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Fiffin Weekly Tribune. l. w. aaiLcy. it. L ! 1 B PROmiKTORS KDITORSl AND Thr TllllH'JfK ts !nhllliM ror Kritinv .Vominr, at ai.anr-rr mman in mlMinrr, HMh-p, Hfcaw hiu'i lilork. ( onirtol Mnin liml HnrKr' Blrtt. 1 i 1.4. ...! fiii'K, t. ist, H.J. THE CAUSE IS ONWARD! A Sories of Brilliant Republican Victories. Tha lr flection (n tha frea atntra lin.-c resulted In a ar-rii' of tiilliaut Rc jMil'lirrn Yiriurira anrl thn enmpli't '- n'hilalion of hiit littl left of aliara lVmor-rarr. Tha irinci;lra of frwdum uv iBjilitir rlsrwr root III ht iiesrl of fir) fri.c. rro-nlnTory itemiHTry Jibs lit:'. rr no (uutiiolu1 mt.iil Ui slare ti.t.n. It in riwtil of the drelpmnt cf fte institution and thrrrforo It Can. tint rr'lh the pur air ut t'iO Nortli. In Ohio tlie RapuMicana l'svo swept ths flntf, lfctlti( tlmir entire ticknt by aliotit ITOflO tuaj'Tity nd t lnrpsj majority In both tranches of the Legislature . Oliio niton no uncertain Voite. tflie ii true to the principle of Freedom and to the Ordinance of '87 which pave her rtirtli. The rrsult In Ohio I a death to Dotiplna, who expected to earry . . J . I L:- M,BnlnA the ttiite and thu retrieve hi waning fortune. It tilao aend Pugh to thatob 'iinty, to which Nature ha to admira bly fitted him. Hereafter Ohio will le represented (not miarepreaonted) In tho I'niteH Ptate Senate. In Pennsylvania, the people have ut tered anothnr withering rebuke to their a recreant on, who disgrace the Presi dential chair. Buchanan find, himaell repudiated at home, where heahotild moat expect aupport. Poor iranl he 1 left almost without a friend. The Opposition have carried the atate. hy B4000 and elect ed a large majority in both branch" of the (.plaltxture, which will undoubtedly pive Senator B'gler hi "walking J.a rra. In Indiana, there wa npatnte election, but the result In the aeveral Countlea ehow large Republican gain. The "Hooaiur Hutu" la preparing to Join the Ro-ublicn column in )Si3. In low, the result la a aure Republi can yictory. The Republican have ewept the sUte, electing tliuir entire ticket from Governor down, by increaaed ma jorilio. Iowa take no tep backward. The result In Minnciot I a gturloua RepulAican victory, Ilfre (ham demoor racy baa had its run and-th rjeonje bav , . -,. ii.. A Dsi-om ick 01 ll. 1 ney nav It out and out, In moat emphatic term The new reccivud render It certain that the Republican havo carried the atate and both member of Congre. They have also elected a majority in both branchee of the Legislature, whioh will ecura ua a United riUtoe Senator in place of Gen. Shiolda. Thia i indeed a victory "V. orth crowing over. Henceforth Min- nesota may be act down a the youngest born of Republican State, Outbreak at Harper's Ferry. Tremendous cacitemcnt ho teen oeca aioned at Ilarper'a Ferry, Vs., by an out break, v,hi(b occurred there on Monday morning laat.' It appears that one Drown of Kansas notorloty and a band of accom plices, aided hy a number of negroes, had planned au attack upon the place and on Sunday night they took possession of the railroad truck and bridge and (topped the passage uf train. They likewise shot at Inoffensive citiicna, killed ono or two.touk several prisoner and entrenched thnnt selves in the armory. They beld their position defiantly and defended thrm ae'.ve until Tuesday morning, when they were overpoworod and dislodged by a strong military force sent against them. Jinny of them were ahot down en the sjKjt and tho balance tuken prisonors. Borne escaped to the mountains near by Brown and hia son are reported mortal' ly wounded. Whether their object was plunderer Insurrection is not certainly known. The couutry is up in arm1 in tense excitement prevails and all kinds af vague ruiuora are ad .at. The Result in Ohio. Tba result of the lute elvcliuu In Ohio should inspire every Republican with en thusiasm. It is indeed gratifying beyond all expectation. "Our entire state ticket is elrctsi! b tnainrit ics rnnrrtnrr frnin - j 15000 to 17000. Ohio Is good for iO.OOU niajority fur the Republican nouiiue in IStiQ. The Legislature It alao largely Repub lican, notwithstanding we have lost Ham ilton county. The two rartiei will stand about aa fulluws: , SENATE. Republican Democrat 35 10 HOUSE. B4 . 4U Republican Dt'Riccrata The Pennsylvania Election. The Peopls's ticket In Pennsylvania has received a majority eatimatod at S4, 000. The Legialoturo just chosen is atrongly Republican in both branches The House itud65 to 3 One-tbird of the Sonata is elected biennially, Of the twenty-two (Senators holding over, eleven ro Republicans, andeleten Dem ocrat. The Opposition ar reported to Lave carried very on of the sleveu Sen atorial Districte in whieh electione were beld this year. Thi g;ve twenty-two Republican tq eleven Democrats. The . Bcnatora now elected will.of course, tsk part iu the choice of a successor to Sen ator liii.i.r.a, in 1861. His fute Is shout aa certainly settled at that of Mr. Pius. The Right Step. The Repuhlicana of Hsmilton County Lave taken the proper step. They have resolved to be tti-aiglit-out Knpuhhcant l: .-ii-.. - &. r.. ..t.... i nu u in.rc oil nirui in, w iosiou lirreal- . U-r. An ft,.rt to unite the Republic! an-i American at tliel.W election -yMi rnu iuiu u. 4 nn nnpuuiieans tlrtlo now have no other vecoitr than to l.-ike a pmitiv nepuhllean oil the J'liilailrlphia pl itiorni. ;. The Right Step. Who Defented Billy Lang. I' The AiirHtr of last irk ri the uf!me to nfrt l'it Jutg I."(f owfi Inn ; .f p ' I ml r,,tn t'to .litne fan i'pnr, w ran nut lu.rlni. IWauao Ju.!(ri- tariff ran behind Ilia tlrket'j noino 340 votoa ami was dffail'l, whn t!m balance of hi lirkrt hid from 900 to ftnO mijorif r, t'i filirnr charf" hi fal to tli "Muck" Rnpulilican. Hut as tute!i'r! rlsr mud No tkrnM ilia Hit. pct)d tha Rrrmtillrami would alianrluA thi-lr own ramliHat" and jrn otar, in a Inty, to th uj!iort of l.anif. ! Tiio Rrpublir'anssimpljr supported their iowa txhrl and had tHa drmofrary Hone , tlio amr, Jiulge. I.sng would luiro bon elrctr-J. Ha own hi di'lVat to llta want of democratio votea on electina day and not to tho oppnaitina of the Reptslilleana. On the c ifitrary a great meny Rppuhli cani voted for him, (u thia city and town ship, 'J be defeat of la gt Ltif wai premed iated and hmuht about Ij men In bin own party, who proft'aand to be bia frienda but who ware awrrotly doing all tlie could againat him. They were oppoeed to him but thought It infer to nominate him and then alnufrhter him at the poll, than to havo an open rupture In contention. They would thu not only accomplish .their object but accure the atipport trfthe ' r . I i ... ... o-rmmn lor ine naianre m tne in Ket. Tlio German frieiula of Jmle Lang went into the oonteat in fnni faith and polled a larger rote than erer bofore, upon the tiraneethat they were reprraentcd on the ti ket a nd Dint tfl y would be fuirly dealt with. Dot now the whole plot ladiaoloa ed and they are doomed to reap the frill '1 of bitter disappointment. They And thnt they hare been betrnyed by prpfeaiod frienda nnd tli nt the only German oa the ticket bae been dofeated by the "clique," who hare alwara entertained a relentleae hoetlllty towarda Judge I,nnjj. Their ha tred toward him la known aa well to Re publican a dyrecrata. The bitter dn- nuuclationa and hiw muttered eureea of the "clique," on the day of Tang' nomi nation and nhscqncntly, foretold plainly the fate that wa in atore for him. We know whoreof w ariirm. Theaa very men who profeaard toe be Judge Lang' warmest frienda were iecrotly p orking against him and stabbing him in the dark. Thvy bold out bland prowiaoa to the car and break them to the hope. By honied word and large promisee they senuco mo vierman into tlit aunportol .. .. Uio ticket and thou slaughter tba hst man it. bscainTT;; "VTi-; ' to"-. Oer- Has It not alway been ot When have the German of this county received any thing at the hande of their allie! Wa it in lHJ7,when fang was defeated a a candidate before the Convention for Tro ecutlng Attorney 1 Wa it In 18S8, when Zahm wa ao summarily dlspusod of by the "clique".nd a Know Nothing nomi nated over hlml or again In 1859, when Krell and Sluutchlor were slaughtered in convention and Lang ubequentlyyt the pull, bocauae they are Germans I These tiling must be consoling to the intelligent German of till couuly, hold ing, a they do, the balance of power. They ara allowed to do the Voting fur tho "clique," but "neiry ofilee" are they allowed to hold; and when one of their men doe got on the ticket, be 1 defeated at the poll. . Minnesota Election. Minnesota t.ikea proud rank in tho ar ray of Republican Stale which hovospo- ken for Freedom and correct government. A correspondent of the New Vork Trl- bune telegraph that he has received "dispatchea from Minnesota to tho ufloct that Goodhue county haa given 6:10 ma jority for Republican ticket. Hennepin givoa 8',3 majority for Ramsey, the Riv publican candidate for Gov urn or, and 1003 for Aldrit h.the Republican candidate for Congress, Dacotah ehowe a Repub lican gain of from 500 to COO. Washing' ton county gives 800 majority for the right side. Raiuaey county gives a small Pupi ocnitio niajority to the state ticket, but elect one Republican Senator, and two Representtllves of the same sort. Fill more and Winona counties have cac elected the whole Rcpuhlioan ticket, thus inruring both branches of the Legislature to tho Republicans. The Republican I Mtnte ticket is elected by several thou sands. Three cheer for the North tBt' As far a roceived, the return eonipar with the vote for Governor two years ago when Mr. Sibley was cheated out of an electioti by the grossest frauds perpetrat ed by the"Mocaain Democracy," as they are called in Minnesota, as follows: Hl. Itsmscy IVm. llrckrr Omnti (iemliiuo. Itsmasy Sibley ...b!4 ". .fVll. .. Mi-iiiicjiin . ..e1'!.. IWotiihssy.l'Xt VYasliittgiiiii .'.';U Itn;cv say 50. , . . Kw. ssy. . . ! Auokr, aay. .)0 Csrvvr say 100, , , , The above show a pain .:'3. '.'.'ill'. .3ri 'iu .34. . ,.'J3. . t io,n VI iwviiir Rama j in elht counties. The following gentlemen compos th Republican ticket: Governor Alexander Ramsey. Lieut. Governor Ignatina Donnelly. Heoretary State J. H. linker. Treasurer Charles Ncheffer, Attorney General Gordon R. Cole. -. , fynia Aldrieh. )Vill, am Windom. .! n Accident on the B. & L Railroad. taudiirkucj,( uf i ara indebted t tlie telegraph operator at thia place for the following Ihe engitia Madison, of the Hellefon tuine and Indiunt Railroad, on tho Night Freight, East, with twenty -Cv loaded Cars, un turn, burst br boiler at about eight o'clock Mouday hMit.en a heavy .bout half way between Y.l..,w and Chestertield, Ltd., thtuwing the en gineer, James Woods, through tlia top of the cab and un to' a kll.ik r an lf.,et, !. i,,.t..iv Tt,. ,... ... inuiiiu, T Ij:- ... tl,.... ..I!., ..f.. I " - - ..iivnM " VISUI.U Ul (la yMj,f W hMldei Md w (n ! horriUa manner. Ho died In about Use : ,ours after tbs aciiJ.-ut There were piece of the tngineer't clothing on Hie a la' fiO.fcut ficia th ground. CrTlie ' ' briefly at a tee that the Hon. John V. Sfam.n, U. 8. MinletT r.i tli Cnurt ff IVnive, died of pop)( nn it Sd Inst. P7"The tfli.-v( report the death, an Ut. Joseph, on Thursdsy last, of T.x Purveyor John Calhoun, cf Kansa bo gu rctiu-n notoriety. 0 V" It moat V gratifying te Loeofoooa to know that they have to deptnd upon votes, Jiwt aatnralited on the ev of elec tion, for Ihoir majority in this eounty. OJndge Terry, who killed Senator Broderick in a duel, has been arrested. Public fueling ia very alrong againathim, The funeral of Mr. Brodrh k wa the mot Imp.tain ever wltnetaed In Califor nia. ' j -- . CO"At the election In Nevada T. cile ry on the 17th ult.,the Constitution fram ed In July lnt,-s adopted hy 4(10 mi- jorny. iuii ierntoriiil ate ket wn e- lecled, lieltsJ by Isea Roup for Gurrn- or. , . . , ,, C-Hon. Harrii-itt O. Dtalie, of Medl na, wa elected to Control In tht Me dina, Lorain, Ashland and WayneDi trirt, on the 11th, to fill the vacancy oc casioned iy the death of the Hon. Cyrti cipina,py a majority or loot) to auoo. CTThe 7Vito' Washington corres pondent write that Mr. Tluehanan Will not bring suit tgainat Cut. Forney. He has asaured bi personal friends that he will not, and (fleet not to ba awer that Forney ha written anything acrere about nun GCTJudge uhuuntra election, hy at leaa 15,000 majority, ia the brat possible response to the abuse and impertinenae with which the Democracy followed him through tho tale) canvass. He will un doubtedly he appointed hy Guv. Chase tu fill the vacancy occasioned by theVesig- nsl'on of Judge Hwsn, and enter at once upon hi duties. The State 1 fortunate in serurlng so vnluahlo an acceasiun to lie rjupreme lienrh. Republicans feel Good. We never saw Republican in better humor than now. They commenced Unghing the day after the election and they have not done laughing yet. We've got something toiaugn about. Three U. Senators Gained. In the elections of laat Tuealay the Republican gainod three United fctatea Senators one in plsca of Pugh, in this Sute, ono In Minnesota, In place of Oon. i t. . weius, ami one in renny ivatna, in place of Bbler. The liiBirnitude uf Tuesday's Punug .uure apparent every State Senator. Ilelow we give the majorities for Orr Ih the several counties in this district ss Compsred with the majority for Governor. It will be seen that Orr ran behind hia ticket in every county. , Rarszt. Osn Seneca. yoo 1S) Wyandot t5 7a Crawford 708 63 1003 660 Steven made a gallant rnn. Nrw rlanaToaa in th Next Conn mm. The fullowing named gentlemen will take their seats for the first time in the Unitod States Senate on the first day of , December next, on which day the first session of tho thirty-sixth Congress will commence: Hon. Willard Ralsbury, of Delaware. Aon. J. ones V. lrimes,of Iowa. Hon. Laiarus W. Powell, of Ken tucky. lion. Kings ley B. lllngham, of Michi gan. . Hun. John C. Tun yck, of New Jer sey. Hon, Thomas Itragg, of North Caroli na. Hon. Henry D. Anthony, of Rhode Is land. Hub. A. O. P. Nicholson, ofTennea see. Hon. J. W4 Hemphill, of Texas. Arrival of the Overland mail. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 12. I ' i i I The overland mall, of the 8d, arrived laat night. Tho Agricultural Fair at Sacramento wa largely attended from all part of thu State.. Crowd of politic. Ian congregated there, and the canvass for a successor to Senator ltr.xWiek h. already commenced. Gen. Denver and I Governor Weller appear to be theatronir- rat candidate at present, but at least half a docen other ara striving for the place. Itroderirk'a estate was valued at It 1 30.. 1)00, which ia encumbered U the amount of f iyooo. He left no will, and it was snnnosed no relational hut turn narmn. In 8an Kranrisro, named tdmund Welch and Iicy Bmwa claim the ettate, being, M asaort, in the second de- gre. Tho Pacirle Railroad Convention, e om. posed of rlelngates trom all the Pacific ciutea and TerrlWries, la In session In Ban Kranriseo, and ia veiy largely at tended; John lleilivell, of California la President, and Kdward Lander, of Wash ington lerrltory, and Alexander Pankey oi Oregon, vice rresiUenta. ya.t amount of statistic and ariruments in favor of various routoa, aud in favor of the road itself, compnaea tbe suhtance of the proceeditiirs thus fsrs but it is bolieved lom acthm to build California's Portion .... , . , i win ig win x'u TvrOTiimenuua oolore the convention a.Iiourns. The eiacrsuionto Uomoerat! Standard states, on the authority of a prominent ana a warm supporter of Uroderick, that he (Uroderick) in his room in Man Franciaco, just before receiv ing the challenge from Terry, aald he ei I'ected to receive challengee frmu Terry, I wwiu in iunitr, aau nisi ne e 1 , " u ul uiew ntIuM '-"'g lot 1 iuillgtna. nJj'TT.i bJ Leavenworth yesterday aiornuur. from from i California via Camp Hoyd. The cam ain reports hi liiru rout Iron Calilorina to Camp Ployd better than the outward one. iloth are two hundred and fifty niilde ahorter than tba llumholdt River routu, and muck aonrrior rh' of wood. walorsnd graan. tiiuibsoe also, by direc- lK""f 1U1,'D- JobnatoKxplored a roV'' Mouut.ina, whic now pate h will'b shorter than Gunwaea's mate, to Camp Floyd about 100 mile, and ia taae a naaa ia (uuiid Uirough tho Rorr.v Mouutaim directly eastward of the Uuita Kiver. a ro"to will have been obtained ahotter . . , . I Best time on Record—2:19 3-4 KALAMAZOO, Oct 15. Th grttl it .itina- match for the eili j ,iu,ja. tans purs at t-jjuj tame'tlus aftr-r- 7'si'iple won, making the hl time oa rvcurd J.-'ii.' lt,'i. and i vm' ... ,-, -i u r '. S'te?i M'i ? Hifililiillihii r- -J- - i T y t 4- t- .- :r r h i tx o c j oc v -Joi"-i MK)MwNaMt-tM MM -fJ)lftl")WIOrWr;O000)f-lW 0lM9DI)-'AJMtlklvSMIK' - K. was ifi M aa wmAm Qt V c rr t rr y . e" c " 0 i Cs, I a J 9i T il I C si O 7 6 'I (tMiaMMfcfitwAwtsJt t fce 6 a- t e I a aw M tn a i9 m m I V- O" 6 ' W'9'J''Tr)f f (t Lr J) O Ad(rUigtVt'd'' 3 81 3 M l s-s k- S M I I (4Aa-l(tMWtiiVltl-4M to , 51 to . S283:g!.2&S3St?3 i n u . M - IS M B M wUMIMalWMIMkBM- Max -0'JrI.CfWliOblOlrt WldMAAttfvs4&wwaHI.w SavocKwvoacn'VOdaOi'c ir a o OinMitMO(PsJGaaC'J sxsmm 0 i4MaMtMM a- t ti- U tj; O v -I O J W fcw O rA 7i -1 W avMnnarMHUiCKUtgDMU M tCguQ(r9)as00i.a4OX0iOk34 6 e- v oi c r, 'i c ii i: c x a e -i - -I' W m - a- a- 3 -9 y"CCAWtfrViiqOi.VtCiCrAO C':OiN4.Cl-?.UioJilaO94 - vl o is bu; C . cr; o -i u HM')0r.rSaittlfagiV(fiaave as Kl - 10 1. M wwatOMM Mr09 u ir or '1 v 'fl v ?0 UUaa-()Jt"A& Cl J) K A 15 t5 M MSrtfc M M M (O M M o x u io ii C"f v O (?l O" W vl (jt 4. t W O t ?. 0fJ' di(4wbev&woaow m M) m U M m 0 MiS mm 1V"2tUIC T ft O" (6 V" ft O (-4OUtiOM(iW0yIOWO. -M(Ma mW-mM-M w t-u MMt WdajcjHMM-is-&M()CtU IXiri.lrlMOMXWeO0)v)9)r3 0 ft5a-0C.J:X4WX-4-j-gi, U. ftCi-lC4--5 0afllqoaW NUWAUCWMsJAalOlrtHwUlO M K) - W - -I -i M w IO 9 M JllMa3i.-(fl(4:ONlkjJ)ri4 8?0?OWa00UUJvO-1U ObtWMNdMOUtQAaM00M M -I J.)iMa40lO(rtAOa4R.J M W eat 19 M M M MMMM JUI0WvASCtlXfjlWtO a&MUrJOdUlbOWe.(aOaJ aaaIMM 1st U M M ks) fea) w'ssB haat MM weAo.MMOMao4'MMW M W M M M t- M M M M M MWAgAMOvtna4ifobtk4 II II 3 e-s 3 Tr o & - n M as o Mj va o e" rm O f. mmm P o 9 r- a- ss ss. as w2 CI s n ft x e s r. e sv S-K . ftJ s e J 3 NAMis. - o SW t" m H 2 & Distressing News from the Plains —The Indians Engaged in Hostilities—Mail Train Attacked and Men Massacred. Correspondence St. Louis Republican. WESTPORT, Mo., Oct. 7 Tlie telegraph may have iriven you a meagre account of the recent Indian out rage on the plain, but I hasten a Com- municato tlie detail aa derived from au thentic sources. Mr. Pattorson, from Walnut Creek, brought us tho first intelligence, and Mr. Cole, of this county, (who was with the train when attacked,) arrivej) a few hour litter, witn liirtner detail. mm these gentlemen your correspondent gathera me ioiiowing iiicis: fsoine weeka aco tho desperate Com- manche Chief, HulTalo Hump, with some of his braves, p.ppenred amongthe Kiowu and v.1 as observed to be in frecuient con- sultiitioiia with them. The Kiowa hure hocn dlssiitisfied and threatening toward the whites during all the summer, ind it was supposed that the uiihsIuii of HulTalo Hump waa to atir up tlmir ani;er to vio lence. No nvertract of hostility occurred however, until 'the i'oth ult., when a aiiabblu took place at Rickman's Runch between some Kiowasaud whites, about a horse awap, resulting in a skirmish and the death of mi Indian. The other Indi ana went off swearing vengeance, and aoon collected a war party, Throo days after (on the 23d of Sep tember a mail train going out the one which left here on Monday, the I'.'th of Hepteniber waa urronn,leil bv a burn! of Kiowa w arriors, near tho crossing of Pawnee fork, some twenty-five milea be yond t ow crock, Mid about 850 milea from Weatiiort. The Imliuua demanded "toll," and the conductor dealt out to them ugar, colfee, aud a portion of ucb article as he hail, but without satisfying them. They took all that was given, and then, raising a whoop, tboy fired Into the stspe, perfectly riddling it with bullets and arrows, instantly killing the two Smiths driver am conductor and wouiidintr the only other occupant, Mr. Cole. The Huiilhs were killed before tty y had a chance to fire, hut Cole leaped from the stae when wounded, tired his pistol, saw au Indian fall and the others gather around him, aud iu tho confusion that eisued escaped ( une dUlance and hid in tne grass. The Indiana flndinr; their romnanion dead mounted their horse and proceeded in aearcn 01 ttiei: miasm enemy. One of the horsemen passed within a few feet of w here Cole lay, bgt failed to discover him. He saw them return to the scene of cornier, atuise the body .f his fallen frien.d strip them of their clothing, and rip open and soatter the content oi the nowapnper mail bag. Fortunately they missfd tho letter mail bag, which waa afterwirjt re covered and taken to Kirkmaii's Ranch. Cola lay all night concealed in the prase, and next morning wandered about until he came nn to a enmnof Pike's Peak. ers.from whom he received sn escort to trading post, aed from thence proceeded nomewariiK. lie pnsaed through here some hours since, nn hi way to in fam ily iu Independence. The Great Eastern. PORTLAND, Mc., Oct. 15. . Cumberland, sgout of th Great Kastern, who hsa com tu make ar rangements for her reception, arrived bare yesterday Irom Canada. He bis no doubts that tli eUanier will leave for Portland, Ms., in the 'alter psrl uf Oct. Wheu be left tba Company did not entertain the thought of her visituur any otW port ui Auiuiica thia lni but I'urilan.l, w loir it was expected tdu wouid r wt.a about Ihreo w oe as. . . Ovation to Mr Dennison. COLUMBUS, Oct. 14. -ni(.-ht a popular ricmonstraiion waa offered Hon. Win. llenuiaon. Jr., Gov eruoraloct A prticion, attended w ith musio prureedrd to Ins rrsideace, and to ihuin cheers he .ponded in a speech.- The utamr wera emorUiuod at a lyre by li.a. lienuisott. The Artesian Well at Columbus. The Artesian Well hss reached the depth of a,3J8 feet, and the indication are favorable for gsin striking a sandstone strstnm,hut this advantageous festare can not be pushed to a ronl intion of every body's wish, for the appropriation ia ex hausted, and the work will atop cloturday night, until the meeting o( the legislature, when Dure funds csn be provided. This Is unfortunate, for a stoppage of jork is dangerous to the ultimate aucress of the undertaking, making the well liublotofill up, or other casualties may occur. This well is now the deepest In the United Slates, and, with but one excep tion, the doopest in the world. The fol lowing are the depths of tho four princi pal holea in the gr ound: Well at Columbus, n f, st. Louisville, Ky S ll-n St, Louis. M a.l!!9 " Luxauiberg, Uernianv " [Ohio State Journal. Fire. CHICAGO, Oct. 15. A fire broke out yesterday in a millin ery store corner of Miin aud Hennepin streets in Dixon, Illinois, nnd before it could be subdued twenty buildings, oecu- iod by business houses, were destroyed. ,oss estimated at $30,000; inuured 16,-000. Vigilance Committee-The Trouble on the Rio Grande. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 14. A vigilance committee has been formed at M&rEsvillo,' I., to aid the police in ar resting dangerous characters. Advices from San Antonio state that Gcu'l Twiggs hus responded to the call for aid from Brownsville; that ho ha not men euough at hia disposal to drive the Indians from the frontier; and cai there fore do nothing. The runchea on tho Texaa aido of the Rio Grande have been abandoned ou account of Indian depreda tions. The citixens of San Antonio wore raising two companies rangers, aud other places were raising volunteers, ,on account of Guu'l Twigg'a inability to protect tlie county. MARRIED. fly Ttev. J. H. Oit, en the 13lli Inst., Mr Loci Kav'Tia of Loudon tp .Ui ihsi Cuaiari na hktoaisT of Tiltin. Ot lllb, by Hjv. 8. Gee, Mr. JohkTJ.Ro BKsiaoia to &lisa Ansa K Ifaaka, daughter el m. liatur t.m. of Uliutoa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLtap Goods! Cheap Goods! THIS DAY RECEIVED AT ISO. 3, TOMBS IILOCK, AN tll'O AKT A860UTMKST Of FILL AND WINTER GOODS! A H avo want U gat th worth of tha it auoaoy asS Unr will s th. GREATEST BARGAINS! vat olTd to,sf ovary th in Uto niLLINERY,k FANCY LINE. AIt tna Utatl liuira;4 Hoop uUirta, (. .T 1 A. k M. A. UrxRAtll). N. B. Coasti! tai.pli.l aa IIImu.I MUSICAL NOTICE! Tlio underpinned oft or thoir fler- lUoaUtlta bli na Uiiltnw ttae ViaKan, Flat, ntU variuttioiliai iniriaaata; atau, km lU Uraai, 1. U, frrawual, aUltUasa Ur ,,, Ua;UJf,i. A I.Mr H t lluKNrir'IX, J JA u bMl.l.r f t X. Off Mat! WtafeinfUjai awn.!, i-rr a llutUUa; Ittliuonl Criurnt! We arc in rccoi;t ol a lot of BiS- msnt Ovia..t. aa4 .aa hiiI) all.-. Mi. im, m 3 iku, a (jtnoK.t. HKS, L. r. lLLi;'S FIRST PflBUinn 11 t) f, N E T B ! For Sale Ht F. K. SHAVHAN'S, No, 4 Shawhan's Bloch. FIRST PIIKMIUM French Flowers. FIRST PREMIUM rse-el fcn Mi FIRST. FItEMIUM . Clolh Cloaks, Volvot Oloalxs, Dress Goods and Shawls, CHEAP FOR CASH, Call jLj boo tlioiaa. F. K SUAWIIAN. DR. CIHRCHILL'S REMEDY fob the raKVENTioi and curs or cis(JMS"noi. Winchester'! Qennine Prepara tlon of tha HYP0PH0SPHITES CF LIKE AND OP SODA. The Sjcc'Jlo licmcihi fur Con tumji Ion, Chronic fironchilisy Asthma, Sot fula, Dyrpejpsia Ofveral Dfhilityy and all Nerrout Diseatfg, Logs of Energy, Wasting, c6j , !)., to. Tliil stlraoHlnarv I'H t'.ttirAf. PR KP A TlflW rni'i ,ii im:.-, (is. raupHTS.CTM: anuci SATivs niMrrti..ot wblt h w.ra liiv.isl liv llr. J . r . Clms-H. ill, r Tan.,) I.p.rrnrmlnwonitprful nan, thtontfhuiit Kitmn. .nillhs ei.l.a.lisvinr slntstlT n.-. Ii. hitnttw-uni, s Miiilnritr. bmh wllh th. m-flirnl frrr,.irtn .ml Ihe ptilili.. 'Il 1. a pnrrl. tn'IKNriHi: rRKPAKATIllN.ariiBt with .n...i.i-ia t-.sT.isTr, I N V A Rl All l,F. V.Vtu OAi'i i. Msg.torrulBKJntrjraud K.nuD. IIussh Cure of Coiiftiiiiiptlon. In tha arrnnd nndtlnrtl ttaaraa nt a larrim!. ranafiinont Ijr, wbrn ihrra can I no iinrertatntv ni to tha nainr of thartiaanaa.) van Im rhiaind, in niloaioa, br th( (rant mnt, a.rrt when tlia sutiti laaionol Ilia lanr- of inail um-.nt to nrosikra daaih. Ilralitarv nradi. no, linn ismii In nr way to eounUfnot Out athot of I ha II W'i (Mil iM'HI i K."; .ti.r,ii in wboMtiwunoal airnnpyir niarRr.i roopvrnn M inpiiJIv at ntlitr. Thit Rrmailv haa nut onlv nnuraiivo rTMl. Hnl will. tf n-ad rwrvvr ibr iiia a anfiu-ion of ihodtaania, rnn r.y i i rt iihv hl.Ol' r, M Li T, and thna nvt as fnntKKVATivn w ith iaTOcNiunrTioi, jiit Vll lNa-riON HO 4 WITH IKOilDTO H1LINX. frofesslonal Correspondence. Oot.rHura.fMiio, A-r. B. HAa..ihVhnentrat In; thia tiiafi,, for 1 war.: y -tiva yaara, and havndanv ad afiorw tuliafariion Irom tha nan of tha llvroruna rmici than toia all otitarfoima of nirdnaiion com- uiHau." ".'WA.ariinfcTtut, Mirn., Anf 1, iKMt-i havo ad tlia UvMHilwvaliiiin my prsctica with vorv rijpy af I,, i , mauli lLat 1 Mould nol UMiafid to raiualn wiinoai inrni. Vtiiw.ii T, Vt.( Anf. , 1KVI I kalinvo tha Hvi.MMii.osiil.iirf iisatri in th. manRfi and wny Dr.Chun- ' - im m . win run a. ononiMian "iSlir.prriUiuvtn, Vn.s Au. Ii. 1Q..I hav. na. crihd ihn llvMpli..aptt.l' Ia aver-. I .-aaaa, and am da l13h.aJw11lnltari.rta JtUt nrnoa.pJi.)iid woa.ltra. "UwiLL, I. July f, IfNifl.. hava aaad in alt ahont tort iMrtilvi, nnd 'n but on imUaci havn t liar fai lad to uaaafii ma patiant, un that waa n taoaefaa ono ha fto 1 waioalUd. 1 hnva had aavaratonan ttTL p by aitrnilin phfatckana who am nc aaiovit.a- enmnaia. tialy (mmI haalih, nnd ax am pt flom all iha nMu.a of Mlmoarr duaaan. I naoorad tha m m own rn, with drt-itlaxl iimtim, 1 wna rewdad aa hpalaa hy phrfttclaht and fnanda, and ttt mttalf, nnrtar lo oM laaainianl.' 1 an now abla to rida, In nuamliif on the auk, aa many mi la in a day, paibapa. na any othaf hvlvtan in tha eoan"rr.H Hooit-a 1-aLka, N. V.. Aui. v3, IK59 1 hava on ly Umi, thia mrniafft lo aa. that havo aswn atton .hr(; l it wiliiaaaina; tl.a rMJ tff)U tif the tlH.h hitot. ll.a kiauniania in jonr pp.iat nr not at all tai'f'nratf d." "l:'". K.T Atipf.S IcvW -l bavoboon n(n r ..,n.,...v.,,,.rB M i.uitv anu roil a, nnu nnvo ai prrtaas-o. atwal t mirtwamont fram than. Alan, asti on. Hhohadaharkiaffroofjh and ml4f of th htnaTa. tl hkwia annoh hanatlitrd try I hair mm. H liaTMaat, Pa , Jaly M, t - vv4 tho It iMHiwt 01 (unrwhiira ftrmoilr r Cenanaiutioa. ' (I tiai norkad vaoadara in avarv raao. Hake no Delav. t rvn-trtiat, fn nnyataroordtaonai, alMMtld roaort intiuriliattjly to iha tta af Ute H vfihohila ol lja.a and .. W'lrX'btf'i l.'anuiaa F rvitaralmo' is. aiiat trrnp), in otira Utf buttlaa. t "ettamitnllr pura;- ia ma raiiiAMon ra.M.fd b I'hnrvhtU "lor irnvfulaie;" ni 11 uraparad ncaordtua to liaaortf Innl K-rm-ila. - lr. hurclwll'a Work oa Coi.tintption C Al'TltiN Iniaroatad -Im rKU aril) try to tall vn warwir wrprti.aa inaa raiaa. jo not tlivni! My "tiHnina ((-paf.itiiMMbMr my lae nail i-iiatur. Ukwapb of all prparaiKMia alaiminf to ba (ho Hy. p)oapliia, tahtvb. auniain ikun, o any on no. Tlio uuotry ia likrtf loba nWUd nh piirtoai prapnrn lioaa. Hy wrtoru 1st o, ywai ubiaia iMinrnanUwn tknt wiU prat ant an? dfiin' baiu orartlad non yoa. Iha laf Halt fiiraiahad 10 tlia )'rf aieioa. rnit-i Uvula, 9'lx thro Holir tW 3, Con eaalrtd fitlutloo, Ut wail, pco notO, ISolJ Whota.atn a at fctalul, l tlie am liarl Dkt ia ika I'allaii Ulalai l. I LA IKll II i ,. i a. u ' 43 Jha mini, N Y. For SnraVyI.Zt.Kl Jol.n k La-.and J.i. Wooataf, Tirhn, U. jlyH-lt Jnrub I ritchrr' llstate IS t 1 ct ia liorcby pi ven that tlie tbetbf mM honn aniiitaUd aiatl tjualinad na Adam, mrwni t4 li.a hatnlo w( kr:'.-St. Ulv nf rVnaon CauiHij ir.'iaa. 1 1 J L. Uk.ltt Mil Tl I' t K, tA(Bd IM 'tit Jif of Oil,, riaU. 3 ACIRJ. TO TIO MotH AKK;ONft TII4T It wall al cia ootua w.11 r.saa. adard I U Aatl tlaar atatlt anant. Aasstsaaa. "I fi. r.-Jir) w ii ola ai SANFORO's 'iff HTJ"W . i 1 . 1 f Hi , l t,. fi,,,-, l . JV- 1 r.T alf r' - t - itk rvr IT If CMrH n - .it t: n4 hut Kx-rtr n ( Maxitrin. knw ae j Hal tl, l an) re-..f i .i II ft I tot tat-t- h if C It kt cvJIrl t htm ml- 'Hktia th tA yvnya, WrM Km4 fry(1 Bp a 1 1; 1 pi of fhf, tJ K nnmrtM nibticllvdevr-! PI tilitmltji ia my po aion ahnvr. I JJj 1 ht roa aarl V nrlairt- tJ to Ihw t'mvHvrtn)! m4 the) tnettvi'tvHBt tilt if lit, it1 wift jf Tjr h qnip. titloafja, h rit'r n 7 MnwRli. 11 ih rltrtaita f or j iii1fmnt fil JKW In th th I.Wr In- K) vitrntntor. and it will Bf Llf CsmnMaii. Hillnna Attar-fce- ltt. ippU,4'frrrnii 4ifiW,l O'f- fw m PT f 'wwftittrttt, TrrrT. lflTl, Hil" T ,-fTr'II, Hh'tvif fnt- tlfntiar h()ir, i holvii prj inrnn'an, H ttolrrtr , iinl)lf, Ktmala? W-ai- a n-, nr m? b .4 arw-roaafnllr Onlia-, f irT mtf Me-.tif m 1 WiNrr' tirfc hiUi h' 7 r'tfa thmiaitn'U rnn t tf f,) ill TwilTT JUttrfM,1 CD ,( two rr tfiraf tefltprvoo. hiU mtm imkm ml pom-i t0 menmsit of mtrk. All h mm it art rit-l ihttr teitimony I hi hmr. I I Mil WtUeT In the Wnnfh with the In TfjfiMr, trMt arwRltow rVHh tO-ft rtfr. Trice Onr Uollnr Vet nottfe. SAFOIiD'S PAMM.V CATHAKTIC riLI.f), i tMi'ui;M)i;u From Pure V (tctnliln I itrMt lv and pat op in taut, Ait 1 idfht, ! will k in y nlimnt. Th Katnily rathaiHa) 1 PII.I ( ffirtW hnl lir (. atitartto which Ihfti rortMor hi RaWtt im hti j if n.'irta mm tho llvvvnl ararj. Th ronalrnily iraajrejsul 'at.if drmantt ffm tVna wh hav Inn nar thai 'Pilla, ftrtrl th tHlii! t ion which kll ttfa in reHI to lhir , hM tniinrvn m to par them yJQ .thin trio rnrh of ill. Th rmfoaaioft w k, a nnw tht tiilffn-nt tnartlo aw t nit HtnVrMd W ivortinnonf ih hnrti. Ih. Family (Jathvrticl ! I' 1 1 .1. haa, wMh ln ra forotir-n to thia wll -. ttbhh.l irwti, Imoneam pottr(sd from variofy of thajt rmrort VarniFrl K tracti, wbiL-h ant ahkn n 3Urj partAl U altnmn Ury ena, anrl ara wor, nntt lri In all tnca wlmr a Cathartic ian i O 4" ttanh na letMr mama f lha WtmM-hJ irUniHifl , V in lha Hah anrt Itin, 4 'oOtvc-l 1o, Tain anaj Htvpamwaa orafiha hnl bMtw, rom V tirien enltt, winch lr qnantly, if nf l-t, n, nH in n lonf onri of Kavrr Isoaa of Anjvatita, a rrftp ! fc in r tt'1ion ni I'nM o vet th MMrf Pa.iUai- Haartarb. OT wrifht in th H viiil, nil itriflamrnntorT luai. Worm, in ri.. I,un r A , T",i t 1 1 . Mliatnaiiin. yrvnt t'nriht r ot tha blooOj Urn) t.tnr iiaan l whih flavah ia htf, traoj , Utnmna I nnlin In Ibis advartiaamont. ho t H. Itrir Thtry l'rnt. Tim l.lvar linrlforatoT nnd p aniily Catnirflc Piltiara ratailfr by l)rnfLl, centrally. an aoltl wlioltiaia lI UitTritlt in all irrfr trwn. H- T. W. SHnford, H. T). , Mannfaptarvr nrl Ifpriftf . hroailway, Naw Vo?k. Fotilbjf J.F.H'tMr,Til1.n, o. . cwtM-lr Attnchmrnt IV'otiffa Jamer M. rattaraon l'laintiir, ajralnt Ilamy titiatoft, Dai'andinl. Rt-rnrs .Tta, j. '. Clinton lp., fI,na t'n tl. Tli ilnra mimctl hafmilant wilt ink' noitra (hat on lha 1th ilav mf HfriUmiwr, A . I. I'tfl. an id Jnitf. iaanad an cfrtr of ntisU'hfnant in tha ntvnvo na tion, for tha aurn of titrtv one doilan and ntnatr rwtu, Tiflln, O. f.t.2'i, 'iO .1 Jamii l . P rrnnaon. Privntc Sale Maw in 111 Tlio iindorsirjni'd offers at priTnte a la. hia Biaam Haw Mill, til nut ail at Bloomvlllf, Ha. rrM-n ( 'oamlv. HWio, wit nJI bwioneinf ( tl, a amr I y : Two arf cf Inn, I, n tmall riwtlirf honaa, ihla.a Inrga uinttrn, &;., ko., al I na w. K'r ttirtiicr (it format -.pplv'rt MM'HAKL IK'NMt KKK, Mloomvilla, Oct. 7, 3w Premium Ambrotype PjHOTOGRAPIIS! TUNISON & : FAY, Have again Taken tlie rrcraiuxn, for tho bt Ppocimana of 2imbrotypt Daguerreotypes & Photographs Tlwr ara now nrrnrd to frirniih fholr haarrtiiVI (parmirtanf Art,(Tiit Fhotof rapha.) from llnant)ro lo LIKE Hlts, ml -ry thanprnra, Copiaa takaq frnn old Iirijmftirontypea m nny olhr kind of I'irtiirv, nndanlariad to nny tlie minirad. Tboaatvho wnnl Good Life Like Pictures, wonld do well tofflvo a rail and rinmin or Hp.,. nni. Kpat iiilnltaniton iacaltrd to unr Aitihrutypaa, TAKEN ON PUIirtK GJyASa, which fn? boaut nnd rttirnbfMlv la far anparior In ny othar IJInoa ptrtnr. Thm ia no lllack Yafnub nboot iham to crnek and apoil tho pu-tcra; and Wo Warrant them to Stand atlklndanfotlmataor wanlhnr. Onr Colwrod AmbrO tp(a:iviii nil tho nntumJaolon of tlia Heah and dra nprya far tiiparinr to nay tliiar of lha kind in thia Stmt of lha country, nnd havo taken Ihn KI RHT PHE HL'M fot' tha la it tliraa jroara nt onr Annnni kain. A Large Supply of Plain and Fanry f'naai alwan n hand, frnan tho rhnaMalin ihn bait. ISoyoo en alwaaaha aromoila tad in rrjrard to I'rieo and Quality, arfaot Likanen aaofMnall Children WnrmnifMl. RilOMH la Tomb'a Block; alA rmwMlto In Co art Homo. Xl'NlMlN 4t FA V. Tnhn, Ott.7, M9. Portable Cider Llilla nnd 2P resQeiai Smith, Ilariicti,' fc Co., Am ones nton- nn hsoil .nd prvp.rsd lo rsfmUh thoM wi.hins 10 p.ruhn,. C'hlwi Mill., ob .lirt Mtlca, at oi.iiui.vlDiiuf ni:.. llits Mill, aio Comiinct and SubtarltiHI, ami sflljr mov.i? frota hlitca fo, sntl tli. prvit m.k.. on. of Ui. b..t oha.rt pr...... Tors atusJI J.ity, ihn ess b ol. . C'sll so la.v. your onlt-n. BMITll, BAIINF.3 ,V CO. eo'w boslh snd Mala urott, T Uls.O. ugar Mills,: For Pressing tbo Chinese Sngar-canc a-.tliin H. .n A ..nnl.1. In .11 M.n. Isoafof 1 svShorttft. M.nof.eturd Sua1 for tsh bj oc7-4w . SMiTrr,LAR!JE8fi Oo, MRS. WINSLOW, Aaoierioncad Nurao and Kanato rhyiiataa, ptvoonU Ui tha nlttntlon ot auotlrvra, bar SOOTJIING SYllUr, For Children Teething, which rraaltr fnrihtatoa ihr Drocoaaolloailnii. bv aof- onina: tha iia, raduciaj all iMliniiaUmn will oiuy au ram Ia-4i bchiw, bdmi ib Nine to Keiculnle Ihe Iloweln. IWpaud apon it, muihan, U wilt giva iaa to ynr anlvaa, and iallf and baalth to yoor infanta. Wa hava put up arid aold thia articla for ovav tan ynara, anduan aay , ia ronhilanro and ttutb of 11) what no havo not I aoa: othar madicino; Mrs. bhi to tST mfmmf rAi i il.Kli. IN A. WlHSlOW't HisulsIsit AMtK M AS H timalynaad. Ma.i DUULUIIlg ivor did wo know an inUna of C Y D IT p idiMaiistalioa by ai lias ia, kA W i.A .1 11. .L. ovutrary, all ara riatihtad wiib ittnparntUni.aBd ijak in term of hi-hjn coniniondaiiun of It manu al atitu and niadlrnl (rl-ie. Wa ijak in tli 1 1 at Iter " h at wo do know, aft rr tra yea-a of e tsarlet a, and ptfa our rapuMtiaa lurlho rVLriLMkn r of what mi hrvd oiaro. Iu ainaoat ova-ry imua whoro Iho Infant la anlVring rWm pain anal oahaauion.rrliaf will ba IuhimI in Aleao or twenty niintiiaa altar Lbt ftuy t adaaiaia ttd. I hi valaahln preparation tl th prewrij-lion of on utf lit moat axPatHiant t and aitiLr l-l Nisiii ia fiw Eatrland, and haabaon tiifd with Ka vt AlLiu $uc onaa in Tli(H HMid 11K ( ASV. It not only rliavtha ebihl from pain, hal Inviyof' aioa tS alooiarh and btrl, cormii aridity, anal fiva toaand rnfrry Lo IU nbvl ()lni. It willtl. oaaat Inatantly tahet Griping im the ; !iwVln, Wind Colic, imS .mronMi .OS For ir nut p.;i Ijr N u.ia. o-; bfiiiarei ni u ik. ...T us ivBs.T BBMs-i Taathlnr ;isth. sil """" l CMIUIisss, h.lh., II (, m rViMU sa oilii-t c.u.o. t uul.l ,.r i..,.,, malh. or whoa., a chiWl .s.riBf fr,.ai any of th. lorvoin Moiplstnl. Soaot 'vltouf rkBJLOti.s. Burls. l.j UI. . at olli.n, Il.i.d fMI MJ ,ou, 0I.1U. iu,s tho rali.l oiU bo -n, .1.1. t. .uso to klkiw tin of till. oiodKiao, If iibkIi a.i). Fell diiat-Uo. liit hnof will BL-v.iini.iiof .ll li-.ttl.. Son. aauataa B.i.H lUo 1st tia.lla of I I K I Irt fc I'l.BM.trl, Naw I oii. I. oo tit. oauioo wtapr. Kula lliaol.l. iI-mmiImmM tho OOfl.l. t rrinvip.! Oihco, No. I3i'.lf .-.It.el. V. fKlt t UfttV isaCL.NTS hUH BUI I UK. lor .! b I. L. tt. Juka 4 Co- soil J. k. VV'uouoi, f'i.l..TilIiB.O. ootll it "; ;".. is Rew F.sitatilihltiMCut. SGAB3 & T02ACC0. la Ulv.bBalbsil.i ..Uklilk-1 ' ' SEQAU'& TOP.ACOO STORE, ON W$lllKiTf FTItKCT, Naart" 0u;:ta iii t ..urt .m ia, rnpc Kr pb1 pt attiwiaaala uuJ uil, II. it invwtsi llnvAt.a. i aUa, l a and 1-hbc rv.-rtl Lw uaaa brai -ta rl ! -laat awl a.iiokiaji fjaatw, L-. BtUatat- 1 KI trvtA V avaoaiitwn t. aawly op. iU Cvait Hohm, ' ! Brns and Hedcinc .Vo. 1 Miaichan'H III or I;, (oa lha efnr,) TIFFIX, OHIO. IP. X'VToojrjltor, ' IlKAl.KK IN DHUG3 AUD I.TEDICII.E3, . t r.i (nit Jl i!i-iitr, . Perfamerf, f'oa. h Yarn iS Furnlinre ana Demur, Winks, ruAKinrt, Liquors, Ac. 10 000 iiiecon Wall r..T, from tl-ones Rntt n i t H . will t.a i,t . . . clr iwit K lot of "m-Ii t n.1.1. .t . rv'Mvm,,li rwrt S-f..r nH-r.d m Un. c If .lo-,'l l.,rs-l oia ilu. S liool DooliS, Ktutiouory, Jt,ks, aa., a. IVtoiit Medicines of every ties- eripttnft. CMnirrljiM'a IljjnihorijihItcs of "nil Hol, fbr t'oninmtlli.a. ' rcruvian Svrti)--a. very ccle- brstsd srticl Rr th ii.-Mls. ScanJiuavittii Blood Purifier. Kennedy' Aledicnl Discovery, -. UooHand'a Oennun Bittern, Boorliftve's Holland Bitters. . Dr Christie's Ariio BalRam. "I svlll arlva IA ana itaawtsi tl. .a . a " ' '" " ' " "'" rw n UVIlfr nitia orona mora tnra to enra A gat nnd Kavar. Cod Livar Ui). Jml loctired Sit Holp, )r. Tninontt. : ureenoiiirhg INoii-KmiIoriva nrninf l-loitt. ta par fttllon. . V cgetablo Oil Curnin FlniJ, ' AT J. F. WOOSTKtt'8 No. 1 frwvwtian Bl&k. 'A I V. -A Filly Oritu Will hny 1 lb. Condition Powders,' th 'ift in ii and nnly half iht oomninn prior, HEAH Till: i' hi 11 ! N V . lr. loi;i VV.CrU' Vfr.a VrtrrinrirT Hnrirann. aya; "I hava ad V'Malr'l 4 inlilioa tow 4ft, and I aoitiMar iham J) Laat ar tivh in nan. I havo uaod Sloaa'a, nnd othar kim!, and I nutiilrr thia far nprerior ir vla-nntinf iha IIIikhI and Btvisia an appatita gi a that hair agltMay appaot ant e ral nlky." Mr. Thorn rt of TymnrntHr nnrl Mr. Ilnrton of KVpuMift, any: Wa haf niad n varinty af kmrla, ana) wa comfrW AVoofter far pralaraMa to any in nao," (.'onto nnd try than. Heave onr Ilollnr Will bay a bottlo of iuoUicinu that will onro hravaa arTavtiuaMr. HKAR THE TK.sriMON V,-Mr. John Michael mya: ! havo natl ono bottlo of voir Heavo maHictiw, and it haa Mrformad n patriae t curt." P. (. Thit ia rntirt-ly a naw preparation, ft la not a Powdor, but a Liquid. For alo by J.F. Wooata- only. , role Evil one Dollar Will buy a Imttlo that will cure r. KtI) svery tint. For tsh? by J. r. Voolr,alj. IliiiK alone one Dollar Will buy a box of King Bono euro. roi ml. bj I. P. Wooitei, oalj. RAT sjanav a-.. Us IILLEBISSI, hi. " k-- ' f . 9.1 Ccilf4 Will buy BottUof RAT KILLER, which in a ccrtuin ltat Killer and do mistake. "Warranted 1000 000 RATS killeil auiiually'iu tlio Statu of Ohio. For Sulo by . J. F.' U'oostcr., IPJ. Guard against Fall & Hintcr Fires BY .. CHOICE IXSVJKAXCE ' WITtl TUB - Iucorpornt.'4 isitt 1 haru-i reri.t tunl. CASH HP1IJL, l.D.n, . . . . .... AIWOI.r.'TE AND L'MMl'AUUai. NET SURPLUS OF 951.181,72, And Iba pratl cl 40 yaaraauuo and aipaiiawa, VPWAKbN F l-l.(KKJ,tX0 Of o hava Iwaa paid ba th ifctit Itjatirr cca C Jtu . pa'tv mi it (! rt'My yaara. Tb valua of rvlixlil Ifinirmutt mil ha apjiarant frnin tid towi n LOSSaS rAIU JUV XUE JETXi" IUKINO TUB PAST riVIC Yl-AH-S, In Ohio, , f ni,Vu.1 Wiat-onaia, . llb.!ii.U7 Kantiu'.fcy, . i'4iH.m,U In Mii-bian. vl,in M liKknn, - 146.'-.l'.iLJl IHlitvia, d4r-,:i.'',al lennrsira, . a7,5,Vl k.u.ti Ki'b. u.:,,:7' Aikattaai oi tin. VS.Mj.UO Mlionr(, yh4,a i,ih Iowa U Minn. )i.3'4Hn faun 'a at V a. 3I,Aj' aUt4lfpi aavl AiaOniaw, A J3i Fire m1 Inluud NarlKaCioa. Staka aucnpiad at ltmt uvnai.ieiu with iulvauoy an4 U.rprMtit. Rapoolal nttanon fivaa to lnvranf of Uwikunul and Nnii, Im tanoa ol ) la 5 vanr. wh aud aaitic iantf an a sneralulij u.J, aaJ li air uvjiiirai ma .una n,i,raiii t t.a.,.an ,,.. oaaoi in 11 h..t hsiaild not I,, narrhwilail l, ' I ! raadr tat tmnro nJ .nik.. .a.... i........ Oufan atriniont litoan' .! n.-i.iiv IV.r fliaril lnriL trti-aiaaa Iniporanv dntv lb tnlti wwt'ny ownan lv uttu Iwaabaiajt Un ncb lata otird. Affnclai la ad tl-. prlnplpf Wii-a. ln.l fwni ti.m' mnh. Mai h'hnc, n'-H v.ii:-.ii it.'t, by a.. ' ol i- ilnljf nuthorirr.) A nia of the livai,v. t.& UitilDtal io with ik-H'-t' h and fl'lftily. JuLUiAUU AbAAla, AluI. Tin,aiarHv in, tm A'; Is . A i i Mi t A fc Sirt in a rtm.yfcih.l rl .!. Itlitl soau if aain Isnat a. aalB aa J ol Uouaivwn Laftu in t.v4U av'iiinn. J 'l!!; - fTT'"'""1' "i"Ti p : I '( t.Tw-:,' 'vi;. f. ... r V ) , N