trtK'iJi- .i(iii t:iir.ital'
t.wW. T. CUES, ptoi and Published vm-
Tub Herald "is Polished everyTuesda y Morn-
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THE IIAK. " ' -
Nd Pnnr discontinued nhtil all arrearnpr are
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"' 'The Life Gaoge.
.1 i).'!U,'.!i t.; - n'-'iVt.!" , - J.V
They pit wh6 menmure li(e by years
: I.
v? ' WtthYalse or thoughtless tongue1; '" ' - -'
$omo hearts grow old before their timeto i
Other are always yonu.,'.-; ,,,, ,,. -
,'Tls not the number of the lines 4 v-.i u
V M (lie I i8MHiipppa)fBij , .j,;,.? m v.
Tt. . .1.. ..!... .,1.1. J kl.. .
Which constitute their age.
:.' si''a , vi- .: t.i .;rfl-.t.v. r.,t
pome souls are serfs among the frjo j ,.;
While 0ther8 liobiy tbrive, .' , l( , t
' They stand just wlii're their fiithbrs iTtood;
f " Dmd, even whlfe they iiv! ' v,5'i, r! '':'
" Others' all spirit, heart and"s'ens'e--?";
' Theirs the fnysterlouj power1' !11 ' J ' 1
' To live, in throb of jof r wo, '.'(? i;
f. A twelvemoutli ia an bourli '..;;; '-m ,,
Seize then, the minutex as they pnss :nm
The woof of Life Thought!
i .Warm tip the sMorar-let them plow i t A
, Live to some purpose make .tliyjile
i Agift of useto thee!., Ww-SH rfj.M
, A joy, a gjod; a golden liope. ,, A,m !i:,.K
A heavenly urgosV! . f ,
Tlie Itomanci) of Cri mo Truth 'Stranger' .than.
, Fiction- ' " ' , ,
..Tliero dre circumstancos connectcu with
tlie Ute murder of Betilson, , in . Ohio,
whose supposed murderer, Parks', wits re
rently arrested in this cilj tlint mnvli"
it its one of the most extraordinary nffiirs
recorueq in tne nisiory oi .crime. ,
. .Less than n. year ago, Beatson, the mur
dered man, Parko, his supposed! murderer
and a person, named Gee, cam.?, over, to-
(jether in the ,Rame, ship from, Europe,,
Beatson and Parks had comparatively lit
lletmoney, twhile Gee was known to have
had several hundred dollars, Willi thi
he came to Erie county nnd , deposited a
tiorMqn, of it six hundred dpIlHrs--in tlij
Buffalo Savintjs Bank, ,.The plafip of its
deposits became in some mnnne.r, known to
Beatson, who resolved., if possible, to ob
fain the possession of it;, buf, how .to ao
coAiplish, that object was, a matter not so
ftisily determined... A plan however, was
devised, and its execution at once entered
upon. . Ascertainini; tluit there was in tli
city a young Englishman, who also, came
over in the same ship with GeV.; Beatson
f.-und him .out, and introduced himself, as
Gee's brother, and, succeeded so admira
bly in convicting his new acquaintance
that such was the fact that he went with
Beatson to thfl Bank and introduced him
such to Mr.- Howard, the Secretay
Beatson ihen produced a letter, previously
prepared, of course by, himself, purport
ing to bo written to him by.,Vm. Gee
stating that he W.. G. had just purchns.
ed farm near Buffalo, , had paid three
hundred on it, , end, : needed six hundred
dollars more in gold; that he was unable
to come in person to Buffalo and draw it
from the Bank, in consequence of having
been injured by a .kick from a horse and
,had, therefore deputed, his brother to get
Under this stnt of things, being prop
erly introduced, Vm, Gee, ..being unable
to draw a cheek, tlie story .seeming alto
gether probable, nnd,, circumstances, net
suggesting any suspicion, ..the. Secretary
concluded to pay the fix,, hundred .doJUrs
and draw a cheek ffr. thai amount on, Oli
ver Lee t co's Bank, Before delivering
the check however, the Secretary wrote h
receipt (or the money which, the supposed
.' brother", was requested to, sign, 'j .This
lieat&on ueciineu doing alleging us a rea
son .that he .could not write. lie ..did,
however, make his mark,, which. '.was wit
nessed by tho$e who introduced him. -putting
the, check in his- pocket, , he ; pro
ceeded to ilr.:MorcCr.tliu teller, savin.'
ho desired to havt told. Mr. Mtrcer re-1 '
f lied that he could not pay. gold on tlie
chuck except at the usual premium, or uu
less Mr. Ilownrd should request it. The
cool individual said ho would take it back
and have Mr. II, do so.... Back he went to
the Saving's Bank. ; Mr. Howard assent
ed to his request,; and inserted Jn. the
cheeky "pay ia gold." and with this Beat-
son returned to the U. Le sank, obtained
the gold and took his departure. The next
that was heard of bim was,, that he had
.been murdered and that Parks was ar
rested for ibe crime, t .' ,. r .. ?
Another curious incident ia this singu
lar history is that there was found in Beat
son's pocket,' after' his murder, it paper
Stating that the 'gold belonged" to Wo,
Gee,' but not mr extraordinary Oian
'what follows After Parks's arrest ' this
paper came into the heads of tha District
'Attorney of Summit Co.; Ohio,' where
Parks is bow -undergoing -trial. The'
I f" ' '' ' in- - J.-rji.- jt-qr.r.-LATJurijmnfjxKrir nni-in m in - r nnrrfijvuinj
',,i.tti.ii !. 1 ..IfS'-pi ).1 ..'i;'(l. : f ! j
' ' v x : ' ., .I. .. , i. ' t ..... ',''' '
'.::'.: :.':L' ". "
it a i . s. .. . . '
.-.;r? ail ii i;i!
officer, immediately wrote to, Wm. Gee,
making inquiry in reference to,, beatson, as
to, the truth, of what, was.statfcij in, the
memorandum; but just ... before the letter
was ieceive4 Gee was ..killed .,by , the ; ao.
cidental dischrge of a gun,,.; Vhenn the
letter arrived it was opened by; the land
lord of; h avei-n .where,,- Qee,bad:.Wn
stayipg who. (noe hastened tOithe .-city
to ascertain the.facts.f A oi nhU ,iu-i
..Strange, indeed ia , the , wbf human
life. Of these .three,,, personsiwho, a . few
short months, before. ,w.ew fellow., paen
gers on tlie voyage ; to,, this country, .one
robs a bank of f J0;hi jn turn;w murder-
ed, by ci?mpar(ion,and, the,,;thir4.,whose
money, iwas the cause. qfi it all, .ia hurried
to another world by the accidental dis
charge of a gun... Xlw supposed murder
er is bow oh xnal for the offense,! 'and the
evidence against jtini -is said to be ,veiy
c.Unr.--Buffalo Cvur.vv '-;.! -iU
.v-.-.'uf Aftolufr jiscoviery. , , , ,
r-.The dUcovery most wanted of all, has
it seems; i at last been made this side the
Hocky Alduntains.. Tho Desert uew any s..
Brothers, Potter and Dodged of Sao ' Pete
W ills, presented us oh tho, 10th,! with' the
best specimens of iCannel 3oal wo- have
ever seen in-America' or England. n Witb
a little lire to begin, it may; be used for
sealing wax J ; The extent of the mine cvn
hot well be determined till Spring, : .
This is really a discovery worth having;;
in itusfl the Voiir proves of any extent, i'i It
will supplyi almost the last want1 of the
Pacific shore. ilrt fcne the mine' proves
a rich one, a part of the favorite scheme'
of Col. Benton, a railroad on tlie novthern
route; will almost certainly be tealirjed.--
The imp'ortrinee if Such a discovery would
be to this western ' rbrld incalculable.'
Every fine' is well awAre of this, and con
sequently wS' bsvp-. every now-nd then'
seeh'quite Rn excitement spring up about
newlv discovered Veins." 1 But why should
we talk of Salt-Lrtke,!f when 'it M sid ve
have a coal mine nehref home? Mr." Lew-'
w in his repnrtto the company, of his'sur-'
vey 6f the Marysville nd- Benicia 'Kait
road,-, speaks of coal as being' found "on
or near the line of said road, 'and Of
excellent quality..- 'AVhy should' it not be
so?' ' It will be unreasonable' to . suppose
that the distinctive features 'of -California
have always been as they , are,. ' The day
has been when all these vast alluvial plains
slumbered beneath the 'bosom of a vast
inland sea, and if the rivers then, as now,
brought down in their spring floods large
quantities of timber, why may no deposits
of coal be found iir the Valleys, There
seems to;be no good reason why, lot, and
we have every reason to believe -that vasl
beds of coal will yet be found io Califor
' l ' -i.v
1 With fuel at hand,Kand 'atf reasonsbh
prices, the commdrce "-of 'Galifornia would
be"1 incalculable". "'We are 'M the door of
the east, the commerce 'Of rill its rtiBt na
tions must eventually f cdnie io our ports;
and the day' of ftll' this Will . bb ' liastetied
by everything that'1' affords -rxfw- facilities
to California as n commercial Statei L-CWi-'
fornia Exprtss:' 1
Tiito.'.'"t-The ' newspapers; ...commenting
uiMin the criminally Cftfeless management
of railways,-eiying out that the direbtors
ought to be "taken tCtask" and. Vbrought
to booki'V, We quite agree with them.rf
Some more advanced schooling or other is
manifestly needed by these gentleman, for
it is full time they had done with their.
accidence. ,. ,i ' ? - i-.-h i-'i.
Ion," the' Washington correspondent
of (he Baltimore Sun, says that the Board
of Mitlitary Officers have decided " unani
mously to take Harrodsburg' Springs in
Kentucky! for the Western Military 'Asv-
lum, at the price of SIOO.OOO. J u ' "' ; i
. (.. , ' '- . )!
: ' J3T Greeley,' of -the Itibune; is' clear
over on the Democratic side".' Hear him:
For our own part, we mean to- vote
henceforth for the best, candidates- within
sight of an election,' and ire 'mean by
'best" those whose 'election ' will do- th
the mos't good.
A Largk Slavxholder. Cecilius Isrid
ous, aioman citizen, left to bis heirs four
thousand one hundred and sixteen slaves.
Indiana Patriot. . ' ... , .
Pobr! Why. LouiaJiapoleon has how,
in these tpoden days, tjiirty-six million-!
God, has two dwellings; one in hearenj
o j
ad the other in the human hearts
- "' if
ua KiLti ind
. , ' .
; vf.t itnnn-A - i
)' "" Extraordinary Narration..' 1
; 'The' following later1; 'says' 'the" S..,! W
American is from a gcntlemn connected
witli the g'o'vernmerit iervice on our fron
tiers'.'"' We lia've reai of similar instances
of self-jmmoJatiop among te ' A meripiin
Indians,, rather than fali into the hands ol
their enemies, but do hot recollect any
other case in Texas, All our late accounts
IconBrm the fact that since the llnjrers
were disbanded the Indians were renew-
.. . .. . ,. -. . .. : . j
ing tuei predatory incursions with ,j'r
frequency. ' . " -. V .,;i;f,.
: Foar CnoViAN. Texas," April 7t 11333:;'
Mh Dbak'-- I ' have just 'returned
from one of 'the most arduous and exciting
scouts 1 have ever made: ' i Ve had been
robbed here twice by 'tha 'Indian's wiiliin
four months. The last time on the night
of the 13th ' March. 1 They' took down a
pannel of my stable lot and led out nine of
my .finest horses.' It was one of the dark
est arid most blustering bights of ihe sea
son; and the robbery must have beer, com- i
milte'd bo'tween; nine1 and ten at ! night.'
The next morning I "started witli seventeen
melt' in pursuit. ' ' 'Failing to discover' a trail
I proceeded at onoe to the post on trie'
liead r6'f the '' clear' Fork' of 'the' 0rii6s,
thence to the Indian ' a'te'ncV halfway be-
'tween l'tianton iliir'and Bolkhitp. " Hp to'
this point 1 'could hear nothing Of the rob-'
hery; ttfeept" the opinion' etitcr'taihedly
the'a'gentr MrV. 'Stem, ' and !ilV the fl-ie'ntlly
Indinns which concurred with my'ow'n---'
that 'tlie robbery bcH;n tcc-mmitte'd ' by
Witchetasf Vhile 'at the1 agency a party
of thitt tribe! iinder their1 principal' war
chief, came' U under! the pretense of surJ
rendering' some stolen 'horses" they' had
previously! protiiised1 to Stem -ltej" would
dev''!rTto horses thef broui-hf in werekd
indiffererit and broken !V16wn!thftt ffiw'rtk
evident they were4 noting in biiil faith? and
.ih'ai' this 'was only Intended' as' a;,subte'r-
''I.was not disposed to be trifled" ' witli' vri'
this "manner'' tlie. :' 'agent had 'also lost,jitl
patience, witli. tliein.j i (, If) was accordingly
agreed, to, j)tai tjie. sliiejind principal
portion of this partyy 'eoiisisting.of. nitje
warriors and severul womenM as hostages
until, the .whole , of the property receptly
stolen should be brought in,, ,- ) Mr, Stem
announced to them our determination, and;
I, told them in pretty plain terms, I, menut
to carry then? into Belknap, and hold them
as prisoners, permitting two of jtheir.uum
ber to relurn to their tribe, and convey the
"talk' we had giyen tlu in.. ,, . Thouglij,
fully expected a,break'J. on the anpou"ce(
meUtr which would result in tlie deatli. of,
Mr myself,. cir.. both, -indeed ,
would npt have insured trither of, our, lives.
at 0tj per cnt.rTwe(wcre compulna,,;tp,
face the dauger with apparent indifference,
Any manifestation of fearor. aspiciop
would have-increased the chances of tlieir
resorting 'to,, the -desperate. -alternatiye. of
"a rush" for liberty plunging jheir knives
into whrjinsoever interrupted Jt,lieir prssaj;'!,1
The -jSequel.4 proves, jtUe,desperuion'.ykJi:
whiel);,,,tliey,,woujxl hay;e aetudtx .)A, soon
as I, 'bai.tfftd, thejn-tlieywre, prippneia, (
r.Qae fcoia thej)ar-kj) ipn which- f, had
been; sitting jfaujng ilxjiri.janduouoed jmy
horse, at-(he, saipv .'t'e-.' drawing if:y pis-:
tol and niMUoniiig thum to go to. (he camp,;
Thj chief requsttkl. ,i.l,.it, , Uoul.d dis-,
mount, that be wU.tieil fpeal, (l J,;did s),
and look n, neatr; a.stol,ne!,r,,byiHe
rnotionvd, ro to sit ui.uiy . former . position
on the ground.,. I did so, at the. same time
drawing my kuifc ' under pretense of cut-
tabacco to smoke, :,-.H. rose, addressed a
.few remarks to me about the: difficulty of,
restraining his yonng1 meh from stealing,
Jec.,. and suggested that it would be betu-r
that he should return, to his tribes- ."This I
'refused!; He, thenewmingly yielded to
his Ate-appreaching ' me and seiiiiiig mj
hand, lifted rue from lie ground, and emr
bracing tnrfirat'poiniuig to Heaven and to :
ourselves, to indicate that the Great 'Spirit-
I witnessed 'ttie! ptoccedrttg?i iS j theriT I
would not ho'd thenjas close prisoners,
but merely guard .against tlieir escape by
placing sentinels , around ibvir ;amp-
Meantime I encamped my command neai
theirs, and took from them, all thd rsi
could find.- They retired quierly to tlwir
tents at dark, manifesting not the slightest
intention of so attempt to escape
The moon shone ai bright as day;' ' I
bad posted two distinct gu.uvli over them
of six men eachj with oar sentinels.' -' I
had been up and hioving'aboui earn p until
about twenty minutes before Ii"! At 12
tbe sentinels were relicyed. -The sentinel
l.j- : C . .. -
Eqonl Justlfe to All."
, i r n'.ii:r."jii bniw ..i., jii,.b .
'.iJ ''"2 -V' . 'J: I1''::. ."' "'' u
posted more immediately over tbeir camp
had gone.nearf. their tents, Suddentl)
(o yieindiftos rushed forth, from , his
tent towa,f4 , tle fentineand,, presenting
pistol .fired, shooting, him , through,, tlie
heart, ".his seamed to be the sequel lof
a general, Vbreak," .v,As ,tl;,o sentinel turn
ed to retreat, up thtt sliipo toward hiscom
paniopstho Chief.Ko- we-ska, rushed from
'his lent like a demon, llm-w Jiimsell' on
the back of .retreating sentinel, und .wjth
nis reeking im tiQc.ted,s4;i;ral. wounds
before he was hot, down tlM,,qU Wnti-
nej,., Tlie rest.siiejCeeding ia .(I'ec.Uug lieir
escapp, running n d.ilfej-ent. directions and
toweling the shot fired atthem with y.)
of defiance. The. phief, as, was.discpver
d on searching th tents, had purposely
sacrilied himself. jliisi wife and -(boy,.seyen
J'enrs oldj to ."ecur the eseape. of .! pa m
panions... The wifq', and child ; whom he
requested on the evening before to talk to,
and give them assurance o(( .their safety,
werefountjl lyinjj inj heir(.tent pidp,ly side,.
if in deep sleep,,. but,, s(abbed,,,tO( the
heart. ; The wife,, lit leasibadj!hul(.,conr
8euted to'ljerfate, as we, were iifui med ;by
two old women who u4 '. HtU-mpWd.. io .es
cape, , ' , ' , , . . " . ,
pile seemed have received the futuj
blow without, a struggle boUi were, eare-,
fully covere(' up to' the breast, .tliy , child ,
lying upon ,its motlier's arm,, ..Tlie Cliief's
moccasins were. found near, jljeir heads, a
sign, tfte Inilians tuljl 'us,'(liat. he did iio!
niiiiin to leave liie spot alive. Nothinir ju
romance, or lustorV that I, have ever read
approximates to tH.8; aot o devotion and
self-sacrifice.. Coopc r never, pould have
ventured to paint such a scene, .The briL'liJ.
moon iigiHingup ine, oeiiuuiui cvtini.eujincv
of the mother for sjlg was beautiful and
young-r with htrinntjeeniboy by her side
Bnd the, blood sti) ooniii frinv their, ghast
ly ,woui)ds the husband,, tHtW,anl.wa.r,
l ior.filill stretchetl upon the sod; fhe Woody
kni fe. still hand, looking ter
riblu even jn teatl); i the, aenjd.nel not, five
fyet-fnim hiin,, bis cold blue eye looking to
lleuviiii, while the hgures of the soldiers
hurrying hither and thither ii eaichjl of.
what they knew not what, with occasional
but mistaken cries, indicating some diseov-
"Xs., .N4"wn,0lieeW ,""
dream than sad, reality, - and rnade n en
during impression, on my mind,- I .bad
witnessed eveiy description ;of death and
suffering on the battle-field, b it no combi
nation like this,. of pride, courage Belf-de ,
totionVself siifrficg and revenge. ,vi 7. '(.;
What a striljing illustrat,ionvqf the prin
ciple imbibedy these j tribes from their
mother's milk,, never, , to y,ieldK,themselyes
prisonvrs. The brave Chief would go to
the, spirit-land of his fathers th? elill , un-subdui-d
( wiirrior, and his, wife and. child
freely, accompany Jiim to hit just , hunting;
ground.- ,1 have his shield in my posses-,
toon.,, It is quite a curiosity and, yrpamenl,
bedecked wjtlt. .feathers ,and wampuni--
This, with tlie bow and quiver of Ihe lj,t
tie boy, ) shall preserve sacre -lly) as
menlo's of : one of the inost iiiterestiniJ
scenes in-ivory nus rt-ooiaeu. , , ,
t;i 'Mi 1 ji!ti,;LiV, !(..; ,'::! ."i'v
il, XI,,eeditorof,.Ahy ,J5f., Y f Picayune
is jotjking froitt; the window- of iiisniotcn
and pens the following in, the yiew- there.
f?Hm-'t.'vV,.;.'i1s;lh ir.,! t-'.v.'o ? :'( -'In
lliatj oilier .yardrwhieh js:i;.n8 :lhe
loneliest 01 v iiiem au ten vem? ago
terrible scene, wasf eictet.w,fomen,.
merehants and partners in the store to
which the yard.j.was' 'attached, fought a
dual witji bowie, knives.,,. They both rlpid
marrjed sistersj and pnu da' ue of the
part pel s found that the other had dishoa4
ored n wile, snU (loatli alone could wipe
from memory; the -disgrace; ,Thiguiliy
and y re 1 hod, worn an was..Uie first viutimi
ller. huKband ,tabbed her. t-o. the lreH
eyejj.. wbie fhe , slept, nd.,sJw! awoke in
another, .w,orldf.,u The! partaets-j Jvtipt with
hut ore witiuws, o,tlii yand and placihg,
It mr.: llUfi-cltml ' In- tl, rtdlu. t ,l,.l a,UM.
row snacatber eoWrato t.'-eJ U:m se.-i
oikI handed them the knives: Tlie
gle tasted but ten minutes. 5 The hufbaml
was avenged, for tlie suuls of both joiued
that of tlus murdered mQt A vwT "--
. I r-i
vSNBLWH'Mister, said a Tegular 6
ahead active and persevering Yankee, jo
a last drone-"'' A -'.u t i-f.'i'V
Did you ever see 'a snAil ?'' ' ' t..f.-;ni
1 "Y-e-e s, f r-svUier tliiek-1 hav, said
Mr. Drone. 1 .niiir-Mtiia en-T
The,, replied - JoUathenyo rnustf
have met it, for by Jerusalem, 'you nrer
tvertook onb." ' -
i...-,':.-,ir, . , , ,, ' ' I'-' . , .
V in r i " i ' 1 i 11
. r 1 -: ii, ,-t ;
j i , . ,. . . ;
rrz7j:.zz-- -rTTi--
--J;).,l.. i.HS,;,! ,,
NO. 7.
i! ''..
.This, is . the name.., of. Pony Locomo
tive, on the fWlway frorn Bicbmond to
New ,.Casl)e.j ,( The Courier of the former
place nariates the story anneited in oier.
to infurn) the pnblio how tjie lisme pf the
Pony orginatetl. .Whicl'r'noinna
ti fat presidents had beeti, "running a rig"
on the equally fut li'.liot, we know not; nor
are we . adyised of . the. precise ; nature .of
thii liil, that brought, out the, ;'Swiiijtl,"
as a retort,, nnd. ,tlie)cfnre j are not abe 19
.aay who was hit the fyotdctta ,t,his renron..
tre,,of ,wits, or .whether, victory perched .on
tho,banner( of either of the contestarits, or
the battle,, was a ,';drawn'' one. ,The. (four
ie r!s,story reiula thus;i--r-,C,iM, 75..,,j. t,
..'fhe Locomotive for the C'incinniHi,
Logansport and Chicago Railway, arrived
at Richmond Just wee.k.,, ; It is a Vppny"
to be. used, in, constructionR was built .at the
Boston Locomotiv(i,Vorks-i8a tine spept
imen pf Xunkee mechanism, and .bears the
somewhat enphoneous epgnomen, of the
vswinetu." , i,,.,,,,!,,.;;,;;,;,
ilt hits already been put into active, use
in construction, and we, indulge t,he( pleas
urable inticipation of hearing its .''squeal'',
reverberating among the Bluu Jtivtr hills the nion)h of .October. , , .,
; .As much inquiry 1ms already been inade
and much moru,will arise as the ''Swinet le"
"works, its way" .out . West, in reference
to tlie origin and meutiing of this singular
namo, and of tbe' 'picture . accompany mg
it, we, .may., as well, tell , the , 8toy,.s at the
risk of, losing mUjCli , of the .interest that
might. nttiieh to., t in other, hands..
Something more tliart a , year ago, when
tbe Psesideult ,01 (lu llitil waywho, is a
genuine lloosier -"tOithe manor .boin"-'--
made his rjirst jtrip EA8,t,"(liij was aceom-.
panieu by another .Jtailway. 1 resulent
hailing. .front, .rkopoli ryte4 , for, his
black; eyes. and .fan Joying., disposition
not .less than , fur.. Jus estimable, quali-
ties as a. gentleman' and an excellent, busi
nessmaiu. On a trip from JSew oik to;
Boston, wiih a largo' party of llailway
nien,( to examine and purciiase Locoreo
tive and niachinery, our Cincinnati friend
indulged in a good many hnestoiies at the
expense ol tlie lloosiers, in not u lew 01
UUcVvow.Prssident figuted. .ridiculously
enouglin8,the hervv to4,ui.g,.ent',
ment of the party.... But who ever, knew a
Hoosier beat at the game of telling a good
storj or giving it a proper, application. -
So, after his friend had "be)d ip" little
our Preident asked the party jf they were
acquainted wfih the musical instrument
ea leu Hie "owinelte. , ,'
f .1-' Wl K( -..- ' S5'i' 'il .' ''':'! !.'
Of coursn they, were not; bad never
heaid of it, anu beinj; a .gentlemen of
refinement and Ustc in such matters, were
anxious to heiir it ' described.. Foremost
in this an-Yiety was the Cincinnati President
who, of ours "onstie up at tne
' lJ. .., . - 1 : 1 '( '. , j. . 1 -
first mention of anything bearing the name
of .ywiijc,, Our friend was much astonish'
ed tl al none of the party had ever, heard
of the instrument, and especially that his
CiucjiiiiatilVieiid xlwuhj be gnorant of so,
iinpprtiit a inveptioiij pne that .lijtjU or
ginte in l)is ow n.i-ity ---ahd (vas nqw ex
tensively iii use among thu'upper tens"
of .tlvafc.VVusVrn Mutropolls-'-suppliintiiig
in most instances the place of the Piano. ,
, " '.;.-';: 'v'-ni .-:',' 1 ";' '.-
ttp.Mm-n ejenl onf ,iseriof nip..nru
ment as bei'ig a box of about ton feet, in,
length by.iour i lc. mad in stvhj.uinl or-
naiBejil.ty ,f ujlj.tiiu taste, of ' tle. owner.. JJIm-
to( ,,lisbii.x.i.)wea'iip!ace.d4saj7
otj tlie, swinish, trjue,, omllie yerjtpie ol
bass grunte,r,jdowo to Uic.Unor-toiied pig,
who counted ihttays of jiis life by. weeks
giving.a, ul,suye-ootave,;,
ning VUe jWholescale of ,thc .gamut,, from
deepest bass , tp nnes l.reou"(, i , . ; ,
1 inrtj;e, reijr of the boi were boles tbo' I
which', wew protruded., the lateral, a ppe.n:. .(
dages 'ofthejlipgs, ugarity caryit.iiKj
and the rterformer . stsndinir'behiud tlie
instrument. aiskillCiiyy .uu-Hing, Uiejiro-
irtKllllg lajis.l'ioris (roill.iMU 4iigs iaqeui.
.' '.fr. .1.1.. .. 1
or urunt. and; croduoiiig a '.concord . ot
stru'-Asweet. sounds'.!. uaknowi and uulitarJ. of
outside,, the greQueen pity 4 ,th vVest!
A less expensive .instrument .was mucu iu
use, be aid, (. among, jtle..poorer chases,
oonsrsting of one pig placed under Jibe arm
and made to squeaL by. biting his tail, tbe
noteef warf.'i with. tb v energy r of ; th?
bhW ai roa ! ,i ftnifl tl"i liw !. :
The36mpany hai a good; laogb-trie
Cincinnati President acknowledged hirafle.if
beat; and 'when Judge KJlioU purchased
couple ot Loniotiiea at Be, tlwstl
ling agents who was.5op nf tW party jj're-
qestedthe priTilese tfn-urib nt
One square, 13 lines ar less, one, insertion ft 55
each additional " ; U 20,
One square 3 months........ ....r, ........ 9 50
OnesqiiiireG montlis, 4 no
One square I year, '' 6 00
1 iiie-lourtn column per year- . 10 00
One-third of a column per year,- 19 00
One-half column nor vear, . 15 00 '
Two-tliirtla of a column per year,-. 20 00. -
Uneeolumu per year, - 95 00
All advertisements frem stranrert or tmnstea '
persons to be paid In advance . - ; .
No advertisements are Inserted Gratfttoesty.
Atorneys wil 1 be holden for the price of tnnser- .
ting advertisement brought in bv them , "' i
Deaths and Murringe Notices insertea gratis.
them. ' This request was granted, . and "t
nothing'more was thought of it until the
arrival of the Locomotive at Richmond,
parrying on its side a large brass plate, with
a handsome rcpreeentatiun of the cheaper
sort of Swinette, and carrying this as the
name of the Locomotive. ; . e
So now you have the historv of the Swi
nette. If you want to hear one, just wait
till November,, when our road commences
carrying off hogs by the thousand., and the
first-ear you see tilled with porkWs, just
,slip up and coninieuct' pulling their tails '
through the cracks, and you'll bear the
genuine "Swinette." i,' i wjf.r.
,' ...I .hi n m.m "' V" f-l, a-)'
.- rMiitl The Word "Srluh " v.i.u:
The translator of the Bible have left the ;
Hebrew word "Selah," which occurs so of- '1
ten in the Psalms, as they found it and, of
course; the English reader often asks his
minister br' some learned friend, what it
meiiiis.' And the minister or learned friend,
has most often been obliged to confess ig-
nornnce, because it is a matter in regard t
which the most learned have by hb moans
been of one mind. The 'fargums and most
of the Jewish commentators cive tbe word
meaning eternally forever. - Rabbi Kimchi ',
reaards it as a sisrn to elevate the voice. "
The authors of the Septaugiut trarislatioa '
appear to have regarded as ft musical sign,1
.equivalent1 perhaps to the word 'repeat.,
Aceord'ng to Luther and others, it means
, 'silence!' .Genesius explains it to menn: 'Let;
the instruments play, nnd the singers stpp.'
Woclich'i regards U ns equivalent to sur-'
sum corda;' tip.iip my soul! Sbmmer, af-1
tef examining all the 74 passages in which''
the word occurs, recognises in every case,
L'an. actual apfreal or summons toJebovah,'
There i ittoli calls for . aid and prayer,?
to be beaid expressed either with pntirc di '
Lrecthess.or.if not the imparativc, 'Hear Je-i ',
hovahl' or"'A wake Jehovah!' and the like,"
still earnest addresses to God that he would '
remember and: Iwar, &0.1 'The word itself
lie regards ns indicating a blast of trumpets.;' .
by the1 priests;;.! Selah itself, he thinks an;
abridged ' expression, used fi-r Higgaioni'
Selah. Higgaion indicating the sound of ,
the Stringed Instruments, and Selah a vigo- -rou's
blast wf tru'm!pets.'",-i?jWrfAe(;a Sacrt
x.-MST- Mu Luc'y -stone, one of the -"strong
minded." made a speeob Is Kew
York the other day about the sexes, and'
said, .-f.'v;-- : . ; ', .- ".
Poor, weak woman: She has always
been weak has it not been so from the
beginning? Did ' she . not first yield to : '
temptation? ?'' (',;: - .::t?'.:
"Alt! yes, Eva could conquer Adam, poor elf .
.But ti) conquer wiwnun, IttookSutan himself. , 1 ,
Laughtel1 and applause. ' ' ,v trtt
,That woman ought to hare a husband,
who could sing to ber if. ta ; -A
"Oh! rock the cradle Lucy. ": UK
S'le'd soon, got better then? That's all
that ails her! .H--H -v-'-i
" Mrs. Mary Ann Williams, an Jt(- i
diaa woman of 8U years, joins issue ia then
Bourbon question.7: Rev. Eleaxef says Wsii
pap was a Frcnch.King; and bis mother a, j
Frvncb Qdeen.i ; Mai) sAnn says, his- pap
was an Indian brave ind; bis mothef n,
Indian squawrr-Ae'sr,,; Nowr who ought ;
to know best about bis daddy the son or; j
the mother?; i Much howerer, depend upJ ?
on which ojt liie. iawerw ma wasvi .'(.we j
have, a vtrong inclination just now, to take
sides with the squawi tor .we k Beyer y ,
... ... .. .t. nr.
sa,Jia.t,cbap wba was smart enough si
know who was bis daddy. vJ? 5 .
ImporI'AKT TkmPkbsnck Mov rr.The la-
dependent Order of Odd Fellows in Pennf
syvnra, a body pumbering4i.000 .memw
bers, havo passed the following resolution t.
their 'Grand Lodge, it. only i eighty
dissenting votes; t V.t W..'j.e uU f JiJ
licsfih'ed.-That any nutnter or su.t
ordinal; LolgeVuader j th jurisdictiow of1
the; Gratld Llgrt ( tire O'i F4 of '
.the State of K'ninsylvaniaJ vfo shall Iteep
n tiiiplinjisfiop, r,4n"ttilr Words, an un-
licensed ooirse iwr ipe.s-uo oj imMrm8
Jiquor, inviolation,'pf theajrs, of tlw '
State, shall 6e fofjualjyi proceeded," agami
anil if "found auilty, ' shall be expelled..,." ' .
' t;iKt tu"";- ' f -y-t '
'ffctoi ?i fcs'rios IVd' kKsWkv--tjnder-"i
the follo'wibg ciptioa "the 'fast' number- of '
the tbndotk PunA'puts the following' very ;
partment paragraph. . X
, , "jMucU agitation prevails m vua, wner
ievcryliody i aaxicosly . asking,. whatr-'-! .'
To this .the cool reply. f Jonsthsn is, 'Aiv :