'.i 71
lil's li
. -o ixi
17 S
' I07KI 45 !
3ht3j !IU
aao.riTtii.aTK.K or aaLL4Nvt in nmimr.
Count fand
IhRrmarr "
Road "
Towii.k'p "
Cnrpnratloa "
Soho.il "
t u.iix
14 IJ- 4
frea Turauika "
107hi 45
K.-483 73
Of Ordert drawn on llio lleueral County and
other rami.
Coot In erimiaal proaacutiona. ....
SneoiAl jurvra
Tnlea juror.
KKulr juror
Oraud juror.
School examiner.
Poal office account
Gaa for aourt bouaa
M li.tturea '
f tali.iira of bay aud oaui
Couotj I' riming
Kamilura for court liou.a and jail..
Tran.portation oa lawa and book.
Publishing lawa
Livery biro for commtaeiooor.. . ..
ComuiiMiuner'a feta.
Auditor' fcea
8147 71
17 35
411 45
205 5'
11 4
k9 10
109 68,
954 25
253 18
602 91
SO 00
Qil 70
355 f-'j
Proseculln. atlorncr'a fee. 976
Clark' fee i IW
Shcrilf'a fece 40 00
Procnto ju.l?e' fe.i ; W SI
Kecotder' fee 30 20
SiiperiutrndiiiK bridito bui'ilinir ... 115 00
Heittira lor court lioti.e iind j.iil. . . . 4.111 75
S ilo for treaa' ollice A traimpurUI'. 10o9 52
Cbilhitig for prl.oner !"13
Rurvi v and view nf rondk 78 60
ltlank bonk, and atatioticrj rtf973
Hoanlin phaoner h?7 49
Cleaning t. In frontof oourt bouaa. 4 25
IliiildinK and npainnir brldca 32J3 32
Witueaaea before Rrundjarjr 219 50
Expeb.ea of election. 211 10
Koadfmid S023 5fi
School fuad 81134 98
Corpiirnlioa fund. 3.156 92
InfiiiB.irj fund 1801100
Krao turnpika 17 27
Trtaaiirr iamiitaUou 126 00
Fuel for court kauie and jail 254 00
Cuat ia liiaana aaaaa 9h 70
Carotiera iuqaaata 4l porit mart. z. fi-17 72
IneurAiiro an court koune ' 55 00
seacca Co. ariaul. aoeiety .'. 270 50
Rtaenin In arroftln Rufita M...' ' 17 60
He.leaivtVia of Wood C. laail.... 9"0
TmwbhIiip :raaa ahool aeatlameata. . 1900
Mapplug pa for dlatriat Maaaaorai o 60 00
Dutuict aaaeaanr'a faa. ....... 6UU 00
Boardiuii iurora. ...... . i..... . 4 00
KeerdinK mortgaro, Huron Co.. .. . 75
Tow n Jiiu .eaewora fee . 992 00
' - 6747 2 61
AuniToa' Orrica, Stnrci C.i'kh;
Tirrm, Ohio, Hept. lat, 1859.
I .ettiry thrt th lorepoin r la currcci
E. Q.liUWKouutx-Aiulltar.
Th"tat. t. On io, knkca CoenTk, S3
I, Guo. S. Cbrwlllp, Clerk of tli court of
Conmion I leal, do hereby certify lh.it the
foruKolnrr la correctly copied fruintlio origlual
report made to tbii olSce.
-w. Witoea my bund (nd the eal
( . 0 of in 1.1 Court affiled thia 9tb day
3 u - j September, A I) l.MI.
seplfl 4w By f7. M. Dildlne, Depl.
wllore Mlxp lift ion fit
GrecDonffirs Cflrbonic - Acid Gns,
Non-Explosive Burning Fluid.
HAVING poruhaaffdtha niclotiva rijjht to aiaatifkn
and tail tha IN S I-!l I'l-OHI v K bt'KNIN'i
FL()1I AND CAMI'HKNK, fnrTirAn and vicinilr. I
law altW it ft aara at a tnlla mora ibtrt I bnva bar to
fora auld.th.ouniooa kind. Tbu Avid bat baaa in aaa
io aiott of lha New Enland tona, fur tha paat two
faara, and baa aadaffiHta aa lavatllation bafova tha
'. ranklia lattitata" aad Collraja a( I'LniaieVcv of 1'bil
adrlptiia. lam rinvim-ad tlm ii at ay ba Qaad with ir
faat aafaty, and will aot ainlada and.? n eireaniatan.
oaala iha ordinary aaa of Uaraiaa Haid. 1 bava fully
traled ita airrtU in tha praaanoo ol many cltlaana; and
all pronoonca it of toe atinoat im'iortBQoe to avary fbml
lyaaa bato Ana UnlUant Light I
Ta tbaao who baaa barotofrwa nraferrr-4 to born olt.
railwr laka tha nab of tha axplutioa af fluid, 1 would
kt thai (he viid. I raooainaad lrt KKALLY NDN
KXl'l.i ihlV E, and ma ba d wittxrui tba aliahtaat
poatlbiliiy nf an aucidnt. It la otad i n tha aroaTampt
aa iimiRKm vajrittaa; naiu.
l'rir, m ati par iiin, or W oanta a aaa it. '
C'ajTTha onlt nlnoa in thia eiiv wbra tha fluid nan
bahadiaattha Ilrna fltefa of J. P. MAIUllAHHT.
oa Marka atraat, I dooraWlow lha liavia Uooaa, Tif.
fin. iiMu a 19.tr
TboanbwnbatToffai. (Waal :
99 Sc l-a Acrra of Lnnd,
ownad brtba lain JOHN TOE, daeeatcd, it bfnfflba
pari or (and givia. hia ia tba dlttda of bia fatbar'aat'
taia. .
Thia land l.ya Watt of tint Iroprovamantt with orto and
joint ng lbs (!oa rwatl. ,
I ha aareriiar now ottara 53 and h aaroa thara in a
b.dy,tht V. and W nurat Ui ba aold Ulttar, and 3H ID
lou ai ail altorathar. I"tfn mad aaay.
Kaaeatiir of J, P. ('oa, a'd
Fartanaraa add rata ma tbrough tba Tlffio F. O.
llcaltli and Ilnpplnens
XTOtiHQ MKlf who afa atiflVrlita from tha ltVttof
-a. aau aii.aa, oaa liaawtaly a Bat parmaaaauyMataMd
-A. n 4f "V it no
A Kctnedy tff fjreit aud CerUirt Cure.
Thltramtdjr la pat mp ia amall aialt.and wit) b ant by
ajailtonayaddraaa. Atrial will aattafv. ('ta It for a
w.ak, atvd ra will aaatiaiaa a iraat ban a At. A eir-
Mlnr eonl.inin Iiitl parlicttlata, aant (fr.a) on apfdiea.
Haa. rl(a,rMr baliia, tint-bottle willlaat a raiMttb
J. 0. luiirautariy 1 1 am table forailliDr eni. Adtlraa
Bl . J'HfJUi'.K, WrrlinM Apttnl,
fcb:81 7 Pruadway N. T
(bntKaaattfa lt B. A. Bhladlay tad Cothara )
Carriage Tf amuracturers;
At Kepublic, Seneca Co., Ohio.
Woald ratpaetfulla aiaoaaro tn iba Pahlia that tha
lta paKbaaad tlaa M .tafavalor baralotor ba lo a a 1 nff
to 11. A. nitailo and tttaAbata. aad tvr Btapatad tadtt
all bind, al wockv la Iba. lia-.d willooaataatly bop
on bd
CMRftlAflFH. Klffltlir, and f"IM
Wbirhtbay flatuitfaataiaaUaaab.il ba aaeoad tonoata la
th Waat.
Jiiubll:, OlltliSI 'J'JtU, 1 jrt. ir
J.11 I Klht, J.uia. B. Kin. ' Ceo. Fliei.H-f.
WAIU'OLE aousi;,
a f
Itfra. Itlary i:. Anderson,
Upper Snndutkr. Ohio,
- M.in .lr.t, oa Mfwai Nona of th Couit Iloai.
fi lik, 4.iuak.al vi tl.oi-K.lonl.ad.
lauotkoieoiu,, n.w.w)
' (
iv '
t rlrliiy Flornlitir. Oi I. T, l .
Ohio and Kentucky.
Th. din and clamor of tho IVmocracy
rmipretiiijj theKri;;htiof the a.nith,''wht
Pomocrry bm Johe fur frortl.iii,r)i.c.,hai
au'iriiNt.i to ui the Uv of luniing back,
for t f.ar momenta, to eon.ult atatiatical
;'' f"r eoncfrnlno; alarc-ala(.
idvant'ciiiKtit orer thai of free-atntc. Tor
tlli, PurlH we h," tttt to Ui. riao ami
propreas ol" Ohio and Kenttick. to which
we Invitaj th. attention of fTrry lovfr of
freedom !c ho Dt-mocrat or Rojuilillcan.
fly rofrrenco to tho map it will be au.n
.1... ).,.,. twu .1.1... ,n a.,r f -nual
.ill!. Ohio Contain B,ffl4 aquaro mi Ira
...I on .?. rinn ..ML. .
.'iiipivu ni .-, ii u ".viiiunjf, or,'
630 a iuar. mile, and 3 1.1 1500 ejca.
making a diflVrenoa in favor of Ohio of
jafl4 ,qUro milo. and 8,460.800 arrca.
JIutthi. diartroportion in aim la more than
counterbalanced1 by other atlvantajjo. in
favox of Kentut ky. blie bail the .tart In
the rac. for improvement. The firat act
tlrment in Kentuoky u eotninrne.rd at
Bootiabomtigh In 17fJ'., n'tnoty yearn afjo,
The firet at'ttiuincnt in Ohio waa bxin at
UarictU in 1888, nearly twenty year, a f
taTvrant.. Kentucky h.s a more penis!
clitnato. ' It la a happy medium between
tho aevcro cold of the North and the cn-
oryutinjf heat of the South, while North.
era Ohio experience, the ehort ttimmora
nJ lonpj wliittr. of New Enirlnnd. No
part of the (jreat Mihsirainiii Valley eiccla
Kentucky in .f.rtililr of .oil. Ohio 1.
greatly her Inferior in thi. TOHpect. How
ever the .oil of Ohio may be aittd to ur-
pam that of other Statea, it baa nut that
deop black, rich mould, lOwcliaracturiatle
ueup niaca, ricn inouiu, aowCliaractoriatic
Kentucky land.. For every kind of
agricultural product, ahe baa, both, a. to
oil and climate, the advantagoovcrOhin,
Her mineral rcauuce are not inferior to
thoieof Ohio, and probably, when devel
oped, will be found to be auporior.
menoui con! crop are tnken out of her
river bank, and hill .ides, iudicatingiu
great ahunilruico. . Kentucky abound, in
iron, lead, marble, and other mineral err.
Her natural reeonrcea for building up large
manufacturing lutercat are greater titan
tlioau of Ohio, ae any one, lainiliar with
tho topography and mineralogy of the two
Bute., will readily admit. But It la In
commorcial advuntagc that the natural
uperiority of Keutucky ia moat plearly
aeen... Ohio has tlie Ohio river on the
South and Lake Erie on the North, while
bar vaat intrrldr '1 not penetrated by a
ingle navigublo atream. Tho Ohio Uiv
er give. Kentucky COO mile, of ateaiuboat
navie-tion on her northern boiindarw. and
ODP.na to her the Inlanrl Anmmf.rc.fl nfthnl.-
Ohio Valley. The "Father ofWater"
alutc. her western borJui. and i?ivea her
0ie immen uie of 9 Mii...
ippi Valley. Tbea
dy on the cast while her
ersed by tho Cumberland, tho Tenn.bso,
the LIckiug, Kentucky, Suit aud Groan
Rivera, all navigable, and all waiting to
bear her agricultural, her minora and man
ufactured products, through tho Ohio and
Mlefliiitppi Rivers to the markets of the
Kentucky was admitted into tho Union
In 1793, Ohio in 1802, ten, years after
ward. Having tweutr vears th start in
ettloment and ten years as State, with
all the natural advantages we have nam
ed how far has Keutucky run ahead of
Ohio in the career of improvement) Let
us consult the statisttca of the two States
for a few prominent facts. ' In 1860, the
total population of Ohio waa 1)8039,
equal to 6029 to the square mile while
that of Kentucky waa 983,405 or 3607 to
the square mile. Thus, in less than fifty
years, Ohio has not only caught up with
Kentucky, but more than doubled her in
total population, and nearly doubled her in
th average number of Inhabitants to tho
square mile. In 1850, the annual value
of the manufactured products in Ohio,
was, 863,647,369: th. -capital luvoal.d,
$29,018,638 and the number of band,
employed, SI, 400. Ia Kentucky the an
nual Value of the Some products was (34
683,483; the capital investod, $12,360,
734 aud the number of hands employed,!
34,385. Here Ohio has more than doub
led Kentucky. Tbe value of live stock
in 1850 was, ia Ohio, $44,121,741) in
Kentucky 29,66l, 426 ia Ohio, tbe val
ue of animals slaughtered was 87,439,43;
in Kentucky ,68,4(53 ,008 j InOhio.thevaluo
of farms, farming implements, and ma
chinery was 371,608,188, and in Ken
tucky, $100,19099. This last item
hows that the farming wealth of Ohio In
I860 waa tnoro tbna double, tlmt of Ken
tucky, , , . ,. ,
By the census cf 1850, the value of all
the real and personal property in Ohio
was $503,723,120: tho value of tlio same
property In Keutucky, including slaves,
was only $301 38,458. In I860, the ton
ago of Ohio wa 91,607i that of Kentucky
23,080, not one quarter of the former,
- Thoss statistics might be pursued much
further with the like result, but we have
enough to show conclusively the progres
sive spirit of free labor over that of slave
Yet in the face of those facts ws have a
party in the north who are exerting every
nerve to seduce the free white laborers of
the north into the support of slavery. In.
.toad of giving tho preference to the har
dy sous of toil, they invito slaveholders
with tlioir chattel., to take potne.iou of
the territories, sod if the freemen com
plain, they cry out "rights of the South,"
"reaiat and we'll dissolve the Union."
NexlTue.day the great battle will be
fought, wh.n the freemen of Ohio will be
called tutry coucluaiona with that hidnoyu
moiiktcr alavory which not only ev-eks to
lkoo tue Imprint o Its bun K luot upon
he, Intcrrior i. trnv-
territorial oila but Ino to tlodccnto thwae
ritotog ulroittly nmtlo frcv. Tlio Jjomuc
rucr ay ymi enn po to the twitoricR pro-
ritlotl yon bow to lurtsdrlvorti, wot It nitle
by birfowilh itifop a nd plcrto yoomvlf
to protnpt' thin cn f proprHy. ' Af
yon wiling to do it! Let your Voire til
oa cloction ily.
'yu apeaKing oi you a one ot llio m o
of I''0-,hllt T0U ,0 neiiiharraej by
fereno.1 Wa. it climutej No. A nor
...... 1 ... .. .
There i. a part of Mr. Lincoln, anvvch
delivered In Dayt.m and at Cincinnati, In
relation to tho influence of tho Ordinance
of 1797 in excluding alavery from Ohio,
and other Stale, of tho Week, and North
Veat, w bit h for the historical information
it contain., a. well aa for iu reputation
of an oft repealed djcl.iratioit of Senator
Doujjlita. Jcacrve an atleutivo conaitlura
lion. Wo copy from tho report of the
Cinciunali O'tuefle;
It may appear a little rniaraliral for me
to mention the topio ot whirh I ahall
apeak now. It ia a favorite propoaition of
Dimolaa'a that the inlorlerence of tb. grt
eral government, through thoonliuani'vof
'87, or through any other act, never baa
inado orfevor can make a Krre State, that
tho Ordinance of '87 did tint make fVe.
State of Ohio, Indiana or Illinoia, That
theeo atntea are free upon hi groat prtn.
ciplc of Popular Movoroirrnty, beratiao the
people of thoae acveral SUte havechoaen
to iiuiko them no, or probably hero ho un
dertook to compliment the people Unit
they themnelvea have mado tho Hlato of
Ohio free and that the Ordinance nf'87
wa. not entitled in nny degree to divide
the honor with tin in. I have no doubt
that the people of the Bute of Ohio did
make her free according to their ownwill
and judgment, but let tho Tufts be ruiicni
bt're In 1A02, 1 believe, ft wa von tlmt In
troduced the elaunn prohibiting alnvery,
and you did it 1 reckon very nearly mian
iiiiounly, but you ahould boar in mind that
tho actual iireaence of tho Institution a.
mungat you; that you mnde it a Free
Stale, nut with Urn onibarracainciit upon
you of already having among you innny
ilave, which If they had been here, and
Jyouhnd ought to niako a froo State, you
wou.u no. niton ntiub iu uo Vt Itll. 41 llley
hud been among you, enibnrranaing dim
cultlea nurat probably have induced you to
tolerate a.lnvo eonatitation iuateaj of
frta one, a. indued tlien. vory diUicultiot
have ciiitraiiied every people on thi
continent who have adopted alavery.
fray what wa. it thnt made you free 1
What kept you free! Did you find the
State free wh.n you enm U d.cid. that
Ohio thnuld boa troo Slate It i. import,
ant to enquire by whnt reae-on you have
found It ao! Let ua take an illimtration
between the Bute of Ohio and Kentucky.
Kentucky i .epnruted by this Ohio river
not a inilo wide. A portion of Kentucky,
by reaaun of the cuur. ol the Ohio, i.
further uortii Uiau thi portion of Ohio iu
which wo now etand. Kentucky ia an
urciy covur.ti wnu aiavcry tllilo I. en
tlrelr trut fro,n ll- Y''t """I" this dif.
tiou of Kentucky waa furthor North titan
than this portion of Ohio. Was it soil 1
No. There Is nothing in tlio soil of the
one more favors Mo to alavo labor than the
nottlimatc or mil that
luauo ouo sidu of tlio lino tj be entrroTv
COVOred witi, .livery asd thf other Z
other. . It was nottl iraatc
irtio imm it. tvuuiwosui .Mu.ly over
it. Toll u, if yuu can, In all the ranuo of
conjecture, If thera be anything you can
conceive of that made that diUuroace.otli.
er than that there was no law of any sort
keeping it out of Kentucky I And the
Onlinauco of ct7 kept it out of Ohio. If
there ia any othor reason than this, I con
fess that it i. wholly beyond my power to
conceive of it- This, then, I oiler to com
bat th. ides that that ordinunco has nev
er made any State free. . . , ...
I don't stop at this Illustration.' I como
tonne ntnto of Indiana; and what I have
.aid as between Kentucky and Ohio I re
peat as between Indiana and Kantnck.
Ilia equally applicable. One additional ar.
trument is applicable however to Indiana.
Id her territorial condition she moro than
once petitioned Congress to abrogate the
ordinance entirely, or at least so far aa to
suspend it operation for a time, in ordor
that they might exorcise the "I'opulnr
-jomieiKni. oi nevinsT Slaves it tlm
wanted them. Tho men then control!.
ing the eoviTDraent, Imitntinir tho men of
tne revolution, so Jura intelligence was
concernod, refuned Indiana that privilege
ml so we have the evidence that Indiana
supposed she could have nlaves, if it were
not for that ordiiinnce; that ahe besought
Conrrres. to put that barrier out of the
way, that Congress rofUacd to do so, aud
It ell ended at last in Indiana boino; a Free
State. Tell me not. then that the Ordl.
nance of 'b7 had nothing to do with mak
ing Indiana a Fret State, when we find
some men chafing against that barrier.
u-onio down sgam to our )jtnt of Illi
nois. When the irreat North-West Ter
ritory, Including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Michigan aud Wisconsin wa acquired,
first I believe by the British Government
from the French, Lufore tho establish
ment of our independence, it become a
part of Virgisiiai enabling Virginia after
ward to tranHfer it to tho general gov
ernment. Thera wero French ettlo
ments in what I now Illinois, and at the
arae time there wer. JVeneh settlement
iu what i now Missouri in tlie tract of
country tbut wa nut purchaaod till about
ihuj. in iittjBO i runcu settlements uu
gro slavery had existed for manyyear
porhups mora than a hundred, if not as
much ts two hundred ysars at Kaakos
kia in llliuois, aud at tit Uenevie. or
Cape UirardeaUi perhaps, in lUiB-ouri,
Tho number of slaves w as not very grest,
but there was about the same number in
each place. The wer there when we
acquired tbe territory. Thera was r. ef.
fort made ta break up the relation of mas
ter and slave, and even the Ordinance of
1787 waa so enforced as to destroy that
lavery lo Illinois, nor did the ordinance
apply to Missouri at all. .
What I want to ask your attention to,
at this point, is that Illinois and M saouri
came into the Union about lhe sumo time,
lllinoi tn tho latter port of 1818, and
Missouri, after a atrugglo, I believe some
time in 1830. They had bueu tilling up
with American people about tho aame pu
riod of time; their prugrei. enabling them
to be reaily to como iulo the Union at
about the aauio tune. At the cud of that
ten years, In which they had boen o pre
paring, (for it wa about that period of
time) the number of alive in Illinoia bad
actually docrraecd; while in Mibsouri,bo
!,ri lining with vory few at the end of that
ton years, there were about ten thousand.
Thia being ao, and it being remembered
that XliDoouri and lllinoi ,e to a certain
extent, in the mine nurallel of latitude
that the No.ih.-rn half of Missouri uudthe
fckmtliorn half of Jlllnoia are in the anmn
parallel ol'lnlitiiik. an that climatt-would
have tho aame efTiTt apon one a upon the
other, and Hint in the a.n'1 there la nn ma
terial difli-renre to far' a. be. npon the
ntMtKMt ot relavovv boinrraelMcil upon one
or the other there being noun ol thuuo
patnral rauea to pro-lueo a diirerenro in
filing them, and yet there beinp a broad
difl'errnee In Ihelr fillinj. up. wo were led
npain to enquire w hat wna the cauae nf
that dill'ercnce.
It ia moat natural to any th.it in M:a.
aouri there wna no Inw tn keep tlintoun.
try from flllinp up with alave, whil in
lllinoi there wna an Ordinance of '87.
The or.lin.nee bcina tlirn-, elnvery de-
crea..Hi unriny tan yAr tho oMm
,,i beii,B j., the .other, it iner.aaed f.om
a fe-w to ten thmiaatiil. ' Tan anvbo.lv
doubt the n axon 01 the difl'nrencol
I think all tlteao lui't. moat nl.uii.ta'.tly
prove that my friend Judj,'e Jloib'lua' pro
poaition, tlial the or.l . nn nee nf '87 or tke
nntional reatrietioii of al irery, neter bud
a tomleiicv tu mnke a Frer Htatf, ia 4 fallacy-
propoaition without tho alia. low
or eeiublatico of thruth about it.
roi LLan aovtaniGNtv CAt amii rat i Don.
Douclaa aometime. any that all tlm
tfttna (and it ia a part of thia anine pro
poaitinn I have been dirnaliig) that Imve
beeome fre., have heeume m Mon hia
"great rinciplu"-that h. etalo of Illi
noia iuelf Ciimo into tho Union, a alava
alnte, and tbu people upon tin' "great
principle" of p.onilar aovereionlv linve
ainre made It a free alnte. Allow me
but a little while to atnte to y u what
fart there aro to Juatify him in aaying
l,lt Uliuoi crime into tho Union
lve atnte.
I have mentioned to Vou thnt there recre
a fow old Krench alavra there. They
numbered, 1 tkink.lwo humlrrd. Beaidea
tlmt, there had been a Territorial law for
indenturing blnrk peraon. - I inler that
law. in violation of tho ordinance of
Indenturing blni-k peraon. - I'mler that
hut without any enforcement nf It to over
throw tho ay.tein, titer, had been a email
number of alitve introtlnred on indentured
peixont. Owing to thi eluiiao fur the
probibillnn nf alavery, wa allghtly modi
lied, Inatrad of ninning like your., that
neither alavery nor involuntary aorviludn,
except for crime which the party ahall
havo been duly convicted, ahotild exiat in
the tato, they ald that neither lvery
nor involuntary .ervitndo almuld exixt af
ter a given time, aud that tho children of
alavea .hould bo born free. . .
Out of tbi fact, that one cause for pro
hibiting iisvrry wa miKlernted buraiiae
of the wctiml preenneo f It, flmiglaa tt
aortH again aud agaiu that Illinois en aa
into tho Union a. a alavo Utu., How
fnr the fact aunlaiii the conclusion tltat
ho drawa, it la Tor Intelligent mid impar
tial men to decide. " I leave it with you
with theao remark, worthy of h.ing ro-
membiireil, that that litllo thing, tlioio
few inilimtured aurvaut being there, w a
nf itHclf, .tiflieient to modify a cnnatittillon
made by a people' ardently deairlng to
have a free eonatitutloiit allowing the
powor of tlio aulual pruaoiirw ol tlie luati-
tution of aliivcry to prevent any people,
However anxiou to mnko a Irco nuie
lVom rnnklng It perfectly ao.
State Expenses—A few Facts to
be Remembered.
It will bo well for the'ponjileofOhio to
examine carefully tho act of tlie twu po
litical parties of out tilsteln relorenretu
our Finiiices, bolore they oa.1 thuir vote.
t r .. t .
P" "r '"" -si.i.d
atiuuiu 1101 10 OflTlUOtiJU lit UU t; UI f a.JfIl .
which has more, iiamodinte connection
with our own duinuxtio all'aii. Let tis
call tho attention of our readers to till
subject briefly. . , ,
The peoplo of Ohio now py over ttn
millions vt Dollars annually io Taxes for
all purposo.i, Stato, County, Township,
City, School, c. This vast Interest
should be caro fully watched slid guarded,
l'iihlio servants should be elected who
will honestly aud fairly disburse this sum,
in accordance with tlie purposes for which
it was assessed. Wo have been cheated,
plundered, and betrayed by those who
have been selected to the responsible post
of Treasurer of State. Let us ba very
caroful to satisfy ourselves shout the char
acter of thoae who fill that position. Good
laws are vory woll. Hut honest, faithful
men to carry them out are better. We
fearleaaly point to the administration of
our Ropublicun candidate for the lawt twu
yonr, as tho highest typo of financial in
To show Under which party wa have
drilled into our present li.-avy taxation;
we publish a table showing the total tax
ca for all purposes, in Ohio, fur t few y oars
pasti ;.
be Remembered. Total Taxes for all purposes in Ohio.
..fJ, 4011,171
. . 2,50,073
.. ,K7,673
.. 3,2-1 1, 'J5i
.. 3,6.11,078
IKI6. ...
, ... 4 !i.w,(lli
.... f li74,,'3o
... 7,Hl.Hi6
... n,ou'.',:i;tii
Tho intclliiient reader will readily uu
del stand uuiler whose a.lininihtrntioii this
rapid and enormous inrreaso ha been
made. It is proper to ala'e, however, that
the school tax prior to the adoption of the
new constitution, was not included in tho
grand duplicate.
Expenses of the State Government from
1848 to 1862.
IM.,,..0)H,Hi III I 14:1. ... 7,H(4I
150. 3111,16 .In I.-jI. . . .. .15.'i,i:i6 to
. The yearly average is $348,078 47. , .
15-' 5:i7 ,0436.x I If.'.t. ,.,..$i;i;j.l37 f.'i
153...!. fi3n,!;i57 155..... 4 I6.'J7-! thi
"Tlie yearly average wna 645,3I3 67.
There was no aession of the Legislature
in 1869, which is the only yeur rince the
orgatiixation of the govt rniiiunt without.
Session, liut the Hunnlilican Logislattiro
of 1866; the firnt undel the new Constitu
tion, opposed to the Democracy,' found au
immense debt to par, which was contract
ed before that year. Let us look at those
items: ,
1848 to 1862. Disbursements of 1856, to pay debts incurred
prior to November, 1859.
SiiperinU'iideiiceaiid n-pitirsof Ca
lial. aa . I im.o-io im
Saw Etate Uou... ,. . . .., vV'..-.8 '!
D.af and Huuib A.yluin , .1 I -lie
lllind Aarluui . - !;, iiki no
()oluiiibua litiniitte Aa luiu. ..... !.4.0'J; 41
Diiylou Luiialiu Aaylutn 47, ilia ell
Nuwbtireh l.iiiiutie At'liini 4,LJ4 47
I'ayiuenia for fcia au'a lt.-viaed Slat- 1
utui J.I..U uo
ToUl:. '....$517372 &6
The Auditor, in addition, reports over
9)00,000 of other claims Dot included in
tha above appropriations. - Of this sum
fWO.OUQ wero claims for work on the Statu
House. These cluiuiH, almost without
exception, bsve since been paid. This
uw ul at loast $!oo,(HM, addod to the ex
peime. of 1S(j5, vould unkeuti av'cr.it.'ii in
the lat fnnr yi ara.of fi70,)0i)cnitth
avor.igo of fi.t4M.078 of the font pr.. -d-ing
year, or under the new Conatimiion
and l.orofiwn ruin of nearly riV. lh ri
pno of the prrcedinaf four year! Rec
ollect, tbe are tVir" the nrdinarv evpen
ace nf the Klate wrvaiimii nt. IiaVw. nr-i
inrhnle intereat r,n our debt, choul, Ac.
Wtf all remembiT that Inat yrr, cnt
rtnte cllicer expended $18,000 oa the
Hoiking and Southern Ohio Canal more
than was appropriated, and that our Loro
foro I.egiwlaturo rrui to make aa p
prnprtntinn for it. Vet In 1.M1 tb Slate
oflieer, bing of thi.t parry, enpended li
MJrro! thmmnii io'lart beyond the p
propriationa.and then aaked a Kepubliuan
lj'gialature to pay it. So far aa thi. waa
lotind lo l. due in good fa.th, It waa
promptly votod. The TilTre'ee b'tw.n
the act of t!io two. partiea i apparett,
and inobl riamcging to eur opponeuta.
Pr ref.tnnce to the tuWea pnhlithed In
Gov. Chaae'a nieatrirre nn the 6th of Jan.
1857) it will bo a re n that the .guTeewta
of taxo Inrgvly reduced by the Re
publican ailmiinoUatioii. Tlie following;
ia the atatement:
Total Ut fir s."6, (la.t var of
Me.lill'. n.lioiin.irxiion ) $ 0 .3.VI.MT
Total tnv i of 156 8,1X19,513
I), eivaau of tnvea in 1-56 944,094
Here i. a falling off of nearly a n'.'ioe
of dollari during the finl year of Repub
lican rule. It may be claimed that thi
dilferenro aron from a deereaae of local
taxe. only. Thi l not true, TUe local
taxe aredeir. aa.'ilul Ihetaxn for State
pnrpime bave drrrc"''d In abotit the atno
ratio: ii. .
I'oial Mute lu. for IX'o'. I2.7M.807
I'". do, 1-MO...A .. . 8 f.2ti.I:i2
!.jr.'ne of for Suite ptinii-x
' ' 185 I3S.07S
Tho ruTiird tb'monatrnte that during.
. , ,.:' l." "
7. n wli.rh th Reptihlieai-t
had tho control of both tho Executive and
legislative departments of government,
they n.t only fully suatninod theerexlit of
the State, and paid all it current expen
ae, with the iving abovo named, but that
they actually paid ofTmur half miU(.i
of debt euta.il.-d upon them by their oppo
nent. i -
Hut it h( been claimed, as an-offset to
the great expenditure of our o;.ponenn,
that they greatly reduced tbe debt of the
Slate. Tbe facta are, that whilo they re
duced rhedebt from 1VJ to 1858, $1,135
707, they received from oAr sources be
side lave, during the same time.the sum of
$3,0!)3,70, or $.108,033 mors than thvf'
reduced tlie public debt. Po that thi. pre-
O. S. Journal.
Democracy and Consistency.
; In tbe Democratic psrty consistency''
is a jewel one that derives its value from
ita excessive rarity. It nevor perform,
one ioU thnt, U promise", it succeeds by
promising one thin nnd doing another,
and in fact, 1 nothing short of a gigantic
It claims to be the only National par
ty. With l hia prole.tstion on its Hp, U
consent to allow tha Union to remain'
whole, if a Prssident be elected by fif
teen Southern and tw. Northern States,
hut protents .thai it Will rend it ssundsr
if tho sixteen Northern States elect one.
Iu the North it professes to b. Anti-Slavery
In tho extreme. Yet the ma
jority of Its member are nigger driversmt'
ilia owned and controlled by the alava'
power exclusively;
It went Into power In Ohio ten years1
ago, by asserting th. Fugitive Slav. Law.
to be not only inhuman and unjust, but
unconstitutional. Now l'tdufonrfs that law'
and brand every man as traitor that
will not obey it,
It elected a l're!dnnt by claiming to be
ill favor of a fre Wsst, and back up that
I'resiilsnt In s. villainous sttemps to en
slave Kansas as ever disgraced the moft
tyrannical ruler the World ever produced.
It claim 1 1 be thn friend of t f.,r.tn
rr and yet would allow any of thorn to be
orrced into the armies of European king,
whenever found nn their soil.
It mouths loudly of its love for the poor
man, vet it give our wild lunds to the
Braaniiiir speculiitrir. thut he mav fill his
overflow ing colters by selling them at an
enormous advance to tho poor emigrant -
wno goes to tne weal to make himself a
It professes a holy horror at Trraaary
sucking, yet allow it officer to ateal
$500,000 from tho public Treasury, and
knowing the crime, re-noininatcs them
forth, same otllces and when finally,
caught, defends them.
Wu might go on ami point out a thou
sand inconsistencies like these, hut these
are enough. Whst honest msn can re
main in communion with party so cor-,
nipt, so foul lltii It upon a foundation of
lies, with it path strewn with brokeu
promise, snd uuliiltllled pledge, how can
any eonsiitent man who loves truth.hold
up Ills brad and say he is s member of it?
There are many such, but they are so on- '
!y because they caiinol believe in its ol-,
tor degradation. Tlie number is becom
ing leas and lei every day, and, thetinio
is not far distant, when only those who
make politic a trade 'and will bold tor
anything that pluiler, will cling
Mt. Gilead Sentinel.
Ranney Requires A Backer.
It is rather an ulifavornho indication
for the Democracy that their enndidate
for Governor after ehalleniinir hi onnon- .
eut to a joint canvass, has to bo backed
on euch occueion, by tlie begi j oroblu- ,
ded aaistnc.e of Senator I'lion. Wetell
remember whet Indignant rlenanciation
Senator Doijoi.a, in hi Joint canvass i
with Mr. Ijscolb, last year, dealt out up-
on a Republican Congressman, who pro
posed to follow him, in oue iusUuce, par
ticipating in a debate which only the two
rival cnudidutcs were properly parties..
tie declared mat the meeting vas their -
own, Slid that such proposed intrusion,
was both ill-bred and uiiuiunly, And wo ,
think such wa the cuudid judgment then,
and ia How, iu regard to this similar esse, '
of all wii.ltnd any jiu-ttenso of what b-
lolu'S to the, coiniuuu proiierliei of civiliz-. .
ed life." ..
It Is no ground of special regret, cer- '
tiiily,suriiig Mr. DisxiSox'tfneniV.tbat
tho Democracy hhould feel it to be, mien,
sury to have Mr. I'uuH added to tlm eido
ol judge Iliniiey, in older to "pri nrve tha
bnlaiiceofputver," riiii,.,'ls liatidv..J,ihi- Re
publican cutiihdiitu lot liovuraor hasktn-
triuiuiihuully auj tinned hiinueil, run- .
ting both hi. regular antsgonist and hn
very irregular aMlunt. liut there I both- '
ing fair or equal in this uew end unan
nounced arrangement. At the two tl- 1
ruSbions, thus tar, has "our valiant young
Senator" tlogijed Mr. 1cmi-.. u i a,
and divided wilhMr. Iti.Nf.sv tho labor ol
responding tu that gemlciuun's tcuu.rk.
This fact i ill the more rcuiaik.ible, wli u
it is bornu in mind tun Mr. Hijnt.r is i'. ..
challenging porty, and M-. ln-.Ms.no w

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