Newspaper Page Text
A' ft lifflsiii -: nut I ' 1 - 1 I ? 5 v a 1 my e VOL,"XII. 1 ".r1 'rilAK.iy, OHIO, FUIOiVY, JAXUIIY O, 1S59. NO. 13. mm Wm Raymond's 10 Dollar FAMILY SEW1X0 JIKHKB. For Sale by II. RiIIIT, At J. Volmcr's Clothing Store. rOSlTIVELY the IJrst for raiuily Agent wanted foe oeh TownaMp. I will also soil I. M. SINGER'S Manuf ctoring; Machine Hoots and Shoes Selling Cheaper than Ever! I will Sell my Kntiro Stork of Boots cJ Shoos, AT LOWER ritlCES, Than I have over nftVrrd them, lo tho pnhlir baftir. . I hnvo Man, Buy. Y nut ha nil Intanta llonia and "tin.,! , lriica, MiiMi and ChtMrrna liaitirr; Mitwcu Kill and Calf l.ace lloot, and fancy tthoea of all fciodt. Tho Stock is First Quality or Eastern and Home made Work, and It wlllanlt all perertna that wanta ood art if I. Uive an a rail, a It will lia for Caeh, anil CAHIi ftnlr. In lit Old Hoot and hhoo htnrr. No. 3 Ktert'e Work. 1 lloMAtj HI A. t'toUtmrt work mada to order at uaunl ck-7-3im llouao .Moving and liaising. S. S. KISINGEIt WOI'I.D annnnwato Itia fltlnmt Tiffin, and Hrn. en and ailfitiliinf rogntira, thl h ia amply ir.' piirwd wit all tie uenvmry ap,aiatuB fur 'lforlng or Hat sing Houses, TJaxn3, &c. &c. efall ilaei, andta any dritaar. rvririrtl, wlllrant injury. . He Understands tiik Horns 1 f?nhnrnt mA.Irl. fiivalilina ('all. Tiltia, Mr Ilia, ICHI If M. MARTIN Would Inform hi cuitomara tliat I lia rcmovtrd to a. & it. ki i:iil,i:k's HOOT and LEAT1IKH STORE, Wliara h wiltlirrcafiet bo found ready and willing U wml ujnim them. All who want a Good FrrriNO Hoot ok Siiok, will pica iv him a cult, at tlM pluco abovu men tionnl, TittiB, Nn. 4. It 5U 3trt "ELMS, HKO'S v to. (EtuoceMun Ui It. A. ijltlollry and Jlrutliari ) a r r i a e 31 a ai u fa c t n r v r n At Kcpnblic, Sunuca Co., Ohio Wnald ?! tftifly nnnoiinfa to llio I'nlilii tlianlirr tia pnr-1i:ird the M uniifnotory h' rrtfr lialnii in? to H A- niiilltr and liml ir, anil nrr prrparrit Hi .In all kinda of work In Utcir and willcoutnntly krrp on Imnd 4'AIlRlAteKH, MI'CtJIKH, and Hl'I.KIKf. W'hii ltilwjr tla)trlliiiiielvi hall h aarond tonono fir Writ. PriocB Moclorato Hfi.i'lili.- ,ltli.l)rf '.'lliii, l'..(r. I r Ji.. T. Kiln. Jriir. It. KHa. .. HKrldlrv. CASH FOR WHEAT! ThonlglMal Maikot Ptd-a aUT Paid at th'Var huUMF," (Off Wheat, Rye, Corn and Oats. Wh.n Fnrmrra bring lhlr l.rnin to MarLar . lliry will alanya lind on hand wl ill Ilia " lloiiumanla." XiTtiixc iin a Call. JtV BILL & OSHOKN. Jaly SO, PJ. ToTlie PHiriic. Tho ondrind Savu. oponrd ao aitenaivo WAGON MAUFACTOIIY, In RrpuSlu-, woold ri(Mifnllr iiform th ritiinaf lHnf, and ailjolnin cnuntiaa, tlmt no lias n nonii Uir BtiH-k of'f irttiJtlitv of warniril lunilrr itMIMiatlW larnieli wa-nna, vJt op In a iro(! wurkiiian-l h auanaar aa oan bm int lo tliaatnt. 1 1 living been lout; f.g'iged ntltio butlu!!,!! laalauou lidtutUiat Ina Mnemia CANNOT BE SURPASSED, Fnff llvhtrunninitand pflrrt ymoiriry of lonti, whi.:h tannin r with tl.tlf ilurnmhl) . remlcra lltemtnoreueair klile lton tlioi made in any itt r art-linn ot ih lte ta will iJt wonaUtillf; oo hand all forma and tivia 'ipOallia KtMtna lll niay l rirairrii, ami win Dwffl uliaepatr thane an h orahU in anv othtrpirl Ot lltO Veat. u.TUUU Klaliti, Ctni-Bl Co. Ohio, 3 lim IXnv ltalliwhiifcf?iil. SEGARS & TOBACCO. The Bodrnigned hitvlns aalahliahad a SEGA It & TOI5ACCO STORE, OM WASHINGTON 8TREET, Nearly oppaMltelrie I'oert lluiite, olfrrn fur talo Wlwleaal aud retail, Utr bent tmiiortrd Havana,!, l ata J hnnie.ii! Hrearat alo Iw-t hnmli ot rtia lag ae, iftif. o. I.. HH Nr I KIN, ocU Waahutnn at., nearly op- the Court Hoaae Shawliaii IIoiimc SHAVING SALOON. Having pare hated tho Inteieat nd fixture la lloua ttatlirr Mtop, Hirmerit tttimv 10 Mi lea. the aaileraiened lake litia me I hod of inriming the poblta that he are rrmlr at all timra, at ih tand ooo diMr north of the fliawhn Houae, to eattvtnet a guvd hav,o rim haircut, nod a mm ahaaipuna.uf at tlio oiU roaaunahle ratei. m4 THD-VlAet 1.VONI. T. f. si i a ii roitT, DENTIST, If o. AO AVeat Fourth at., Iji lwcen AVal ' oat and Vina, Ciwcirinali. ex t 1859. lZb). " 1859. BILL & OSE0R1T. Proprietor, of tlio K . JX. Warehous es, Titiin, -OLio. GRAIN nd CO. MMISHION MEItCUA nd lleatvv to Halt, Water Ltree, Coal, Plaatrr, etc t jT C- k, ad tho hirheat plfla eat4 f VMnv tvraih, it r , (- Ha, Aw. New Book Establishment; Main Street, opposite the Trb und Office Tiffin , Ohio, f t A jat o-peaed oe tl the beat aaaoytmeota 1 I haoka av t.iMi;U to thi a ri'y . I'hev a re nil and are'-ititt with oare, and iunlatu all I tie latevahmMr tublicalion lalijltl litvr t 4e, auiemf , ii-., In. llWok of Hit Will he proenreal intoiedimtely oa the Ait..-. The popular iuaj(vxiu4 of thodayai -tuntl aa aij ufi4- Ofei-y tajirl and pt .!",'(. ear.!, alalia and alaree it-k of l Iich .laliii. -..: Iriaaki. hUi.k haattka. kc. k". i'l.'lurM.ta.l ixiuia. Iilt.,vt.ii'. h.a M e.i-, the and wttaaUattrrd- eileia iwJIiu y aiUuUa.eiJl hw. iMtap in d Ttte a ook at hid btcek tlefuie puf.kaiktlwbaio. taal Ci tROlM ' .101) JBIITIIG. Itavinjr Mad t tit nalrrtal of oar ofllra of davs 3ii:iAii jomuuis, And a handitoma mortrrrnt of ' Wa ara prepared to atBi. avary lalng la oar Una, iivi a. Poatern, C'lronlara, . Show Rill", l'rocrninmea, Hiind Uilla, luvitntioiia, Lebela, Cnrila. JIlHiik Nolo, l, hoi ka, rnmphlrta, JUook. Ac, tntaa amtl .aliifiM'tory aranner. Orders Tilled at Short Notice, And oo tha vt Xjowost Tormo, At tna Tribune Job Office. M'kKK Ar llII.i:V. Propri. tora. BUSINESS CARDS. ; and of ten at uua. JI. lolli-tt, A T T 0 11 N E Y AT LA W. U' Collet-ting anu Iloaineai A (; ISriJ. -' riHltl Attornt-v and Coiiimcllur nt law, 'l illin. Ohio. (IfflcalnOnaiaieri'ln: How. Jnnr?n,lf. 'iniPt'.K K. WATSli.Ni KI.AM WII.I.ARI): WATSON X. WILLAK5), A TTOKNEYS AT LAW. UMI.Ii allend prow ptly to allkimli of lr;al liuineaa till or in Cminntr- ial Kim. 'I iffin.t mo. nrv3 T ii. r. om., ATTORNEY AT LAW, sniijir a IH. ck, opposite lourl iionae. up tuira nil 57 tf J .It. HOltlf, ATTOKMKV AT LAW, Tillln. Ohio. PKICF. in riliaalian'a .view lllock, ovpr Hl.rivrr'. o Biorr. fehltl-lf the f old eivo riant lr tin Ail .nil", ATTOUNKV A L' L A W, NOTARY, And fl.naral In.nriini'r Aironl, (Mtlcria f'nmmrr .ral Row, o, or HI. John', i ri'f alnto. irplll-lr Aohle, HcWoIf T"l'olic, Attonicva ami (JotiiiHcllurr, at Law. Illlloa In Biafar'a Now II look. .p.lw Ilia I'oiin llon.e. novvd W.r.Noula, I), t. HaWolf, II aril .on Nol.l.-. joiin c. hr.K. Mijoi L. aar.aicu I.i'o A: tlrrwrr. ATTORNEYS AT LAW AKD Stilloifo'o in 'hnin ry. R omi, inHii.rr' New II lo, h, nr (... i e r I. Punrt Howe. 'litln.Mny Htli,' tUNUH ITRHi WILLIAM M-JUIINSUN S trill V .9 olio. son, AttorneyB and Otiunsi'llora at Lnw. Ol' l'll'r'.i'n He '. NfU l.lo k.nvt t Vollnirra. Uih-. i n tr lrc ; Mi in atrtrl. Iro eeaioml liimirr a mid I tollri'iiiin itl nil kiriila nt , j i ma iiion i.t I v all t Diieil Tilt n. lift-. I" th. I. V. fa al. SltllUr, ATTOKKEY AT L A W, llnareaiuiied the prnrlii e. mid will eWr ttri' t atlentinii In nil liittftiraa ei trnaleil tn linn, (.li re In tl 0 etirnrrnt Khwrt'a Itlork. iluerlly alva the ainie rM'ni of r it rife Tu; lur, mul o poaile lie HLawhan llokao. npir I'OIXKCTIUN AM) LAND AGENCY, JO.KS A TIIO.UAS, l-'llelttl (H. (Ill). Otnt ral Cnllerlint? and I. rod Aeenl, will pron-ptty attend lo the t-ollnaion all flainii mini air. I imht-ir in Prnrna and adioii ine l tntiwa. W ill attend In cmii w h te lrp -n" i nrn'etl in Pre. eatlitf BUila b fi'io Jii'tivra nl the P o . IVrotavi.h- ne to hoy or aril I ml or I oh n i rom ri y will Unit It the iff advantage to give a call. j . I . ' Li r n. H. W. TIMtXfAH. Karatl to Pkt.wra k Miitin, Findlny, tV Han na, W. P. at -II. Nooi.l, Tiffin. Foitbk , Co., iMiatoria. re.?4, lP.a-t if. AYilliaiii Lan; ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND General Land Agent: Won I it refrt.tfiii.v inform llir putiliv tl at ho tiaa with til uai tu-e a rt rr-r r LAM) A U i Mi X at thianlaro. I'rraonaMiahinr tn buy 1 and or Town f.nti, flail il In their a.knaiaue tn fn n hit oiik-ofen. trie tnrloralion. nri ea.teiina, tit'o. lo.) and wialtnetn tell hn ve hr re a raa-'y nirnien', ny tearing jVerr pnn ot pr- prrty ,lrrni, c., 101 etury, t X '!.i-r in r-h;thHti' ('ommoicial UliM.k.overtbi ' M it itk f TiHin," l(AHll PAili VOU UA.NI WARUANTB. decSVIr J iiiiOKdii:. ii. (I V I I, I' C I N i: K II AND OITire ia fhawhan'i Block, Over tho Bank of fablHr " V l lal.I Ht ti A I.I. I' I, C'look and Wa tfii-.IIakrr Allkindtof wnt. lief kepieonstantljonhand Store la A ommoicial now Tillin. Sept. 17th, 11-51. NTP, . .1 of new All il a a. f la' r tt -. t hZ. G K O 11 (I E G I? A It, Foalnrlrt, Ohin. CAKRIAGE & WAGON AIakeb and )ann''artnrnr of Orain Oxoc11ee, Of i he beat qnatity. A epply Of the latter h coaaiantly on hand, at hi alu p in Kntt ria. 1 alan for aele at Hull). an' KardMire alore It 1 itt r A II or.. era uruuiptly attended to. ma?0 TilUii V FtT Wayne Itail ICoad. OffleeoflbaT.ft Ft W.IM,.,I lierruiber, Ir-SH. 'I HEofflea O ft b I io e m neoyl a fieimanentlvloea ii.l m ruhn.aadtha arinnarooatancea,lrd.are -..( .f nr. i I' To nth II lor k tror nfFof aia 11. ii. Kt'M tWA.l), Sec'j. 1, .i.ttYna. - .o. COWLEJ, '.Mister & Cowles, ' .--ieHlttVi.1 n.l 11,. i arlr ir IB ,UIHlS, on. .1...,. hiii.rl..l '' o, A sola, K UIPOJYK HOUSE, .ITIary E'. Aiidt rson, ' I'pper rtitri.t H.k y, ll,lo, . rovt, oa. ,i..ur. Nririol Lh-t;M.rt Uwa.a. ,M ... iiuf. MUSICAL NOTICE! Tho undtirbinuil cfl'ur their ! u. the public aa tracneraon the Vn.iinn, and ) ttrtoua ; alaai, ia the (Week, ii intirutiiatttl Kratirli. KuliaJi am- (ieriiiin Unrnairra ni inmw. IB HAll.l.f I i X. fiWTtcm: liaal A-Kteiooco, J J A t aflua atfwel. laaaox'a octll rOJMB ilfJSSS; CO., ..., 'TMIrt prtneyehfp lttTe between tl.TntrK, John 1 T tin anil Urn. R. Ifi, havinrtMa dnt etmrW ltt aiwlrriifn)! ftiaxH-iati-rt thrmlva tnf-titer for the nrpne of r.minniij tSa bwstne. ftf TomV, Mn Co.,aadrr tba annia naaue and aula as hereto. Tltrr n Utrrnption ( th tt aarr. in rnfrMM.lifci trl, anl mm rul wiU b aUairad l inrpmi ot i nirrrai , )V : 3 mnnlht 4 rv rrnt, fl 4 W " Prrti1r-at, In tt r prl' drrpnd. It. Ti iMIl, JiiMN T. IH'SS. i;. H. HI'FH, a. u. fm: mi, John i.h.i.hj. Jr, I tf. 1 Pr(i.f II. LAICJ.lAUt b, I. U.OI E b, St'I.KlF.S., 'TC, .foflVrson St.. nonr fJormnn Pntl.n ! .i . fr.-n. S. Wenner & Co., m m'fac rr Rt;ns or lie (;l,nrcl.. Tiffin. Ohio. a nh.l.tivi.-. i.rn.,,ri.i..if , . iV I.l.-.lm0,.l..l .! of II,. mo.l rt.r.l.l. material., nn.(.ntlv on, fl '..npO? t or.i.1. miv.r. ' ll. K. wi:i:r k t'o. lr. J. MrAdixi, I. rnn!lW ati.n.l In all .tlir la Tif- . or irwnMrT,ln n.lminioaot.f f. lha .rai. lrt. Parlirnlar ao.nllon tintd to r-'emnl. .H.rn..a. HIow.r and I'lnntr. h.lh. ionnftad III. ill nfl , nidi. aad w l.n il.,tn.'r"itr. bvlionM. Iirrlaaaa.tafiria W'ou.laa Urldx V ' Ward, Tiltia . Uliio. I v i . v Ilupvy V C arriage .llaiiu lucliircr, Eaatof the Co"'' llnuao, on Market Street. Tillin, Bent. S'Jth, iTIrn. li. V. Allen, Milliner & Dress Maker, , Mnin ati-vet. Fianm n er F- K . Hhawlmn'a tin Ti'lm. I Hiio. tt-t l.'nli, r?h Cm v. v. iii:imiaicz, m i.i:o. "VFKll'K In Hl,l,.n'. Bln. k. , ,,, dl'.rll. a Am l-r tlia Toliuii. Illri 'VS. IT An Nil ...linari. t-rnra oa Hank. Varkrl.lii,TilKa,ll. .TI. Wa KCr , MFHIIIANI' TAILOR. l.a.i., in Ha.dv V.d. Lioihln,,,., -.,v ,..., DAVIS HOUSE. (Formerly culled th "City Iluust.") TIFPIN, OHIO. LEVI WEIRICK, Proprietor. Th andrr.lrnrd da.lrr. to inform alllii.lVl.n.1. and Ih..latr.alrun. ..filial u lli.a.. (now ill. Ila.i.l hi. tiolrl i. r.ady lor ll raT,liun of o..l,. Ilia II,,,,.. ha. bran la.hnill. and la now a. (ooiia. nn, in r. n. J,S7.ffl latvi i.iHi TitT.n O-tnUff I, 1.V KMf 1 lie to . Mr. alaO lo uwn nectad will thote Tifhn. tVatfliraiaV Jrwelrj'. CTn NolBOIl, llnvi,., .,-,i,.rnr,,'i, io. i i, in. . nt c. jn.i i-n',i mj;:::;,:,;."!::. ii.k., jrwfi., and t-ii.rr wai., and i.i. io a.rni i ahi-rr ol ihiIiIm' iinlronnvo. Npairinf dona inllie boat .1)1. orworkaan.liii. 'l'i Ilia, June a, Irj'.l. " A" i: xv'rii iTi.nTi: ir y" TANCY STORE. M I.SS E. T . COliUKN ll'iajn.tretomril from New York .ml oirnrd a t'llIX AfiSOIt'l MKN T OK Al II.I.INKllY, ('omorl.lnf 1 1 M t a. Kmi'-li hiiaoi, 1 Mill.. Knl.. Hnlr.l 'or.i'r.. I.xlrn.lon Hllrt., La Oh. will hr liaimv In wail I'uon all lint favor liar with call. All onlr r. ir,ioi,ilv aiirminl In. Ila Malo.lo'.i, ia llb.k'. Illock, lifTln. aOJ IV. II. I'ark, M. I. PI H1 C 1 A N A N i -ti 1 1 iiCJ EO N no., llra.l .lr'Ma.. Amarlrna and idooiiM-O"., Vail., lUinlkrr hfif.J on Maiu .Irv.l, ,Oliio. oiMio.lla HI '. Illr. B.a','7 '511 Ori'ir. I .III II DENTISTRY. gi Or. Kriuik'.lu is at Homo nguln, and buying aaaocialed liiiuaelf with AI 11. SAMUEL GEE, wo will do all work animated to aa prompt.), am. XV : r i a 11 1 Na I i fa r t i on Ir. Kmnklin may he ieriiiiltrd te remind thia com. mnnilv, thai hia expriirnre in Xrdifine and herjrery enalili. htiu In treat dieaed Teet Ii and Giiuia with i helleiancrraa thnt, a.inie who al v le themaeivei r'l'BUKON !!. at I ta, but ttbuae claim to thai llllo ia altogeltiar tab ulnua. Allperannahaving lKCAV I TKKTII, IHSKAl 110 t.CMH, or in wnnl of AKl'Ir tl'lAl. 1 Kt at our olhuo. in Toiub'c Ulovk h I'nat Offer.. Y. KHA.Nkl.IN. pAICKL til ls. Tilho, Juuo 17, It-SQ, BANK OF TIFFIN: SII.VWJIAN'H M.W Hl.Of K, THIS DANK WILL CONTINUE lo irananrl a annrral II linking bu. Ina.., and liny intrraal un n . folhe.,: a inontn., 4 p-r oanl, S ' ' ,.j m , o Crtlfl..!.. avalil in all oa.r. on drnian.l. K. Ilua.av, A. 0. I-ia tii. f i-ariiKn lloa.aT, laid. Ilankar. keeps h)re . lr ( and Protect the Lives of Yourselves and I'a mi lie ! PROTECT YOUR PKOrEttTY ftroxii. Xali3.-li.txi.lrx6;! The antteraif ned wnald reaper! fa Ur annnnwa to Pnhite that he liaa juat reeeivad a avpplj ol lha ci th CI btl MAN Electro XttagneUc Conductor, whirh he ia at all limea ready to pat op o abort notice, ami oa riaaoaahle tenui Thia Hod la the beat now In aae.and 1 faat taking place of all othera, being the D.-mhliied Copper Iron Cable, in form; ante, f hrrM'nrr, nil joint; rnat, being- aiipplied with ine Halterie. and haa aurlacc titan tiny other Coudurtnr nw in e, 1. HF1KLMAN. N, B. Alo, prepared U put ajlulber kindcf Uuda pre I e n e d . jo-lf Dontol aurgory- l J. fc O. II. KINNAMAN Reeiiertrnllv tender their Pr tfetalonal arrvkeato Idieaaud(waitemenof ihiaplaeo.andyiuliiity . are (tr!ard ia tertViriu all the operatiuaa connected with tho aeieaa-o of .DU.XTISTICY apoa the uoat impioved and et'lentie prinriplea. raraonaiie'irtaeii wiurte waiieu eMin aitueiiresiaea ia, AtJordrra iil reoei-ze peuiupf attentioo. All Work will bo Varranted. CHARGES MODERATE. Oionc in man rnrmarly ir;iird li, llr. aurivrr "I V a.ainri.n anil ,l,..t. . Tone, LHaa, A..Hl, W-jU. . r.erTia, uur- Vlale, la. ktn.htin; l( MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY or IIATFOIIII, VOXS. Thi la aaa of tji boat and taoal roliabW eoaanaaiea ia ttta lead- Capital - - -0O.0OO VVoa a larra fue. IV ill all kl' S. l IMnHart al th lewc.t Vulittlu. I..U.S wirSoai.lrlay.ltr l.K.NAHU ADAMS, Agent Til... Olna, "-, 1 toil If (Tiffm rtlVrMit im-innr rwlll ll I V! I tVUill, i ? - - - - WOLFGANG; THE WRECKER'S BEACON. CHAPTER I. BEFORE THE GALE. Tlio pvxl sliip pATnn.iM-R, of New York, mid luiund to Coponlmpn, hud rntorod tho North S., hiivinj loft tlio Strnitu of Dover two di.y hehrnd. Tito romninmlrr of tho thin was yoiitiy Uin ti. not over eilit-and-twunty, ,n 001, ,,y lll0 ta0ra.l, K,.in olV upon tho horizon to tho rantward, rvor and ' """"'""'"T InnU at.ovo ho hoad to lOOllf th "l' " ;'L"" V ."5 . " . . . . . lain''. 118 BIOOH llnla ll tllatO BppnflohOl, atlU apoKO to tlilll i w-.i ii.;,.L r n.;. r i "I think wo'ro in for a atorin, air," tho ma.',..!- rxplind. '.An.l 1 toll you what it ta, firiHiii," ho added alter awoopin tho horizon aoTiia with his eye, 'when it comes it will bo an oarnoat ana. None of your broad Ocean puff, with nothing hut water to hntrli wind from ; but we'll have it r,l.t freah from aomo qi tho-o place, whero th.y know how to make IT .... , , , I0" y,," r",k W0 " havo one 1 an,d Orill.n. Aye, anawored the Captain, with alinoat a Humidor, " I foul it in inv bnnoa." In tho meantime Captain Loator had boon 1 watching the aea and aky aa boforo, and ho fancied that the aiona of tlio at .rui t'rowmif moro and more pulpabli) ovury momeiit. Tlio ami waa rroiiiL' .1... .. 1.. . .1 lu 1 1. ...1 . T l 1 ... . ,.o. a. uiiiir., j;nriiB 10 witi wnoiu woatom horion a dull, uumlinh-rod. hlondv Into, with lien, an.l II.. ro a n, it of - w l. I.k. ,Kr...,.rh il.e I Hroy cloud, lookino upon a foa,,uTbl,,ik. no.-a bidiind. i "Do you aeo how tran,;ely it look o(T i there P anid tho captaini nuaiiiif hi fin-l i;. 4 a. u uiw i.v-im. .it.iu iiiu auil Tt OS ' act. I i.p,,,lt l,0loW," Baid tllO Cnptllin, aa , ti . . ' , ' 1 ' . tho IU0II of the laat dor'-wateli loft their ' atatiotia. 'Thia calm can't loat a treat Vou had better batu.n down the , n:ucnoi now, w iiiic iimto in notnitijf oino iU . f(J, a wuro tlPro wjl .j ne0J Ml,u,"K- . . MAvo. rnturtiPd (arilTwi. 'I havn horn watcbinp ,h,e .lurk placoa." And othera noticed tho thins, ....l I r . .w. nun ,iiiau ... i,, ...o. Sevon o'clock rnino anil o'elock c.aino. and the dwent. Eioht oneiii. r.n.'iit. lirat wut eh waa iof hnvintf them close beforo (ho coniinj 0,"uw'r,7-.i .. ., . . . 1 ho iiion Ii id no tho.i(hU of (joinif be- cold-:0 ' ry nicy wore nu wuony ijfiu.rdui oi y. ii in. na, iuiiiii'h, p'. no j ,ii. a. nmaaiiu HiTiirud tho hatches with thick tiirpaulina; mid when thi wna dnno thoau who had no particular atation collected about tho wheel. Another hour pasacd away and another. ien o'clock c imo, uud alill not a urenin. x no auip my upon 1110 water liko a dead tiling, with tho, aud blocka. ond aaila, rattlinjf and tl.ip- pill" ua alio wua awayed tj and fro by tho a . lnzv swell of the soa. I , ,,, ,v struck I'lVO bell... . ,,, .. .. . t. nam i null, inu laii n.u, nunu-.l ill li; Til. over What do. I it meant" cried ClriTin, atentiy. '! ouens you',i soon boo. Did you feel that ! Ila! anil that !" It waa a pulTol wind, and a li'ht flying of spray ; or, perhaps it waa a spit rain. At all oventa, tho puff wus telt unit tho aw,. of water fell upon othor cl.oena man Maurico i.eater . , il tl,er ears ihan hi heard tho dull moaning which cameovor the dark waters. So other ear heard tho roar which lollowed and othor bodice iiuivered beneath tho shock id the storm-giant when ho cumo hi ma iiiiii. Ave tho storm had poino. It camo with wind and rain, and with an miBry heavin(f of the eoa. It camo with darkness like Erebus, aud with the voice ol thunder. Thu fc'ale continued to crease in lury as mo ipiif, mom passeu away, iviiuii mn uiunimi; oamo me ,o ...... r. t .,nr,,l ...-n.l....- rPI. ...:.. was ono of awful grandeur. The wind 1 l: ...1.1. . li:- r . .. I wa uowiiiiu wuu fcurruie iiiry : aim s .... i ' broad aea waa luslieu. into lingo mouii- tains, that foamed, and tumbFed, leaped along over the of the deep .eelning every moment ready to whelm and engulf tho frail bark that struggled within tho demon grasp. bb When Captain Lester h.d observed tho eigne of the morning, he fearod tho.torui would continue through day, ond so he told hi men. The wore a hue of horror, and ruin waa driv- lug down, mingling with tho lashing .? ....?. :Vi B the ra ted the anrt don 'l more if the They BtlST a.t At length night ahut in again, and a aign yet of the passing away of storm I The frightful howlitifr of tempoat eueiued ralhur to have in creased than abated. Tho men gathered upon the quarter-deck, clinging for support tho rack and rails for the life-lines awayed ao much that they were afraid them gathered aa near to tho light tho binnacle lamp a they could, though even from such feeble beams find soma comfort. Tint, not were there. No not all I Four atout, trtie-boarted men had been awent away by tho storm. Near a acoro wore left but how many .Hall seo llio light ot other day 1 At nine o'clock Captain I.cstor below. He took down a chart of North Sea, and having spread it rata tho table, ho sat down to OX ami no Ho was thus engaged when Mr. Grillin camo down ; but he did not look up he bad finished the calculation. "How ib it J" tho mate naked, as saw hia commander lay dowu the jurB- "I have boon makinrr a reckonin", I find that we have but littlo eea-room ion. The course wo have mndo we wore, haa been, a near as I can north-west-by-west, mi that must hove been driving toward, tho of Northumberland. 1 think we plenty of room to stand on until night ; but we cannot stand on loligur. If the gale doos not abate that time I know not what wo do." The Captain started up from hi. aud would probubly have walked the cabin, but at that moment a soa caught the ahip, and gave her a forward, which caused hint to catch seat a quickly aa possible. A aoou the tlood had gone from the dock, and vesael bad struggled up from the be looked into In companion's face, said, in a voice made tremulous by emotion than ho had before luauifes ted: OCiiiiTni, I hayj aoiuclhiuir upon , mind moro than you know ; uud !n,:i'M"l(' f""'n'i'-tu.tiM. inm.t 'toll it now, for 1 have a strnire fori bod- !,. f ..,..: Ml u .L... ' ' n.'im-m.n is (i nap- l'"'" ,llt wi" lrr,',, f,'l'y I" o:ne ( I m mt rrnnk.nL I in only jrrmli; ht tho (Inwii h writli-n in my Howcvor, Toil r.hsll hour mr jiitory, Vou hnvo lnorj Hint my pnrrnt wi'f niim lout r m-m ," anitl tho miito "At.l n..rp yt,u kni-w that thoy woro Io-it in tlnH swiil'' "I fcavo hoard , tr ' waa. w waa a lx-y tlu-n. tlionin my drat honr, of ..r,,h.n.r. th ;niv lieart would Droaa i and, I tliinK an Tiny wore on thmr way to rononhairon,' . oiy imir roni- the ahi ho w aa cill H ibo! .' Jam.' &)io waa ramod for mother! and alio waa a utaunrh, noble cral." I w:ia at aihhl thon, in Troy; and whorl I know my paronte woro dead 1 waa -ol ni'h marl with criof. Ilancied! ueh won If, boon the caae if tiny had kept in" t Hut aome of tlioaa w ho carrd for up) came to aoo mo, and it Wna fimilly arroiwd that I ahould lm to aea. And I pr-;o'rod prospered nil well Hint, when w.i twenty yc ira old, thty K,lv0 Com. nil of a alup. Tly man who owned the ahip which I firat nuinanded wai nnmed Thornton. Iltthj l a daughter named Carrin one of a- of tll0 rotoat. ..ureal, and loyo'.iott ere: ,urP. tUt eVl' racoa tl.ia poor lifo .leart1!: Siio wiia four yeara younsjor than h"d;mva.afi but even when I flrat know hor 'M1 ,ho w t tlun loro ,imn four- tcho waa a woman ni intellect and .. .1 .1. . .1.11.1 i ;..,n..i, n,.,. irrac, . ...I A ... 1. .11.. air I I.. tr til. tt, all ii not Vil.iot! to my anil, ao I tier with nil I iy W1l, d waj bloaacd to know thnt ,(, VP, ma return. It had been ar woro that wo alnuld bo in irried whon .1... -iaim v.... nl.l that ha,l hoon ' ' our , fr ,oro than twoyoara, Jllr. nJ' ,1,. i,n i. hi......lf . i. i . v. r. I I iwu iniiiiiii. ui . a i nil', nuua .,.. j... .... rZh TlZn W Ik...i,:.ri.:i.iif...r i .,,.1 ,,, iotuin waa dvinif lie could find no ,lur "i 7 "i" . i t! . ,1 lrtlfc a.. I ,1 rtnl roriioif l.nt I Ifiitkoa tli&t I mu'ltt bemarrit'd (irMt. Mr, mu t- . .. l i -..j i ! 1' oV pU n wLch UaaTI 1 " i . - ----- - - . . n ' , '., . , . ii r. ...b., IliA nevt nlon anil lirinir f.arnn out '" - -...., - - Willi him, and woalu'Uld be married there. I finally consented te take out the now aliry, and Mr. Thornton, with hi dauoh ter, wab to meet mn iu Copenhagen, aud there we wore to be marriod, and all three come homo together. 1 he eveninj Xst- I. . .. . , ill. T tC;M7n "LS"' Z " , l,rothera III bnaineae they were in com-1 -.i. . i . i 1. . for0 j rMci ,pont with Carrie, and when Iln her licit that I waa ' y ,,,rv ylllK "Won," cnt; a iw-tcr, wiPinRi.u rTea,"I went lo f. oncnhaircu. 1 waitcO a molt t Ii tun ii 1 iiearu mat inoAmon- rnn iv'Aite I'au n,' with William Tltornl-in and daughter on board, hod tou,.Ui.d at Dover, and that all woro aulo ...a .vnil w.n Bli0 lull. I waited anolh- orwut.k, and thon I oroaaod over to Hum. ,ur(r. l,t 1 could loarn liotluns there. v,.vt I wont to London, and thoro 1 learn ,,ouch to auro 1110 that the ahip had ,, l)8t! (j ti,0 ,CCond day alter alio lr Tlowr a severe storm lia I arisen, and Bl.v"erul veasel had boon reportod loat. eent my ship home m chari,'0 ol tlio mate and spent lour niuiitlu in searcniir aitor the lostouesj but I could i;aiii no trace of them. Not even a piece of tho wreck could I find not a mark of tho ship nor one of it crew! I camo homo witli a sad and heavy heart." Maurice Lester stopped a few moment " an pen wrlt-i It. T blow j heart Woko it in the rrfi,g J. i i ... . of ; i a4 u.wcd hia head upon bis hands, hi, fueinn bad almost ovurQimo him. l a little while, however, ho looked n,tairl ttn(i naded, in u touching tone, I . , (i,,nr friend, vou do not know wlmt y liavo uIVered tonpuo cannot it, nor can i......b .... i 'of iu tendercst cords, and in tlitiahi.ijirr" ' 0fs it8 earthly hopea! Doyoa hl drualIW.. in-j Tho mate started, not so much character of tho question, a froi ;ne gu(a,.i, manner in which it waa put. I : ' "Well," said Leater, in a lower tone, i. - lie' ,,. , , . I ......, .1 ol lmve hnrl a ilroain renr.atoil inanv tl:ne: , ; , .. ... ;ii-..,i and , but. ve" ' to mo direct ! ?"d 0 viv,d,i V1'. '"dy- C - o Uornlon xnot dead i1 k,,ow 'h, !" nl"t!-,ho hus PHZ,L m0 repeatedly In . dream.and call, upon n! t0 va hurl To-mght, a. I stood that !alono b.tho """'V, "."" '"f. ,,0 P''r out into tho thick gloom, I hord h' sky I "" pl' y " hear mine, If"!1 call(:d "t,"r T t0 av8 r .ca. ' Cour"e what followed was mere fancy, Itliou'rh even that airectod me muth: not the tho to thought I saw her, atanding not far upon a huge aea, with lyfr arms stretched imploringly toward m. suw her with my eyes open, us I huvo often accn her in my sleeping dream! " At thi. point thecaptuin was cut short I in his speech by the cry ol ' Liuiir-Ho!' of from the deck. Tiioy hurried up of ; found the men crowding forward, as I "What is it!" Lester asked, they "I think it is a light, sir," replied Par miobl alliker. "Here, sir, just stand here. ' turn your cyo about four pointa upon . larboard bow. Wa t, now, till alio rises. ;' Hu there! there! Sjc! Did you an- it, air: Yes he had eeen It; ana no know wont must uoa uginupoinuoaiiuri, uuta tho a great way oft. He wttehou until upon had eoen it sdvoral times, and thon ho it. until bo marked tn hi. ins to that it must be a light house. The light waa bold aud distinct, and evidently at a considerable height above the levol of tho soa; for, had it lieen ao, it could not hovo boon aoeu divi- that distance. Alter a short consultation j during which reference was hod to ond 'chart of the Nortliuniliorlanucoaat, u idecidr d that Una light nuiat uo upon since ton I'oiut. To tuo no-tu or uonon, cal- the captain knew lrom persona expen culate, wo lence, a well as from the chart, thore coast , a snug naroor, o- eary untnawi have mid-i much by shall chair across heavy pitch his as the shock, and deeper luy lam These thing wore settled. A soon as it had be 'n dot rmined wherj the light wua. Captain Lester all possiole hasia m ueioriuiiiu ina nuunu of action. Hid th-j thinj boon practica ble, ho would have laid his ship to; that could not bodono. No one even it a eorious thought. Ho it wa deter mined that tho ship ah'onld stand on, hsaat till something further waa discover ed. , At half-past twelve lho gale had considerably. Tho light was tu be aeon very plainly whenever tho roee, and tho cantaiu and his ollioer atiro that they, were, right iu their culcuia lions. ' "At all events," aaid the former, '-we have no choice but to .Und on, at lea. I llo was iuterrujitod by cry from for h'i cmil.l nut only hriir thu wfnl roir of llio Iirmkiiii; m i, but Inll'.un i. J Hint bow tlmt mvlc every iul vtnrt with hor-i "llKKnrni I riREAKrii!" Captain I.rtcr lenpi'd forwnl, n.l very low nmmonU hn wu ntintli'd thnt ttio wnrnini lil not li n fiiUo one; he ruiild hi- tho oloamini; of tho wliito foam aa it flew hlli in tlio air. A a niiiok- ly aa poaililn tlio topaail waa takon ofl", and thu anrhora cut looao. Tho pnmh-r- ous (f rappliiiifai pluni d into tho liiaaiui; II... ....... ...!.. w.r.. I. tho hiwao-holoa liko liohtninp. Snap wont tno alarlioaril chain; and in a mo- mont more a ahook waa folt aa tlio lar- j myti,,ard amhor found bottom; but it could. , not K-dd. Tho rnhlo partod na thoiii! it lin'd boon hrmpon airing, and on awopt tho devoted .lop. I "In hcavcd'a niiruo !" irtiaiie.l CrlfTui.'aj iai,"wnat dra tlira moan! K -c I The l'.irbt ia atill buriiinir aa briirhtlv aa ever all leant a league away and vol ben- are tho rocka due. tlv under our bowal What ; 'can it mean ' Maurice Loetor did nutnnawor: but an ' old, w outlier benton anflir, whoatood at the whool, and who hud looked a thouaand duiiL'cra in tho face, auauerod for lit in ; "Ir'a a W Kick in 'a IlKAroal I've aeon am h tliina n lore. That li).'ht waa put up thorn to lead poor Jack to hia death that tho coaat-aharka IiiL'lit pick hia bottr'al" 'HarAisrHa! Rocaa! On th liar board bow! Ao.' On lh larboard! 1'oht!" Hut it waa too late for mortal help. The (th ii ha I met her doom. Who Went upon the rock with a craah thut Bounded liiijli above tho roar of the clement. CHAPTER II. WOLFGANG. pantrway wnon me amp a.ruca, nav.n,, I atartod aft tl liKik to tliolioltll. 1 he , . . i . i .. , , ahock throw him upon hia back, and ho V"! 2 "V T ? "UW ' foot tho flood of mad watora cinm aurr;- i "v ovrr 11,0 l'' ' "d V"M t'"0'" ' " ''- Ho only knew that tho ' . , , , i , . . Mairice I.eater wa near the at trboard l . ,-,.1, or.uip that it hiiriod him aa the (rale hurl n feather that hia head waa hurt thit out. When ho cumo to hiinaelf It waa w,, t"""'1 "ld '- cou,cio,ne., wont , attempt to move, any lurt her than minnly 1 . . .. . . 1 010. in-ii nu v;uiliu lo nooni'll IV v. .. ''"J lW't.and the ray. of the aun woro ' . . .. , I nenmiiiir anove lulu. Ai iirai ne uui not to aaaure hiinaelf that ho wna really alivo and acnaiblo; but aouirlit to recall the event of the past, which ho did, very clearly, up to tho tiino when hia ahip atmck upon the rocka, ho could no farther. After thi lie rained himaelt upon hia clliow, aud tried to L'lr.o about him. a bod of aatul, be- I i Ho found himaolf upon el twoen two lintnenae rock. Ho had been 1 indeil there in that doop nook, and the tido ha I eono out and left him. In a lil- tlo while ho roso 1 1 hia foot, and mmuood to crawl up, by Ihi aid of a atramled spar, over a low part ot one or the rocks. After soeinjr all that was to be observed Troiii thia point, ho moved on towards where ho tliouifht hn-hould aoonoat lind an open beach, for ho folt falnf and sick, anil ho winhed to hint help a aonn as pos sible. Alter toiliuir over slippery, slimy rocks, and cruel tearing criia, until his clotliiuo waa ull torn, and his lleah bruis ed und lacerated, ho filially reached uu upon apace ainono the rocks, whore many pieces of tho wrech had boon ladled, and where he found the bodies of three of his men. 11 J hastened to the snot where they lay two of thcin lieiiif c limped each other' arms but ho found no si'Mia of life. With a sad, heavy heart, Lester passed on, and presently hu found two inure d"iul onoi, and one ol them wa David (irillin, his chief mate. Ho kneeled down by the officer' si le, and raised tho head; (nit wa, cold and lifelos, ami thu skull was broken I Gently he hid it back upon the did ind ftIld Hjen movod on aj-nin. And "w '",uro. men alsol Could it i no.Haitilo that hu tiad boon tlio mil. ouo hat ia this! It moves for up ,' ! lft!ieB.lJ.11 1 . VV44V.'altW nt'ltilji,l.11 , ly n all r 'T I ofl and tho aoe it aa. lie re- not at the waa Mor aa wu made but gave at J mod orutod now ship felt " the k.CiitairTLttor hurried forward, as fas asafjS foeblorrbngth would permit, foundry umui Iviuy by the side of a heavy apar. tit?''1)t'AhT,rit waa dead; but other g izefl vip into his commander's face, and atretchod tincu'hi hand aa though he would ask for '."liirfv." His name Dick Mangle, and hchftddiocn ono of best seaman on board the Ship. "Poor Dick!" said Lcstor, kneeling his aide and lifting hia head. "Are badly hurt!" ' They've alono It for us!" the sailor onssud, in a weakening voice. "Theyavo kUJcd Tom. Aiot ho dead!" It was the body of stout Tom llrickot that lay close by, and when the captain had ma lo himself sure that thero was particle of lifo iu it, ho reported thu sumo lo Dick. "Uut," ho added, "what do you mean! Who has done you harm!" "Haven't you seen 'ein!" tho man ask ed, struggling for breath. "Seen whom! What do you inounl" demanded Lost'T, eagerly. Dick started up to hia elbow, and gazrd around; but he seemed to find nothing which ho was looking, and he sank buck oL'din. H id he nut made this effort might havo epoken further, but the- ael'if rising had exiiaimt u mm, hh.i trio- gruin ol strength wa touvino him. "What do you mean!" cn.-d -iter, saw thut tho poor foilv.V' wtu .i, "Has any body hat ined yuu!" . . Dick niaiiigedto raiao his hand to head to a point abovo the Iclttcar aa he did i lie whispered ' "Look out they asked for tho capt'n. That's whero they struck!" Ho tried sooak fiirtli-T, but his voice failed him. Whit could this moan! Maurice Loa fer started to hia feet a id gazed around. Who had killed hia men! The captain was disturbed in hia medi tation by the sound of voices not far and upon turning ho behold four men coin iugup from the water. Ho who camo advance waa a tall, muscular man; with gaunt, heavy frame; somewhere about tilty or liity-nvoyear ot age;and habited iu a garb ol biui cloth, cut into a frock, or shirt, which was .ecurcd ut tho waist by a broad pistol-belt. Maurice Lester was startled when beheld the stalwart leader and hia three ruffianly companions: and, considering the circumstances, it U no wonder that was startled. However, he had not much opportunity for reliection, for, by the i . .. I r. Li - I.. ..... .1... ... ,1 nu unit -isiriy mauu via mu i""j, were upon him. "Hallo." 'the leader cried, a ho our hero, "here wo have auother." as he came up, ho add. d: "And I guess we've found a live ono, too, mho kr.nw. omrthiiu'. Sny who are Ties IojI suit nca waa ad.'ri.jod Maurice, wlu ipi.cLly uiiawvrcd. My iumn i -.h-r. An.l now, t.i bi ror: . f ilr, what i ymir nnnir!" -W ll I gn.n yn'v ho inl it li-for. inM"n rill mo Wjlti dnj." "" rcpi'.ne.l I. -trr, with a t.irt. Yoa. Tht l my nim." Thon W.n rdjui wi a n t a mjlh aftr all. niyjtoriniia wrorkrr. wli.iao name waa a aoin co of terror to turnout aiilora, waa a h'i' R of floih and hi mil. I ko o'lie- nirti, St u-v nitod npon h ' m j witli wonder; and, aa ho p ed, ho f it ' tllHl ttM 1.. L. .1 m...n all I ; i. .. H , n . I ll had oflrn i. aid of tho nlratcwro. k.-r. anu ao unra inn mvalic had hooti the tali a wloeh tho North-doa a tilor had t dd, that ho had boon liii'linrd to botiovo that tho whole tb mo waa a fabrication, N w. however, ho had no more doubt, for the man before h in looked aa I'ark and bloody woro any of tho i.ii tur. a h burl hoard Ulrnwn of h.m tin in tho I roci.t!e. Hut our horo rr n..f all,.wJ rmioh time for rollertion. W'ol'oanir; pied hnn Hh riiiotiona. 1 1 all of whieh i,"tr 1 ive alr.ii(;litlor ard anawers: W 'll knownij; mat evaaion would aervo no practical pur p iBO, and hopiuir by hia fr.inknoaa to pro pitiate the morrileaa fiend in wlinae unre atra ncd p iwer ho knew himaolftobc. WI1011 too wrecker ciilet hail oli -itod all tho tnlorruation ho Inarued with what a rich ca yo the vea iel waa freihtwd, and that ahe had i 10.010 in apoolo on bonni, ho amilcd frlnily, and rem irked ti 0110 of hia r.onfederatea that ahe Would perhapa bo a ri h-r priao eVt-n t'nn th Vhitt Fawn ha I bvon a f wyiara tie fore. Tho m-Mitioti of the nain i of tho ill-fated ah p in which Carrio T lorntou 1 ami her father had Ii icn loat, trtvo M .urieo I. 'a'.or audi a ah ick that he n -arly fell to the earth. Ilirrew deadly pilr?, and hia f-anio rU v "red convulaivoly. 'Whafa the matter. " an.rl W dfoano "You don't oein to hivo mucli e'rcnjnh I , ,-. - i - -i - . i .. i i.-ii; or.ii'x nun auiii'', uuya, wuera we can do tor h ui." Thoainiat r jrlanro whii h areompan'eil thia lat rem rk, and tho n iculiir "inplia- atruek a aia liid upon the word "Jo.",' chill to our hero' heart. Fiut he could not i;lvo hia own aal'i ty much thought, while ho waa partly forced and partly carried elonif afl-r Woirm, whoatrode rapidly mi for nearly half an Imur. lie c mid think only of tho WAt'ie Kuu n that had lie n wreeked on th it coaat, and of hi beloved Carrie who had, porhnpa, in coiiipiiny with those aauio men, trod tho aam path ho waa now tronilini;. What had be 'li her fate I Had she boon mur dered by thoao wreti hoa, or renewed for some deplorable doom! Tlioao thoii'rhu tillol him wi'li uiiult-ru'ole aonny. ol cantr liail now ilrawn near tho water' edi;o; and aooti oniuinjr 1 1 tho in it he be mouth of a cave hooutired it, followed by the three mill in who had charge of: ourliero. lho liottim of tlin ravo alop- upward from its entrance fir aomo distance, and thon boeamo almost level. TllO Captive (for such Maurice I. 'Ster now felt himself to b ) frequently li t h a for t auainat yhat he tliouont, with a C ull of horrorr.yi'ro lininon bones atrewn ar. unit tho cavern, but ho could nut dourly makj them nut In the (Inn Lylit. no also nWieeit Unit the Imtiftm cf tlio cave was very wot, s thojh It h id roeontly boon covered with water. Too wrecker chluf tain stopped, at lust, near what soeiuud tho end ol tho rave, and ninUiiii; a si'ii to his followers, they cltippod manacle on tho wrists and ankles of Maurice before ho hud limit to note their intention. "Now, Captain Lester," aaid Wolf, 'Bug. "you must remain iu this place for a short aeiiaon. 1 ou occ perp'ctiu 'ale n're. Silence! Say not a word! Ifyoil att nipt 1 1 leavo thia spot, you will bo slain tlio moment you act lootoutaiiM the cave." TliuaapealiiiiL', tho chieftain and his followers silently but tepidly withdrew, leuving Maurice Hourly stupefied with astoiiinhmoiit. As they passed from the moulli of tho cavo, their font were wot the rising waves. The tide was fait mm ing in. Alter a abort tune, llio luuKotl about him with eyes aom wnataccutt lin ed to thu dim lielit, and beram i aatialied and the was the by you no for he innt aa he his uud, to of)', in a he all he lime eaw And, that ye!" to that what ho auniio.ed to ho human bone were really such, l'liurowt ro many thcin. And moving among them woro hugo rats, seeking lor pr.y. The top tho cavern, in aomo plar , wa. but a few foot above his head, and in one place diacovcred aeinull aperture, through a faint light strugglid, and going undorne ith it, ho thought ho amelt odor of vegitution and Hovers, On turning, from the contemplation this upa'ure, towarils the mouth of cave, Captain L'ster ohservi d, with alarm that tho water wu creeping up tho slop ing bottom. What if it should fill cavern1 Ah! now ho could orroun fl'or the presence there ofthoso human bones! They woro tho sad mom rials of other hapless prisoner, who bad boon left in cave to perish by drowning! Slowly but surely tho wutors crept Tho vermin fled before them the elevated apot which M uriro stood. Slowly following, the incoming water loiu'th reached his feet! At the end of tho cove, within a few . ,. ,, , , .. loot oi me wan. anu ...morn-a u ton nper- ttire before spoken of wa. a largo p oi roca.aome ,or it-r, ,.,gu, u-.t ....gut hastened aa quickly aa hia munacles would permit. Alter some exortionliesneoeod ed in Climbing to the top of It, and atocd erect, hia head within a low inrhes of roof of t'lecuvorn. Hut ho was not allow ed to occupy his retreat alone. A water began to circle around Its base, the rats also sought ruluo on it iu great numbers, ami in vain did JUuurir.e try dislodge them with his manacled feet. Soon (a. it .coined to the csptive) water c ime rippling ov r lho top of rock. He loltit moisture upon In loot. And still it rose slowly buf relentlessly it roso higher- -higer; and aa it roso, rata climbed up hi limbs for safety. wa in vain thut ho brushed them oil' with leti-jrou nanus, i a y n :aiiuy return- e.l. They clambered up his back to shoulders- over the Uck ..f I. s n et k-.o tho crown of hi. boa, ; lloor ol m . bod- ,os .tr,k.i..r ach,l til a veary heart. Aud .til higher the rose more thickly tl.o lonl vein,,., cluslered upon the devoted captive's al. luldera hoad, as their only plie.-e ot safety. Driven frantic at last by tho h""". situation, he was about to piling? to the .urging tido and r-ek . ;ravo, when his att .'litlon was a"-"'"'1 by the tread of rapid foot-.t.-ps near aperture above his h"ad, and the .otiud a hursli inaaculinn vine , ami i lusutut followed by a noise aa of a struggle, a piercing shriek which thrilled Maurice L 'ster to the very soul. If tl could not mistaken; il was Ciiitit'i voici. Ayain be beard it; but now 111 tones of cnlreuty. (Ih. it trai her "oico. fc'iu wus nut dead! She lived and wai near him ! Gat!ieri"o all hi streiiL'th ho shouted, "Cairic ! t'ur-'recot' rw Caiswi.!" A dead a'lonco followed, brukon uuly try tho fen r 1 ul iiiunuiira of the al ii r.amj w.itere, and tho apUah of till r..!a aa th- o il from the wret. lied captivu'a imaJ and alu nhl'Ta, only to return ayiin, in tltanr llorcu at tiirloa for a porch of ajfety fr the advaiiriiio tide, which liad now noar ly reached our hero'a ahouldern. Tho above ia all of tiiia atory that wilt be publiahod in our cohinina. W pire thia aa a aamn'e. The ooiitinuatioa of it Ir un whore it Ictvea . tl' hero cm bo found only in tl,c N. w Yonk I.'M-or, go-at I'auiily paper, to which the most popular" writer in the c mntrr eunlrihute, and which ia for alio at all the atorea throurif out the citv and country, whore papaira nro Bold. Koiuoinl or and aak for tho vf York Ledger of jVuuuiy 7, and in it you will find th rontlnu itoin of tli'i atory from w horo it leave i,ll' hero. Jf yuu cannot jret a copy at any book atom, Uie puhl alit r of t'lu I. b jor will mail you a 'opv if vou will atu.i liim f. v.i c.onU in a lellT. Tne I,"dor ia mailed to auhacrlhera at a year, or t o ropioa forJi:t. Addraa vour lotteia to R ib 'rt II inner, nu'oliah. 1 , IS Ann atroet. Now York. It i tlio hindanineat and beat family paper in the country, elegantly il!utrated, and chnri--torii"i ,y a 1. ioh moral tone. I'a pn aMiit cirrulation ia oar lour hutulroj thiui ind copiea, which ia th 1 bi at evul .1100 wacau ;ivo of it merit. Hon. Satmon P. Chase. From the Pennsylvania State Journal. It alforda profilahle emplovnieut to road the apocehej and corroapondenci of lead in,, atatentin, wlmn tinin haa developed their truo chnractir, and p.trtirs have au roeouaHiicli d their platform that none of th original timbora remain in tln ir H uc turo. And wlion thu enquired, uni iini! unui'atakable evidence nl puie painotiaiu tried and truo at iteaiuaieihip, the heart naturally terns with patriotic devotion to tho honeat man, and It na nati. rally recoil from the pamlul evolenco of a tune urv i ii tr mil, and revolts Irom any Ba ciation with the nam . Oa 1'ie eve of an important political camnaion eapecial ly, are opportunitio furioalii d fur a tu''y of character, and an inteilioent diacriiiu nation between tho st.ttoainan aud the pol itician. Our reader, Will bolter appre ciate th nufin'al'on wo have made when wo toll Iheiu thut (eernfetn ytanao, the eminoiit statesman whoic name houtla tlua article, then a Democrat, mado a speech, in which i traced thu exact poaition of thu Republican party to-dny. Tlioapoceh referred to wa reported in aubatunee in' the Ohio Stateman,llion a loading Dem ocratic pap' r.and it will scarcely bedoubt ed as re'.iuhlo authority on this aubject The puper from which we make the fol- lowilip; extract, i dated December Slat, j 1.. Chaao aaid, "that alavory waa pure ed , W local in It. rtiara.t .r. The nrineinlu Lf despotism, which la tho fundamental nrinrinle of alaverv. haul mi loilirutoiil ill ,e Comlitntioii of tlu United State. by That Constitution loll the States which thou neriuitted slavery, to continue or abolish it at their discretion, but confer-' red no authority on Coiit;rojs to eatabliah or continue it beyond State limits. Tho authority of Mu Iisjii and othera was full 1 1 thi point." He also a iid thnt "hu did not consider unanimity on uu aliomofinonoy and trad a, essential. Establish justice and liber ty restore tho governiuont to its true sphere of action loliver it from the slave power and there would bo little tl 1 1 ti.: u I -ty in entiling these questions. The groat question in currenry seemed to he wheth er cretlit could bo innile to serve the pur pose ot money, ll it could if the paper could bo mado thu actual representative of the aperie dollar, always changeable for it at thu will of tho holder, without loa or conaidcrablo inconvenience he had no objection to a mixed currency. Hot he waa utterly opposed to a niorepo 7r money iistem to all bank fraud t all bank suspension on their issue ! or dcpo.iilu to ull baseless bank expan sions." He also stated thut "it aucined to him fiat tho Creator of all designed that the of different nations of tho earth should live together in harmony and mutual inter- courue, supplying reciprocally the want of each other, and that all unnecessary restriction upon i.iterruurso and mutual of he supply are wrong in priu lplu and luipo which litie in practice. Jiut that tnaimuc me tho dutiet on imports wire tin- most convenient of thu the tho a long. to jourcr, of revenue and tl.t stttUd policy of the government teas to raite the national revenue in that manner, he could set no oltjection to ao UBAoisfi thkse dutiu as To tNCora.ioE asy BRASeius or rai.a. uucrios ok MAauFACruKEa which would, in n reasonublo time, become so eatab lishud aat i maintain tlieuiaolvo without protection." Sinco the publication of the above In t!i journal, from wtjicu we take it, that paper, like it party, haa changed in ev erything but name, while (ov. Clij is the saino pure an.l doyotod statesman to day, advocating the Siftne principles, and at , w;oeJ ailj tluit l0 i4 u U,'()U0. I cjn; and tho Kepuhlican party rejoice ..... ..i rbu i. ,.. u-i...uu Ill II1L .11111.. UI II... ,. ,Y. ll.lll, 1,UU . ,,,,,iirc p, illteor,ty undoubted and .re , utl'el u connection ( wjtU 1(j( fore,,illtr, wtf u ol.d to have the the to the tho thu It an opportunity of makino tho following, xt act from a letter addressed by troy, Chase to Hou. T. K. Stanley, (Jctujcv 1!, Irto'J. "Surely thore should bo no. '.r!- -ru-'iil between It 'publicans a to the i ar il)'. Whatever may be any man s tlira,.nrti Ica! views of Free Trade wo are all ngis-rat that there is no prospect uf thu adoptioa of the policy of unrestricted comuin" int'reourse by civiliieduatioindu 1 o life tiuto of any of us; and no on, lieve, propoa -s the adoption uf to .1 ; cy by the Uuited State, without the tu ciirrence of oilier nations. Certain. 1 do not. 1 am a practical man, aud w tnh to take practical viowa ol tills Tan!! ques tion, aa of every othfr, avoiding u.lraiaii, . ..,.', ii,,iu bis i ..,' ,. , ', , ,-,, , ,,, ,i, p,.,. f Ui!j ,. , f , , , ClU( tt , . , , M uf liuio liall e. an. , Ul llV. Nw tll. ! , . , m d,.ur!v and tiUrifr usw i.. u oth )r lay. ,,.UI,I o frdlll(.a tl) ,c) mu, good, and uo ; i,ttiB ilur, .; audi am there his in-1 u ju tuvo, of ,,.(, a. ,a,")!iwil bot ffiifsmiJ.roiiilft;,' ,i.''ta l0n,il,r of our own lub.-r aod !lt, e the I , wuU bei f o(. our mya vt) ofl u u,m,uitt Avtvrt tl,e y i and bo Iny I of au Aiu.'iicun tSla'cMuniu wlu w.iuid not so slrrpo. Airieilcalt b ..'i.,lal..u at.d Aihiilnislr..' ion us t pr"l' I Ain:"i an in -tluttry, and .1 i.iip"ri.o! y all A", c iu ri.'hU and iio.e.r.,lj," 'John lid yoil n 'No, but 1 'lie! on an oli mu.: r Lot