Newspaper Page Text
BMUU'JJ U USiaUSmU JAiX r pc JciTl5bui0 Oltttltll. ruDMBitvn nvKitv batukday. E D. L. BLUE, EniTOn. Entered nl tlio I'orryRburg l'ostofllco na second lass mutter. SATURDAY, - - FEHRUAUY 118,1801 Inlidolshavo organized u Bocloty lit Dayton, Ohio. Ninotcin lives wcro lost by tho Wreck of tlio whin EUznbotli, on tho Piielllc const. Wo return thuiikn to Hon. K W. Poo, Statu Auditor, for u copy of tho Auditor's Report for tho Stulo ol Ohlo for 1890. By a recant docision of tho Supromo Court Sonutor llrleo from Now York Ohio, will bo compelled to pay tuxes amounting: to about $.'H)0,000. And now a man named John Shroyor living on Pleasant Rtdgo, near Tlflln, comes to tho front with an antiquated razor whiuh ho claims was onco the proporty of tho father of his country and claims tho old "shaver" was handed down through n body servant or Washington. Mr. VanUhicf introdjcedabill in tho Ohio senate to amend section 12, of an act providing for tho burial of Indigent fcoldlors. Tho amondmont provides that if tho expense necessary to tho burial will derive tho family of Immediaio sup. port, then tho soldiers' relief eommittco shall bo authorized to incur tho oxponso for tho county. Tho pension department has discon tinued publication of tho postolllco addresses in connection with tho names of soldiers and others to whom pensions nro granted. Tills makes It Impossible for newspapers to publish such minifs with any assuranco of accuraey,owing to the fact that tho postofllco address points moro surely to tho pensioner's identity than tho namo'itsclf. And now tho newspapers say tho Superintendent of tho Dollnnco bchools has been acting in a very naughty manner with some of tho teachers. Tho Peeping Tom of a janitor watohed tho proceedings through a hole which had been inado through tho colling of tho olllco, and now says ho saw somothing awful. Tho Supt. and tho teachers luivo boon suspended, awaiting an investigation of the charges. Later Tho Supt. and teachers havo been exhonoraled, and tho Janitor committed suicide. It is stated that Senator Shorman lion saved thousands of Iho lato Gon orals lottors, and if these lottors woro published they would indeed make a vahiablo addition to tho literature of this country. Tho Farmers' Allianco, which is now in eotnploto control In South Carolina has established supply stores at which its members trade, in various places. Ono of these at Spartanburg recently failed, and tho liabilities tiro estimated at $15,000 to SISOO.OOO. It has creditors strung along from Atlanta to Balti more, and claims nro still pouring in. All of this domoust rates that mon who can run n farm somotlmos cannot run a grocery store, or adjust tho finances of a groat nation.-Frnnk Leslie. Tho following section of an Ohio law now in force is worth making a note of: Whoovcr maliciously cuts down or destroys, or by girdling, or any other means injures any standing, or grow ing vino, bush, shrub, sapling or trees, not his own, or maliciously injures or destroys or severs from tho land of another, any product standing or growing thereon, or any other thing attached thereto, shall, if tho vnluo of tho thing dostroyed, or tho amount of tho damage done to any such thing, or to the land, is thlrty-llvo dollars or moro, bo imprisoned in tho peniten tiary not. moro than three years nor less than ono year, or, if the value is less than tho sum, bo fined not moro than ono hundred and fifty nor less than tivo dollars, or Imprisoned not moro than thirty days nor less than ono dny. Tho sovcring and carrying away of watermelons, grapes or other fruit, or grain or vegetables would bo punished under that section. Cleveland and Campbell aro great. Tho formor goes fishing on memorial day and tho latter goes off on a plens uro jaunt to Old Point Comfort, while tho officials of neighboring States were endeavoring to show respect to tho remains of tho lato Gon. Sherman. Tho old soldiers and others who gath" ered at Columbus to participato in tho oxerciscs of respect for tho departed General wcro much chagrined to think Gov. Campboll was not present. Stalwart Republicanism in Ohio, has received another boost, by tho nomi nation of Ex-Gov. Charles Fostor to fill tho vacancy in tho Presidont's cabinet, caused by tho sudden death of Secretary Windom. From all parts of tho country and from both great political parties como warm endorse ments for Mr. Foster, and It is believed President Harrison, by the nomination of tho ex-Governor, has mado a vory wiso selection. Ohio's in the Cabinet. Editor Knlb, of tho Rushyillo Item, moralizes thusly on a qulto Interesting subject. "Did you over stop to think, whilo reading your paper, that tho next issue might contain your obituary? Not a cheorful thought, hut tho fato of tho cablnot minister who fell dead tlio other day at a banquet might well sot us all to thinking. Our tonuro of life is about as frail as tho hold of nu applo on tho bough when tho wind is blowing. Thcro is no us.o getting frightened about it. If tho applo is going to fall pray heaven It may bo ripo and sound to tho very core; that is all that is essential. There has been lots of sunshine for us -all wherein to grow sweot-hearted and mellow if wo havo not wilfully Interposed our own shadows to hinder tho process. And all tho storms that havo beaten us, and tho gnles that havo rocked us, and tho vory frosts that havo nipped us now and then have been pursuing that strango alchemic process whereby juices aro mado sweet and liber softened and enriched If wo havo been content to grow tho way fato chose to havo us grow Then what matters what hour the swift breeze comes that detaches us from tho bough V" J.Inrn Mill III tho Nnrtlitrpnt. Tho Protection Afforded by tho Mc- Klnloy bill has stimulated tho lntorcst folt in promoting tho linen manufact uring in this country to a considorablo oxtont. Tho intorost in tho mattor is not confined to discussion and moro talk, but has assumed tanglblo ehnpo in tho organization, at Minneapolis, of a company backed by mon of strong financial standing, and who nro con vinced of tho practicability andmonoy makiug capabilities of a llnon mill which shall tibo tho flax fiber growfe In largo quantities in tho Northwest, and by far tho groator part of which has hitherto boon nllowcd to go to wnsto, tho flax seed being tho only part of tho crop harvested, tho fiber being burned. That this flax fiber can bo utilized to advantage in linen manufacturing seems to bo evident, for it is stated that Mr. Livingstone, a mombor of tho Canadian Parliament, from Badon, has raised and sold many tons of this fibor to bo used by Eastern manu facturers, and nlso a consldernblo quantity was sold for shipment abroad. Ono important featuro of tho prep aration of this flax tow, or fiber, is tho dcgumtnlng, and tho treatment wo imngino is somewhat similar to that which tho decorticated ramie fiber must undergo boforo It is in proper stato for manufacturer's use. If tho Minneapolis Linon Co., dem onstrates by Its success that this flax tow can bo maufnetured into saleahlo goods at a profit (and wc sco no roason why it cannot do so) a new field of manufacturing industry has opened up for that section of tho country, and not only will manufacturers profit by It, but tho farmers throughout all Minnesota and Dakotas, whore it is said that six times the total flax acre age of Ireland is laid down, will bo directed gainers from tho profitable sale of that portion of tho product which has hitherto been nn expense rather than a sourco of income. Tox tilo Manufacturing World, January. thesiresbi spiukh. ra iroun. flaiits?' J .MBA WBCgk. Is it possible? Yes! He locates, on the under side of theleaf. lie detests nothing so much as moisture; right here is where the Lenox Atomizer is again appre ciated; a daily showering with this atomizer, on the under side of the leaf, using a few drops of ammonia in the water, will save your plants. The cheapest pre-, ventatative against the red spider, green fly, or any pest. How glad your friends or neigh bors will be to know this. FRESHEST -AND- S K S T M.T M:iLu:mji.&mWMm:mm-2r'vm rfc u All the Latest unci Popular Styles. A LARGE STOCK JUST fl. NEW CLOTHING A F-ull Line of the Best Goods. A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW DRY GOODS. Thpy'ro In It. The committee of tho B. Green Trot ting association which went to Lima yesterday, to take a hand in forming tho "Natural Gas Circuit," report that wo nro iu it, with tho following towns and tho meetings will bo held in sub stuntially tho following order, begin. ning about Juno 1: Erio,Bcllovuo,Bowl ing ' Green, Mansfield, Fostoria, Mar ion, Lima and Ft. Wayne. Fostoria is not exactly settled In tho nest, but will probably como In all right. Daily Sen- unci. WM.BA PEREYSBUEG, O. uesessszsjz r'T ..!. '.in ; r,;'.Mtura wteamutnumimiALitmiw I Go Monday morning, a largo meteor, apparently as largo as a full moon, was observed in tho heavens in tho vicinity of Madison, Wis. It burst with a loud report over Madison village, blazing fragments scattering In ovory direction. Houses were shakun as if by an earth quake, and nunurcus ol people wero awakened from sleep by tho concussion, which reverberated for somo moments, sounding liko heavy, rolling thundor whilo tho shooting particlos seemed liko so many flashes of lightning. Tlio construction of tho Tolodo plpo lino through this township, litis brought to tho locality a gang of old and young toughs from Toledo, who aro anything hut agrccablo pcoplo to havo in a town. Many o' them can bo found on tlio streots and in tho alloys in a boastly stato of intoxication. Thoy sleep In any place that will afford shelter. Ono fellow said ho crawled into Charlie Lawrence's pig pen up J slept with tlio pigs tho other night. It is stated tho pigs wero so ashamed thoy would not como out to breakfast tho next morning Tho recent mine disasters wherein tiueli fearful loss of life has occurred lead .ono to bcllovo that a chnngo in tho manner of lighting mines, other than by tho old-fashioned minors lamp, is not only necessary, but should bo enforced by law. Electricity could bo used and would do away with tho dan ger from that sourco. Tho first coat would bo soinowhat greater, but whon tho saving of tho loss of ao many lives, tho delay of work, tho ropalrs to mines after tho disasters, aro taken into con sideration, it will ho seen that it is a matter worthy of attonlion by tho miuo owners. Tho many deaths in tho cities caused by electricity, has excited considerable comment and much discussion ooncern" ing tho bestmcans of protection against loss of life by coining in contact with olectrie wires. During an interesting lecturo on tho subject of electricity, by Francis K. Crocker, A. M., ho recently stated that an electric current which would scarcely bo felt by a man would give a noticeable shock to a horse. Ho said that it had beeu noticed on tho public thoroughfares of Now York and had frequontly attracted attention. Ho thought tho leather so'.cs of a man's shoes acted as insularors. Ho might also, doubtless have added that tho iron shoes of a horse make him peculiarly senslblo to tho prcsonco of electricity. Professor Crocker add that tlio great est danger from contact with electrical wires aroso from direct contact with tho flesh, and especially with a moist surface; that if a man's hands wero soil. cd ho would bo mucn. less apt to sustain a shock than if they wero clean nnd moibt. Unless there" was this direct per sonal contact with an uncovered surfneo of tho body, ho thought thoro was little danger from electric contact. His advice to his audience, howovor, was summed up in tho brief statement. It is hotter to lot all electric wires alono, ns far as posslblo, and If you must handlo them, handlo thorn with rubber glovosor through tho instrumentality of a fairly good non-conductor, liko a stick of wood, which ono can almost always find at hand in an oraergoncy." Caned. C. M. McCook, of W, S. Knight & Co., and Ed. Beach, of John H. Leslie it Co.. woro presented with hundsomo silver mounted canes "Wednesday by tho W. M. Iloyt Company. Chicago Grocor. The nbovo mentioned Ed. Beach is nono othor than our Porrysburg Ed This is but ono moro of tho many ovidenccs of his popularity in business circles in Chicago. Skin CKlflliiR Could Nut Suvu Illm. Sir Knight.T. O. Dickorson, on whom a skiu-graf tingopcration was tried some months ago, 182 brother Masons con tributing skin from their arms to be grafted on a cancer wound in tho hope of saving the patient's life, died at tho Emergency hospital yesterday. Mr. Dickerson seemed to improve and gam after tho operation was performed until a week ago when his stomach refused to take any nourishment. Store Grocery and Provision For Freshest and Best Goods to "be Found In the Market I'Hl'IWMWil MHMSlMmiM.WMWiW!W,iiU.vxJttiir.i.aj,M.uiii-iiir-KJ!Trn ifwmirrmr.'.?iui.vmXLWiu!.'' mv,. m .'. i .'.in n M A Low l'rlic, Hut All It'H "Worth. "Stilt" O'Brien, tho woll-known Soventh ward poitician, was in tho in firmary olllco this forenoon, where ho proposed to mortgage his corpse for tho use of medical science if anyono would givo him $10. Dr. Bob Timpuny thought ho could see a spec, in this and jumped at tho offer. An article of agreement and will woro then nnd thoro drawn up by which "Still's " romatns aro to bo turned over to the enterprising doctor soon after death. Ono of tho stipulations is that if O'Brien is not dead forty eight hours after receiving tho $10, ho is required to take poison. "Stiffisone of tho old residents of sandy hill, and is known as being a mombor of Pat Stack's cudots. Nows. A few worthless bums around this town would confer a favor on tho vlllago by making a ilmilar contract and then not forget to take the poison. A Hparrow Hunt. Members of Association, No. 2377, P. of I., had a sparrow shoot lust Satur day. Art Mandell and John Brossia woro chosen captains and on Wednes day evening of this week, thoy hold their regular P. of I. meeting at Bates Station School houso, and it was found that Mandell's warriors had secured 2ol scalps whilo Brossio's had secured but 182. Tho loosing side must pay for an oyster supper; to bo given at tho rcsidenco ot Mrs. Christina Brossia on noxt Thursday evening : JEWElftY, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND- up: THE FINEST, THE BEST, THE LATEST AND MOST BSOBLLBITT, -A.T n . :. c ": Ckiff i Sr,MTtT'irt..mgVl 1.U Grippe Aguln. During the epidemic of La A Mnmlcll K KlniU'mitcr I I'liillilii I. l'llstorcr F Klerinuu .1 Winterer (I Llunncr W Halt W lltlier F Millet A Maimer 11 K Mmincr JKellnr r. Tito F Klndcryotcr 0 31 a 21 iu 11 t o" lH c 10 i:i 12 oil SSI J nroi-ilu II Milium F Kludervuter 1' Pciinuywclt (! Ilnnalit II llAiinvr F lluck 1 llrosxln J Puiiner J Phillips II Klndcrruler F llroka J Bchrlcr W llrnmlit J Ilnlloril O OrueMmber W Himlo ktlier mm, 1fi J&gP me, FEL ON AND WOOD CHAIN, .sn FOUCE PUMPS. Benler THE PLACE 01 Exchange. P. M, PUHL, Has Samples of all the LATEST PATTERNS CA. POWERS, FIRE & LIFE INSUEANCE Represents the following companies: HOME ROYAL, QUEEN, TRADER'S -AND AMAZON Picture "ram Mlk Horn, 132 Ed. Oripne lata season Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, proved to bo tho best remedy, Reports from the muny who used it confirm tills statement. Thoy were not only quickly relieved, but the dineUHO Ipft no bad nfter results. Wo hhIc vou to eive thU . H. Smith came in without remedy a trial anil wn cunrnnteo tlint and on Brossla'n tido J. you will bo Hiillslled with resulio, or the nuhn, W. P. Brossia, W. Stono, J purennso nnco will lie rofunued. It Una itouo, ). J, nnnn, x. iimmor, j. on equal in Ln Grippn, or any Tluont, Schramm, P. Kohn ajid H. Kinder Clii'St or Lung Trouble. Trail bttlcB valor, also failed to bring down any ftvo tit A. It. ClKinipnHy'e Drtig Store, gnrao, hut had just us muoh fun shoot Large kotlli'e, SO?, and $1.00. j lug ttu any tho rest. On Mandell's sido C Crops, J. Lucas, H. Cupp, F. Mntidoll, P. Huhn, Geo. Dolmling, II. W. Llmmor, C. Ruckrcgal, G. Kopp and tiny setups, Hlnkol, H. and every facility for promptly framing pictures of all sizes. Call and sec Samples, learn prices and make selections. Photo Rooms corner of Conant and "Wayne Btreets, MAXJMEE, O. FINE PERFUMES AND STATIONERY OF ' FILES, The Druggist, MAXJMEE. O. At 1 Detroit MJiir: mem Lstccl M'licltlc Hiiiclc HALF THE COST of hoisting mvcil tci Hturi&ci'iicrn. Htitcliirs, Farmers, V.11.1."1"'8' l!'iHIcis, Contractors nnd 01 IIKltb. Admitted to bo llic crciitiia improvements hVKII ramie lu tneklu blocks. 1 rclsht prepaid. Write for rutnmcui'. FULTON IE0N & ENGINE WKB., Estab.1862, 10 Bnsh St. Detroit.Mich Fill) Ill I4I1111 mmzwd i'YMWL V',!h W m wk: 9 DIt. 11IGELOW, 1'rop. Ith tlio procession constantly lu-adcd for the Oriental Dental par lorn. 115 Summit Kt., Toledo, O. H you ."wint your teeth ex true L tltil llliunllttli ifltlw.... i. TMltl. lltlll wltluiut 1l. I1111 paralyzed, follow the crowd to the OKI 1INTAI.. Holidays and Fridays cxtrautluir U htill half price. Secure a ditto for flllluirs. Don't come Wkdnes iys. Tcetn without plates U 11 crcitt feature. i'lionuUKU. IIATTIU CRIESBY, Sec'y II Next door to Post Offlco. NTiniLIOUSA HB SO Teui Oil, BBf HH tot lest doctors. IH H Fortho Liver, Blood Stomach and Kidneys. woman 3 Wonder Worker. A Medicine, and Not a Beverarje. 0MP,i ounD ThJCUiiABOlWuV else Co., Ct. ioali, U& BUCKEYE BREWING COMPANY, TOLEDO, OHIO, URUWUItS OF Genuine Pilsener, Export and Lager Beer. JOHN JAC0BY, Supt. A. H. LEAF, Ag't., PERRYSBUKG. O. Feb 14,1801. Drtfjfs a Specialty, Temple Pharmacy, Maumee, 0. M M iT r