OCR Interpretation

The Tiffin weekly tribune. (Tiffin, Ohio) 1859-1868, October 21, 1859, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076793/1859-10-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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"" u r. a u i .Vira i , i
t"Th.thrTimH ?rF. baa th lnr.
M rf rrnlntii, anal ta, trineiWa., th
mnlim, lor artyf-msing, ia .Vaccn
Term of SiiWriptlon.
1 copy, 1 year. In a.lrence $ f.O
I ir f .hi anhin Hie year '2 00,
1 If piiH after the year evira.. . . nil I
No 'pr will h etnpr.e.1 until all irrmmf '
are pawl, utile at the upuun of the publisher!.
T Mill,..
As an Iniluer-mr nt to ptM"ij np fT'it., tp
cTit the Tuni t the follow ine Mtej:
.Club of 6, 1 Tear, iu aJrauce, $1 r5, earh
" 10, '
14, l.iM
' !M, " 1 10 -
a;., " " i.oo
knr oti rove to the (tetter up of lub of 10
PiitHarrir,ers wr more .
Ol'l SuiWrltirr fin enter Into Uvii rtnnge
mMil bv pavine, np ill arearage,
Specimen copi.- irnt free.
Itlntik-.! ItlatiLn.
All kin. I. of Dlanks, of the most approved
torn., woll printed on fine paper, kept enn
aiautlv on hanil unit for title cheap at Uio Tai
n Ornct, ajch
Deed", Summons
. Jlortnie, Mitipoeua,
Al'n him nK, teudl,
iifnninn ronlntlc Sale.,
Hlnnlt fnln, Ac, Ac
tTJustire- snr) Notaiirs: (npjllcd on reas-
untile term., jrjj
A lor the Tribune.
The following persona are. authorised to
art as agents fur the Tmi'ki, in receiving
uhacriptiuiii and receipting fur the aamr:
Nam i.-;.
I uter Oraicr.
. , Molnmre,
. . .s ftepulilio.
, Went Lodi.
Flat Rock.
Butternut K iiifre.
Careen piina
.Lowell (A.lama P O)
....Watson' Station.
Ft Seneca.
...... Adrian.
l'alo Alto.
. . . Jjclcsou Townanlp.
Paniel Hieliardp,
3)iitti,il P'-lim
M. R. Malta
II . Robinson ,
J. W. Leonard
Ueo. Hardliner, Eq..
David UnAerliill
E. J. Wclker ,
Abner Niais
J. U.Bnck, E
Horace Hull, fc.su.
Win. S. Mc.Mwin
John Z.-IUt
J. A. Miller.....
David iMuilh. .
J. V. Jones, 00,
J.V. Laalirad, Lau...
John Kerr, E.-iq
J. II. HruikorhoH
A. It. Lee
Daniel Stintaueh. . . .
Col. J. Lockbart,. .
llntr oT AdtrrlMiiiK',
AfrilapoB bf Ua pmiri)on af lh Tiflia TnUana
ad Ptaava Adfrtifrr May ltHb;'lrH, t ba ttrivtry
afarad la all aaaa.i
Aw. 1m. J in.
ibo (i vl in
iinii so j v
3 iai 4 INI A 141
4 lal J INI , t ml
4 V i VI Ml
5 (Ml 6 in) 7 .,ll
II 7 51 INI
boo mm wii
IN) )l IN) 14 INI
la no ini u 00
ft m.
(1 I)
S ai
7 u
a in)
ib on
n in
1 yr
'i mi
a lai
10 iai
W Ikl
11 'Nl
11 no
911 INI
9 iai
!ll fi
411 la
9 )nnr
4 Miikr
4 Qitluma
j rnlnina
t rnluma
', Mlmn
I tnnia
laarrf.a I t , an jraar
I r A mlarttna af S par aaat. naaa the aba ralaa
will ka aiaila tat ra.b.
TSa apnea, oceopiad by 1011
lh hnly ol' ti Rdvcrticioi.t, wilt b coiuM,d
AM trniUnt i1vrtiim'nt,tftliT wiih Admtnl
tratio AtUhmn., Ho4 ul UiUih Notloi, uu b
mU latin tvdvanr.
Attrrt.4ntRU (oMrtcti for m IfeUlUiU time will
1 uhirjrcd far anllt ordered ot
Wfl yirljr tveniicaienu ir InNrtail, or
aon phnnci wilt b -(towrd.
For Sale at thi OHirc
On Kul I &-holi.r.l.ip In Dm Oliio Hinu and I'nion
C'ollfjr, rrv1nd, Ohio.
On Pall Hcholiirthi in th Kcltctio Collcga o( Mdi
elna, CinciBotit, Ulu.
All of tK abov wiH h aoM tty rheup ft ,mh.
Invalids uilh Ague and
Fever. Lung Disaases, &c.
Ad lhl lr. t.hr't Afu i'ar, Ux CM onii (wr
hot tin, warranted o cuatnia no ctuinina, ia t)M moa1. mi
lti'jr.artalnrnraror Aguaand Kevar, ('lull Kutvr.m
livCrkij"f.t KfVr, 01 any pTfirtrntlim for la In ilia
eity. ft ia th RhNMigt aa well a ht, trfratur it wilt
t-tr and keep it fiimi. And hit Coah lvrni, railed
KUhvr'a 'niMnnd Hvnpuf liiifr, at VS rii ir vial,
la a adiria ol rrrat valaa in all li nftiia Lnnira,
Wnittpi or lironrliial lultaa, and In a anti-ltiliuaa 1'tita,
!, are p.c l.ar:jr writ a.ti.iila.( to the ei're !' aM ami
frbvr, ciuli favrr, bihuua (ever, V-., iri.-t W ivniauer
b. Dr. J. FIrrllLH.
. TitHa, Aiijoel 9lh. ?m
" mis. " ii v.v77JTrr7
An aarianrei Ntwva ad frmaU Physician, haa m
hje..n rvnajt for children liih(iif, which prally
faviiiuiei Ihe rnfna wl tax-tjiini; hv aflrnii)f he
fraaa., rdwin( intlamaiien- wl H aMav all fiiin, antl
a aare torrnlat the bwvta. ltind un lt.ntli.
era. it will iri a rt to ytinrrlvt, aul riil and health
te ytr inlanta. I'arfectly af in all caaew. (e a
vaHtiwrmeni in anuthar rolunin. oet 4- Ir
TCT Sio AtlvtirtiHcmcnt of Dr.
t VNKtKITH l.lvrr Inrlgnntor and Kamily t'aihartic
filla in nnather rolutwn.
IMnkoIiiI ion Aoliir.
Koliee ia herehy jnven that the re-partnerthin her
tnf.tre tuiiin. ltMe II. II. hnidar and A. V. Ojlt,
antler the Htm name it Hainan it Oui.a, waa on ttia
V.ihdar of AnpiHt, lKS't, di-aohml hy mntnal con-awt,
and that the Nutr-a and Houh aorAiuiia of lh a fore. a id
tint are left ia the )o.eaioa f A. V . rle for aet i la
aaeiil. fcMDLK 4k
I return tlianlcs to ray oM friends
and entomra for paat favrr and an licit thetr patronnf a
fw the euaiutf MtMon. 3U Jo) A.V.tM.l.E
a 1Lr vt J a. J
(Esubliflicd 1778,)
Na S33 BioaJwav, N. Y.
iXhb. ajrecullc 2lni3, designed
csptxialiy as a
Safe and reliable Rtcdlcint
for Family Use,
luilcrcd to the Public as a supe
rior article, poirtfllng all the vir
tues afcribed to it as a Medicinal
llcvcraye, and defcrving of their
patronage in preference to the fus
picious deceptions emanating from
irrefo!.Iiblc fources, and fold un-
iliip i"l ri ,n e arif.rif ifMin Mnmar
'vi-i iiiuua j u H.HUUU3 iiaiiiLM
The fa that our houfe feftablished
in 1 77, ) lias attained a favorable
reputation for the -riuine character
and purity of its Liquors, will, we
trull, be a suOiciv-nr guarantee of thj
eictllence cf tiis article.
Tut up in Quart Bottxis, in
cafes of orie and two dozen each,
and foil throughout the woild ly
Druj.'gill.i, Grocers, &c.
Dru:nfls and Dealers
SunnlieJ with
'.i. 'A I" .-"j United States I)ond
tutaair ( , L. hi. Jal u . Cu J. urn. a(il-ir
Local and Miscellaneous.
Adv.rtl.ia.M wa.t ha k.n,taa ei by Vf adaoaday ta
ieara ina.., th sntrr waaf,.
Sandusky, Dayton & Cincinnati R. R.
ratvaentt.T Trine on Uiia rrm-1 now l?e
tliia Statjon aa fnll.iwa:
0ang Bow fli. Ooing Jfir1r.
Mail a.iiiia I Mail 5 )f
iglit F.xp.l:tilm I Hohl Exp..S:l5 A u
Carey Aeennimodntino.
To Sanilu.ky t lU I To Carey 1010
ry-Rr,...!.!,. ana Tiffin tra'a arrf-.i I. TiffiaallO,
l-liek k.r. Tindil, fw R.raWla and Ui
wUy for I'ailnria and I'piwr :iindiM,lT.
I rlla HloriilnK. -t. Ml, I .,.
Job rrintln.
We hare alt the facilitiea of thalareer cltlea
for doing all bimla of Hook avid Job ri iiithiR.
in the hithe-t aryle of the Art, anal orj Terr
reaaonable Icrtna. Uire na a call.
Wood! Wood!! Wood!!!
Any amount of gioj wood wanted at thia
offiew on etiliaeription. Now ia the time to
bring it in. .
nua Tlinea these are in Tiffin, rmdnee
of nil klnda la coming In our alreeta ore
blockaded with tma and our merchant are
reaping a gulden harreat. I
We mil ftttentiou to Uie advartiaemont
of Mirtea A. A M. A. Ilualiand't Millinery
and Fancr Store in Toniti't Illnek. Tbey are
juat reeuiving a flue aasortineut fiV Uio WinUT
Rnllrnnd Arrldeut. On Monday mor
ning lost, the locomotive of the mail train on
the S. I). A 0. R. R. waa thrown from Uie
track, alwut 9 milee NorUi of Foreat, by a tree
that had fallen ecmeatlie track. Fortunately
no on waa hurt and the engine but little in
Nnd Accident. Wo are pained to lenrn
that a young lady, daughter of Mr. Abner
ftims of Adams townahip, thit eounly, waa
aererely burned, on Friday laat.by berelothea
taking fire from a cook atote. ' One aide of her
pcraon is badly burned and it is feared she
will lose the use of one of her hani!s.
No mini InatitatTeachre,o not for
get Die Iiiatitute to be held at Ilepullio, ooni
menciiig Oct. 31st.
Let tlioae who with to riae in their profes
sion 1 on hand. Measure have been taken
which will ensure it to lie by Ur Uie best In
til ute ever held in the eounly.
Tho Iuatitute will continue twowocka.
Hcnera C ounts Academy. The Winter
t. Tin of tins Institution a ill ooiiiuience Nor.
21st, and during this term, Inut suctions will
U-given In Uie various branches of an English,
Scientific and Classical Ed nation.
Mathematics are most thorougly taught in
this Institution.
Boarding can be obtained on reasonable
terms, or room found for those who wish to
bjard themselves. '
Iletiltar llrend, ( nkea and Pudding.
If you want nioe light bread aud biscuits,
use Herrick Aliens tiold Medal Sulerjtue. It
haa not it at.ua I in thq world. It ia much
betUs: to use with Cream Tartar than Soda.
Do not b put off Willi any oilier. Hav Uie
Cold Mcdul or none; it ia Perfectly healUiy
aud ill Trove a saving in Uie quantity of
flour. Try It For Tala by Grocer and
Druggists generally, and St wholesale stWLit
uey' eandusky.
A Itnthcr I'uroniHiitio Circumatanre
was brought to light, laat ww-k, In which a
young lady of Tiffin figured aa ttio unwilling
victim. It seems that, during Uie Summer, a
stranger frequently visited our town and paid
hi addresses to one of our young girls. Bbu,
careless aa to who or w hat he was, believed
his smooth words aud flattering tongue and,
uon his promising to tnnrry her at Columbus
as soon as they should arrive there, Uiry start
ed on the 4 o'clock train. When they came
to a villuge near forest, he said he had some
business and Uf.eJ to stop over one train
and urged her to represent herself as his wife.
bbe consented and he delayed until Uie night
train passed aud they passed Uie night togeth
er as man and wife. On the morrow (elcc
tiou day) Uicir conduct excited surprise aud
inquiry, seeing trouble brewing, our hero
sloied, having hi victim among atrangers,
betrayed and iienuilce. AMer U'iiig ordered
out of Uie Hotel, she finally confessed Uie
tr uth as we have stated it.
The men rnisi d a collection and paid her
fare U- Tiffin, whither she started, we trust, a
wiecr girl.
Thia sad denouement may prove a warning
to auecoptiljle young ladies, not to trust to ap-earanoe.
October. We clip the following teasona
ble article fl-om the Cleveland Liana:
Oatulwr tint are Uie mo t brilliant and va
riegated of the season. Already (he trees of
tn lorest took uke a bery of belle droaaad
for a calico ball. The mellow, goldiu sun.
light falliug upon Uie prrti colored lureat trees,
couipletes tlie crowning glorvp)!' our Autumn.
Our American forest Uvea wear rioher dyod
rubea thaq any other. In no other clime is
seen such varied shades of scarlet, crimson,
yellow, and blown, iso say foreign tourists.
Our hard maple turns scurlct in musses. The
old oak is criiasJin and. brown. The hickory
a divrk brown. The poplar a yel!ow, the iiep
rane crimson and purple, and other foieat
shrub and trees mingle Uieir color with the
sitll lingering rmenild until the rich hues ri
val Uie imperial glorit. It is well worth a
journey of mile to roam iu Uie grand old
woous at mis i.reuiuer season,
"Tadriuk tlia ,)nrlt ef ths golds day,
Aad triuaipb ia sslttsnsa."
C'onrt la still in session. Judge Sciicy on
the bench. The ease that hav been tried
thus fur have been civil suits of no siecial in
terest, extt to th parties. The caa of L.
B. French v. Thomas Adams, Involving civ
il damage fie- "assault and battery," came to
a termination on Thursday morning by Uie
jury bringing in a verdict for the jjlaintiff of
The Grand Jury adjourned oa Tuesday, af
ter finding some 16 true bilU, luus'Jy fur mi
nor offencea.
The folio jug are Ui regular juror for this
O A. ltlaekwi ll,- Blo.,rn
Oea Kuinmdj, Clinton
A- LtlgentK-eJi
Jedvdiah Holuea, deu
K. S. Martin,
Peter ritun, , Jaekson
.Ine. Tboioaa, Uberty
l'lulip Byeia, lxiudou
Tbiai. Brundaga, . fvnpia
Feter Burgner ihompaoa
.1 HO. 11. Jilull
I'eU-r Vaneest ' Tiflio
Aaron Carr .
O. J.Keew '
J. II. Jt'iL'UswanJ.-r '
Paul. I; i i.hvI l!ig Spring
Joshua VVt,Uon ' '
Kxra Di i-r Cliotoa
Win. Kiilholu ' ' "
John Miuhael "
'I'hoa. baau-.ier . . s ? ; " . t ,
Kri d. JloloiNrter JacVsull '
Itolit. I'alu-rauu ' loudou '
Jehu Wilkinana, i Heed . .
Kdward I'iuld Venic
Ludwn' Y neatly ' ' ' '
V. L. Aii;i.iuiy Tliuuipsoa
A lilt's) drl afc-ed 3 year ynunijeat daajh-1
trt af Mr, V.'ra Cad af Fremont was sever,
ly aaelded oa Monday th 10th by Mling
back waids into a pail of taw ling Wat,.
Ta first train frem Arcadia over the Fr.
snoat and Indian i R. ft. arrived at Fremaat
on Monday (vening the HHu loaded wiik
lumber. 1
Sriciat. Joseph Z:lrr, a German farnser
reaiding about three mile eoutk wait of
Psn-Ttjurj, in Miildlrtoo town.hip, hang
hisa.elf on 'I harailay night last, to a limb of a
tree, near his reidcnro. His body was found
by his wife on Friday morning.
Fiaa. On Tueadny night 11th Inst at about
10 a'clock, Mr. Ladd't bain, on east Front
street Perrjsburg was Uisvov end U be on fire,
and the flames spread so rapid) t th.it no effort
eoald sav it, or any of ila contents, except a
span of horse. It contained about S3 or .10
tone of boy, 100 bushels of buckwheat, and a
variety of farm Implement sleigh, A.
On Uie morning of Saturday, the 54th ult, a
man named Jamci Garret, familiarly known
In the neighborhood as "Irish Jimmy," wa
found dead In th wood near Washingtnr,
Crawford county, and near him was found a
Jug, which txplalnedthe cause of his death.
W learu from th Galion Democrat, that
a man named Lea Thompson, on Thursday,
broke open the Galium paatoffiae using a
log of wood to baiter the door and break the
locks. The noise attending this warlike en
try, aroused people sleeping in the vicinity,
who easily arrested th rcinai kabl
Dr. J. F. Tcrkcy of E.is! tp. was severe
ly Injured, by being thrown from his horse,
while totnruing from tho Fair at Fiadlay, on
uvsi r riuay.
Rome Potato. Mr. M. J. Spitier of Mourn
tp. has left at our oftioe a anecimen potato of
ilia raising, which Is a "whopper," weighing
when dog 4 IU. It consists of four distinet
lobe joined together In a grotesque manner.
Mr. S. inform us that from 870 hills, he rais
ed 38 bushels of potatoes. Who can beat it ?
This is a prolific season for potatoes and Re
publican victories .
Onlv Tea lnllttr..lt .til 1 ..
lured by our renders that Ihe Raymond Ten
Dollar Sewing ll.chine receive!! favorable no
nce at our bounty .air, and a Diploma. An
examination of tliia tn.-hiti win
one of ita aimdiittr An.?;t r... ..!
and durability, The umehiuea are well made.
anu coat only itu, or with UHs and gear for
more rapid work, only $15. Messrs. Knight
A l'igi-U'W, of Uiis citj, have pureliasud Uie
right fur the counties of Lucas, Seneca and
Hamilton. Mr. Hipelow will remain in Tola
do and keep an assortment of machines fin sale
heen. an.l t k'.,i,.l. I . ...
,n c auuu mr Cin
cinnati to attend to Uie aale of Uie machine in
inai cny, i crson wisliiug to proenreaSew
ins Machilmar intill tutMt W....1.I .1.. ..n
examine Ihd Itav-niAi,,! Unl.;..d v.. or
riummit fet. Tolkdo IIlau.
Thee niachiuc will be on exhibition at Ui
Bhawhan Bouse, on Mo:idy the 2 1 til inst.
Council Proceedings.
Tiffin, Thursday, Oct. 6, 1859.
Council mot and was called to order bv Uie
Member present, Hovcv. Hciniim and Wat
am .
The Clerk Uien rvad Uie minutes of Ui last
niei ung, wnicii on motion were approved aa
Ac't of W. W. Armstrong of lfl,75 for print
ing fur quarter endiusT Out. I lr-ii).
A. B. llovcyof $15 for snit paid P. A ugh
nef for MllllOVint Unl,lia an.l ... ..f I'lill.
Cma Co. of $:ia,30,$:il,r thereof being for
v. eoioiomvu in inonui 01 avpwiniH'r, aud Dti
eents being for rent of meter during same
time: ai-i. neeaenr,..! an.l w.. .1 i.A n...b
nd on motion the same wore allowed t-xoept-
X. -t , ru . - . . I.
oa; ui ouarge 01 ouets lor meter rent In Uie
lull I i. act-, and tji 1 1 U-lr A
order for payment of said accounts.
j ua aci 01 1 1 m n iBs i.ight Co. J 14 VI) pre
sented to Council on the 3d of S-pteniber lnt
Waa tiipn tjiLen un an tlu. ...... .11.
eepting the item of One Dollar for meter rent
cimi-Kau uieruio anil rue l lera llulrueteil to
dfaw an ordtr accordingly.
On ninlloi. the f'Urk ,..1.l-.,-,,..l,.. .1
an order on 1st Ward Fund in favor of Johu
ri amer lor j.iti to apply- ii'-on in act for ser
vices as SuKTviMr iu 1st Ward. Uu motion
Council adjourned to meet Wednesday October
IUUi Irt'J, t 7 oulock 1'. M.
Wednesday, Oct. 12. 1859.
Council met and was called to order by Uie
Members present, Hovey, Wagner and Wat-
Minute laat meeting read and approv-
The following account were then presented
nil J ... .: .i.. ii. i. . ..
- im on uiovion uie iicra nisrrucicu
to draw order on the preer fund fur the
crrni flmiillllH Ol Same, VIX!
Act of Jneob Sours of 50 eU, for burying
l.u I. ar.i
u.i'v uvu ill ibi i aril-
J. II. l'iuenger of 43,00, aet for Stationary
inhn Xtr.1LM 0O RO 1 ' . ? . T .
. ' 01 i T onrLinjr uin in I i
Ward, and tl aot f M. A. Mitcbull of $I3,iO
hit ottnina flirt in iat w ard.
um nn-t v wuimti i nnc no nnij a u-
poitilXl A. H Arnold. Simon Snvdor. Juntin
trn u-r, uuiin luri ana ntiwara smith aiHi
is t f si a-liaU il. .t i . nn. t s r i
liimKiw !.. i.s .t . it. r -
... . o.t, aiu rr-47inninrHiru im ino coun
cil make an appropr aiiouU) jwy them fur Uifir
On rnotlrm (rf p. Wntnr it waa flrdtrcd ihni
U.k '. -1 . :. sT . a .. a..
-mull im wiiii nnaiiTfini. maranait no allowed ttie
urn m xi ail an.l i hai i.a ...it a..i..-s.
w - " , aw W1I4S InUij V tV 1 BV UlttW W UtVt
jn mnuon oi w . Whnr th Clrk aa in.
afrnflat I'm ,1mw an Aa.i..a. .-a. iA U'..,l ?. A
favor of j. Sullivan to apply upon liinaceiitint
for j(i?Ariimiviii. mnA iia.Aais. :
SdWaid. -
A I'etitioi signed by Joseph Gardner and
208 other citiiens of the city, remonstrating
against the removal of Engine No.' 1 and 3
from their preaent loaalinn was then present
ed and read by Uie Clerk, and on motion laid
on the IjiI.Ia
On motion council then adjourned tn meet
., vuuuuay, 01:1. at I O Clock r, J
New York Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 18.
Market very heavy aud lUc better.
Sales .S7(K) lil.U al 1 IUIM 1 K 1... .......
tem; ti 80(n5 UO fi common to rnednim ex-
m .!, jm mr interior to good
hipping brands extra round hoop Ohio.
Whkat Trifling aules at J) liwlii
Rv Quiet. 8al, at Illle.
Mi.xt Active .t 77 u'VM.
Coax-Dull at at arJia'jJe for State, weat
ern and Canadian. -
Oats Market dull tt 42(2 4-lo for Western
and Canadian.
Wuiixr Activ and belter held at 2!
l'oaa Market lower. Pales oi0 bblt at
ia u fff IS tw R.r mess; lt) 9(1 for pHme.
HsKSwTlia mark .1 ..! . C.l.. rj L.l.l.
at ti UOfel 50 tar country primo, 'j 00(2.5 75
Cit lliATs Very scare aad firnjat8a
fur shoulders, and 'J t-jc fur hams.
lUcos (juiet.
La an Steady. Bale 225 Ills at 11
1 1 1 e
DoTTa A tiiir business doing at IlCl If
Chiisi In fair request at 6,' (JkO.''o fi
prime parcels. ,'
Cincinnati Market.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 19, 1859.
V i.oua , .' , $17 iiu 5. 25
Wia. ...... ai.HUiirl 10
Coaa., ,., ..4'.".,nf4 i
IT. ..... j. oil j rtM
Uai(. . .
lloos. . . ,
l'oiatuea, , ,
Lard ,
,.4-! hi Ijo
. .C'oi. i.rt
jr. amine n aa'l'lNU t:u A NiiK (If (M.IM VI K
a lui a.iiw a4.Oawaittntvl liauuteiniwiilaiiit
iaaaebc(celsd.a, . w t jallji
Tiffin Retail Market.
r'Vrn'.. W...I. l-t II. A. Hi fKIRK ft Rm,
WSala.ftla.nS N.ln.l Saal.r. ia llav ..4 aya.
f aUkimls nNrwSfta'.aiarS T'SVnD.l
mot i mas.
FUar f ski r.xira
ra.4 V laif . .
rrSr i Mi .
R tea
a,-rn a IV ... .
' IS
I't.i. T.llnW
Caaiaiaa "'...'
. . la
a ia
li . i
1 lna!w f 1 1
r i. a
I .-4
(Uiia o
laf " " .
i:imkH .
t-emmna S l . . 5 )
vltpla . . im
jrB . 0 7J
la f Ik ... . !?','
Jva 1
i'hoeel.. o - . .10
lo.net f p.par ... I
v t.
Tnnn, llyaaa f 1SC0
lmril I. INI
llanprwilar .. 7S
ru as.
P'p.r r Ib 1
liiaanS 4" pApay . .
k,ic. m
ilir" " "'i
TiopaatiBB I
riu, .
In-liye o aa . .
HI., a m1,
H.irhwro " . ... .
Hal.rniN. no.. .
A 'na, tt . . .
l'i r.rtnr .
l.l !.f wno4 o .
Voenrar . . .
Wan. In.l p, K.f
H.M pth.rr.1 .
ISall " Hack . . . .
S Ski Whin. . .
4 Pic-A.r.l,.
4i Ten.l,
M.ok.r.1, So. I, .
H t'1'1. ".i. ll.i'i .
. IS
. I",
. Jo
. li
. Vl
I ;i
a y
Tiffin Prices Current.
(Cotrert-! waawW v J rH lar, rlaaler in Vtj tloaxta,
(Jrfeerl-a.OnriettTia, Boon and rthsvaa, aai Rendv
Maita t Mot hi m. And inr-rtari ef evat ) Jaactiption
oi liraia and Prtxlnra fnt t'a.h.
HiNtAT(,.N n,Q7
Co an .belt-... kX4yJ-4.
d ( K.ar) Vfl.
HaatBT- onaM.
f l a Ha t ttt 0,t a, 1 ,00,
, HuTTia-W o.
T M.n e Un-.
BMKt.tIUi4- lt-l?e.
da Htpta4in mhocloiri- Tjftnaa.
Ptf-ai.aa Pnaa Mv'ia,
M.na iBtrna-.nn I4c.
kifa s ytuvw.
V a t m k a a at itMii .
K tr '.v .
(jaaa Mtrai 5i ft'i1',
VNr dn Ifkj.
K4ia f dntea.
Wool Tta
I'oon'aiau tr Miller
Take ihla maihot. nl (aformiikg I ha pnblte laatthav ar
Mill ea.-ryinun thtif
Extensive Tan Yard,
In thta City, it whlrhUteypnrpmearrrfnron iha Tan
ainff Itatlneaa attentively la all Ita dvpanmenta, and
to have all work done In llie bail manner, tiv coni (ea
ten I workmen. They are nuw prepared at all Uej ia
pay iha hi lie at prlee In
Cftfrh for IlidoMand Hark,
a well aa U Taniiab tha cmsannlty will. In and every
thine in line. 'I liv have in fonnet'tiun w ith thflt Taa
Vard an aalenaive Nadritw and llnrneM Mannoier,
wltore li ey aeep Qn haiul and naake to order all kiana a I
Saddles and Harness,
all of whifh la made nf tn beat atnrlt, and Ky expert1,
am-ed haiida. i tnr arranrementa are aeeh that we na
aow anpply the pnldir with almnat aa enilleaa variety
af Haii.llarv of the mnat aitpntvad pattern-, and we
keep a nuitther ol workmen oa hand, ready to turn oat
any atnot'flt of work on
Sliort jVotlco.
ind the mad reainnalila terma. Her tih Harralaa
wn ronnti m ine moia man ra now offer, t lh
food penple crt thia i itv end anrronnilinjr coanlrv. In
aatisiiinmrut willbe fuoad a aplendid lot oft haapaad
Faiirj Bridlrs, MarUnirals,
Trnnka.Trank ValUea; r'ntnannn Dated Bnrtv, )-f
nd .-hurt Jag llarafaa, Cudk-a, Ila. k and h!! BanU,
t h-cl Line., t'onmon and Km e.Kiair llallera. We
hav altvo jnat reeei.ed a larje ana ettvaeive lot of Ana
ttnffulo Iloltes
SnilPnrvinr. Whlaa. Olkarlliia. in aat li na aeikare
In ai.nnrtnea, prill Im found ar niaita lo nl.r al ear
hap. No ll Hpayth'. Hlack, W.,tiniloa alr-al. a.
II. t.nl,.. Hl... -IT
Cull and Seo for Yonrsolyes;
aatl If roe Si. Ib. nfiT," yoa (hall M seaway
diu.lou.U. a. J
Produca of All Kind.
Tak.a ta vsthnage for gnod. nrinaOB yar wkeat,
tn. ate. TirHa, O. H.pt So, '.Id. Ir
a. t. aiai nia.
i. voaanaoa.
Itirchiior tVYrniidrou
wl.h la Infurai ihe oitls.n. of Tiffla sad vtvtaity thai
May umi vuuini.uuaii a a.w
in Snyder' Block Tifln 0.,
where the? win kep eoaataaify a wall uj.ilid aaaort
rauui vi an awua oa
Gioccries, Provisions, DyesluiTs.
Ac Af, Ac,
of w likk wa woalil saata,
Tea, Corloe,
KiiKar, Molaaspa,
hvrnp, bptoe-.
Pepper, 1 ohneco,
Cianra. Monp,
iHndlea, Knialua,
llrssie., Lemons,
Alninns, Filbert., Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac.
flour, Dacon,
Pork, Fish,
salt. Tar,
FlxnOtl, Ac.
AIho, ' Oats, Com, Shorts and
MillfceJ iu gcyural.
Onr aniWavav I. la Bali.fr aarcaMomer., by selllaa
iri.m t on.! f imiiI al roaMin.uie prio, ant bOia 'harvlij
tar.ln tha nonHilaanaoriliapalilla.
air. K mihn.r, havma for a lanj linia basn la die em
ploy of ilia ,1.r. Ila.kirk, I. intlnislely acquainted
wnk lla kotlni-M .art will aaa that the above proud.
t. oam.d oat ISiUifully,
ITW will pa the hl(hat market prid-a Tor Rotter,
Eftl" ' Prouuctiouauf Jr'arinef a (ntralljJ.'J
Tlltln,0.,Jnne Hth, ,HM Ir
Another Revolution Is Upon Us
, A New Season and New Eifo
il aaliaalln( avery keart with III. plaasaree af Ika saas.
on, and with Ihe
viiuru wnwii uiu.ii.
o Jt
Sender & Carpenter
Is iVo.r ItciiigFillcd
With a Full and Fashionable Slock of
Full sSi Winter
d ileal froaa Ui head of lh Market, eonpriiirtf
Tlio XXoiut Ooocl
anaaafaaturad 'm Ua four qomtara at tik Vlaba. la all
vattiea of
Dry GooJa, CariJiitinga. Oil ClotliB
Matting and Ladies t?Locs.
(aad Utter thin all (hea Ctoda will he aold)
At ABtoniBhing LOW PKICES,
-con oaoiii
Aiaang lh anat prasiaeataniila auiy l fonad ia
9 ml. Hrarad. f'rmmeleoa nd alri(ed PHka; Biaehoff
vm un im) lira d lack, irom 19 eta. U rtol. a VaJd.
5XKj ;adi Madia he 1-na, all new aljiea, (runt 10
BaH yarsa.
1000 yard f fiiale wa. ranted l adder eollora, fortj
eenta a yard .
yet da ofRauniant Prima, wortk 1 a yard, tatting
for awtita.
BiaMtlnga and ffhtrtlnga, an andleaa variety, and at
price Ut l eaa't Ira U-et. , ,
IX JE W 1 fc .
Aboat ftMl ehawlt, attk bvoha t'lmrl Hair Thibet
aloUaa, Ulaakei tawU, long and aquara.
qet aud Oil Cloth KocuiV. .
Tipcalry BraaeU. thre plyinytaia: fine aadaapeff.
ttua Vt in an atnpd oouoa and wvqI niilog ,
Oil Cloths, MArncNs, tostVo.
JfylMl it W raiuifr.iljtrt'd tl e g-l an. all bw
1'hin ikwi waeoiii,i in A ( itt.l , nli an autir
eiut k, nd wilh li. iHsMisruva- tntl l'tir h.ti.a tt 4
pft-al8 ihe om! tnnii i-.oniniii m t Is oi-f .
, Vloaaa aaiiaad Amine at Ho, 3 biiwKatt ft ! k.
KliUit-.K. V CAI.rtNTtK.
TlAiOj Bepl.Bd, ICafif tf e 1
l!pi!O0?lI STOCK
Full Winter
K S,
Now open for Inspection.
iYcw Dry Goods,
New Silks, New Ribbons
Now .sonnets, New Shawls,
ibess wmi
Is thu placo to find the
Call mid Src Tltrm.
aVcic Carpets,
.Vctr Oil Ctotltg,
Shoes, Miooltf
fc, sftr., eft.
h a
citri' ron cisir,
P. IX. S ha whan.
haa removed her
mmnery & Dress Ilaking
E S Tal It Z, IS IJ.M U .V T
over the cxteriuiva
siiAwiiArrs elock,
Where will be found a splendid
atoclc ol
tCTAll t'to Jut.-rt I'tirie Fnifi-
iona. niH of I. -lii-ri' r.nj Mi-.j-
bob' Dr,ri-jii on I. uu I ivi( I n i.vivcJ
acini. larAiU.lj-.
r - i
PIr. t. C. Allen. .
Tiffin, May C, 1859. '
Afe'roceiting tM Firing, the
lnrilt(K'r; of
l'.ve bmaghl H this sltv, Vi,cb they
InUna to Sell Low.
Java, t?anU ami Iiio.
(.rt.K.!. ffvn-.Ured, Crnnttt-! 9 mi 111
and CnmnieB to 1'nnu. New Orieeaa.
ImjMjriat, :iack ami Young liyaon
Of all kinilft, from Six Twist to the
r inot Carcnd'mli.
Cul Tobareo, Slnoking and Chewing
Ti. k.r.l)v nsaai5ry fn a. to anomrrais. ta rn.t.
Mnta of Ihla kind. U r prepared to do our aiaal
Ar,i.i.L..j if , ..
with Retailer-, and When, ami we think Ihav wit? And
It tn th)! salnM iat ata Btaat n aaaaw uaak kv. l k.n-i-
at( 1 ItU S every WAY,
ami keenna; up with Ilia
la tha
F.nstorn nnd Southern Markets.
WE d.t.r l.illt, k..n.li,nf Willi Ilia w.rk.l.
V. havps and .noely aow aa hand, and I ho.,
wlthinjlohnv llir .unimrrai. will do wall to call oa nial
No. S, Mn.ku'1 li Ui, k.
lioviiG 15USKIRK &miO.
A good a.anrtiaealaf llrnwn Whiia.li ai 1AW ..
ar".lV M. A. Ill rtMHK k KHi).
CoUler ' T
Kfl "fs aaw eroo CalS... Jim tomlrad and ft,r sala
lJU h jn') II. X. Ill IB K k IIHn.
I'pper lialav l iiai..
UA. HI ,-KlllK k IHO., hn.o Jail ri-e.ir.d fr-.m
a lk.i Mj. hifaa aad llaroaalayaa tul af kuli
"1.1 and l.arjo,"
Abe nooivlni from Now York, alos Ball W.l.i Kl.h
lav Kill aad II. If II. .,.1.. f,,i,ll, ,., Il.rrtry,
-., which wa will m o. hnw aa ur l.e mrtlad In Hub
ark.lj Timn, M.f 7, If
ylllow Ware of tverf lie.or Iplloo.
lone War of sll kind
ii a nn.i
1 it BAatBAl.plca.
Allklad. Urvaad Afiln.a
II. A Bl'SKIftK k RRf,
Ori.IT P K AH, feart Darter, lamane, V.rmkolll,
O and Maiii.roal. HABkUKI).
Hams and Macon.
Flour and Potatoes,
ruttur, LarJ, El'sid. Ac.
II. A. liUSIClftK& 15R0
Q Hogalioada Cuuimaa Ul Piloia CodSr!
fQ Dansli Molatiei.
1Q Barrals ef flyrun,
100 ,"' Coft
jQ D.llaT.U.oro.
JTor.alohy II A lll'HKIRK k BRO
Hill. I tHor C'.ndi.i"
jr, Bobs. Opal Csadlss,
2Q Boss, etisrjh.
1 rv koBss Tallaw Caadlas,
II A R kllHO
BoBaa Hairing.
Hob.i T I) Pip...
2 "j Ho.. a M R Itaialel.
r II A ni'hKIHK k BRO.
Hoots and Jhors
Selling Cheaper, than Ever!
I w ill Sell my Entiro Stock of
33oot cto SHOOS,
Than I have a.r off rod Ih.ai ta Iha eablla IxOir.
I have M.n., Bovs, Vonlhs and Inlnntl Bool, and
fflioa.1 alao, Ladi.a, Mi. m. and Clnldroa. Uait,r.
M..T.HCO Kid aad Calf Lane Boot., aad taaey Bhooa
M all kiads. .
The Stock is First Quality
Eastern and Home made Work,
aad II wtll.olr.ll riMa. that w.nl s f,Md Brtists
(iivoaioa rail, as It will bo fei l aah, amll'ARH
anly, lash Old Wool aad Phoo Ciera. No Khen's
Blaea. .1HOMAH KKA.
Caaiomara arark aaada t enWr as a.oal . eoT-laa
rpHKanderltnd hiving pundiaaed tit entire atttck
I aad toureat uX W.J. l.raftir.i it. liak.rw .nst
Conreullonary huaiueaa, would ay that he mtvnda to
miin nt n nmain
nd ULU-D1A U.
nhsrs will alwi.). ha found iha limit Block of
Cracki'ra. it'f!..
la Nnrlhaaa fMila A I . ... ...... li . k. . .
lyonh.nd, andwillua diH.ed of .1 WHi.l Ltd ALK
rannlies ami 1 Hrties Burrilied with
A I! the lea aHa nf the aeaann.tsa tha ak.astssat nila a.ael
at the uio-l rehaonabte terana.
Countrj Merchants' will do well to
eaaaud wtil glv aaUaiaaUu
An)-J7 Ir
A; & B. Kncbler's
Mafia .Street, Xiiliu, O.
awMie te tha ram thai w. !,. rao.iv.d Iha
laissat alack ! ... I, , . , , ,. ,
Uoota uu f JlrsooiM,
ar atSaiad ia thia aaaikal, which wa wilt 4
CALL AND SEK before T,.u buv ol.e-l
srhr.v .- A. x D. Kl'KbLKK. '
Tima,pA.S3, aWoaaa .... I I
Lookont for Stplen Pi operty
AU. rnoti ai a hvrehv i;nnloned agfttn.1 por :hat)
jti-rokid Mad .No 4'M,, t-r.th tn t"oi..o .
tathoii, Uvt4 lor lJ ii 0 lira tlondred t'ultaraa
aaa.ty IK Mad H.vr, l.kthu 1- nr U Iio-t.t I a y ,
tli Urat dav tvf itU, A U it, featd iltw.d va
auIvh lta O.e -i.t,in ol my A.i in il. l iiy f
Lawrei..:-, Vn, rit..t v ul hati.a. 'I ii tMii.n, ,.
3nd CoMsvtt h ka (IO.-.i hy , at aaiti H tti
.4d tiiii. r; and i nav a.iu.1 t,,r a itaw.l of
A nt.NMV tijuum.
iufio, Augaat 19, IC l
i)r:M Nr:ss cuniin.
; fnri f.. ; '
V aw, ...-yt jraem,, sssaaw. .
nKat valnal'te ttx fVr i V f V v.- , r-V.VP,
fwHLH. and HIM II kl.r K' M I IU. HAD- -PeretHia
. (v-aa tinf (i.f U tns aa hlia
vara, haw haa vt liaannff pvyrtijrtlv and rrewiaii
llfrd hi lt.it t i. t It, willx.flk )f.V (I'M.bl. lira MrtBl
twiMfi.v fvar tel diaro. rr4 la-r lea(ni aa I
atas-r ftniisl tinta tn t twill lu Its r r. It Itaa Isotnii.
nf f-. tli.vnl tfr isin. anil it grai.f, ii ).t,mH hr
rai.iii 11 in , tfil it . on- be. if u,i aviH el it-its alll
kBla Itftlia -. r. I a. M . . . , . a. . .
hntti-l la. I at on. I at ,i. ,tc p t ii tl U.
ale ,jni twTKaoe.'a t'a.
V V '"f'''LTttra o.
IIat-tI on IlCard the ct
d it in Mi
tie I if f..
Mm taff.
I Hear n r.nf.
e . it",(i
n alil aat.,
Ti1' n, tiliin.
wil. aell hfttr
fo-T trahitaa .
t ha(,p stflaajil
In Ih a vl' lnttv
Rr vnu will
And lh ff al
earretv tvlXlvev
T?rrn, Ac.,
vr aMbiled
I I hi. allr.and
all In t ihap--4lMolhtna-tl
l n.nn k.
a. and m-tll
M-ifiU) th ba at
li-ii fnad oa
ham) nt ailitmea
am deietitit ned
e,1 at prlrea , -""not fill n k raM-fi.rv
And If my atnk t-w.'t fir anttalhfitiri) whni f hn-l
ratiirntl.and I will rt-fand H nutnny. I .l-tirf thai
tho wiahi;.g tn mr hae ahnald 411 and eaaaima y
vtorh ti,nve hrtiH)r etehw-.
t'nna'rv liealata am ra.evrfiil!y IprltaJ 1 oa1! and
aRftmine niyainrk.
t ""Hniamhr the pUr, Mark! trt t)sppoalta
Hhawfian't Ulaa k , Tttha, thlo.
TllYJT! THY 11 !
he Grvatcat Remedy ei-r lvnowu
. . run tim Cea or
Dyapepain and Uendache!
N inld ar mdllne h ever hear dl-..rrd, whlcH
aaneirl aen hlea tha tia-trle Into or Hat-va, in .iMstn
ptietnf n41 and irenytl.en'ni th nrynna of iliysititeai, aa
tiveaa Uittora. T hia ralttahl mediria and
fCBK Wt5K8 AND It H i N D I K I,
with I'mtiil rf anii li naiii'lv io'iI la drug itora,
are keptoonatantJy oe hand and thr a!e by
1 A. It. VAN DOOUN, Timn.
9nut doora Movih of tha Wire Bride, the V aide
1' VVaahiaftrta attvt.
l'rict i nnnoA Hitter ftt) at par att le, r tin
bottlea tt.riJ.Ju, nlrt.)r
I ix mill ZSlnata
Clotliln?: and FurnMiinr, (Jood.s
s nt i. t; ami fnnn;n.
WE havejnat repaired nnr unrk of new and e!e.
gaat Htirtna aad Hnnimer Oooda, and trenow bet.
terpreptreri tlin ever lo ahihtt to our outtom. r, nnd
the u litaeha ol Henoua Uooaly generally, on of the moat
waaonoavo aat vartea
Comprialng erf i hat It
Rich in Fabric, and now in Stylo,
and which wa ar makine au ta order la the he-t and la-
teat faalrtona. Out altM'k, lor iWanlit y , (jiinltt) ud rivh-
nii,oannvi oa aorpaBa uniaiu oi ui v Ilia,
-Clothta- .
v'a hav of evcrv ahade and nulnr, amone wMrh ar
1 tha tlneat Krem h, l.ngliih and Uerninti lunanlutturva.
Vt'e have of ovary make and ouloi, blank knd colored
Ve till h-
W. hsva Hilk.M.iinand M .ill.. onlia snail aad
noil beaqiiral styl. er.r lirouglit lo thia aisrk.l,
Kraaoh., Iri.h and Ani.ncnn llnll and llackil Blay
and llloo. j.lni.n;l).noa I'cnl. .le.. la tr.i vBn.iv.
losathar wilk a eomplrle (lai-k ol l.snt.' ramiJin),'
A I art alOfk of Raaily Mule t'lothlhf fur aprlnr and1
aoamar. r.'s-rv knon atria ef L'ni-t and Vnat I'aota
flun Ui tkgiiu to lb laahionabl will laga.
Hats Cup. n nd 1 HibrellaM.
In nor Hal aad Cap detrt meat we teel unnAdent thai
w will Ira able to gt v anliala.-lma bexh in Mtsalltv and
Price, The diltrrenl aiyletand whir a of Halt are loo
nemcroua t tut olio.
LaVPerannaln wantnfelrttMi.g, ready made or ohr-
Vlil cannot fitil tu ha iai led nol only in eosida and iirli.
bat alao In make, na we have all ear clothing made by
a-iirieneeH worn men. itriHi ia larre an varieu.
and all we aak la an esanatif.n of onrrMda befttrenur
ohaamg laewhr, ftir w will-
iiACiii.ii aV vi:M:it,
In Hint-r. RWk on door North o( Hoblt'aold aland
Tiffin, April Ul, lJtf if
The -rent rulisli It m-
Sill JAUK4 CLAUKh-'ft.
X ilolrutd I Vtualtj 1'ills.
Prepared from a ireB'rijt'un of Sir
Clarke, M . !.. Tliybidan Ex
traSrdinary to tho Quuen
Thia Invaluilda medicine it an tailing In thn rare of all
thoie pniaful ".id dn tig ton iliivtato which the fa
niaU CaMinitut.uii ia aul'jojt. It aiixluratta all aieeaa
avid ramova all ohaUuotiooa, ao a ipaady ear may ho
railed on.
To Mari'icd Ladiea
ilUftwoullarly iniU'd, It w!H,ln altort Ume, bring on
Ute aionthly perto1 with rcrlaritr-
Kfh hotila, iirl.-a f(n Dnlfmr, heara th tsnrrrnrarnt
Stamp ol Oreai llrnaiu, to prevent ooun erfam.
T)iean p. Ua alwinld nrM he taken bv female doIn ike
rtra ihr monltia ol fretneni'yf a they are ear nt hrtag
on mta4riae, i ni at tuv ttt iior tiai tnev are aale.
la all uil NetvouaaadSpli.fi, A Itaciiona, I'nin ii
the Itnnk ant t.itoia, saiisfi uu ItaUi 1'aipi
lautao nt ttta Uaan, ttauiikt and IA hitea, iha I'tlU
will f1e-l a cure vtin all nl it-r utenna Ut v lit-il, a'iu
alihnuh a pov.rfal erwiadyido not contain .ra'
nifl, innmiKi) . or nor im; (mr Iu) Kiitte i-onmiunon.
Kul I dlffAjluin. in :h. . nii(. ili arnurid aevh patik
age, which ahmild b (".rr-f Jlv i.r-ard.
bom Ai'ani inr tr-r i niid .-! ami l an art a.
JUli 1 MkJ-i, U-.- I- C. Hal.lkAia .l o.,)
Houhealer, N. Y.
If. B.aag,0P RQt nsilfAlM Tnil. ftulO.rit l IMt
em horned Acnt, wilienasire a buiUe.uiHitaiitinaovaiO
oilla, bv rwturn oiail.
rr aale Uf I. U Bt. Job A Co., Tiffin, Ohio,
New Books
MI0 IE LET'S Lotp, L'A incur
Tbii work laufeauiag a great anauua. .
otoanoo ani ita llcroos.
Tin year of a Method. t Tivachf
er'a lutto. A iirtii werk, by Milbum.
Pillar of Fire. r L;iatd in Iond
M-" ) of th l;oua ol Usivid. tffy chrnitaa
aliuuiat teed them.
Tent anil ll.tivm
New Icon' s r'fi'ivt'd wev.Ujr !
ull riiiii4aja aj fi.L-J al tub )itce,
TiOn, bept. t, 'W.
PITT ' ('
iVcprictftrn of t!if Wnrcl i'v,-
r, Till'n, t)!iin.
TI UN-in.JC'-lMvflfl-'ION .Al t-'.P.f ff NT?,
..- il. vr im "iii,r. ,i.r tJiw..Fi. rs.i, ,
tfTVI, .M Iha hl-K..,, pm i 4nl fnf VVL.a
-o,n. It. la, Rto. Haa.!., .. A ... S
(J 1 T V
i:. TOM., - - rref-rfrlar.
Oflu-f at t!n Shan-hnn II.,ru,-,
TV IV-rtaf , haring katfvp nata prrsnv.errraf h
MrWiVkhaa MiM-ee ''i ( ..irt hi sniua t lh Pb
Ite, "-'" f " Tt.'s-rai fl-sjl !. -a a (,
tie krapa a An ito-'k of fv! cnn'Ui-wed, aafi
IIonM,fn'lh fr ICilInand Drir'n
a.d wiH fuimJi aareUI and td.et for all dUa
Noit nod SubRfafitia! Cerr'apros,
OrKN & TQl will b
fnrnishod wlic-n doHired.
tsjT'A!'. H raa fd a.! Vvrdl al kaMK; rate
Vw wtil Had l ''rtggood aad raiea farsnaM..
riVOtO fiXT, Jp sr.; I
Talkner L Pennington,
TV ihla n.f'ifcn-1 nf infimil ngiheir fr'arnt ar ,i M
tomrn :ht iifr l't p.ir in. . .I a full lna ) intri
nantt which la well oakalalrtt ha l&ka larf.
Tr.oia who w ant a B! aharp tife-lik n,.MBra tttian
aelrea, nt lV,nd, will be avouma-sMtated by glvtitg aa
eall nt our Mammoth
Or rtl 1 o JTr,
Vhr w ar ttkinr iha )aeat and rc"i faahlnnahl
aajieaoi i leiuiva, ai piit-ea anning i u.a harl tinta.
Special Attention
iBsall.J to M. M. l.K!Vul.l) S r.Ultiilac)
Thta afrl of flrtar tak t!t
First rxoiixlTixxx
at tho State Fair, at Sundusky City.
It etcel all other for beauty nsatntja and
ilui ability.
Aeoeili.l lntllea la Jlr.n la Iji.lln. and Call..
Bl.n lo e.H .i,) aa.attno on dilS-ranl at. Ia al I'tcliif.a,
Nona,, l nlaiwliaa'l B.aS, I. tt Mcnpiad ky
U.il.ik k Knls-i.-r .
KA1.KSFII A rrxviNcrtiv.
aTMa.trartian rvenln tha Anal maautiahlol.nns.
i iltia, Aorilaih, leAU lach
Tb Qratont D.ioovory of thm At
American Hair Kcmorativo
Kntwithdandlag thia ta na age of -na. k pihlleaiionati
aad oeaol noairnnta, tnna -rg evpvrienre and aaay
hir trtaia, thia preparaitona A-a beea foam, far l
Exc UU utttr Frepitmdt-m for IbkFurpot.
Ita actlondependa apna ihe toalr and anlleepilr pro-perni-a
tl piaaaB( a1irg in rnjtelHn wut Nt
tn uka net nt thelHrialp. anil pnim.itiitf a fiee aarl h-ah hy
tintaiaitan at tho blootl thraKhelho mall capillar
veavl i.l Uie .km.
Il mtutaalU lemovea all daadrnlTand mhr iaimr4.
tleaoftha akin, a all It. Int. and tender., ol Xum
bead, which ia opt tn attend di a.eanrtll kind.
Tha Heilnrallva ru t a Hvaty and healthy appoPr.
ant e i th hair, wikh hoka aa titoag) ott si -tea
fd. Ual there I no otl in it.
It invartiihl) recirv,- mr hair to !ta riinat rolur.
amtpravania it Irom fttllmf off. and will If jir., and
faillirtillv peravredm, prudime a new rrv. lh of hair.
The Kealitrallva wiH ha found good f-t Prwrti and
tli-rpaa, or llmiwnia, and inalton all oilier diaa u f
the ket-vetorv vetm.
'thie prapar i'la. m not llai Ive, na war ni Itora
are, ibal nrv a.ae the pahlte. it will not at In the I17M.
al fitbrio, aailvNH he urd endar all elrnnilanr)ea.
Any tim' will pur haae Kve .hdlara worm of ihaj
neiiorallve, follow the diwHinm xrtnlly and noi rer U
lieaoitre, wili nion aii.h.-a?m.t hnve their OM'aay r
Ai.iih'd AU that la neoanryio aan.fj any owe ia Iml
trial. ' '
Tl a Retjnrallv praparM a id an'd whnteale aud
retail hv W. hnaai.tr 1,. St ar . M.,re, n.n nonntr. .
The Rtotnrtiife will h , ni 10 anv tn ol the I w
red Hiataa al aav riab, neatly prepared and put ap 10
boaea to fnit I'mlrwrn.
'I he- rvitorative will b fnrnished to anla. at a lilt,
rml diai-nnnl. au a in make tl aa nltjeal tor ihanito
gage ia Iha aale! It.
All orttap honl4 k arMtvT.pniili-4 h? lh aviney
rrv.ni our nntnrrcn ,.4 v,, gire l.til ft-w irann-ti
mad, aa the irdir,t u 4-.i ittrd to at and on ita aw
fttertl. Ir'or lt.rtl.ar parto-'iw ml.'rvta
!' hWloora, heir?a ooaotv, O.
To Iloiiraf Lecprri.
St)v ki him; m-.w .-11. T. iidkumrrtt best
MKUlt I.NAl.ttAl.KUATijH.
la aitnutmii.iv i ir.m ton nan aall, and
& la praparad enhratv didtrr -ni from other f Q
L? hal.traliM. A II t'.a t(-iMOMa n atlvrai- DO
trnwled la a h a aimtnar aa to prude
iiread, H1..11111, autlallalndawl C.ka,wiib
ouli-nniainl'if ptriit'l l ralerttaa whe
the bro'irlor t Nke uhakedi 'bertr ro.tn.
It'l a li aoo.e ni.Ua, l'vciy partiuia of
ABO jr Uu ia tnruad tu fa and paaaea Hum? tW
tlio Hraaiior Uiat'tiit vsliite Uaklatf j t4aa.
q'tetitlv miilnit retnoin but ramiaa t-alt,
aterand r htur. k i will reaiy per
ceive hr th Ua'e of 'Li . Icr,.! il. lhat it
1 enitrvlv tlitTfrrni horn oth.-r Halvrata.
11 ia pa he.i in one pniitft tvtpett, nin A
wr-ut.4 branded "tl. T. Hahbht'a Ma 4 J
.vi riiu 111 1 r. if rai 11 , a 10, piciaru, ivt l
d loafal hprad. with a xUaaof alirveMiRg
wairrno ihf t.ip. hva yna pur haaa I
paper yoa thou id pre .art a irt wrarp-r,
ami he ptitirular lo net the aat fatly
Ilk the flr.l hfand aa atuva.
Kul I direction frr makiti Breud with
thi Halmaiua and Hour M'lk or t'r.aai A? Q
J(J Ttrtar, will :tecoii.(ianv h itni k ait ; nla OCJ
dirvlioh lor nmltinf a'l kind of Patrvi
No, for making t-tnla Water aad Pcidftia .
II. T . H H li J Tt'H
ei'ag pni arH'ifiti n.TtiM,
A WO Wrtrrniiff A doi.lde the atriig'h of or Mnnr? a KB
Tm tahiptir uiun uan I ltia.,3 ll.a ,
B lh., and ' tha., with full dlrartlon fisr
tnakinir Hard and Hn Hoop, On.umvn
will tin-1 thi the eheapa-t l'elan m tuar
ket. VI ana fact uied and for aale hv
7A U T B liltITT, rfA
4J N.ia MTnVahln;ii.nai., New Vih, 4 U
Jui'.'U tr Hid No. in India Itooii.
lr. Cliecitiaa- Fill;
rivtvrHt ly Oorndlitu L. Clioeuian, ?4. O,
Nrw Yrk Citf.
The 4'nil(natiop of lagrtslitntj tn Iha Pill ar th
real li of a lone and axtentive praetlc. l ua mx id
in Ihrif opvratlwa, aad certain la eorroilnfi,tll Irr
lari(a, ram fa) Veaairaattona, roatoving all obiira.
tiona.whather ftoro sold or otheiwiae, heatla-t-e pai
In 1 Si ti Jr, pi !n t .lion h' the ha"irf , whiiy. a!) nrrniiii
alla. tinit, hvtiarioa, laiigu, pai in ilia t k am! Itreba
ete ,ili tiurbf J lp, wtin.lt ana iroio in:. rrupttu mt
Tu l.iriit?d lsadio
Or. "lieeMMii.Mi'a Pi II- are I a valuable, a llsrV Will hfi n
un th annerlilv pa-t-isxt wl.h r.rtilar1lr. 1 art -aw wh
have heun didaiBp.iialrd in lh u ol other rilit aa
pi:.L-a the iiiitiut ci'ii'i-'ftv i Dr. CiMeaantaii'a Pili
dulMg aii thai I boy repreMut to do.
T hre la mi eonililldn tf tht emale ay laat In wl-t k
ih Hill caiietH be tnkeu without prwln
ltarranll. hoch i te irre-mal1 tr-r. ir-i ai tt'f !.
trine to vaior tha in 4) ftiitcitnaa to a mvriali uisii
littn, lhat atra the raise. W'U- tu r l a.u ..t- caia-at
frsikl II. V as-retiaJ fsut'y tAulr. ,! rr
anvil. lug ttiinrioui. K v;lit; tt dl!n trt, m.'h a' 1 11 1 d
In ivmiI, It. uni,iinv ra 'i l , 'n. $ i . !-u t 0 il. j 1 1
oa) ent-lwaiitg ) 1 tu the lntr) Aeut
fiT't'oId by n diagr-' in aw re !.m ta ht V.il'eiL
Biaiaa. It H HI H HI V..-,
Oenar tl Art tr -it i;nitk. .t Hi-,t-a.
h.-. 4 'iian.tv-r ,
Tt hofn nil M hr-'eaak or 't howld ( aikit!. .
h.ikl J. f. WoMirf, 'Vtilm, u. u-b.v Ir
MKiicii AX'Srs
ixsuIaAM'I': comimnv
Si ati'vj:s, c;v.
Thu i ar ,f ihf 1-..I ' I . ' ; ' ' '.!
11 :ha I .
a I
IV I" I l.-.a-.
fall .. I., ""i w ' 1 ' '
,. ,. I i: l li,'i AU .'.l.-i, A;
llHIM.Ilk.'S,!!. I-'. I '

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