Newspaper Page Text
JOURNAL VOL. XXXVLtT.-ED, L. BLUE, Publisher. PERRYSBUEG, WOOD CO., 0., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1891. $1.00 IN ADVANOE.-NO. 5L THE PER RYSBURG VOVNTY OFFICERS. Auditor.......... jolin ll.ivilon Clerk of the Court A. VI Xlulr Probate Judge Frank Young Treasurer W. it. Nnjcs Jccorder. Clirls Fiiikbclncr Prosecuting Altonicy A.J. Meirs BheretfT. v. n. iirvunt Buircyor W. H. Wood . . '' Hi lluvcrstnck, Commlsiionera Fmnk Thompson I Jamb Hluhl. . fMlubavl Amos, Jr. Infirmary directors -Wilson Patterson. (.John Iseh. vowNsniP. K. A. Unilerhill, Joseph Arnilrui"lcr, Treasurer. Clerk I Aiwin k. J.cynorr. Goorgo wittman, I Adam K. Lcydorf, Philip Wetzel 1i'. iivcrincn, Frank Fcclnmn, 1'. llUCkhoUSO. COItrOItATlON. Mayor...... J. It. Tyler. Clerk W.i:. Kscott. Treasurer c. A. Hampton. JMJBtml Wm. Stickles. (A IK A W Cemetery Trustees.. i . unucu William Ho cubeck fWin. llnrtnn, ('. F. Chapman, Connd'iBion ....... 1 O. V. Hoffmann, tico. .Monger. Dr.J.lI.HIicintrnnk, Dr. 1. a. Howers. CHURCHES. yirsirrcsbytcrlnnChurch, Itov.3.A. Adams. Berviccs .lOMI nm Huiulny. l'raycr meeting Wednesday, 7 pin Subbnlh school 12 in. Mr. F. J.OblliigcrBup't. Walnut St. Presbyterian Clinreli. Uct. A V. Johnson. Services Biimliiy lu.4.' nm Sabbath school 13 m MlssMnlicl Lnmpmun Hup't. St. Hose do Mum Cftthnllc Church. Itcv. (1, II. Kcikcu. Services Suiulny 8 nnd 10 nm Vespers 3 pm Services every morning 8 o'clock. Evangelical Church. Iter. J. 8. Flttcrcr. Strvlcen cvury alternate Sunday 10 nm nnd 7:K0 pm Prayer meeting Thursday night. Sabbath school 11 am Ilcnjixmln Zingg, Sup't. (Jermaii Ileform. Services every nlternate Sunday 10 nm and 7 pm Sabbath school 11:30 yred'k 1-cydorf. Sup't. aerman Lutheran. Itcv. G. V. Kent Inc. Services Hnndav 13 am . O. F. Kentlng.Sup't. llethiKll.t Kplswiml Church. Kev. J C Shaw. Services at lth-t. nm uud 7:S0 m. Prayer meeting Thurday at 7 im Sabbath school tlnm Mr. lliirton. Sup't. German M. K. Church. Itev. Wall. Services 10 am every Sunday ami 7;:hi pin every nlternate Sunday, l'raycr merlins Wndnesdiiy evenings. Eabbath school 2 pm ltev. John Yetigcr, Sup't. SOCIETIES. Tliocnlx Lodge, No 11 F. it A. M.-F.. L. Blue, W. M. F. K. llollenheck. Sec'y. Itcgtilnr Communications first nnd third Mon days of each mouth, Fort Meigs Lodge. ' O. C). F. Regular meet ings every Friday night. Joe ltnlrd, N. 0. Wolford Post, No. fil.G.A. It. O. It. Seott. Com. Jnmc H)c, Adl't. Meetings every Monday night In I O i T Hall. Tippecanoe Council. No. 37, N. 1'. Dr. I. S. Bowers, President. Dr. J. I'. Thompson. Fec'y llcctlngs second nnd fourth Tuesdays in lOGTIInll. Castle lVrry No. K. G. It. P. I.. Mnhr. Com. P. Wclxel. Soc'y. 1. K. Hollenlieck, Fln.tVt-'y. Meetings tint nnd third Tuesdays in I 0(! T Hall. Ferrysbure; Lodge I. O. G. T. Meets every Holiday 7:30 p in In hull over Ptuiz' bakcrv. JIIhi Laura Swing. C.T. BUSINESS CARDS. D. EC. HOLLEkMBECK, .ttorzxey tXia.-7C-. General Collector, 0 Beal Estate Agent. Title invcti;atcl and AliMracH rumishcd en application. Notarj I a Utttcr. PEHHYSBUKQ. OHIO. BENDY II. DODOK. JOHN W. CANAltY DODGE & CANARY; Attornfivs at Law. Office Reed & Merry Illock, Main Street, Bowling Green, O. DENTIST. Dr. J. P. THOMPSON, Office over Flnkbeiner's Store. PEERYSBURG. Peoples' Theatre, Toledo. UltADY ii HAllWOOl), Mnnnsrcrt. Week Commencing Mar. 16 Xatefit and Greatest Success, tho Grand Sfiee tucular rrortuptlou, THE LIMITED MAIL. BaiatlucGH, Tuesday. TliurfcUuy and Suturdiiy. Dooi-h opon nt 1. Cuftnln at 2p. m. .I'R! vu. J Kvenlnm, " V, 'J x; An: .Oc nnd 75c. 'I Matinees, tbt., 'J.'ic nnd :iTxt R. S. CLEGG, DKAI.KU IN FORNITDRE OF ALL KINDS Pine Parlor & Bed Room Suits, Chairs, Tables, Lounges, Undertaking & Embalming Only White Hoarse in County. Second. Street. PERRYSBUEG lBU ILEKtAIT BOOK CASES Which we will sell. -JlTT oost- to close out our stock, as we have discontinued the wholesale trade. These are bargains. TOLEDO PARLOR FURNITURE GO. ' 84 & 30 Summit St., ,,,,., TOLEDO. O. .If'! I "Just fits the hand." JV Lenox Soap lathers freely in hard water. Five cents a cake, (is ounces.) EXCHANGE HOTEL. PCnitYNIIUKG. J. H. PIERCE, Prop. Carriaces furniehed on reasonable terms. W1I. ODEtOOIBL. FUROTTME & UNDERTAKING PERRYSBUEG. Vorterinary Surgeon and Dentist BOWLING QltEEN, OHIO. Will attend to all calls by dny or night in any part of County. OLDEST, SAFEST, BEST. The Old Hartford Firs Insurance Go's Established In 1791. Offer the lowest rates nnd pay nil losses In fit up to the face of tho Policy. CASH ASSETS piionNix .... IIAK'l'FUItD jETIMA 9 .-.,30.-1,001 23 0, 143,451 40 1 0,07 1, 500 (15 TOTAL. 52 1 ,5 1 8.90H 37 LOSSES lAID.-S120,3t)I,G10 18 Represented by N. L. HANSON, Agent. 50o. JDiscoirat OPEN EVERY DAY. I will make my best Cabinets at a DISCOUNT of 50c. PER DOZ. D. B. CLAFLEST, Photographer, Over Clegg'a Furniture Store. Perrysburg O. LARGE STOCK Lumber and Shingles SP. TOLMAN, Perrysburg, O MEYERS & WEBSTER, PATENT ATTORNEYS, Washington nnd Toledo, 1000 F. St. N. W. I 315 Superior Street. Washington, 1). C. f Toledo, Ohio. Patents, Designs, Trade Marks. PHOTOGRAPHS. NORTHERN WOOD OOtfflTY NEWS. Interesting Items from Neighboring Towns, Gath ered, by Special Correspondents, for the Journal. I.IM1S CITY. March 11. John Wolf liaa recovered from a severe sickness. Mrs. II. Hamilton is on the Bick list- Mra. Snyder a pioneer of Wood county, died at tho old homestead Sun day, the 8th, nt tho advanced ago of eighty years. Tho funeral wqb held at the Evangelical chutch in Ferrvsburg on Tuesday last, she leaves one son. Fred Snyder, nnd a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Wheeler, and several grand children to mourn their loss. Mrs. Hopkins of Bowling Green, vis ited Mrs. C. F. Rider last Tuesday. L. 8. Warner nnd wife were in Toledo Thursdny. 3III.T.11UIIY. March 10. John Howald, of Dolawaro, O., waB in town Inst week, F. A. Grove and wife from Toledo, hnve been spending a few days with relatives. Norris Kidney ot Olmslead Falls, O., Sundayed hero. Mr. Salisbury is going in partnership with Mr. Spray, in the creamery. The Farmer heirs have sold Iheirjfarra to Mr. Bcckman, for $48,000. Master Eugene Wight was out Mon day, on crutches for tho first time since the accident. Tho ladies of this place, will meet at Mrs. Meachom'8 Wednesday after noon, to organize a reading circle. We are glad to hear that Mr. Dart has got his position back again, as night operator. W. J. Bailey our postmaster, who was appointed as treasurer, by the trustees, to fill tho unexpired term of Geo. Yenger, deceased, iins announced him self :ts ii candidate for treasurer for the coming Spring election. DUMtltlPOi: HOTS. March Oth, A great amount of sick - ne-s nt tho present time here. Dr, Pope is so run with calls that he actually drops to Bleep over his meals, but he is O. K. for all that. Edward W. DeVerna, after a severe attack of la grippe, with slight lung fever, is once more able to bo around. Frank Rogers hai ugain got on a car load of shingles and it will pay anyone to see him before purchasing elsewhere. SpafTord Bros, are still doing a good business, and the cash system is send ing them up tho ladder every day. DeVemn thinks laying on a sick bed for over two weeks is the longest nnd lonesomest time he has passed through for years. Charles Hilt lias purchased what is known as the Wm. Waugh house, of DeVerna. Consideration $130 cash. If you want an hour's solid comfort call at Pope's office. Everything neat as a butterfly, cosy as n bird's nest, and he knows how to talk. Tho crazy supper given by tho Ladies Relief corps was a complete success, and tho time filled up by tonga and ainus- mg games. Proceeds $11. CO. The best Sunday-school in Wood county is held at Dunbridgc every Sun day nt 10 a. in. Come nnd nee, anil be satisfied, PreaoUinc every two weeks by Rev. Gerlock, Scliool nttendanco from 80 to 00 and tho interest and Bpirit is great. The memorial services held at the G. A. R. hull, Monday night, Murch Oth, of our deceased comrade, General Slier man. There wero appropriato cpeeches and songs for the occasion. Tho memorial service was held in the church opened by song from the choir "Tent, ing on the Old Camp Ground." Then Prayer by Mr. Sam Jones. Opering song "A Thousand Years," followed by an interesting speech, by General Day, or Bowling Green, "Tho Life of General Sherman and Porter." ''Life in Libby Prison," was given by Bur Rublo. "Tho Battle of Shilo," was recited by Sam Jones, mid the meeting closed by the choir singing "Tho Flag that Waved n Hundred Yonrs." Tho exercises wero very instructive and interesting. Casual OusEitvEn. coNsumirjrioN cuiced. An old pliyElclan, retired from prnetlce. hnv ic hud muced in his hnnds hv un Knst Imlli missionary tlio formula of n simple vegetable remedy for the speedy nnd permanent cure of Consumption, llruncfiltla, Catarrh, Asthma nnd all throat nnd Lung Affections,- also a posltlvo und radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous C'omnlniiiis, utter hnvlnir tested its wonderful curutlvn powers in thousands of enses, has felt It his duty to iimko it known to his sintering fellows. Actuated by this motive nnd ii desire to rcllou linmiui buffering, I will hcud free ot charge, to nil who deslru it, this recipe, In Herman, French orKnglUh, with full directions tor preparing ami using, scut uv mull by uddrcDsliig with slump, naming this nuper. W. A. Noykm, 8'JO l'owers' illock, isoenesier, n, i. oozz WE WANT A now correspondent In tho follow ing towns: Hasklns, Hull Prnlrio, Grand Rapids, Mnumeo, Hobart, Mollno, Scotch Ridgo, Sugar Ridge, Dunbrldgo, Wnlbridgo. Wo will glvo liberal inducements. Write for npar ticulars. s Address JounNAL, Porrysburg, O. MAUMHH MUSINOS- Now wo have it! WhntV Why, a first class club room to bo sure. A number of our young goutlomon, desiring to ape tho customs established by tho city dudes havo established a club room and now our city has within its charm, od clrclo n "Robber's Roost" so named, I am informed, by a numbor who havo quiotly mado observations about tho promises. Tho schools nro progressing nicoly under tho supervision of Prof. Webb nnd his corps of teachers. E. McCutchon, who wont to Ma rine City and engaged in businoss, is doing woll. Miss Lizzio Hayes, our populnr mil liner is regarded as tm adept in tho art of trimming nnd tho many elegant stylos now soon inhor millinery establishment nro really beautiful. Tho oil well is now down to tho sand nnd will bo drilled in this week. It is to bo hoped there, will bo something iu It worth tho cost of all this boring . and if thero is not it will certainly prove n bore to tho town nnd also to all thoso who put thoir nionoy In It. HUSINESS LOCALS. Whlto roso ginghams, exclusive salo in Mnumeo. Hosicry,now laces and em broidery, towels und tablo linen, a lnrgo and comploto stock, at E. Mollcnkopf 's in Mnumce. MILL1NKRY. Miss Lizzio Hayes tho populnr milli ner of Mnumeo, has a large and com. ploto stock of general millinery goods, Including ladies and misses hats and bonnets, nnd ribbons, flower nnd feathers. She will open up a largo Spring stock about tho 17th of March,of Easter bonnets and hats. Tho ladies should call and Investigate. Ben Plleghaar's meat marketlshcad. quarters for tho choicest meats, fresh stilt and smoked,und everything usually kept in a first class meat market. nowLiso. March 0. Tho mud is again frozen up, making business quite lively in our little town. Mrs. Henry Shroeder died last Thuro day morning of quick consumption, and was buried on Sunday, March 8th Rev. Smith of Dowling and Rev Osborne of Luckey, O., officiating. By her death a noble, woman, loving mother and faithful wife has gone where sickness nnd death can never enter. Mr. Shroder litis tho heartfelt sympathy of the entire -neighborhood in this sad nflliction. Mrs. F, Duhnmell, who has been very sick for some time, is improving slowly. Dr. F. P. Bi unthnver, is very busy all the time attending culls. Squire Biown says the colder it gets tho belter it suits him as he prefers cold weather to mud, J. C. Hayes our genial ticket agent still keeps things rushing in his line of business. Should liko to inform the Lime City correspondent in regtrd to the saloon question which I see he again spoke Of in last weeks edition of tho Journal, that their talk iu regard to getting rid of the suloon in their town sounds rather blue as they havo. been talking on that very point every since the saloon was founded on Lime City soil and haven't done anything yet. If you prohibition people get to work und do something, I will gunrentee you that Dowling will lend a helping hand. L. Williamson, says that he cannot precure cars fust enough to ship tho corn away in, E. S. Townsend, our boot and shoe dealer, is full of business, D. J. Shoemaker, is buying bending bolts nt the rate of three car loads per week. The lumber for the new Lutheran pnrronuuo, lo bo erected the coming Spring, will soon bo on tbc ground. m Notice to Correspondents. Pleaso send In your lottors enrly. Wo would llko to havo them reach us not Intel- than Wednesday, of each ook. You arc iu u itad Fix But wo will cure you If you will pay us. Our message is to tho Weak, Ner vous nnd Debilitated, who, by early Evil Habits, or Later Indiscretions, have trilled away their vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, nnd who suffer all those elTocts which lead to Prematura Decay, Consumption or Insanity. If this means you, send for and read our Book of Life, written by the greatest Specialist of thu day. and sent.fscnled). by addres sing Dr. Parker's Medical and Surgicnl Iustituto, 103 North Spruco St., Nash ville, Tenn. 37zz Tho Toledo & Ohio Central R'y. nnd Toledo, Columbus & Cin'tl. R'y. has cotton out n folder containing n mnp of West Virginia, showing county lines, county stats, railroads and rivers, and n goodly amount of general inform ation. It is a most complete affair, and can bo obtained from any Agent oil tho ino. IKMOYNK. March 10, Chnnoy Mann of Medina, Mich, visited ntJFrank Manns last week. Miss Minnio Lion returned to her home in Michigan on last Monday. Willis Andrews and Miss Clara llahn arc home from Fostorla spending vaca tion, Mrs. Keller and son of Toledo nre visiting Mrs.K'a mother, Mrs. Miller. Benjamin Bringman is on tho sick list. Jonas Sternnman sold his placo of 88 ncrea to Henry Shafer, consideration $3280. Ben Emch sold his homo and lot just east of town to Jonas Sternaman, price p:iid $000. MIhs Katie Freschcr of Toledo, iB visiting at U. If. Dennis. Mrs. Jacobs of Toledo, it visiting at Robert Bollinnies. Mr and Mrs. Newton Stewart of Pm berville, visited over Sunday at II. H. Dennib'. The truant officer dropped down upon our schools unexpectedly one day last week. After an examination of the records he found only ono of the proper age that was not attending. He report ed the school in good condition. The Nicholson estate of GO acres east of town, along the pike, has been sold to Henry Obermeycr at 80 per acre. The masquerade dance at the hall last Friday night was largely attended About GO numbers were sold. Mrs.Elins Hnnley hud n cancer removed from her breast and side on last Thursday by Dr. Garner, assisted by Dr. Rhetnfrank nnd Bowers of Porrys burg. Mrs. Hnnley is an old lady but it doing nicely. Talk about your social! The Sunday school gave at.other of their series of social for tho benefit of an organ fund last Tuesday night nnd cleared $35.00 If any other place can show up any two better sacinls financially than the lust two held, let us hear from them. Jus. Gibfon is A II finding p'enty of hogs. He ship a car load or two every few days. Mrs. Cidiib Root spent Tuesday in Toledo. Jan. Gibson was over to the Green on Wednesday, Well, Lime City, so you think you will become n suburb of Toledo some whore in tho 3000. I hardly think you took a birdseye prospect of this part of Ohio, before you wroto that prophecy. You see down hero is Bradner, a town of prodigious size, nearly in the center of the "go off Itself" (nitro-glycerine) country which is growing very rapidly and tiB largo towns always grow towards each other I think it will be so in this case. Now you see these two towns will meet probably as early as somewhere in the 4000's and as Le Moyue is about half . way between we think when the two cities collide it will be about here, nnd as that will bring us in tho center why of course our little town will be the heart of this great metropolis then. But sister city, what is your opinion of Stony Ridgo which is situated just betneou? I think they are on to the situation of affairs and are u little frightened now and nre beginning to die off as wo have not heard from their correspondent tor the last two or three weeks. JIow Prices of Farm Products nre Deter mined. Tho size of tho crop is tho thing that determines tho Bizo of tho prices. There is a donitind for a certain amount of farm products from year to year, und the rise or fall as tho supply sinks below or goes beyond this demand. The theorists may talk tin much as thoy pleaso about othur influences, but tho question Is at last only ono of quantity. Tho world must havo so many bushels of grain per year, and It w ill pay thero" for simply so much us it is obliged to considering tho avniluble surplus. Thero is no procoss of legislation by which additional sales can bo forced when tho demand hns onco beon sup plied; It is not iu tho power ot Con gress to compel pui'chubors to tnko more than they want, or to give xnoro than they arc willing to pay. Tho fact that tho crop of n given year Is in excess ot the measure of consumption cannot bo concealed. It is known ever, whore, and prices aro adjusted accord ingly. When tho crop is short, the Hiiino rulo applies, ntid thu markots nro correspondingly affected. If tho farm ers could manago to produce only enough each yeur to moot tho domnnd, thoy would nlways obtain just und fair prices. It Is overproduction, in other words, that puts prices down lor them, and thoy ennnot expect to havo prices kept up for them under suoh circum stances by any sort of artificial force. St. Louis Globo-Domocrat. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sic):, wa gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When stie became. MUa, she dune to Oietorla, WhenetbCtUldreaeaTetnemCajtorta, 8UVKNTKHN GUNS. May bo tho Last Hnlute tor an American Admiral. Ab tho funeral cortego wound slowly on its way townrd Arlington Inst Tues day, bearing with it tho body of tho late ndrairnl of the navy, a far-off boom, ing of cannon was heard down tho Potomac. Soventren times in solemn succctsion tho sound reverberated. Then, ns silence settled down upon tho waters of tho Potomac, a navol officer, in full dress uniform, standing on tho bridge leading to Arlington, turned to a companion nnd remarked: "That is In all human probability tho last timo wo shall ever hear Unit saluto. That sequence of seventeen guns, tho honors paid an admiral, will never bo heard until the rank of admiral is revived, which will never be, unleRS this country becomes engaged in actual warlare, when necessity may causo tho creation of tho offico of admiral again." Tho greater honor rested upon Admi ral Porter, in that only two men ever bore tho title. Farragut was tho first admiral in the American navy, Porter the second nnd last. A pnESENT FOB KVEKY I1KIIE. For twenty-thrse years "Tiir. Household" has been a welcome vultor In hundreds ot thousands of American homes, and hns been, duriic tbrs years, the companion and help of tie American nouicmie. In order that the brides of tho country may have the bsncflt of the vhits ot thii, the oldest household publication in tho country, tho publishers offer to send "The HouhiholI)" to all brides of six months or less, who will, tbtnisclTei. or their friends, send ten two-tent stamps with printed notice of their mnrrioge la the small letter. This Is a very tempting offer, and they call it their "Wedding Present." which they offer to every bride in the Uuited States on thanbovc . terms. "TiibIIouskuold" linsjust mnile tlireo very striking oilers to the three subK-ribcrs who shall obtain the three largest lists of new sub scribers between March first uud August first. These presents arc nothing le.'s than a S00 Horse and Goddard Muggy, a Miller Upright Piano, In either .Mahogany, Oak, Wnlnut or Kbonlzcd case, and a Columbia lllcyclo for cither lady or gentleman's use. The March number ot "The Household" contains Illustrations and descriptions of theso elegant prei-cnts, nnd csu be found ut tho news slunds. or will be sent by the publishers, on receipt of ten cents by the Household Corupunr, SO Ilromfteld St., HoMon. LIFE OF GENERAL HIIEHMAX. Va literary announcement of the ytar is of greater Interest to the general public than that of a comprehensive Life ot General Sher man, which Is about to be published nnd sold through ngeuts by the noted houso of K. It. Curtis (- Co. of Cincinnati, O.nnd lloston, Ms. Admirable biographies of Grunt, Mierl dan. complete to thu tiuiu of their dtuth, aro already fniullinr tn thw public, but a life of tho third great commander, to finish the scries, has been lucking. Tho various biographies of Sherman hitherto published have necessarily been incomplete; anil even his own memoirs, written in 187o, said inmost nothing of his Intensely Interesting eurly life, and not a word of course, ot tho more limn tuenly years of social activity uud fraternity with old comrades sluee the wnr. Tho work which is now to bo issued will splendidly supply thu widely felt demand foe n history of tho great strntegctlc commander. It is belmr written bv tienernl O. O. Howard. a mun of line litcrury attainments, who knew bliernmn better limn any otiicroi iiik comrades now living, and ranked next but one to him, in the army, una ny winis lieiener Johnson, whooubility as a historian is familiar to tho reading nubile of America through his former unustntlly popular works, which have had millikiis of readers, nnd the snles of their vast editions enriched an army of hook uccnts. That this history of Sherman, the Inst of tho great uenerms, win surpass an outers in popu larity is not to be doubted. The story of this great General's career is of a mnnellous march from the mountains of time tn the sea of eternity. Of the three great war hcrocc, Sherman was by for the most interesting perronullty. Ho was the best known to the public nnd tho best loved for his genial disposition and warm rymputhr with, the popular heurt Helms joli-ed his illustri ous compeers In the eternal bivounc of the (lend. He Is a life to study to emulate uud is a pro found Inspiration. The forthcoming volumn will tell the whole story of his marvelous career, nnd from the authorship engaged upon It, we -reassured It will be told in n way that will enthral thu intention und interest of every reader from llrst to lust, It i.s u book every American will want and one every American youth should read. It will doubtless be tho best life of tho great clilcfiuiii published, and we predict for It wonderful popularity. Sea display nd. Iu auuther column. Dcinoriist. Physical culture! What is physical cultuie? Tho present aim nnd the certain result of this new "fad" include the attainment of good health nnd a fine form; and a fine form outranks n pretty fuco in tho popular estltnnte of physical beauty. Who is not willing to mnko some effort for such a desirable attain ment ? It is not so difficult, after all, if you ouly know bow; and if you want to know how, you may learn from tho April number of Demokkst'3 Familv Magazine, which contains a splendid article on "Physical Culture," by Prof. E. B. Wurman, A. M., giving a course of exercises, profusely illustrated, which will help everybody man, womun, or child to acquire u graceful, supple) form, and without going to n gymnas ium, or even spending a cent for appa ratus. And this is not the only attraction of this excellent number of this excellent magazine: "The Land ot our Next Neighbors, "Care of Palms in the Draw-ing-Room," "How Art Students Livo In New York," "Grotefquo Ways of Decorating Easter Eggs," "Kite-Flying" (for tho boys),all handsomely illustrated, several capital stories, u line nrtlclo on "Thinness: Its Causes nnd Cure," by Susanna W. Dodds, M. D., tire u few of Us other features, and there nre nearly three hundred illustrations, Including a full page water-color Euster curd, Aa an ull-round "family" magazine, this one cannot be best: there is something in every number for father, mother, and every one of the childien; and it is only $2 per year. Published by W, JiiNMxas Dkmoukst, 15 East 14th Street, New York. Conmierclul Men, Attention. You can save money by purchasing ono o the new lluekeye Inti Mhnngcuhlo milage books Issued by the Columbus, Mucking Valley it Toledo H'y. They are good over twelve dllfercnt roads and sold at the low rati of twenty dollars each. For puitlculnrslnmilru of Agents, lluek eye ltouto or mlilri'ss U, II, l-'lsher, Ucuorul ravicngcr Agent, vouunuus, u. COO U