Newspaper Page Text
G THE PERRYSBURG JOURNAL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1903. HARVEST. I It'n see the oxen nmulln' down Ilia shaded country road, Am' kin henr the driver singing nnd kin see him swing his Kond, And kin hear the wagon crenkln' with Its heavj harvest load, An" It bilnrrs a bciiso of pleasure and o' clover smells to me, Tcr It's Just what 1 wns railed to, an' what 1 have alwnjs knowed! Thej's a red-hot trumpet blossom flamln' out among the green Of a vino 'at wraps a tree trunk In lta stlr- rln' husllln' sheen. And the boughs seems dlpptn' to'ards It, an' the big ticcs seem to lean Sorter shelterln' an' loIn' 'bout the frnglle llttlo thing. Trumpet bloom, nn' rond an' oxen, It's all mine, the hull blamed scene! It's all mine! where birds are ncstln' In the Fwnjln', dlppin' boughs! It's all mine! the tangled thicket where the jnjs an' cat-bhds rows! An" the hecp besldo the rondsldo where tht j lay around or browse! All ure mine! I hear 'cm beutln' In the fn'lln' of the gloam, An 1 stand an" listen, listen, for the low In' dC the cows! Tor the low In' of old Drlndlc brlngln' home Hie ineek-ejed herd' lr the sleep's contented blealln' an' the snunblilln' of the bird! An' tl.e crenkln' of the wagon, where the lonilunj dust Is stlncd Uj the heavy-footed oxen brlngln' home the hai vest load! And I'm happy, happy, happj ! Ses, 1 am! You take mi woid! J 51 Lewis, In Houston Post (Cp THE BACHELOR MAID'S COURTSHIP By SARA LINDSAY COLEMAN tSKS (Cojij right, 1503, by Daily Storj l'ub Co) IT WAS Aniil. Outside the tain fell in torrenU; inside the Uachelor linn mid the llnchclnr .Maid sipped ten. The wood lire ct tickled, the 'blight lit tle hettleN song wir a cheery one. The tea wanned the Uachelor tliroit,'li and tin oiigli. He leaned hack contentedly, looked at the Maid, and mi id: "If j on don't mind, I'd like to go on drinking your tea all my dnjs." The Mnid riut down her cup. "Poor dear." she said. "Your birthday, too. I the tea's made a new way, and jou ore too old for innowitioiib." "Yes," said the Uachelor, seriously. "I'm old. I've Faid bon voyage to mj joutli. It's a sciious thing to be old find feel constrained to iniitiinion-t ; it's mote serious to go down the hill nlone. Now, I want to settle. I like you I like jour tea; so, if jou don't mind " "Hut I do mind." The HaelielorMnid was ery prettj whin her tricksy dim ples flashed and 1 er white teeth gleamed. "I like to lime jou drink mj tea. If we were if things were dif ferent jou'd drink some otiier wom an's tea. Whj, the un to lose a man Jiiend is to is that v.iij. If jou don't mind, jou'll settle els-where and still drink my tea." April lingered when the Uachelor Jict called March had crept into her firms and frocn her, through. The Maid leaned against silk cushions piled BUG SWAYED IN A HAMMOCK, high, indolent and giaccftil, a gicat criinson-sliadcd lamp shining down on her beaut . The itumes leaped behind spaikling fire-dogs; the room wns warm nnd still und flagrant with the faint bicath of violets. "I'm going to be mariied," the Uach elor nnnounccd, "Good," laughed the Maid. "Are j ou yen much " "At 20 I was very much. I wrote rlij ines nnd lost sleep. Hut it comes nwiij from n UO-j ear-old chap like his milk teeth. Now, at 30 it don't come uwny so ens.-j," "Neither do teeth," airily. "Is she" "Very," said the Unchelor. "Im menselj so for her jeats. She knows the Uachelor Muld of to-dny Is the tspluster of to-morrow; she knows thai a spinster is a sort of an orphan miserable old woman who looks out from some little corner in a relative's .house at happiness, having none of CARRIES HER OWN BUTTER. Woiiiiiu Itallvrii- I'mmenKi-r Kept It I'rcNli Diii'Iiih; u Hot ' It I dc. A middlo-ngeil woman, well gowned, carried a. llttlo parcel when sho went In to on the dining car of a train which was approaching Now York one morning lately. Sho sat at taulo, put tho parcel hi her lap and unwrapped It. Inside of several folds of things was a pound pat of butter, She held it in hor lap duiing tho meal and helped herself from It, spurning tho uuttor aupplled by tho company. her own so she's going down the hill with inc." "I shall call, being your very old friend." The Maid couldn't hnve been nnj one's very old friend. "I when did she sny yesV" The Uachelor hesitated. The Mnid was terribly wise for her 27 jenn.'. "Some girls are too eager," he par ried. "They have jeses all prcttlh prepared nnd tucked away just out of sight. One has 11 suspicion " 'Yes, ' said the Mniil, with scorn, "one hasquite a .suspicion." "It isn't true." The Uachelor had de parted, and the Maid stood, one foot on the fender, her sliong, young eyes on the coals. "It isn't true, but it will be some day. Pcihnps no," sternly, as if to nn invisible eulpilt; "you'd be n caged bird jou'dbe the starling that wauled to get out to get out. And." dimpling, "he'll still dilnkyour ten." The flrt of Mnj found the Uachelor Maid in the country. She swajed in a hammock and gaed at nn orchard that was a while nnd perfumed mantle Hung on the hillside's shoulder. Mar riage wns not for her. If she had been meant for marriage she wouldn't have stnjed content thiough 27 j ears. She found it good to be joung, strong, beautiful, and as free as the air she breathed. At the end of the first week n tele ginm came from the Uachelor. It! tend: "Too busy to come down." Much of the Maid's second week at the fnrm was spent in the hnmmock. She didn't sway it, though. She wns thinking hard, and she wanted it still. One couldn't keep from thinking when one's verv best man friend was going to get himself married such a dear, dear fellow, too; one couldn't help from wondering if the girl would prove the light girl. At t lie week's end another telegram. It said: "Very much Kngnged." The Maid got lcslless. It is, oh, a erj seiious thing to get lestless when ,v 011 are bordeiing on 2S. and a woman. She deserted the hammock und took to tramping the country over long, lonely walks. The Uachelor came the last week in Maj. He was as coidially glad to see the Maid as a man veiy full of him self, liis own plans nnd his coming hap piness, of which he talked at tiresome length, could be. The Maid rose to the occasion with exaggerated cheer fulness. They discussed houses nnd their furnishings, floors and their flll ings, servants and their failings. The moon's lound wavered on the hill when the Uachelor said good-by. He whistled as he went down the lane, and past the frngiant orchard. Tlie Maid couldn't deceive herself she wanted n pillow. There wns one in the deserted hammock. It smelled like smoke, and, with something not far from a sob, she buried her face in its deeps. Down through the ages a pillow has been a woman's Geth se 111 a 11 e. The Maid sat up to find the moon man's grin nn evil thing; the shadows were cieepy, and, by some injsterious Alice-in-Wouderland process, the glow ing, sumptuous Uachelor Maids all 01 er the land had shrunk and shriveled. From the little corners that didn't be long to them they looked out pale, patient, hungrj-eyed. The Maid shiv ered. She was having a bad half-hour. And suddenly the Unchelor stood be side her. He said his train was late; the Maid said nothing. "Shall we go in?" his voice was so licitous. He extended his hand; no woman can get out of a hammock alone withnnj show of grace, and snid: "The dcv. is fulling. Isn't it just a little Im prudent young people have rheuma tism earlier than they once did." Tlie Majd buried her face in the fiiendlv hammock and laughed lijs teiicallj. The Uachelor fell to his knee "ItS beastly dull diwn here; it's got jou nervous, dear. Come away with ine, dear. I know just the place for a honcj moon," he pleaded. Silence. "Won't jou mj beloved." TheUnch elor's voice was past recognition. Silence. The Uacheloi's face paled. "You are jou me " came in a choked voice from the pillow. A flash of triumph was in the Hache lor's ejes. "At it ngain, as usual," he said, in very humble tones. "Snj jes, deat est; and I'll quit it." The Mnid sat up. "Isn't there anjbody?" she asked, angi ily. "There's you, and jou again just jou in tlie whole wide world," more humbly. "I I hn hnte you that is I I-. love you You dear, a-bom abomi. nnblc thing, jou," wailed the Maid. The Uachelor diew her up into his. arms. "And jou have acted nbrrminnbly! You know I always meant to saj yes thnt ib if I was ever asked decently. I wanted to sny jes; I wnnted to be woo wooed In n benu-utif 11 1 old fash ioned wa-w ay. I 1 ha-te hate new wa-aj's." The Uachelor, having wisdom straight from the gods, held her close and said nothing. "I've had her before," whispered tho waiter, responsive to an Inquiring look from a man across tho aisle. "What puzzles mo Is how sho keeps the butter during this hot rids from Chicago." Tho porter oxplalnod It. Tho wom an had a stateroom and kopt tho but ter on ico In tho prlvnto washbowl. Few persons when traveling go to such pains to sot palntablo butter. IIcpciiiIm oil the Itut. Bacon I hato to see a man got lute a rut and stay thoro, don't you? Kghnrt No; If a man gets Into a ru( malting money I like t o sco him continue thoro. YonUors Statesman. THEY OBEYED "OLD JACK." SoncMiiH JnelCMiiu'N Control Over Men IllUHtrnteit by 1111 Antc-lld- 1 11 111 Incident. The power which was in the personal presence of "Stonewall" Jackson and his influence over those with whom ho associated Is well Illustrated by an In cident which happened early In 1SC1. The convention which was to decide the attitude of Virginia rn the coming conflict was In session hi Illchmond. As Is well Ituown, both the union nnd the secession paitles were stiong In the state, and the delegates to the con vention were correspondingly divided In sentiment, sas Youth's Companion. The students and professors of the Virginia military institute, situated In Lexington, Va., were almost unanimous ly In favor of secession. At Washing ton college, now Washington and T.po university, in '. - t I v.wt. iu me uigm, unu was ij ni, in me mud. The students suspected that the students of the Virginia military Insti tute were responsible for tho outrage, but having no proof, contented them selves with cleaning tho flag and re placing It. It was not long before a group of stu dents from the Virginia military insti tute stoiped on their way by, and, in the Unlit of open day, undertook to haul the flag down. This time tho Wash ington boys were on the alert, and, fall ing upon the depredators, handled them somewhat 1 ougiily and beat them from the grounds. The report that a number of Washing ton men had beaten one cadet without provocation throw the institute into an uproar, and the whole corps immediate ly turned out to avenge their comrade. Arming themselves with whatever they could lay their hands on, they formed In battle array and proceeded toward Washington college. Their ad ersarif-s, although not so well drilled, armed themselves In like manner, and awaited the attack. Jackson, then a major, was in church, but an excited whisper from a frightened citizen who had hurried in appraised him of what had happened. Ho calmly lose and passed out, to find his whole corps coming up the street in much dis order, but with battle in their faces. One glance at the scene, and his decision was made As quietly as he had left the church, he placed himself at the head of the corps, and began to give commands, looking to the better order of the col umn. The boys were roused to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by the lead ership of "Old Jack," and were quits ready to kill every Washington boy who opposed them. Promptly came the necessary commands for their forward movement, and the citizens stood aghast. Little by little the cadets fell into per fect order, and little by little their obe dience to command became automatic. HJ "cSS&a: ftt. .. BEAT THEM FROM THE GROUNDS. Tramp! tramp! on they went to battle for tho southern confederacy, and to avenge the comrade who had suffered In Its cause. The consternation of the citizens In creased. Tho corps would sooiflbcl In sight of Washington college, and blood would suddenly be shed. Dut suddenly, "Halt!" rang out Maj. Jackson's curtcst tones. "Right wheel! March!" came in quick succession, and tho corps was marching In another direction. At tho next street corner the commands were repeated, and Instantly obeyed, and the faces of the cadets wero toward the Institute, to which they marched In per fect order. They said afterward that they had been so int?nt on obeying Old Jack's commands that they did not realize what wait happening until he dispersed them at the Institute. Cliecrfnl In .Suite of IloIU. When Admiral Farragut's health was suffering from tho continued strain of his labors and anxieties, and from tho climate of tho Mississippi valley and Mo bile bay, he wrote: "I am as well as al man can be who can neither sit, walk nor stand Ave minutes at a time on ac count of Job's comforters. But, thank God (I have so much to bo thankful for that I am thanking Him all tho tlmo), am othorwlso In pretty good condi tion." Chicago Post. Clime of tlie Dlntiirlinncc, Tho Farmer (In tho sideshow, look ing around In alarm) Gosh! whero'a all the rattlesnakes? Tho Lecturer Don't bo alarmed, my rleud. It's only our living skeleton, who la suffering from the ague, you hoar. JudgR. i. g TOUCHING WAR INCIDENTS. ISnemlcx In llnltlc Join llunili nnd (Jo Out of I, He Together l'rleiitls. Incidents of tho first battle are re membered and recorded, simply be cause it was tho first groat light, al though every battle during tho con flict had Its share of touching Inci dents, says the American Tribune. At Dull Run a young Florldan lay with a fearful shot wound in his side, which toro out two of his ribs. With every bent of his heart the poor fellow's life blood was spurting out, and ho begged plteously for wa ter. A member of the New York Fire Zouaves was in the act of handing the wounded confederate a dilnk from his canteen, when a shot struck him and ho fell mortally wounded. The confederate recognized the foe man's uniform, and saw that he was partly hurt while In tho perfoYmance of an net of mercy. Holding out his feeble hand and 5 -m ; "LET US DIE rrtlENDS." clasping that of the union man, ho said: "Enemies wa came Into this battle, let us die friends." "In the name of God," said the other, "so let it be." One who lay near them related the story, and said that he left them with their -hands clasped in death. In the same battle Maj. Colburn, of the Second Connecticut, captured a Ger man who had been a member of tho Eighth South Carolina regiment. The prisoner, with tears in his eyes, said that his brother lay djlng a short distance off, and asked to be permitted to see him., Tho major not only con sented, but went with the man to a log hut but a tew yards away. On the north side of the hut lay a confederate soldier with his eyes closed and the gray pallor of death on his face. The prisoner spoke to him, and with an effort he opened his eyes. The pris oner fell on his knees besldo him, and, kissing him, cried out in German: "My brother! Oh, my brother! What will our poor widowed mother do when she hearsvthat j ou are dead and I am a prisoner?' "It is God's will. Let us pray as when we knelt beside her knee." And clasping hands, the brothers prayed In whispers till death came to one, and the thunder of artillery and the bursting of shells made it necessary to send the other to the rear. It was at Bull Run that a stalwart Irishman brought In three prisoners, and when asked how he managed to capture so many single handed, he quickly replied: "Be jabbers, I surrounded 'em!" Nothing can better illustrate fho power of first impression than the expe rience related to me by a soldier who was for the first time under fire at Bull Run, but who subsequently distin guished himself as an officer of unsur passed gallantry. He said: "I must confess that I was thor oughly frightened, though I stayed In the ranks until we were ordered back. After tho first great fire of the enemy upon our troops, a great many men fell wounded all around. "And from many of them the cry went up: 'Oh, God, have mercy on my soul!' So earnest was the cry, and so contagious, that I found myself making almost unconsciously to myself tho same prayer over and over again, as I was fighting: 'Oh, God, have mercy on my fcoul!' "For t'wo or three nights after tho battle, though I had the opportunity, I could not sleep. Ringing through my ears at all hours of the day and night, for weeks afterward, was the impas sioned, earnest cry, which I cannot describe, but never can forget: 'Oh, God, have mercy on my soul!' Only men entering Into eternity could utter It!" Gen. I.OKrnn'n Itetort. A man who knew John A. Logan In .southern Illinois before tho civil war recently told me that on a certain oc casion young Logan found It necessary to doubt tho veracity of a man con siderably older than himself, and told hlnj so without any circumlocution. "Don't you call me a liar, sir," said tho man, excitedly. "I have a reputa tion to maintain, and I mean to main tain It If I havo to do it at the point of a pistol," "Oh," said Logan, calmly, "that won't bo necessary. You maintain your rep utation all right every time you tell a He." Brooklyn Eagle. I'lieoiiinronilalnK. "What do you think of these experi ments in aerial navigation?" asked tho progressive citizen, "I regard them," said tho man who doesn't approvo of anything, "merely as renewed efforts on the part of tho hu man race to make Itself ridiculous, After wo havo learned to fly, I suppose wo will bo oxpected to perch on a limb I and try to warble." Washington Star, ,1- xBrnm wSmM&W ffWtfzmm IN THE REALM OF POESY. Clinrlty. Now you, John Henry, taln't no uss To slun' up Jnlh an' mak no 'sense; You needn't tlnk ou foollu' me, 1 sutnj has got ejmtosce' Oh I s jo' slslnh, ja, dat's trur Hut den what BooVa dm rIup to do7 Dei ain't no us? In tollln' lies, You look right shouplsh J'oir. o' ejeat I.e'9 sec yo" han'r tth huh, I knowed You washed 'em, but do ti aces shown!. Let's see jo' mn'af; hit looks Ink Ink! Yo' slstah caln'ttell 'serves, 'out Ink! Oh in,, but jo's a naughty chile! I haa to look nt yo' one while; You needn't tvvls' in all dem curves, To t'lnk jo"U stole jo' ma's punscrves. Ef I tol' ma I guess you'd git The lines' whupiiln' cvah jll; But guess I'll keep tt to mjse'r Erbout dat Jah erpon do sho'f; Case ma's des awful vv'cn she stnhts, An' nv oh, how a vvhuppln' smahts! So j ou clomb up? Oh, she'd be madder; Say, toll mo whalh jou put do ladder Paul L-iureuco Dunbar, In Good House keeping. The Summer 5IioMer. They were grlmj and dusty, the wayiiTTa Mowers, And even tho grass la brown and dry, The hot sun beat on the distant tow ers Till thej seemed n -nut ot the lmldskj, And the brooklet loitered nnd seemed to bear The furnace heat of the August air. Then out of the east a cloudlet lose And over the sun a huzo was spread; The robins woke from their noon lopose And the blossoms stirred In the garder. bed, A roll ot thurder, a dash of hall. And lltjhtiiliig Hashes that clctt the skj, Then mlndrons beating the hill nnd dale And bending the lloweis as they passed them bj Beautj and fragrance cast and west, Tho song of bhds In each vvnjslde tree. A child that ci ooncd on Its mother's breast. And sti earn and meadow ajoj to see Tor, boin oC a cloud's carts.slnf hand, Gloij and gi ace had blessed tho land, Lalia .Mitchell, In Tarm Journal. The UkoUnJ. I'm truh and honestlj sony for him: The lines of his life seem excesslvelj grim. When .ihe weather Is mensuilng V) or so, He takes It to heart as n personal woe It seems nothing less than a mortal ills- gtace That l.e should be warm like the rest of ' the race. And jour own tribulations seem trilling- ami dim, So busj jou're kept feeling sorry for him When some of his monej has wandered. aw aj . You forget all tfTo losses j ou meet daj by da j. It seems even unjust that his soup should be cold. Though jour own been so ou occa sions untold. It's lucky to be Just aneerydn man. Who Isn't put up on the sensitive plan His chances for comfortarealwnjs so sllra, I'm trulj and honestlj sorrj for him. -Washington Star. Mliht OIT Huttprnn. We saw the lightship winnow ing the west With its thin fan of flame, nnd from afar A beacon glimmered like a ruddy star Across the ocean's undulating breast. Here In this haunt that harbors storm for guest. Where currents Join with roaring ti eh. anil jar, There was no sign of tumult, naught ta mar The night's blue vastnes3 and the sen3e of rest. Peace lay upon the waters; o'er the sky Peace pread the visible aura of Its wings; It w'as as though the warring wlmlj were awed; We felt that from the void's immensitj, The brooding mj&urj that round It clings Leaned the Inscrutable whom we nam -God! Clinton collard, In Youth's Companion. Ill GrcutCNt Glory. HU greatest glorj was not in his jcars His manj j tars nor In what he hud done, Nor In the world's respect, the peoples tears, As, Ijlng there, he watched the lastsandj run; His gtoatest glorj was not In the love That nations j itlded to him, but above. And gianier""ihan his grealness, mor sublime Tboi all he w rought and all he hoped to do. Par greater, as the last sands trlckied through His long-used, long-enduring glass of Time, Was that sweet faith that, as tht darknesj fell. Permitted him to whisper:. "All Is well." S. E. Klser, In Chicago Record-Herald. When tlie Ilrltclit IlnjB Conic. When the bright dajs come, with th splendor of their light, We'll forgot the solemn darkness of tha long and lonesome night, And brighter heavens shall bless us, with brighter dreams In sight, When the bright when the bright davi come! When the bright dajs como we'll forget a world of sighs And the tears that were n tempest over human hearts and ejes, And we'll see the angels beckon from th windows of the skfes When tho blight when the bright dajs come! F. L Stanton, In Atlanta Constitution. Hone. No wlntrj silence be It e'er so long But springtime wakes It with the blrd' sweet song No daj so drear but after frost and snow, E'en tn far north, tho sweetest roses blow. No night so long but daj light comes at last, And the pink dawn forgets tho darknes past No work so toilsome but the task begun On earth is finished with tho Morning Sun. No wnj so rugged but the wanderer's feet Shall walk unwcuij in the golden street. No parting ever but the God of Love Shall join the parted in tho land abovs. 3, S. Redmayne, In Chambers' Journal. The Siiiik Uiihuui;. It lives In silence When the lips are mute, And loves lies shattered Like a broken lute. It lives In ellenco When, with weeping eyes, A nation gathers Where the poet lies. It lives In silence ' When the many long: "For a land where labor Makes life a song, Charles W, Stevenson, In N Y, Otx server. The Mory ot II mill P. A swarra ot fat, lazy young UBR But out (O disturb tho sweet PPP. When U ueked them, "Y?" With a wink of the I, They said; "Oh, vvo'ie quite at our EEEJ,s I said: "If j ou harm those dear PPP, Or continue the sweet things to TTT, Then tho Jlrat llttlo B That I happen to C Shall be banished straight ovnr he CCC!" Laura G. Woodbury, la Youth's Conv panloa The Question Annrrcrcil. Esttll Springs, Tcnn., Aug. 21th. Many questions nio being asked of Air. 0. D. Uol of tins place in regard to his w ondcrf ul re. covcry. For two j ears he has bf-endown with his back Ho was to very bad that he could not even Inco his shoes, nnd fiom this con dition ho suddenly appeared well and strong as ever. It is no wonder therefore that his friend arc asking him "How did jou do it?" , He tells them all: "Bodd's Kidney Pills did it," and adds "This remedy is a genuina good medicine nnd one that 1 can lieartilj recommend to evcrjbodj. "Uverj one around hero knows how very bad I vvas. I was so weak in my back that I couldn't do an tiring tiiat needed stoop ing or bending over, and three boxes of Dodd's K idncy Pills made me as j ou 6cc, as well as ever 1 was." "They rertainly had a wonderf j! effect on my case." People who tell you they would be great readers if they had the time are not 1) ing " nboutit. They arc simply mistaken. Wash ington (la.) Democrat. Kmplro Stnto Express In "Toot-Hall. Tho Now Yoik Control's Empiro Btato Expics3 is recognized as tho swiftest and BUicst train operated by America's pieatest railroad, and considered tho very bcstnieaus to cover tho ground in tho tlmo requited. It U for this iciison that tho Hatvaid Uni versity footb ill toam named their best and surostnlayof thoBcasou of 1002 lliu "Empiro State Express," for they believed it to bo tho most lcllablo play in their programme. It was successful throughout Iho season until it mot Yale's "20lh Centuiy Limited'' play, which was just as swift, sale andsurc. buthad longer enduranco and vvas "limited" only by the sizo of tho Held. Tho names of tho rival loams very correctly doscribo tho difference in the famous trains, tho "Empiro State" runnlnir only fiom Kcw Yoik to Buffalo, vvhilo tho "50th Century Limited" milcos tho DS0 miles between Now Yoik and Chicago in twenty hours every day of tho jeav. Gioat Is tho Now Yoil: Central and gicat nro tho trains it operates swift, safo and reliable. r oiii the JJioM'jn Standard Unlcn. The mind that is much elevated and inso lent with prospcritj, and cast downbv ad eraitj, is gcncrallj abject and base.- Epi curus. An HiMtorio I1 ltnllionit EiiRlnc. ' Tho Nashville, Chattanooga & St Lotus ltailwaj i d-itiibuting free of charge an attractive little booklet entitled "The Mory of the 'Cieneral,' " winch contains an ex ceedingly interesting account of tlie raid of Capt. .lames J Andrew sand men during the Civil War. It is profusely illustrated. Tlie "(lencral" lm been cnt to Chatta nooga, Tcnn., by the N., C. il St L It ; and U thereto lcmam pcrmanentl It can be seen nt any time by tiavclers pacing through Chattanooga over this raihvav Write to W. L DANLT2Y, G 1'A.N, C. &. St L. Ily., Nashville, Tcnn. Mentioning this paper. "Jack told me thai I vvas not like other girls" "rhat's what he tellsnll of u He'j lead somewhere that all womtn arc difU'r ent." Louisville Tunes. The .Summer Until. nJn(l,itirT 10 innm inrsinli..i n !.. it....... --" u ...wit. ib.iMuui ui lUHLUi" , nling m summer than a daily bath. Uso .r. ...! ... 1 1 . own,, ki-ijui nmiT uuu gooci soap, ivory soap is ideal for tho bath; it is pure, lathers quicklv and leaves the skin soft and white The bath should be taken early in the morning, or just before retir ing at night. ELEANOR It. PAKKEK. Nothing in tlie world is more haughty than a man of modeintc capicity whea once raised to power. Wesscnburg There's Somctlilnsr Doing on the lino of the M , K. i, T It', and wo shall be ghd to send you attractive pamph lets which convey to you the possibilities for monejwnaking, on receipt of two-cent stamp for postage. Address, "ICATY," Suite C, St. Louis, Mo. One cannot alvvajs be a hero, but on can alvvajs be a man. Goethe. Oplnm nnd I.Iqnor Hiiblts Cnreil. Boole free B. JI Woollej , M D , Atlauta.Ua. Good manners and good morals aro worn friends and fast allies liar tol. Genuine Little Liver Pi Flunt Boar Signature of 5ee PaoSlmllo Wrapper Delow. Very omnll and as easy to toko as sugar. FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIZZINESS. FOn BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COHSTIPATIOFt. F0I SALLOW SKIM. FOR TIIECOMPLEXIOn is Cetiti I JPOTOl-r Xegctitolo.s&&i6hvC l-rMtTtnU-w1l a,uiia -jiij.': jjjui tii ii- CURE SICK HEADACHE. rA"Wa"OTB"'Wf'i'iWii-f If you suiter from Epllopsy. Pits, FalUns SIclo ness, St. VUub'b Dance, or Vortluo, have ohlU dren, rolatlvos. friends or neighbors tbnt do so, or know peoplo that are aDIlcted, my Neit Tremulant will Immediately rcllovo nnd PER MANENTLY CUKE them, ami nil vou ar DBkcn to do is to bond for my FIIEE TKEA'iN MENT and try It. It has CURED thousands vrhoro everything elso failed. Will bo Rent to full mlilresB. AH correspondence) protoislonaHj confidential. W. H. MAY, M. D., D4 Pine Street, New York City. I PAY 8POT CASH FOR urw 1 wMon rwrc LAND WARRANTS MILITARY BOUNTY laiuod to soldiers (if unr war. Wrlin mnatimra. Ii'ltANK 11. 1I1CU1CU. ,.., a ..iif ., ...A..... ..T ....-.' ";r .. . " jiuriu jjiock, I'enver, uuia. PATE NTS tefta tflTZOEUALD & CO., IIux H.,VaBhlnBton, S. O. In lima dnt . .i.i. MfrlflUHHBIsMP ... .wo, uuiu uy ii-ruHHiBm, Carters lis CARTERS IplTTLE H PI LLS. asiiHPB mis. npa xl DCflt Couu-h Hvnm. 'lAtn ll nrw-1- Tlnrt I-3H usmKsm