OCR Interpretation

The Tiffin weekly tribune. (Tiffin, Ohio) 1859-1868, December 16, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076793/1859-12-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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1 1 j .
I viH U
A C f V,,v f--
rri iiik, oliio, im::nA.Y, iiooiiiM in :i i, ikvj.
" i . V 1 I i 4
1 " I a It 1
if 1 it n m-
li f J in, MM. i 1 .
3?I -A. INTO
V A R E R O 0 M S,
Areairpplied with variety of tho beat InrintmenU,
from t)i mini popular
Eastern Manufactories,
Among whlfh Mr tli V.olian attachment, toy t her
with a niimlifr of
of th ftactt (on and Aniab. Th ttiMramenti are
II recommend, hy their
Sweutncps of Tone,
Delioecy of tonrh, anil dnmhility.
The Musical Public
reepeeifillv rr)irkd to Mil and Mnlnt th ln
tmtnenti rot themtelvei. Room in th Commreial
Vo llorc i:.rploslons.'
(Iremonn-h's Carliuc-Acid -Ons,
Non-Explosive Burning Fluid.
HA VINU pun-hated rhe erlnlv right to mannfar
and il ii .Nn..( ri.Msiv K in rnim;
FI.UI) ANO CA.MI'JIKr., for Tiffin nnd vi.mitv,!
pow ofiW it for ale m Irirle morn thnn I hav hereto
fore told iharomnion kind. 1 hi fluid ha limn in ue
in moil of th New Knit-land ln na, for th pt two
y"ra, end hat undergone an lnveiigation ll'ore the
"Prank tin li.titmend College ot Phnrmarv of hil
adelphia. im convinced thai it may h w.ed with ir.
feel safely, and v. til nnl ewdnd nrnU't any etrrnmatan.
cea (n lit ordinary o ol Mnrmej Kliiil. I have fully
titn ill mvrili in the iretnre ol ininy ritircni; nl
nil iironovnc It of tlMUlnivil imiKtrtanc tor I'nmt
Safe and Drilliant Light!
To tlio who hfttr lirrolofor prffrrf In bnrti oil.
FHher lnh ihf rik of the tplnion of llm.l. I on 1,1
"if HiNMlw Rrtiflf wnnimtml IH KKM.I.V N.
ri.V ( I,' H K, and mnr he ninl wilhuiit thr Uphll
poiiil.iliir if nn utM'titfni. Il it uwtl in thr mm lamp
i ritminnn tmrnins Unid.
I'riT, Mil nnla ir irillin, or 50 rfnti n nnarf.
t T I'll only plnrr in tKi ti ' V wlnre ill- fl-iitl r nn
l hnd it at the Hrvi Hi or of J. V. M A R'il' A HOT,
on Market ttrei't, 3 tloori lilow th Unvti llnu. Tif
fin. Ohio Rn i-if
av i ii 1. 1 a av o i. r r '
Next Ponr to JTa.ylor's IIjirdwre
St'.re, Tiffln, Ohio.
TtTlVB t iaform vitiaasi a'TiMa ant tarronntl
ni aiaiilry and t'naaiiai.Miai I hit. r-r at-J rtaw
llnnlMimIiue nbhaatat ia thi jlac, wkuh I hil
rrtt1ai'l tar at ml aM-oat aalr, ami tLnl I a ita tn.
Watt t aaaril ta eoaftdaara, whiraiim hren lifitowatl
npou in m treal im a mj hwjpunnijf in I Im-j;
lvav th'tciora to im it
to U tnr- a c-ill tak a look at my Sew FiiHir
a arriiuytit at iif ul.
Hftvvtt Mnfl an.l il'i ription, wrtl Rnled aa1 Ta:"-!,
US or without rinT?l iti'n,!, nml of iht ltil t-ii'r, ol
whirlil kfFtp..uiintlv n tiit on litttttl, art- in ule In
orh-r. Toihe lH,ln.sni Uiiti-o, Mi1', N and
' 'Id I h, N'rwpprM. Air., and hi thf ruling nt Ihimb.
Idnnki, mil if, kc I lnill olr mv nt'ctition.linv.
tn? innltcr i nrraiiL'i'd, ihnl 1 can do all work, t-r-t.iintnj
to my lin of biitiot'tf
At the most Rrnsonblo Hates.
,-Vnre llrnp of nrfrv ! and tlirrli'tion and oilir
work iiiiiaiiahonnl ot Imllior iiiiulw lo or-h r
(r-0t tfr from roiinly tlllr and other Cininm
r i nun aJiroml Hill bt rmti'1v atHMnlrl to, i t' mhlr
.l io VVI. W'tn.FK.Tiilin.O.
Turin, m7 Ir
o. on onishi
New Book Establishment!
Main Street, opposite tfm Trib
une Ojjh'c, Tiffin, Ohio.
1 1 A!4 it nix'neil one nt' lite Wl Nainrtmrnli of
11 liooki net Itroiiglil In llitirl-y. niev nrr nil new
nod irri'tfil Willi i:tri, nnl iiinlnin nil llie lilr vnltt:illr
uMttnlioti inlitflit lilur ilurti, iuienL-o, lu-lie, AM
ItooKx ol" 11 rit
U'ill lio tr ti iin-d iininedi'iti'tr on tlirir publication.
I h (lopular niiinxiiiei ol tli nay are alio priK'nruil at
n early eriid.
Si hool IIooKm
ifevrrv tarirtyand kind, fn prm, pi-nril , o,nHW.
nrd, lnira and a InrP Hix k ol'tlie liint iiiulitiea ol
iirr; ') hooli, ldin.li hmri. In. ku,
rii'ltir-t.oil prim, hilioraph, Kf Muir,tbe lntt
nd mui adiniri'd. VVullela 4iidl'anoy artivleill vr
iw. rop in an J
Tako a ook nt his Stcck
fofepnr lintinselM: where, (ml) C. f'RftNlhB
300K BIN DE11Y-
radical Hook Hinder,
Nl inmtnirtiMiirer ni iimna mmm, fin re fioiea.
V Wallelt and all oltiir iniiMfi pt-rlnnine to tiu
.ide, aNn Dr.iler in piper, bl m't, iii m nuidum, uopy
.dpoutilnikand Hmtioiifrv in a ri-hI,
He won) I Krp''tfnl1y tutufiii lhi' vinr.nnof Heneca
,d the aiirroundins coitntiea that he hi lorited in
iltiti for the purpe of cntrvinj nti the llo tk Minding
iini-. and thnt lie i prepared lo eici-ul all kind
l work iieailv.dnridy and at
f E W l'O li K P 11 1 C E S.
Or att-henii a anv tiindrrv In the rnnmrr.
Having Jilwayi aaupfdv of lu dirl'.-ieni ijualitlea of
xpt-ron h nd, we vnaliliil to tiirtiuii to order, all
i ni ami aitea of Hlank lliok im h a leil;era,( 'uunty
(eotrnUand other, rulml and bound, puedt Miltiur
, ilhoul printed (iead, a may l deaired.
Tliehin.line of t'eeioflieala, laeannea, Mnate.Newa
apara and old looka, ornamenied or plain, nlo loth
din of hook, lKoka, mntir, ete-, partirnlar aitaniion
ill be paid. Ordt-ralirmn Count y Ollirera and oilier
I aliat:iuc Will h attended to Willi prompt neaa I'T u
roaaniff. pilil'J-lr JAtJOll HISK.
.S'AauAa' Block, Market street,
opposite the City House.
HTuri.( re.fMi-ifiin, announretliBthchaionhKniH
11 f nil . lm-k of lluol. nml Htti. .moof .Invli
1. Ill Im fount! fool ...onincni of Lali
Hid and Cloth Ciaitci-b!
lalt atrl a; alio Rukina, Tiet, Plina, tie.
mil H I Y H Hoot I and Hltoea, and ("ullreni
hoe ufevery tlyle ami iiiinlit v, froui ill alugk up to ll
atnnniieii uuoiami no.
Sliop ATVorliL.
llavtniraYperiwnt ed workmen, 1 am prepnred rnei
ate anon abort autue all kiuda of iidt andahop work.
(Gentlemen in want of Klnelire Hoota, made of i bo
aal rrachitot.'k, uan he avoramodalailon huri nolle
y (Iving ma a t-all. Allwurk warranted.
Timn.dee IH lr J. HK.t I,.
Fasuionaui.k Miluneu& Maktua-
J-pAKFHlhiamelhtHl ef infnnoiee the l,.dle. of Tiffin
v anariciniir.iite irea maker ol aOfnminrtowna,
hat ahela ettduhej a a braiu-h of Madum llenior.
-.I'lKiuiinnamat Ka.hioai, Uroadurav.) and ha
receive a aoleaMlid aoriaH t I'Miierttt tor I .
ii'ilreaea,bauea,i loaka. ateeirea. eie. al I'atiern
'r t nil Ire, uiee, apron and aarka, iu unreal variety.
'I i alto prepared to teawh JUatUaae Uauiuroai'a
Kimt rrviuiiim Syat in of Duji Cutting.
In addition tethia, abe haa reaaoved her ahon to the
Weat hh of Maiq aireet, near Hi Wire Hiuliro.
ther ihe i prepared do all kinda of Millinery and
tlaiilua-niakiii.aa hervlororo, ia tbelatett iy and on
lie mott liheral term Work w a muted i (I mii
'I'l IHo, January 7th, 1H50. tf
rililK II AM MONTI IN KARMKR--A mmimimi da.
M- v t.ied to i,itriur ana Ajrrtcuitore, aiao aeitiiif
urth full actilit tiie new altleoini of Hajumoaiioa,
a New Jtsraey, can b aubacribett fm tU Hi ouU
Ineto nnittft ttamn for the anioanl. Ailoreaata)
IMtinrotib raimrr. Uanimiiloa, F. O. Atlanile C
New Jer(j. . Tito wiabine cbaap laaul , of lit he1
iiiallle, ifar mf Lhe he alibi eat and aol dehnblful
i. liiue tt ik f'aiu, and wbr arupa are ae.er eat
iie br IrOMU, the Unibltl ewrr lb aortb. H
mi1mpt l Ilaataaii4 UtaaUa, Jal 19
1 -1
AV. EI. Kfilliollx,
UKsrilrTFt.I.I.V Inform. lhrPl,:ifih. . !
Rio.nl til. e.lnl.lttim.flt into It.o .nnth Mom of,
Kh.wlt.n'a New llliMik.npim.tie N.vlor'i Hnr.lrnr.lor, '
whcrolt. will .Iw,,. h n.,,1, to wa Ki. r.1.1 rrn.U
anH ca.lnntar. and a. man, a. ntavfafv hir.
oithacall. lie ai.ut.iih.m lliallhoa .Italllta .omili.,1
ca-xi.ooiijxi.ii3 I
at whnleahror ratail.aa low a at anv iatdihanenl at
Ha.ln.kTr I 'hrveland. I( eto'k ronitaof evervani
fleainally kept til a Whole. ale and He.ii Prntiaion
tore. The loMot iaf are a few of the principal arm-lea: '
1'. It
N. O. Crmhed nnd I ofh e- Hnear; Molne and He
nii; Tihafto; Riee; Co.lfl.Ti; Htar.-h; timfer: (.round
Co lire ChiM-olate; Ujiiiipi and T.-iilow Cnndlea; llak.'
in 'owderxla and Cream Tartar; Fei Riin:
Prune j I "an. he; Nnt a; Coffee Kurwr; Rrh.he. KIHI1
Fish, White Bum, Mackerel and Pickerel.
AIo,tb very lieit
Tlier will alio be found the beat aaaortment ol
Pni hit Pale ami I'nrk Ur-n-llet, Prl, Mnlara, and
Claret Wine, liin, Ram, t hiedam Hrhnapft, Old Rye,
lonnrta, hela, Rmiritiifl, and Cotnmun Vhikv,and in
fm-t every amd nn,iltr kept by whole tale dealera, 1'ar
tiiular attention paid
To The Cigar Trade.
The bet heine alwava found nn hand at all 1 1 met.
I am di' Ir run tied to H my to-k nt price lhal an not
faiho lie anlial'artorv. 1 deoirt-that Iho wnlim; In
piir bne ahonhl call nml .iuiiu my aloi-k before buy.
in? ele her.
ili-i Hi-1 v W. II. KKIMIOIr.
IH rrplrni tiled every month willi arrival of fine Jwl
rv, i 'l-.i k, VVnii'hei., Mlv. r I'lme nod Kanrj Uooda
ot nt-nt nnd tii.tfliil i j le ond pn-at variety.
Hi a4orlment of
O X-i O OK
embrar eaetegnntpaitrrnvof ill
Varitieof rio-li may alohe had rangingin valne
from two lo tit tern aVllnr,
Ilia w at i -he are e lee ted with treat rare, warranted oi
le ptrt'eritnoe-kfi' pir, and nt Hi qniilm ot rhl ihev are
r-pref nted to lie v, Urt old . 1'riLe vnrv lioni I wi-l
lo lwotiiinW.-dnnd tll'iy ilollur- Hi l r wuli'hvaciirrea- j
pomhnglv low,
fine gold and itvir biuiiinj nml open dml rhmnonie.
Icrt, lever an I lepine wnt;lu', tmj;i-r nod enr riny.
hroHi bea, iieiitil, In aut-let, anup. liiIV pin, lix ket.
GoM ami Silver Thimbles,
"liver t ible, tea, rrram. ilt, ami nntnrd itNtnn. ra-
r.ir iml trop,hritli, tC(-aclra ol gold, ilver, pla
villi a vnriety o' gold i n.U. button, etc., te,, etc.,
nt.,ateiiiii p;itt rn-o' e i -li, id ..-, ixble.lea.rri'iiiii
ami m ';ir poo.i,h Hivr, t'nli, .ind iVa km ve, etc..
Kcticiik-fi, Coral 1'cails,
jet brireleU.nefk lm c,nnil enr-rine.
Hob) lirii'i'b'l,o:nn nt'w p tli rn, v.-rv be:i ni ifn .
Hi tock lutnj; L'un:aii1tv rt?p!inibedt 'iontiiin nit
iliat ia
and will be aol I at I'm lmvel poflde rite. Call at
now, i nun, i. ( in i )
Tin: nxcr.ijSion
Invented by Cltnrlcs Lenritt, and
I'utunted on tlio 27th of Fob. 1S55.
For Sale bj J. IU. N.IYLOR,
TiHin, Ohio
The abor Mill In the mot vnlnnble Improvnientatn
Mrlahle Com Cob Mill, And i n Inpteil to the vnrinii
tirimtinj and Crnabmr pnrpoaea hr feeding all kiuda
of r'tock. W'liii h ylfin of l'fe,lttig t now riipiired
and found pruliluUle by ekpoivm.
Tlio Advaiitnes this Mill lias Over
at That tb erindenarr placed on movable rinea,
wliicl. nro im. i of hnrl lot-inl and ivbi-n worn out enn b
rcplai r) hy new ring, in live minute, for tb mnll
tutu ol three dollnr. AUo.tlo mill can grind 'ater than
any otherCoriiuud Cob .Mill oiUrcd lot. ale. Tula .Mill
wa aw ir.led.
Tho First Premium nt tlio Ohio
State Fair,
of the enr (lH.Vi) in a fnir iri.il wilh the Lit.
lie tii.int. Star, and .ill otlx r Mill br.iu'ht in com l.etion.
lhe Kkcelaitir Mill grinda fro in ten to ttlien iiualiela
honrlv, nt--.r.li ag to the ih're ol tinencaa.nnd can be
wnrkeil hv one or Iwu boriv.
N':h J. M. NAYI.OB.
Tilli 11 L'jtliifirniiir) ; Clack's Block
Ilr. J. .Snyder, Oculist,
And l'ro)rietor, takes plcasuro in
a) inj to tho.. atfltrt.d wilh
Diueanen of the llyc,
that lie never fails to maku a cure,
in enrahl caaea. AIo.
He la prepared tneballeng tit whole Mediral Fac
ulty Bpoa the Trealiueut ot Dutntca of the Kye. 1b
niaay caaea b baa
Kkstoukd Entihk Hundneks
in permanent iht; and badly diacated to a heal
thy rondition.
Tbankful for th very liberal natronag h has had
for the paat four war ol bia reaiiieur in Tillin, lr. t).
would re : tfuily aolii'il a continuanc of lb aaui.
II. Tomb, Ranker, Tiltin; J. J. Steiner, All'y at Law,
do.; P. fcinick, Merrhant, do.J (. W. Hlai k, C'onfeti.
tl oner, do. llr. Chaniuerlirt, M . O., do.J Tlio.8wan
der, Kbler U. K. Cburrh, do. P. Caron, Proprietor
I ' ron lloiike, Fore.t; Kfbn Bag, Merchant, Carey;
Chaa. Pari.h, Att'y al l.aw Wabaah, Ind; Hav. Cooper,
formerly ufTtrfia .now of Maiiitowan, Wie., aad Levi
Weirirk.prop'r oflavia lloste. Tl ttta O.
AnVporaoa wuhing further infarmatloa will do wall
to eoiuuiuuitat wilb itberoflh prron refened to
above. UK. J. rMllt.lt,
Tiffia rite, Ohio, Amg . Itf.'Ste Ir
Thi lo4
i U iaawl.
f lk boat and ajioat Nliabl caaupaaig
Capital ' m
With l.rg. rrit.t fWad.
Will m.or. .11 kinu. of prcnji.rtv al th. lowMt rata
r.lnMMl twiMd wi.li.ul .1-1., , br
l.KiNAIU AUAMfl, Aral
TiS,Oa.a,laf,k Jrt,l"0-1 . ' y
SI ,.;;T Vr - l
Raymond's 10 Dollar
For Sale by
K IV i II t ,
At J.
Vulmor's Clothing Store.
the ItfKt lor Family t sc.
Arentf .anl.il for .nrh Towo.ltip,
1 will nlao soil I. M. MNdEIi'S
Manuf ctoring Machine.
ISoots and Shoes
Selling Cheaper than Ever!
I will Sell my Kntiro Stock of
XSoota cl3 SIiooh,
Thin I h"tve ever offered them tnlbe public before .
hav Men, llvvi, Yniilha and Inlnnt Itoola and
l"hiet alo, Ijihe, M i and Children tintt.r,
M..ni i o Kid and Call' Lai UooU, and fancy H hoe
of all kinda,
Tlio t?tock is I'irst Quality
Eastern and Home made Work,
and It willantt all ieron that want n piod article,
lit ve me a v all. a tl will Im for Cah, ami C ASH
nnlv, III Ilia Old Hoot and I" hoe Htore. Nn 3 r'heri'f
HI'H k. 'I HUM AS Kl.
CtMtomer woik made to orler a uMial Of'-Sm
ILouso Moving and liaising.
WOI'I.D annrnn- tn the el tirena Tiffin, and Hen,
ra and ailjoiiiing ronnl lea . that he I anily pre.
pared wit nil the necoary apparatn for
tliorinff or liaising
Houses, Barns, &c. &c.
of all aire, and to any ditnm-e reipniri'il, w itbont Injury.
Hi; Umkustam)9 tiik Koricsl
C (T'CbaT'e nimli-rite. Cieliima Call.
TtlKn, M iy I1:i, lrltf
A. & B. Ki.chicr's
Iniii SI r , TiUin, O.
'K wiii i.ii r.M.i. Tin:
AT Ti: TliiN UK
I llio iiiililit' to tlta l.ul lliilt w linv. rrc
i-u llio
lai'i'.t .lot'W !
Doots cfc SllOCH,
!l.KA I llicit & 1IM)LN(.S,
ever offered in thi market, wblrh w will
CALL AM) SKK hefnie vn Imv nlae
wh'-iv. A. At U. KUKIIl.KU.
'I'l'llll,lalt."a, TiO. 3.11
Would Inform hit rmtomera llmt It lin removed to
A. aV it. lit i:i.i.i:i:s
Where be vtll hi-renfter bo found ready and willing
lo wult upon I hem. All who Mania
(?UOI) FlTl'lNG 1k0T OH SlIOK,
will pica give Iniu a call, at the place above men
tioned, Tillin, Nov. 4, IhSU 3m
'LI,I, IlltO'fi .v vo.
(HuiM-r..or. to It. A. rl.t.ill.,y anil llmtli.r. )
C'.'i rr I a go .11 a ii ii tar t u rcr,;
At Ilepublic, Sineen Co., Oliio.
Would retpeclfuHy announce tn the Public thaMbey
have pnr-ha-cil the Mimilat'liiry In'retolVirelielonging
to 11 A . Shi'ildey nml llrotiier nnd are prepared to do
all kind of u or k in their lin and willronaiant ly keep
oi band
C A Kill .r.H. llt'CCiKS, ami HI'I.KIKS,
Whitdilbey l:t'tvribii)elvea aball be aecoutf lotion In
th- VWit.
Prices Moderate
Hepi'blir , Oi-inl,-! '.".lili, i;,. Ir
Jo. !'. Mil.. Je.ie. II. Kli. t.eo. Hheidlv.
The highaat Market Prli-e alwavi Paid at th "War
houae," tor
Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats,
When Fnrmera bring their Grain in Market , they will
I way a find Ua on hrtnd Milli tti "Ho.nuienia."
irirlJic, ii a Call. ..jr
Jul) SO, 15.
To The lNi hi io.
The untlerkigned 'uwiii opened an exianaiv
In KepuMiu, would reipectfully inform tb citiienaof
Pen eta, ami adpjlning connlie. that ho hna on hand a
laree alm-k ol'iiie rirt iptalll y of naonetl lumber, and
ia prepared to furniib wagona, got up hi na It""'! and
wnrkinnn-l k manner a ean be mad in the a t file.
II living been long ettgiged at the buaineaa.be feel con
fideut thai bl a m ngona
For light ranning and perfect avaimelrv of form, whieh
together Willi theirdiirabililv. rendrr ihem mnreileai r
able than Ihoae mad ia any oilier et-lioa ol the lale.
He will keep contkntly on hand all forma and aiie of
Pipe-Hoi Wngout thai may he deaired. and willtell
them cheaper than ean b purchaed in anv nllo-r prm
Of lb We.t. C. 0iiURN,
Mepublte, feneca Co. ( bio, June 3 lim
1'eiv ltalilikbnirnt.
The anderiignad having titabtitbed ft
Nearly fiioaiie Ih Court Houae, nllera for tale ftt
wholeaal and retail, the beat inifMirted II avana. Cuba,
eiaand l)Mtielic Hegar; alao beat br mda of shew
ing and amukinglobacio. J.. IIOHNIKIN,
Ovl4 Waahiiigttta al.. nearly op. the Court lloaa.
Mia . han Houae
Havina? On re hated lhe letere.t attd Ailnrea la lb
lbawhaa Ilou Harber hhop, lormerly belmg to A .
Mil, th anderigned ltk ihia method informing
Ui pbli thai thev ar read? al all time, at ih old
aland oa door aurt It of the Miawhaa Ilou, to give
ratlouiei a g omI abav,a trim hairoul.and a laiariant
abampooaiujr; at th aioal reaaonahl rate.
t.Yo.NH at HONZOB.
t. r. iavi:iioht,
No. 60 Weal Fourth at., between W.l-
a. Tl, ('in. Inn.ll. ocl'.'K lr
18597 1859, 1859.
Proprietor of the R.R. Warehous
es, TilHn, Ohio.
... I..l, in Halt, W.I., l.iM.,('o.l, Pla.l
i-..k. ..a im bt.l.i a,M, n
e.ra.OM, r,..4a, ...
.11)11 riMTIXG,
llavillf al.lril In tn. malrrtnl of on. otnr. on. of
DAY'S MK.DAI, JOIinKHH,1:...,'
We ore prari'd to e'ut every thtnj in our line,
a nth a
Poafr rJf t irrnlnra,
. Munr IlilN, rnmrfimmrn,
ll'iud IlilU, Itivituliona,
Knbi'l, CnriN,
II Inn k Null i;h rta,
nm phlrM, llooka, Ac,
lath mot aaliifivitnry manner.
Orders Filleil nt Short Notice,
And on the very
LowoHt Torms,
Al too
Tribune Job Office.
.M'KI.KA II VII. I V. I'roprietora.
n. iioiuu,
.i.nril t'olli-ling anil lln.ln., Agrni; Fo.toria.lt.
. It. littirillilh,
Attorney nnil CutiiiHellor nt law,
Tillln. Ohio.
CHllr. in I'ootm.ri i Run. Jnn.?ll,lf.
i'iiiiI'TRK. ATSiiN: I I.AM WII.I.AKI):
1 1. 1, at ten '1 proMtpi lv lo nil kind of legil hiiatne! ,
tl oihi' in ( oiiinu-r ia Ko.v, luhu.ohio. novA
it. r. oi.i.i.,
.Sinner'! ill iek, opitusitti Court limine. Up
il.iira ih'iII .'i7 tf
.1. li. IIO El l,
Hill. Ohio
KKI('K in Uliav, hail'. New lllurk,
r Hlirtv.r .
fiiir.. fvMli tl
liC4iuaid Adam.
mot aiiy ri ni.ir,
Ami li.ncrilliiiiiriiii-. Ai'iil. t llu with V. V . it
II. N.i'. I., I'llliii, I Hull . .. .l .,'
Aiililc, llcWoir .V Aohlc,
Attorney nnd CotniKcllors at Law .
OlTlc. in hiitft't'. Now llltii.li, oiiito.lt. III. I'onrl
II..,..., itotOJ
I'.Nolilr, I). K. Hi' Wolf, llntiitnn Noljl.
jiniN 0. t.r.K. Nt:t.io.s L. pitcwica
life aV Itreu'er,
Solicitor. It) hiiiieert'i
R'tnots, in ii,i-r'. Sew llio. It,
iiiiii.ai 1 1
the Court
I Hint, htv Ililt.'V.it
LKimiti arr.H. ii.i.iam m. joiimon
Sinn .V .liihtioon,
Attnrneyti and CinmsiHois at Law.
1 1 Kl-'ll'll.tn llf.lje.'.'.Nntv I.I11. h.nvfi Vnlliititr'.il.ilt
lay ...in-; Mini ..ri.'.. l'ri-v..ioiinl lntainr.. anil llir
uolla.-tltin ol nil aiml. ol clitiin. trtintilly an.n.lru to.
'I iltin, ll.e. r.lli. 1 fr.
.1. .1. Mrmor,
A T T O K N K Y A T L A W,
IH.ra.nin..l lit. pr.i'tiri., antl . ill -it'. Orlrl all.lillon
10 allltii.titi... antrit .It'll 10 lit in. tilln-r In lit. t'oritrrol
I'-liarl' lllt,.-k, tlir.i-llv bIhi.u ll.n our. nit.tii ol Air.
tiaorir. l aOur, anil otio.lla Ilia Clmwlian ilou...
I'IH '
A illiaui tl. iiavnort,
.Votary 1'nhlir, ami
CiimiiiiMtnier f..r Kentm-kv ami C'Hhfnriiia.
.iKKIi'h o ll IV.. I l-'ottrili'r'lrftil.li.t.'i'i ''"'I
ami Walnut I'm. inti.il. .lino. o.e.K.' lr
I' o'tonil, Ohm.
O.nrr .l Collri lins an.l l.nn.1 As.nl. HI ntnmjitlr
an.n.l 10 lli. .'oll.i lit.il of all liun .mrii.lf.1 toilo-ir
..... in Han. oa anil ailjuloinj t'onnlt... W III al.
.... nil lotta.tt. nltrl. I.fal ail.lt'. i liafil"! I rrif-
tin. .nil. Infor. Jtol it .. ot lli. IW.. I;"in.l. i.
In to lt.iv or .all l.aml or l o,. n r.oirly will Nnd II lu
Ih.ir alvanlaj. Ialt' u. a Kill. J1)NI'!'.
RgriRTO r it. at. Mmtin,
tiii r tV MiiayaH,
W. I'a t II- JtUfllaR,
FtiaTRH 4V Co.,
!ee.e4, ih;,- if
AVilliniii l-an;
General Land Agent;
W r..i.r. ifi.lly inf.tnolli' iMia Iliat U. ha. con.
B.cl.tl Willi hi. .rat.i.:a a rr'tl'.r
L A M U A (J h N C Y
a. t.i. I.!...-.. T.wa l.ou. -ill
rernn hiob u ""J , fc ,. . . .-
Had II to Ibeii .drntgto.tn.n.nh- Vo . f .
trie lorlonallon.prl eea, term, nn-a. .-.,
w.abing .U hav. her, ready m.;m; W
i..r.ri..ii..n nt i.roiieriv.lfrina.aic.lor eniry.
C a- ailn.
l '' .. . ' . ... imi,iiii It oi k.overttie
in riiawnaii -
rirra-.VIr . -
'ukokiii:; ; II. HUMI
civil i: n ; i n i: i: " a m
CO J .VT1' S VII IT. VOlt.
of Tltbn.t
Om.'.ln fhiwliaa'a lllo.k,ovar lit.
Hll.ld AM I.AI.Iil I,t
I a'., 1 1 t 1 .el.
Vi.lira nn,... ... -
A 1 1 k iiidsot wutchea kept ooiintuntl)
Storein Commercial Itoaf.
Tiltin. Sent. 17th. lx.M. If
Cm E O R d V 11 A U,
ro.tori.i, inn".
ml niannfarloror ol
O x'fvirx Orodlce,
Of ir.. I.t-.t .i.i.iiir. A ..ipitir l" !'"
ton... ml. on haml, al hi.. If... i Ko.lona. lit.) a.,
al.ofor."!. .1 n.itivan'a lla.J.ar. .IOI. Ill u
All or kr. rnii.pilj a.un.1.4 lo. m10"
Tillin Vt. Way nc Kail
It ond.
Offlea.f IhaT. HUB ..f..,
u.c.ntl'.r, Ir.ia. I
i IIFolTI. o fi hi .a .mpan vl (t.rn.anrnllt tora.
I. i ri.tin,nni! h. v.i it.ii. 'r oom. orr.pl. a.
la lit. ad.lort of Touilt'. H lor k ;to,n.r of Main and
p..r..l...... U.S. Bl W1U.1.U, C.c'j.
M. MO'lLUTi:. O. 00WLU.
INIcAlister &Cowles.
Dmi.F.Hain HTOVKH. .. M.nor.rtnr.r..fTia,
(:utt.ianilHh..l I ton W.r.. Lot.l.' M.w Ulock.
n. Hooi Houlliof Navlor'. bartlwtr. .lo...
TIIRa, April, loin if
(1 AP8 QRI1WEH8 .aa aarrr ii tb.ir baa.....
H mo.l a.MM.Iallt; at H at.MO.to., fio. iiom fro.ta.
H.aa lonr Vlnyaid. w.r. a.l o.t tb. ua.l ....
a. a.,u.a..nt . H.n.u.wi Laada, ia ano.b.r
e.l.oin. MIO
-W-.l-.arf.lMM wa. lin. to .h.n.. lb.1. bu.ln... t.
1' - - -- -
raptiltT l.cnt.tl.1 (.'.o.try a N.w t.til.M..l
b.r. b..dr.d. ... l"t.l-wk... lk.el....i. l.-,l.l
. ' " . , -
rt...n...r,a.k.r lll.ai
e hetwee R.Tomh, jnhw
Hn-. ha met' t- da etiored
he an h-
rJ tinia iimiii...! I. . . .1
rlhe r
'po. Of i-ontlllf C t.,i.tlt-. of I" h.l
Him. k l'O
aa.ter the tnme nne aat it I a hereto-
l li.-rn . I!' 1 no It Lrtiiplton U Ihr h.t..nr.. a. hrrr.
nft.....niltr.l. an.l Hn. at. rul. ta ill n.oh.rn.
In lh.a)Mrni ol tol.T.l.ttai
3 nt.intli. I tirt r,tt.
n .. j ..
..,! .,,.1.n,t,,, '
H. TiiMll. Jitliy T. HI MM. K III nn,
A. U. (INK I'll, JOHN l.ll. I d;.
.!! II.
II. S. Wenncr & Co.,
Rl l.KIKS., H'C,
Jc'Jrion St., tu-nr (icnnnn Cntlio
lie I luircli. 1 itlin, I Mno
1 FIM'.I.., k nflh'l.to.l.Kl... nf lit.
; V i-lu'.l in ll. l-.l
...... .n i of ii,. 0.0.1 ,i ...i i,
iii..t.i,ti on ii.n.1. ....I f. ..i, ,,...10 to
II. H. HIAM.H i n.
Ir. .1. ITIr Adoo,
llf IM, prompllr Bttentl lo all call, either In Tif
I'm or .'o.ifir , in a !miii.-rne to t'te adfclrd.
rr1irriUiiicr.tii.n pud lo r'ein-U- .irae, Show
nml i'ntn-e im
hen Itle., '
WiHiilin llndgi
i runtirt li'il olllillto .ill'
...n?l h In it. ... I. I .It., a m.i ol lltr
. ' .1.1, I'lllill, tllttu.
) V I I
I'iri i:it v a a .mTt. "
Iliis;y V Carrlntfc llaiiu
lartiircr, F.kkI of the Conr llonae , on Murket Street.
llro. I,. V. Allen,
Milliner & Dress Maker,
lTvm over V. K . Hhawhnn inrl Main atleel,
Ti hn.Obio. Oct l.)lh, lr-.H (Jm
v. v. ltr.ii.n Aitz,
DDM AI. s ic.i:o.
OVKH T. In Hltanlin1. 111... k . ,t .loir, .llr.rtlv
tin Irr III. Tntiiiito lli'li... Mnrarl .tr-'rl . 'Hllm.ll.
i!) Ii
.11. AVaancr,
Ml ltt 1I1M' TAll.olt.
Nil llnalar In R.nil, . Ma,l. C l,tlhln(, t'lolln,
, I 'aa.lm.tr., i lor.. IK .-.
Hint. on Mam tlrart, oii...it, th. P.a.ca t'o.nly
(Vriry cutlrd the "City Iluute.")
LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor.
Th. ntt.ltr.liiiir.l ,1.-. Ira. lo Infiiim all III. I'ti.n.l. anil
..,.,n,..,r...,i,i,.., . ,.,. , ,.,,
in. hoii'i i. r.aiiv im ih. rrtriiiiiiit nt iia.i.. 'lit.
Ilou.e hu been re. limit, r-lurnihed nml la bow a
gnotin nn 1 11 the I'oimlrv ,
I now it :ive i noli ne enouyn lo arrommmlaleanv num.
brut'tiora'l,nnd willalwnt but e an abun lam-e ol t.-t-d.
i.t-:vi wi.iiiii k.
TitVn' O. ioher 1. IKV IA tf
V;il4li(kN v Jrwrlry
Trrl c-aaa-t-k -
In v iii 1 pviiiiHn -tilt Uk .nt o 111 !) i i n , I.. 1 nt ) iit-il
al Winiilfr i I'rugnml Hook Mre , No. I Hi-mLm.
Illo-'k .and aolii iUan tnpe. Ilonol biaaim-k ot Wnti'hea,
Clin k. Jeo.-lry and hit.er wni. ami hope to uietit
ahi'rr of public pntritttnge,
K- pairmv dime in the U t it vie of work mnnbip.
T1tt.11. June Ih.i'l.
Una jiutretiimeil from New Vwrk and opi'iieit n
Comoriilof H it, Cap, Itend-ilr ea. merii-anand
Krui ti Klooer, Knihrimlerie!
llanlkt'ri Iwita,
Mil', KnUe llair.Coraet, i:lenioo 11. If I
Mic will he btippv lo w nit upon nil h:il fuoi her ilia a
rail. All order- prom,llv nitcmled to.
tin Mntnatreel, in Hli. k'a HIih k, Tillin. apl
IV. II. l'arl.,!. li."
Main alri'vl, opioaite HU' W llio. k
i. ma'27 'Alt
Dr. Frankliu is nt Home nguiii,
and hnv.ng aaaoeiateil himaelf with
w will do all work ntmted tn ut promptly, am.
AVa r r a 11 1 Sn I i fa cfioii.
Ir. Franklin mnv be eriiillied to remind tide i-om
mnnitv. lhat hi a ekitentnr in Metlicin anil ("tireeri
enable In in lo I rem id tented Teeib and li a with
belle m:-e lh:in aonie who alvt ihettue.vr f rttotvON
l ntiali, but who claim lo thai till iaallofelhef lab
ii Ion .
Allp-rMina having IH'.CA VKD TCFTII, HIS F. AH.
F.H lit MS, or in annl of A KTI FIC1 A I. TKETII,
willdo welliiM'all al ourorlic, on door t of Hbaw
ban Hon, on I'm) at.
Tillin, June 17, 1H.V).
NHAUllAN'N Ni:V lll.OUt,
olrananria general Hanking baini(aml pay inlt reat
OB i'epiin loni'Wii
S ttiontha, 4 per cent.
0 5
19 fl
reriiflralea pn alq In all pa on demnd,
epll Hanker.
Protect the Lives of Yourselves
and Fa mi Ilea !
The nntleraitiiied would reipei-tlully annoime to the
I'lialn- thai he haa jiul rclvoi a aupuly ul th velehra
ted .1 hll M A.N
Electro Ilagnetlc Conductor!
wbii h he i at all iimeready to pat up oil abort aotk-e,
and on rr-nori,iljle term.
I I tn Koil i tiie bvtl now In ue, and I fnat taking lhe
l1- of all other, being lb Combined Copper und
lion Cnlde, in foroi; ., ihf ref'ore, all jolnl; don't
nut, lieine upplieil lilt in.- (tatli rie, Hud baa more
urlace lhan anv i-olia I '...iln..i... . I H hu.
i y, ril'lKLM N.
' N." Alio, .rjtiretl tOiut all o.b.i ktutl of Ho''
t lTr l.t
NV Vlil KJIjVj
JelT If
r8 jiary ":! Anderaoii,
I'nnrr HHiirt.t.kv, Ohio,
llfain ilraui, on. ituai. riurlliol tit. t.'ourl lion...
an, '.'6
3Doiitftl Hurgory.
1. J. t O. 11. KLN'NAMAN
Retpeelfiilly tender tlieir I'r .feaalonal arrvlrea I the
(di.-nd.tiilinaut'ihiapl',a.d vieililly . They
are prepared lo pvrloriu all lb oiatraitua cooaeclod
wilhtb aclene of
pon the innt i 01 proved and arlanlifit' piim-iptea .
'rMndiriog 1 1 willh wailed uMn at 1 he 11 real den
oat, Allurdra Milt raueite proaijit ailaolioa.
All Work Mill bo Warranted.
"Oni ia room formerly oerapie! by lr . BuaT
ir.it corner "4 W atbingio aad Matrkot aereal.
Tiraiw, 0o, Apell Kt.
The undersigned ofiur thoir scr-
trie. lotlLinbh. . lorintai lb. Tioli... rial.,
aad variou.otlt.i itt.n.iiHnt.i aUo, ia lb. Ui..k, La
os, P..ut. Lanital aod tl.tman lanr.
J JAl'il. HAII.I.KH X..
. 1A-..L. . . . u-....
. ' - w.ii..n.,
' ri.at r..l.r..o.. oaori-tl
. t
r; o 11.11 ...h,., t ..u,H,.l, M.a.lMlw I., la
... a.u .noun, lit..-,, a..ii b.o n... 1 odv,
F. ,4,.r(,,,, .b. Kaa.atoa.oa raotwul.
CO.,'iIif(iw Urchin Uvitnmc.
From the Zanesville Asters.
Grand Disclosures of the Ceremonies
and Mysteries of the Wonderful Order.
Fun and More Fun---Grand Sell!
III ii lnii.nl norr l..n mt,l ritv in thi. I
country, there ii n Imli-e of tin
... .. , .. I
ni.nm. i ma ntiM.TiiiiH oriliT tun ita rise
in Ni w Oilt'niiB inline tlirre or fnuryeani '
alio. There are tWl, .eeo.int. jriv'en ol
itM itriein.
It i KHi.l. hy one aeomint, to
have oriirinatril with the armv of'Walk
er, the t illilniater,'' at the tune that wnr-
other .' unt aav it " ' .V"
ttie r.v.rr .. f il' 11 . , i
.. a, "i iriiint' u iiuriiiu
. it ,iii mill a nit
li.te ml,..l t., .! v. r. tl... ..r .i... r.;..i.. I
...,.! ,. , .,,1.. fc ... , , ,. . i
V) ,r,t I , ' ''' " ' V'r
rit rituli e nnriittai'. -..io). ... I,.. r. ..... .1...
k ... .1 . . I It '
ii .!..'i. .....
oiMiitrr 11 hut nine ttriL'innieil, it ih
Hot the onler that ontiilera Ink
it to he;
a we ahall preaeiitly allow.
One nf tho hrethren, who )m a heen
tnrneil out ot the import nnt anil aeeretof
liee, the initniU of whieh are "(!. II. J."
A.," hna tnkett ollenae nt the order and
ctimiiHinieatetl 1 1 in the wholo iroeei tl
iiHr pnioi-wurils, i$iC.
hen nhoiil to hecotno tnetnher of
the I. t). H. .M. (linlepfiideiit Onler Sona
.Malta.) the t atnlnlitte, or rntiilulnteK, pre-
enlH hiinnelf, or theiiia -lve, in an outer
room, where he meets a roiiiinittee of of
ficer of the loiter, who mmo to him, out
01 me loei'e-roiiiii, wit 11 drawn awonla In
their hamln, and a kin. I of three hnrreil
aheet in 11 hut on, which hide their I'area
.1 ... . .1 . .. .
then oil, eera put the tent . ,ieat.n to each
randnlntei ami any ratuh. late w.o heai-
tate. or falter. U allowed to depart in
peace; thone who remain pay o each,
and the comimtlee returna to the l...le. I
room to report on the ca.ea an.l hav them
.. . . . ,
ll.e lund hu. r.i.e.1 pay the rent of
the renin, and the balance ia expended in
' .1 -,. ., ,
icharitica there are no other dilea, lor
An Ti '"I'l-ar henraller
,f ' ' candnhtte. are l,llted fur
and elected, the (.rami t omh.c.or iroe.
.1 datea lo the lnnide eiitronce door, where
l!lV.r!r,,ril",I,,l.,!' W-"h',,hr hi'' f'
lll awonl three tut,.... thi. .tn.nl,. ..I..I....1
t:..i..i i.t .. .
j - V" r . ., ! ,r 7" "" 1
and tlio duel ollicer Iroin the luaidu anka
ilia loud voice.
ofimi laiuurniiao 01 tho linli-linli!'
J he aentiiiul nmweri
in tho enmp!'
J o wliicli the I hiuf repliea: 'Let 'em
llero the ilnor ia tinhnrred with a treat
clnnkitH' ol rhiiuin and holtt. and tho ran.
didatea nru admitted,
What a aiyht hreaka upon tho viaion I
room ia nearly dark, aa it ia only
liyhled hy a lniui of nlcnli.il, which aita
upon a collin in the middle of tho room
and throwa itn blue llickoriitfr lijiht animal
un.iii tho acene. And am li n m t
The innuibera, tlreaaed aa our citizena
have aeen them upon the itreetn, are rnnjr-
ed iiroiind the room, thua: ono lit upon
hia hack like a enrpae, ond another kneel
down upon hi knee, heaide him ia the at-
titude of a mourner. All ia aa atill aa a
tomb around the room, except in the cen-
ter where tlio eoljin liea upon tlio bier and
the palo lump flit kora upon tlio aceno.
ueai.ie that collin, winch ia covered w ith
pall or blnck cloth, marc he a an old man
wlio enrriea a muaket and bayonet upon
hia ahoulder j an old man wh.wo whitu
locka of huir lianir in weird and titiL'lod
uiaaaea nb. nit hia neck; with hia left hand
hcanatchea unmeaningly ut hia huir, and
then mutters to himaelf ua ho turn upon
hia heel with military prociaion and mnreh-1.
ea hack nnd forth, pinning and re-paa.iii)
tho black pulled collin and flickering li'lit.
At cither end ofthe e:illin atundaa ll(,'ur
draped ill white from head to foot, with
uplifted hand and upturned eyea, niultor-
inu lipa, from which no aounda iaaue, an.l
nothing of the luce viaihle but th eyea
and mouth. At ono end ofthe room aiu
tho Chief; bluziii in red and cold colora,
hut tniitionleaa j nt tho other end ail a
akolet.ni with a pihled crown upon hia
head; with one bony hand pointing up-
ward, whilo with tho other ho claapa to
hi fleahlc.1 riha tho fljrur. of an Infant;
either aide of tho room aita tho tirand
Clianrcllor and Itecordur. Each and nil
motioiileaa na tho c.lhn or the akelotoli.
Around thia collin tho candidate march
in an oblong ring, pnaainji I'urth. Bt from
the collin and neare.tto tho tneinbera and
ufficera: tlm. leaving tho old limn room
pneo to and fro, up nnd down the room.
aword at the head, and tho Grand Kar -
pent of tho .upper and miner marche.
ulao with drawn aword at the Uil of tho
lino of camlidatea for imitntion. Three
time round the line marche twice in
painful ailence, throttol, which nothing ia
heard but tho clunking of .word ,,,.ah.
l.nr.u ih.. .trio.. .1 ,...!. i.o I.,...
of thu Conductor and S.trgont during
tho third round an org in or melodenti
atrikea up a low, wailing, trenmloua, wild,
hollow tune, which ia echoed back by the
memhera in a low death .ong, while the
old man marche tnoro rapidly an.l mut-
lor. louder and louder, until, i- the cm,,-
liniHh tho l,,t mood, the il. C.
(aathocheif i. called.) ay. in a d,,op
Toice, 'I'eac.e, venornhla father! I.ile
i made up of mrruw, and tho world i.
ripeiun;r for a .orrow greater than thine!
I'oace! Peace! Bo atill thou wounded
heart I' To whieh all the nirmher. ro
anond, 'Pence! Peace! ll atill!' Then
the mnric atop and tho old man resume
hi. quiet ni'irch.
Tito candidate, are now arranged urouiid
tho(J. K.,whoquealin.tbem.a to thuir
motive, ami intention.. If the answer.'.
are .nti.lactory (aa they alw.y. are) tho
. . ' v J. J. . '.
candidates are conducted to the cliuir of
... II. O I. n .. .ill
tho skeleton, where a person hidden be
hind the grim figure administer. .11 obli
gation to each which bind, him from hia
cradle (represented by tho infant!) never
to divulge w hat he muy there iee or learn.
Altor assuming the obligations the can
didate, urn conducted buck lo the U. C,
through tho imiio ace 110 of ailouco nud
aorrow.wbo git e them noinu ndvico, nflur
ttllllU .11' J W IWIIIlUt IVUvUV.Ui.lUMI.lU -
a i . i . ,, , .. ,
room. And tin. end the tnst .ceiic.
Alter tn. ranuiuaif. go out nnu 1110
door i. cloaed, the member, in an instant
spring to their feet, light up the room,
throw off tlieir gown., put away tho collin,
Ac, and prepare for fun. In the mean
time the candidate, aro being blindfolded
ao that they r.n notice; In thi condition
they are conducted to the door again by
the name partita a. before; the door i.
again rapped upon, nud, thia time, the G.
C, any. in a loud voice:
'What I. it makea the alarmV
To which the anntinal replica: 'Friend.!
Who will do u no horn!'
Tn hii h tl. (i. C. nimn-r.; 'Hi J lln'ili
lion ir., hfwuro! nj wcli iiiim to enter
,T which oil the inciiiliori rcjiutul.
Wflfi'lllf I i I'tltrr lli'to!'
Th-' rniiilnl.iti'K urn tl.,i ,., j,,, ,
lili'. ruh hililnif t.i tlm foat-tnil ol
llu'vtln'r. In t.ltl Miiuliirj. lln-v or
lliii in.iri'hril liotit tlm rimm ivcrl
In .in hi il
liini- while tlm riM.tn li li;ht.'il lirillim.t-
v . All ta nttu' .1 l.tli'ii Mini ufiiiku.i..n.il
' " " ' I '" ' "' ""'""". " " . ri-
iMfilv I'liiiilHAtlili'il to iliilii I'll iti'iNn l.ov.
iv . 'IM.pv nrtl lir.tlli'lit t,i tlm I'Knir ..1 ;
. i - i
tin-Urmiil t nliim.itulrr, wlu'rc tlr y are
anki'il nil inniiiirr of ijnrHlion. totirliinj;
"l,,ir ' I"'";. ';r,""'.,,1" .k"'im; M
',:. ... ,,. ... ... . ... ,
diameter whether Ihif have hern or
are intemperiite whether they h.nre ovor-
r""l'l: -I-, ehaM.ty . and M. o.
... I . .
i ii iirte-r i ii i;ei
thia inliirniatiitn, one ol
l'"-Tioii.ty tnni.,1. u n. anH i me nnu ,
iln ill rnei a out aniwera t-itlio fiiieatiniia.
.'l'"'lly f.l ......r.illv ll.llkin
1 .
liimx.lt j
,iiit a tiiii'litv li
ul I'elhtw . The olhera uhti
,ar'" Miliileil a ml ran not nee, ol rourae
1...1.1 ,t t.. .. . , ,. ,
out 1110 nniiiti tnim 111 aneli 11 mileinn
ilaee na they iiitnitie thin atill to he. At
earh anawor the (i. C. an a "let it he re
corded," and the recorder ainM out in
I iw, hollow tone, nn liO writea it d iw tl in
a ereat li .uk "It hua heen rerorded!"
Note. The record, iu Hint bunk 111111 be
Ininni; liic.e ipie.tintia the ramMat'-a
are tried, lo ti at their ali.lilv ttrw im,
filler, to piny the tlrum or itn-truineiiU
and it luunt be auiUHitir to nee at tid, aoher
citir. tm I vi in; tlnw n ln,-e loreui at upon
or, nnd "Mtrikinif out" a. il'awim-
niinif lor dear lile from Florida to Cuh.i;
na well na i;oiii(f through other tenia of n
a. I 111 1 1 1 tl ai.l ..... I .... u 1 ...(... .. l
""' IIUH MUM." Illurill UT. iMIl, linrii,
,.,.,, ,,, ,,ika. we .uppo.e, thnt he
,, ( Bi r()J . SollJ ; Mi(ljo lnV)J
,, r,. tf..i. ar.al therefore ho .ra
,h,. will1(. ,!,,., "
Altl.r .,, of t,,e nlllV0 vu.rU,nn
.kt.d ,, ,1IHW,,ri,di , , rMiat..H
iiiht nimtliir rtfiii'init ol.htnitum Imviii''
relerenre to the compi, at ol C..(..,. which
i. ..1,. 1 ... .1. .... ;.. .1...:. 1 1... 1
..i... .... ... 1111 111, 111 iiu'ir llllllll
i,.i . .,., .....1, ..1 ,. 1
lm,,h wlli,.1 ,J w,uv, ,rrl,j j,
c. Hoion. and w hi, h ciauina n.ithi,,, l,t
the piclureH ol two J, ka.aea. one in the
.,m, 1
A,,,r Uti-eai.di.lale. are t .!,! thut
int'V lllltal rt'tiru lor b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 Blld pre-
l"'r" to K throunl, n trying crdeal, which
.. .11 .,.7. ..i.. . ..1 . ,
, ,. ,, ' l" u
Thoy rt tiro and ao ends arene aecond.
,u" "P atoeply inclined ladder roinpoa
The rJ ol rolli ra which nro ai l eloaj t iether
'li;ch turn under hi. feet a: ev ry
"u'l'' hia lea lly pa.t curl, olh-
r liko apokca of a run uwity Luoy
I w hen he L'cta to the ton of thin luducr.lie
ru"111 ,n proeeaainii ol the memhera,
wl,llu l"im nd (fon'i nro beirij; be.iten
'"""t nirirni iiiuiiner.
,llw nindidute, blind aa lie
1 1,1 If " "e throu.;h the mutter, ami
Bet" cd r riloil, according to the
alalo of hia loelitiifs, but it id too lato to
i' 'P-
I Afl r ' ,lim ""ml the room on
1,16 bo,iri1' G- C- )'. "'"I the cavern
,l0 "l""",J" "d "t that inomeiit tho
blmnl ' orvd at one end and hoinled
Bt tho "tll,,r "J 1,10 MiKhdutu aliilea
1dl,wn ,0 the mouth ot a laro .hoet-irun
yhudisr aomeUiiiij; aimilar to tlieamoke
"f Bt.iunihunt and aa h.i alidu
,l"n a rou'h voice whi-pi'ra in hia e.ir,
, "Crawl lor your lile;" foll,.wiii(f thia ad
at vic0' "awla through tho thing, while
" ,"""Ih Br0 l"''idui on tlio outaido ol
iu wlt" "'k; j""t aa ho cornea out ho ia
:takon "ln "P tllu iUL'' Is-U'-r of roller
to tho pUtlorm at tha top. llu i. now
U,U 1 ' UP' truiKlit. nud diveat hini-
'f iUor that will apoil hy cum
to 1,1 c,lll't w.ter. Whilo hu ia
heinir thua prepured lor thu wuter, the
aiicho I'aiun to.aed ill a blanket until
,tl,1". ,,,nl",rr fe"'1 .,irud t03'"a at
! ,"ch ,,' ,dl "I"'" , """"
'f"' r;"" "f1 1,0 ll.ltud buck ul"'"
,l,e I'l 'tforin, wh iro h.) la .et upon the
X"P 1roll"r wuh fuV' dVVlBj t"ard
j l'u k" '"'''J n unibrella without any coy
didate. 1 "'"!? .tl,e" hoiat. d and given to l.iui.lii
.''; er.
""i" '""""'! how he i toget
"'to tho lodge. Ho 1 inntruc ed to co.no
11 1 id 1111..11 ,1 1 ,i,,r .iuiiij i ftvi.-M .nil r.'in
The cnndid.itea are now hrotiiil.t in
i e cnniiiii.n. a are now
oao nt tune, atill lilimllolded. Kuch con-
'hdate ia hrotiht in, rapidly ninrched
armihii iho ronin in dtnitile nu.ck tune lie-
twon two ptiiirtla, and ia then uia.lu to
hind, tipmi a pluti'urin, w here aland-i two
"lnrj liuarua, who turn him ahoul and tell
tj Juwn; ho aita dow n, and they
.'ivc "hovo down the liidderovor lhe
f'lh'ifl. Without any alod he rid a thia
way to tlio hottom ol tho ladder, where
'"' Btl apritiiruiir hoard, juat aa it in
jerked tip by two nl.mt men, which aenda
w it'1 ' hound up toward tho ceiling
ul ul" r'""" "" come, uuwii no la
ct u un me uoard in a aitliiiL' p.ia
tllr' J"" ""' h'j:a ia then pulled about
Ku ,,1,lt '"' 'M atrido of tho hoard; and
'" ",is condition hu ia carried around tho
lI"e,',,",r ,mve K"t ready a lurgo canrua.
,wUh ,r,.'l,e r,'V", . Ili 1 " " l'1?' t'J bo
' l,,n'1 h"n- B"d l'uld "ltroteh. d by a
',,,a"y " c!"'. '"' 1"'ld "' 1,10 r"l"-,i .
"n " rea"y- 1,16 "nuiuute-
, t'"-0" "" platlorm buck ujiou Una
1 l' et, and nwuy he goc-iip und down
"o aooner down Ihun up again like
hi. U-IX ban. , while in l.in r.ght hand plac
ed a cow-bell, and thu ho nail iluwn
over tho roller, iutj a tub, lull of w et
apong. H, ut tho bott nn. Hero llie lnin 1.
are t..ken Iroin hi eyea, und he behold.
himself atirrounded by ubout fifty pcr.'ui:,
ia their shirt alcoves, nil luaghing at him.
Al lir.t thu caudid..tu is usloniuhcd.theu
he got angry, and linully ho luugha with
thu r.vt. uu.l become a xoaloua member
w, ........ vu., .. .... . . ... .ww .. .. u
once, at thia tho sentinel raise tho .lid
or wicket in the door and thu cuu.li.lute
aay: "Sp.i," to which the aeiitinel suy.
"l)ob," then bth a-iy "S.uiboh," and the
member untor. Ho theu udvauce. to
thu insido door where hu eut.-eze. once,!
and blow hi nose nnd rap., at w hich
the .lida i lilted aiid tho c.imlid;;to aay
"Lager," to w hich tho aontinel reapon.l
"Heir," and then b itli any "Swei (i !u..a,"
l I.. -. . I...
luud the cundii utu ciit.T proceeds totho
, , ., . ' , . .
'cent.Tol the room whero he Map hi
two upeii liun.la at lhe top of hia head, af-
tJr tlio manner ot a juckusa Happing in
'ear., and take, his sent. These sign
will givo admission into any lodge ol the
1 Son in tho world, if they aro properly
There are more of these ceromoniea,
but these are the chief of thrm.
Ol course we do not Touch for tho
troth of all thia, Lot it i. probably true.
We tell the tale .. it w told u.
What machine i aometime. aeon, ia
bU room) A epinuinjj jcuny.
French Espionage Established
on the Baltimore and Ohio
Roads—Citizens Taken Out of
the Cars by the
Thrown into Prison
t.iat cvoiiinr n i riT.iv.d the followlrijf
ilntpntrn irooi llnrpor rrry;
'-TlirM. nnn-n r..r. h tha V.t.ta
jtrnin wore t ikrn out of t!iei-ri.n rril
... .1... I. .1... :t.. - I
. ii ... nam, nj inv miiiinrj, a..u impriv
otuxi, minor llin lulluw itiif cireuintani'it
Tl.n M. ....I
.ii.-,'nii..Ti.iviiii-r.ii.iiini irtoiiiii
ni. .n..ii i.k..l.t..t..lr...ll.t.: . a.
..i..iw iniu nmi ..-ii ni v.tuiiii'rc i a
tirntten they ww liear.l to nrri liietti-
aelven iinite freely rnh.tivo to Itruwn.ci
jire.aainit aytninthy f"f him and hi. family,
rite e inv -raation win heard hy man aU
lej.'i il to le a py."
Wu feel it otir Jit'y to tik the. aho
ili..eitrh out nT itn regular (iluco uniler our
tel' iTr.ii'hir hi ail, anil c ill siBcial atton.
tiott ! it here, in mir nMorial cnlumna.
c want, mm mo Public nera an.l c:a
ahmilil nn nud read thia ilia-
patch to-. lay, IT they aeeand read nothing
'iw. tor it i wen that tu. y ahonhl bem
to renlir.e that tho ruriatitulional lilrertio.
attnrhiie; to their citn -nihip hae he.n
usurped, and are nt thia moment at the
mercy of n crmy achemcr and fanatical
a.piri.iit- W e tin not exapijarat. It i.
eien ao. Citizen, from abroad, traveling
throuph thia Mtnte, hayo no right, that
(iiiv. Wit. feela himnell hound to rerpct.
Ho wn a'a fruin thetn their conntilutiottal
privilegt na nltanlutely a. if ha were
deapot ilfi oroiB, instead of beittj a
petty iiaorp.r.
Look nt it! The naltmior road i. In a
atute of tllertunl blotka.le. Not only
are traveler linMo to bo drar-ti from
their aenla, lor the expreiaion of un opin
ion, but on j eiterduy there went into f
le. t an edict that no pernona ahould b.
preiuitted to ina over it unlns. they bor
wilh them a cortilicnli Inlly ai.'ned of the
(i neral Agent lure, to tlio effect that
they were peMon known to him a. fit to
be nhriiad within tlr limit of thi. Com.
luiinwcnlth. Any person for whom he
cannot certify, ia lett nt the mercy of our
usurper' I'leuch eapionnge police. They
Imv their ticket ut the ptk of boipg drag
ged out of their autu or their aleeping
b riha, at every atntion al'inp; tho road,
an.l Mimic to give an .tomtit ot thom.i
1 1 tell their liufiti: m, where they coin
I'roni, anil where they nre going.
Th h i no fnncy pi. tnro. Ii i. roali
ty. It i'.i,fts ri.ht In r.' in thi. Snto of
Virginia. It iu well that citiiena of oth
er St.itea Khmild know it, and govern
llieiiiaelvea accordingly. It ia wsll that
they nlu ii'd know that our despotic au
thor, ti.', hiiving, iu every auction of the'
State, . ive hero in thu Fren Panhandle,
ntirceeded in nboliahing the libertie. of tho
1're.a nnd of apeech, huve next turnott
themaelvea lo jilac.iiig tlio State in the
poaition of a I. .reign power, and of pre.
xcril'iug t .', and eatibliahing a p.aaport
ayt.'in apainat citiiena of other .late..-'
W'hut Tac.itua wrot of Doinitiaul. ap
nlicahle nnu tolliodoapotiain w hich rei mi.
i I tliia Statu:
"The profeaHorn of learning havo boon
expelled, nnd every liberal art baniahed,
lent mi) thing homirablu ahould confront
him, ho thought that ho had abolished tha
Voice of the Roman people, thnt liberty of
iho Semite, and tho cona. ieiiee of the bit
man race. Really, ire hav yivrn m yrtal
proof of patienit; und aa the old timoa .aw
the extreme of liberty, .o .11 Freedom of
apenking and hearing being taken .way
by persecution, ire note rr. the tjctrtmt
nf tlttvry." ll'Acciiy lnU Uijtncrr.
Country Meetin' Talk.
An I llinoi. editor, w ho aomctUne ha.
an "nitnek of Phonography ," ntt n.lod a
country "ineetin','' where he took down
tin) following n.itea of different topic, of
converaution nt one time:
" ote for I.ovejoy!" erlninird a ptv
lilicnl aipirant indipnantlv; "I'd n. aoort
voto for VV'illiuui l.loyd (larrison him.ulff
lou.led di.tvil aa ho i. with"
"Two of the fatt-at beef critter, you
ev -r act youreye nn," interrupted a deal
er in cuttle, "thut I .old for"
"That horrid yellow dre.a again!"
claimed Miu Hpruce, In whut might hnv
aoundeil like a whisper il'aho hod been
on tho other aide of tho room) "painted,
too, hull an Inch (hick, nnd wear "
Teeth und too-nnil to irel the office."
broke iu another politician; "but thepecw
pie win 1101 uu.t In in again; bu.ide, b
io "
'Spavined in both hind lega, wind-broi
ken and foundered to boot, aa I told Mr.
Jurvii ut tho time "
"Ono teu-cup full of buttor, two of
gar, throe of Hour( four egga, nud a iriu-
aiu 01 nuiuieg, miiKea '
"Both end meet w hen the year come
round, poor woman! for .he hue got .x
children, tho oldest one blind, and"
"No avldlo or bridle to ride him With)
aouit body alula it while 1 wa. gone Id
Chicago ltor "
"Tlio lung promised millenial day,
which, we have no doubt, i. to be brought .
about through tho ministration ot- "
"Two Uuichmeu, money, and a bantl
organ to grind it, and oh! it made the fun
uit.t music, and the little figurm danced
around lik "
'U,!oJ mile of railrord track; and thi
at an estimate cost of"
'Five cent a dozen. I aold four hen.
to Mr. Wilm and the haw ka carried off
three, besidoa any number of chicken.,
"Such a hundaome voung ninni and ha
dine .0 beautiful. Did you ever aee a
hnndsom-r puir of whiskora, or a more iiw
, siiiii.iling "
1 "ll.tiiillo to my new tea-pot, and Tout'
iny d-clured ha had'nt touched it at all,
and I know Emily hadn't for ahe .aid ah
, hud been all llu tnuu "
I "Itunning nt. the r.ite of twenty-fire
mil. an hour, with no hoad-lightn ou. and
nroutu . cu rvo .1 1n.1l. wtion Uie Jococto-
t,ve broke the bri.ljjo over-"
' I hut young Mis Brown that had the
.11.nl -1.1. v i.l.... T .1.. ...w .1...
.....-..... . wr- . Ol.....'. , ,f . UU .1U
ahe i going to marry"
"Two pointer cloy and th beat gun in
tow n. I wanted tho gnu tho worst w.y,
and oil. red In in "
"The .carlet fever .nd the whooping,
c mgh, and 1 don 'I know what ha kuu'l
had, po ir littlo darlinjr. Thi. j th' irat
t uie I've t.tkeii hnu out aince "
"Tlio Mexican war, which cotiaider
pereo'lv uiijunliliuhlu, uuh s. it bo ou the
I I. I.. ,1
ground Iliat"
,...... i .1 11
' I he preacher Una comel"exclai.iicd a
hoy. and depositing my report in n.y po.k
T.-t. I iir.iret-.l.-d int.. tlm . ....!.. .1:.. Iik
muse upon tiie utility ol phoui"t.ihli.
Our liuJjet.
"That'. fine Btitiiu," .aid one gent'
man to another, alluding tu tha ton '. ot a
linger at. conceit thu olio r evuhing.
"Vea," .ad a couutr) innu w ho was nuar,
'but if ho atruius nmcii mure hu'll iiur.t."
The gold hunter, at Tike'. Pral ito
wish th.t tli bni'ht vision, wiiu Vwik
tUey tut out had tiuen pro- rUMoan.

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