Newspaper Page Text
t t' V JOURNAL, VOL LIXED. L. BLUE, Publisher, PERRYSBURG, WOOD CO., 0., FRIDAY. JULY 14, 1917. $1.00 IN ADVANQE.-NO, HO R. P, BARTON, CAR UNO AUTO SEVERE STORM PERRYSBURG UNDERTAKER (perrysburgqM Both Phones Main BADLY INJURED Two Sugar Ridge Men Havn a Lively Row. Jolin Price n farmer residing in the vicinity of Sugar llidgo lies very near death's door with two ugly wounds In his head Intllctcd Tuesday afternoon by Thomas Wood with a heavy pleco of scantling, says tho Free Press. It Is -.said that Wood struck the blows In self dofenso dur ing an argument over ,n bill which Price owed him. Price wns at the time under tho Influence of liquor. It seems that thero has boon some hard feollng between tho two men who nro neighbors and that Wood had several times asked Prlco to pay him for a load of hay ho had let him have. When Prlco beenmo intoxlcat- ed Tuesday ho wout over to tho Wood house, and started an argu- mont. Wood was all alone, and not belng very strong as he Is a sufferer with tuberculoids, proceeded to do-1 fond himself with a heavy stick. Two bad gashes were cut in Price's bIcuII and ho wns rendered unconscious, Vood Is said to have dragged tho sensolnss man to the road whore ho was picked up by two men who rec ognized him nnd took him to his home. ' A Peek Into His Pocket would show tho bos of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo that E. S. Lopcr, a car penter, of Marllla, N. Y. nlways car ries." I have never had a cut, wound, hrulso, or soro It would not soon heal," ho writes. Greatest healer of burnB, bolls, scalds, chapped hands nnd lips,' fover-sorcs, skin-eruptions, oczemn, corns and piles. 25c at C. P. Chnmpony's. APPEALS CASE. Conductor J. Ryan ,and Engineer AVIUiam Wlso of tho train which at Weston killed a young boy a short time ngo and who wore fined $50 eafch for oxcocdlng tho speed limit In going through tho town by Mayor Wood, havo appealed tho caso to the common plcns court.. PRATT-HAMILTON. William Pratt of Pcrrysburg and Miss llellen Hamilton of Toledo, were united In marriage at Windsor, Cana da, on Juno 10, but did not make tho fact known until a few lays since. Now they are receiving congratula tions. Novor leave homo on a Journoy' Without a bottle of Chnmborlnln's 'ftJolic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is nlmost cortain to bo needed nnd cannot bo obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. Dr. B. Kinsley ID E.3ST T1 1ST Ofllco up stnlrs over Hoffman's restaurant, corner Front and Main. Plato work a specialty, all work guaranteed chnrges reasonable no charges for examination or consulta tion. Oflico Hours: 8 to 11 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. PERRYSBURG, OHIO. FREDERICK 0. AVERILL ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, 818 Spitzcv Ilttlldlng, '.TOLEDO, OHIO. Homo Phone 1I0D. DR. J. M. M0RG-AN, CHRONIC DISEASES Electric mid X-Rny Work COS, 509, 510 Nicholas Bldg., Cor. Madison & Huron Sts. Toledo. Edward M. Fries - having rotircd as Judge of tho Court of Common Picas, la now engaged In tho general practice of tho law, with olilcoB over Lincoln's Drug storo, Alula Rtxpat, Bowling Onion, 0, Twenty-seven. FEROCIOUS BULLDOG Attacks Small Boy While Swimming in River. Sponccr, tho thlrtcon-yonr-old son of Dr R. B. Hoist, of Rossford, hail a narrow cscapo from death Thurs- day afternoon as tho result of nn at tack of a vicious bulldog. Tho lad was bathing in tho river when a stick was thrown Into tho wa ter by some one. A bull dog leaped for tho stick but missed It nnrt grab- bed tho boy's ear Instead, Despite every effort of tho youth to make the animal release his hold, ho was unsuccessful and tho assistance of his mother also proved futile, As the boy was about to give up tho stiugglo from exhaustion and sink to his death beneath tho waters, two mon went to his rescuo and sue- ceoded In choking tho canine until it released Its hold. The ear was tcr- ribly injured by tho dog's teoth. Tho lad Is the grandson of tho late Dr. G. B. Spencer, of Weston, and nephew of formor Deputy County Au- dltor George Spencor. ECHO OF WRECK. As n result of the automobile ac cident at tho crossing of tho C, II. & D. In Hnskins a year ago Juno 2Gth, Sam Kohn has brought suit for dam ages ho alleges to have received at that lime. The party were In Joseph Nast's automobile when tho accident occurred. TAKE A LAST LOOK. Those who would preBoryc the memory of Lucascounty's flist court houses would bettor spend tho next week or two In taking farowell gazes at tho historic pile, as tho old build ing will be sold to tho highest bidder next Monday, tho 10th Inst., when tho council will open the bids for tho building. It will then be torn down, all tho material removed and tho grounds probably converted Into a park. While thero will bo rogrots at tho passing of this structuro because of Its association with tho early days of this community, thoso who mado tho loudest wnil over its destruc tion failed to Interest thomclves In a substantial manner in Its preserva tion, and tho villago was unable to do so; theroforo, In view of tho fact that tho building had lapsed into an unsafe condition, thero is nothing else to do hut raze it. Mnumoo Advance Era. Sprnlns. require careful treatment. Keop quiet nnd apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove tho soreness nnd quickly restoro tho parts to a healthy condition. For salo by nil denlors. OSTEOPATHY DOCTOR COBB 220 Superior Street, Tolodo Diseases and deformities of child ren. Nervous and chronic diseases. Suite 10. Homo phono Main 3374 Fob. 1S-09 Rheinfrank and Ohlinger ATTORNEYS rl-n:!2-r:t;M:U Splt7er Building Toledo, Ohio. Homo Phono Main 1501). Hell Alain 710. D , K. Hollenbeok, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW General Collector nnd Real Estnto Agent. Tltlos Investigated and abstracts furnished on application. Notary In olllco. PERRYSBURG, OHIO. -John Zurfluh- PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Denier In WnlclicH, Clocks, .Inwoli-y, Spectacles. Hnlf Block from Summit St. .11 Mom oo St. Toledo, Ohio. Special enro will bo takon with tho repair of nil kinds of Watches, OlockB and jQWclry. In a Close Game at IVIcCluro Sunday By tho Score of 8 to 9. In a fast and close gamo at Mc Oluro Sunday, Pcrrysburg trotted homo with tho long end of tho 9 to 8 score. It was an exciting gamo and wo'l played, each team being in the lend nt various stages of tho contest. The batting of tho Pcrrysburg boys en abled them to tnlllo when hits meant runB. Tho scoring started in tho first in ning for tho visitors when Honner secured a life by J. Balliner of Mc Cluro throw wild to first, Noble doubled scoring Honner, nnd IteiB singieu scoring Nouio. Three runs were counted in tho third by Noblo singling, Reis securing a walk, Rhoda doubling, scoring Noblo and Cromwell, driving a slnglo to left Held scoring Rols and Rhoda. In tho fifth Itels singled, took second on Hhoda's sin gle nnd scored on Cromwell's second single. In tho seventh, three more tallies were added by two bases on balls and a. pair of singles by Shifford and Williams. McClure's score camo 2 In the sec ond, 2 In the fourth nnd 4 in the sixth. Williams pitched good ball, having his opponents bt caking their backs swinging nt 1iIb offerings. Ho was n littlo erratic at times, especially so tn tho sixth when by walking three men, and an error by himself and Snyder, four runs counted against him. Tho stick work of tho Perrysburg team was exceptionally good, Crom well Itels and Rhoda each getting two hits, and Noblo getting three. Snyder and Hlcklor were the only ones who failed to hit tho ball. Tho McCluio team are a clean, hos pitablo hunch of ball players, who mako it n pleasure to play. Umpire Hollopeter of McCIuro was a little off on his base umpiring and on deciding foul balls,' but his ball nnd Btrike work was exceptionally good The lineup: Pcrrysburg. A.B. R. H. E Honner 3 b i j j 0 Hnrpor 2 b 5 0 1 0 Noblo c. f.: 4 2 3 0 Snyder I. f , fi 0 0 1 Reis s, s 3 2 2 U Rhoda i I'. 4 2 f 'i Cromwell r. f 2 0 2 0 Shifford r f 2 0 1 0 Hlckler c 1 1 0 1 Williams p ", 1 l 1 39 0 13 3 McClure A.B. R. H. E Wilson 1. f 5 1 2 1 Biumgardncr s. s..; 50 0 1 J. Ballmer 3 b G 0 0 3 B. Ballmer lb 5 0 1 0 Funkhouser 2 b 5 1 1 0 Long p 2 1 0 0 Jennings c. f 3 3 1 1 Schlaughter r. f t2 1 0 0 Hartning c, c. f 2 1 1 0 34 8 G 8 Score by. innings: 1 2 Perrysburg 2 0 McCIuro 0 2 Totals: Two baso 5 G 1 0 0 4 7 8 9 3 0 09 0 0 08 Noble 2, 0 2 hits: Rhoda, Wilson 2, Funkhouser, Hnrt slng. Hit by pitched ball: Crom well, Honner, Noblo, Reis, Long. Struck out by Williams, G; by Long, 12. Bases on balls: off Williams, 5; off Long, 3. Time 2 hours. Umpire, Hollopotor. Right In your busiest season when you have tho leaBt tlmo to sparo you nro most likely to tako diarrhoea and Iobo several days' tlmo, unless you havo Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nt hand nnd tnko a dose on tho first nppoaranco of tho disease For salo by all dealers. 9 Collide and Machine is Wrecked Near Van Buren. Careless driving resulted in tho de struction of nn automobile last Smi dny near Van Buren. As a car on the T. B. G. & S. T. Co's. lino wns speeding down tho straight track going Into Van Buren, Just over tho lino Into Hancock coun ty, nn automobile, containing flvo peo ple was going in the same direction, both car and auto being in full view of each other. At a moment when tho car was about ono hundred foot behind the auto tho driver turned tho machine to cross tho track in front of tho car. It was all over In a minute. Tho car struck 'the front wheels of tho auto and knocked it completely around nnd tho machine landed light side up, headed In tho opposite di rection from that in which it was running when struck, with the pas sengers in their scats and entirely unhurt. The front wheels wcro crushed and the engine dropped through the frame to tho ground, with five passengers badly scared and thnnkful for their romnrkablo deliverance. SHIPLEY STARTS SOMETHING. Thero have been ninny tales of strango events concerning old Fort Meigs, but it remained for Caretaker Shipley of tho Fort to "start some thing" different. He did not have tho nerve to toll his talo of woo to tho Journal as ho knows wo aro somo prevaricator ourself, but went over to Maumeo to our innocent friend Pom- eroy and unloaded the following; as published In the Advnnce-Era: Wonders never cease in tho poultry kingdom. Tho latest freak is the hatching of 1G chickens by a turkey gobbler owned by Caretaker Shiploy nt Fort Meigs. Mr. Shipley tells us solemnly and crossing his heart that his hen turkey has already respond ed to tho maternal instinct and has incubated a dozen littlo turks. but that tho gobbler did not seem satis fied, his heart and gizzard seeming to long for something. Manifesting n desire to perform what spemed to him to be n bounden duty, ho de veloped a sedentary propensity nnd remained on nn empty nest. Finally Shipley, having no turkey eggs, plac ed a basketful of the ordinary lion varloy beneath the gobbler, and this week saw tho fruition of the ThankFglving bird's efforts. Being unnble to cluck, the big foul does his best to show off by strutting and gobbling vociferously, the while his wattles turning n crimson huo. The wee flufflings Beem greatly astonished at this conduct nnd do not take kind ly to thoir step-father, while Mrs. Turkey has deserted him completely. Shiploy hns started something that ho cannot stop. Parson's Poem A Gem. From Rov. II. Stubonvoll, Allison, In., in praiso of Dr. King's Now Life Pills. "Thoy'ro such n health necessity, In every homo theso pills should bo, If other kinds you'vo tried in vain, USE DR. KING'S And ho well again. Only 25c at C. P. Chainpnoy's. NO RACE SUICIDE HERE. A baby boy arrived at tho homo of Win. Budd ono day last week. This is the fourteenth baby In tho Budd family and William is as proud of tills ono as ho -was of tho first. President Roosevelt should cortnliily feel proud of such a boquet of Budds, and would fool satisfied thero Is no ovldonco of "race suicldo" in this family. I OUR INTEREST BEOIINS AT ONCE. Our certificates of UcjiobI1 and deposits on pas8uool.a dinw wteicet fiom dnte ol deposit. THIRTY-TWO YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL, CON SERVATIVE BANKING. J. DAVIfl, D. K. HOLLUNWSOK, NORMAN L. HANSON, President ' Vice-President. Cashier It. It, HAltTBIIOltN, Assistant GERTRUDE E. CHAPMAN, Assistant Resources over f 100,000.00 Havoc With Wires Other Property. and Tho torrlblo heat of Monday nnd Tucsdny was punctured with severe storms on those days. Electric lights wcro knocked out of business In Perrysburg and telephones badly deranged. Near Bowling Green tho storm wns very sovero nnd tho Wood Comity Telephone Co. had flvo polos knocked down southwest of Ru dolph. A house northeast of Bowling Green three miles, owned by A. O. Gnllior nnd occupied by his son Walter nnd family was struck by lightning and badly damaged. Tho little boy, Don ald waB knocked down, while Mrs. Gallicr was shocked. PRIMARY NOMINATIONS. Tho following is a copy of Section 49G9, of An Act passed May 31st, 1911, and may bo of interest to our renders. Section 49G9, Nominations for plnceB on tho primary bnllot shall be by nomination papers which sljall be filed with tho board of deputy state supervisors at least thirty days be fore the day for holding the primary election. Such nomination pnpers shall bo signed by two per cent of the party votois in the county, municipali ty, precinct, ward or other polltlcnl subdivision for which such nomination Is to bo made. Tho basis of per centage in each case shall bo the vote of tho pnrty In such county, munici pality, precinct, ward or other politi cal subdivision for governor at the last preceding election for stato of ficers. Such nomination pnpers must bo filed on or before August 7th, 1911. Primary Election, September 5th, 1911. For summer diarrhoea tn children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, and a speedy euro Is cer tain. For sale by nil dealers. NAPS BREAK EVEN- In n fast exciting 12 inning game tiie Perrysburg Naps were defeated by tho South Paws or Toledo, Sundny by tho score of 3 to 2 and they took rovongo on Rossford, dofeatlng them by tho score of 5 to 0. The features of tho game was tho pitching of Wittman and F. Finch for tho Naps. STATE OF MATRIMONY. Tho stato of Matrimony is ono of tho United States. It is bounded by kissing and hugging on ono side, cradles and babies on tho other. Its chief products are population, broom sticks and staying out at night. It was discovered by Adam and Eve while- trying to find n Northwest pass age out of Parndise. Tho climato is sultry until you pass the tropics of housekeeping, then squally weather commonly sets In with Buch power as to keep nil hnnds cool as cucumbers. For tho principal roads leading to this interesting stato, consult the first pair of bluo eyes you soo. Ex. Happiest Girl In Lincoln. A Lincoln, Nob., girl writes, "I had been ailing for somo timo with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was ablo to bo up and got bettor right along. I am tho proudest girl in Lincoln to find such a good medi cine." For salo by nil dealers. RAILROADS MUST PAY. The Supremo Court decided last week that municipalities cannot be mndo to pay tho wages of railroad crossing watchman, either in whole or part, which menus that tho Rail roads must pay tho expenses of such watchmen. PJays Colobratou at Stony Ridejo Tuesday, July 4. On Mr. nnd Mrs. Adam Snyder, two Stony Rldgo honored pioneers, passod the golden milestone of their wedded life, Tuesday, July 4, 1911. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder camo to thja country from Gormnny about 74 years ago, locating with their parents at Liverpool, Medina county, Oh'jo from whence they moved to Stony Ridge, O. in 1855. Mr. Snyder waB born In Niodor klrche, Germany, on April 21, 1833, and Mrs. Snyder (nco Koppler) waB born in Wittenberg, Germany, on No vember 15, 1838. They wer married at Perrysburg, O. on July 4. 1801. , Of ten children born of this union nine aro living. They nro Godfrod, Augustus, David, Christopher and Albert Snyder, Mrs. F. Keller, Mrs. Chas. H. Shook, Mi-'b. Geo. J. Hnsel and Mrs. Frank Rah tert. Thero are twelve grandchildren and ono great grandchild. ' Four generations were present nt tho anniversary,' the fourth genera tion being represented by tho baby daughter Zelda of Mr. nnd Mrs. Adal bert Snyder. Others present wore: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, Daniel Snyder, MIbb Katharine Snyder, Mrs. Caroline Jartman, Wm. Koppler, brothers and slBters of Mr. nnd Mrs. Adam Snyder. Chas. F. Keller, Chas. H. Shook. Geo. J. Hnsel, Ethel, Llla and Richard Hascl, Frank Rohtort, Eva nnd Myron Rohtert, Mrs. G. F. Snyder nnd Leo Snyder, Mrs. Augustus W. Snydor, Mrs. Chris E. Snyder, Mrs. Albert Snyder, Berntce and Walter Snyder. ,Miss Carrie Keppler, Geo. Crook, John Young and wife, Michael Heckloy nnd wife, Mrs. Pheno Emch and daughter, Carrie, Mrs. Mary Rohtert, Dr. Carey and wife, Julius Franz and wlfo, Jacob Metzger and wife, Fred Swartz and wife, Rov. and Mrs. J. Born nnd daughter Margaret, Mrs. Iungllng, Lucian Snyder, wife and daughter Grace, Mrs. Jnmes McCutcheh, Thomas and Frances Swope, John Schneider, Mrs. Martin Shook, Chris. Faist, daughter and son, Mr. nnd ll'rs. Dr. Prlco and family. Rov. J. Born favored thoso present with n fitting nddress for tho occa sion, which was very much enjoyed by all. A bountiful dinner and supper waB served to tho guests. A sociable time with music nnd singing wns the feat ure of tho day. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were the re cipients of appropriate gifts and tlio guests departed wishing them many more happy days of wedded life. '' The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Al bert Snyder was christened and named Walter Albert Snyder prior to the close of tho occasion. M"l"H"I"I-l"rM"Il-H-H"M-H-M-H f LIME CITY. M-M-I-M-I I I I -I-I-I-I- Isaac Finch and family of Toledo, wero the over Sunday guesta of J. D. Grclnor and wife. Harold Whoeler of Columbus, (a spending a few weeks with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Whee ler. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Whltaon nnd children nnd Mrs. Mnlida Swartz spent Sundny with Chns Goodmnn nnd wife. Mrs. Nollort la spending n few dnys with her daughter, Mrs. Wagoner or Sandusky. Mr. Chas Johnaon nnd family spent Sundny with Mr. Fred Knzmnlor nnd wife. ( Miss Amelia Flchor spent last week in Toledo. BIG SCHEME. A company composed ofi largo capi talists is considering tho foasablllty of erecting a largo number of dams on the Maumeo nnd Auglaize- rivers for the purpose of furnishing water power for manufacturing purposoa Tho scarcity of fuel for such purpos es in years to come will 'make such enterprises necessary, and no doubt tho young man of today will soo tho water lu Blanchnrd river utilized for tho name purposes. Thoro'a nothing bo good for a soro throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Curos ifln a fow hours, Rollovoa any pain n any pnrL 1-1-I-IM I I I-I--I.