OCR Interpretation

Perrysburg journal. (Perrysburg, Wood Co., O. [Ohio]) 186?-1965, February 14, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. LX-ED. L. BLUE, Publisher.
1.00 IH ADVAflOB-HO. 61
Both Phones Main Twenty-seven.
Edward Thompson Fatally Burned
While Lighting a Fire.
Teachers Who Attend Normal School
During Summer Vacation.
Wm. Behrenson the First to go on
Trial for Looting Bank.
Sees His Finish and Tries to Make
the Shock as Light as Possible.
How it May Be Utijized by the
Country Merchant.
The country merchant should not
become alarmed over the parcel post.
The successful mail order houses have
done enormous amount of advertising
to reach the people and this has
brought about their success. In order
to compete intelligently In this busi
ness, the local merchant must plan
his advertising campaign and it is the
country weekly which will aid him in
securing this business. The local mer
chant can now de'iver his goods in
this vicinity at a far less cost than
the big houses in the distant city and i
he can, make the delivery by the time
the mail order house has received the
order. The newspaper and the parcels
post will be the salvation of many
dealers if they take advantage of the
new order of things and use both to
the betterment of their business.
Tardiness in the high school is de
creasing for which Supt. Haylor is
giving daily thanks.
Miss Ruby Trumpy of the high
school had a fainting spell last Fri
day. A pupil of one of the lower
grades reported it to her teacher and
she was found in a semi-unconscious
condition by two of the teachers. She
was better in the afternoon and re
ported at school.
The freshmen have begun the study
of physical geography with the super
intendent as teacher.
Miss Drach has a class in phy
siology this semester.
On Thursday morning Mr. Person,
the state inspector of schools, visited
the Perrysburg high school. During
the morning he gave a very interest
ing talk to the pupils of the high
The Soph. Latin class had a final
examination in "Caesar" Tuesday
The seventh grade pupils have been
very patriotic lately as their room is
decorated with flags. '.
The pupils of the seventh grade art
making valentines.
In the third grade the gold side
won in spelling down while the reds
won in deportment.
Dorothy Davis, of fifth grade,
spelled the school down on Friday
Thelma Hennen has returned to
fifth grade after a week's illness.
Prich. Spirat was promoted to fifth
grade after the mid-year examina
tion. -John ZurfliQi-
Dealer In
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles.
000 Monroe St. Toledo, Ohio.
Near Michigan Street.
Special care will be taken with the
repair of all kinds of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry.
.Dr. B. Kinsley
Office Hours: 8 to 11 a. m., 1 to
p. m.
Office up stairs corner Front
' and Main Streets.
Phone Main 14
pwnRYRRnnn ohto
chronic DISEASES
Electric and X-Kay Worlc
508, 509, 610 Nicholas Bids.
Cor. Madison & Huron Sta. Toledo.
having retired as Judge of the Court
of Common Pleas, la now engaged In
the general practice of the law," with
offices over Lincoln's ' Drug store'.
Main Btjeot, Bowling Green, O f
PP.FnF.'R.TfTR? fl. A VF.PTT.T.
VAJJWrfii.VVdt -Ni u ifriTl IT "1 I
gfdUer Building,
JPwmW tJWB Jlvt -.-.- .
Farmer Writes of Condition
Agriculture in Holland
Extracts from Professor Vivian's
letters have not appeared for several
weeks but we have received so many
calls for a continuation of this service
that we have arranged with The Ohio
Farmer, for which Prof. Vivian is
writing exclusively, to furnish us an
extract of each letter that he sends.
The letter this week is from Holland.
He says, in part:
"Actually one-fourth of all Holland
is below sea level (some of it at least
eight feet below) and Sf the dikes
were to be broken through 38 per cent
of the present area would be rendered
unfit for agricultural purposes. We
have just traveled over a large tract,
which only a short time ago was an
inland sea, but has been numDed drv
and is now one of the richest agricul-
tural regions in the world. It is said
that the" Dutchman is even consider
ing throwing a dike across the Zuy
der Zee and pumping the water out
of it to add to his cultivable land.
"Holland has made the best of her
necessity, for the canals serve not
only to drain the land, but are the"
great highways of the country. Near
ly all the freight and much of the
passenger traffic goes by the canals.
On them may be seen all kinds of
craft. There are the large steamers
and motor boats; the sail boats of
large carrying capacity; the tug boat
with its flotilla of barges and scows;
the boat towed by men walking on the
bank; and that propelled by poles by
two people (usually a man and a wo
man) who walk back and forth along
the side of the boat pushing It slowly
on its way. In these last mentioned
boats a, family often lives the year
around, making its living by carrying
freight as long as the canals remain
unfrozen. In all, there are 1,150 miles
of navigable canals in use in Holland.
There is an air of peace and pros
perity about Holland that so far has.
been seen nowhere else. The rich
green fields with their thousands of
black arid white cows, with the trim
little houses and stables, all speak of
substantial success. We had read of
the monotony of the Dutch scenery,
but surely such a country could nev
or be monotonous to one interested in
agricultural progress. ,
Probably nowhere are the cattle so
much in evidence as in Holland. They
are seen everywhere and in large
numbers. Grass grows luxuriantly,
and the cattle stay in the fields from
early spring until about the first of
November. The canals . form the
fences between the fields, atid all the
farmer has to do is to raise the bridge
or put a gate across it and the cattle
are enclosed in the field. In the au
tumn and spring the cattle are. blan
keted for protection but are housed
only during the winter.
"Much ofj the milkproducod.inHoU
land is' manufactured into cheese ;of
which many varieties are made, most
of it, as yet, on- the farms,. although I
the central cheese factory la coming,!
into vogue. All of the' older houses
and barns are built under One room,
only a door separating the cows from
the family. The newer houses, how
ever, are built entirely separate from
the barn. In the spring the barn is
scrubbed and scoured and used for
making and cuigng the cheese. Most'
of the farmers do not try to make."
cheese in the winter as they say that"
good cheese: can not be produced dur
ing the cold months of the year.
"Holland is quite as noted for her
horticultural crops as for her cows..
The. section, around Harrem is famous
the world over, fdr $he production of
spring flowering , bulbs such as hya
cinths, tulips, etc. Indeed, these- are,
more often than not called "D.utch
bulbs" in America. It must bo a splen
did qight in the spring to see acre
after acre of tulips, hyacinths, cro
cuses, daffodils', etc."
This is the season of the year when
mothers feel mueh concerned over the
.frequent colds contracted by their
children, and have abundant reason
fprlt as every cold weakens the lungs,
. ,, .. ... ..
. lowerq inq vitality mm yius w yvuy
for' the more, serious diseases, that bo
often follow. Chamberlain's Cough"'
Remeoy is famous f oa its cures, .and
is pleasant 'and, safe to take. For sale
Edward Thompson, aged 63, living
three miles cast of Perrysburg, was
badly burned on 'Monday morning,
and his recovery ia doubtful.
Mr. Thompson was about to start a
fire in a stove and used what he sup
posed was coal oil to assist in lighting
the fire. He made a mistake and
poured gasoline in the stove and when
the match was touched to the oil, the
sudden flash from the fire communi
cated with the gasoline can which he
held in his hand. The can exploded
and he was envelopebVin flames and
seriously burned.
His face, neck, chest and legs were
so ba'dly burned that it is feared he
may not survive his injuries.
Dr. Canfield was called and every
possible attendance given, but he is
in a dangerous conditon, and his death
is expected at any moment.
Members of the family assisted in
extinguishing the flames before they
communicated with the house.
On Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock
Mr. Thompson pased away. He was
conscious up to the time of his death.
Mr. Thompson leaves a family of
eight children four boys ' and four
girls to mourn his death.
The funeral services will be held
at the M. E. church in Perrysburg, at
11 a. m., Thursday, Rev. Webster
That many Ohio farmers are pay
ing from 75 cents to $1 per tree fox
nursery stock and then not getting
good trees is the surprising statement
made by an instructor connected with
the College of Agriculture, Ohio State
University. He says, that farmers
should be able to get first-class trees,
true to name, at from "12 to 20 cents
pes tree. Large orchardists get trees
in quantities at from 12 to 15 cents
apiece and in small quantities they
can be purchased at from 15 to j20
cents, not over 25 cents at the most.
"Avoid the fruit tree agent who sells
so-called perigreed stock and rare va
rieties," warns this instructor. "Pat
ronize reliable nurserymen and deal
with them direct, unless you are sure
of the honesty of the agent.'
STONY ridge;
Friends of Mr. Ivan Warns, 20, a
butcher residing near this place, and
Miss Mabel Snyder, 17, residing
southwest were pleased to learn of
their marriage last week at Monroe,
Mich. They .were married at the
Lutheran parsonage by Rev. Zapf.
Best wishes are extended to them.
Miss Helen Cable a former pupil
of the Stony Ridge schools was a
visitor at the schools last Tuesday.
Mr. George Whitson and family
were Sunday visitors of the Amuel
Nollehberger family.
Mr. Ben Broderson is sick with
Mrs. Walter Kurfis is also on the
sick list.
The 'quarterly meeting of the Meth
odisthurch was held Saturday and
.Sunday; .
Mjr. ana ivirs. i'rea., JNoiienoerger
were visiting friends in Toledo Sun
s'm'jsb' Mildred Roll had for her Sun
day "guests the JJlisses Nieman, Clara
Sherman and Mpry Aufderstrasse of
Pemberyjllel . :
"".Many of , the "teachers from this
Ifvicinity,.'wgn attendance at the
Techersf"irterly Institute held at
CvMr.ftJ'red Myers residing one mile
outlMS-l with nn attack of appendi
citis .''
MrLawi;ence Lilhr picket agent at
ine unjo uijtrai uepoc, nas returnea
to his work after spending a vacation
at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Snyder have
returned from visiting" relatives resid-
ing in. the vkininty of Graf ton, Ohio.
John Shook has purchased a new
LHuber Traction Engine. . . .
wue uriggs who has been travel- J-"c "u "" u-.Cuj, ., .,Ci
ing during the past few years re- in the church parlors Friday, Febru
turned home last week. ""' ' ary 14.
Last year the Board of Education
of Jefferson township, Montgomery
county, Ohio, agreed to add ?5 per
month to the salary of any. of its
teachers who would attend a normal
school during the summer. Out of 1G
teachers in the township, seven took
advantage of the offer, thereby in
creasing their salary ?5 per month.
This Boqrd of Education Instead of
paying all its teachers $40 per month,
the minimum salary required by law,
has a sliding scale based on qualifica
tion and experience. All teachers who
have had no experience receive $50
per month the first year. For the sec
ond year they receive $55 per month,
providing they have a one-year cer
tificate, or $60 per month, if they have
a certificate for two years. For the
third year the salary is $60 per month
for those holding a two-year certifi
cate. Two dollars a month is allowed
all teachers for janitor service. It is
possible by attending a summer nor
inal school to receive a maximum sal
ary of $67 per month in this town
ship. The results of this plan, as
shown by the qualifications and terms
of service of the teachers of the town
ship are an interesting study. Of the
16 teachers employed, 13 have had at
least a high school education, and it
is worthy of remark that no inexperi
enced teacher is now employed unless
he or she has completed a four-year
high school course. Preference is
given to graduates of the township's
own high school. 'Thirteen of the
teachers have had the advantage of a
normal school training some time in
their school experience. Only three
teachers are teMiing their first term
this year. Five of the 16 teachers
were employed to teach in the town
ship for the first time this year. Seven
teachers have been in" the township
schools five years or longer. One
teacher has had 17- years of experi
ence and another has taught 84 years,
K0 years of whichhave -been, -spent in
W4V. U Vi&& W4. UUl bUtYllOllip dUlUUlOt
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; subject
for study, "The Call of Abram."
Preaching serviced at 10:30 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. .
The mid-week meeting, as usual,
Thursday evening at' 7:30. Lecture on
the Sunday School Lesson for next
Sunday by the pastor.
Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday
evening at 6:30. Leader of meeting,
George Roose. Subject, "Bulletins
from the Temperance War." The
meeting on "Zeal" Sunday evening
was very interesting and helpful in
deed. Miss Maize proved herself a
zealous leader.
The Endeavorers held their monthly
business meeting last Friday evening
at the home of Miss Beatrice Van
Norman. After the business was
transacted the members of the society
enjoyed a social evening together, and
a fine time was had by all.
The Christian Endeavor choir led
the music at both the church services
last Sunday to the great delight of all
present. Come again," C. E. C.
Sunday School at 9:00 a. m.
Preaching Services Sunday at 10 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m.
Topic ''Bulletin from the Temper
ance War."
The revival meetings have been
yery successful and will continue
through this week.
Further announcements for next
week will be made Sunday
Sunday, Feb. 16 Sunday school at
9:00 and, l1 s5vices -10:3
a- m- and 7:30 p m' EPworth League
6:30 p. m. The topic: Genuine
faith shows itself by deeds Matt.
7:24; Jds. 1:22-24, 4:14. Miss Addle
cur i j
0,'r , ,: ,
Depository of the U. S. Government, Postal Savings SysUu,
Depository of the State of Ohio.
This bank, has' a record of Thirty-three years aucce.
Commenced. business in 1879.
Four per cent, interest paid on deposits forgone year.
President', Vice-President Cushler
Resources over 1480,000.00
The trial of William Behrensen, 26,
of Cleveland, charged with being one
of the alleged yeggmen who blew the
safe and robbed the Munn bank of
Portage, on the morning of Novem
ber 19 last, was placed on trial before
Judge Duncan in common pleas court
Monday morning.
Prosecutor Hatfield, in his opening
statement, said the State would at
tempt to show that Behrensen was a
part of the crowd that robbed the
bank; that Behrensen stood outside as
a guard while Albert Peverett and
William Miley, now in jail, worked in
side. Kirk H. Brown of Toledo, ht
also charged, would be shown to have
been a party to the robbery.
B. F. James represents Behrensen.
Behrensen is the first of a tHo of al
leged .yeggs now under arrest and
charged with the robbery of the Munn
bank, to be tried. William Peverett
of South Bend, and William Miley,
alias "Indianapolis Billy," are in jail.
Miley confessed to tlie job and impli
cated the two other men.
Kirk H. Brown, Toledo, saloonist,
who is indicted with the three men in
jail, but who is out on bond, is ac
cused by Miley in his confession to
Prosecutor Hatfield, the latter says,
with being a principal in the rob
bery. The detectives traced Peverett and
Miley to the former's home in South
Bend, Ind., where they were arrested.
The officers secured a quantity of ni-tro-glycerine
when they searched Pe
verett's house. According to the offi
cers, Mrs. Peverett made a written
confession in which she charged her
husband with being one of the men
who robbed the Munn bank. It is said
Mrs. Peverett had been badly treated
by her husband and she took this
means of getting rid of him. It is
also said by Prosecutor Hatfield of
Wood county, and the detectives who
worked on the case, that Mrs. Pever
ett declared her husband gave her
$1,000 a few days after the robbery
of the Munn bankk.
After the arrest of Peverett and
Miley the latter made a complete con
fession of the robbery and the part
alleged to have been taken by Behr
ensen and Peverett and the other men
now at large. According to Miley the
five men, Peverett, Behrensen, Well-
ever, Powers and himself rode to Por
tage in an automobile owned and
driven by Kirk Brown, the Toledo sa
loonist. Miley further charges in his confes
sion, Prosecutor HatfieW says, that
Brown drove the alleged yeggs to
several places in Northwestern Ohio
before taking them to Portage. At
each of these towns visited, Miley
says, the "mob" surveyed the local
banks at night and then drove on.
That the robbers were double
crossed after the robbery is asserted
by Miley, who says that the robbers
took all of the bills or soft money
when the safe was blown and placed
them m their pockets. The hard
money, gold, silver and small change,
they placed in a grip which was car
ried to a point between Rossford and
Perrysburg and there secreted. Miley
says it was the intention of the rob
bers to return a day or two later and
get this money and grip. In the mean
time, he says, two confederates, who
had remained in Toledo, but who were
aware of the plans to rob the bank
and how the money was to be dis
posed of, went to the place in Wood
county where the money was buried
and stole the gold and silver, putting
bright, shining Lincoln pennies in
their place. The loss of the gold and
silver was not discovered by the rob
bers, Miley says, until the grip was
brought to Toledo a few nights later
and opened.
The case waB given to the jury at
11 :45 a. mi Tuesday and at 12:o5, just
20 minutes later, the jury returned a
verdict of guilty as charged.
For earache, toothache, pains, burns,
scalds, sore throat, try Dr. ThomosVL. A. Ward home.
Eclectric Oil, a splendid remedy for
The trial of Albert Poverott was. to
be taken up Wednesday morning.
Peverett is another of the same gang
who are charged with doing the Port
age robbery.
When taken into court Peverett
changed his mind and plead guilty to
the charge and on Friday morning
Judgo Baldwin will sentence Behren
sen and Peverett.
Interesting Local News Items from
Neighboring Homes.
Last Thursday evening the school
children of the Meagley school sprang
a farewell surprise on their class
mates, GertruAe, Ervin and Walter
Grimm, at their home one and one
fourth miles south of the Meagley
school house. Owing to the unpleas
ant weather only a few were present.
The evening was spent by music and
games, and at a late hour sandwiches,
cake and oranges were served to the
following: Misses Dora, Elsie and Au
relia Weimar, Edith Williams, Mil
dred Armitage, Anna Opperman and
Gertrude Grimm, and Messrs. Paul'
Weimar, Gordon Armitage, George,
Ervin and Walter Grimm.
Mr. Joseph Stebel will sell a car
load of horses at auction Friday, Feb.
14. Sale at 10 o'clock.
Messrs. Alvin Ziss, Elmer Fuller
and Dorsey Ward called on Lee
Vermilya last Monday evening.
The box social given by the seniors
of the Haskins High school at the
hall last Friday evening was very well
attended. The net proceeds were $25.
Mr. Benn Liebherr called at the
Schieder home Saturday.
Messrs. Dorsey Ward and Elmer
Fuller and Misses Inez Walker and
Bertha Vermilya attended the taber
nacle meeting Wednesday evening.
A party of youngpeople from Has
kins and vicinity pleasantly surprised
Dick Asmus at his home near Hull's
Prairie Wednesday evening. The
evening was sjent by music and va
rious games and at a late hour oysters
were served to the following: Misses
Edna Miner ofJTontogany, TOlie Getz
of Dowling, Hazel Keeler, Mabel De
Muth, Mary Enright, Lulu Miller,
Amelia and Anna Dauer, Grace Spaf
f ord, Marie Hartman, Julia, Edna and
Bertha Asmus, Messrs. Fred and
Charles Grimm, Fred and Albert
Hartman, Harold DeMuth, F. Pienert,
Sheldon Shertzer, Howard Emmerich,
Dick Asmus and Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Liebherr enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Asmus
and sons Clarence and Paul for din
ner Sunday.
John and Bertha Vermilya, Elmer
and Helena Fuller attended taberna
cle meetings Sunday night. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dauer, Dorsey
Ward and Mr. Charles Walker and
daughters Inez and Ruby called on
Mrs. Charles Walker Sunday after
noon at the Williams Sanitarium. She
is no better but rested good last even
Mr. Lee Vermilya, who was hurt
by the street car in Bowling Green a
week ago Sunday night, was .ablo to
return to his work Monday morning
as assistant cashier at the Haskins
The Haskins elevator has been re
built and is doing business on a large
scale. Good prices aro paid for grain,
and your grain is desired. .
Isaac Ward was "a shopper in Bow
ling Green Saturday morning.
Mrs. P. E. Tyler called In Bowling
Green Friday.
Mr. Alva Baufman of Sugar Ridga
was a Sunday evening caller at the
Mr. Floyd Pope and Miss Julia Sut-
ton of Haskins attended church at
Bowling Green Sunday1 night
Mrs. L. D. Stonebrook and son Vic-
tor were entertained Sunday at the ,
Charles Stonebrook home In Maurace.
There is no better medicine made for
cojds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It acta on nature's plan, relieves '
the lungs, opens the secretions, aids
expectoration; and restores the Bystem
to a healthy condition. For aala by'all '
Wf Kniii
1 " ' ',v ft? A . -
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. -'JWIfetfiJ . -

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