Iwwslmvg g0ttVttaL
ED. L. BLUE, Editor nd Proprlotor.
Gathorod from All Quarters.
Tnit Sonatcon tho 18th. nftor tho pimaijo of
about n dozen pension bills. Including tho bill
lnorcnilng tho ppnilona of tho widows of Gen
eral Cuitcr, Admiral Wllltes ami Ocnornl Daniel
Ullmunn to JIM a month, tools up tho Copy
right bill. The Sherman nmondmnnt admitting
copyrighted boolts. etc. printed In foreign coun
tries on pnmcnt of tariff duties was agreed to
and tho bill was pased yoas38, nnys II. Tho
Scnato bill for tho creotlon of a new custom
houso In Now York waa passed. Tho bill pro
viding for the payment of claims arising from
Indian depredations was then talicn up nnd dis
cussed until adjournment. ...In tho Ilouso Mr.
I'ayron, of Illinois, wns oleoted Speaker pro
torn in tho nbsonco of Spcalior Heed, who
is detained at homo by slclmcn. Confer
ences ucro ordered on tho DlMrlot of Columbia
nnd Military Academy Appropriation bills,
after which tho Imllfir. Appropriation bill was
considered and passod. In Committee of tho
Wholo tho I'ost-ofllco Appropriation bill wan
discussed, but without nctton tho commlttco
roso and tho Ilouso ndjoumod.
In tho Benato on tho IDth Mr. Ingalls. In n
brlof nddress. tendered his resignation as presi
dent pro tern, of tho Sonato, to taUo effect on
tho election of his aucccsor. Tho credentials
of Mr. Vonco ns Senator from North Caroltna
lor tho term bog'nnlng Maroh 4, 1691, wcro tiled.
Sorcral bills of an unimportant nature wero
passed, nttor which tho Indian Depredations
bill was talton up as tho unfinished business. A
number of amendments woro offered nnd
ugrced to and tho bill was passed. Tho Nio
nrauga Canal bill was then taken up and ills
cussed until adjournment, ...Tho House, after
consuming threo hours In the disposition of n
claims bill, went Into Commtttoo of the Whole
on tho Post-office Appropriation bill. No action
wns reached on tho bill nnd at six o'clock tho
Ilouso recessed until evening, tho night soslon
,o be for tho consideration of tbo Immigration
TrtK Scnato on tho DOth passed ono hundred
nnd thirty pension bills, nnd nftcr other busi
ness of a routine nature proceeded with tho
consideration of tho Nicaragua Canal bill. Mr.
Vest mado n long speech In opposition to tho
bill, taking tho ground that tho Uulwcr Clayton
treaty between tho United States and Oroat
Britain wa? still In force. Without nctlon upon
tho bill tho Senato adjourned ...In tho Ilouso
Mr. Cannon reported from tho Commlttco on
Itulcs a resolution for tho lmmcdl itc considera
tion of buslnosi rcportod by tho Commlttco
on Judiciary, tho first bill to bo taken up to bo
tho bill for tho relief of tho Supremo Court,
-with Scnato amendments, nnd tho next tho bill
to fix the salaries uf United States District
Judges. Tho Domocrats antagonized tho reso
lution and, under tho lead of Mr, MoMlllIn, re
ported to dilatory tactics, several times leaving
tho chamber In a body. Tho resolution was
finally adopted and the Supr mo Court bill
taken up and the Sennto amendments non-concurred
In and a conference ordered. Tho House
proceeded to the consideration of tho bill to Qx
tho salaries of United States Dtstr ct Judges,
but without disposing p' It a recess was taken
until eight p. m., the nlgtit session being for tho
consideration of pension bills.
In tho conato on tho 21st tho sundry civil
appropriation bill was reported, and the Nlc
arnugn canal bill was taken up as tho unfin
ished business. Mr. Morgan mnda a lengthy
speech In defonso of the bill nnd Messrs. Vest
nnd Turplo spoko In opposition to It. Tho bill
went over without action and tho conference
report on tho naval appropriation bill was
presented and agreed to. Tho scnato bill
authorizing tho building of a railroad and
wagon bridge across tho Arkansas river
at Little Rock was passed and tho
nennto adjourned..... When tho house met tho
point of no quorum was raised, but a quorum
being disclosed tho clork proceeded with tho
reading of tho journal. At the conclusion of the
reading Mr. McKlnley moved tho approval of
the journal and demanded the previous qucs
4 tlon. A scone of turbulence and excitement
followed, during which several Democrats
mado violent speeches, chnrglng tho presi
ding officer with falsifying tho record. When
quiet was restored tho previous question wns
Drdcrcd and the journal npproved yeas 150,
nays ". The scnato bill fixing tho salaries of
United States district Judges was taken up.
Soveral amendments wero offered and rejected
and tho bill puBscd yeas 143, nays (0. (It pro
vides that tho salaries of tho aevoral judges
shall be at tho rate of S3, COO per year.) In com
mlttco of tho whole the post-ofllce npproprla
tlon bill wns considered, but no action was
reached before adjournment.
In tho senate on tho S3d tho credentials of
Senators Piatt and Jones (Ark.) for tho torm
beginning March 4 noxt wero filed. After a
long discussion over a proposition to print 100,
COO copies of tho agricultural report on "ills
ojsch of tho horso," an amendment making It
f,00) was agreed to. The senate then wont Into
xecutlvo session, and after r ferrlng the nomi
nation of Charles Foster, of Ohio, as secretary of
tho trooBury, to a commlttco nnd conl'rmlng a
number of nominatli ns. reopened tho doors and
proceeded with the consideration of the fcundry
civil appropriation bill. The bill was discuntod
all afternoon and also at tho evening session
without flnnl notion In tho house ths jour
nal wns road und npproved without objection
on the part of tho democrats. The conference
report on tho bill providing for the allotmont of
lands in severally to tho Ind ans wns agreed to.
The house then went Into commlttco of tho
whole on the dcllc ency appropriation bill, but
without disposing of it tho committee roso.
Tho post ofllce appropriation bill was passed
and tho bouso took n recess until eight o'clock
tho night session to bo for tho consideration
of the immigration bill.
In a bulletin issued by the Census
Oflicc on the l0ti it is stilted that the
center of population of this country on
Juno 1, 1690, was in Southern Indiana,
near Greensburp, and twenty miles east
of Columbus. Ten years upo it was eight
miles webt by south of Cinuiunnti.
Tiik Loyal Legion has recommended
the erection on the battlefield of Gettys
burg of a composite monument of Gen
eral Meade nnd his corps t command
ors of the Army of tho Potomac, to cost
The ofllclalH of tho National City
Uunlc at New York City were unable to
open the safe on tho 20th, and had to
borrow money to carry on the day's
business. Tho safe was opened after
five hours' work by experts.
Tin: House Committee on Post-offices
and Post-roads hits authorized it favora
ble report ou the bill introduced by
Rcpresuntativo Evunu, of Tennessee, to
establish postal savings banks and en
courage small savings among the people.
The funeral of the late General Bib
ley toolc place at St. Paul, Minn., on the
liOth. All the State, county and city of
fices closed in honor of tho dcccabcd.
The Legislature adjourned and tho
members uttended the funeral in a body.
The funeral paguant wui tho largest
ever seen in that city.
Nkak I'Yanklin, Pa., on the Slst a
freight train run into u lautlslidu on tho
Allegheny railroad, find the engine and
eight with wero dumped over tho cm
btiimmem. Fireman William Tegert
wtw instantly killed, and the engineer
and one brukeman Injured.
Titr. ship 'Elizabeth, of New York,
went nshoro on tho rocks at North
Head, near Ban Francisco, on the night
of tho 80th, nnd tho captain and seven
teen of tho crew wero drowned. Tho
vessel went to plccos nnd Is n totnl loss.
Laokk beer breweries of New York,
representing 58,000,000 capital, have
perfected arrangements for forming a
rival pool to protect tho intercuts of
those who were left out of the combina
tion made In November, 18S8.
Nni.sotf Pii.i:, of Now Albany, Ind.,
wns bitten by u dog on the IK'u of last
December. The wound henlnd rapidly,
and he felt no uneasiness. A few days
ago lie was seized with convulsions, and
died on the Slst In all the agonies of hy
drophobia. At Rochester, N. Y., at the 31st
Moses S. Marks, tho man who stole
$2.1,000 from tlio American Express
Company, and forged a telegram signed
by the Flour City bank on u New Yorlc
bank for tho money, was brought into
court, and nf'er pleading guilty to both
chnrges wns sentenced by Judgo Wer
ner to bo confined in tho reformatory
nt Elmira until discharged according to
Tun drouth which has prevailed for
some time in Southern Illinois was bro
ken on the UOth by one of the heaviest
rainstorms in many months. All the
streams aro now bankful.
Ei.mkii II. Williams, the forger and
embezzler recently arrested in Mani
toba, litis be 2ii returned to Lancaster,
N. II. Williams flod last June, leaving
an unpaid debt and forged notes and
taking with him some trust money
amounting in all to 8100,000. He goes
back without a dollar, the large sum
having been entirely squandered.
The new convent just completed at
O'Neill, Neb., by the Dominican Order
of Sisters wns totally destroyed by fire
on the 'Jlst. Loss, 820,000; half insured.
W. F. Kkusiiaw, cashier of the Mc
Donald overall factory at St. Joseph,
JIo., was on the 21st knocked down by
two men just as he was nbout to enter
the factory and robbed of $2,500, which
ho had drawn nt bank to pay the em
ployes. His assailants escaped across
the river into Kansas.
The coroner's jury in the case of
William Protzman, who died recently
at Dcs Moines, In., under Christian sci
ence treatment, has returned it verdict
to the effect that tic ith was caused by
reason of neglect nnd the disregard of
all dietary rules, the testimony show
ing that Protzman, who was suffering
from typhoid fever, received no other
treatment than silent prayer. War
rants have been issued for the arrest of
the "scientists" who had him in chnrge.
The schooner James II. Gordon,
which sailed from Ilridgeton, N. J., on
January 13 for Jacksonville, Fla., has
been given up for lost and it is feared
that her crew of nine men have perished.
John L. Williams, the leader in the
notorious Cotton Uelt train robbery per
petrated at Spur Switch in June last,
has been convicted at Linden, Tex., and
sentenced to nineteen years in the peni
tentiary. Napoleon McDaiiiels, one of
his partners, who was given a similar
sentence last September and afterwards
escaped, is btill at large.
The Brook Iron Company's rolling
mill and nail factory ut liirdsboro, Pa.,
resumed operations on the 2!!d in all de
partments ns a result of the acceptance
by the puddlers of a reduction from
S3. 75 to 53. GO per ton. Over 425 men
went to work. They were idle threo
Tun railroad coal operators' associa
tion of the Pittsburgh district, at a meet
ing on the 2Sd, decided to demand from
the miners that wages le reduced on
the 1st of next May, when the present
agreement will expire.
The first triennial meeting of tho
Women's national council of the United
States convened at Washington on tho
2Sd. President Francis E. Willnrd de
livered an interesting address.
The body of Prof. Timothy W. Dan
croft, professor of Englibh literature at
Drown university, who disappeared
December 8, 1S0O, was found on the 2!kl
in Dyer's pond at Cranston, It. I. He
was feeling ill when ho left home for
the last time and may have been de
ranged. Tic was 53 years old.
On the 23d there was a lockout at nil
the planing mills in Indianapolis, Ind.
All the bench men and machine hands
demanded an eight-hour day nnd 25 per
cent, advance in wages. The bosses de
cline to grant either demand.
Francis Llewellyn Young, once a
famous .Southern belle and a member of
ai old Southern family, died on the 23d
in nbjeot poverty in a New York tene
ment house. She luid been ill for ten
The annual report of the New York
state board of health shows that 5,000
people died of the grippe in that state
during the year 1890.
Five of the men entombed by the re
cent mine explosion nt Jeansvillc, Pa.,
were found alive on the 23d. They had
been buried in the mine eighteen days
and their escape is considered miracu
lous. A Finn at Evansville, Ind., on the 23d
totally destroyed the People's theater
and badly damaged adjoining property,
causing a totnl loss of 5100,000.
Washington's birthday was exten
sively observed in Pittsburgh and Al
legheny, Pa. IIusincKv was genernlly
suspended. A magnificent equestrian
statue of Washington was dedicated in
the Allegheny park.
On the 23d n party of young men wcro
caught on the trestlework at Ridley
creek bridge, near Chester, Pn., by n
Reading engine. John McCloskey was
instantly killed and William P. Powell
was fatally injured. The others escaped
by leaping into tho creek.
II. K. Enos, president of tho Missouri,
Kansas & Texas railroad, died on the
10th of pneumonia ut his residence in
New York City,
Hehii LuKitssEN, tho sculptor who
modeled tho bust of President Garfield,
died suddenly in his studio nt Dorlln on
the 10th from apoplexy. When tho
news was communicated to Luersson's
wife she was so overcome with grief
that Bho was seized with convrlaions
I and soon died in a fit.
Gkneiiai. Smeiiman wrm tho only ono
of the famous Union commanders who
lived to complete his seventieth year.
Grant, Shorldan, Thomas, Hancock,
Mcnde, McClcllan, Warren, McDowell,
Hnllcck, Hooker nnd Ilurnside nil died
before reaching threescore nnd ton.
The president on the 21st sent to tho
scnato tho nomination of ox-Governor
Foster, of Ohio, to be secretary of tho
treasury, vice Wlndom deccoscd; and
Martin C. Knapp, of New York, to suc
ceed Augustus Schoonmaukcr on tho
Interstate commerce commission.
The election for congressman in tho
Second Rhode Island district on the 21st
resulted In the choice of Page (democrat)
by about 5,000 majority.
John Wiley, one of the oldest nnd
best known publishers in the country,
died nt Orange, N. J., ou the 22d. Ho
wns the founder of the publishing houso
of John Wiley & Sons, New York.
CAr-T. David Damnum, known from
one end of the great lakes to the other,
as "the Ancient Mariner," died at Cleve
land, O., on tho 21st, aged eighty-five
Colonel W. D. Ciioci:ett, a noted
horse breeder and a lineal descendant
of tho famous Kcntuckian Davy Crock
ett, died at Waukegnu, 111., on tho 23d,
aged 71 years.
Joseph Reynoltip, who owned tho
"Diamond Joe" line of steamers plying
between St. Louis and St- Paul, from
which fact he gained the soubriquet of
"Dinmond Joe" Reynolds, died recently
at Prcscott, Ariz. His age was 71.
Sm Knight J. O. Dickehron, on whom
a skin-grafting operation was tried
somo months ago one hundred and
thirty-two brother Masons contributing
skin from their arms to be grafted on a
cancer wound in tho hope of saving the
patient's life died at the Emergency
hospital in Chicago on the 23d.
In the Rritish House of Commons on
tho 20th Mr. Morgan's resolution in
favor of disestablishment of the church
in Wales was rejected by a vote of 233
to 203. The announcement of the largo
vote in its favor was greeted with loud
opposition cheers.
The Employers' Labor Association of
Liverpool, representing shipping of
750,000 tonnage, comprising nil the lend
ing lines and owners, has united itscl.
with the Shipping Federation. Dy this
alliance the total tonnage of tho Ship
ping Federation is raised to 7,000,000,
leaving but 2,000,000 tonnage in Great
Britain not included in the federation.
Tin: Grcnt Eastern railway company's
channel mall steamer, which plies be
tween Harwich and Rotterdam, re
cently collided with the steamer Queen
in the Norlh Sea. The latter vessel al
most immediately sank and seven of
the crew were drowned.
Me9sks. O'Dr.iEN and Dillon have been
removed from jail at Clonmcl to Gal
way, where it is expected they will com
plete their six months" term of impris
onment. Dispatches received at Calcutta from
Rangoon state that fifty insurgents
have been killed In a fight which re
cently took place on the frontier of
A Rome dispatch of the 23d says tho
pope has summoned Cardinal Gibbons
to the Vatican for a conference on church
questions in the United States.
The Russian exhibit in the coming
world's fair at Chicago promises to sur
pass anything of the kind ever at
tempted by the government and the
people of that country. A company has
been formed of leading citizens of St.
Petersburg itnd Moscow, who have al
ready subscribed S'2,500,000 for this pur
pose. Tr.AHrnsTrg.
FrtANK Gaiiel, -who was recently
elected tax collector of Texas township.
Pa., has disappeared, leaving a balance
of more than S22.000 owing to tho
James DouonEitTY, the insane lover
of Mary Anderson, was on the 24th sen
tenced to state prison for life for the
murder of Dr. Lloyd, physician at tho
Flatbush (R. I.) insane "asylum.
Gov. Hill, of New Yorlc, has declined
to honor a Connecticut requisition for
an alleged criminal, beuring the signa
ture of Morgan G. Dulklcy. on the
ground that he did not recognize Mr.
Rulkley as governor of the state of Con
necticut. Senatoe E. K. Wilson, of Maryland,
died suddenly nt Washington on tht
24th. He was In his seat in the senate
chamber on the 21st, apparently In good
health. Heart disease was the cause of
death. He was in his 70th year.
r At Reaver Crossing. Neb., on the 21th
fire destroyed the post office, town hall
and four business houses. All tho mail
nnd post ofllco records were burned.
Loss, 515,000.
Neaiily, the entire business portion
of Edhm, Mo., was destroyed by firo on
tho 24th, which started on the west
side of tho public square In a frame
building ocoupied by J. Yansick. jow
elcr. Loss, $100,000.
In the Ohio supreme court on the 24th
a decision was rendered in favor of tho
plaintiff in tho case of Morganthnler
vs. O. D. Crites, auditor of Allen county.
This is tho case in which the county
seeks to recover a largo sum of bnck
taxes alleged by the tax Inquisitor to bo
duo from Senator-elect Drico. Under
the decision the omitted taxes, amount
ing to several thousand dollars, will
have to bo paid.
Tub sonato on tho Slth passed the house bill
to establish a Unite I Btatoi land court and to
provldo for n Judicial investigation nnd sottlo.
ment of privato lnnd claims la U ub, Now Mex
ico. ColoraJo, Nevada and Wyoming. Tho
sundry civil appropriation bill was then taken
up audd'scussed at Homo longth. Sovornl com
ir.Htco amendments to tho bill wero agroed to
and it was laid aside. Public buxlnoss was thon
susponded and eulogies were delivered on tho
lata Ilvprcsentatlre Watson, of Pennsylvania,
and as a mark of respect tho sonato adjourned.
....In tho house ths dircot tax bill was tulton
p. Arguments In oppos tlon to tho measure
wcro made by Mcssrr. Oaten, of Alabama, uno"
Cummlngs, at New Yorlc, An amendment
offered by Mr. Caiwoll was adopted, providing
that no monoy ahull bo paid to any stuto or
territory until tho legislature thereof shall havo
tcoepted, by resolution, tho sum appropriated
In full satisfaction of n 1 claims against tho
United States on 'aocount of tho levy and col
lodion of tho tax. Tho bill was then passed
foan 173, nays 101. Tho conference repot ton
tho naval appropriatloa bill wan prysonted and
tgreod to and tho house adjourned.
Torriblo Explosion in a Nova Sootla
Goal Mlno Noar Halifax.
One Hundred anil Twenty Victims Meet n
Hnrrllilo Drntli In tlio Underground
Depths An Appeal for Aid lu
llolmlfor the Widow
nml Orphans.
Spring Hills Mine, N. S., Fob. 53.
An explosion took plnca on the west
sldo of tho east slope Saturday. Ill tick
damp has made Its appearance. Miners
who havo come up say tho levels are
blocked In the locality of tho explosion
with debris consisting of timbers
knocked out by the terrible force of the
explosion, which was felt abovo ground.
The work of recovering tho bodies of
tho doad Is being pushed rapid y for
ward. Tho total number of deaths Is
now estimated at 117. Many of tho
bodies taken out aro almost uurccog
nlznble. Tho dead nro being identified
1 y sorrowing friends and relations amid
heartrending scenes.
In several families the affliction Is
very great. Rcld Carter and his two
sons aro among tho death Tho Car
michacl family loses threo sons. Jesse
Armlshaw went down No. 2 slope and
found his three sons and a brother piled
together In n heap in ono corner of the
mine. The sight so unnerved him that
he had to return to the surface with
out his boys. Tho sons of Robert Mc
Voy, both under 14 years, occupied ono
coffin. Hugh Hunt loses two sons.
These sorrowful households aro only
a few of the largo numbers from which
breadwinners have been so ruthlessly
snatched. The deepest gloom has set
tled over the whole community. A spe
cial train arrived Sunday morning from
Wcstville and other mining centers In
Pietou county with relatives of the dead.
Some of the bodies have been fright
fully mutilated and had to bo identified
by the clothing or marks on their bodies.
The mine's outbuildings havo been
converted into morgues and hospitals
where the dead and injured are taken.
Clergymen of different denominations
arc doing what they can for the grief
stricken people. Tho Injured are pro
gressing favorably and uro being ten
derly cared for.
The scene of the explosion was in t'tc
immediate vicinity of No. tl and No. 7
slopes. The greatest number of deaths
occurred there.
Halifax, N. S., Feb. 24.-Thc follow
ing appeal has been issued by Mayor
"To the Public: ,A mining disaster,
attended with fatal results unparalleled
In the history of Canadian mining, has
fallen upon the town and the people of
Spring IU11, N. S. The loss of life is
probably as great as the combined ap
palling loss at the Drummond and Ford
pit explosions. About 117 lives are lost.
Fifty-one widows have been left behind
and 157 children mode fatherless. The
widows and fatherless will require
abundant assistance, and that promptly,
from the public, shocked and horrified
by this terrible calamity.
"Seventy thousand dollars will be re
quired to meet the demands and to alle
viate the sufferings of the bereaved and
distressed during tho most pressing
period of their dismal misfortune. The
residents of Spring Hill have appointed
a committee to solicit and acknowledge
subscriptions to the Spring Hill relief
fund, and they earnestly ask for an im
mediate response from persons of all
denominations, societies, trades and
This appeal Is being sent broadcast
and the necessity for a prompt response
is great. The first subscription to the
relief fund was telegraphed from J. W.
Clendennlng, president of tho Acadia
Coal Company, New York. It amounts
to S300.
Spring nii.r., N. S Fob. 24. Threo
more bodies were taken from the ill
fated mine Monday nfternoon, making
tho total number recovered so far 120.
It la thought now that all the bodies
have been recovered, but tho rescuing
party will continue the search until
every foot of the ground has been gone
A sad accident in connection with tho
disaster occurred yesterday. While
Oliver Dupee, a Frenchman, accom
panied by his only living child, was en
gaged in removing from tho morgue tho
dead body of his son James, ono of tho
victims, the little fellow slipped on tho
ice and broke his neck.
Montkeal, Feb. 24.- -Senator Ge-irge
A. Drummpnd, of this city, is ono of tin,
directors of the Spring Hill mines. Ho
shows nn ollicial report of the manager
of the' mine which tells a remarkable
story. It is dated February 10, and in it
underground superintendent Swift says
that much uneasiness had been caused
among the miners by "old Sirs. Coo,"
known in tho neighborhood as the
"Pietou prophetess," for forotolllng an
explosion which wns to take place in
the Spring Hill mlno. In consequence
of the old womun's story and tho con
sequent uneabincss of the men, n com
mittee of miners was appointed by tho
compnny, and with manager Cowan at
their hcud, they began an examination
of the mines on Fobruury 10.
The west mlno was examined and on
Tuesday last tho north mine was gone
through and the most complete exami
nation made of all seams, drifts, slopes
and leadings. Everything was found
in good shape with no apparent pres
ence of danger. Tho fears of the miners
caused by "Mother Coo" were dispelled
by the perfect condition of tho mines,
except among a very few who stoutly
maintained that thu old woman never
prophesied wrong. Tho awful fulfill
ment of her prophecy cumu Saturday.
If fathers could bo sons to themselves
what good sons thoy would be.
Wk never sco a poor man without
wondering why bo never got rich.
When tho fires of youth go out In a
man ho wonders that they burn in
Wk don't supposo there over was n
small boy who could be mado to be
lieve that there aro only ton command
ments. A man's boasts aro a great deal lllco
the diamonds ho wears; tho larger they
aro tho moro apt peoplo tfro to say ttvoy
ore patte.
A DUtnrbnnco Among tlio III; Braves
Quelled by a I'ollcemnn.
Tlio officer had Interfered and broken
up a row nmong a lot of boys in Essox
street, and ho then called to one nnd
"Now, then, tell mo what this ruction
was about."
"Well," replied tho boy, "me nnd
Wounded Knee wcro coming along hero
and wo met Man-Afrnld-of-His-IIorso.
Ho struck us for ten cents. Just then
Man-on-a-lluffalo en mo up and glvo
us "
"What on earth do you mean?" Inter
rupted the officer,
"And then Mud-on-hls-Rack, Mnn-who-Talks
and.Flro-on-n-IIlll cum along
and put lu their gab, and "
"Who aro all these boys?" demanded
the officer, in groat astonishment.
"And the first thing I knew Walk-Down-a-Hlll
ho hauled off nnd hit Whito
Crow on do chin, and den Little Antc
lopo ho guv It to Dcnr-ln-the-Night on
the eye, and wo was retreating to tho
Rosebud when you cum up and skecrt
tho life out of every Rioux and Chey
enne in the pack. It's all over now,
and mc'n Horse-who-Limps anl Soro-on-hls-Noso
Is going up to Pino Ridgo
Agency to train f ur a wrestling match."
N. Y. Sun;
Tho Sultan'.! T.lfc.
Tht Sultan very rarely or never leaves
the grounds of Yildiz Kiosk, except to
go once a week to a mosque just out
side, when the very striking ceremony
known as the Selamllck takes place.
Once a year, also, ho pays a visit to
Stamboul, but the routo thero and re
turning is never known In advance. He
is In constant fear of assassination.
Some Grand Duchess whom he received
at his Court, on his complaining that
his health was Indifferent, advised him
to take more exercise and change of air
nnd to drive about the country. On her
departure he is reported to havo said:
"What harm have I done that this
woman should desire my death? Why
does she advise me to run Into such
dangers?" Nivetecnth Century.
Tom 'They say that Tomson writes
poetry." Jack "Rut his friends are do
ing their best to contradict the roport."
Yankee Dlade.
Spcakixo of fasting, sailors havo been
Known to live on salt water for months at a
tiaio. Washington Btur.
Thoro Is no doubt about tho real value of
that extraordinary country. Thousands uro
going. By taking n Beat in a Puluce car at
the Dearborn Station, Chicago, any after
noon, you can go to San Finnelsco, Los
Angeles or S.in Diego u-IfAout chaniing cart.
This provided you tuko tlio 6nta Fn Hoctb.
You do It without changing cars, and in
tictntu-four Auurs lew fuite than by any otlier
NATur.AiJ.T cnouch a tnnn doesn't sleed
on a bed of soft down when begets bard up.
Washington Mirror
lyorors of tho Dcautlfol
Will bo plctscd to learn that u collection of
twenty of the finest sconlc views In Wis
consin and Minnesota may be obtained, f rco
ol postage, by tho sending of nn address
and fifty cents (in postage, or otherwise,)
to Geo. H. Heafford. General Passenger
akuul, v.iucugo, auinois.
P. 8. As tho BUpply is limited, early ap
plication should bo mode.
A otnt. should remain under her mother's
wing ospcclally If sho's a little etile
Richmond Recorder.
Comploted to I) cad wood.
Tho Durllngton Route, C,B & Q. R. R-,
from Chicago, Peoria & St Louis, is now
completed, und daily passenger trains are
running through Lincoln, Neb , and Custer,
8 D., to Dnadwood. Also to Newcastle,
Wyoming. Sleeping cars to Deadwoou.
Tub worse n man's temper Is, the more
becoming and profitable it will bo for him
to Uccp it. Bingtuinton Leader.
TaJcen away
sick headache, bilious headache,
dizziness, constipation, indigestion,
bilious attacks, and all derange
ments of tho liver, stomach and
bowels. It's a largo contract, but
tho smallest things in tho world do
tho business Dr. Pierco's Pleasant
Pellets. Thoy'ro tho smallest, but
tho most effective. They go to
work in tho right way. They
cleanso and renovate tho system
thoroughly but they do it mildly
and gently. You feel tho good
thoy do but you don't feel
them doing it. As a Liver Pill,
they're unequaled. Sugar-coated,
easy to take, and put up in vials,
and hermetically scaled, and thus
always fresh and reliable. A per
fect vest-pocket remedy, in small
vials, and only owe necessary for a
laxative or three for a cathartic
They're tho cheapest pill you can
buy, becauBO thoy'ro guaranteed to
givo satisfaction, or your monoy is
Tou only pay for tlw good you
That's tho peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierco's medicines aro Bold on,
through druggists.
Illustrated Publications, with
.kota, Uontana4daho,
Wah1nBton and Urtrun, tU
r i.r.uvTr,Hnntii
licit Air rl cultural QraE
5 now open to itttl.n. Mailed VHKB. Addrtu
. B. LJCHBOMI, lul Cm. . I". . U.. SI. tuX. Blu,
ling- and limber Undi
fVJUlU 1IUS tUVk MJ Sjm rMrtt.
I J25 Cents a Box. I
0230$ EJOY
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to thotasto, nnd acta
fently yetpromptly on tho Kidneys,
(iver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia tho
cjily remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in.
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and havo mado it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup ot Figs is for salo in 60c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
euro it promptly for any ono whr
Wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
TUo dyspeptic, tlio debilitated, wheth
er from exctas of work of mind or
body, drink or cipomro In
Malarial Regions,
will find Tutt'st Pills tlio most cental
rcstorulAvc over oUVrcd, tlio suOVrlna
Try Them Fairly.
A YlsorouN liody, pure blood, stronc
nerves uud u cuocrful mind -will resulu
And Booutlful Flovvora,
You must plant Good Seoda.
Do not go to tho villago storo
But wrlto to-day for
Burpee's Farm Annual j "ft" i
Which plainly tells
How to get tho Boat Seodo,
Without any Extra Cost,
Direct from tho Growers.
It describes Rare Novoltlos
Which can not bo bail elsewhere.
BVKAXE TUIS TArrR 7 tin Jl .IlU.
Whenever you visit
tho shops in town
Looking for Braid .
to bind your gown,
Secure the Clasp,
wherever found,
That holdd tho Roll
on which is wound
The Bratd that Is known
tho wcrld around.
.rettlest TiOOIC over Printed.,
I and tiDwurds nccortllnirtornrlty
scarcity, or cost. Cheapest, of any,
livo. & !b. lonaorxinxtrns- Catalt
"gueree. 11. II. ShufmTuy Ilockford 111
sarMius this rirxa am, u ; tu.
w-tAM tiiu ttxiv. ..; Ilw JN .ink
lYut.Ld Tut, N. Y.
ty OntAlo vuo Tree
tlons and tho choicest writings of ths bost Authors.
Writs for terms to Hunt it Eaton. 160 fiUt Mt-V,xl
n-Miu ibis mut wmiw
Ja Thrydlspelnolsonousbllafrom EL
KT the syMctn, Uirreby curing bill- 2
S ous attacks, conttlpAtioa, head. g
t0 acho. malaria. drecntiTV.andaU W
b stomach and Urer disorders. tm
P Two sizes, ono prlco.
Zm Bile Bkans. 0 in each bottle, EI
El One a dose. IS
Z3 Bile Buns Skill, 40 In each E!
Br bottle, 2 to i a dose. "3"
3fi Sufrar Coated. K
K. Pleasant an candy. gS
2 Bold hj Druggists. IT
lb 85 cents per Lottie. w
Ms J. P. SMITH & CO.,
E 253 it 237 Greenwich Street, 2
3 KewYorkCltjr." Ig
K m n Brfn
ft II ilTTrw