Newspaper Page Text
lllfil Sttliilli o ta 1 1 1 ' i x r Ay VOL. XIL TIlIN, OHIO, 1UITI3A.Y, mOISMlJIflll O, 1850. NO. J). JOB PRIJTIIG, Having ncMed to tte material of nr office aaa of DAY'S MICDAL JOIJliEIlS, And tmmltflfw it oftn.ent of Uaara prapaiad toatar.l. ar.ry lain, la oot Iia., wrh aa rMr, Cire'tlnr. Hhotv Kill, rv(irrami', Hand Mill, Invitation, Labels, Cnrila, II Inn k Notes, Check a, I'nmphli'l, Hooks, Ac, (ataa moalaallafarlory aiaftnrr. Orders Filled ai Short No I foe, And on tli very IiowoHt T o x m m , At tha Tribune Job Office. M'HKi: n.Ul.Kr, Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. iH. JloilVtt, ATTORNEY AT LA V. Uan.ral tTollactlnf and lln.lnau Aff.nt; Featnria.O. K. Mj. ;i il2ith, Attorncv nml Coiumollor at law, Tiinn, Ohio, flffiea In Coinm.irl.; Unit. Jana3t,tf. i DDI'KK K. Vesn.Ni M.AM WII.I.ARI): lVATOAT Si W1LLAKU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "1 1 MM. attend iropnntlT to nil kind a of l"?nl linn neat; II OrtW in tunimetvUl Row,,i hio. mS n. r. oa,i:, "' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kinder' Block, opponite Court House. I'p stair peril 57 tf j. ik7 ii on "iYT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tillin, Odin. OPFItTR la rthawlian'a Naw lllork, naar fhrivar', lw. lal.llMI IiMl 11.1 I'll .1 tin HIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY rillll.IC, And flanarnl In.nranra Agent, tlllieawllh W. P.fc 11. NoMa, Tillin, Ulna. ailli.ra Sro blc lie Wolf V i o l le, Attorneys mul Counsellor:) ut Law. Itfflea la tiingoa'a Nnw ItlouR , opnoita Ilia I'nnrl nni-t.M lie. P. F.PaWair, IlnrtiaoQ Nobla. iOIIN O. LK. ItKMOK L. lltr.Wr.l. Lee Si 11 rower, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND Knlleltorn in hnncrir. Rnomi, inrtiiiffrr'. Nar lllo.-lt, opttaila lha Cooil Hiaa. Tiffin, ln Htli. '.W it LttIII WII.I.IAH H.IOMNtON .Stem alollllMOll, Attornuys and Ctniriscllora at Iiw. O FKH'l. in llelc'.'Nrv III'i-li, mn Volltiirr'.i'Uth. iBf ilnra; Main .tm'l. l,lM,Mltl l.n.inr,. antllln aallartlnn nf all hlnl. nf rlatnt. irntn(illy nttemlctl lo. Tillia, llaa. I"lh. II 5. .1. j. Mleiiier. ATTORNEY A T L A W, lla.ra.ntnail tka nra.illra, ami Kill jlva .trtn atlrniinn to alilmnnri. antruilr! In him. t lllit-a in lha ror'iarol l-'.ltart'. Hln-k, illicrllv nlmva lha .Irra TttHtl ol All Uanrira Taylor, autl oiiio.ita Ilia fliux han llon.a. a,l W illiam II. llnvrnport, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vofari l'libtie, ami CtniiiiiiomT for Kfiitucky ami Citlilitrnin. OKKU'K No 311 Wail l-'niirtli Strcjot,belwaan Main anil Walnut , i-'inrinnati, llhto. iHlSJ Ir '. 'collection "and land agency, J OX KM Si THOMAS, Kuatorin, Ohio. Ganaral Ollariinj anil Land Aeanta, .ill wampllj llemi tatha eitllartlnn of all claim, anlro.lrd to thru 'anra,ln Hrnana and ailjolnlnji i'oilnlie.. Wlllal.o altand to w hria U:il a.lii.-a u naailrd in rro-a. .ti ... .mi. I.rlnra Ju.llr. nf tha I'aara. lerton.wih- I at lo bu, or .all Land orToan rriert)i will nnd itlo thai,,. IDjiiili aeau. j,,NKH. E. W. THtlMAU Kirn to Pn.naa MaiTta, Findlay. (Joit At llaovi sa, W. F. at Ii. Nuuta, Tillin. FoariLll k tu.lofia. Daa.M, ICj If. AVillinm linns; ATTORNEY AT LAW, AMD General Land Agent; Wsaldraaavelhlla' inform Ilia salilla that a. liaa aoa- .aol.4 wiia.i. praclloa a ra"i.r LAND AGENCY U.....V. i'.u., la liar I.amla oi Tawr. I.ol, will aH it to thru .,1,.i.Iatoaiami.aal..ok. o aa. ,iaat..l.oalia.,, tula., ko.l ai.J tlia.a wi.hmr I. ..Hi,... h.ra a raarf, ma.liutn, l,r Icatrliif rfa.rr.t.liaa at prnfartr .laraaa, . lo! antra. tytlrtir. I.eUawliaa.'.CoiiioioraialHIock.aaaltba a R ankof Tiffin," u-ro C'AHII PAIU FOR LAND WARRANTS. ilarJSHl! ui:onuu. ii. iiii., civil. i:ninkhr ani co F.vrv s frit ije von. Ulllca la BuawLs-'l BlavS, aval Han or Tim n falilff i iVlLlil tn laAIaLl 1, rinrL mid Watcli-lnker. All kindnof watches kcptooinlautljonhaud stora ia Commercial Roar. , Tillin, Sept. Hlh, IBM. ly GEOltGli (iEAll, Koatorln. Ohio. , CARRIAGE & WAGON Makeb and aiaaufaeiuroff of O x-rtlrx OrndloH, Oflka aaat nnalila. A anall of ika l.nat ka kaapa aaa.i.atlr aa hana, at ki. .boy ia Fa.lo.ia. Tha, alMfui ..I. alHalli.aa'a Haioaaia (tola ilTilfia. All aaJar. aiomntl; allaailail l. aiaatf t! TifUn Si V.t. Wayne Rail Iloati. Offl.aaf ik.T.a Fl.W.m.a.Ca.,1 lla.aaibai.lriH. H IHC.Ata ortki.eaaapaa,!. u.naaaaallrloaa. " taa I a rtiHa.aad t ha aarioa. tuotaa oocaplad , ,a iha.aJ.toraofToish'. Illai'k ; rrnir of Mainaa4 ra'iy "iraia, a. .17 It. B. kUMtlELU, B.a'j. pt. HC'aLlaTEa. e. COWLU. RIcA'lister 5r. Cowlos. T!-. tl.EBRIa BTOVtS aad MaaafaatataraafTia, X t CiiitMiaaiinkaatlran Wara. lnala1 Now Bloak, .na Suoi rloathaf NafUra'a harUtaara ataaa. Tllfca, AorllS, InM tf G" ta aiaoweMH aa. .any aa thalr ba.laaaa ' a.M .araa.rll, at HaaiaioaUia. fraa fraaa frala Faaia rarta Vlaraida waia aat oat Oa paM aaaaoa (aa af llaaMavatos LaaUa, ia aaoihar r' lSa. XKRrtN(i waaiiag ta ehauira tawir haataoaa tv a ,.. W increaaing (."antra- B New rallletmet skKare naisJraJt ara ruiaa where lis e h tatite U anal, a a vi iieMa a a Hapmaapxit Cayaaaaaaeat, a MtsMaa. jal U -4 ara a mild TOMB, I1UJ3S&CO., StanLrri. Tflt ei-ieting Wtvn rV T Jnhm the n4rtrn4 have aavoeiat4 tbpnilvt I fr , frtrthe pnmve or tMtiMinf tHa Iwjmii-h of Tirab, llnta ft Co.,nndr tha Mm hum aat ta as Immi. fir. There vlll h nt Interrnptton In the tiatlneae asWr. tofnrerAndartad, and tha aame is will beobaerred la thepayaaeat of tntrat,rii tmm $ Mnnihl 4 Nf !n. a a 11 a rftttVeiet,n lime pavable on deaaand. ft. TOMB, J'HIN T. IllHK, ii. H. MlHH, A.U.AMKATn, JOHM Ull.MU. dl tf. H. S. Wenner & Co., MAM'FACTl'RF.RS OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ScLKIES., FTC, JelTorson St., ncr Gerinnn Catho lie Church. Tiflin, Oliio. AFINKtt'vliorih'UfMiv'ltnf nirri.if . U t hl in th K .t mannrr Bntl of th moat dtintlil mii'niili, inirnljr hand, nl rrftmilU mmlf I orrir. ml'47. H. H. VVKNNKR ii TO. Ir. J. ITIcAdoo. llrIl.L ptmnnlU atlonrf lr all rail., althfr In Tif t. (In at roantrY.ln a'hnlirtrrtnf an tha atnirlail. rartlrnUr .ttrntinn pfttd In iti.rn.a.. Hhnwar and IMtinra hath, ennnartrn a it Ii tha offica, mill-ntal a hrnil.intiir,..arr b, Itim.rir. C'llica wail af tha VYtmitan lliiilira.v iVanl, Tillin, Ohio. :n.. Iluggy X, Ciirriase I.iiiii f'nrlnrrr, Enatof the Cona Motiae, on Mnrkt Street. Tiflin. Sept. 20th, 1854 iTlr. Ii. V. Allen, Milliner & Dress Maker, P'wim or F. K.HItiinn'R ilor, Muln lrt. Tiilm. Ohio, Uet l.ith, lf.V flm V. V. lEHIMIAltK, IID.AiTAI, M lt.i:0.. O KKH'H In liahan'a Rlork, J ilnrr, nliartly n lar tha 1'riliniiv UIHra, Mnrkal .trral , Ttlhn,! . HI. AVnRiier, iH r.KCII A NT TAII.OIt. llanlar In Rat.ilr.Mada Clolklnj, I'lolhi, I'.a.linatr., Vril inf ..&('. Hlmron lain .Iraat, ainn.ita lha Hanaca C'onnty llai.k. DA VI S" II "6 U : (Formerly called, the "City Iuute.") TIFFIN, OHIO. LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor. Tli untlerticneil .loiirp lo InTonn nil hi fVirn.U nnd Hit In la ialrtin ol (lie 1 'ilv llnni. (now th llnvi) (tint In hot I ti raiiily for ttiw rovtion of f"u. Th Ilnnf hi lMrn ra-liuilt, re-fumi theti ami It now at rix4laf any in lha pimtitrr. I now have laMiriff noiij-tiloartfonimoalnta anv nnm lcrolhuri,anilMlltalwa) ihavc an nl.iimlinrv of ltJ. la tat I MK" Ti ffin Ortolitr 1, IMS I.1. t f AVnlclirxA: Jewelry. Q Hrini .tfiiiin'nflt lo, ! ti in iliia en y tm jmt i)K-tivil i .a kiii r uruif ami iiimii Mtrt, ,mi. i rnnwiian Itlo -li ,antl M.Hi-ii.itn inciiin ot'hi tnrk of VVatvhai, I'lnt'ha, Jewelry ami r liver wait, anil hopaa to merit a inure 01 nuiiiie .Ntrnnni:a, Hepairiott ilonv in tha !! itylaof wortmsntliip, Ttflin, Junr :i, ii-.V.t. is i:av iTiai ai-:ic v FANCYSfORE. MISS E. T. CODURN Una jo r turned from Niw York ami oprned a li.L Assortment of Miu.ineky, I'txnoriiinr Ilnta, lap, Ilead ilretnaa, Amerienn and Krriuh Klownr, KiiilrifUiiiea, Vait, M.inilktTi lieili, Mtita, Kal llnir.t 'urot, tutm.iwn r-kiria, Ko. hha Mill l litiiv lo wan iiMn all hut Invor lier with t call. All ortler iriiiiilv nilentlftl to. On Malnitfeat, in Hlfk' IUin:k, Tiflin. ipIS XV. II. I'arli, II. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AAKKM'i; on lnin tlruat, 0oaite II lack 'a liloek; I iinn, oino. ma'.'i a DENTISTRY. Dr. Franklin is at Home Again, and heTing aaaoeiated lilmtolf iih UK. SAMUEL GEE, a will da all work animated lo at piomptly, ami TVarrant S.if iKlnction. Ir. Frank Ha mav be narnittied to remind thia root niunity, lliit hia rerienc in ledicina and Hurifery ennlilca Inm to treat iliaeaaail Tenth ami tin ma with l.ellianaia than aoine who at vie lhaine:res .I'RiiitnN l)-altalt, tml whoa claim to thai title iaahoa-elhar lab- nloua. Allneraonahavtnr DROAYRn TKETH. PTKFAH. Kt tit'MH, or in want of AKTIKUTAI, TKETH, williaii welltucnll at our nine, on door Watt of Hlia w han honaa, on Perry al. V. FBANKI.IN. BAML'EL CF.E. Tiftin, June 17, 1K0. BANK OF TiFFINi NUAWHAN'S M'.W III.CX K, THIS RANK WILL COXTINtE to'lf iinanel a ieneral II 10. king butlueai.and pa) intercat ou lJetoiita luiiowa: a aionuta, a ier eent, A S - jj ft " " Certi lit-atet avaliie in all caaea on demand. V.. lioaaav, A. ., HiarMaa DoaiHTt aeplt lUnki ra. Protect the Lives of Yourselves and Faniilit'M ! PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY Tvoxxx Xjlalxtialxia! The onderaif nerl wonld reanertfullv announc to the Ptblic thai lie hat rttieitOtl a tupply ol lui eeltbra- tea 1. 1 Pii.tiAn Electro magnetic Oondactor, whW'li he U at all timet ready ta pnt np oa short notice and on rvaaouaMe tarn.a. 'thia Hot) ia the betat now In aaa. and la foat takinalhe pllr of tl! othert, betna; the Combined l'opr and iroa fable, in form; aavea, tiierelore, all tolaia; don't ruat, beinir auipllad with Zla Baltarlea, tnd ka more aarlacaihaa any Otber CoarJai-tor aow la aaa . r. t-ritLMAN. N. B. Alia, prepared to pt all otltar kind of Roda If prelerred. jei.-i WAltrOLE HOUSE, . ST Jtlra. !tlnry Ii. Anderson, Upper Handusky, Ohio, Mala atraat, ooa atiaaaa Notthof tha tart Haafa. SO90 ZDoix-mi BtirKory. P. J. Si. O. II. KliXNAMAA Keapeetfutly tender their Frnfeaaional aervlceat the IaadieaaodtUntlemeiiot ihisplac, and virtu ity. Tltey are preaied to per fovea all lha ,ieraUoas coaaacud witOiiM acieaea ol lEATISTItr apoa th aaoet Improvad and sclent ifVe prieiplea. FertoMadeairtngil will tae waitdufon althetireaidea . Allotdert will receive prompt attention. All Work vill bo Warranted. CHARGES MODERATE. ajpV-OAoa ia rM f.ima,l, anaapla. by Irr. S Dra ap,. caraaa of V a.hinrOHi aad ataabw asiaMa. Tiaaaw, tMata. Aaatl JSaka an.. MUSICAL NOTICE! The undersigned offbr their nor- aiaaatalha .ablia aa uaaaara aa lha Vlahaa, Flala, BaSvailoMalhailaMraiH..Ui aU, IB tka tiiaak, L U., Fiaaoa, aauh aaS (i,Ma Unpt.r,. Al.BrH r BOHN-crEI., J.XAI IIM JlAll.l.t i I X Oanost Waia.tM aiaaat.'a BnlUiaai Float eatarasoa. aull-ir -)KaUMlNa atabiart aMabluk Maaafaokaria. ia .1 aaw aaS abH.lnff plna aat afta M i.a.HM BaaUan.1 I a Raymond's 10 Dollar F1MY SEWING MifIIIE. For Sale by II. -knight, At J. Volmor's Cloihinj JStoro. POSITIVELY he Rent for Family I nc. Artf wrtd lir aarh Twmhip. I will also Boll I. M. SINGER'S Manuf ctoring Alacliino. SJoots and Allocs Selling Cheaper than Ever! I will Sell mj Entiro Stin:k of Hoota cj Shoos, AT LOWER PRICES, Than I hr ar afleri!. Ihm lo the pnMie hAr I hiva Men, lluva, Yoatha anr Inlama llonii and rhi alo, lthe. Miiaaa and Uait. Morooro Kid anil Calf laac booti. and fkw Hh. 1 Tire Flock is First duality OF Eaitern And Homo made Work. and it wllUnll alt iter ton that want a aitod artiel. ;ivt me a rail, a It will bo for 'ah. and t'AHH onlv. In lha Old Hoot and hhoa Htnre. Na, a Klven Hl-fc. THOMAH KI-:A. I'm torn er work mda to order at arnial oo7-3m II ous o Moving and liaising. S. S. KISINGEIt WOl'I.Dannonnca to lit oil liana Tiflin. and Han. CM and na uoanliea.lhNl ha it aaiiiil itra. pared wit all th neceaaarr afiparatut for UoviHjsr or liaising Houses, Barns, &c. &o. of all tiiea, and to any dt tm,ce reijnired, witlmui Injarv. IIk UxnERSTANne tub RorKsl t'it'lmrzea modcrita. Gir Mm a Call. Tillin. .May iSih, .Vl If NEW ARRIVAL of GOODS A. & ttltncWcr's BOOT & SHOE STORE, ITIiiiu Street, Tiflin, O. 1'F. Wlll'I.M CAM. TMK ATTENTION OF . Ilia pulilio to tlio iaol that wa hava tavaivad Ilia laiao.l aliwll ol Hoots JU Shoos, LKAT11KII it FLNDINUS, eer offeretl in tliia market, which wa will SELL LOW for CASH, ONLY. CALL AND eV.E boftire Tim buy olae wheiv. A. & fl. THIio,tpt.!l3, 'J(l. Ira M. MARTIN Would Inrorm hit eualornera that lie lina removed to A. Sz It. Kri'.IILUU'S LOOT and LEATHER STORE, Where lie will herennrr ha found ready antl willinj lu wnil Uh)ii thain. All who want a (lOOI) FlTTINQ IjOOT OU SlIOR, will daa give bim a call, at tli place) above men honed. Tillin, Nov. 4. IrSU 3m "HLMS, ItltO'S Si CO. (Huoue.Hna to II. A. Hliiaillay anil Brothara ) CarrinKe.Tlnniirai'turerra; At Republic, Seneca Co., Ohio. Woaln re.peclfuHy annotinra lo tlie Ptilille thaltha, hava uurclia.ail tlia Manafaotitiy lirraloforebalnn,inf to H. A. Hlirll.lav anil Itiotliara. anil ara nraiiaiail tuilo allkinil.of work ia Itiair Una anil will uon.tantly kaa, on haml I'AKRI ;F.M. Bl'lil) KM. and IM'I.KI KM, Wklrlilliay Sa'tarthamaalvaa .halllia .aooad tonoao la Ih, Wilt. H.l.iilill.ilvtoliri'r.llli. I itt ir Jm.T. Klli., Jr.. I.. B. a: 1 1 . 5i. Hhrlill.T CASH FOR WHEAT! The higlieBt Market Priea alwaya raid at tliaWara notite, lor Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats. Whan tUalnta Markal, lhajf will alway.nnd a. onlianil Willi lhn"ior.nmnnt, aivc iin a Call. Jff BILL & OS HORN J.W so, iPja. To The Piililic. The atlfaicnil having opona J an eitaaaive WAGON MAUYAOTORY, In RepnMio, would respectfully Infonn th eitiinaof naneoa, and amotiiina; comiliea, mat no naa on uanu la rare atouk of toe rtrai quality of aeatoned I ember, and ia prepared la farm ah wtfoni, got Bp la aa good and workmen l ive manner as can b mail in in iima. Having been long engaged at the butiaat,b ftelacon ft den l that hia airuni CAN NUT BE SURPASSKD, For light running and pvrfoet aymuietry of form, which together with their durability, render a litem more deal ahla than thote made in anv "thai tec lion of the elate. He will keep eonitatlv oa band all forma aad iito C!e pOaV W a-mtt that may oe oetireo, ana wutaan liieiru uheaiiei Utaaaaa ue pare hated in, -mtlf ..inarptrt ufihe W..t. C. Oi-BuKN, KeMiblia, He nee a to. Ohio, JaneJ-tiao Nevr l?tabliliiiieitt. SEGAES TOBACCO. The anderalgn9 having eaubllahed a S EG Alt & TOBACCO STORE, WASIMNCTflN BTRKET. Nearly opr.tot.te the Court Hooae.oflwra for ale wholeaale and retail, tlie beat imiMarted Havana, Cuba, Yeiaaad !metlio Ha cart: aiao beat brands of eliew- lag and an.ftktng tobaoeo. ! HOKNHTKI N, ole Waihiaglon at., nearly op. iba Curt lloaa. jihanlian Ilouae SHAVING SALOON. Havln. parrhaiad Uia lataiaat aad Sataraa Is tliawl.aa llau.a llaibal eiM.p, tolmriiy oalinf in r M iia., tba anilar.iaaad laka Iliia a.thod af infataitnir tha pahlia that thav ara laaiiy at alt liata, at lha alaadoaa dooi aorih of lha Phawbaa Hoa.a, ta ffia aaalooaa. a aoud aha. a. a trial hal.ral.aad a laaaita.t ibawiiaoaiaa at tha aaaat ra.... T. F. HAVISNrollT, DENTIST, Ffo 541 Went Foarth st. betweea Wal nut and Vine, Ciat-Uiaatl, etVW lr 1859. 1859. 1859, BILL & OSEOMI. Proprietors of tlie R . R. Warehous es, limn, UillO. GRAINaodCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, aad llaalar ia Salt, Wata. Uaia.Caal, Fia.lar.rla. t aV'C'a-h, a4 tha blfhaal paiaa. paid. n Wars Com, 0a., ra,eaaa. ka. Aprt GOOD NIGHT. 0h,1 niffiitT liow r ita muiit In aHHitliiiifi aiUtio n tha er. Antl every font I rt'liti(( callt, R'inaiT U iia tMrnoat chvr: o o rile or liirlil f tont Cnn ruh it of ita niatfio thrill, Srak lut tlit aimplr Wortla Ion. la any Toict, 'tit uvh'O ffitiliT till. Stron if a ra tlie charm that tn It Jmrll Fur all nUo mity ita ancent hrettth; And eoiijurrI y ita Hti.t Tha itiiala of fnnry nlo ly m rvath Into tha dark familiar fjrm Who crow ntnl it with a hato Wiit-lit An.l Unt it half Uia glow that wanna The b.itrt that hara a hmooot xumr, A father' hU-aatng on it reta; 'Ti aaorid milh a motlu-r'a kiaa; It ch.tT tha Ath vf parting tH'atat And li 1 In tha In-art with hoppim-aa. It soothing iitlliNitcii, liiipTing, Hoata Vhertj pillowed inmtvnt r poac, From quivering chorda, at tv the note, A linger porfutn nonr llic rvaa. Though partinjr ha if eanatant, Uitnie, II hold" no parting' keener ating; 8o vhort tli th time- 'tia hut a dream. And iwwt minion dawn will bring It tit lda to llmvrn't nrotiotitiaT ojii-a Th lovrd onra till the iu riiini('a lL'ht; i u ntm wmwe iniin ami trtiF-r aa inVa Though Muck the gloom, t i still good ni'ht. . ! DIVORCED BY MISTAKE. a r ef at tha alii Ona winter thcr came to Trenton. New Jeraev. two men. named Smith and t... .t i.,i i .ti ,i j i Jones, who nnd botn or them design, on n tho Legislature. Jonea had a bad wife and was in lovo with a pretty woman hc wished to he. divorced from his bad wife, so that he might marry the pretty who by tho way, was a widow, with black eyos, and such a form! there- fore Jones came to Trenton for a divorce. Smith had a good wife, good as an an- gel, and the mother of ten children, and did not want to bo divorced, did want to gi t a charter for a turnpike or plaiikroad, to extend from Tig's Run to Terrapin Hollow. Well, thuv, with those dillcrent errands.l ' came to Trenton, and adilroaacd the a.' sembled wisdom with the unual argument. Ilirat, suppers mainly composed of oys ters with rich background of venison; second, liquors in great plenty, from 'Jor ey lightning, which ia a kind of locomo tive at full spi ed, reduced to liquor shape, to Newark champagne. To speak in plain prose, the divorce man gave a cham pagne supper, and Smith the turnpike man. foil, ...I u.iii. . ,i.. ,....,. i,..i,. last, under the iiiullifvinir influence of wnicn tho a; tho divorce Jonea and H assembled wisdom passed both and the turnpike bills; and a copy of each bill in ... . ' : . , . their pockets went rejoicing home, over miles ol sand, and through tho trilmlution of many stage coaches. Smith atrrivnA lutma lia ,u ...;., .j as he sat down in his parlor, his pretty wife beside him how pretty alio did look! and fivo of her children overhearing tho other five studdying their lessons in tho eornor of the room, Smitli was induced to nxnntinte iinon tlip oooil ri.nulr of hia sion to Trenton. 'A turnnike. mr dear : I am one nf the directors and will bo president. It will set me up, love; wo can send our children to the buarding-Hhool, and live in style out of tho toll. Here is the charter, hon- cy. 'Let me see it,' said tho pretty little wife, who was one of the nicest of wives, with plumpness and goodness dimpling all over her face, Met me see it,' as she leaned over Mr. Smith's shoulder. Rut all at once Smith's visage grew long: Smith's wife's visage grew Muck. Smith was not profane, but now ho rip ped out an awful oath. 'Blast ua, wile, thoso infernal scoundrels at Trenton have gone and divorced us!' It was too true; tho parchment which he held waa a bill of divorce, in which the names of Smith and Smith's wife ap peared in frightfully legible letters. Mrs. JSmitli wiped her eyos with the corner cf her apron. 'Here's a turnpike,' she .aid sadty,'and with the whole of our ten children etaring me in the face I aiut your wile! Hore s a turpi ke.' 'Blast the turnpike aad the legislature, lnd . Well, the fact i. that Bmith, reduced to single blcsscdnesa, enacted Into a Strang- er to ins own who, swore awiuny. ni- though the night was tiara, ana most ol the denizens of Smith's town had gone to bed, Smith bid hia late wife to put on hor bonnet, and arm in arm they proceeded to the clergyman of their church. "Goodness, bless me!" exclaimed the f;ood man a. he .aw them enter Smith ooking like the last June shad, Smith's wife wiping hor oyes with tha e .'nerof her apron "Goodness, bes. me, what, the matter!" "The matter is, I want you to marry u. two right off," replied Smith. "Marry you!" ejaculated the clergyman with expanded lingera and awful eyes; aro you drunk, or what 1. the matter with youl" However, na nnauy married mem over straightway and would not take a fee; tho tact Is, as grave as he wss, he wa. (ty ing to be alone that he might give vent to a suppressed laughter that waa shaking him all over; and Smith and Smith's wile went joyfully home and kissed every of their children. The little Smith's ncv er knew that their father and mother had ever beou strangers to each other by leg islative enactment. Meanwhile, and on the aame night, Jones returned to hi. native town Burl ington, I believe and .ought at once tha fine black eye. which he had hopod short ly to call his own. The pretty widow net on the sofa, a white 'kerchief tied cue lassly about her white throat, her black hair laid in ailky wavea against each rosy cheek. "Divorce ia the word," cried Jones, playfully patting her double chin; "the fact is, Kliia, I'm rid of that cursed wo man, and you and I'll be married to-night. I knew how to manage thoae acoundrela at Trenton. A champagne .upper was it breaklasl" ma trie Dunnes, tor them. Put on your bonnet and let us to the preachor'a at once dearest." The widow, wnowas among wiuows,es peaches among apple., put ou bar bon net and took Junes arm, ana "Just look how handsome it la put parchment!" cried Jones, pulling out the document before ber; this i. th law that aay. Jacob Jonea and Aua Caroline Jonea ara two." Putting her plump gloved hand on hi shoulder she did look at It. M0h dear!" alio said, with her rosy lips, and sank back, half fainting, on sofa. "Ob Maias!" cried Jones, and sank beside ber; niUia;j the fatal psr cluneal It araa haru ra. lmtaxl olbeinir tlivntTtxl, and at liberty to marry thowid ow, Jaroh Joni waa aimply. by tha leg- Ulattiro of New Jt raoy, incorporated into lurnpikt coinpany, and what made it oTnV,hr,,0rU" ".".'kT0," to Ifnavaxi, hen v on relied that Hurl- ilnntna a n j W : - . i ... a . J t . , .. . I tniH naa nniiilii r . a v .1 lua.nw.of Jnn-.' ' ,t.a .11 .I.. r...l C ,1.a ,...H.v i.vMii.iir'i.iii.ui ui.i iiiihii i. man who gnve tlie rlinnipupne ppir or wm it tli brcakfnat!" rntd Jont'i in i;ony. "If they'd chrlfrrd mo to a tnrnpik from Tig' Run to Terrapin Hollow, I might have born it; but tha very iiKa of build inf a turnpiko fnim Onrlinton to Briatol licnrt in alianrility on the lira of it. So it diil. "And ymi ain't divorced,' (aid Elita, a tear tunning down each chcok. "No!" thundered Jonoa, entahinf Ilia hat between his knoua,"and what if worao the legislature is ailjonrneil and ifimr home drunk, and won't bo back lo Tri llion till next year!" It was a hard caan. Tho niiatakc (!) had occurred on tho laat day of soaaion, whon l.-giaUtort and tranaerihinfj clerks wera Inhorinjr under a champagne brer.kfaat. Rmith'snsnis had been put where Jones' oujjht tohae bran and "wisey wortey," as tho Latin poet has it. "Naturally Inclined to Drink." I ! vorce, and is undergoing cross examina- tio',: , ,, , I Attorney. W ell, Mr. Frown, the de woman, !''ndent in this e-uo is ycur sou-in-law, is I '10 . ,. , ,, , , . , U .nr (standing behind a chair and clincl,i"K ho b,ck " il ,,oth h"n'1"' ;look, out fro,n univt '" ,hW7 -Smith butibrow' will uncertain roll of hia vi,ul1 orl"'' nA drwl out,) is, sir, he I ' , ... I it omcy,(Curl-ly) Wcll.Mr. Ilr.wn, w 1 I l"l , ' 'u.t.a L,n.i, r tLa il.if.inilanl'a aaliaaaa 1 flection,) Methinks, If I am not mistak a an-(AUorney, paUietic.lly, Ah I mc Smith l thmksi.' does mo,) yes, methinks 1 first saw him Tour or five veara airo. at mv The editor of the Mahoning Rrqitter recently paid a vieit to the"tcmplc of jne- tico," at that place, and became spocta tor to the following intercut ng court 1 . .l. . j i .aeeiiA. The witnea. iinon tha .tnnil la father to tho ladv who is sueing for di what you know of tha defendant's char acterj IV't'fnsM, (scratching his head and pro ceeding very luiaurely,) Woll, I ahould aay that it always seemed to mo that he was a man who was naturally inclined to drink. Attorney, Well, Mr. Brown, won't you pleaso state to the Court when you firht saw tho dufendsnt, what was his employment, and how often youaawhim IVincf, (sftor some hesitation and re- him four or five years ago, at my ",,u ""J 'n his shop, and found liquor in a quart measure there, and iudgin' from what I'ye eo' of llim h,,uld, ll""t ho " j n,na ho eeemed to have a nalurol m- ie.ownor rfrintii'. I . Xorny.(urgently,) ell.Mr Ilrown, """ J"" .-- rVn(!f He wa. in very poor, miser able, low circumstances. His wife board ed with me, and he didn't pay ber board, 'cause he'd nothin' to pay with, and not unfrequetitly ho'd be oil" carousin till 13 o'clock at night, and then ho'd come home and abuse his wife tho most unmcrciful est, and in fact ho alius 'peered to me to be a man who seemed naturally inclined to drink. Attornti Well, Mr. Brown, did you ever see this defendant Intoxicated! Witneit Why, yea, every day in the week, and I'd be w'illin' to take my oath afore God, (raising bis right hand solemn ly,) that I'd seen him eo drunk he couldn't ttauaer! Attomev (aside, with a low chuckle, He must have boon pretty drunk,) There, that will do, Mr. Brown, you can take your seal. Call your next. A Georgia Wedding. one''""' had." or on The preacher waa provcated from tak ing hia part iu the ceremony, and a new ly elected Justice of the Peace, who -1. - ......! . I.. n.naah ..ralUilnnr.nln Lfficjite in ti, place.' The good man's I knee, began to tremble, for be never tied the kuot ,nj did not know where to be (fin ji e baj no Georgia Justice or any other book from which to read the mar- riage service. 1 he company was arrang. ed in a semi circle, each one bearing i tallow candle. He thought ofeverything he had ever learned, even to Thirty days hath rjvptsuiUr, April, Jims, and Navuuiber' but all in vain, he could recollect nothing that suited the occasion. A suppressed tittor all ovor the room admonished him, and in agony of desperation he began: "Know all men by these parents, that I Here he paused and looked up to the ceiling, while a voice in the corner of the room wa. heard to .ay: "He in drawing a deed for a tract of land," and they .11 laughed. "In the name of God, Amen!" he be gan again, only to hear another, In a loud whisper any: "He is making his will; I thought he could not live long, he look, ao power- 'yow I lay wi) down to sloop, I prsj " was the next essay, when aotne erudite gentleman remarked: ( "lie is no oeaa, uut amrncui. "Ob, yea," continued the Squire. A voice replied: "Oh, no! oh, no! don't let'." Some person out of door, .ung out: "Come iuto court!" and the laughter waa V: .. .......... .u- The briae waa Bear lautung, mo Squire wa. not far from it; but being an indefatigable man, he begun again: "To all and singular the alter "Let'a run, he', going to levy oa ua," aid two or three at once. Here a gleam of light flashed across the Suuire's lace: be ordered the bride and groom to bold up their hands, and in a solemn voice, said: "You, and eaoh of you do aolemnly swear, iu the presence of the pre.eut coiu oanv. that vou will perform toward each other all and lingular, the fuuctioaa uf husband and wife, aa the cue may he, to tlie beat of your knowledge aiul ability jtu help you UoU." . Ji--. ...t .,i ...J r..ii,. er of the bride. tlie GnaBlT Smith. The Baltimore Ex change learna from a private letter, writ ten by a near connection of thia gentle man, that hia phyaiciuu does not regard hi symptom as iudicaUug a sjieedy recovery. Dr. Clover to Gov. Wise. A lettor, iddrcti by Rev. Dr. Colvcr of Cincinnati to Hot. Vit of V., with', regard to John flrowo. and puMiahrd in tli Journal f- Afrfirnyrr, rollgiotit p- por, cloaca in thia wi: Mr Hew Sir. it I. for yon. nt J,-hn a i- i a . i l inii, i pirnu. p rtMirawii antw Hparv yotfiulf. H" H ! Ml J ai.-a la I.. V"" , ' . "r w . . , John Ilrown will convict both the ha,,,. man and it. author in tha d.r when .oil shall ra.k. Inqui.itlon for blood. That day that ae MJ0hn Ilrown on the se.f. I fold. see. your Wi.on obacnr.,1 by a I ll.T Ul amir U".mh. a nw av.iiramioiiitii . I ..' ... cloud that no sun shall rvor rhaae from your skies. No nistter with what scenes you msy surround yourself, from that dnv the grappling iron of your own doom will have fastened upon your soul. Thenr. onward, John Ilrown, with his calm, hon est, loving, serene, but sorrowing faae, is to be your companion. Waking or sleep ing, at noma or alirosil, that strange man who coultl forget vengeance lor the cruel niuruer 01 nts own sous, in nis compas sion lor the poor slave, ia to tie your coin r anion, a ou shall see that patient face n the sparkling cup of earthly pleasure. You shall hear the soft root-fall of hia gen tle spirit around your domestic hoard re minding you of the homo you have made desolate. And in that last lone hour, to which we are all hastening, when the summons shall conic which calls you to your last account, the voice of John Ilrown will stiangely mingle with that summons. And to thst dread account the scenes of Virginia will follow you. Then the week will be as the strong. There the wrong doers, and the wronged one. of tho earth will stand together before the impartial j Judge. There the blasplieniies of thoae who have spurned the higher law, will b hushed forever, and jtiatire will fulfill her pleilge to the universe. Thoso are not chimera) of a distemper ed imagination. The things thst God has ssid in his word are verities. There Is a world where the fictitious distinctions nf earth are unknown, and where juttic rriyni. I think of you as a mnn. I love you as a brother-man. God forgive me if it ia not In my heart to do good to my brother-men involve.! In the meshes snd even guilt of elsvcry, with as tender and self sacrificing aeal as I would to any Iriends I have on earth. I love John Brown. I revere him aa a noble speci men of my rare. He may die a victim to partial and unjust legislation. But I rath er envy than regret hia lot. I trust that he who made the nobla victim, of Roman law and I'hillippian magistrate, to sing in their prison at midnight, will not forget John Ilrown In his American Phillippi. But I havo not the same comfort for those who are seeking hi. blood. I fear the day of hi. death will be the day that seals their ruin. My dear Sir, Brown is al ready aaved. Save yourself. Slavery is madly rushing upon It. own doom. You can not save that. In God', name aava yourself, (,-aniration t Presidential. From an- artic.lo In that aound and vig orous journal, the Chicago Prttt and Tri- butie, on Presidential matters, which con tains much that ia good for doctrine, for reproof and for consolation, we extract the following statement of doctoral votes and tho Htatea that tha Republican, must carry to elcet their candidate. Tha chart of the voyage certainly offer, nothing to discourage Republicans, but enough to inspire thorn with tha confidence necessa ry lo make a good fight: The next question is one of such prac tical import that it has already suggested lueii to every retiecting mind. What man can carry the five Northern State, which Fremont lost, or a sufficient num ber of them to make a majority of the electoral college' Tha Stat s are New Jersey, 1'eniiaylvsnia, Indiana, Illinois and California. Minnesota and Oregon have como into the Union sines the elec tion of !Mb6, and Kansss will doubtless come in before that of 18H0. The whole number of electoral votes, Kansas exclud ed, is 803, of which 15'J are required to elect a President. If we include Kansas, tha whole number Is 100, and a majority 104. l ucre is every reasonable proba- hility that all the Slates which voted for Fremont will vote for the Republican eandiduto next year, to wit: tha six New Englsnd States, New York Ohio, Michi gan, Wisconsin and Iowa 114 electoral votes. Minnesota is reasonably sure to do the, adding tottr votes total 118. We must .till have S4 votes, (if we do not make calculations on the admission of Kama,) to come from New Jersey, Penn sylvauia, Indiana, Illinois, California and Oregon, We can hope for nothing from the Pacific State. California is against us in the matter of vote, and Oregon in the matter vf canvassers. New Jersey aud Pennsylvania will exactly give us the required 34. New Jersey, Indiana, Illi nois and Ksnsns, though holding 84 vote would fail of giving us a msjority, be cause the admission of Kansas would raise the constitutional msjority to 164, and require 30 votea In addition to those which were given to Fremont. ' The practical question then is, who can carry Punnaylvania and New Jersey, or who can carry Pennsylvania alonsl i The ticket which can secure the twenty- Seven vote of th Keystone State will be messur slily sure to carry either Now Jer sey or Indiana or Illinois. - We think a ticket can ua made and will be msde which will secure Illinoia beyond a per adventure. Senator Douglaa wa. beat en Mime four thousand vote, on tha popu lar vote last fall eunicient evidence that Illinois ia a field to be cultivated by tha next National Republican Convention. The question recurs, Who can carry Pennsylvania, without weakening the Re publican strength m NswJersoy, Indiana and Illinois! The general solicitude is not concerning the ninety and nine sheep that went not astray, but rather tlie one or hair dozen that weru lost in tho wilder nera. -. . - , n . While the answer to tlie question we have proposed are being aought out by. the light of reason od in friendly eoni' pariaou of view, we commend the friends vf the respective candidates to argue their ease wtln becoming modesty; to turn their attention away from the claim, of this or that statesman and to present rath er their probabilities of success. This ia the consideration a Inch will determine tha issue, and the result will he atill the same, whether they continue to press their favorite upon tlie attention ol the peo ple, or leave the people to fiud them out iu due tiniu. . , (Krlf the South is ao week that John Brown ean scare it, bow cuuld it stand in case of a ilisNolutiou of the Union ! C'lasfiusd K.iHctr. , Organization of the House--Democracy Sold out. The New York llrraU slntes cilitori-' ally that the Denmcrntic nomination f, Speaker of the Mouse will be a mete mat- ter of form, anil that after two or three the Democrsls will sll j;n for tlio , southern opposition candidate. In the end , , . . ,: ., , ... i . ,i 1 only doing d.rectlyta hat the. le.noeratle t-r- Is maite for. Thtt eorreapondent of tlio Philadelphia iVorl it , f.Va says: - D.mocra.ic emi.a.rie. have been sent ! through tha west and Noutl,. Tor .he rf- ! pose of patching up ana I... . of a com-' Latin., by hi!uh the or.-anirntioi, of the ' llr,.,.. n... I,.. i,lr,.llr,l Thi-w h.i a a.. turned, ithont etiecrea, and the story In New York, allagingthat the cirrnlatt i members or t.r, aotithern Opposition', . . . 11 wera willing to enter into a corrupt bar-1 ; , i i it i . . . K.!!,. 'a iioi oiii, w nutij iii Found iii irinii i but fshricatt 4 for the exitress niirnoao of protlueinir a falao intpreaaion on tho pnlw lie mind. The AiHniniatratioii ia Milline to make any sort of terms to prevent the Hu.o from passing into the h.mi. of the : rut inn i opposition because it ia well known i thst siiih a reault would ho inevit ably followed by the mi st searching and determined liivcrtintloti into all the trauaactiotia which havii so ju.tly provok ed comment and reproach. i Highly Important from Nebraska-- Death of Kit Carson and Chief Justice Ferguson. Wo have just rt'C ivetl tho Nebraska Repuhlican, (Omah City) of Novetnher Iflth, from which we learn that llon.Ken ner rerguson who was appointed Chief Justice of tho Territory by President I'ietco, iinmndiatlcy alter t!io passage of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, and who has represented the Territory as Delegate iu oiigress, lor some two years nsat, ilieil, after a few tlaya Hint aa. at Bellevne, on the I lth inat. The imineiliate rauso of hia death was paralysis. Ho wnn one of tho earliest settlors nnd most prominent citirens of the Territory. Ho was a na tive of New York, reuiovsil to Albion, Michigan, where he practiaetl law for a number of years, and was chosen to tho I.ogixlature, and from there went to Ne braska. The Knpuhlicsn slso learns from pssscn gers direct from Kt. Kearney, I lint Kit Carson, tho celebrated 'rontier-nian, In dian lighter and overland traveler, died lately at l oss, New Mexico, nml thnt im mediately after hi. tlentli, the Indians commenced hostilities agninst the whites. Kit Carson was Superintendent of Indian affairs in thnt region. Thu report of his death needs continuation. The Republican alaoatntrs thnt addition al frautla at the Into election for Delegate fur Congress, have been discovered. An tint'n no' ilrii county, called Calhoun, re turnee 38 votes for Kiistahrook (Dem.), and 4 for Daily (Rep.) It is a frnml, in asmuch as not a solitary voter n Hid. a in the county, it being a wild I nil lit ta re gion. A difficulty occurrd between two soldier. in the vicinity of ft. Kearney, sometime about the 7th lust., in which one struck the other on tho head, with a spudo caus ing instant ilvsth. lio vins arreatr d, and Information was sent to tho II. S. Mnrshnl tn eoma and take him Into custody, the affray not occuring on the reservation and bolng, consequently, within tho juris diction of a military trihuuisl. Tho Republican remarks: "It is a re markable, fact, that of the eight original appointee, to oilico in Nebraska, by Pres ident Pierce, after its orgnnizntion, not one of them 1. now inoflico.and only four of them ara now living. Only two of them (GanEastahrookandA. It. Giltnore Ksq.)now rosiile in tho Territory. Marshal Poylo died suddenly, from a fall down a flight of steps, in the Exchungo Ilsnk, in tha winter or 65 0. Secretary Cuming died a year anil a half ago, in this city, and now Jiulgn Ferguson is sdded to the list of tlie dead." Two Northern Mechanics Driven from Virginia. Two tinsmiths of Trenton, who had been hlrod togoto the vicinity ofCharles town, Vs., to do some roofing, returned a fow days ago, having been prevented from doing their work, aud driven by threat of arreat to leave the plnce. An account of the affair, which appear to be authentic, is aa follow: A wealthy gentleman of this State, un deratood to be a Mr. II. J. Garrison, for merly a dry goods merchant of Trenton, who removed to a locality near Charloa- town Iu 18(54, or about that time, hcving concluded to roinaia permanently in the latter place, had partly built a house, which hi( designed to cover with a metal lie roof. Prefering the work of Northern fne chanics, or finding It impracticable to get it done without incurring the considera ble expense ol' bringing them ao great a dlntance, he tamo un to Iratilou and eu gaged two tin workers, who hnd been employed at the hardware establishment of Is. brcarlcy &.Lo.,ol that city, tak ing them w ith hliu he returned to his Southern home, and the work waa about being commenced. Hut the Viruiuiain had no Idea of allowing any anch proceed ing; nobody knew but this waa a contriv ance of the Abolitionists at any rote it could not be permitted. So they threat ened the tin workers they would arrest them and deal summarily with them if they did not forthwith depart; and the mechanics to sruid trouble, concluded to go homo. Th 'ir employer was at thu same time informed that Ins riuusa might remain forever uncovered, if he could not get it roofed without sending to the North Newark Mercury. Mercury. Times Change---And Democracy. y. We accidentally tame across a copy ol the Hay City Mirror, of 18&4, a democrat ic paper whose ounditcha is shown by the namo of A. V. Miller, tor Hoard ol t'uii lio Work, in which we find a call copied from the Manntiold Shield and liaiiner, another aound deinoi rn'.ic paper, to the democracy of Richland county, nuinor siguoil, lor Insas convention of ihe dt lOocrsts to resist the renewing of the slavery agitation by the repeal ol the Mmsoiirl Compromise ami "mtitnlain the position -of the Ohio democracy asset forth by the convention at Columbus, Januarys, I84S, reiterated in 1p.')0, and again in 1H&4." ' This position, our reader, will reineinlwr, wa that it waa the duty of the people of Ohio to do all in their constitutional power "to militate and finally eradicat the evil vf slavery." S. J. Kukwood, I). K. Cartur, "aud oth er able democratic speakers" are announc ed. Really the democratic reel ba'n kept State Journal. Why have ladies discarded utreauiote! Because they prslef bunux (Uuvva.) An Awkward Scrape. (thl, 0.wt,. t.r cries brought a rjsl Totes, lant wnfower to tho reacdf , ho saw, to ' horror, a billy t-out that hid evidently hail a Aom too much doing hia bent tonrat n ef)() y h ;,,.,,., miHrrT. T, widnwer trietl to scare tha peat away.litit ho wouldn't be arnrcd. lit) tried to help ..'""" -........-.. ithe roOih horn of the goal spoiling an . ,. , ,, . , '., K , it'iglit iluliar pair of pants in the worst I.nal evrniii(f a hantlaome lookioi; wtv mnn waa pnaiini; di.ta n Went Water street, with liltlu hasketof Clt in ner ihanti, ami wiien a lew yarna item in M.iiitiiwMii harn.avaa knocked down on ' 'V P wnen e came in. ne.a . 1,0 'o'" ton T T I'T 1 lfe, ihl la" "'l,rtr' '"J ' '" ' 1 '"rT"! hfr ''C ' u lh """ ,l,n'r!' Help!" cried the lady; "pel olTajie yon villain! i ll . .. 1 " .. J L.II ...I - t . . " -i t Help! ' erietl tlie woman; "my eggs. lh inv panla," cried the man. "llt, never mint! the pants, pel up," ""''"" TV. J . " I. -Vrl 7 ?. . ... , , . , . , . , " .,'' imiir too man h)iiiii. Tho erics of the two victim, brought quite a crowd lo the spot, w here there isy the woman, and there lay the man "twin misery' pregnant with tli.nger" and there ..Iranc ing anilr'(reating, butting first one stilt) then the other, oai i listed the ton founded goat. The last lull he made, one of his horns csuglil thu ba-ket, and he left tho scene ol action with the baaket hinging over one eye, and tho yolk of three or four eggs driuling down his mag mticenl heard. The mnn backed out till beyond the reach nf the lady's eyes, when he turned titid ran like a quarter-horse, ewenring at all goats in general, and tins one in piirtiftilnr, while the laily sat down nnd with a piece ofahing'e, ami a few pins, cleaned and repaired the badly dam' Extange. English "Foorst Rate." Jacob Kt', a middle-aged gentle- mnn of Teutonic origin, his appenrnnce well liicruaied with dry until, anil his hat looking like a collapsed steamboat cylin der, with tha iop blown off, was brought up un the complaint of a dry goods man for stealinff a piece of cortluroy, vaiucit at seven dollars. The Mayor asked him if he understood Knglish. 'Yaw, I tnlks him foorsf rain.' 'Do yt.a know w hut steal means' 'Yaw, him is iron Vst is mndc hard.' 'Yes that is one kind of kieel, but not the ono 1 mcnn I)o you under.tand this. How come yon to steal the corduoryi' I'ocnueo mine breeches was niclitgoot to go to church.' Does it take thirty yards to make yoa a pair of breeches!. 'Yaw, do schneidcr mnat have some for cabbage, and toiler vat 'a left might do for my vrow, wIidii I guta married. It would make her a goot coat.' 'I see you aro a man of forea!g!it: but don't you know thnt thia way of getting new breeches aud dresses ia sgaiust the law!' I tout cara 'bout the law. I so a Tuc.hnian.' H.ivt) you got any Mends who will g' bail for youl' """"'aaaan "Blenty of frienls, and knore dan I sup- poso you have yourself. Dry come am! dry swear anything. Dey .wear vare 1 vaa onil dey get me clear.' 'Oh, we don t want them to .wear: we want them to givo security for your ap- pearanco at the court. You Confess you stole the corduroy, and there la no occa sion for anybody to swear to it.' Yaw, you hnd 1 mcht tell a he. Tuc li mn n never do anything ric h he afraid to toll. Yaw, I did stenl der stuff, tut tml going to ileal dtr mtmish tit pay for it." Not of a Sound Mind. I stand to-day as 1 did in lN48inmy strong desire thnt all the Territories in tho United States shall be secured to freedom and to free labor, Tho gentle man cannot express any more feeling up on that suhjoet than I havo folt during ail Una time. Judge Kannty at Tmn. Here is a curious anomaly which showe how politica addle the brain, A maa who wanted to go to Cincinnati, and took the train for Wteubenville, would be set down aa fit fur tho Lunatic Asylum. What then I to be thought of a man who has a itrona it lire thai all (An territoriel shall be K cured to freedom and Jre labor, and Instead ofactmg with the party which is organixed specially to accomplish that recall, and getting into the car which ia posted to go tlirect'y to the (pot, acts with a party which, through the courts,thruugh government patronage, through party ao tion, and by every influence within iia reach, si eks to fore slsvsry on the ter ritories; and thus takes the car which i driving with all possible speed in the di rection exactly opposite to that in which he wishes to go A'tvark American. Iloast Stealiko o a Laaea S. ai r. An extensive gang of horse-t hieyes having tlmir rendezvous near Ashland, Ashland county, ha been discovered and broken up. A man named Win. Bailey, who is respectably connected in Ashland count was iitentuied aa the active leader of the gang, but while Marshal Gallagher, of Cleveland, who engineered the case, wn procuring the necesnary proof, Bailey ea Caped, but an officer has been diapatc.heil iu search of him.- The gsri have Irtren in operation lor a coumdurable Jimgth of time, and ovor two thousand dollars worth uf stolen property, consisting of horse ami bugrrjea, witj recovered near Ashland. Volumbut fact. . , Not of a Sound Mind. The Union saved--Arrested for Incendiary Language. WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. . J)r. Breed, formiTrly Km!iior iu the Patent Office, hnving been arraigned be Justice Dunn on the chsrge of hav ing uttered incendiary language, waa to day required to givo socunty iu the auiai ol 4(2,000 to keep 111 peaco. it appears that the ol'ioctioiinble won, were uuer- ed in tho nreseneo of several other per son, Sonst r Seward' view being the topic of eonverdaltoii, and aouu thorsaflor wore published iu the citaut said uuiuuc newspaper; hence Ins arrest. . - a-a-a- .-T t - New York Mayorality. The acceptance by the Hon. W. HlVkMEVLa of the Tammany Iklinn.ra.kio nomination lor Mayor uf New York great ly siniplllitia that content. ..Tliourk But Cuming from ao good a soursc as ni'.H be tint nouiiiinlion itself w ill cou.iiiand (reii eial conridt nee, ami w ill luto.-t ort.iui'y be roiill.-d on election dny ! y a d.cnl'd majority. The republican en-.! .'...'o a Mr. Oi'ivsa, said o lie no i f t t ti.Mt lor tlie ponitum; but Ins t!-... ' 'S lie refill d.i d It lole.' 'JM? f" . a FtVhsnoo .WooU ia et.?o iu - ij-i,- Cin. t-u;.