Newspaper Page Text
Business Directory. ATTORNEYS. J. K. X JWItD, 1 TTOEVEY AT LAV, Tiffin, tlblo, J. Doc .Vo. I Wellington tiret. Of- . wrrvrv A T TAW OUlKomuruiiuut. Ouio J an, Tin, lS79.-ly. - . r . r. n ,'r. e A nOEXEY ATLA--." corner iltui auu l-rry aUeet. II. BI LKS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA' and toolicitor In tuurf ; and otucrai Insurance Agent- AUrnlion given to prw-cuung claims, settling euu, "'Hit miTooiiixHuii anil securing patent, onj liNiiiowU Exchange Bloc., Hum, Ohio. Jan. i. JOIIS eCAlLIil, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tiffin, Ohio. Of fice opposite the Court House. Jane la m-te h. CIUHOX. PT-XSISGIOS. CIBftOX PESSIXHTOS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Tiffin, Ohio, nee io VuU National to" B-ock. iIF lu- Of- ii. 1. iitt-V. ATTORNEY Al law, ..u.uj , Lulc, Cinnn,ril Oetieral Iiuur Ant,Xiniu,OUio. offleeinC,iiJUi. clli Ko, Mus tne Him NtionKi Juuell. TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary S. I BEIWIE, A TTORXEY AT LAW. Special fttttD V uon given io mil kind of MUiUuT tiim. Jicfc p, bounty, ieujaon, c Office in Nuiloiuii txciuuee itonit liiock. oppout Ui Court nui a . w. BitUXAI a cuau. A TTORNEY8 AT LAW. Bieclal tten- hTkl cirnce over r. K. -iiwtiao A Co More, Waiiinton KUeet, TiUiu, unio. Hoy. I. CEOKOE tiAKHAS . bvey AND COO'feELLOR AT A i aw mn, tutmreLer in the Oerman L.r,n Ln'i1 luLlmn lanKUaitea belore the Htmnul i'ituriii Ol the feUle. A cioe aiudy and application to thee and other language, 1U ojourn of nve year In I rauce, tx-riuany, nwitzeriand, l'j Oreeoe, byria, faleuue, Xurkey-lToper aud i.aKiand, will. It U believed, the beiu-r rec omlueud luiu In thl hranth of hut prole- nou. Olhce wuh lit. euaiMoernuM. i-eh.ll. W. II. PEAKCE, Tranrv np th V PEACE. Reptibllc, O. J will give prompt attention to collection and all Uuiuue pertaining to Ltt office. Blank kept on hand. Alo, Agvnt lor the Uarttord ire Insurance company, ol oart ford. Conn, olllce in Town, Iront rooia, on the le'C Jaued, IKO-tX. MEDICAL. J. f. 4.H)I), K. -I-4HTKICIAN AND BCRGEOy, hai now r permanently located In Tiffin. By a rf ., .,. i.i hu.inn. he hooea Vo mer it a chare of the patronage ol the citizen of Timn and urrouuo.iug country, wnim: iu .mui unna kmnL lm med iatel v over Jukirk' atore, where te will hold himself in readlneaato reapona to ail caiia " and nighu um-lm' II. B. MAKII-V, M. J-JHTSICIAN AND BURGEON, in Empire Block Wai.mgton iflln, Ohio. Office alreel J. P. KL.AIAX, JI. PHYIsU;iAi.-AJCD SURUEON. Office in Ku cnuer block. Main street, Tittln. Ohio. fcealdenceSo. Clay aueet, (Second Ward. I July i W. II. eTOVtE, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND bCHUbuN, Tiffin, Ohio. OUlce hour tioin a to iuA. Mand from 2 to 3 P. At. baiurdaya lrom 1 A. M. to i P. M. Office on Market aluset, id door eat of the M. E. church. April 1L Ir. J. 1, O CO.VOK, HAVJNti now permanently located In Tilltn, ha opened an omce in 'KJiul' Auwck, over L irlcn A toon' Lrug blore. Ha hope, hy ktricl atu-uUou to huxinea, witn twcnty-iour year' experience In the prole aion, to a liberal hare of tne public patronage. Office hour Irom tt A. M. vo o P. M. Heudence on luiie ouLh of Tillin, on the Piauk lioad. (Nov. & DENTISTS. ivIXXAMAX 4c MAKTIX, TEETH luaerted and extracted In a aclen tihc manner. All vork warranted to ive afctmlaciiou. W e are the only leulisu In the county who have a license for mak ing the Kuhoer Work. All peraon wearing ruober plate made by deutuu having lit license, are llaole to proaecuUou. Koom over i irl Kauonal Bank. Nov. tt. Dr. C C. BU1UABZ, omnrnv DENTIST. Office at hi rest- i dunce, corner MocToa and Madison kireeta, opposite German Aidformed Church nolo. --MERCHANT TAILORS. TOLLS EK A KIRCILXLK, MERCHANT TAILOR.S and dealer in Keady-made Clothing, Gent's b urnish in Ooous, Hai, Ctos, kc. Constantly on hand broadcloth.-, Casiniere aud V eating. Wushiinnoii sLreeL. lllliu. Ohio. Purllcuiar attentiou given to Custom Work. All orders will meet with prompt attention. N. B. We have the agency lor the hestbewiug Ma chine now in use. J . u , . o. HOTELS. THUS UUISE. GKINZER, Proprietor, Market Bt, Tlf , fin, Ohio. The bouse has been thor oughly overhauled, has good stabling, a nil "Is prepared to lurnu-ii the traveling public with ail necessaries In good :yle. 5E1X uorsE, OPPOSITE the State House, Colombn, O.. Waisteiu Failing, Proprietor. This old aud favorite Hotel redui-ed Us price per day to A3 (W on January 1, leCl. Jaunai7 &, IblL-uU-U. AJSERICAX EAGLE IIOTEL. THE American Eaele Hotel, Oyde, Ohio, T. McBride A bon Proprietors, offers Ursl class accommodations for guests. Oct. -A- MATIU.VAL IMPERATIVE Blhl ALOtt AliL.MV lOJIPA.VY, PRINCIPAL Office Baltimore, Maryland, procures American and Foreign Pat ents, lurnishes Models aud Urawinpt, noeot late bounty. Pension. and alt kinusofGov ernment Claims. Special attention to pur chase and sale of Real Estate, executing Ifeeds aud Mortgages, collections of accounts and business claims eeuerally. Tflos. J. klNTZ. Local Co-Operative Agent, Tiffin, O. Deo. i, le7u-tf a UCTIONEER, D. D. Nelklrk, Clerk, A. ready, at all times, to cry tales. Post Office address, Clyde, Ohio. April s, ib-U-U EDWU HOUSES 1 RCHITECT AND BUILDER, ol!a eon A. tracU for erecting building. Will furn Uh drafuand specifications promptly. Address, Box 610, Tiffin, O. March 18. lgn-6m. ICCDDEB CHASBEBLAIX A RCHITECT AND GENERAL BT7ILD A. ER. will take contracts for putting up bncks, Dwellings, etc, or will oversee such work. Drawings, D raits. Plans, etc, for ev ery description made and furnished on low term. Residence, Ho. 112 Washington &U, Tiffin, O. Jan. 7th, lSTl-ly. WILLIAM WOLFF 4k BOX, MANUFACTURERS of Blank Book and Book Binders. Bindery between Ph. bea-ala's corner and Lemp's Cabinet 6hop, Washington street. Tiffin, O. bepU 4 lt7U-nll-tf. MT10ML Of Tiffin, Ohio. PAID IX CAPITAL, tl2S,000 J. D. LOOM !?, O. C. ZELI.K4, J.H.FROS1', - President. Cashier . Teller DIRECTORS. A. B. HOTTT, H. A. Bcskibk, B. B. Smath, B. W. bHATIAX, J.D. E.T. Sncirr, J. H. Good, A. G. Sxeath, J. M. Nayloh, LooMia. Governmentpecnrltie, Coin and Eastern Exchange, bought and sold at current rates Coupons cashed. Deposit received and'a general Banking business transacted. 4.n .20, loo.-nli. FIRST Ei&TIGHiL Mil Of Tiffin, Ohio. CAPITAL, $100,000. BENJAMIN TOMB, -JOH5 T. BT8S, . . President, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Bear. Tojtb, j0hs T. Ht-ss, Exket Ebbebt, Geo. E-Bexet, B, Q. PEjrxiaoTos, Geo. R. Hrsa, Tsoxas 3. Ton. KeoefTes Deposit. Discounts Paper, bays and sail Coin and Government Bond, aad pv interest OA GoBpon at ciatuxity. . JL X!i It, AL O , VJU I JDH TIFFIN TIFFIX. OHIO, THURSDAY nn EVENING. JANUARY 20. IS71. ill f.i n S3 IRITNF jo u in .y Mo b- r HT TTATT7 T7Ar"R"PT Ulitl JllJ C ,'XAJXji.t U ( siAiDioTH CLOTHING STORE ! 3". &OMAXX, Proprietor. I have recclvd my ttock o WHITER GOODS! ComprUing all tfc Latest B'.y!e of Cloths, Cagslmeres, Jean$, Ticeeds, and Ready-Made Clothing I I call particular attention to my stock of F. & H. Coatings, Meltons, AND Over Coatings! And ao unlimited supply of GEX'S FCMl SIIIXG GOODS. If t cannot suit you I fear that too will be obliged to go to some foreign Land, as I have all the styles considered worth having In New York and other Eastern cities. I have the finest stock of Neck-Ties and Collars &c, In th city. WBflncs PRACTICAL TAILOR In the business, I (eel I can Klve better satisfaction than any other Bouse. ALL WORK WABB.I.UED! And satisfaction guaranteed. NICHOLAS DOMANN, "Oppolte National Hall, Tiinn, Ohio. April U7u-tf Wholesale and Itetail GROGEEY HOUSE ! X. X Sbastbau BloeV, Bo, Obi. Mala St., Tif- J. VOENDRAN flas a fail stock ( Family Groceries and Provisions! AND keeps the stock so complete that all can be suited at any time. It Is not necessary to enumerate articles, as bis stock Is too large, but he would say that what ever Is wanted may be procured at bis btor In Its proper season. Persons wishing Good, Fresh Groceries! Will nevar fall to get Just what they want. Clear, Tobacco, Candle, at KoUona. Large anj rapid sales with a small profit is my aaotu J. VORNDRAN. JOHN YOUNG HAVING made arrnncements with a Large Wholesale House of New York to famish goods for this market Is con fident that lie can Show Goods Cheaper! On his counter tbnn otuer Honse in Tiffin. Having a partner In the City who Is watch ing the Bankrupt and Auction Sales, he can and does buy cheaper for cash than any one can go there and buy of Regular Houses. I am RECEIVING WEEKLY SHIPMENTS Of said roods. Thankful to the citizens ol Tiffin and bneca County for past favors, I nope you win sun continue to give me part of your patronage. JOHN YOCNO. Also, In the same room. W ISH. TOUXO Keep a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! For 'Women's. Misses and Children's wear. Calf, and Morocco Gaiter of all kinds and endless variety. Room one door south o neuoier s. W AbiL. IULJsU. June 10-nS3-tt Attention, Farmers! oys or the GREATEST IMPKOVE3IE3TS CF THE AGE! la the way of a FANNING LULL Can be seea by calltngjat the room of NIEBEL & PENNINGTON OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICB notS-tl E. D. GAMBLE, SPECIAL AGENT for Savins' Explana tory IIr Deeter. The wofk that every horse-owner wants and tkat every one that ha it like. Agent Wanted Tiffin, Ohio. n-ns For Sale House and lot, A GOOD one tory and a half frame hoose with four rooms, on Coe street suitably arranged for one lamlly. If not sold bv the first of April the property will be for rent Inquire of PH. EMICU. Jec 19, lS70.-ul!-6ra. Xotice. rpHE co-partnership existing between the J. nnderRiirned, onder the firm came cf Gibson or Gilbert, will be dissolved by mut ual consent, February 1st, 1ST). All persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to call at once and settle. LAURA 8. GIBSON, R. G. ILSET. Jaa. i, irL-il-lt. ; TIFFIN TRIBUNE.' PUBLISHED EVERT ; r n t- t v r iV rrrYrVfi TJILSUAX Jt ilo-..thertorin - o.t.locke. C.K.Locke, w. g. blvxteb. r notrvc r T T "V TT vrP LUvA.jO S ii Lt X ill X j ir, PROPRIETOR!. i Bona Fide Circulation, TERMS On vfar. In artvanw, f2 00 Six ! months. $1 jhrt-f moiiirin, cents. AIjVKKTI-IN'i Tue TaibCSE a an art- vertiine niiium hat no superior. It bn,i a large circulation, and Is read br a thrifty, ' enervetle clahii of people. AdverlisemeuU ' i averted as low as In any Onl-class paper. A WOMEN'S ANSWER. BY LENA LATHROP. Do yon know you have asked for the costli est thing Ever made by the haDd above 7 A woman's heart and a woman's life And a woman's wonderful love? Do yon know you have alied for the price less thing As a child iniyht ask for a toy 7 Demanding what others have died to win. With the reckless dash of a boy? Yon have written my lesson of duty out Man-like yon have questioned me; Now stand at the bar of woman's soul. Until I shall question thee. You require your mutton shall be always hot. Your socks and shirts be whole; I require your heart to be true as a God' stars. And pure as Heaven your soul. You require a cook for your mutton and beef, I require fur greater thing ; A seamstress you're wanting for socks and for shirts, I look for a man and a king A king for the beautiful realm called home, And a man that the Maker, God Shall look upon as He did on the first, And say, "It Is very good." I am fair and young, but the rose will fade. From my soft, young cheek one day- Will yon love me then 'mid the falling leaves As you did 'mong the blooms of May 7 Is your heart an ocean so strong and deep I may launch myall on it tide! A loving woman finds heaven or hell On the day she is made a bride. I require all things that are good and true. All things that a man should be ; If you give this all, I would stake my life To be all you demand of me. If you cannot be this a laundress and cook You can hire, with little to pay ; But a woman's heart and woman's life Are not to be won that way. A Night in the Irish Sea. BY CAPTAIN CROSSTREE. We were in the English channel, upward bound, and steering a course for Tuskar, with the wind S. S. W., breezy, fitfnl, and charged with a dense, drizzly vapor, which, with the heavy swell heaving in from the At lantic, we viewed us indicative of a gale. Eight bells had just struck, summoning the first watch, when Captain Howard joiued me on the quarter-deck, saying: "In with the light cauvass, and double-reef the topsails before tLe watch goes below, Mr. C. This weath er ain't to be trusted." "That's so," was my brief response, as I turned away to issue the neces sary orders, which had scarce passed my lips, when a vivid flash of light ning illuminated the scene for an in stant, and was succeeded by a crash of thunder so terrific that every soul on board crouched, cowering, and sent an anxious glance aloft, ex;ecting to witness the fall of our towering spars, which the shock had shaken from truck to step. Almost a minute had elapsed ere a soul moved from the position in which that warning crash had arrested them, and I was on the point of repeating the order to "let fly 'gallant sheets and halyards," when the fluttering of the canvas announced its execution. "Lay aloft and hand them, some of you ! Haul down the flyingand outer jibs!" I shouted, and as the ready seamen sprang to obey the order, I turned to my superior, saying: "Heavy thunder that, sir !" "Ay! Did you feel the old ship shiver? I clmost fancied that she had touched the bottom, so palpable was the shock." "And I. Will youhave the canvas hauled up, sir? I think that bolt was but the herald of the gale." "Do ibtless ! Yes ! but reef the top sails first. Let me know when you have her snug," and passing forward. Captain Howard descended the poop ladder, seeking shelter from the driz zle in his own cabin. For some fifteen minutes the task of shortening sail progressed without in terruption, when tne breeze Tailed abruptly, rendering me apprehensive of a furious and sudden attack by the storm king from some new quarter. The topsail yards were on the caps at the moment, and the men, in the act of laying out on the main-topsail yard to reef the sail, and eager to expedite matters, I shouted: "Aloft there. Be alive, my lads. Take two reefs in one." "Ay, ay, sir. Two in one it is," re sponded Sam Howard, our third mate and brother to our captain, as he gain ed the weather ear'ing and began to haul up the second reef; when retreat ing aft a few paces I paused beside the binnacle to note the position of the ship's head by compass. A minute latter I was gazing in tently at the latter, when a slight shock in the waist, succeeded by a heavy splash alongside and a confus ed hubbub aloft, attracted my atten tion, when, with the starling cry, "A man overboard !" ringing in my ears, I sprang to the rail, but could distin guish, nothing usual in the water. "Who's overboard?" I demanded, hailing the top, into which the crew were tumbling in wild disorder. "Third mate, sir," was the answer returned by at least Lalf a score, as they came tumbling down rigging and backstays, and rushed towards the boats regardless of all orders. "Avast, all ! Fall back, men, and wait for orders," shouted Captain Howard, bounding up the poop-ladder at an instant. "Where is he, Mr. C? Can vou see him ?" "No, sir. Shall I" "Yes, yes. Clear away a boat by all means," he exclaimed, anticipat ing my demand. "The life-boat out with her at once." And clutching my arm wildly as I was rushing past hiin, he added in a hoarse whisper: "Be alive for God's sake ! The gale will be on us in less than ten min utes." ' The solemn adjuration was not lost upon me, added to which a sincere friendship for the perilled youth, who had proved himself a brave and effi cient officer on several occasions, ren dered me doubly anxious to effect his rescue. Our life-boats of which we had two were secure on the beams, one end of each resting on the poop deck, to which they were secured by a lash ing through a deck ring-bolt, added to which they were bottom up, ren dering their transfer a task of no small moment. But our men worked with a will, and in less than three minutes accomplished the task, which on auy ordinary occasion would have occupi ed full fifteen. In five minutes the boat was afloat and her crew seated. when springing over the rail I trrasp-1 ed the main chain-plates, and dropped into the stern-sheets, exclaiming: I "Ship oars, and give way for your j my lads." 1 A moment later the gallantcrewof; the little "nut-shell" responded to the order with a pull which urged her full j six yards from. the ship's side, and out ! into the darkness on her errand of j mercy, while collecting my energy for the nurnose. I gave utterance to a loud and prolonged shout, intended aa I a herald of rescue to my perilled mess mate. For half a minute I listened breath less awaiting the response I scarce hoped to hear; but which came at length, a faint "ha, ho!" convincing us that he whom we sought still lived to reap the benefit of our endeavors. With a prolonged and joyous cheer which was taken up ancl echoed on board the ship we answered him, while our light and bouyant craft fair-: ly flew from swell to swell, under the impulse imparted by the vigorous ef fort! of her craw. i nous mu-de heralding the approach of kinf: "Puil! For your lives pull!" I J ghouted, bu t I c juI 1 u t ter no more. j Ash, wcr of spray in my face blinded i i.jjjf choked me. and the shriek- union down. They've fared hard,like i ourselves, sir." "You must be mistaken, Ben. That , cannot be the 'Marion, although she ! bears a strange resemblance to her." Again we heard his voice more di-- et than before, and were about to I Jeply, when a rushing sound broke on our ears , mingled with, as it were, a deep aud Ions drawn sigh the omi- ' inL'of the teniTt. as it were the cra-h of a falling ruin, .annihilated the siitrhte.-t hope of i-eir.s? heard. Kor Kome two minutes the boat was fairly buried in a cloud of foam and spray, which half suffocated while it deprived us of all management of our froil rnft Ttnr thp van nf the tem- frail craft. But the van of the tem pest being past, we renewed our ex ertions, the crew rowing while I made a feeble effort to bail, using my sou'wester for that purpose. lhree minutes passed three ases of agonizing suspense, during which we made several attempts to raise a cheer nuicu reuuu tne ear oi our messmate, but in vain; we could scarce hear each other, and I was fast becoming convinced of the impossi- bility of effecting his rescue, when the when the after oarsman held water with his oar, sheering the boat broad- side on and half filling her. "Cnrow and toss that oar, Ben," I shouted, throwing myself to wind ward on the after thwart, "I can't, sir. Something foul of it," he shouted in reply, with his lips to my ear. At that moment a faint bubbling cry reachtd me as the boat fell off", when, uttering a joyous shout. I grasp ed the loom of Ben's entangled oar, and aided by him soon succeeded in hauling within reach of my hand the insensible form of poor Howard. Ben and I were in the act of hauling him on board, when the bow-oarsman shouted : "See the ship, sir. She'll run us down." Obeying the impulse created by his exclamation, I raised my eyes, and glancing hurriedly around beheld the ship less than thirty yards distant, and on her beam ends, while the par tial gleam of the signal lantern dis closed also the astounding fact that we were driving past her at a fearful speed. Persevering in tne rescue of our messmate, when it was accomplished, we had lost sight of the vessel, and, af ter a futile attempt to impel the boat against the terrific gale, were obliged to desist ana scua oeiore it. "We may bid farewell to the old boat. We never can reach her in this gale. Don't you think so, sir?" de manded Ben as he tossed his oar out of the rowlock and laid it inboard. "I fear not," was the brief response, adding after a brief pause: "We may reach Liverpool though, if this gale don't hold for an age." "It'll go down 'fore moruin', sure," said the old tar. "I on'y wish I'sa as certain 'bout the old ship's I am 'bout this yer blow. She's in a bad fix when we druv past, don't you think so, Mr. C. ?" "Yes. I fear her cruise and that of our gallant messmates is ended by this time,"said I, sadly; to which my comrades responded by more than one long drawn sigh. But a truce to the description of our emotions. Sfltice it to say tLey were such as I do not desire to experience a second time, and proved so perma nent that we struggled against them in vain. During the succeeding hour we kept but two oars shipped, and those only to aid in keeping our buoy ant craft before the wind. But at tho close of that period the increasing swell obliged me to come to at all haz ards, when all our oars and strength were necessary to keep the boat in a safe position. Lying to we shipped but little water, so that slight exer tion was required to keep the boat free; but we soon began to suffer thirst a thirst that was rendered intolera ble by the knowledge that we were void of the means of assuaging it. Another hour dragged slowly by, during which our torture increased, when Old Ben leaped from the after thwart, exclaiming: "My eyes ! What a precious set o' ninnies we are. Here we be a dyin' for water and any quantity fallin' 'round us," and hastily, dotiing his oiled suit, he resumed his seat, when his companions, myself excepted, hastened to follow his example, ex ulting in the prospect of relief which the driving rain presented. The clothing of the thirsty crew speedily became saturated, when, dof fing their jackets, they wrung tne moisture from them, using their sou' westers as receptacles for the briny liquid which they gulped down greed ily, only to exaggerate their torture. Even while beseeching them to re frain I could scarcely control my own cravings, but fortunately the inade quacy of the supply at theircommand proved my safety,aud I was obliged to suffer on--willingly however,as I wit nessed the increasing torture they en dured. At length old Ben, assured of the futility of his efforts,desisted from further attempts to assuage his thirst, and donning his oil jacket and joined me in entreating his messmates to de sist Urged by our joint entreaties they at length did so, and resuming their oars, which had been suffered to hold water frequently during the last hour, rendered me ellicient aid in the management of our frail craft The gale broke soon after midnight, and subsiding rapidly exposed us to a new species of danger; the strong cur rents peculiar to the channel causing the sea to break with fearful violence around and over us, threatening us momentarily with destruction. How oft during the remainder of that mo mentous night, has the approach of a mountain billow caused me to in hale a long breath, and, as its tower ing crest fell into seething ruin around our tiny craft, close my eyes upon the scene which was too sublimely awful for mortal gaze. A hundred times ere then had I en countesed the "storm king" upon the watery waste, and laughed his power to scorn, wondering in what phase of his wild career across the waters was to be found that overwhelming sub limity which poeU have made their darling theme. I discovered it then. On all former occasions I had witness ed the rise, progress and decrease of gales from the deck of some staunch sea-boat, against the sides of which the fury of the waves was spent in vain; but now the veil of perfect safe ty was removed from my eyes, aud I was obliged to own the existence of that same sublimity at which I had scoffed as the creation of prolific brains. The first rosy tint of dawn was now visible to us through a narrow, jagged rent iu the vapors pall which draped the sky. We hailed it with a shout of joy as the harbinger of better fortune, and with noneiui gaze.nvetea on mat narrow strip of sky, waited the advent j of the glorious god of day with as ' much impatience as might be dis- : rdnri hv men condemned, who I .iciiitallii.nMth the seiffold the arri- val of a courier bearing r eprieve or I pardon With the sun's advance came brighter skies, his beams drinking up the vapors, until he attained an alti tude of some thirty degrees, when a change of wind lifted the pall, and rolling it away to S. W. in vast piles, disclosed to us a scene supremely grand a wildly-heaving ocean, spark ling like silver in the morning sun light, and on its unquiet bosom with in full view, at least a score of half dismantled craft, with some and but a few, unmarred by the late convul sions of the elements. "Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah !" Thrice joyous was the cheer, and thrice re-! peated as we made the pleasing ns-, covery of their presence. ! "The old 'Marion.' as I live!"shout-' ed old Ben, after a brief scrutiny of a ship partly dismantled, about a mile to windward. "There away. Don't ye 6ee her, sir ? Fore and maintop- masts gone an' her ensign at the gaff ;' masts gone an' her ensign at the gall, "It is. sir. I'd ought to know her. Just clap yer eye on that mizzen-top- ; mast an' see if ye can see any cross- j trees." i "Right, Ben. Give way, my lads, ! 'tis our own shin." I exclaimed as I : recognized the spare main-topgallant-; mast, which the loss of our mizzeu- j in a previous gale had obliged I me to send up. ' Some time elapsed ere we rounded : ln .....I.. 1. Aniinta, f 4 1 1 nl.l chin ! ,lf uiiu-i .vuii.Li .... in c .....j.,, where we were greeted with a hearty cheer by our shipmates, who had giv- 1 us up for lost, and who received us with open arms, hailing ouradvent as an indication of succor, of which they ; eioou mucn in neea. i The ship was in a sinking condition havingsprunga lead while on her beam ends, at which time they had j been compelled to cut away her top- j 1 ; ; nia-ts to relieve her, when she right- ed, and falling off l-t-fhre the gale had her decks swept three tinier ere they eoui.i clear away wrecK. An may b.- siip'xed, her boats shared the fate water cx'-ks. spare spars, etc., w.m ii were t-towt-1 a:xve hatches, '.caving them without internal means of safely, iiul our timely reappear- aoce with the life-boat re-animated their Bagging hoj", and they hasten- ed to avail thein.-elves of the chance ior re:euieu i.y ner, mie e paid a brief vi.-it to wrec-ii tor the purpose of assuasring our burning tuirst. An hour later, ti last vest jt-.-of our gallant snip had disappear- ed, and we were alongside and in the f,,.f ,f li,,inlinT flit. tliT flrofiTrill of j.-. in uu,uuiii iiiv imp uiruun, "i Bt!fat, whicn had been tiie first to bei-.r down to the rescue. Perhaps we were unthankful for our preservation. I know that human- ity ls prone to ingratitude. But for . niyscif I can attest.and do. The fore- : going record may be received as proof ; i uat x nave not loriroueu, at least.anu I trust I never shall, that cruise in an boat. The New Pension Bill. Among the most important of the acts passed by the last Congress, was that providing for the payment of Pensions quarterly, to pensioners, and for legulatingthe'fees to be paid to claim for pension and bounty lands. The act became a law July fc'th, 1870, and its provisions are in substance, as follows; Section 1. Pension ageuts shall prepare and transmit within fifteen days preceding the 4th of March, June September aud December, in each year, vouchers for the quarterly pay ment to pensioner? direct, who, on or afte' said 4th day named, may exe cute and return the said vouchers, and none other, to the said pension agents. Sec. 2. Upon the receipt of such vouchers, properly executed, and the establishment of the identity of the person entitled to the pension, the Pension agent shall immediately for ward by mail to the said pensioner direct, and to no other person, a check payable solely to the order of said pensioner, except when the pensioner is required to appear personally and receive the pension. Sec. 3. Xo pension shall, under any circumstances, be paid to any one but the pensioner entitled thereto, except in persons legally disabled, when pay ments may be made to guardians; and in case of persons resident abroad when payment may be made as pro vided in'previous acts. Sec. 4. Pension agents shall re ceive for all services rendered to pen sioners, including postage, 30 cents, payable by the United States, and not more shall be received by them under penalty of S-flO. Sec." 5. The Secretary of the Inter ior shall provide blank vouchers to be used as above stated, and regulations thereof. Sec. 6. Pension agents and their authorized clerks shall take and cer tify affidavits of all pensioners who may appear beforj them for that pur pose, and give the check for the pen sion to the pensioner personally; and for taking any such affidavit falsely and corruptly, the affiant shall lie deemed guilty of perjury the penalty of which shall be imnrisoment for five vears or less, and a fine not exceeding $1,000. Sec. 7. The fee of an agent or at torney for the prosecution of a claim or bounty land shall not exceed S25. The agent or attorney must file (with cost to the claimant) with the Com missioner of Pensions, duplicate articles of agreement, duly attested, setting forth the fee agreed upon. I When no such agreement is filed or approved by the Commissioner, the fee shall be ?10 and no more. Sec. 8. For contract for demand, or receipt or retention of any com pensation greater than above stated the penalty shall be a fine of S-jOO or less, or imprisoment for five years or less, or both. Sec. 9. The Commissioner of Pen sions shall forward to the Pension agents, with the certificates of pension, one of the articles of agreement, if ap proved by him. and directions as to the payments of fees. Sec. 10. The Pension agents shall deduct from the amount of pension due the amount of fee, if any, and forward the same (less thirty cents) as directed by the Commissioner. Indictment by a Greene County Grand Jury. The Grand Jury of Greene county, at the conclusion of their labors, after having completed their work of in dicting numerous persons for offenses under the law, brought an indictment against King Alcohol, taking such joint action as is embodied iu the fol lowing report: The Graud Jury, at the close of this term, wish to express their reflections during their labors in the jury room. Facts proven before us, show the following facts to be trne: 1st. Some of the best men iu society are now neglecting their families and business, and wear in their faces the marks of having been too long at the wine. 2d. Many young men who might be useful in society, having become dan gerous elements therein, and are tending to ruin, through the influence of strong drink. 3d. Many of the children of this generation are growing up under the influence of dram drinking, and are being schooled in vice and immorali ty. 4th. Some have been indicted for crimes committed while under the in fluence of strong drink. For all the above, parents, children and criminals, we wish to express our sympathy, and make our appeal to all peace loving citizens, to labor with us for their reformation. From the above testimony, we find the following true bill again t King Alcohol: A. He i3 guilty of nearly all the crime in our country. B. He is blighting the hopes of our country, by destroying the morals of the children and youth, who are to constitute our future citizens. ! C. He destroys the peace and hap-j piuess of the family, of the neighbor-! hood, and of society at large. j D. He ruins hopes of parents, aa J breaks the heart of dependent wives aud daughters. E. He fills our jails, almshousesand ' penitentiaries. i F. And from well authenticated i statistics, in the United States alone, during a period of ouly twelve months, in one h undrcd thousand in ttanc.ex, we find him guilty of murder in the first degree. In closing our term of service, we wish to bear our united testimony to the fidelity and integrity of our pros ecuting attorney, J. E. Hawes, and express our enure connoence mat ne will use all lawful means to bring all criminals to justice. We also appeal to the executive of- fleers of the court to execute faithful- .. :t .'. - 7 . r . I, I regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in the State of Ohio. Passed by the unanimous voice of the Jurors of the Grand Jury, in Xenia. Xov. 1S70. Wm. M. Xorth, A. F. Stein, Win. Galloway, J. H. Eichelbarger Wm. McFadden, Joel Swigert, J. L. Weaver, Thornton Lucas, Geo. W. Littler, Charles Gage, James Scartf, Xixon G. Brown, Hugh McKiliip, Jesse R. Marshall, Foreman Gored to Death. an the bones in his breast. The infur-! iated bea-t then thrust one of hi ! horns into the victims's groin, and ! laceratin" the flesh in a terrible man- i ner toWd him over against a fence.:""- than that of increasing his rage. Af- j ter the release of Mr.B., a rifle was I procured and with' it the animal was ! xr. ijianev was taKen uiio me uoue anu- jr 3e.l'r(j:S!ev. of Apulia, immed- j:ltelv summoned and later, Dr. i Stearns of Pompev But the patient i.- ...). and nfr-r ' Mr. John Blanev, residing near Sum- mit Station, was leading a young and , MooHi hull to water, tne rinsr in the animal's nose was in some manner j broken, when he turned upon Mr. B., and in a twinkling crowded him I to,, foundation nf th ! h,r Krootini and critshin.' inwnrH I -i,or. th ntt.ick was continued. though bv this time assistance came I fQ jir. b." relieving him by removing I some boards from the fence, and tak- in nirn through the opening. In the! ,v, i,n cwarM n-ith i T,itehforks but with no effect other hot. hot I . . . . , . . . 1. . , lingering through the day, died. i He was one of the most prosperous farmers in the town of Fabius. He ' wa9 aiJout 135 years of age, and leaves ! a Wjfe three sons and two daughters i Syracuse Journal. [From the Sioux City Journal.] Hunting with A Steamboat. One of the mo-t laughable as weil as one of the iar-t exciting hunt.- tht j ever occurred on tiie Mi.-souri IUver, j Wtt3 witnesseti bv those on lKard ti.e g.xj stoamer iv.Uinailt a htr la.-t j trip up the river, while en r;ufc for ; fort Kice, Dakota Territory, loaded j wifn L. .S. troops. ihi the afternoon Gf Cctol-er a, and when wichin sixtv . miles of Forr Ri.-e. a herd of ant-.-lone , wa3 discovered rjuietly fifiimir on tue . banks of the river, and within, one ; hundred yards of the boat, a- she ; rounded a bend. Captain Brodv, the j "Prince of StMinhnst ( 'rir.tains.'1 wlm j j3 alwavs ou the alert, was the first to .i: 1 u i:. i i discover theni, trom ins position in j the pilot houe, and anticiparina the fun which he knew would ensue, , called for Mr. Hampton, clerk of the ; hoat. lwhn hvtlii wnv :s eonsidprfl- ! I.leof a i tn ,L a shot. Hp. j true to the cail of his chief, started j forward, carbine iu hand as did three or Tour solii ers who were on i eck at the time, and all fired together. ine remainder of tne men. being down below, and not aware of what was going on, were startled when the shots was fired. In an instant all was conrusion on board. Some in alarm believed it to be an In- dian attack, thinking, doubtless, that Spod Tail & Co., were taking that means of showing their appreciation of honors which were so lavishly be stowed upon them on the occasion of their recent visit to Washington. Others imagined the boats to be sink ing, and were making frantic appeals to the pilot to have soundings made so that they could calculate their chances for a wade. But neither of the surmises were correct, for the in nocent cause of all the excitement, as soon as the first shots were rired, started on a run toward the boat, as in the opposite direction the bluffs at this point were so high that they could not climb them. Xow ensued a scene that baffles description. All hands were armed and poping away. "Here they come!" "There they go!" "Whoop, hurrah !" anil confusion reigned su preme. Away went the antelopes, taking a backward direction along the beach. Back went the boat. Bang, bang! went the muskets ! Ding, ding, went the engine's bell, call on the en gineer to back with all speed, so as keep within musket shot. "Hurrah ! there goes one," is the shout, and the cook of the boat, who up to this time naa preserveu ins wonted dignified equilibrium, suddenly upset a pitcher of hot water on a lame dog, who un aware of the battle without, was sly ly appropriating a piece of buffalo steak, to his heirs and assigns forever. It is needless to say he lost his appe tite by the warm application admin istered mm. The antelopes cemmence falling! "Man the yawl," shouts the cap tain, "and pick up the dead." Away goes the yawl; away go the remain ing antelope, aud on conies thesteam- er, pulling and blowing as if it were fully conscious of the intense excite ment pervading all hands on board. JNo more antelope were to be seen and preparations were made to go ahead, when the chambermaid, la newly enfranchised citizeness, ) who had taken up her position on the top of the laundry to watch events, sud denly discovered "one more unfor tunate," and the last of his herd, making a bold effort for life by swim ming the river. "ler! ier ! Come dis way, sogers!" is heard, and with the majestic wave of the hand, and extended eye-balls she directs attention to the gamo. i "Thur he goes!" shouts ebony. In an instant a score of rule cracks, and the poor antelope sinks to me no more. The most singular part of the fun lies in the fact that there were only seven antelopes killed, and as eacii man and the chambermaid claims to have killed from four to. Ave each, mathematics were of no use in decid ing the figures. With a whistle of victory tho boat is headed up stream , and here ended the .greatest of all modern achieve ments hunting antelope with a steamboat. Mysterious People. Every one has now and then en countered in society, people who have no apparent property, real or person al, yet who seem to "have all the com forts and luxuries which wealth pro cures without making any of those exertions which procure wealth. They are generally very pleasant, compan ionable people, who have been everywhere and seen everything. They know everybody, and every body knows them, up to a certain point. The father drives a neat two-in-hand, the wife and daughters dress elegantly, and the son's pocket money is the allowance of a prince impe rial. They have the best rooms in the most fashionable hotel, or if they keep house, their menage is unex ceptionable. They have the most premature lamb aud the earliest peas, the handsomest landau, and the choicest seats at the opera. In short, they feed on the roses and life. But how do they manage to do it? The Dores, you see, are charming people; the ladies are well-bred and bright, and Dore senior is courtly, not to say distinguished; but what is the trade, business, profession of Dore, senior? what does he do for a living? He is evidently immensely wealthy, but it is just as evident that he is not worth a cent. Xobody can find out that he owns a square inch of real estate or a dollar's worth of any kind of stock, petroleum or other. He is not a spec ulator, that is certain. Is he a gamb ler? His habits and associates are be yond reproach. Is he (and this should be put in the smallest diamond type like the whispers in Charles Reade's novels) a counterfeiter? The suspicion dies of its own folly. If he were a for eigner one might suppose him to be an eccentric nobleman examining the social institutions or our country, but unfortunately for so flatteringa hypo- , i nesis, ne is American oorn ano ored j There are just two things known about him, the rest is mystery. The two things are, first, that he has no visi ble means of support; and, secondly, that he lives like "A reenlar, rich Don RatnpJan Santa CIhu. le la Mnvnvado iseuor Grandissimo Bastinado.' or a Count Monte Ch And how does he man By what subtle alchemy gold to meet his lav riTi-sj r iinr is r nn i-n i roion for living sumptuously on nothing a ! year ; We have all met in our larger cities j with such people as the Dore fam ily, and have received from them a vague imnmn thfiw.u o el ,oH to soft living entirely disconnected . . . with .xnri- fr,,.;; ,i tu- petty annoyances whieh enter into a successful struggle for a competency, j We have beheld these people, and ! wondered, and sometimes while we 1 were wondering, they and their gor- i geousness have disappeared, like the i enchanted things in a fairy 'ale , ! leaving nought behind except some unpaid bills. But this has only height-! the mystery and splendor of the i phenomenon.-ten Saturday. ' 1 J ; i ! r sto at least - ' oo-otrtirt if' I does hee-iin ne coin ish current ex- ; A Big Blast. then went out- Tne h' ,jI;lt W:w a wircessm a mining point of view, as 11 has loosened up an immense quan lives, tl f ground, which will be washed For big powder blasts, Sucker Twenty-five tons of powder were set ' off at one blast, atSmartsvills, Thurs. dav evening at six o'clock. The pow- i j T,i-,.i 7ii v,.., ' ill I aiLav.vva i ' t-T.livr 1 1 IT bu . . fona rf t K rrrriitnl m ft -n'aa nldnml en. that when the explosion occurred the n-ioui.i vertical, ine area oi tne surface lifted was nearly two acres of ground, and that area arose in the air ful '"n.y Ie?1 ana tnen fe!1 ba:K' loosened inio us place. 1 ne powder , gas envoi ved immediately took tire, I and burned all over the surface in a. beautifully blue flamefor the moment, Flat has beaten Valley Union. the world. Gras Oat Chaff for Pillows. withheld, (we shaU rememoerit.novv mast everi) among other good thing", says: "Tn,e pillow I ever saw was - -" ""' " - r lows, as he could never have recover- ; etl from an attack of billions fever, na1 ne len ODl to lay his poor aching head upon a warm feather ! A dear woman, writing from the Badger State, who wishes her made out or oat chan. aiy oroiner 1 1 i . I ll O aiTuI 1,1a Ufa to f!t ' ' 1 1 f T" 1 1 i ! - pillow. I cannot see any- toiuK culuiuiuuib m uie isigc, iuju- ionable pillows. One would suppose : they would produce the same result j upon, the form aa the Grecian Bend heela-" Cure Contraction of Horses' Feet. ' i the hoof. Xow drive tiie nails care their j fully, so that tiiev wi'.l lie deen enough The flr.-t and important object ." curing disease to remove the cau-M We must do more than this in tht. cure of contraction by removing the' surplus horn ac-nniijated and appi- ing mechanic.! pres-tire in such a way as to gradually spread th2 foot back to iLs natural form and n(.i.iion a it will hear. To do this we mu.-t i:rt thoroughly cut down the heels to within an eiet.t of an inch or a lirle more of th I e yielding horn of the sole, trii - l" out the sole thoroughly. Cut vo,t,-ti .,a , .,. r j If 'not careful vou will cut t , , . irotiU and bring blood at tiie extremt of the heel, while you have not ci:t deep eno-jgh farther forward. Foll.iw the curve of the sole, aiming to et t out an avcrrtge depth nntil tiie lwels will ' viol.l -i . i;u ,. . j The nest object Vs to . rradi lilv force j the heels outw ard. There are three wni-a rl.-.ino. th;a . First, form the shoe nf an eonal thickness ail the way round, with nail ; holes punched well back in the heels, j and fit accurately to the foot, so that j it wiil come out even with the edge of into the horn to hold firmlv without endangering pricking, leaving the points stick down straight. After all are driven down, pull them out again. Heat the shoe and spread it about one eight of an inch, more or less accord ing to what the foot will bear, and put on again. Xow, drive the nails again, each a little at a time un til driven home, and clinch firmly. It is seen that the shoe must now ex ert an outward pressure upon the heels equal to r:ie increased breadth of the shoe. Keep the foot reasonably soft. In a few days or a week the clinches can be carefully drawn, the nails pull- eo out, me snoe made wider and nail ed as before, which'can be repeated so long as the nails will hold well. A simpler method is that of the convex shoe. The foot is prepared as before, with the difference of not cut ting away the bearingsurface so much at the heels. The shoe, instead of having the bearing surface level, should be convex, the outer edge from an eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch lower than the inner edge, run ning out at the toe. This surface should be filed down carefully, and so fitted to the foot that the heels will rest on these inclined surfaces, the shoe being a little wider than the heels, and nail on. Xow there is a continued slipping outward of the heels when weight is thrown upon the foot. Remember one point here. Do not commit the error of cutting down the heels very close. You must have horn enough to keep the shoe from possibly coming in conUet with the sole. If it does, the inner edge press ing upon the sole forms a shoulder which will not only prevent expan sion, but bring pressure upon the yielding sole, bruising the sensitive sole above, and aeuce lameness will res 'ilt. The third, and by far the best, is that of Tyrrel's patent shoe. By this shoe, if properly fitted and ap'plied, the foot can be expanded as little or as much as may be desired. It will also enable expanding one or both heels as may be desired, and is un questionably the be-: form of shoe ever invented for the cure of contrac tion. The only difference there i.- in this shoe from the common is : first, the inside edges of the heels are turn ed up into little clips ; second, tin shoe is so cut out at each side of the toe as to enable bend;ng the quarters ouiwaru, i;y putting tne tongs or a screw lietween the heels and pressing them outward. The lips atthe heels extending up inside of the hars at the extreme of the heels pris the heels outward just so much as the shoe is spread, which can be done every few days at will until the foot is expanded as much as may be desired. This is the great consideration in the cit of contractions so far as mech; nical pressure is concerned, and of ali the shoes I have seen for the purpose, this is the bet, and in my judgmeut is unrivaled. With its use contraction! em lie cured in a short time. The shoe has leen thoroughly tested, and is shown to be the best for the cure of contracted feet ever brought into use. Prof. Magncr on the J-.'dutalion of the Iforsc. I On Caney Fork. ., , borne years ago, when Paducah was smaller and not so pretentious a place as it is now, the question of common schools was up for debate at a meet- ing of the debating club. A well known lawyer of the city, who now nt the ;head of country affairs, ; being assigned in the debate to the negative, or opposition to the schools made an able argument against them and concluded by stating it was best for people not to have too much edu cation any way, as in such cases they resembled his friend on the affirma tive, whose great learning rendered him rather a worthless memlier. Xow this friend is a well known mechanic of the city, who has had legislative honors, and did service as a preacher. He at once rose to his feet and said, "his friend, the lawyer, reminded him of circumstances that occurred on Caney Fork, in Tennessee. There was but one man in the settlement who could read, and that was the postmaster. Once a week when the mail arrived, all the neighbors gath ered at the postofflce to hear the newspaper read. On one occasion the postmaster was reading an account of the great emigration going on from the old to the new States in the West. In some places it was so great that the emigrants had eaten up all the corn. The postmaster was proceeding to finish the account when one of his auditors told him to stop and explain what emigrant meant. This bother ed the postmaster and when pressed, said he did not exactly know what emigration meant, but he supposed it must be either a coon or a hog, as fhev were h Inn corn " " Ti w i we- ,to add that this anecdote floored the Iatvycr, and tho school question carried. I'rnl'irrth Ktnlurt.ian. The Great City. great many more houses in London tban there are people in Chicago. Its Ppu ation out nunibers the combined populations of the great European l 'tlM J Pans Berlin, lenna and M liters burg. 1 he leng- h of the public streets of London is about m mi es, wr r"lua' t( tiie distance from London an,? "nciseo. There are about L ened LH.' I,nhce maintained at a cost of r ornliflnrra c f T 1 Vu j undoubtedly "become the largest citv i in the world. Pekin, China, with a population of about 2,0irl,0i'J, has hith Last Te.V"n -of l)ie Register General, I .v!m,41.J. Jiut beyond this limit the ? ,ty4 growing rapid'- and in June Ias,1 the populatioti, v.ithin the :mits P11"' V1 -fropol'tan Po ice, was 3,.yiJ,41. J his is considerable rvi . ..i than t lin nnt i.n nnnnUlinn f 1 1 unois aim Wisconsin, j nere area f!" "tening annually -0 Xational and Pansn : THO Sunday Schools, and :choo!s. j',.j i l'X) P til I Schools. There are fourteen host. itals f'jr general deseases, five for insane, el"J't ophthalmic, three for sina 11 pox a",1 f nnd m.iV'y oth T : ' M1'le wtich tuere are Ufty-two free ci.-pen- , , . . rr- n f. riiit.l. vn- i.itn.iii rI rtifi i fa ""ZJ vwUion whirh -- f , , ' , ' ,T-t. , A fc'4 y a ' ('rt' counted the largest, but the ! l-.iiriisa capital w now, ioubtIers, far, larger than that or the Celestial Em-. . ,,., ... "I f'' 1 ! ' i Want of Tact. Arguing with an opponent who is lame,' and assuring him that he has not a leg to stand on. Toiling a man with only one eye fin an insinuating wayi mat you would lind -ide rho st tnini'-rs not U h-soniiiion i possessor of a "false i iike to get on Pis liiind side, IV.'ing a friend wh to he-itate to express D.clarin" to the nos-essor of a false that vou m his teeth. Informing an acquaintance, never has his glass out of his eve. who I that i you con-ider he takes a very short sighted view of thing. ! Telling a man who squints that you ' are sorry you can not see the matter' as he sees it. Imeh. I ! ! : --.... ...... . ... res-ion of scnool teacher, gave out, ! one morning, a reading lesson, to his 1 first cla-s. that portion of the 'Mer- j chant of Venice' in which the 'pound i A cent Tem tn VL'lirk follow tliA nrn. . o' flesh' scene occurs. The reading ituisueu, ue m ue tiass wnat Shylock meant, when he said, 'My deeds upon my head.' 'Well,' aaid the tallest boy, 'I don't know nn'.es he carried bis paper in bis hat' GATES AJAR. t ! j ' j ! 1 i bryond the darksome river: .y left us by the way; on- beyond the nieht forever; nly xone to endless day Gone to meet the angel faces. Where our lovely treasures are ; Gone awhile from our embrace Gone withinthe eatesajar! There's a sister, there a brother Where our lovely treasures are ; There's a father, there's mother, Gone within tiie sates ajar. ne by one they go us, Tney are Cidln like the dew : ;tit we know they're wtoliina; o'e: ."uey the S'. tbe fair, the true! 'ey are waiting for us, oaiy. Where no rain can ever mar ; L'ttle ones who left us lonely. Wttch us throuuh the g.ites ajar. ns, Gone whire every eye is tearless, ; Only ?one from earthly care : O the waiting sad and cheerless. 1 Tl!1 we m't oa' loved ones there! -Teetthe rest from all our roving. j 1-aT,,, ' Ilaht anJ ni,e afar! Lo: onrl'':h"s hand so loving : ,he Priy gates ajar! [From the Cincinnati Commercial Jan 9th] PERILS OF THE TRAPEZE. A Man and Woman Fall Forty Feet—A Shuddering Audience. The strain upon him was terrible as he came back, still clinging with his hands to the trapeze, and the woman at his back. His left foot caught and twisted him, and the jar and jerk with which their added weight brought the swinging trapeze back in its oppo presides site movement was frightfully sug- On Saturday afternoon the Xation al Theater, Cincinnati, was the scene of a fearful accident. The Sanyeahs man and wife, were doing the trapeze business, at a height of forty feet from the auditorium floor. The woman descended passed through the parquettc, took her place on the perch at the front of the see oud tier, and grasped the bar of the trapeze; the man caught himself, by a i ist oi nis legs, to tue smaller Dar, far up above the orchestra and held the trapeze to which the woman was to catch by her feet, in the two an gles made by the ropes and the bar ; the orchestra 9truek up a faster tune the woman launched out and sailed over the heads of the people, threw her legs out within the ropes held by tne man, let go tne nying bar and came down, head first but safe. We have described this performance thus minutely that the reader may have some idea of what followed. The last and closing feat led the man to do just what the woman had done, the bar to which he was to catch hanging from the ceiling, how ever, but in the same position as that he had held for the woman but the woman was to take the awful voyage with him fastened to him by wrist lets. I he woman was on the nerch ahead the man, leaving him up in his out position to carefully adjust the ropes and a very necessary operation as the reader will understand. He did his work carefully, descending and soon joined the woman on the little platform. The man grasped the nymg trapeze" nrmiy as the woman passed her hands through the wrist lets and clasped them around his neck, and then, with his own life and hers depending on his grip of hands and feetf launched out on the long swing. It was very pretty and grace ful as handsome a picture as one can well imagine, these tine specimens of masculine and feminine physical beauty, sailing through the air in a grand curve, the woman hanging loosly at the back of the man, whose h'g- were being thrown forward to landing place. The distance was accomplished in, say two seconds; the man's body had passed between the two ropes, he had thrown his legs out to catch as he came back, and trust all to his feet and those two anglers; and in another second he would have been dashed to the pit head first, with his own weight and the woman's. In the instant allowed them to see and know, the audience saw that the man's right foot, as he came back, ieai downward, was not caught. One ould see and feel the great throb of horror that went through the audience ' nd .bear the painful gulping of its -;eath as the thought flashed through overy mind, "Has he lost his grip?" T: e athlete must have instinctively felt, as he threw his leg apart, that he would miss it, for even as he al most loosened the grasp of his right hand, he was seen to fix it again with a convulsive movement that did not t-s.-.iyu an v iiiai iixintu un)U liiui. gestive of what might have been. Iu the next minute, as the trapeze and its double burden 9wept forward again with its now helpless burden, about a dozen hands were raised to catch the woman's heels and release her. This was accomplished rather awkwardly, owing to the delicacy of the men, all of whom seemed to think that it would be very improper to grasp the woman by the hips or thighs and re lease her, easily and speedily. An amusing feature in the affair was the conduct of the leader of the orchestra. Had their been a fall he would probably have been crushed. As he looked up and saw the slip and heard the jer!i he sprang from his Eerch and whirled around like a top, ut he never missed a note. He was frightened and felt it necessary that he should know what was going on but he kept on fiddling ! This trouble aud excitement over, the Sanyeahs went back to their stand, started out again and accomplished their task successfully, as they have a hundred times and more. The Atlantic & Lake Erie Railway. wcMoiuere, ana air. Joiin it. ureg- V y, , . ' -J V.V . "' ooes road. I he first renort and an abstract of the second will be published next i "e reaon oi tne -iitiii icaui. o- . Pursuant to previous advertisement the Stockholders of the Atlantic and Lake Erie Railway company met at the Court House in Bucyrus on Wed nesday 1 1 th Inst, at 1 1 A. M. to recei ve the report of the Directors, and to elect Directors for the ensuing year. The meeting was organized by call ing Dr. Holton, State Senator from Muskingum and Guernsey counties to the chair. Messrs. W. C. Lemert ami Thomas rZS -Minted Secretaries, Mr. D. W. Svvigart, the president of the company, read the report to the week, On motion of Hon Thomas Beer, the Stockholders, when voting for di rectors were also called upon to vote upon the question whether the term of office should be subdivided into period1; of one, two and three years This the stockholders voted should i-e ''one. . jcordingly the following stockhold ers were elected, and they upon or ganizing arranged the terms of office as indicated : For three years; D. W. Swigart, of Bucyrus; D. B. Stewart, of Atheus; Hon. D. Richards, of Mt. Gilead. For two years; R. E. Huston, of Xew Lexington; J. P. Weethee, of Athens Co; A. Saffcll, of Wyandot f'' I Johnson, of Granville. 'or one year; Lansdale, of Wood ' o.; col. jaiues i ayior, oi -ew a,ei- i lgton; Hon. C. Foster, of Fostoria; Ti'on. V. B. Horton, of Pomeroy. The Directors iu organizing re-elec-1 Mr. Swigart as President, and ap iointed Mr. J. B. Groniiy as Secrttt- .-y and Treasurer. " The prospects of an early comple tion of the road are bright and en couraging. A few localities are somewhat in iarrear in their subscription; when I these are made up which wiil be; speedily done, work wiil be pushed : forward all along the line. 1 It is significant and encouraging I that a large and influential body or ; '""VT.,. V. : ,..i., f, : stockholders were in attendance from : ever" Iint along the line except To- : ledo. j Tl,e reaon of the "i-'Ili!-cant aV i stockholder were in attendance from ous to every nc w no ns in.-e.c , tIpu- rlmt nnfortunatelv it is so little '. .l;,ol.l in T1l c.r.itnli.ts aiul to the loiedo papers tnat we ioroear to mention it. Hurym JuurnoU. j ! ; . Uii.-,UKoUiaU,u.u,t,lCTC1Ki,,i1..OW ly. Theie is reason in it. If you wish ! generous, liberal treatment and good bargains, go to the store where they i advertise. A large business house . ! On AdTertislng. The Ohio State Journal ha the following in regard to advertising It is a very good sign of liberality in i n Kiulnuaman n I ;. n ' with a mean, pinched-up little adver- . tisement or none at all, will instruct all its salesman to cut on the wrong side of the finger in measuring off penny bit muslin. Stand to reason, don't it ? a - V. i . ! I : j I [From the Cincinnati Catholic Telegraph.] CATHOLIC SCHOLLS. The Auditor of Ohio Decides They are Taxable. In a circular issued by tho Hon. Jas. IL Godman, Auditor of State, to the County Auditors and Assessors, we find the following significent passage: In using, theu, in the twelfth ar ticle, the words 'public school houses,' the framers of the Constitution meant the hoaxes in which the schools pro vided for in the sixth article were, aud are to be, kept. The Legislature has adopted this idea precisely and defi nitely, providing that'public school houses' shall beexempt from taxation. The word public, as here used, means the people of the State of Ohio. Xo other meaning can be adopted, because the Constitution declares these schools shall be established and main tained oy law throughout the Mate. common school-houses are exempt from taxation except those owned by the public authorities for common school purposes, under the school laws of the State. AH oth ers, with the grounds and fixtures an nexed thereto, must be valued, and placed on the list of taxable proper ty." If this decision of the Auditor be correct, we do not see why churches should not be taxed. They are not public churches, and are not under the control of the State; therefore ac cording to this extraordinary ruling of the Auditor, and according to his rea soning, they oughtto be taxed. Why is it that this interpretation of the Constitution did not strike the minds of our legislators and judges hereto fore .- -o one suspected that the fram ers of the Constitution had any such thought, until now. We attended the discu.ssion of the Convention when this common school question was be fore it, and we heard nothing which could induce us to suppose that the members wished to enact a penal law such as disfigured the Britisn statute book. The Constitution guarantees to all liberty of conscience. We believe that education without religion is fatal to Christianity,and now we are told that we must pay a tax to the State of Ohio before we can teach our Catho lic children their catechism. There were men in the Conventions who formed the Constitution and they are still living, whose great object in sup porting the common school system was its hostility to Christianity. They knew that is religion was ex cluded from the schools, infidelity would follow. And so it has. It is only by perpetual and sensational ef forts and advertising on Saturdays that theircongregationscan be gather ed. If Catholic citizens be tax'rd for having school-houses, we have no lon ger liberty of conscience. The school house, the crucifix, the Lord's Prayer, aud the decalogue, are all parts of our religious system. If we can not have these without paying hush-money to the State, then the boast about every man being free to worship God ac cording to the dictates of his con science, is a contemptible sham. The law compels us to pay tax for the sup port of common schools, conscience imposes a tax on us to build and sup port Catholic schools, and now the Mate Auditor gives another turn to the screw, and tells us that we must pay tax for having a conscience at all ! We do not believe that this ruling- of the Auditor will be enforced. He no doubt thinks that he is right, and we have no word of reproach for him; bat we have an abiding faith in the honesty and purity of our Judges, in the patriotism of our Legislators, and in the honesty ot public opinion. These will not do us the great wrong which the ruling of the State Auditor threatens to inflict on Roman Catho lic citizens. How Clara Louise Kellogg Made Nilsson How Clara Louise Kellogg Made Nilsson Break Her Fan. A curious little episode diversified the performance at the Academy of Music one night. KeKogg.was sing ing her very best, and looking her very prettiest, conscious that her Swedish rival was iu the hou.-e and that the eyes of Xew York were on them both. Xilsson, dressed in blue velvet with an abundance of rich lace and a profusion ofdiamonds glittering iu ner ciii irii nuir, uccupieu a promi nent box and languidly applauded with her fan on the edge of the box. In the second part of the programme. Clara Louise sang "I'm Alone," was rapturously encored, gave "Home, Sweet Home" as an encore, and be ing compelled to return a third time. dispensed with the pianist, and seat- ng herself at the piano, poured forth with the most witching arch- nesss and point the lover's ballad, "She's fooling thee." It was noticed that Xilsson listened to this with extreme attention, and when the Kel logg gave the lines: She has rich hair of irolden hue. Take care, tiike care, Whnt she says it is nyt true; lieware, beware. She's fooling thee. Xilsson, with a look of excessive an ger, struck the box edge with her fan so angrily ad to break it At this there was a great laugh and a general clap ping ot hands, the majority of tiie people believing that she had done so in the warmth of her administration for her sister artist. But her angry look belied this. The initiated who were posted were highly amused for it was evident that Xilsson thought Kellogg's song was a reflect ion on the heartless jilting of Gustave Dore. He brought he into notice, ! made her a public favorite and the idol of Paris; but when she had reach ed the height she had sighed for, she not only broke her marriage engage ment with him, but even refused to admit him to the drawing room as an ordinary visitor. He was, in the complete-it sense of the term, fo'bidden the house. i " I English Spelling. Often, in writing, a simple word is required, of the orthography of which ths writer is not sure. The dictionary may be referred to, but it is not al ways convenieht. An easy mode Is to write tne word on a bit or waste pa per, in two or three ways of which you are in doubt Xine times out of ten, the mode Which looks right is right. Spelling particularly Engll-h is so comnlefelv a. work 1 spelling IS SO Complete ly "ors ul tue eye, iii.n me eye uione suouid oe . trusted. There is no reason why "re. ceive" and "believe" should be spelt differently, yet sounded alike, in tlieir second syllables. Yet write them "re cieve" ami "beleive," and the eye shows jou the mistake at tnee. The best way for young peoples and in deed people of any age to learn to spell, is to practice writing. Cobbett, the famous English radical, taught bis children grammar, by requiring that they should copy their lessons two or three times. These lessons he himself gave them in the form of let ters; and his French and English grammar are two of the most amus ing books in the English language. Of course "learning to spell" came in ol Martin Luther. ten us uat e are io tnmltor this ap set "It was a faith of Luther's that there were devils, npiritual denizens of the pit, continually besetting men. Many times, in his writings, this turns upland almost a small sneer has been grounded on it by some. In the room of Wartburg.where he sat trans lating the Bible, they still show you a black spot on the wall, the strange memorial of one of these conflict. Luther sat translating one of the Psalms: he was worn down with la- bor, with sickness, with alwtinence froia food. There arose before him some hideous, indefinable image, which he took for the Evil One, to forbid his work. Luther started up, with 'Fiend, defiance !' flung his ink- stand at the spectre, and it disappear eL Tne spot still remains there i t .'.;m ..r C eL The spot still remains there curious monument of several tail An apothecary's apprentice can t tell us what we are to thinkof this there a uings. now mau uciirt mat uare ueiianr.iace to f;ici nimiiut l..II itir nr, rw higher proof of fearless ness. The hioh. . --- ' -i-:. - I thing he will quail lefore, exi"ts not on this earth or under iL" Women l on mis e Carlyisle, JI lo oeij kuiuk mu guardian (spirit who took care of good boys. To further prevent d.ixkne en from" giving him fear, she left the n.-ht n ml v burning. The next morn- Mlse onstmctlon. Sammy's mother wished tn arutnrl th evening with a frien.J nrf rhorfnn nut the little fel- 1 . . . l : 1 .' . u 1 u .1 1 1 tiie ing Sammy wan up bright and early, and full of news. 'Mamma, L saw tne 'angels last night!" 'Did you!' 'Yes. They got wings!' 'Ah!' They sung to me." 'Is it possible!' 'And they bit me on the handj, the ugly things? ill & M -.- ' . ' so th,w , y,, ohlo rarnifini ma. cient power a; all tiie season of the year to run both mills. rs.thmili ara in good re snellinc l''r. and the Grist null has two run of i'in.. T.-iere are also forty-six acre of f f f . r r t t f t ? TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now preparvi t furni't ail classe with eci tHiit empio-TTient .t home, the whole of the tune r for the srvtre moments. Bninens new. Ii,;ht and profitable. Persons of either ex easi.y enrn rrom :-e. to S-5 per evening, . and a proportional sum by .ievotins thir whole time to the busineos. Boy and g r earn nearly as much a men. That ail who ee this nittce may send tneir addre?t, and i teirt. tiie buineMS. we nia&e th? nnparaUeie-l ! o:-r: To ti.'h as are not well SHtirtied. w I wiil send i to par for the trouble of writinr I H,rtl,"ni"ra valuable sample whieo I wiii ,io to commence work on. and aeopy of i P!'11 Literary i.'omnanioii one of I the Isavet and best f:milv newDT)ers ever I pubii-.i.-d ail sent free by mail. Keaier, 1 .vou want permanent, profitable work, ad- i uress. R C. AI.LEX ro ArdDrrt MnrE T TNIVFRSALi-SM: What is it: -send for I tne star m trie w esr. t incianari. A S-pa-re weeslv; established It meets nil the want.s of the family; 82 v rr year. $::.' six months. Trv It. "foecirn. ns 'w. A.l.'.ress WILLLAMSOX C.AXT " ELL. Cincinnati. Ohio. VKW YORK 'alety Steam Power Co 2 st,'vm Engines, with and without eat oit. and .-e.-tioualSifetytteam Pollers, bm it iu quantities bv special machinery, iseud forcirviiiari Oortlnndl St.. . Y. Illustrated Jr Descriptive CATALOGUE 0? FLOWER AND VEGETABLE 3EXD9, AND STMU FLO WE RUG BTLBS. FOR r.. Will be ready for mailing by the middle of Junuary. notwiths-ndiug our great loss of tvoe, uaper. enenwin. .te ,,. hi-t. destroyed the Job Prmtin: o2io of the Kev-n- ester i"" imuiuopniiiMon a most ele gant new-tinted paper, and illustrated with nearly FIT IlaiMlrest Origins! EaKraviac And two finely executed Colored PUtes siHt imens lor all ot which were grown bv ourselves the past season rrom our own stock ol ss-eo. 1 u hip oriniiiitti. v. execution and exteui of the engravings it is online and em inently superior to any other Catalogue or Guide" exlant. The Catalogue will consist of Wt Psjf and as soon a.s published will be sent free tr all whoordered Seeds from us by njuii the last euson. To others a charge of ii eer. per copy will be made, wiu.-h m not ; L value of the Colored Plates. We assure our friends that the inducements we offer to purchasers of sk-eds, as to tiuaiity and extent ottoi fc. Discounts and Premiums, are ua su rp.isse. I. Pieuse send orders lor Caiaiognea without delay. Oar Clrd Crexn for 1971 Will be reaoy to send ont in January. The Chromo wiil represent Forty-two Varieties of showy and popular Flowers of natural siie and color. We design to make it the best Phie of Flowers ever issued. Sixe, ldxJ4 inches. The retail value would be at least Two lsillars; we shall, however, furnisn it to customers at "." cents per copy, and oner it as a Premium upon orders for eeeds. be Catalogue when out. BK1GG3 4 BROTHER, Rochester. N. Y. i. FOR SAJ1E BT TRB Hannibal & St, Joseph B, R. Co, ABOUT LK,nuu acres of the finest farming and grazinu and in the United States, for sale at low pr;.,es and on very easy terms; thus enabling ta industrious man with small capital L piiy for hut land with money earned froln it. Missouri is not too far West to be at a great distance from market: its Railroad facili ties are great and constantly increasing; the climate is splendid, and good crops are almost a certainty ; while the numeroua turiving towns and cities springing up on every hand attest beyond doubt that the blight of slavery ha been effectual! v dissi pated, and that Eastern men and .Eastern capital are doing their perfect work. Oar Land Defy Csmpetitloa. Send for full descriptive circular and eo tional maps, enclosiug 3U cta and stating what paper you saw this in, to EDWARD V, IUL)i.l Liuid Commissioner. Hannioui, Mo. - One Penad f if CmmtrtoV Tmtw n1 will Make twelve au-irt J.aniidry snma ni 1 1 n dsn OTIllinjs 84 Iront frit- Ni-vr Veilt. UPlIAIf OEPIlATORYlPOWIIfR. Removes su)ernuou bair tn live min utes, without injury to the kin. bent by mail for Si 2i rpSiam's) Asthma Core Relieves mostviolent paroxysm In Ave min utes and eliecta a speedy cure. Price ti by niuii. The Japanese Hair Stain Colors the whisker and hair a beautiful black or brown. It consists ot onvone pre paralion. 7o cents by mail. Address . C t'phain. No. 721 Jiiyne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent tree, ttold by ail Drug gists. I a(i !" The '-Yeicetrihie lOTft IO-.U Pn.nOARTf UALM.4.W. lotil The old standard remedy for Cough. Colds, Consumption. "Nothing better. ' Cents Buds. A Co., Boston. $5 TO $i0 P!l DAI. Men, Wo rn ..n tln and girls who engrure in our new busmen make from i toSui per day in their own lo calities. Full particulars and Instruction sent free bv mail. These in need of- perma nent, prol'tH.'ij work, sii,l-t addrerw a once, GKoltGE STI.NSON dt CO, Poruaji. Jlaine. Agents J Read This "ITTE wiil par Air-nts a salary of H0 per I week and expenses, or allow a iarae f-'niiion, to sen .,nr new and wondenul ,hrVi AJ,JM- Wagner Co., Mar- H.TSrLorjjEAT tor All. 530 ftnnry Vr week, and expense, paid JVy Agents, to sell our new and useful discoveries. Address IS, Sweet A Co., Mar sli.iil, Mich. p4Yt lIO.TIAirY.-Any lady or genile- 1 man can mare 41 a month, secure tttelrown h.ippiness and independence, by obtaining Psychoniancv, Fascination, or Soul ( lianniuir. i paef;; cloth. Full in structions to use tin j-ower over men or will, how to Mesmerize, become Irance or Wrilinic Mediums Divination. Spiritualism, Alchemy, Philosophy of Oi.iens and Dretnus, Brighain Young's Ha rem, Ounle to Mitrriaice, c, ail contained in this hook : lni..o sol I ; price by mail, in cloth $1 z'i. paper coversi! Ou. Notice. Any person wiliinrt to act as airent will receive a sampieeopv of the work free. A no capi tal is required, all desirous of uenteel em ployment should send for the book, enclos ing In eta. for postil;e, to T. W. EVAN- Ci ., 41 South Stli St., Philadelphia. Jan. tw-ul t-tw-c.r.a.xco. The World Ilenoumed Elias Ha'ivs Sewing Machine I I) ESPECTFULLY call the attention of al C thoee who want a good and reliable Sew ing Machine, to the Howe, which can be seen in operation at his new rooms, where he is prepared to clean, repair, fit attach ments, and furnlsti Needles, Oil and fixture u!table to ail Se .ng Machine now In use. He hopes, by cn and prompt attention to bis buslnesn, Io merit your patronage, and will guarantee, in every case, to give emu satisfaction. . C. H. BTTNG. Main Stret, opposit Stone Front, Turin. June 111. ItfTO-nlf- FOR SALE! mi HDD GRIST Ml LI! Situated two mMi from Oreen Hprlngs, mi. I wiiii.n baif a mlie of the Railroad with a side uack to the mill. It la located on a cnnrei lamj. under nsxl cultivation, all are Milder g'MMi f-nce. With a snlemll.l itirnur1 Tier are upon tiie property three good dwellings and agood ban. No bei.urprop erty in the market, and can be bouitiit cbeao. Enouireof N. C. VET, at the oific Vln.. Haynen Co., In Fremont, or of iAMLjJAi V-jON, atthe mill. iieee inner -Ji IKTO-nll-tf. 13. SCHMIDT'S KESTArRAXT Market St vet. nearly opposite Commercial Hotel. Tiffin, u. Cincinnati La ger Beer, K1IIXE WISE, And the Parrot f I.tqnre kept eon stantlyon hau.L 4. !! H K.4I furnish U Farmer. Au. li. lS7u-otf KAPPELL V EALDWI5, Role Manufacturers of th UNION GELTJKN, Ad raioa brMTMl Wubkwra. Also, manuftcturers of Bnctceve Slaw cut ters, Cioi lies itai k, tsausaee Fnler and Lard Pre combined. Rolling Pins, Potato Masners. it Traps, Sieda, iiroom Haadiea, Butter Pings. Ac. Tillin, O.. Aprd 15. For Sale. TWO goo.! Dwellings In "-e-ond Ward. p.,.,e.ion given immediately uo several good Building Lots in First ani. KEEN RIDG ELY. Vi: i: all-'. Floral Guide for '71 O iVK BFAlTIpr T.T.Y ILLUSTRATED -FLOK.VL OCll'f. AND GAR.DEN- Krt S M. N I' M. for lsTl ls- packet Wo Vane! PI, lox I 'rum mond i Iwc'.i rtuiaco, iiite miuuxture rose. 'j p.,u"ie p-;uii! . "y1-; sweet Wiiiiiam.. - 3e iOo .41 uO bent post-paid. Address, PHELPS REYNOLDS, o. D. PHFt r-s. Rochester, M. T. x. o. .:ey.vuli. j EKRORS OP YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for year fro-a Nervous Det.ilit v. Premature De cay, and all the enVets'Sr youthful Indisore t.on, will, for the sake of sof? rliig hnraanl ty, send free to ail who need It the reeeip and direction for the simple remedy by wnich he waa cured. Sufferer w lining to proat br the advertiser experience eao do by addreaslaS, in perfect eonn ieno. JOrIM b. OGDE nVly. No. l Cedar at. New Tk.