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diFh THERIA SCARLET FEVER. rr.Teiitlonnml ltr.trlotlon of ThMoftrrtilif' HfbUrfl Itnpnrtnnt Clrculnr Issued by tlli- Ohio Hlntn Ilnsnl of Health. Dlplitherln Is often n most malignant nnd (fatal tllsenso, and each year causes tnanydoaths In our Stats. Tor this na tion, ami that It Is to n largo oxtout a, pro Ycnfnblo disease, the Btato Hoard of Health havo' issued this doenment, hoping to dis seminate among tho peoplo such facts known about Iho disease, ns may restrict Its sircad nnd prorent Its occurronro. Dlplithorln Is n contagious and Infectious tll.onsrVniid tbo strict obsorvnnco o( the folloKliiR rulos and precautions are urged upon all nbomay come In contact with It, 1. When n clillil has tore throat with ferer, and especially when diphtheria Is turnout, In tho neighborhood, It should bo kopt apart front others until n rompotout Iuiysicinn uas uotorminou ic is not uipu herla. 2. Wlion n person Is known to bo sick wlt1dlpht1icrln no should Immediately lie separated from nit others, oxceptlng Ills ntlendauta, nnd reniored to a room which should bo specially prepared for his occu pancy. 3. This room should bo propnrod by ro morlng from It nil superfluous ftirulttire, carpets, extra clothing, books, wltnlnw cur tains, and nil other similar nitlcles not needed in tho room. It should he ns lo moto ns possible, from the family looms preferably. In tho upper story and caro should bo tnkon to socuro an nbundnnco of fresh nlr, without exposing the patlout to dlrectdrnfta. 4 A enrd n Itli "Dlj Jitherla" on It In largo, plain lettetsbhimld be placed in n conspio nous position on the house in whlrli thorn is a person slqk with tho disenso. No child should bo allowed to outer Iho liotl-n. ft. No ono should bo admitted to tho sick room, except tho necessary nuises and at tendants u. No food or drink which lias boon In tho sick t com should bo pnt taken of by tho noil. Tho dishes can led lu should bo washed separately. 7. Under no circumstsnees should tbo bed clothes or tho patient's body linen bo mixed with tho other soiled doming, or bo ndmlod tn thogoneinl wash, without be ing Hist thoroughly disinfected t. 11 persons iccororing fiom dlpli thcilaaro dangerous, nnd should not be pcmlttol to nttend school, chui eh, or nny pnlillp assembly until, in tho judgment of a enrofill pliysiclnn, thoy aio no longer a source of cniitJgiou. 0 No public funeral should bo bold of nnr vrKn rlviurr of tllnhtherln In no enso should any child bo permitted to attend. ' nsivrrcTinv. MT1 oji n case of dlplithotla occurs, lot tho follomiKc disinfectant solutions ba pro pared at on ceo : tiotunm .V. 1. Dissolvo chlorhls of llmo, of tlm best quality, in soft water, lu tho pioportion of four ounces lo tho gallon. kotnlfon .Vol?, Dissolve sulphata of Iron (known also ns copporns) lu hot wntcr, In tbo proportion of two pounds to tho gnllon. (It has been demonstrated that copporas Is not properly a disinfectant. It is nn ex cellent antlseplc, uriestlug putrefactive decomposition, but doos not dostroy tho vitality1 of diso-iso germs or tho Infecting ponorof materlnl containing thorn. Honco it must uot bo substituted for Solutions No. 1 or No. 3.) Jtnlen for Dtntnfectlon, 1. Tho discharges from tho throat, mouth nnd noso nro or cocdinRlv poisonous nnd should bo recolred on toft cloths, nhicb must bo immoltntely burnod or immersod iu Solution No. I. 2. Tho discharges from tho kldnoys nnd bowels and romttcd matters, are also dan gerous, nnd should be iccoirad In a vessel containing Solution No. 1, Itctain lu tho vessol fifteen minutes, whon tho contents mny .safely bo thrown into tho wntor closet or pi Ivy vault, R. The soiled clothing, bed linen, towels etc., should at once, bsforc being cnrrlo 1 from tho sick room lu placod In boiling water and boiled for thirty minutes If, for nny reason, this can uot bo dono, thoy may bo soaked lu tho following solution: .Solution' Vi. X Dissolvo corroslvo sublt xnatolnhot wntor, in tho proportion of tnn ounces to tho gnllon. Label poison, and keep in n wooden or earthen vossol. Tako two Hold ounces, or n balf-tescup-ful of this solution to oun. gallon of svnter, nnd lot tho articles to ba disinfected be thoroughly soaked In this, icmalulng Im mersed nt least tss o hours: they may thon bo wrung out nnd sent to tho swish. 4. Tho body of n porson who has dlod of diphtheria should lie washed ssith So lution No 1 ami wrapped in n sheet wet with tho same. The bo ly should bo burled nt once, nud in no caso should bo exposed to view. 5 Aftor death or recovery of tho sick, tho room, furnltnro, nnd other contonts not to bo destroyed, must bo thoroughly dislnfocted. i. It Is best to burn all articles which hnve been In contact with tho poraan Those too valuable to dostroy may bo treated as follows: b. Allnrtlclcs which can be wnshod may bo treated according to Hulo 3, under Dls lufcctidn. c. Clothing nnd bedding which enn not bo washed may In disinfected by exposure to dry boat for three or four hours A tomperaturo of 2.10 Tab. must bo main tained during this time, nnd the nrtlclos freely exposed, I. c, not folded or arranged In pilospr bundles, .. The room and nil articles In It, which can not bo trcatod by either of the above methods, must bo thoroughly f umlgatod. n. The contonts of tho room should bo so nrrnugo I ns to expose tho gieatost amount of surface to tho notion of tho disinfectant Heavy woolen clothing, silks, furs, stuffed bed covers nnd similar nrtlclos, should bo bung up in the room nud pockets tinned inside out. l'illows, mattresses, upholstered furnituro, etc., must be cut open nnd tho contonts inroad out for fumigation. Carpets aro best fumigated nu the floor. After tiuulgutionr-tliea-aitI('los must nil lie hiin in tho npon air nud thoioughly bentcn and shaken. b To disinfect n room by fumigation, proceed as follows: . Close tho nnaitment as completely ns possible, stopping nil openings through which tho gas might escape, 'thoroughly dampen the floor, walls, and furnituro. b. For a room nbout ten feet sipinre, take tin co. pounds nt sulphur, broken Into smnll fragments. Tor larger looms use n' proportionately lnrgernmountot mlphur.i rut it Into nn iron pau, and to avoido dan ger fromJflre, support tho pan on bricks placed in a tnb containing a few Inches of water. Moisten the. sulphur with alcohol and setonflro, being careful not to "breathe the fumes of tbo burning sulphur. When certain tho sulphur Is burning well, Icavo the room, closj tbo door, and nllow- Iho room to be tightly close I for seveial hours. c. Open all tho windows nud air Iho room tliotougbly for several hours. If tho wall and .ceilings ure papered, remove the iinporaud bum it. Iho floor, walls, call ing, wooden furniture, otc , should bo thoroughlywashed witbasolutlonmndeby adding two pints of Solution Nn. .'I to four gallons of water. Allow this to remain on tor twenty-four hours, nnd then scrub thoroughly with soap nud hot water. U. Iho house and premises generally should bo put In tho cleanest condition pos sible, and every means taken to secure puro nlr and puro dilnkiug water. 10. Cellars, prjvioi, cess pools, water closets dialns, sewers, etc, should be fto quently and llborally treated with Solution No. 2. Tbo foregoing methods of disinfection nro applicable In all contagious diseases. If Solution Ho. 1 is objectionable on ac count of tho odor of the chloride of llinu. an equally efllcleut disinfectant, to be mod In the samo wiy, may be mado by nddiug oun pint of Solution No. U to ono gallon of water. It is necessary to leave It a longer time at least an hour in contact with the material tobedistufected. Label all solutions of corrosive subllmato poitoiit FnEVENTJVB MEASURES. 1. Avoid the contaglum of tho dissaso Especially should children bo guarded against contact wjtb nny thing which has been nearonesick with the disease. 2. Bo careful of books, toys, cats and dogs which may Imro been handleJ by a diphtheria patient. 3. It any one visits such a caso, be should bathe, disinfect and change his clothing before going where there are chil dren. 4. Beware of anyone with a sore throat; do not kiss such u person, or drink from tbo same cup or put anything Into your mouth he may bare handled. fi. When diphtheria Is piesent In your neighborhood bewaie of taking children to crowded assemblies Iu unrentilated rooms. u. nee that your bouse, cellar and yard are kept perfectly clom, and your living nnu sleeping rooms are stoii YsuiiiaiGii, Cleaullness, puro air and iiura water ore the three great foes of tills disease. To the iiublio lUese rule, may teem nu merousuud, peiuapg, unimportant, but tlio btate Hoard of Health would not Le doing Ut whole duty it It fulled to polut out the best possible menus known of leitrlctlug uud preroutlur; tbli dioad disease. MOAItMiT J'liWilt. Hcarlet ferer, alio called scarlatina, tear Jettaeb tanker etc., is a dangerous, contagious disease of farmore linpoitance In ourHtuto, owinic to Its frequently, thuu either mall pox or cuoloru. 'J be coiitsgiutn or poison of scarlet ferer guipasses that of any other oruptlre ferer, except ftmall'Pox, in iu tenacious uttauu raeut to objects and Iu portability to dis tant localities. 'I he poison may lotalu Itsinfectlng prop erties for months uuloss destioyed by jMj9ruiiiMeubiuu It Usually attacks children under ten year, of age, hence the grout Impoituuco fpreTfutlugcljWry'i'ouil)eli;pojeil ' to tho itlsonso. Tho latest orldencs Indi cates that scnrlot fever never origin, ntos from any tellurlo or ntmnspherlo Inllucnce, but Is nlnays dus to a speclllo principle or contaglum, In other words scarlet fover can only occur by Infection from n pro existing else of Iho same dis ease. Countries bare boon free from It for coututtos till Imported by commerce. In view Of this fact, tho great llnoni tntleo of Isolation, quniantlno nnd disinfection In preventing tho spread of tho dlsoaso, Is beyond iiuostloni From wnht of proper precautions In this lespoct, It not Intro. I'l.'UltllllUIII. Ill 11111 ll'3FUlb. Ill Mil, llllll" qilontly happens tint scarlot foror will niintK sucessivoiy a jnrgo lamuy oi cnu droit. It Is belloved thnt by tho strict ob sorranrn of thu follow lug rules audi eguln. t Ions this disenso may be greatly restricted In our Htotol 1, Wliou n child lias soro throat nnd foror, nn 1 especially when scarlet fover Is present In tho neighborhood, It should Im niQillntoly bo separated fiom others until n physician has seen it, nud determined whottier It has scarlet loror. 'J When n porson Is known to bo sick with this disease, no matter how lljht the attack may appear to bo, ho should Im me diately bo Repainted from nil otheis ox coUllig his nttendants, and temnvodtoa room specially prepare 1 for lilt) bccupinry. :i 'lids room should bo piopaiod by removing from It all stiporlluous fur nlluio, cnipots, oxttn clothing, books, etc.; In shoit, orpry thing not nbsolutoly tieodod for tho rohifort of too sick, or tho courenloiice of tho nttoudnnts All closets connected with tho loom should bare eror thing lomorcd fiom thorn. J. Tho ruomxhould bo largo, preferably iu tho upper stury, nnd ns far lomoved fi mil the fnuiily rooms ns possible n. 'Iho lust means for disinfecting n sick room is to securo nu nbundanco of fresh air. Tho pstlout, liowover, must not bo exposed to dlroct drafts, and this csn bo nvidded by lilting boneatb tho lower win' dow-snsh nstilpot boarl n fow Inchos in width. 0 Otherchlldion of tho family, not af fected may be sent to somn placo whoro tlipruarono chlldieu, or otheis liable to tako tho disease; but their clothing should hovo had no contact with tho pntiont, or should bo disinfected, and thoy should ro mnlii npai t from tho public for a period of two wcoks. 7 rrlonds should not bo nllowod to visit tho patfont. and no ono shout 1 bondnillted q the sik room oxcont tho nurse nud hoc essaiy attoiulants. No child must bo ill Iunod to enter tho house. " 8. A cnid with "Scirlot l'oror" on It should bo placed In a conspicuous position on thehoiiso orpiemlses In which there is s pnr4on sick with tho disease, i The sfttudaiits should wonr only suoh clothing nn enn I.o waehnd, nud should Loop thouisolves nnd thoir pxttaut poifcctly clean. Kspoclally shouhl thoy guard ngnlpstnU"r!ig ILo dnoiiarKjl frtni tho patient to ixMiiniii on their hands, which should bo fiuqueutly washed In n disinfect ant solution. II). 1 ood or dilute nliMi has boon In tho stck-iooin should not bo thrown In tho swill barrel, it should bo cared for In tho samo manner us tho discharges of the pntiont, 11. All cups, glasses, spoons, otc, usod iu tho sh k-rooiu should no washed sepnrnto from tho other dlshos, and should roinalu somo time, in boiling n iter. 1.'. Towels bod-clothos, tho patient's body linen, otc, should not bo inlxod with the other soiled clothing, or bo ndmttlod to tho gonoinl wash without being first thor oughly dlsluicctod. II All persons rocoyoilng from scnrlot ferer aro diiugernus, nud should nut bo permitted to nttend school, church, or other public assembly, nor allowed to play with other children, llioy nro sources of contagion so long ns any pooling or scaling of tho skill continues, and must bo kopt secluded until this process is fully com pleted. 14 A public fuuornl must not bo hold of nny ono dying f I om this dlsesso, and in no caso should any child bo permlttod to nt lend. Newspupar uotlcos of such dcntlis should distinctly st ito that the decoased diod of scarlot fover. inircCTio"J. Whon n case of scarlot f sver occurs let the follun lug disinfectant solutions bo p;o parod at once: lutliilloii .Vn. .Dissolve chlorido'of llmo, of tho best quality, in soft water, In tho proiiortlon of four ounces to the gnllon (It has been demonstrated that coppoiasli not piopeily a disinfectant. It is nu ex cellent uulfs'.ptlo, ni testing ptttrefnctlvo decomposition, but doos not destroy tbo vitality of dlJoaso genuior the Infecting rower of material (oiitalnlng thorn lenco It must not bo substituted for Solu tions No. 1 or No. 2.) boltttlon .Vo i Dissolve corrosivo subli mato In hot wator, in tho proportion uf two ounces to tho gallon, nnd add ono drnchtu of pounitngnnnto of potash to each gallon to give color to tho solution. 1 1 he dischai ges from tho throat, mouth and nose mo oxtiemoly dangerous, and should bo locelvod on soft cloths (hnndkor chlofs should not bo used) which must bo Immediately burned or immorsod in Solu tion No, 1 2. Vomltod mattors, discharges from tho bonels, kidneys, oes ours and bkln, nro also daugoi ous, nnd should bo trontod as above, or bo directly recoivod in a vessel containing n pint or more of Solution No. 1. Ritnlu in tho vessel thirty minutes, when the contonts may bo Uirowu in tbo wator closot orprlvy-vanlt, .1. Tho mi tlcios of skin thrown off from tho patient's body nro supposed to be fre quent curriors of tho contaglum nud, un-les-i countermanded by the physician, tho body should bo fiequently nuoiutod with vnsellne, nil, otc, which prevents their dissemination. t 4. Tho sollod clothing, bed linen, towels, etc , should nt onco bo plnco 1 in boiling water nud bollc 1 thirty minutes. It this can not bo done iu the sie'e room, they should be placed immediately iu u. solution prepared by mlding n bait tencupftil of So lution No. X to one gallon of water; or in tlioRatno prupoition for larger quantities. Allow them to romniu In the solution at Joasttno hours; thoy may then bo wrung out and sent to the laundi y. 5. '1 ho body of a perou who has died of scarlet fover should bo washed srltb Solu-i tion No. 1 nud wi aliped in n shoot wet with tho same. Tho body should bo buried nt once, nud in no caso should bo oxposed to view. . 7. After death or rocovory of tho sick, tho room, furniture, nnd other contonts not to Im destroyed, must be thoroughly sllslufectod. n, It Is best to burn all articles which hnve been in contact with tho person, fhoso too vnluablo to dostroy, may bo treated as follows: 0. All articles which can be washed may bo trontod according to Itulo 4, under Sls fnfectfonr r 7. The room nnd all nrtlclos In it,, which can not bo treated by either n( the above motho Is, must bo thoroughly fumigated.. a. The .contents of tho loom should be so ai ringed ns to oxposo the greatest 'niuouut of surfneo to tho nctlon of tho dis infectant. Heavy wooleu clothing, silks, furs, Stuffod bed covers nnd similar aitl clos, should bojulng up In the loom and pockot3 turned Insido out Fillow;?, mat tresses, upholstered furniture, otc. must bo cut open and tho contents spread out for fumigation. Carpets aro best fumigated on tho floor. Aftor fumlgntloj, theso arti cles must nil bo Uuiig lu tho open air and thoroughly boaten and shaken. rilEVltNTIS. B MKASUnPS. 1. Avoid tho contaglum of tbo disease. Kspoclally should children bo proveute.1 from going near n enso of scarlot fovor,1- or1 fiom coming In contact with nny thing which has beeu near ouo sick with this dls oaso. 2. lie careful of books, toys, cats and dogs which may haro been bnudlcd by a scnilet foser pntiont. The disease basbocn spread by circulating libraries; picture books having been taken therefrom to amuse the pntiont, and returned without being disinfected. n. uno recovering trom tins aisoaso should not be permlttod to minglo with tho publlo until bo and bis clothing hare boon thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. 4. No child coming fiom a homo contain ing a case of scarlet fover, should bo allowed to attend school oi other publlo assembly, nud nliould bo prevented from plfljlug with other chlldron. e. Any ouo aiming from such n bouse should bulhe, disinfect nnd change bis clothing beforo going where thero aro chil dren. 0. Ilewaro of nny ono with a soro throat; do not allow your chlldron to ba kissed by such it peisou, or to diink from the samo cup. 7. When scarlet fever Is present In your community do not take children to crowded assemblies In unventllated rooms, 8 Boo that your house nnd premises aro perrectiy cioau. 1.001c to your couars, sowers, cess pools, sinks nud water closets, and nllowno decnylngunitnol nraogetablo matter to poison tbo utmospboro of your dwelling. To those who fall to appreciate tho ssrl oui naturo of tills disease theso ru'os may seem numerous, nnd. perhaps, uuliiiport uut, l'lurentlnn Is better than cure, nnd the Stuto Uoanl of Health lits piosented tho best possible moans known of lostrict lug nud preventing the spread of scat let fover. ' ! Tho fii? Irco lini nlwnya boon mso dated wllli tho vino nn nu niiililom of mill plenty. A yotm lady nks whv lliu milt is men counted us com lut'.itlyoly wortliloii In Ilia common uxiiicKiuin, "I (lim't onto n llg" for tho object, tluscrlbcil. This Is llgo or llco, not u fin It. but n Illllp oraiiniiof tho (Inrairf. Thu Itnlhm fnr lo lleho to .....!... II....... ..!..,. j Jl.n Art fr. il.A "nl' '"". iH"""o" "J " C0illcniillli)U8OXUCSSloil ew ouoii ujati. wifwyo UtrutUt USEFUL ANp SUQQESTIVE. --AtllioNovrllnmpsliIro AprlonUiirnl Polloao tlioy ntnko btitlor for thobtoiKs tntt utilo from tlm milking of tho samo morning. ,, A cup of llmo-wnlor In tho milk fci lornlvoa Issrtld to bo rtn excellent pro Vcnilvo sit scours nnd bqwcl disunsus, N. 1'. 1'tmcs. ' Slioop will cat more, bo nioro con tented nnd thrive bi tier on n new than nnd old rnnpo. Fraiiicnt tlmutro of inngo for them Is Important. Albany Journal, ' In tho linrvcst field fitrnicrs work on tho olfilit-hour system, but they man nco to sipieoii) In Hixtooit litmis n tlny-r-eight hours beforo nnd olglil hours niter dinner. Ilosloit HiraUl, Tho cofloo treo Isnn ovorgropn, nnd grows from eight to thlriy foot high, commencing lo benr lu thrco or four onrs, nud continuing to benr fiom seventy-llvo to ono hundred yents. It Is easy (o prescribe method for Iho orndlcnllons of weeds, but they count for untight nntl prnctlea gives them cllcct, nnd thero nro too tunny fiu'iners who lcjt them grow nnd thrive unheeded, thereby ptodticlng seeds lo thwart tho eflorts of others who try lo keep their Inutls elbnn. N, E. t mcr, Dr. 1'rnnels lltldgo, Stuto Vct orlunrlnn of l'ennsylv.atilii, srtjs this dls ouse, tubi'tculosls, Is Iho most to bo dt ended of nny of tho ill'Cnsi s to which cntllo nro subject, bccalo It Is not ery dutigorotis to tho nulmnl, but is liabla to bo trnnsmllted Ihroiigh Iho milk lo thu human family who consume It. Dried cr.ib npplo plot When tho npplcs mo cut for dijing, n part of tho skin should bo left on. Lino n pit) tin with crust, nnd put Into it ouo tencupftil, of white siigur, ink with It ono table sioonful ofllottr, lottndcd a Utile; ndd ono toaettpful of dried cr.ah Inpples, ono of wntcr, nnd n fuiv bits of bulter. l'ut on top crust nnd bnko. 'Toledo Made. llgg Illsctiits: Ono imnrt of pre pared Hour, n tnblespoonful of lard nnd Hi ico ns miich butter, n tea'poonTul of salt, two cups of milk, the oiks of tiio eggs, bentcn light, fattlt tho Hour nnd t-ift It twleu in n bowl, rub In tbu shbrt ening thoroughly nnd lightly; tnWjolks and milk togctHer tfnd pour Into a' hole In tho llonr, work into paste avlth as llttlo handling ns possible; toll into a sheet half'nn inch Uiiek; cut into round cakes nnd bake in a (loured pan. Kat hot. lloiton JJudgct. "Ah happy ns a pig In clover" has passed into a proicrb for nbundanco of Iho best feed, lu fact, howuvcr.though cloycr is good for pigs,, it is poor dc pondonco for main lecd. Tho nlg's stomach Is not capacious, and to do its best it needs more conccntiatcd food than incut other stock. Iu tho pen, however, tho pig's feed is npt to ho too concentrated nnd too heating. With a lttnatcloicr, enough u III bo oaten to ntoperly distend tho stomach nnd enn Llo the animal to bcttir dicost grain than It could if fed nothing else. .AT. 1". Tribijtic. Hats and mice aro very dcstritctivo In corn cribs. Thoy may bo kopt out foroier by elevating tlio ciib on po-ds tlility-sW inches from tho ground and capped with a tin pan. When tho mlco try lo run up tho post thoy meet tlio piojeclltig tin nnd cm go no farther. If caro is taken neier lo bring nny mlco iu wagons with tho coin, tho crib may be kopt clear of lermm indefinitely. Of com so tlio crib should bo at sulllcicnt d stance from other buildings, trees or fences on which mieu might climb and then jump on tho sido of tho crib. Western Jlural. SMALL FRUITS. ltuw Young riints nnd Hushes Can bo M filtered Must Successful!). I notice that tho demand for, small fruits is constantly increasing. This is especially Iho caso in tlio AVest and Notth wheio Iho natural conditions pro not tho most faioiab a to treo growth. I nm daily recoiling orders fiom Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota nud Minnesota. Most of theso orders aro for smal fruits, such ns blackber ries, raspbotiics, gooseberries, currants, grnpes and tho hko. Tho freight or cvprcss" charges on suck smairstock being ery light, tho distance enters but little into consider ation. Many small ordcts can ho safe ly tilled by mail, by which medium it coals no moro to transpo t ono thousand miles than it does ten. Ill- tho lisn of damp moss nnd oiled paper, smallr or-f tiers can uo iianuicu very cncnpiy nnu safely by mail. lint w hat 1 ii ished to- .speak of par ticularly Is tho method' of ivinteting, j oung small ftuit plants nnd bushes. 1 do not iind fall planting of fruit trees successful as a l iilo. Kvou supposing thoy make a liio of it, which is not at nil cci tain, I sco no gain In the fall planting. Tho plants can do no moro than to sustain themselves through tho winter. -They nro in tlio ground ready lor tho earliest spiing growth, nnd that I think, is nil that can bujsrtid of-tho fall planting. I Iiko to hnio ticcsnnd plants start early in tho sin insr, iind I .novur find any difficulty in'startlng inem. i nnu mat many piauiers'iva t until about corn-planting time that tlio fiottnd may bo iu good condition. Now am i cry much ntidictodtotho practico of planting trees in thu mud, oftentimes iu tho first mud of spring, especially with ovorgrcens; I beliovo in having thorn planted early. To jio oaily spring planting, tho trees must bo on hand, bmnll fruits that nro lo bo planted next tprmgshouUl bp pur chased this fall, and burio 1 or stored in cellar oior winter, that thoy may bo on hand for the ciirhoit spring planting. Young troos and roots can bo safely kept ill a co.lnr by burling tho roots iu sand or moss. Molt nut eri men now practico this method largoly in carrying over a stock that will bo wanted for southern trade, beforo their nursorics aro thawed out sulliciontly to tako di rectly from thoi p. llolli deciduous ami evergreen i arictlcs can bo safely handled iu this nay. , It often happens that thoso who pur chase oi agents in tno wimor, lor spring ddllvory, do not get thoir trooi and plants until tlio season Is fur luhanco I. litis is often fatal. Unless thoy can get established before Iho dry. hot wo tlier tomes on, thero Is but lit'tlo hopo of car rying them through tho summon Tho first hummer is moro to bo dreaded than tho first winter. I Unci. All small fruits that nro already p'anted should bo laid down nnd cov ered for winter. Currants nnd goose berries, perhaps, cold m need this, blackberry and raspberry ennos will often liio through without, but to bo lafo should bo covered; not too early, howoitr. It Is not tho frees ng Hint hurts them. It Is 'tho long-continued lUtcrnato thawing nnd freelug that plays Iho mischief. A good, haid ftoozo before thoy nro colored will do good tutiier than damage. The mlco will fuivo uo chanco to work about tho roo a if tlio ground is well fioen bofoio Iho covering is laid on. It often happens that tho tops and stems nro gnawed where tho ground s so projected that it can not fieeo. Tho mice than have unlimited ratigu nud chanco to burrow. In bending over stems and canes It is n good plan lo put n shoielftil or two of cat Hi up nt thu foot befoto bonding, that they need not bo sharply bout, hut will linvo something to lay over. A 1 1 tle.cnt Ih should nlso bo used lo weigh tho tops down. Tho balanco of the covering may bo of pitrtJeJly-rottid manure. Aftor Blrawborry-bods hnin frocn slightly thoy mny bo oovored with straw. Ovr, American garden, PEnsiA.N, sronY-TELLEns. A Country Where Modern rnelry Is Ho splsed nnd Ancient Lore Is Venerated, Tho slory.loller Is another groat Tor slntf Institution. Tlio Persian Is by nn tttio ntut Inclination n stOry-lotlcr, nnd hero j oil will still find tho gift, of, Idiarpilng rocUal, of graceful, nnfmatq, goslure, of wcli-modulntetl voicol such ns you will soaroh lu vain for clso M'horo. 011 a publlo squaro, on tho ruins of somo dcsorlcd houses, on tho 16ps of a, largo mosfpto, tlio story teller will plain himself nnd begin, With sonoroiis volco and sweeping arms, n tula fiom tho Arabian Nights, from Tutsla's legondary history, from tho gieat national poets, or ho will rcoito. Iti n voloo vibrating with tho emotions ho spoaks of, pago nflor pagd from Hall, Saadl or Djollnl-IMdln IttimcO. lo wilt do tills In sucliJt way ns to In tensilly Interest Ills nttdtence. quickly formod, sp Hint llioy nro as much ov cllod nilil Inloreslyil ns tho Sultan was In ydieheraailo's tnlcs, when ho, like her, breaks oil Ihfl tfircnlt, to'b9 taken ut) nfter tho1 collfcctlon IilsliSslstAtits mnkoiwlth tlitj "kueshklmll" (hollowed cocoanut) has yielded what ho deems' his tllic.i Somo of theso fellows, luicgard, ragged, thoir cheeks hollowed by too illicit "bhrngn (hasheesh smokin';), nro natural poets, men of gifts, but there is no other channel for thorn to get lid of tho divlno nlllatus, for modern poetry is despised In l'ersla, and tho poet of tho present Is oirn wmso olT in I'orsU to d ly than in tho dnjs of ilnll, who was also oftou near staivrltihn point. 'I liu "ioulcis" aro n peculiar kind of people alwnis in alliance andon terms of inllinnoy iilth tho story-tellers, Thoy aro jugglers, slolglil-of-hand jier foiniors, clowns, iirio-lightcrs, etc., nro vory qunrrelsotne, nro nearly all unliclioicrs nnd uthoisls', and hall gcnornlly from Shlraz, Varsistnn and tho whole south of I'oriia. They aro tramps, noi'cr marry, let thoir hair giotv, eatry alwais Iho "khnndsliar" (curved d ipgcr, eighteen Inches long) in llinir "kninorbilud" (belt) nnd nro cpilck to tako ollenso nnd light. Thoy aro nlwajn up to mischief, secretly oxoltoVcvoltR and big lights. -and are in for anything which will giin them nclinnco'to spill blood. Trom their ranks generally tho professional rob hors and thieves graduate, nnd thoir sttolllng 1 f o maktsit dilllcult for the nutlioiitles to keqp track of them ot arte St thorn wdion they havo dono soma big deed of diirknosss. Wolf Von fSctierbrand, in San Francisco Chronicle m . COSTLY WOODS. riuo Spcclliions of I renrli Wnlnut ITIdeh Hold ut Tno Centsa Pound. "Tho linost and costliest wood Im ported to this country is French wal nut," said n Ilrookl) u lumber dealer toarepotter. "Tho demand for lino noods is increasing ycaily. Walnut, which Is supposed lo bo imported from I'tancc, in reality eomes from tlio Orien tal countues. It ts vory otpenstvo nnd mil bear no wasting. Of course many imitations of tlio wood aro in tho mar ket, but they can quickly bo detected by tlio expert, llxnensivo and lino woods come to this country in logs. Tho logs mo first placed iu cellars whero they mo subjected to tho action of steam until thoy become quito soft. Thoy nto then placed under the sharp est kind of a,.knifo nnd"shaied off into thiuk or thin slices, wlllqh oi er may bo doslicd. 1'or veneers tho sheets thus flhniod nro 1-175 of nn inch in width. His only when tho wood is soft and pliable that tho sh ning proooss can bo ctnricd out. If thu wood was cold anil hard it would bo imposslblo to shavo it into the thin pieces desired. Tho eMicmcly thin sheets aro used for pictuia frames." "What is tho valuo of Trench wal nutP" "i'ino specimens of tlio wood havo como as high as two dollars a pound. Kbonv-is, porhaps, ileaily ns costly as French walnut. It often brings as much ns thrco hundred dollais a ton, that is, of course, proiiding tho wood Is of tho Iin,cst quality. livo dollars a pound Is often asked" nnd lcccivcd for exceptionally lino pieces. Rosewood and mahogany nro popular woods and nto alwais in demand. Tho best ma hogany conies from San Domingo, ltosewood is woith from thrco to six cents n pound. For choice cnbinet iroik impelled woods nro tho best, but m my pioces of f iii nituro nro mado from nallie woods such as ash, maplo nnd black walnut. In many houses of tho wealthy. Into importcd'woods arc used for llooiing. Ktponslvo? Well, yes, but men don'tjhjurotho cost when tho tilings tlfoy pay "for "beautify their homes. Many BrooklynUes whom 1 might nnmo liam whole floois covered with p intuit work or". wood flooring. Tills kind of flooring is well enough in summer, but in winter, it is vory cold. Such kind of flooring make i halls and vestibules very nttractjyo,'" Brooklyn Eagle. Vi Mushroom Poisoning. "r- V Dr. II. Handford points out that tho distinction betivoon odiblo and poison ous fungi is dillicult,",color and general njipeaianco not bojug at all sulllcicnt. Two species of Aqaricus, muscarius nnd rubcceni, lo-emblp each others but tho first is vliulontly poisonous,' tho other cdiblo. A. imiscaiiui is red with white spots. A. rulesccns is brown with white, snots. Occasionally tho former is found with a brown top. Most poisonous fungi havo n dfsagroenblo odor, but tho mlo i? nptinvuviablo. Thocdlblo fongl tlo not al wus ngico, nnd aio not capa ble of foi ming an unlimited articlo of diot. Sanitary llccortf. Tho latest nuthorlt it'tvo cstlmato placuH tho total humaii population of theaarfhat 1, 15000,001). THE MARKETS New Yoiik, November 8. KIOtm-EstraOhlo ..- n IIH M II IlUAT-itcsl Wlntor.Iih... KlS,.rt SI No lMhltOi, .,,).. KIMS ft roilN No J w, (t tax OA'ra-Mlxcd ll'oatiirn a!)t Bl I'DltlC-Meas 0,71 W 10 75 f.AHD-l'rlniostoam BSTi'it 0 ) IllJ'I'l lilt-Western ,, 21 (l is CHEl.Sil-Oho ,. 11 a IIU I.OilS-IVcstcrn i.,, i 68 ii'i OA'i-if.n , sim dt sin Klllilll' 3 00 a t Oi HOGS , 170 (S 6V0 cbKvl:r,ANn. n.OUU-CountryXXIlblto.t to an a M nuosotn pateut., ft (si Qi ft J5 Amber. i.i I VV It 4 XH WIIKAT No. ...., 77 (ft 7T'S WI1N ,,,. 40 UJ ii OATriNo 1 ,,,, ,( lO UllKI'.SU-riiolco factory.!.. I5ftii 13 Ohio clary utf4 13 nnTTEii-uhoice,.,; nt ea m i:OllH Ill U 2J I'ol'ATOKS IU to II Si;i:iJ3-Tlraolliy. 1 no a 2 t C'lovor...,,.! 4 Oil 44 lit HAY Haled IS M to 11 Oi llullt, on rinrliet 10 0J W 19 UU r" C1NCINKATI. ' ' FLOUIt-iKamlly ,;JDM Of 3tO IVIIKA'I',.,.., ,,.. 7M1W 7(1 COIIN ..,...; ,,..,.,. SO U IM'i HUH..., , , S7V44 2S' IIIU'llllI 2 ; 18 64 IM HIJUH-Cliiiiinnn to Unlit.,,., nil u 4 1) Vaokiuv,, aw to IX WfII'.AT-No.ltod IV inter.. 701J 17 COIIN-No. 8 88 H MM OAia......,..',,,, ..,..;-. XO to U)i UUH'AI.0. IllilSVIiS-llest ,, 4 3 tot I 0) Medium.,, U u to 4 2.1 BlUUSP-Coniinou.,,, ,, 2 76 to J2.1 .. Choke 3&u it 4 0) IlOas Suiietoil Vnrlcars,,,,, 4 40 to 4(0 li.d.uui'welriiis .... 41) it 4 OJ ririKiiuuaii in:i;vi:3-iic9t ,,, ,t4si atin .. Midliun ,.,.. 1111 u 4 a SIlRIH'-llest, ,.,.. 4 0) ii t M Wc-Oluin , 3 15 to .1 M IIOQS-Yiimois ,.,., 4 01 to 4 HI 'tlllailehhlsAvWti itVUT'O' t M m. .7" I'lllLAIlKLI'IUA. IVOOh-lIniraihed,,, JJ O 01 I'ulled Iti to t "citrrn,,,,., w to (1 A NEW VIEW OF CONSUMPTION. And One oviiloh Appeals to Common 8cnie aianr curable Coses. .Vertical Hlth, "Many persons illo of Consumption who could easily bo cured," says Dr. 8. C. Clark, ot Watortown, ll, Y., "If thoy wonld go nt It right, I bnvo n now vlow of ibotllseasa. Constlrdptlon Is not always ot lunKoilgin." " llow sol What Is It thon!" "Many caso. of consumption nro second nry. 'Iho tlisonso itself prevails every where, but tho best prnctltlonor rofuso to attribute It ontltoly to luhorltnncoor the wonthor. If n person lives In tbo most fnvorablo cllmalo In tho wot Id nnd bas any tendency to lung weakness, if certain conditions exist lu tho system, that ell tnnto, liowover fnvorablo, will not provent dovoloiiuoutot tiro disenso, Tlio disorder In such cntes is only a socdndary symptom In tho lungs' ot somo other ndmont, and can noV6r bo cuied Until approached through its source." "Yos, doctor; but what Is tbo mothod ot uppioachl" 'If you dljiyour finger In acid you burn ltj do; you not I" 'Yes." "If you wash this burnt flngor overy second. with tbo ncld, wlmt istbo redultt'1 "Why, constant inflammation, fostering and avonlualllostractioii of the finger." "l'rocisolvl Now then for my uiothod, which cotmuonds itsoif to tho ronson nnd judgment of ovoiy skillful pinetlllouor. You know certain nctds nro ilovelotied lnl tho body. Woll, It'tbo systom is nil right theso ncids nro noutrallzdd or utilized nnd carried out. If tbo system Is run down by excesses, anxiety, continual exposure, or ovorwoik, thoso adds accumulate In tbo blood. If thoio is nny nnturnl'weakncss in tho lung, this acid attacks it, havinu a tiatuial alllnlty for it, and It tho acid is Uot noutrallzod or passed out of tho sys tom, it burns, ulrorntos nud finally do strovs tho luni;. Is this clonrl" 'rorfectlyl Ilut bow Uo you prevent tbo accumulation ot theso aeldi in tho sys tem I" ' "Irregulorltlos of tho llvor and kidneys create this oxcoss of ncld nnd tho supply can bo tutoft only by coiroctlnc thowiong action ot those organs. The kldnoys alono should carry out In quantity, in solution, enough of this ncid linilv, vhicb, it loft in tho blood, Mould kill fonr men. When tho stomach, tho llvor and tho kldnois nro off compiling to Increase tho ncld, tbo won dor is that woak luugs rosist death ns long as they do I" "Hut you bnvo not t61d us how you would ticnt such cases." "No, but I will. Tlio lungs nro only dis eased es un rffectut this ncld or kidnoy poi son in tho bloid. After having exhausted all atltbnrlzod romodlcs to correct this ncid condition, 1 was cnmpolled. In justico to my pationts, to tiso VVmner's safocuro: though n proprietary lemedv, It Is n"W reciunlrod I soe, by loadlfig physicians, by llosldentsot Btuto lloai-ds of lienltii nnd by iusuranco physicians, ns n scieutltlo nnd tho onlj speclllo for thoso groo organs In which over ninety er reDV of disoasos origiuato or nru sustnlncd." "Is this form of treatir iitsuccossfuH" "It Is wondorfullv so. and for that rea son I nm only too willing that you should) announce itco luowonuoi cousumptivos." Xole bj the Publishers: Vo havo rcroived tho abovo Intervlow from II. II. IVnrnor & Co, Rochester, N. Y., with tho request that wo publish It for the good of entfertng people. In a foot noto to their letter thoy say: "Tho oxpcrlonco of Dr. Clnrlt Is not strnugoto us. In our correspondence wo hnve found thnt many thousands of peoplo nio suffering from what thoy think is Con sumption, wherens tho real difficulty is n lib tho liver and kidneys, proven by tbo fact thnt wuen thoso organs nrercstoied to bcnlth by tho uso of Warner's safe cure, tbo consumption disappears, and so does uromloor kidnoy poisoning, which causes so many symptoms otdisensos that tbo hu man si stoin is subjoct to. Too samo may tm said of rhoumatism, caused by an acid condition of tho system. IVe Insist upon nhatwo always havo claimed, if jou re move tho causo, tho systom will soon jvr feci the trork alieidy Urjun. Mrs ltov. Dr. Theodoro Wolf, ot Oottjsburg, Pa., wlfoof tbo editor of tho Lutheran Quarterly, said bor friends thought her 'forgone w itn Con sumption but aftor n thoiough treatment with Warner's safe cure, sho snys: Iam perfectly well ' Wo can clto thousands of such cases, but ono is onougb. It you pub lish tbo abovo articlo, Mildly tend vs a marleil copy." Wo gladly glvo placo to tho articlo. for If wo can In nny way stny tho ravngos ot Consumption, which carries away so many millions yearly, it Is our bounden duty so todo. Pen. Emperor William, of Germany, has throe physicians always iu atten dance Von Lour. I'hysieian-in-Chiof of tho Imperial staff, Lcttthold nnd Finnan. Whenever his Majesty is in disposed theso thrco physicians hold a consultation. To mutilato a beard in nny way was onco considered nn irreparable out rage. lioston JJudgct, A Nnu TArEn article Is headed "Earth quake Lore." That is right tho lowor the better. ritltlurgh Chronicle. Fools Rush In, Whoro Angels rear to Tread." So Impetuous youth is often given to folly nud Indiscretions; nnd, ns a result, nervous, moncil and organic dobillty fol low, memory is impairoJ, solf-confidonco is lacking, nt night bad dreams occur, firemaiuro oiti ago seems soiling iu, rum s iu the track, lu contldonco, Vou can. nnd should writo to Dr. Pu V. Pierce, of Buffnlo,,N. Y the author of n treatise for tho benefit ot that class of patients, and 'describe your symptoms nnd sufforlnjs. Uo can euro you at your borne, and will send you full paitlculnis by maiL Impossible to find lost time. Hartford Timet. Grand California Excursions Tho Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Rail- wav nuuounces threocrluud first-class ex cursions to tho Pacillo Coast, leaving Chi cago Nov, tub, Nov. ICth nnd Dec, Tib, at extiemeiy low rntcs. i or auauionai in formation, tickets, sleoping car accommo dations, otc , apply to noarest tickot agont, or address 12. A. Ifoimiooi; (1. T. & P. A., C. K. L & P. Il'y, Chicago, 111. PtAiv English the females ot that country. Jlotton Jlullelin. FAmFoshlonatiles natrnnlzo that standard purlOlutrairr-ui, ulcnu s Sulphur toap. Hill's Jiuir unu w uisscr ui v. uiuen ur uruwu, uuo. A FAvoiinn' wfntor resort bofore the flro. llotton rott. 3 month's treatment for 50c. Plso's llemody for Catuiru. Bold by druggists. Moves In tho highest circles Saturn, .Boifon JIullcUu. FOR NEURALGIA, MABVELS OF BSLIEiP. BurTered rturrully and Cured. lr, Jrrryr.Thomss, rrcstaeal of Ilie Opera Club. Lrnll l'srk Hotel, OUUi sirctt and 71b sirnur, how ork, rllif ,"Uil lumjiier 1 nllcred ffstfiilljr wllli iicurntsu nil coul I n( t rtt ny rm, nliibt or dr. 1 irleJ. bt. Jcot fill suit lUilamrll tbo Ural nlabl t reil u nec.l BUllHSSCUlCtt." BuAered 10 Years uud Cured. rOllllOWR, VlT. I haie tif rn s mtrrrfr from neurslsU tor les yrarsi trlcilsllklnOiof mucJIfs llhoul r flrf.Hml lisil Blvrn up nil lioi p ltrlrdnol'll or Bl. Jsoobt 01 U nn'l II lms llcctril lucli vcu dcrtui reuer, 1 ''"""1,ul JJS.'VaW, j,. rJeiiralela " Yrars Cured. Towfrlllll, Arronuvtloirp.Vs. For two rsri 1 rultrra ssilli ntnrsfsU In lu moit nubborn form snd ullb moil scult TIIKCHAItl E9 A.VUOELEB CO., llslllmore, HJ. psmcouGiicURE I JII'.F. FKOSt Ol'lATES AND OISO. SAFE. rfinc SURE. PROMPT. i JblJi 1IIKI Mini lk i 1'i'iH H'HI. Is'ilmore.m. ALIMITED OFFER, GREAT CHANCE. OD sLnIS .crlptlontotlho Wfcklf svllliiiiitprKmluni ir suMirlliirlfur bncino,r, Doci', 1ML and Janiiury. (- IUotlieiot iiiSlliifAeBklr In ttiu UurM spaue. IsmWcol. !!..- ... 1.l 1.. ..Sin. Ilnll... Villi ll.VHfllin rliolco frinu circr 1V1 dliriri'nt Llulli Uouml Dullnr vuiuine.. ijuuioiwi !'!.'" i"1' ";;:;',", , rfi'.A.HT; & pnl 1. Ilook postage, 1 1 . l.'l'V V. K" It. way, Among iiiuiu arei u iiniuii.mai. amlir CyclopedlAi rurni Cjtlopocllai larui. r.;iid MoikbretHliri' liuldei Coiumou Henii; In lljullrr Cycloiiedla (a gi est I puk)i Ilonucl.nn's iniolari Hoys' llfliluli'u.tliu.'M Hio .ii,M.ii ll..iiloa' illHiuryof Unttod TMrqi worm I (MedlrnDUouii! Htalo.i llnlfcrul lllmory of all Isslloiisl 1'vpular History I'lsil War iiwih .Ido.). ... , Any in n booHand paper. una T'.VJflvyiPfflJgi hi. 10 only. r.H.rloeU3c., If sulncrltudforby January (Clssr. allfaitloniusraiiliiil on book. nn Wi.Hbltr.iir Ttiimnr rof mull d, llererencul lion, C. 11. 1'Alt -NH, MHVor Uim jiftstf r. Bani iillllAI-lltMilJ ).. il.linltoO). 411. 11,1111 llll 11111 VUbogUrjrHluw, UUvaivBrinvUnJi.-M-V. Cot. Wm. Louis Bont.sT. Grand 'fecre- tary L O. M. Clrand Lodge, JIarylund, found lied ritnr Cougu euro n porfoct nuct certain remedy. "To nn shaken before takeni" The ap plo on a lofty bough. The Jtamller, To XiAdtes mrforln!. frnm fnnctloUnl dorancoments or any of tno painful dlsordors or weaknesses Incident to thoir sex, Dr. Pieroo's troatlso. Illustrated wiiu wiwu-uw nii wii plates (10J psjes), suggests sura means of comploto solt-curo. Sent for 10 conn In stamps. Addross World's Dispensary Modlcal Association, Uuffalo, N. Y. TnR whin linione-. tl (Via tnmt rnmmnM variety ot team stir. It a letter from Hot. Mns. pinr, Cnstlo Orey, I.lmoilck, Ireland, llnow.N's llnox oniAtiTnocitES aro thus referred toi ' Hnv Ing brought your 'Bronchial Troches' with mo whon Kcntno to rosldo hero, I found thnt after f had given them away to those I considered required thorn, tho poor peo plo will walk for mllos to got n few." For Coughs, Colds nnd Throat Disoasos. A ninn thing to sharpen-the wator's edge. Hattford Sunday Journal, . "Is TttcnB no balm In Olloadl Is theio no physician thorol" Ttintttrd in ne. Iiaiimi. lhnrn 14 A. Kllnx n his "Uoldon liodlcol Discovery" n "balm lor ovory wounu" to ucniin, irom coiua, coughs, consumption, bronchitis, and all chronic, blood, lung and llvor affections. Ot druggists. m i A comtt Is cnllod a celestial visitor b cnuso It must go. ilofon Tramerlpt. PINKHAWI'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, IiarotttlreCore ALL of thei Pilnful Dtlteat CorrpU nti and Complic tttd troubUl ftnc Wcikntttti 10 ccmmoi mem our V(vi. Mothars tud Diughttrt. 2t vill curt rnttrttf tmovnrianprraQtnal trouble, Jnfla mna um ana tuyrtv lion, iilliif7 and Dtftaetmtntf A covBtavent anncl f The Womin'a Cure Frlnnd ch , ,. l3rlriSALt591SOTOOTXTtWOSnWOXS. iTRWOTrS rilXTXSSl, IXaTVLE'lCT, AIA, CHATrtO TC& imULSTS, avd ntutTw wrrxx..i orTirs STomcrt. Cunts Lse cfrsnrxs. UnsTsoii. reriODA rAiiiso trnSotit tact. t2rftoldbTJlruggIsu. l'rlco 81Perboitle. wwxKMnFmssmsvBiatws, Tennfion'i l'octna Queen Victoria bas tho treat Kngllsh pocttoalns hor praIsot. For this ba has been KnichtcJ. la America, tho Mrthplaco of tho telegraph, telephone and steam enclneerlntr, thourandi testlfj 6 th merits of Ucrrj'a Carbollo BalTe, tbo best hffallng ointment In tho world. Jleware of worthless Imita tions Bur tho genulno nexur caiibomc Saltk. MWXJZamS&ZZ&i&lirs COCKLE'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY For Iircr, PIIp, Indication, etc lre froraMerciiryi contains onlj ruro ctrctAblo Imrcdlcnt. A cent C1IAH. .N.CJtlTTLNTON. KU OKK. iHBlU t5TIstne t5neit toned and most durable lo the world. Warranted to stand In any climate. Ask your nearest dealer for them. Illustrated catalogues mailed free tr the nurmf adorers LYON A.HEALY.102Stati: St. Cmicaoo. Ill OW BELL THE I U UNRIVALED ORGANS On the Cr,Y HIItF. ayatem, payment at tha rate of Vs'iJA per month, up. luo styles, t32tofuua faeudforCttaloiiuo with lull parUculars,matledXrae. UPRIGHT PIANOS, ContrnctM on tho new method of strinnln. on similar Unas, tiend for desciiptlra Catalogue, mailed tree. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. Boston, Now York, Chicago. k9 rTJRQyPffirVSTER HIGHEST AWARDS OF MEDALS IN' ASIKIUL'A AND EUROPE. Th4 neatext, nulckeit aafest and moot powerful renv ely known for Ithrmnatlm, l'leuriy, euaJl7la. Lum bauot Dickache, iVe<ncNi. colli In the cbel and all arli et and pain. In lurtel by 5 owrhynlrian and lirux- rrUU of tbthiphwi repute. Ilrnwn s llasteraprompV y it-lie o and cure where other plasters anil frreajy alies. llnimrnti and lotions, ar abMilotely uselna. ilswaro of Imitatlans under nlmlltr soundlnir naniea. such as Cspitrum " "Capucln, "Caplclne,"astbey aro utterly worthless and Intended to tleeei Ask rea basux'a AMD TAKK-xr. oTticva. All dnifnrl'ts. tUvAItL UV & JOliASO.N. l-roprietor. .Nrw York. THE CHEAPEST AND OEST MEDIGIKE FOE FAMILY TJBE 111 THE WORLD ! CURES ALL PAINS Internal or External, 30oa Bottlo. sold dt pncaaisTS DP.. BAOWM'S PELLS Forthomreof all disorders of tho Stomach, Llrer. Ilyweli. Kidneys Uladder. Nerrous Ulstaxes, Ioss nf Appotito, Headache, CotlTenc, Indigestion, IMMuusiiesi. VuTer, InUamraatlon of the. Bowels, Files, and all derangement of tho Internal viscera. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, ordoleterTfius rtrus. . . , I'rlce, SQ cent icr box. Sold by all d moists. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS tiSZlZW storo stretititli to tho atomach and cnablo It to per furm Us Junctions. Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia disappear, 11ml with them the liability of tho system to coutruct diseases. aa.-SsJO'vvflL.'sr' SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, A posittvo cure tor Scrpf ula and all UIoihI and Skin Davis' Literary Monthly, t ...n-...., Mi. I. ! sss muJ U fla Hhiir. iiA OLD IILLunibUt. Lvirv nuiiiNr cuntnlna In aduliltnto tliererliUlyrr, B.ssllfal, Kfi Tj.Ua ! trt, Imhi, rwt Qu Us f i T ? 1U !., LMrrarr Sitti, Dtlt lin (Jltli, (kltiid JJfiitl ful Inirailtf 1 "hurt a (ilIS r tor lb lUnt. Attractive, Entertaining and Instructive. mm ;p I'Aiil Kin i no. pins; LiTrKicT ".1, SI, "1I1I1I.1IIIII.S HUMUS Hill SO .!. ABOnl. wnntiil Iii orcrr lonti anil lowmblp. Llt.r.l unufc JV.. U.DA.-SU3 J OO., IU1VAUU, CLAIMS KsfS nro.eculod ullbout leo unless .uccc. H Has B w. .y H w w. Jul. s X fan- Xl' conntspoNinsci! soucitid. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. wcuuffkft ui-si''r WE WANT YOUI tf -ssartSuw profltaUo empIoTmrnt to rx'tJiwvnt us la vsr couuty. H-lftry 76 per tnonii. anJ irnf- or a isri cununJRsloji ou ulvs It n(rrnxl uihkIs stsplo, Avrr ono bu s. Outfit tuid ixtrtkiilars Frrr. blAMJAltU BILVUHWaUU; tO., liUSlON, tUSSL AGENTS WANTED KSXtf J.,.vKi7d,.,.S,,l A. I'A liUlliSPi IUr innKIIIKllUKl, tl 011. 111.. iflllllU. AllllHllS. ill.. :?JarJli Hrntbyinnll lor HI. I'lltUU. ZSr i l.u.. 'IIII.IUIO, QUID. OUUU 10 OtJlUUU ''" by compfienK vuws iu vwiv"",. men iiasliig a tesnl,.elllni;tbAklUsoiirl niii.msVa.lier CKI,1 llllAl'i;ii:VI IlYWIIIIItr. Hanipleontrlal. l'srlleularario.JYuiiTll,lloxl.XIiPt.lAiul..Mo. I Mid CI matoldo dLanJ.l I VnrlMv iiri'llOIUJiri'Ml sv I'iiii l il Ussy luiius) slnp. sml Circulars SKI 'i'l I a-" r.-HHV, l.aiiill'oiu'r.l.lUliiRnq.Ark. ECI1ET ERVIGE on thla ectiis il, luieaij. 10AOU llj return wall. Iull ll.sorlptlon CulIU,. U0PBV4C0.,CioclBo.ll,i llwway'a N.I.W I Kll.r Hj.l.iH ur Ifrcs Tljfir- . K:ci5Kiii' JSWUilv. Myivssss&&. 'f syiuiJ sJPy asssspssa i lHMU8MwBqilU IvSpcinR! I V m ..ef I " mm Catarrh is br .trofulcrai islni In lh blood. Tlisrsforo, to curs eaisrrhi ptirin the Wood. Thonssnils srlio hST, bosn troubled srltb tlio (llsssraesbls .rmp. toml Of citsrrn.hsTsbocnenilrclr en red bf Hood's Bsnsusrlllit, Iho belt Slood pnrlf f Init msdlelna hs tors tha publlo. Itoipel O'orr tslntof Impurltr fromths blood, snd rltsllto. snd enriches It, If j6n .uffcr from csinrrh, sire Ilool's flsr.spsrllln s trlsl. A reniedr so eordlallr endoriod lis this, la wotthf joor oOnOdcnSe. Hood's Sarcaparllla r6r soTorsl yesrs 1 hod been troubled with s kind of asthma or catarrh In mr throat, nnd had trlod .oreral kinds of ircsllclno but could nnd noth ing to help" mo. Mr wlfs wsnled mo to try n botlto of Hood sBarsaparllla. I told thodruftsl.lof whom 1 bousht It that I bad no ralth In It, but would rIto It a trlsl, which I did,- I must .ay I wASYlrrmnch bonsflted by nslns It and would recommend It Tory hirhly," klias 1. Iicviues, urm of Dovrlos & rAierflonOmsha, Neb. HoocFs SarsaparlSIa 8oldbyall druggist., ft; .(t for IS. Prepared by C. Ii UOOIl At LU., Apoinocnrles, lAweil, BUM, ( IOO Doso3 Ono Dollar WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE Htli DT CAAmiNlHU &i''t'f"i Sf 4rKMin' ) CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y B7 reason of Its central position, closo relation to principal linen East of Chlcaro and contlnuonn lines at terminal points Wost, Ziorthwcst and Boutliwcst 13 tno only true middle-link In that transcontinental nystem which Invites and facil itates trnvol nnd trafflo lu cither direction between the Atlantio and Pacific. The Itoclc Island main lino and branches lncludo ChlcarrOiJoltct, Ottawa, I. a BaUe.Pooria, Qoncseo, Illollne and Rock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Jdusca-. tino, washlnirtDn, Falrflold, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Wost Liberty, Iowa City. Dcs" Moines, Indionola, Wlnterset. Atlantic. ICnoxville, Audubon, Harlan, Quthrlo Oontro and Council Bluflj, In Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton, Ot. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds ot' Intermediate cities, towns and -Tillages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Quarantees Speed, Comfort and Safety to thoso who travel over it. Its roadbed is thoroughly, ballasted. Its track is of heavy stccL Its bridces aro solid structures of stone and iron. Its rolling? stock is perfect as human skill can maka It. It has all the safety appliances that mechanical genius has invented and experience provod valuable. Its practical operation is conservative and method icalits discipline strict and exacting. Tho luxury of Its passenger accommoda tions is unonualed in the West unsurpassed, in the world. . ALL EXPKESS TRAINS between Chicago and tho Missouri River consist of comfortable DAY COACHES, majmiflcent PULLMAN PALACB PARLOR and SLEEPING CABS, elegant DININO CARS providing exceUont meals, nnd between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City restful RECLINING CHAIR CARS. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct, favorlto line botween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over this routo solid rait express Trains run daily to tho summor resorto, picturesque, localities and hunting and flshinar grounds of Iowa and Mlnnesoti. Tho rich wheat llelds and grazing lands of interior Dakota, are reached via watertovm. A short deslrnblo routo, vlaSenecaandKankakee, offers superior inducements to travelors between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayetto nnd Council Blnus, St, Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St, Paul and inter mediate points. All classes of patrons, especially families, ladles and children, receive from officials and employes of Rock Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and kindly attention. , .. For Tickets, Slaps, Folders obtainable at all principal Ticket Oslccs In tha United litatC3 and Canada or any desired Information, address, R. B. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBaOOK, -s't ci Gen'l HVr, Thlenso. Ass't Gen'l M Vr, CMcio. Gen'l Tit. i. Pjii. Ajt, Chlcai ANTHEMS OF PRAISE, All Catlr Utvl arc d iw lataf n Dock ar lailU4 U iksUsti ' L. a IXtRSOVS -! rallHtUi. Jt3T F I II LI 411 CD, ANTHEMS OF PRAISE, (Prlwifl.orKiperdoien), 14 ft book of OctiiTofonn and (rood appearance, an 1 contain-. ieTcntjfour Antheraaon iu JM patrc. Mr Kraerson n admirable iflcciion", arrtsniiernenta anil comnoiltlrni occupr about onc-balf thenpact?. and a number of our be t church music writers occupy the reU rieaso ex amluel DOW'S RESPONSES m SENTENCES, (Price of tho book, oO cti or V2Q per doz ) mTo Tery well for nhort npcnlnsi pieces, and are most co n ten lent things to hum ready lor slmrine ai responses or short sentence 9,wbero such are needed. SCND FOR A CATALOGUE OF Uttaon !: Co.a Octuvo Ktlltlon. vhlcltcom prlie Chorusesa Purt8ouff, Oleet t)unr tett Helectlont rrom the flrcut Matter "Warka (aucb ni tie Oratorio, etc) An Ibems To lieu ma, Olorlna. Chrlatmas Carolts other Kucred 1'lrcea, untl n yarle ty ofMUcellnneons Helcctlotia. These Oe taTO ltibllc;nl!on range la prlco front Fire to Twetttr Cent each, and are mil erinlly popitlnr, OLIVER OITSON & CO.. BOSTON. C.lI.UiTsost A Cursor Uroodway, New Vork. Tbe best Mnffnslne ViifciUWd." Mw , Xiddltpurt (.V. TAXaO. E'EUY JVHV ftllOl'I,D TAKE IT. PXTKltON'S MAGAZINE Is the beat nnd ehenp- est of tbe lad a books. It gives moro for tbo mouer, and combines greater merits than auy other. It (Ives THE BEST STEEL ENGRAVINGS, BEST COLORED FASHIONS. BEST ORIGINAL STORIES. BEST AND LATEST DRESS PATTERNS, BEST WORK-TABLE PATTERNS, BEST COO .-BOOK, MUSIC, Etc. Its Immense circulation and lontr-establlnhed repu tation enabltj Its proprietor to distance all competi tion. Its stories, imrvls, etc , are the best published. MAMMOTH COLORED FASHIOHS I "I'xteosos f Is thoonlrniRKaxinn that sires these. They are twice the ISUAL bizk, untqualcd for beauty. tb litt 1'srli atjlt. steel platei colored by hand. TKKSIh, (always In adrancej Oayear. UXPAIE VLr.CI.CIl OIKiMlS TO CLUI18. 2 CODlej (Of S3. GO I Wlihthe-UookoniMoty" ai Writ?. iui foiuu I aaniaiitlld rl ustrated Klft 4.S0 book, aea premium foricO ting up the club. With an extra copy of the Muftazlno forlsH asn preiul utu furicetilnif up the club. 4 Copies for $3.40 0 " 9.00 For Larger Clubs Still Greater Inducements. Addre-v postpaid, CI I AS, ,1. JPKTKKMOX, UUO Chcsluut Ml., , Bpeclmens sent gratis. If written for In good faith. ASK FOR TIIK Best material, perfect fit, equals nny 13 or f8 shoe, ererr p ilr warr-intid lakfiione Ltless stamped mw l lioiiu'l.iV J-Jix) Mioe. ni'-tatLd ' Cod irr m. jfoiion ami L.acc. jioya hbk lor iho . am jiuukii U fl Kit no. hSniil Ittltk na ibnUODblioe. If you raupoi jj Itet tncio "oi irom urm r.Minrt addrrssonnoatol card to W. h. ilouglai, orwcKiun, Na. xzia PAYSthoFREICHT ii Ton Wbkou Hralt a. Ifoa Xtiert, SuT l-rlBi, Uius aiffitiasofl nrm not iwr asso. KTTrlli.s,ilt. r.f lrrrls.tlil ! 1 UCBllos Ibl. anil klli.w fUitS UF DINUNSRIiyili. I)lM41IA.irrU,M. N. V. No Rods to Cut 01! Horses' Manes fvuiir.isii mi:. i.iimi: iia Kit nud IlUlllJ.i; Combined, rtn not bo slipped by any liurte. bam- ,!.. Ilsll.rliisnv lulLdf tlm Ii.fs lrrrInarerf.ptoi,li. fioldbyall Fadtllery, JUrdwaro and llarurss ...t... Lnn.l.l ill SIM 111 II I 111 tils Jradti. 'r.nd for i'rlce list U. LiouruuiiE.IWchtiter.NA. Our$15ShotQunnow$10. Sl5DouM(BrcbtoiJer,$'J.50. AUkwutispw4fiiUjnwiJi.s g.Pl)Wlt & CltMUT.ltictiVi'T.Vi: TELEGRAPHY Jffl'1w',r1l!Lga (iuulib4, lYrH?YfU.iifis Dnislsiieitlliti tvu PETERSON'S S1AGAZ!E- 'fof ffl jSA S V rHB lV Vaf IW tni&dw i jh wr d u tt J Caused Tor many years, bcirlnnlnit so far back; Idon'l remember when, I had the ralarrli In myboad. H oon.lsted of an oico.slto flow f rom my no.e, rln. Inithnd bur.tlnc In my ears, and pain, on tho top of my head. My heorlns was afflicted In my left ear. FITS years ago I began to uso Hood's Barsspa. rllla. I was helped rlgblswayt but 1 continued to nsdtltllfoltmysolfcurod. My general health has bcongoodoTor .Inco tho catarrh left mo," Mas. K. II. Ca tan eli, Lowell, Man. Purlflos tho Blood "I hare .utrered with catarrh In my head for years, nnd paid mil hundreds of dolls for medi cines, but haro heretofore received only temporary relief, I began to ISko Hoods Ssrssparllla nnd It helped roo so much that I decided to keep on. Now my catarrh Is nearly curod, tho weakness of my body Is altftonc, my appotllo Is gnod-ln fsct, I foel Ilk, another pcr.on. Hood'. par.sparUla I. tho best roodletno I haso otor takon." Mils. A, ClJN. M.'taiiAU, t'rotldenee, R. 1. litoldby all drngglsts. in .Ir for !J. Prepared by u. 1. liuuu A vu Apoinecarms, JAII.UU. ... IOO Dosos Ono Dollar GEOGRAPHY O THI8 COUNTRY, WILt, THIU MAP, THAT I Hit Th. GiS.I Nurs.ry of 200 Imported Brood Mares Of CboiccstFsiDillos. xvvnr.i: Ncniirns, Ail Ate, com sues, IN STOCK. vrauirXsul7 nnn -. .tmi iifPnilTm ANNillALfsV from r ranee all p-eonled Ith eitrjubtl Ptrrelit tha 1 ereheron Stud Eoks. Tbo rcrcheron Is tho only araf t l i ba, a.ihiIhi. it fud iHvnlr that bna Ull aupport and mdorwmfns of tha FTrnch Oowrnn'M. 8nil for 1.0patr CataJctrua, llluntratlons by itea Woyne, DuPaco Co., Illinois. SUCCESS. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. PATTERNS FREE! AH that j-ou wish to uso during tho year, by subscribing for ' Demorest's Monthly.1 Contalnhu: Stories, rot m, and other Lltertrjr a IrsctloQ. combining Artistic, isclcntlllc.and lIoaM bold matters. Illustrated with Original btcelCnsra inst rhotocra vitro. Oil I'fctiires, and Uno Wood cuts, nuking It tho Model Magazine of America. HiicU number contain an order, entitling tho holder to tho lelecilon of any pattern Illustrated In the faohlon depirtmcnt In that number. In any of tho size manufactured, making Tint terns during the rear of tha vulua of over threo dollar. Vi e also propoeo tpgho eonslckroblesUeatlonio the Grind i'boii mm h Patty luovtment a one of tho most Important nnd U e moral lues f tho day. Send twenty cents for the current number wltH Pattern Cnuon and you ulll certainly subscribe Pwo Dollars for B)tar and c,t ten times Its value. W. JENNINGS DEMOHEST, ruBLisuen. 171:. 14tUbt,( New York. Sold by nil Newsdealers and Postmasters. WANT TO MAKE EY? If so.pcndfl Immediately for an outfit and seeoro f&tf B5,SE DILL HYE'S HEW BOOK. cut UuiborltllTlnisT. has mil Hon of admirers and his book will bo buusbtby overybodr. 'ihis is tho best clmnca for making money eiully and rapidly that bas been offered (or yiars. ftlunt liberal terms and cholio territory mven if you apply nt ouce. biXi lark-ojit.(ron-jiuplcttiri'ri rrlre, Wi.T.., A 1,. liAVlrj ft CO . i'ublUhen, CaiCAuu, 111. RRIUfl your own Bono, Oll.lTTAI Flnr mill oru in tbt ISC IXA.JVD IVCTXjXj (K. WlTson's Patent), too prr c-snnt.moromadeln keeplns poul try. Alio RIII-I arU i'Allflt FJ;KI AllLl.H ( Irn-Ura an 1 lest monlats sent on application. WII-MON JIIIU8.. lUu.tou. Ft. E2I rino'a Ttemedy for Catarrh Is tha WTj EeottLaslwit to Use, and Cheapest. AMo (rood for Cold In the Head, Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. w cent. Bend to FnEDEUIKHEX CO,, 1BI , B.Hi'ilIlun oi , s- iiii -Him, ill, n'l ri.ft. BM MAIsmlGUIUlSnr tbelr HAlIi BUwi IKlAllsmlBl'AlK .ANUS In Minnesota .nnd Kansas S3to10xriicru. Kaiy terms. SICK AND riEnvous UVICKI.V rcllevril nd I'fltSIArYKKTI.Y curuabr i'. fi. aiiaUHi ai. i., siauium uuio. PIUM HABIT ftKUaA" or.ilrilenlat r.y when ll.nd.utneboolc Ire. Illl U.J. HtAIIIUIllV, hu...utr,Uo. UntIK STUDY. BoovT-kocplD, Duslnos. IIUlTlb rurms, l'l'nluan.lilp, Arlthiuctlc. Short lisnu hi, tliorimiclilr tauuht njr mall llnulurs tn-o. lliJfl.KftSlI,l.lH.. lliinulo, ,, X. FARMS t on James Hirer, Va, In tlarcmont inoiiy iuuiraieui.irtuuirprne r.MA.NClI.i, Ciurcuiout.Vt. WI, O D tar wliere. liuleaslo .nil n mil price lllre U. O. Dire lil 4 tu , 11JW vCUcoiU. $5 T 8 A IIAV. B.mploiworlhSI.BO KIIKU Iltie.nutuii'lerthuliorae.rul Will, samstiutsiisd sus uwJiuiio.,u.i;,i.k. A. N.1C 0. 1103. WIIKN Willi INO 1(1 AUVKIITIM IM I'l UA.K etui. U,t jou ui U AJuilUs"".", I Udi .si,r && vS) 1 I LMiiy