OCR Interpretation

The Tiffin weekly tribune. (Tiffin, Ohio) 1859-1868, November 18, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076793/1859-11-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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VTTrf A' il l A
i 1
TIlFIlSr, OHIO, lXlITVY, 1ST O VIC Mil K R J 8, 1859.
jsro. G.
Having added to the Material of oar office one of
And a bntMMnoiiortmntor
ar. praparad tO ! BT.1J thing IB IWliH,
Kh .f
totters, Clrenlnr,
Show Hill, rrocrnramra,
llnnd Hills, ItivilHtton.,
Labels, Cnrrla,
Illitnlc rTotrs, Cheeks,
Pamphlets, llooks, Ac.
Nik. umi aati.faotory naoatr.
Orders Filled at Short Notice,
- And oo the very
Iiowost Torma,
Tribune Job Office.
M'HER IIAlt.FV. Proprietors.
... r ri ' -v 1
.n. ITIolIVK,
aSnn.l Oolloctlng And Dn.lnttl Afnt; Fortorii.O.
It. I,. .ri filth,
Attorney Hml Counsullor at law,
Tlflln, Ohio.
OtDaa la Comaiarct.; Raw. Jwaa9H,lf.
TII.I. tttnl promptly in ml) hlmtt nf !roi bt.it;
U OlBco m Cunimruil Row, Tlilin.Ohio. oov9
Sihi"ir' Dlock, oppusile Court lluuao. Up
Uirt oclU 57 tf
J. li. xioicn,
T I Hi ii, Ohio.
Otttcn Ib ahawliau't Ulook, .aar DhHrarS
lo.a. fabllnf
Leonard Adam,
not a hy niii.ir,
P ad Oaaaral In.aranaa Agual. UlUa. with W. P.fc
H. Nald., Tillia, lhi. aapUHia
AttorDcys and Connnullorn at Law.
olRsa Ib Biagar't Hw block, eppoaita lb. Couil
H u , M
. - ----- V
Ie Ac Brfwcr,
Solicitor, lu ( hniirerr.
tooaiai iatflngar'.fiaw Ulo.', optioaila lha Tonrl
Roa.a. . Tllfm.May I Hh, H lf
Inn Ac Johnson,
Attorneys and ComiHullors at Law.
trr"ICK.In llailpl'K.w Bloc ,oar Vullmar'.claih
lf ainret taia .Iraal. Prnl'ai.ional lioainaa. anil tha
BwllvnlioB or all kinri. of elaiiB. promptly atlaaxlad to.
Tillia, llaa. I7lh. Irlrt. .
J .". I. Slcinir, .
lla.ra.amad tha nraotlao, and will aiv. atrial altantiou
to all bu.lna.. antrualad to him. Othca In tha oomarnl
Kbart'a Ulouk, dlrai-trv alava tha u.pa nxini uf Mr.
rfiaarrra iayUir.anii opM.l tti. BhawbuB aiou.a.
'illiaiu II. Davenport,
.Votary JiiJt", and
Oiimmiaai.mir for Kfiittickv Rtul t'aliforni.
orrit'K NoS" Wa Fourth Hlraat.balwaan Mala
Mil Walnnu.,Clanlnaatl, tlhjo. K''
Collection an i) la n d aj enc y.
JO.M: Ac thou as,
K.titt.irln. Ohio.
Cml ColUf-iltijf ind Laml Avrnti, will pronintl?
tliit to tbo olUfiltu of Kll Uim onlrutlvil lultiair
oofo. t Ana)R on. -I ' I jolt-. nf I'uutK.oa. V H .
tiod to oi tii lojfa-l c novilrd i trof-
Lin tun Uvioro JoiUcof iti Fc. Pron with-
t oc to bay or ) l.m'I or Town I'nifjortjr will ttnii it to
hil arot!0 tOKirou t.0.11. JoVKf,
Eiril TO PaVLMit It MiiTii, jtimllkj.
UOIT tit ItKOWNl, "
V. J. It H. Noili, Tiffin,
for. 4 Co., Futiont.
Do.4, 1H3 tf.
William Lang;
General Land Agent;
Voaldra.paotfnlljr inform tha poblia thalhakaaooa
aolad with hi. piautiua a lafiilar
Par.oa.wl.hlar. ta bay LaaJa aw Tow. lali, will
ad 11 . thai. a.lantaia la aaamta. bi. kook a of aa
Bria.lorlooalioa,prliia..urin., tltla., fco. and .ho.a
wishtnt t. aallhara nara a rami, -'"'. "J
..a,l.tloa ol pnrty ,taan. .. for antra. .
t inlt.'a ia rliawhaa.'.l.aiaiu:lal HltKk.orartb
1ui:ortK. H. iiii.nirvu,
c o v.yr i s ri mi: 'o it.
OftVawa Bkawhaa-a Bleak, aaw lb. Baak T Tia.
"william 7ali7li,
C lock mid Watch-Itlakcr.
Allkiudtol watctitia keptooutatitlj on baud
jtorain Conunertial Row.
1 ilti n , SepL 17th jl SU Jy
""GEO II Ci E A U,
Pnatorln, Oht.t.
and maanrartoror ol
O rnin Oradlos,
Of lha ha quality. A .apply 01 th. lallaff ha kaapa
('.alaallyBS kaail, at bl. .hop la t.iloria. Thayara
ajaolor ..la aiMullivaa'i llatdwara llor.il TIHIa.
AM or.lara pauaiplly attaadad IB. aaalU-lr
TllUn & V Wayne Hail
OUaeof IneT.A Fi-W.K .C.,1
Daaeo.bar, IfiH,
"I I. Bailee o ft hi laantaarl ooimaaently loen-
tmd In f Mhn.nad tho venue room oeeapUd, ore
la tUa 4adtory of Temb't hlook;oornr of Main and
aoiry reeila , . BUArinKV) j
MoAlister & Cowles.
Dft ALF.RSia UTOVB, and ManafVetareraofTin,
ttoikorandShaavtroa Ware. laPoiia'NewUloek,
ooo door i-ioothol Navlor'a bordwero atare.,
Ttatm, April tt, IbV ii
GRAPE OROWKHS eaa earry oa tbeir bnalneta
moat aocvaaalnlty ol llammontoa, Itmm troa fnila
KudCB lurt Vinvarila waro ot out tbe paat aotvantlv
Boo a4venieotueat of Uauimoolo laaUt, in anntbor
oolomn. yt.i ih-mm
I"ltil.S NH waotint to change their eaiiaM to
t-Mtiilly ircraiia( t'uubir a Maw friiiomon'
br ajn.trta. are .uf wUere tho eliartaie la mild
aa4 d-hcbtlBil, tra atlvot tiaeaaoot iho MramooUm
iUtaeMM taee Ooiwaua. f
TUT. MrtnmMp aa'attn. batw-a. IVTooib, fnfc
T HHM and liaaa. K. Mm. ha.tn.tMa da, ainirad
lha aadaraif nad hava a.aneiatad tlMm.alvaa o.r-iha,
tnrlha pnrpo.. .1 aoatinaln. IS. hnainaa. of Tomb,
Una, a ; Bailiff IB. a.aia aana. aad atyl. aa barato
for Thar, w 111 h. a. Intrrmptlo. la tha hnainaaa Bihaiv.
ofhrafondaa'aafl, and tha ..ana ralat will b. abaarTd
IB taapayaaaat af iatar.t.aiBl B
aannlfta par a.at.
t "
It (
rTtl'atai,la alt pav.hla a. daaaaaal.
B. TOMH, John T. Ill UK, U. K. ML'VCI,
A. li. SMKATH, JOH.tUll.Lll).
II. 8. Wenner & Co.,
m AnufAt'TURrRs or
. Si lkies., ftc,
JclTi;rnn St., noar German Catho
lic Church. Tifiin, Ohio.
4 FIN Rttnok orthelateatttt-lea of tlnn-.a-a, ., Jn.
1 V I K1 m lha boa manner and of the matt iiMb)
ratriKrt ntKinntlv on hnnrt, anrl pmmntlT mm to
Hr. WI S7. H. M. WKNMiK k K)
Dr. J, HcAdoo,
Yll.f. .fiMwollv ailaail la ad all. atthar Ib Tlf.
f fta ot aaantrv. Ib B'lmlnliaAnf ta lha aftfirtait.
Pan irnlarattantlna paid t Kamala Itiataa. Hltnwar
anil Viatic, hatha aaanaiHtfl .III. , ha offiwa. wadlraiad
whan Uira.fiaMarT ha hlmialf. I Iffioa w.al of lha
Woxlaa Hn.l,a,'. - tVard, T llfla. Obi..
firri'.n YAiVi:sT.
Iluggy X Cnrrlnffc Itlnnu
facturrr. Eaatof tf'f Con- Ifouae,on MrktStr?Jt.
Tiffin, Sunt. a'.lih.lHM
iVIr. Ii. Allen.
Milliner 8c Dress Maker.
Roma ovfr F. K . Phwhi-i.t itoro, Moio itrook.
Timo.tlhto, Out 3tb, 6m
c. v. iu:iMi.itz,
li:.TAia si i;i.o.
OFFICK In Kli.wban'a Blork, trl atorr, dlraally
an lartlia TrtliBB. Otilea, .VI ark at Mrat. Ttrtia.O.
HI. AVaffiicr,
ffn Daalar la R and r - X ad a Clothing, Cloth.,
t'aaai.naraa, Vattnd.Ar.
Htora.a Main Itraat. ai.tmalto tha flaaaen Coaalv
(Furmerly called tht "Cily Ihui.")
LEVI WEIIUCK, Proprietor.
Th tif.,ltmiftt-)il .1ilr. to Infbrm ntlhft fVioott ond
h-MMt-r natron, ortlict 'ltv Monit, (now ilia IUtt) ihm
ua noinr ! re an hit iro rrtiiiion of miti. am
Mont bvH r balll. rO'Ttirnithad &nd t BOW M
footlm mny in lo co-tin irr,
I iv hivo titllajafioiirh(nrivmmotaltnTnm.
h(Tufhor.-i,tiil wilIolwAhB.vo in ulnmlnnco ol ftd.
Tiffin' fMnhar 1, ll3ft
Hnrinj fiaunanrnf ly Uh ntf .t m .Inarm liui jnM otieiioil
1 Oft 1 1 M I
at YVonitrr't r. and Hnok Mcit, No. I hh-nvban-
nto. .and anlirlit an tn-paxtiiim of hi. tlortt or VVatrhet,
UltM-ka. Jwlry nnd HiUf-r weie, and bofioa lo nteril
na,r Ol ptIIHir pnintltllaray.
it-pnirtiiff done tiuhe best style orwetkmanahip.
Tirtin, Jnoel, Ifdll.
Hat jut reterwed from New York and opened a
nnritlnf Hata. ('ftp. I1tnd-Hrifc. Amirinen nnd
Krvtttrb Klowfr. Kmliniidcriot, Vaili, Han.lkrrgheifi,
1litt, Kalte llalr.t orot, f xtnlon Hkiru, ate.
Hbe will b hniiity to wait anon all bit favor Iter with a
eall. A Honiara (immriilv aiianil'd In. -
On Mainatreat, In Ulat k'a lllouk. Tiffin. pl3
XV. II. r.irk, 1. I.
01 KICK on Mata .traal, Bpiuxil. Blaok'a Rlnakl
Tilttn.UI.lo. aia'J7 'SU
Or. Franklin Is at Home again,
Bad bftTrg a.aaoiatad binl.alf with
we will do all wort oatnuod to promptly, not.
lVarranl Satifac tiou.
Dr. Franklin may he pennittfd to remind thla rom-
manity, that hia enpartrnoo in 1edicioe and Horfarv
nalilaa him to treat diaenMd Tooth and tin in wiin
hotter aueet-ia than Mime whoityle tbainaelvoa Hurobon
IJa-ahaU, Imtwhoae glaim to tital lilte ia altoyethoi lab
uloua. Allperennabavlnf DFCAYRD TKFTH, IHSF AH.
F.ll til MH, or id want of ARTIKit'I U TK&TIJ.
will ibi well to rail at warotUce, oue douf Weal ofdUew
haa llooie, oa Parry at.
Tiffin, Jnne 17. 19.
to Tin rniLic.
The biiainoaa ofUto late firm of Klirlrer aadrineath will
bo oontluutaMla ait llaO old ataad by
Jesse &lirivcr,
who. thankful for fbvon pact, atkt tha aotlaaad pauoo-
af 01 nia
lie la Jaal nrilerinf a larfo and well aeleclad
isroi it or iaous,
which will be here lo few deyi,
Aprils, HM.
lo tranaaet a (re nara I Hattklrig baalaeu.aad pay intereat
vu uepoaiuaa luiiuwai
t mootiia, f per oeni,
5 .
" 13 0 '
CertlAoatea payable In all oaaea on demand
K. Doaaei, A.O
Hhbath, HTBrnna DoaisT,
Hank are.
Protect the Lives of Yourselves
and Families !
Tha antlaralraad woald raapawtrall, aanoaao. to lha
Pulilie that ha haa jaat rava I v od a auii.lt of lha .alabra-
Electro Elagnetlo Conductor,
which bo ia nt all limearoatir lo pat np on abort Motieo,
ami oe rvatonalile f rras.
1 hia Itod la the baat now In nae. ant. la Pal takmirlbe
tla'a of all etbara, beinf the Cooiblaed CnfMe aud
ron ('able, ia furtnt aae, ihrlire, all miiiui don't
ruat, boinjr aappliod wlihy.ioe Hattariea, and haa more
aarlave tbaa any ether Condut'tor auw in oa.
N. B. AUo, DeoBajrad to pat aJl oibai kiad of Butt.
pra n-rreo . jai
a r
ITIrs. olary V.. .
IJpper Handu.
Mai. atraat, an. aqaaaa N' 1
Iti. t;.art Hoflaa.
Doptnl bi ory.
P. J. Stf O. II. lvliXNAMAN
Moawoelfnllr teotler their Profculeaal ericoelo
IdaaiaaJi4(;asiiUo.anol ihla(.iara,.fi.rt-tiiMf;. Tboy
ar oravorod io poHuno ali the eporaUona coaaid
With Um Miejoro of
apoat thoaaoat leaproeod and aoleetifie prlnelploe.
'oraoaati4lrinvt wi II bo wailed e,oa attbaliroaidea
eaa, A llortlara will roaoive awueapt a.tealioa,
All Work will be Warranted.
twV-OffJas la room faraaarly onaapiad by lr. Oaaana
B tnm. t W a.liiiroa aaa -I UMI aarMaja.
Vawaa, UMw, AtaBlauaa low.
Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods!
AO wbo vut lo l tho worth of ihlr omtity
c.i T.j, .i.VjT .v ;j;,
Bad lhT Will Dad th.
vot offered to Iho pbll,of every thlnf lo tb
A.m. the Utert ImpfoTvd
Hoop icix-t3,
fooerel aot.niBl.
A. A M. A. RCftRAIMn.
If . B. Ceentry Mill-Snort input1. ed liberel trntt.
ISoots and Allocs
Selling Cheaper than Ever!
I will Soil my Eutiro Stock of
IlOOtB tfc EJllOOS,
Th I bflve ever eflbred tbrei lo ih nnttllu KfVre. .
I have Meru, Hove, Yontbi in-d Intiint. Ilonlc ettif
( iltrt, U'li.i, Miie eritt 'h..Tni Mmiu r-;
ltoro Kid end Celf Lae Bi-oti. end foc tfboe
fall htnda.
Tho ltock is First Quality
Eastern and Home mad Work,
end It witUelt ell perwria that want fnd article.
tJlve mo rail, tt will be fnr ('aoh, anMVr)1
only. In the Old Boot nod f hoe ftrr. No. 8 FWi'a
block. 1 HOM At! Rt-'.A.
Cui toman work made to nnler na einal oc?-3m
llouso IMoving ond liaising.
WOI'I.D anannnra ta tha alllian. Tlffln. amlKana.
ea and alja-nin( aoantlaa.lliat ha I. aaittly pro.
aarail wit all tli. naaoaaary aintarata. for
tllovitig- or liaising
Ilouses, Barns, &o. &c.
of alt tliaa, and to anr dlatanca raqalrail, wilhoat injnrjr.
He Undkrstandb tiik Roi-esI '
ftCharja. modaralo. Olr. hlai a Call.
1 linn, l, I3ih. IH5l If
A. & B. Kncblcr's
ITIain Slrrrt, Tillin, O.
wnn.n cam. tiik attention of
y tha nnblia to tha faet tliai a, havo tMaltri tha
larfokt atork ol
evero.fjred In this market, which we will
CALL AND SEE bo Cora tii Hut nla-
whfr.. A. i B. KUtHLEK.
T'ltia, "apt. "3, 30 in.
Wowld Inform hia eoatomeri that ho baa remored to
A. Ac II. Kui:m.Eit.s
Where he will herrafter be found ready and willing
Ui wait upon tbeia. All who want a
Good Fitting Door oa Shok,
wilt pleaao five bin eall, el the place abovo nien-
Tiflin, Nov. a, lr-S-Jm
F.LIalS, IIItO'!i Ac CO.
(Hoooa.aor. to II. A. tllnatllry aad llrothar.
Carriage Ianiilacturrria;
At Republic, Seneca Co., Ohio.
Woatd ra.nantrullv annonnao to tho Poblle thatthay
hava Hirrhaaad Ilia Manafaatory haralofora balnnilng
to B A. rl,aililay ano lirotitara. Ban ara prapar an lo no
all kind, of work ia Iboir lio. aad willoB.taolly kaap
oa hand
Which thay Aa'tarthaiuaalva. .hall ba .aooad loaoaa la
tha Wa.t.
prices Modorato
Uapiil.lir.ilvlolivi-iiiili, i.. Ir
Joa.T. lillia, Jai.ta. B. Klia, 0. Bhaldlay.
Theklfttoot Maiket Prlee alwan Palo at Dm "Ware
kweao' tor
Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats.
When Farmer hrlnf their Oralnto Mnriet. they will
a) way a And nt on Kami with the 'leuBmenta.n
dtitr Give us a Call. JT
JalyJO, IW.
To The Public.
The saderaiayned baeiaat opened an eileaaWe
Fn Rapnhlio, would reipentfallr (nform the eltiienr
tneca, am aiMoininc; ennntiea, that no Baa on aann
laro atock of tnolim qnalor of toaaoned leniber, and
ta preparaH to faraiah wtfom, a;ot up In aa food and
woraittan-l-ke manner aa ean be made In the iiate.
Hain? baan long a age 4 atUaoMiaaloOaf, ha fela eon
tot Hrht ronnlaa and parfaot aymaaalrr of furni, whioh
loRather with then dnrabilttf, render thaei anorodaair
aula than tlKiae aiatle in anr that aeuitoa of llto atalo.
lie will kn ooaatantly on hand all furraa and of
ripo Hni Wajrona thai aiar be deaird, and willaell
thfin tihaapor than ean be parelkaaed in any oth? part
ofthe Wett. OrhKN,
kpubli, f eneea Co. Ohio, JnneS nin
Iow INtabliwhnieiit. '
Tlie nnderelvned baln eatabUabed a
Naarly .ppo.it. lha t.'ourt llouao, oH-aa fof lata at
aholaaala and ratal), lha. ba.l iniporu-u naaana. i. noa,
Vaiaaad U-martia tfafar. alao b-at hranda of f haw
ing and aaiolm, I abac o. L. IIHUNBl KIN,
au)4 W aahioftoa H., aarly op. tha t'oort lloaa..
fShaialiaii House
Havlnf nori-haaod the latere, end laturoa lo Iho
IMiawbeii Uaoae Harbrr Hbop, lofwrrl- bnlti. to A.
M ilea, Ui'sj notlartif ned take thia mihod of iafufajlnt
tho publie thai ihmj are rotxif at ail time, at th old
otaad eee dooa north of tho bhewhao Hooao, to give
entlooaot a omI hove,a trim hatraat, ani a lojiortanl
ahaanooening ot kite nail preaahie rala.
aord UUNdk rVONZDl,
N. 66 West Fourth at.; between Wul
.at aad Viaa, C'iavaaaail. aoltS-lr
A IX WAKTINO fARMH la adali(htnil aliaaala,
rlchaoll, aadMaaBrafiaat frort..MaadaarltaaMaal
ml NaMuaMi l.aaa la aa.ha, caiMB. J.I 1.4,0,
SHDal BI'rllNKHH aad raaaariaa .aa ba .arri.doa
aawdiahlT at ItMawuaaaaa. Btaal anrawnaaaiaBt
tt 11 11 a a l.aJ.. jllHa.
rpo A I.I. aV A NTI NO rAlt.VM aa. aaWanlaoal
X ml M. I I waa laaaa. Jl 114
tTiffiu "iVcrhtn tXrilunr.
From the Cincinnati Commercial.
A tonfr T the lmr. ho irm xtrn to Uaj
A hunilrril ytxit
A tent in th Nw V irM. fnr wny
Krm hit hnm hn Um Khintt f w
Fnnii city "d hnwl-, frvmi frvel and plain,
A tout for the d'U.I'U, n J be tli" rvfrNttt.
A 'nij whre th otori Ttnlen flnw.
W'titrm Uio Allctrliiinivs tnwtr.
Whorr the f rtul eun ol the South InJ glim-;
rni hpnrth eumt. hall nnd twr.
A ttt(f fnm the rHi.lf, tttttU'ti ntol freo.
Till Ui Ftitlier of W nun ivi-mte Ut the) nenj.
Re hia memory green inotirhrttHe ami niibile
Fi r lua Omtiaw-liU no trite and Uihl
Are the hrihtt liiika in the clmin that hihU
Thf INe Witrhl tothelHd
From pnliieo nn JoittHire, frum forum umi frtne,
A tHitig iir uie diUiivi, mtd w the rtjiram,
M the tiny of his hirth lie o J11I..W, ,
Krtun the 1tMattl AlUtitie't ali7inl
To the luMttnllcea pmiriitj, wild end fret, '
Away in the ntirtai't mnil. i
Fmm nlnre nnd tMttniftt, from forum nd fnflr.
A tung truiu Uie coj'.e. and tw kh refiHtn
Million 1
S.i fun T. Holtx.
IndiAnniHilia, ISToveiiiWr. 1K1.
How pfci the money ? Well,
1 tn aiirc it inu't hi. id to Ml:
It po fur rent nnd wntt-r int. s,
For bn-od and huttT, ooil nnd irrnU e,
11 rtla, enpn, nnd cni'i'fta, hoopi and Ik tee
And that the wiiy thu innnt'V got- I
How (rofi iho Monryf Xny,
lhm t wrYltiniy knuw tho wity?
It pom for iNjutit'tM, com U nnd ohh-,
Hilke, ant inn 1 mueline, Vtdrrte, crnMiia
cm ib, rih-ejna. Dim atut tm iM iott
And Mutt's tho wAy Uij monuy g'Kt I
How jfipti the Mnnryt tnn,
I wih the wny t'h! soim thii.g fewer,
It fi?tes for wp'R, tnxes, drht.t, .
It gxt for precrtM, j-oi-s fr lHt,
For piiint. I'oftmdt', Hiid ena de ratP,
And ihitt s tho wny the inorwy gm 1 1
How provs tlie Miitiey? Now,
1't irnroe l)egnn t nu iition how;
It goi'B for lno-e, fitithrm, rinpe,
T.ya, dulln, nnd otht-r buhy tiiiii(-.
W'hij.a, wSintha, Cftnilit-s, bulla, n ml bows,
And that' 1 tho ny tlie nn-n. j gu-a !
How (joes tho Money? Come,
1 know I' Horen't ft" f"r fiu;
It ffiHtt fir Srhoola mid 8n hnth-chimcs,
It jrma for chr-rity aoim-tiim-a;
Fr iiitBBiotisnnd ntich thin na those.
And that's the w ny tho tnuii'-y b'Ot-s t
How pox the nw'm'y? There I
1 ut out of pntit'hco. 1 dt'clrtn;
It gut's fnr piny s, nnd dittinoitd-piiis.
For 1'iil'lio ntins, nud priVtiU? sins.
For hollo ehfium, nnd silly shows
Aud Uint's the wny the momy go-s 1
"Doarl tlcftr! no tuant, ciri;a boiled as
Uaxrc, a WrioktiaA. p.na krtw ...Mw. nr
cold," and Mr, Pctura roae from tlie break-
fast tablo in a temper by no meana amia
ble, and rung the bell violently. There
waa no anawer! lie rang again, a third,
fourth tiino, atill no answer! Out ol' all
pntience he want to the door and culled
"Maria! Uluria!"
A alight, pretty littlo woman, dreaacd
in a atiilt'd tumbled wrapper, with hitir in
a atate of direful conftiaiou, nnawered thia
aummons. one nan one o. , roun i,
bnKht facea which Nature intended ahould
bo decked w ith continual awiloa, but now
with all it rose in bloom, it wa drawn
to it full length, and the large blue eye
had a serious, or rather doleful expression,
totally at variance with their usual joyou
look, tier voice, too, had lost it melo
dious, ringing sound, and waa lubdud to a
dismal whine.
"What i it Joseph!"
'Where' Bridget!"
"Gone out for me. I want more wliite
ribbon for my ascension robe!"
Mr. Peter said a very naughty word,
and then continued, "Cold cull'ee, hard
eggs, breakfast not fit to eat."
"I wish," whined bi wife, "you would
think less of temporal matter, and turn
your attention to the great end of life."
"Hang it all, madam, 1 would Ilka to
enjoy my lite while 1 do have it. liore
wail, the happicat man In the United
States, with a ploasant home, a chatty,
cheerful, loving wife, and good quiet chil
dren; and now, since you have joined tlie
Milerites, what am II"
"Oh, Joseph, if you would only come
into that blessed circle!"
"Oh, Mari, if you would only come out
or it. Where are the boy!"
"I am sure I don't know."
"Are they going to school to-dayl"
"My dear, their teacher haa given up
the school, and I turning her mind to
mora exalted object. Oh! Joseph, turn
now whilo there i time. You hava still
a week for preparation and repentance."
'Repentance! Well, when I take up
the subject, it will take rather mora than
a week to put it through."
And Mr. Peter put on hi coat aud
took up hi hat.
"Joeph, aid hi wile, "you need not
..na k... i;..n. f .holt I,. nr
and I'll take tie boy. over to their uncle'.
.... -
to din."
Joe made no answor, utile, the violent
empbatio manner in which he cloaad the
door waa one. Muttering with anger he
atrode into a restaurant to make a break-
ssu iier. u. w uanea vy ono . ui.
bachelor mends, i rea t.omer., v. uo loon-
ed up he heard Joe'. otdt r;
Hallo!" be cried, "you hero!" Why
whl V.? 70U , l brek1"1,
timet ? tie aicar
"Had a quarrel!"
"Gone to townl"
"Then why don't you breakfast at
home! Chiiuny oa fir!"
"Servant all dead!"
Well, what In thunder I to pay!"
v Maria' joined the Milleritos!"
"Fred gave a long whistle, and then
said, going to ascend nexfeek!"
"Yes, and it 1 don't eoniui.t suicide In
tha meantime, you may congratulate me.
I am almost districted. Cau't get a de
cent meal, children running riot, servant
saucy, ho iiae all in confusion, wife in the
blue, either quotiug th pche of the
elder at me. or sewing on a white robe,
and groaning every third stitch. Hang
it all, Fred, I've a luiud to take poison.or
join th army! '
"H'int h'inl you give an enchanting
picture, but I think I can suggest a cure.
"A cure!"
"Yes, if yoa will promise to follow my
ihrira, t ill mftk your horiM plcaant.
y.Mir vt'iftt ruecrlul, ami yourchililrrn nappy-"
Do it," r.ri"d Jo, "i il lollow ynur
wortl ills a ioltlirr urulcr hia ofTictT.
What ahtUl dt.!"
At tra timn Mr. Peter fnloroJ hia
hnmn, whiailinj. Maria wa oatiJ at
tin table, Bwinjf on har vthitA r.lva, ami
tbrre were no aigna of preparation iV the
rrninij meal
"Maria, my dear, aai.l Mr. Petora,
fSerftilly,,i tea ready!"
don t know," waa the answer, "hare
been out all day, attending meeting."
"Oh, yenr welli never mind. Attending
meeting! You are resolved, then to leave
ma next week! '
"Oh! Joe I imialgowhenlameMled."
"Yea my dear.of courao. Well, I imiat
resign myaelf, I suppose. By tha way,
mf dear, haa it ever orrured to you Dint
shall be left a widower with three chil
dren! I think I am a handsome, man yet.
my lore," and Joe walked over to the
gins., passed hia fingera through hia hair
and pulled up hia collar. Maria looked
up, rnlhor aurpriacd.
" l ou ace, dear, it is rather a relief for
you to go quietly you know. It 1. so
wearing on the nerves to hnY a long Ill
ness; and besides, niwjgJaAr, there will be
no funeral expenses, and that Is quite a
Mrs. Peters lip quivered, and her large
blue eyca filled with tears. Joe longed
to stop his heartless ppeech and romlort
her, but he waa fearful the desired effect
waa not gained yet.
S i, my dear," he Continued, "if you
must go, I hit vt been thinking of getting
another wile. '
"What! cried Mrs. Peters.
"Another wife, my love. The house
must bo kept in order, and tlie boys cared
The grief waa gone from Maria's fare.
hut her teeth Were act with a look of
fierce wrath.
"Another wifo, Joe! Another wiful"
"Yes. I think I hnvo selected a good
successor, 1 tic line rat'd a long tunc,
when 1 was a bachelor, between Ler and
youraelf. You will like her. for she is
your bosom friend!"
Yes, my dear, i uiinunn thenar you
ascend I will marry S.trah Iiigrahatn!"
hat! that good-for-nothing, eniptv-
headed old maid, the mother of my chil
dren! What!"
Well, my dear, It acems to be tho
best I can do! 1 don't want to leave my
buainesi to go a courting, and she will
have me, 1 know."
"No doubt! Oh! you great brutal, hato
ful ."
"Stop, my dear, don't fly Into a fury.
We will try to spend our Inst week In
Happiness, till, by the way, 1 havo
proposition to make."
"CJoon, air! don't sparo mo!"
"Ah, yes, that ia the very thing I winh
to do. 1 know your mind la entirely on
grossed with your ascension, and I winh
to spare you the care of tho house. Baa-
pose you invito Sarah here to-rfforrow, to
spend a woekl"
"'Khun I can arrange our matrimonial
preparations, in the evening, while you
are at the lecture."
"And you can leave the house In her
charge all day. J hut will gir you pjon-
ty ol tinio to go out, and ahe caa learn
the ways abuut in the house."
"And, my dear, ono little favor. It may
bo the lust I shall ever ask. Stny at
home one or two duya, won't you, and
show her round, where you keep things,
and so or, so that slio won t have any
tr b, n kc ; orJer Bfter you ,,.
, v mi a.. .1 7,. nl.li, mo wnn't vnnl"
You will do tli toobligo mo won't you!
Mr. Petors, for answer, rolled up the
asccnllon robe into a ball and fired it at
Joe. Tho cotton, scissorH, work-basket,
and table-cloth followed each other in
such rapid succemiion.lio was unable even
to fly. Thon Maria's rage lound vom in
"So vou and Sarah! That' thereaaon
you whistled when youramo in! You will
lm ipra triad tn have me cro. and marrv her
won't vou! No doubt of it! But you shan't
marry dor, sir! You shant have that grat
ification! I will stiy, if it i only to spite
youl I won't go I tell you, Mr. Peters,
that I won't go!"
"But, my dour, you must go If you are
come for.
"I won't go!,'
'But consider my dear."
"I won't go!"
"But what will Sarah thinkl"
"Sarah! Don't dare to mention Sarah
I to mo again! I I oh! I am fairly
choking!" and the little woman threw
herself into a chair, in a fit of hysterics.
Next morning, Mr. Petors met Fred
the street.
"Well, old boy, how goes It!"
"Fred," was the reply, "I am tho hap
niest man in the world! I have regained
my wife and domestic peace, and got rid
of a busy, tattling old maid, who, under
pretence of loving my wife, wa everlast
ingly interfering in all our nouscnoiu an
"Then Mrs. Peter will not aicend,
will ahe!"
"No. If Sarah I to be my second wife
and step-mother to my children, Mr. Pe
ter tin concluded, on Ut wuoie, sue
wout go!"
United States Jurisdiction in
Different Latitudes.
The Insurgent at Harper'a Ferry were
i possession of the arsenal of the United
' 0U, Qn Uud the jur;nd!etion of which
baJ bem UnUed StatMf
emtnm wilh .ilM ,raU (he United
M,.,.. i..,:ij;. iu, ,.. -,inii.rrH
, . d . f, 'iud State, troops, with
, ,K. , . ,;',: ,.r,u jn.i (i,.v.rn
ment. But Governor Wise demanded
111! 11 1. 1,11, UUICIIIVI w u.lil.liuvu
.u a i a.:,.j i... .i.a, v.-.,;.,;.. .ti..;
.41. Ill VU UD U ItJU UJ li7 I HlJI.a m.mJI A
tie. for murder, and tho Goveremeutgav.
tte ' "
About three year. ago. a fugitive .lave1
woman at CinciunaU. tilled her child and
.,...ias i.. - .hnriti. fi,. mur.
j... u... i.'.a' i it -j
Utrr, UUl tfUIKfD ACBTIl, l VW UllltCU
StuU Circuit Court, decided that the fu.
.!;.. in..,, i !. .
out of tha criminal jurisdiction of OUio.l
and she wa carried off.
When wo see such .pccimei. of the
different administration of the law. of the
, ' .' . 1 ..... I !, . -. 4 ,1.
uiiiieu ouiie. ia uuiereni seciiou. ui
Union, lb. Insolent domineering over the
general gvernment by tho slave Bute.,
Bute to the in.ol.nt domineering ofthe
....., ..... ;. i ,.K T ,.t.
general government, it is enough to make
au t'hio wan wish that our Governors
wiaakl give a few specimen, of that prac
tical which the democrats tried to frighten
themselve with th idea that Deuuison
would introduce, if elected "Use the
bayonet, so help me God!" SlaU Jour-
What it the easiest fence a sportsman'
ever too 11 Oil unco.
Harper's Ferry--The Different
Views of the Matter.
Ssmcbmly ia tn blame for th Harper'.
Forry afT.ir. Of cmirao tbia la bo. All
admit tt. Dot who)
Thie is a queatinn 1
which different men attempt to settle ac-
their different wava of lliinLinir.
their different stand-points of view, and ,
4 - r '
'ie different motives which make the an-
awer desideratum. Some regartl tho in-'
surre jjlwn in'the light of National interest,
oondttnnait aerauso it w aa a stroke
weak enough to be sure and not very well
at tne vitals of tlie tiovtirnment.j
deprecate any such movement becatiae
the peace and happiness of , the whole
Country is thoreby affected. We are safe
in saying tltat thia ia the view taken of
the movement by the great mass of the
people, Noi th and South. They blame
the authors ,H it whoever they be, and are
d sirous that the full mrasuro of puniah
ment should be meted out to them for
their high-handed crime.
Hut there are those who consider the
matter in an entirely different light. Over
looking altogether the public interest
which poaoe and concord alono can aub
arrve, aoeing no national r.iwwn and hap
piness to tho support of w hich it ii tlie
duty of every patriot to contribute, and
which a aurresslul rebellion would speed-1
ily destroy, they perceive only In tho dim
diatanco a doubtful chance of getting some
political capital, and they hull il as a god
send. These aro the two ways in which
two distinct classes of men are jut now
speculating upon the matt'T. In the for
mer claas w e are lutppy to include tho
mass of thecititens and all uiiselfi.lt, pat
riotic public men of both parties.
The latter comprehends political bro
kers and stock-jobbers, who have rcitlly
no legitimate business, but turn a penny
honestly or tliahoneslly whenever they
ran, aud inoKtofwhom hy bad investment
lost heavily in tlie late election. And
r,..,in a.n.ai;.,n. ... .aa.n.i;.! ... l...
.......... ...... .
..e l. 1 . , . 1
existence of the means by which they
make a livelihood.
Now wo hnvo no manner of doubt, that
.i r. .. r,
tho Cincinnati Enquirer and papers ot it.
ilk heard with delight of the recent insur-
rection, and would have rejoioed exceed-1
ingly if It had been much more cxtonsivo
and difficult to quell. U cause, regard-'
tug puuiiua otity as at trsuo, or souit tiling
ill which to spuculato with profit, and
their paper bolng at a heavy dicount, they
of course welcome anything which they
. ,,, ., ,
IIIIHfrllia Wil I P.I.N ilia ha ,'nnf tliai. nn.ti-
a - r--
liar commodity. Accordingly a shout is
raised that tho Republicans are tho Insti-
gator of, and therefore responsible for
Brown' mad freak at Harper's Frry.
To be Blira ital. wbatwarat Butt aaaUalaaaa1
chiirgo will not injure those against whom
it i brought, and nobody will descend
refute it. But it will huvu at least one
good effect. It will open men's eye to
the astounding fuct that many of our poli
tician havo becoino o corrupt, thut they
are no longer Influenced by motive of
patriotism or duty, but know and serve
only their unscrupulous selves. They
will bo marked, and their aeal filly rt war
ded. Such tricks cannot be practiced
willi success any longer. They have be
come too transparent.
A for tho Insurrection Itself, It 1 no
difficult matter to account for it. The
annals of Slavery from the earliest peri
od upon w hich hiatory sheds it litlit, are
full of servile uprising. They seem io
be necessities of the institution.' Wa have
had tl em tiino and again since we were
nation all petty, but most, much more
formidable than this. And althoiurh this
was not a rising of slaves, It wa an at
tempt of some madmen who By in path no
with them and counted upon their assist
ance, aud therefore amounts to tha same
The Republican doct-ince la tha only
aafoone. Slavery ia evidently a daiurnr-
ous institution. J 't it present limit bo
permanent and let It disappear hy Its own
nuturitl decay, that no future Spartacus
may iminortalizo his name by some blood
ier and more successful rebellion than that
C. I. T.
Pleasing Reminiscence.
mwi.. , , - r . , . , - ,
' the most refined spirit of drol-
'1ti T, anJ
Tlie good people who aro condemning
with such vigor the recent insurrection
and violence at Harper's Ferry, will per
haps be pleased to recall one of the in
cident of tlie Missouri Invasion ol K au
la. In the year of our Lord 1865, the poor
old madman, who led on the insurgent
at Harper' Ferry, had a son In the happy
territory of Kansas particularly blest
that winter, aa every body will remember.
K. P. Brown, tlii ion, was discovered
near Easton, by a party of Missotiriani,
who with frjeudly violence, prevailed upon
b in to come into town aud to carry tha
loite ami lurtner, shut bun up In a store.
Some dull Free State people, who could
not see tne joke applied at f ort Leaven
worth for troops to rale aaa Brown, and
are him from buing murdered, aa they
supposed. The aid was refused the
commauusni uavng positive orders Irom
commaudant havng positive orders from
l Washington, not to interfere with the ic-
I nocenl amusement ol the Misaourian.
f eaiAiua yapu Brown remained In th.
. . CI' . . ,
DMidi of hit cmiiton, who one day Dlar
, a. a J l J a a .
knok?d n A 'mi," t "T
He rose to In. feet, no duubt thinking the
wo orV "a Uer " "M. ? I"
nr. UlrM mn. 'ong them. And the
Misourin would not ufierthi serious
construction to be put upon tli o matter
. , , .1
o they rushed upon their Priaoner, nd
!cliPi'l bun to piece, with hatchet.
T,,, ,h.en '"P uPon h.i,n'. od ""1I'I'
him under rtieir feet, and when ho called
out to thorn that lie waa dying, one of
them (our Provident, God blesa him! af
terward made tills hero United States
. The old fattier of U.i. man ha. never
been ul to consider tin faeetnnianes
ia it true light, and hi troubles have
gradually made him mad. Ho turned cp,
tha other day, at Harper' Ferry; and Is
now the hissing and by-word ofU virtu
ous people. To these, we commend the
foregoing anecdote a evidence that hi.
late outrageous performance ia utterly un
justifiable. Dear Democratic reader,
ptte it in your hat. Okin Slui Journal,
Marshal Johnson's "Mare's
Nest" and the Egg in it.
negro prisoner in a Virginia jail, which
was to "in.nlie atu" a larifO number of dia-
reported to be of auch lininenae import
ance, that fio'v. Wise had furblddrn Its
publication until the patties implicated
could be secured! But it socms the la
aimed bora of the "mounlnin" could bo phitraot
aud ed no longer, and behold the following
"mouse" is delivered in the Clevelund
The world ha been amply motived of
.,. r ,, . '
a very .t.rtlng "confession." h,rh MaN,
ahal Johnson htd wormed out of epat.r,fnrt.
tlncuished citiaens in Ohio, in thi liar
per'a Ferry aflnir. Thia confession was
vitTal of this morning:
Question Are you John Ooneland of
t merlin, and lha aaine person, that waa
indictstl laat year at Cleveland for reacu
ing the Hlave "John!"
Answ i r I am.
U. Do yom parents rea'tlo l Oher
lin! A. They do.
Q. Who induced you to enter into the
Harper's trrj movement!
A J. tt- Kaoi and John tlroa n Jr.,
wr,ne letter to Irf-arv at (llierlin, which
I saw, ami was thus induced to go into it.
tt. Who furnixhcil you thu means to
come to V irglniai
A. IVilph and Stmuel Plumb gave
n,H u, nioney ..o 10 near my expen-
Q.viiat other Oberlin peraoilswere
at Harper's Ferry! .
A. None but l.eary and myself.
li. Where is l.earyl
A. lie w.ts killed in tho river near the
Rifle Works.
Q. T);d ho come through Cleveland!
A. Yea.
Q On what day did you leavo there!
A The day of the October election.
CI Where did you slop at in Cleve
land! A I stopped at linno Ptortevanl's on
Walnut street. Was tlirre from Mon
day noon until TueatUy evening at 6
Q Did Mr. and Mrs. fUurtcvanl know
what you were going to Virginia for!
A .Mrs. Blurtevunt did. ISho was the
nara.m U'Iia fnlbi.,1 to in, aKmil it I iin-
nose Mr. tl. knew it.
.... ... .
Q. Where did Plumb give you tho
mom y, and who waa present!
A Ralph Pluh gave it to me. Sain-
Ill I. ...J - . ..
uri i mill u biiu i.enry ,vtirv irt'Hri'l, Al
- , IMuuth'solllceitt Oberlin.
Q Did the Plumbs know where you
were going!
A Yes, and wished us good luck, and
f"ve .mo tl,B nmv1 j,wt boloro lu,,rin8
CI Ditl Charles II. LmiL'stun see you
In Cleveland!
A He did, and knew I was coming on
to join Hrown'f company.
I a. lea una. nil i ou ,u uu u pmi IW
. . 0
i ll'l Ji....a...l ...... , ... Qi...
yanl'a atClovelnnd!
A Loary. He wa directed by John
Brown, Jr., to go there.
Q Did yon hear Ralph Plumb, on the
day the slave "John" was rescued, urge
persons to go to Wellington, and If so,
A I did. lie was on tlie pavemoiitln
tront of Vatou a grocery.
4 llavo you any X now ledge ol an at-
tempt to raise an insurrection nt any ot
er btite or region ol our Country 7
A 1 understood that there wa an in
tention to attempt a movement of that
kind in Kentucky about the aiimo time.
Ci Did you know from Brown or any
other person thut help was expected from
tho slave in the neighborhood!
A I did from Brown, that help would
Came from the slaves, but I did not un
derstand at any time, until Monday morn
ing after the fight had commenced, that
anything else than running on" slave wis
intentietl, l lining at tlm Rifle Works Jialf
a mile from the Engine House.
Q Did you learn from Brown or any
of the company that person at Harper'
Ferry sympathized with them, or were in
any wny connected with the movement?
A Jrorn Brown I undcrntood that
thorewere laboring men at Harper'. Fer
ry who wished to get rid uf theluvu,and
wuuiu aiu in running mem on.
In introducing the above, the Dtmiy
crat sys:
"It will be Pn thai Copelnnd impli
cates the brothers Piiimb Ralph Plumb,
also one of the indicted, giving hi in the
money to go to Harper's Ferry to join the
srmy bf Brown, and wishing bim good
luck inlils undertaking."
In another place, the Democrat si.ys:
"Until after he teat fully iinpliaited,Kt
ienire knowledge of the tmurrrclv nary
character of ihe expeditim, and avers that
hi. only thought wo. that of stealing nig
ger to send them to Canada and ihertw
free them,"
Will Marshal Johnson be good enough
to tell u how It w, tltat the brother
Plumb knew of the"instirrectiouary char
acter of the expedition," and wish It
"good luck," when Copeland himself had
no knowledge of it!
Mr. Johnson' questions about the res
cue cose, which had been judicially dis
posed of, show something of the sleep
less watchfulness for all the Interest of
Human Slavery, which give that official
ao much influence at Washington.
Advertise—"Advice Gratis."
The Visksburgh Sun, in an article head
ed "Advit gratia," says -some very scn
siblo things. We hope our business
men, generally will read every word of it
for it is intended for them, txpreadly.
The article days:
"Never fail to trade with men who ad
vertise liberally In preforence to those
who do not, if you would consult your pe
cuniary interest. The reason is obvious.
The man who advertise, his good n itres,
ect., sells three times as many good a
tlie others, and he can afford to sell chesp
er. So read Die advertisement and put
rouiie the establishments that advertise
the most. Deiieud upon it, a man who
neglect to extend a knowledge of hisj
business always rhaiges more for an arti
cle than that man who advertises freely,
we would walk ten mile willingly to eee
tha photograph of a inerchtii t who ia a
non advertiser, and at the same time a lib
eral dealer. No such man io in rxUtence. '
The Cusiioctor Tkeisubv. Geo. Bell
has been cleared ol the charge of Jjavintr
robbed the fyshoctou County Treasury.
While, also charged wun haying liao a
hand in the business, wu first triedon the
Walhonding robbury. The triad came
of)' last week, the prisoner was found
guilty and sentenced to Jen years in the
Penitentiary, with tin) as,iurunce that
when Uirutih with Inn Ulmr in the l'en
itontinry he would he tritd on the treasu
ry cose. JJell ha returned to this city.
derly as a new pin; Prim's linen is fnult
eordi.iiMo '"" nd never lacks a button: his clothes
Prim'e lir.uso is ss clean and or
Mr. Prim has got an-at little wif.-; sne
I" ill l'a oi in B'lia'B nn'I IV.
,,rim.frlpn,,, tnvenXn. him h
are well brushed, snd his neckerchief is
nei tly tied. Put Prinis:nilea but faintly
ss he is complimented on his Rpnesrsnee
and hi w ile's taste! When Prim rmen
home, he finds everything In order. The
blinds are closed, so as to kesp out the
Hies, and ken the sun from fading the
carwts so dark is. it, that Prim can't see
anything, juat coming out of the light;
but there is no danger of hi running
aain-t or falling over a chair or a alool.
t tending is in its place, and Prim knows
very well where that plat e is. Thero i
a place for his bat, for his umbrella, anil
il herorgcta M, Mrs. Prim Is a', hand to
inform him of Ins mistake, and see Hint he
corrects it. lie aits doTn on I particular
chnir, and ia cartful not to displace it or
lesn buck snainst the wall. H is children
come to him like well behaved children a
they are; no ho'alernua demonatrut ons,
no roU;'hiie-, like Plough's rude young
ster, ho run in tlie streets a"d setup a
shout, when they see tir father eom'iig
thai shock tho nerve and propriety of
Mrs. Prim, who wouldn't let her children
play wilh them for the world. Slough,
comes home with half a doien little
wretehea dining to him, asking what he
haa brouyht them, ami searching his pock
ets lor cukes and peanut. Mrs. Prim
dililren never ask for such thmir. and
w hen thi-y gi t anything g:von to them,
I hey siy, "tliunk you," in the most well-
intl manner, and tnke it to mama, who
keeps it till moriiing for fear they will
soil thelrjclcsn pinafores to night.
i i i rrnn aoe noi iook nappy, ann the
chiblren are pale and thin. Prim' friend
ay, what a nice house he has trot, vet
they seldom rail on hint. Slouch, Infat
uated man, lives in crron c carelessness.
regardless of the proprieties of gentility,
look as nanny a a nihalve at tint"! tide.
and the children, sunburnt and freckled,
ami not always clean, sre equally henltl y
ami happy. Mr. Slonrh, who ia re, ri
sible for it all, and goes herself half ol the
tuner iithabi'.lr, wear a complacent
smile en her countenance, thateonvinrea
Mrs. Prim of the depravity ol human na
ture. And people visit the Slouches; they
li'ivs ten times a much company tho
frims. And f rim, too, doe not rejoice
in bis oonscious superiority of ire utility.
a neatly kept house, and a model wife
Such ia the p'erservity of human nature.
iJrooilyfi c.agle.
How Mr. Beecher same in to the
Rev. Ilenory Ward Bnechtir lectured
on Tut .day evening to an Immense au
dience a perfect jam in hi owe church
in Brooklyn, on "The Borgin-Mker,,T
in the "Plymouth course." The edifica
wa thronged In evory part He wa in
troduced by Mr. Theodore Tilton.of tha
Independent, with tho following remarks.
Mr. Tillon said:
"Ttaw W.Vwwt nnats upon being intro
duced. Laughter) This, T :,L;"pi i".
from natural nu.desty. ( Laughter Yet
periia p. I ought to any a word explana
tory, in order that he may not coma before
you as a perfect stranger! I Would therc-
loro state that he is Iroin Litchfield, Con.
nerticut, and is niiniritnr's son. LaUuli-
tor. Now minister' sons you know are
provorbiully disinclined to follow niegood
example of thoir fathers. So I will tell
you a queer .lory, that 1 heard the other
day from Litchfield. By tho aide of an
old houso in tint old town, there stood a
lurch-tree, which, when it had reached
the higlit of the accoml-story, put forth,
one rpring, a brunch that grew through
un open window into the room. The win
dow of the airy chamber wa not (hut
down, and iho treo wis allowed to grow;
until at last a robin came and builtane&t
in the bough, ins tin tho house!
"Now, as I am incredibly informed, a
prominent early branch of the Beechcr
family was the branch of birclt Laugh
ter introduction, I believe, on the fath
er's side! Great Laughter. Atall events
It hns been hinted that it was the birch
that first brought our friend into the cAurc.
Applause ami laughter but having thus
vigorously coaxed in, he found tho church
so good a place that he built bis iivm it,
and has been singiior like a robin ever
since! I wilfonly aid furtlie', that he has
been for some time past' preaching in thia
neighborhood, with a view to a call and
settlement In a new church on Montague
HeiL'htn!" Great luuirhi.-r.
Mr. Beerher waa then teceived , with
loud applause, and retorted by say ing, that
Mr. Tllton himself would lectnro in brook
lyn ucxt week, and that he (Mr. B.) Would
like lo pe present to iulrtxluc i.',.
A Cortrast. We cannot help a feel
ing of adinirution of some of the qualities u
of the Southern politicians, eienstor
Macon, whose manners in the Senate are
plantation manners, and Gov. Wise, who
lirsjj,. forth such graphic abuse in never
ending letters, look down upon Old Ooaa
waltomie Brown a on a wounded lion, and
while Maaon apologize for hi questions,
Wise expresses bis admiration for the old
man' indomitable will and high courage.
This waa contrasted by Mr. V allaudiiigw
ham, who was a pot-house politican and
mi- arable peltifoggertppeared mt ao r in J
smaller by the ronlraoi. Howhedidex
ercino bis little Country Court ingenuity
to draw out of the wounded man some ex.
prexsion that Would implicate euuisuody ,
in Dayton.
What a grand thing it would have been
if Mr. Yal. could have play. d Old Goes
berry with some aspiring nonstable ia
Montgomery. We poke kindly of this
manloa-t wek. We now take il bark.
He is too small for our microscope. Mao-a-C'Af.
The attempt to connect tlie Republican
parly with-Cld Browr'a mad outbreak ia
a ncf.c&oty ol the Monti D mm racy. A
tliey are nut able to bent the Hi publican
in h single' Free tflato this fi.:e of tha
Rocky Mountains, they muat noil. a the
meet uf their victory over Old brown'
fifteen w hiteinen and tivo nei roea. They
hnvo mode so much tj j about it, tout
they are athmued to lutvo thu rriis.ll num
ber of their adviTbitricH and vo l u
known. It wouldn't do to own t'i..t lio.
Federal Kiocutive and thofo of Virginia
ami Maryland bav been iriUtciied half
out of tin ia- wiu by a ln.i.liii.'ii and U
platoon uf follovt ou. , Ali't ai'y Ihe bul
letins of Ibis War exceed in th aud
poiideroiiHitofs tl:ote of tho nr ot tiii
Greuk with Xers; nm! tiiil n,e tuo-H
giaph vt in 1 etoaii ilti luriiier d. t A.-.
Phis is a ket u built lor pat'.y capiial, .tod
will ultima!- I n coil o.i U.i! l to
-V. Y, 7Vtiue.

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