Newspaper Page Text
. ' v .. . - - - - ' ... " . . . . MMMmMMMMmjMMWIWWWWMrWWWWWWMWWWlW 1 i , A. 9 VOL. I, jS'O.vI THE LAST LEAF." ' BY, OLIVER WENDELL DOLMWJ Hi. T saw liim nnee hpforp. . , , T As lie "passed by the dwr .,. And Again' ., Hie pavement ktoncs resound ' .Ashe totter'r tlie ground, ' 'VVitb liU cane. Y ;")' . j-ThoyMthat hi Ms primp, , , Erf the pursuing kuife of Time ' ' , Cut him down, ! I M Not a bt'tter man voa fouiul " " By the crier on round 'Through the towii. ' But now he walks in tlie street, And he looks on all hneet, . .!? Sad and wan,' " ; , i And he thak' his feeble head, v , That it Boeno as if ,he said . , V . 'They are goue.' 5 .5 The niojsy marbles re-it ; ; On the lina that he ban nrcsstd ' ar r ! ' In thir bloom, ' ; And the names he lores to hear ' Has been carved for many a year i- " . . . "On tlrtrtontb. i L . . l I s ; A .0 Jly grandmoihe.r ha said ' - "; 5 . r (Poorold lady, she is dead ' : f. Long ago!) : , 'hat he hadn Roman uose, r : Ai!d hi cheek Vas like a rose . ; ; ' ' ' In the .snow.' But now his i:Ve is thin, "And it rest upon his chin -. ' Like a staff; ' , ,!, And a croolc is in his back ' And a melancholy crack. , - r 5' ; In his laugh. . . . 1 know it i a sin . ; ; I'or ma to sit and grin , ,.: .. At him there: , - But his old three cornered hat, ' . And knee-breeches, and all that, ' . . i, Look bo queer. ,,; : ,'And if I shonld live to be .:: i ' i The last leaf upon the treo' ; , ,. lu the spring, , . ' ' Let them smiled as I do now, At the old forsaken bow, ' Where I clin-'. J ! . . From the "VVesteru Emporium SQUEEBOB; ; "".; OS, ; " . ,'J , rEGGY SKOOT12YE, .miE.'MAID OF DARKE COUNTY.i BY SiOCUM SLUGS, ESQ. CHAPTER 1. -: ' qeeeobJ T. v ''", . of It was in the spring of the year, about,"1 .' A. :v v-y. - s ." V - ' ''' 4 M' the time the frogs begin to go pe-de- r r x-i ' ; V 'fi'l ' ; ' ' "i.-'!Jlif vi" i.vT'w-!f- -...i -i It was, I h'ave said, in the spring of the5; - vearl at the close of the day,' when; -fet i -fore-dhe door of a small log cabin, might - " "Sme Ibecn seen a maiden of about -eigh-'t: '. teen summers and a dozen winters.' Shcf 5 'Then it is all over. - If he swears by j'the saussVe-chopper'?.; ji'erp; 1 must fix: -'. sittin"- on an inverted suar-trouh,"' ouV two hatfuls and a half, there is some ' for the weddm,' and had to chaw every bit shelling corn for an old rooster, with just ! chance of getting him pleased; but if he j of the mince-meat wicli my teeth!' .'; 'three feather in dp tail: the fourth had shears by .three hatfuls, there is no The old Avomanwas soovcijoyed at the dropped out '.when he was running to get chance. . ' ' ' .sight of Peggy, and her wounded lip pain-! rthe corn. The gul had shelled two rows j 'What shall we do?' ed her so much, that she ran put of doors, 1 ind a half of corn fromthe'cob, andhadj- 'The only remedy is for us to get mar- hunted a clean, soft spot,'' tumbled over, . " started the Jirst grain of the ' last half of , ried as soon as possible. We. -can '-: then and went mt'o tantrums. Peggy was for . ; itKe third row, when Ler attantibn was ar-j Ieare for tho Statc of Massissinewaf un-! gotten for ie time," and no questions were . lycsted by a noise in" apaw-paw thicket ! tU he's out of the way. He wont go "Uqskca as to her whereabouts. : Alt the at 'jiear by- : -.r;,n r: i:n'i' Massissinewa he's afraid of '-the . gallini-jtntion bestowed upon'the old w.Sman. ' -.i -I'spect it's only brother Josh ' bringin' - another punkiri from -the field-' said -the j i maiden and resumed her occupation H j -" ' ' She had scarcely rcely finished thethird rbw;:httlie time.' Good night!' - ' ' when she looked up and saw a person .standing at her side with a piece of stove-' "Jpipc on his head, v ' ' ' iT ' i' 'bj iiWhatarfe your name?' 'enquired the .maiden; vi;",:; 'I !.:-h'-.v :-.r;:-,J -V ''Squeebob!-was the -reply.' -t SI" ;; ' 'Who oniiirth i'squeebob?'-- 'Me am chief of Catawampus Braves Squeebob has ten' wives.'fifty pet porcu-'i pnesand-fivo warriors.' ' ''' ? ' 'Uutelll' 1 ? . 'Squeebob-wants': chaw tobacker . 'Squeebob may go to grass ; ', VV hite maiden has offended. Squeebob ! , i -When frogs go chcr-qur'-r-r-r-'uuk, Squiee- bob swears, by three hatfulls of muskee t tcrs, be will , carry. , white' maiden . off in 3Wamp.'. j f'.- v i; ;" ; , And : Le ,ranaway . squealing" like a 4 , .-.CHAPTER -'' h' u -..rna warmsq;. 1 ; (J ; . .'Squcebob's last squeal' 5-et echoed -in the distance, when a person5 was seen ;swiftly I approaching from another Idirec : lion, riding back foremost on'a mule." He' - i itopped suddenly; at the door of the cabin' . n'rwl aAArceifA ttiA mmAfn 'tline ' '-' l"- and addressed the.maiden,:thus: ' ' , 'Does Corporal Ebenezer Skooteye' .re . . .'No! but he lives -in that far. house,' ' 'Ana nas he a aaugnterY' " Kof he has notliin' bultaKal! and broth- .-cr Josh..-. . , "'. ;'. :'" " "Her name is lVinrv.?' tlh huh! Skooteyc's. near Tadpole swamp, State mj. xit vi.ii . . , T , , 'Well,' see here, . Mister, jist ; read that. ,'ar letter for me,' X '.haven't enough lar- n n. .'I Jaave hardly time; 1 must go all the way back to Frog-Town yet to-night.' . Whftre is Frog-Town? Ia it a very firrin' place?' ' ; ;:' - "''' ' 'Frog-Town is ten miles to the south east. It contains one tavern, one stable, '" 'Can you tell me where slvc is?' ' ! the eye; knocking him backwards -Out of f icr Vmch; the bakc-overi should he hea ; . i;mthei varment'.' ' 1 . ''; 1 ' '';;. 'i ;jthe wheelbarr6w.:J'J He ;bcllowed-xike ahddandhc-pbked into' it; to produce' pPr ' Well,1 here" is a leicl've brouglit you ! tumbling onT, and all was silent.'- ipirti&dU''' ,-iH' ' lr; '-, :all theway from'FrogTdwn ?; a' ' " V-BuwhLp Ipbke of that, the"oldwo- w .I OT, Skooteycrat;: CHAPTER Vu, g-i her eyttand smotc-Tiphse; ' 6m Log-peri,-"a '"'thick- ; 'I'lVli'ist jou!' "But lie fiund ha Pg-p'T he old woman gate'" a1 feCream, and r r i. e " t it . - t , - , - - i one en -coop a pot-bench!' r white seven geese, five niggers; and a mule this is 'the mule.' ! ' :! - '' I L "Well,' Mister, I guess you'd better read i , an ash-noppc r, a nay:taCk; and gy in her usual place, -lie looked a" mo-1 msiung out ot the house, seized a spade, The 'inhabitants' are4hrefc' m'ent; and then ciaculated: ' " i ' " 11 5 1 iumned into the horr-fcen. und irave the ho r men, and one woman, two children, 'uoniouna it; she s cot m bedandhasn t a severe that 'ar letter, fori can't read a drap, and . along, smelling of the ground like' a dog daddy's -worse off than lam,' for 'he can't !'af:er whichiieagam hurrie'd into Ihe Louse," hardly 'kce.' ' " ' '' y' ' ' ' J-7 'i'yelling: " ;;"-' "::t! :y :' :;'": 'Giveme the letter; ' It says: " j ; Squecbob!: Squeebob! ' lie's' carried :- :- Fro3-Town, April 1840. ! Peggy off! I have"fbund his tracks"!'" Dear Pkqgv: If Squeebob, the Cata- j'wampuij Chief, comes along your way, I give him anything he askes for. I have (hired him to kill lizzards, all summer, and he is a good hand at it. Don t refuse look just like the prints of a sled-runner ; ready for the wedding. Preacher Grub himanything, for the world; ' he is easily --and nobody about here lias a sled,' binhoe spelled out the certificate authorize offended, and very desperate. If you ; : The shanty was now in an 'uproar; 1 ig him to 'marry Nicodemus Squashins, insult him, he will never forgive you, but - peach must be made immediatelv ; 1 no Blacksmith's Student, of Frog-Town;'! to ; carry you off, and feed you to pet porcu- !-ipincs, " Beware!' ' ; ' !-' !!' J ' ; xoui's.devotedlv. - ' Yours devotedly I .if-"" ; :!: , imcodemus cquasiiixs. ; ! When tlie' last word was pronounced,' TeyAvent into conniptions and flum.': mixed. The mcs'n-nT' win.' mounted Corporal got astride ot the cow; armed t-upper was aiuuf on me inuie unu w pptuaie cour mciusi his mule, and rode away inthe ' direction' himself with a hand-saw, maul and wedge, 1 everything was in readiness for the opera-,ing a like, fee- to Ihe plaintiff's attorney, "from which lie had comet ;" . ::' 'sausage' chopped and sythe. Josh Gtrad-Hion of getting married. "-This job Grub- ; Sq. 92. Upon the verdict being deiiv ':' '' ! --" ' t .: : idled a hoop-pole, and carried a double- j binhoe commenced, in '"original styles and j, to the-Justice, and before judgment ' CHAPTER III. TIIE INTERVIEW1. PeiTA'y had lain, she knew not how lon for she had forgotten to look before she fainted.' Tut when she came to her sen- sesitwas late in the "night. The moon -.j; - , . ; . , , : , , was shining brightly, and she gazed round u;::iJ..!La' ! r...n - i ,' gill HllUtlUJlUl.. i 1 kMil J liU UCIlVIVi in nh'Mt fr"n,it Jnt.W .r. "V,U ! - - ; . " f - .-u tt : . -', I man approaching on stilts. He stood 1 '; "t uliuiu lilt: liir.iuv n, ctuu snjti.v j ' 'Peggy!' ' ' " s ' ! '! : 1 ' ' ' 'Nicodemus!' 1 ' : i '" ' Their faces met, and a noise was heard which sounded like hitting a eow over the back with a shingle. ., ,' 'What are you doing out so late?' said' : Nicodemus. ' -'f -: ' ' '"' ' 'What" brings y6u here?' exclaimed . Peccrr. '' -; '"" 'Squeebob has been here?' said ' Kdcp-'l demus. - 'Yes!' ' V 'And you insulted him?' 'No! I only woulden't give him a chaw tobacker '' '' we-dca-cr. 'Whv?'' '-' ' ; " lli . 'Cause I'hadn'tnone ' ' " 'And what did he sav?' , tcr! swamPs - two '-Three.': ; Pers lucre. , . . ; , - , i uen, ico . t's 5 go right off, and see prca- : cncr Grubbinhoe.- Uay alter to - morrowj - uooa Dyei - - - tAnd" Nicodemus put his "stilts in' bish pocket, and galloped away on -his hands ' and feet. ,. ' - - ' . tt : 'I 1- r tf - . - . , -... 1 .... . i". " CHAPTER IV. squeebob" - AGAir: ( " Peggy ye t stood on the ; verge of the sWamp,1 looking at the blue streaks which ; rlNicodemus had left in his wake, when few minute s Squeebob stool before her. ; ;:.firt x. : -f J . .' L J .ci..' -L . vrv I Xl 1 LT. 1. . P .1 M r! , --! .-..! i 1 ... c .-7-1 t - ! - ... , ; . . . , . .-. , ,4 - , - : T ' , , Y n an iu:5cuie corner oi tnu grave-3'ara s 10 De aa.ninwiercQ DV iiie m?;ce. nut '-aa ai'" iui.m luo.i'Oii bc'uo Ju':! c s- f.-i I that he would carrv me off in the it with her teet, hke buck-makers used to. , m ,-.1o , - . , - - ,f .. . r, . - . '.. : . . -r v,.u c ja,..-..,. Vjfi,. , iuai ne ouia tariy me cu m u.e . . .,' ..- .... '- . .- of Tadpole Swamp, there may be seen a i if the persons chosen as arb trators be vtt absence, "the same may be sec aside, upon ! ;Jon ,a . - W, snore, ov inree uaums oi musKce- '.j'-' " -(WV nwiaiusi- i l : . e . j. j i It - -, ' ' , , .-' ,- ... -; . u w .,,1.4 u,...,;.-f ,.-. 1,;.-. 1 . . - . i'-, ....r:..: ... ,. tramntlieir mud witiioxen. Khe exclaim-!,.. , ... , ..... -y . - x , T . - . . t. ... - i j . jo"-"" -v .e-6:-;; . v.- s-.vear by three hatfals, or only ed, thev ens.eiea. . .. ,, : .:-c, .:..!- . j --. o.... j : e - -, .. , ..,1 3.?. v .t;.-i,: 1 . . -. 0 - . . ., : .." . i- ,4-; ?; "--"'j :'"-' - ; .-i-. - 1 cqu.iMiiiita, auu on x ceax, piutiy ounoay mcms 101 uieixi 10 a-rtna ai tr.e lime and! i . crmt and caised such .ar.peal to be .cool- and a halt? . .- ' - i . 'Wny,. where pn?..airth,. are ...ypu:. been-hi,,, Kt.;x tfih i.,, 'n -n,A ,' ton f7.,"vs'-f:r -.nh ?rrh-rr..-Tit. r.r.-i" . - r - " 1 1 . : -: , -: - - ( -'-t .sue neara a'souna whien she tooU: to be!-' Just as the shades oi night were deepen- J that Of 'a frog." She -answered it with - a :;hig arPund,' the Doctor was seen appro'a'ch- IV i .i.l similar sound, when it ceased; .and ' in a" hopping 'on one .leg,' and ' carrying' hi.s! vymie maiuenmocks oquteuou, --saiuitp a cabbage-head,, ana alter ,an examma hc. - ' ' - ' ' '!' : ; I tion of the old J woman," pronounced her 'Squeebob; - lies' thought it was a bull-frog!' said Peggy . ..... . r l ...7 . . !' said Peggy. 'What did' you J He'.aclnimistered 'a dose of aqua' maravo sk for again? '? :UiX ' ' lous;'and'ordered hourly "drinks' of polly- come back for 'Vhite maiden is trying to fool Sque'e- 1 bob; but she can't escape!' ;M ' : Saying' this he gave a shrill whistle, 'when a' monkey appeared with an ' arm I'M of corn-cobs. Squeebob selected one Of the largest and fitted' it to Peggy's mouth, gagged her 'with ' it, and ' seizing ana - seizing. her in his' arms,5 Carried her a ' short- dance; and placed her upon' a wheelbdr- row, wmcn wenL Dy -peiiows power. - Giving it full wind, he "sailed ' rapidly-Va-j way. ' ' " " " On the- wheelbarrow; went, over logsj aiiu stones. tequeebob sat composcaiy ion his -heels, and tookVpinch of" snuff: a 1, r , JL X W I sma11 luanti!y fuinto Peggy's face, and ..:Tgettig, into" her nostrils," caused her tatinr-thc 'old' woman in the bos on the wind, I sneeze, xu iuwhoiv, snc Diew .ir.e coDjin, then turning the crank to 'Shake' her lout of her mouth;-striking Squeebob in'i wril: -sfid start, f ho "i rr!nlatibh5of the'-hfood i , whs uiiwimur in ui O t O ; 16 " east. : Corporal Skooteye turned oyer r m' bed, grunted and' then called out; ' . 1 cgg5 . j No' answer. 5 T.To. -nallot amiti ' '"" Foggy it's' time to etun and oretljreak-' fast. ; Still w j no answer. ' The Corporal got wrpthy, and leaped "out of bed exclaim- ting: UPPER j5A-N)USKY-, OHIO, THURSDAY, JULY 21; 1853;, Ibeen, atall!'. ' ' The old man ran out of the house and looked in Wcr 'direction! He" then ran J 'Maybe it's somebody else's track-,' 'suggested the old woman'.' " -; ; . 'Somebody else's thunder!' cried the old man; 'don't I kiow the trac-ks? They time must be lost; nobody ' lived near ! enough for them to apply foi-'sistance; ;rnnd 't.hrv must, tiVrn out "e-n nspMlipm 1 1 ...1 T ,., ... .1 1 l. .'he old woman ''mounted 'the Jti:. a uw um muiu.ui luuuuieu : family ox, armed with a pitch-folk, broom, fire-shovel, meat-axe,' and crow-bar. ,;'The ,.-. . ' . , .1 i barrel shot-'nin';' with' the lock broken off, i butcher-knife," boot-jack and screw-dri- cr" . ' ieu.ana equippea, inepany - i---" v ' fctout' the old ,Ieading(the van.jers, and repeated the baptismal and sacra- -T oca oqueeooo s iracK, unuuney omc to the wreck of ids " wheflharrow c"mt 10 ? 'c ms A, This the old woman' tied behind he-r on - IlCr 0X' antl tl!tJ Resumed the Search. Tl.v r.rl VuiXJ in i4'ir,' '' u ' mey nunled,.aud nun.ed m am,.uniil ; tn'rft' 1.'lf f.ho VlVv waa cwiit Vviir.v. ! .. .- nuvu ; they retraced their steps in sorrow. But few words were spoken.' The old woman's -under lip hung down so .'low that the "ox 'stepped on it, and hurt it severely. ' The Corporal. took snuff, to make him sneeze Rnd bring tears from ' Lis "eyes, and ; Josh' ran his head into the black swamp mud, as a sign of mourning not being aware of i the met that he had a sumcient quantity nSL article on his face already. . The ,sun was almost down, when the party ' reached their home. Josh was sent to take ' care of the animals, while the Corporaland his 'f& entered the houseV.' "When" they ; opened tlie door, what was their surprise ",- , '; upon beholding their lost daughter, Peq-o-y! 4f ,. ; ,- . . : . :? , ' . i She had a " sugar-trough the same one that she had " sat on nvjiile "fccduig "the I .gone so long, and what was' you doing with A side-saddle was procured, fastened on the bar,.'ahd; Josh mounted on itand 'de- atched 'for' Doctor Qwlsnout, at Auger- hamBJnd When lie came near the Doc- tor's liouse,Hhe fence stumbled, "and sent hlm WhiVling'onward in the air. He saw the Doctor staading ;m thedoor, !and do- YwtiiyoA mrjcjcoffi'oc li rnv " rnrn tt 1 1 . i v t liJ.J ij . i . . . .t. i ... v. t . i.i. i. . x l . v. i i . uy a' dexterous movement, he turned himself around, and flew" back' towards home. he velocity was hot quite sufficient tq car ry hini' baCk;;but he 'remembered 'having a small quantity in his pocket, ;which lie ap- pld, and reached home in safety: ' horse on his shoulder.' lie. tied his horse " . . , ; i v. ';. disease a sevcre"attack of skpoteynome'try ." wog tea; promising to be back again the next evening. r. CHAPTER VI." THE WEDDING. si It Avas evening again: The mansion of Corporal Skootej-e "was brilliantly lighted ikooi amp dis--!;'win iron lamps, in which burned double" distilled ancT ' refined 'possunf fat. The guests were all gathered,, to witness the Carriage ceremonyj but the J bid "woman had hot'recovered. " The Doctor was there, an(J puzzled about Ker case:;u He at length tv,- w h: ii-r- f.RKrf. : 'fr -Kr-r Vtl ' A 1.1 V V VI XXX A. A I - V ' X V AXV. LW A I UJ.,! Grubbmhoe had 'brought his wind-mil and" "bake-oven along; the Doctor spoke ofput- (roired over. ,. The Doctor said hi words, rolled over. had produced a fb'weffui ettect'.ii'on her; TGrubbinhpe.declared 'that it was ' a ' won - 'derful 'miracle;' but,' had it happened ir our day, the cause could no doubt be ex - i..t -v,2;,f nT.ttU ii..'' ' AoirV ''sh,. ct., - x... -,n h her eyesg and aiked; . 7 "aj fi-iVTT rt 1 1 it-i rvi 1 1 . r i T-i r - " . 9' 2fo; the pig sucked her Kgin,f Was the! answer. pumme ' 'Why did you tell her that?' asked the Doctor of Peggy, 'her excitement might prove fatal.' -!,f!-";!f H ' -f!-,'t;'; ;: 'Oh,' the hog didn't suck the cow,' an-" swered Peggy; 'but it always makes marm so mad, when " it docs happen, that' I thought if anything would bring" her' to, that would. " You see, it started thecalke latiori of the blood, and perduced inspira tion!' - : ' ' '- ' - - ';'r ; "? -Peggy was right. Her plan brought the old woman straight. They were now Peggy, daughter of Corporal Ebenezer St(oteye,:and Betsy, 'his wife of Tadpole bwamn all of the State of Darke Countv. SS.' JSicodemus hadbroughta log- XX 'tr ' i : fV lv tmiie h-irt hvrtn rr , to i,v. vV.vxv w.,, lled, drawn by three oxen.toconvey them jtoMassissincwa, the. next morning the .J . -I-- : i .1. - i -T. 1 . - .1 got through in the incredibly short space of one hour! During this time, besides go ing through with the marriage ceremony, lrt TMTior.luil i'vnn ovrrirYV niQfla turn tm-ii?- ; - y - ! he had nmshed, to pxill JN icoaemus to one , , !slde, and dun him for his twenty -hve cents. As soon as 'the performance was over, tnQ whole party' made ft" break for the ta- , , , . . ble, and commenced a whole destruction of the eatables. : And here our story ends. As for Mr. Nichodemus Squashins, all we can learn of him is, that he became a 'Squire in tlie State of Massissidewa, and his descend ants : became noted for their many inven tions of patent spindles, wooden nutmegs, &c. - The Rev. 'Mr. Grubbinhoe lived to a good round age," and finally died; and there was found in his old homestead a small leathern bag, which was supposed to containing the fees' of many a marriage ceremony; and as the amount was some three dollars and twenty-five cents, it gave rise to many a law-suit that occupied many a term of Court, -'as it will ' many mere. ; Frog-Town; has considerably increased in size)' may 'be seen there; 'and some' old man who was' 'known to the poets "will re count the story of Peggy Skooieye the maid of Darke county - Seli"isiikess axd Benevolestce. The selfish man that lives for himself alone, wiio neither ministers to or cares for the kindly sympathies ' of others, is like the stagnant pool of water, a lifeless, useless being, fit only to infest the social world with pestilent moral disease; while the be nevolent heart, that is ever open !,to' Ihe sympathies of others, and continually send ing forth its springs of kindness to minister comfort to' needy souls, is like the' beauti- FfuMake among the hills, which receives into itself the cool rivulets from the moun tains warms them in its own sunlit bosom, reflects -back 'the smile-' -which admiring heaven bestows on its own loveliness, " and then sends forth its gladdened waters,1 in 'rejoicing streams, to give new verdure ;to the plains, and beauty to the meadows be low. 'You will always see fragrant lilies floating on the drosom of such a," lake, and cheeiful- smiles' playing on the countenance that "radiates the loveliness of such a heart. . , xtS" John Adams was. once called up on for a cpntrihution on behalf of Foreign Missions-. , 'I have nothing -to give for that purpose,' said he, 'but there in this vicinity six niinisters-not, one of whom will preach in. the other's pulpit. Now I will give -as much as any other person for the purpose of civilizing -and christian izing these clergymen.' ; . , . -. : ; -jlS'Said one to an aged friend, I had a letter from' a distant correspondent the other clay,' who inquired if you "were" in the land of the living.' 'No,' replied the saint-like, venerable' man," 'but I km go ing there. ' This world is alone the world of shadow, -and the eternal is the only one of living realities.' . ' . ' ; SJT' i'ly notions about life (says Sou- arc, i much the same as. they are about traveling there is a great deal of amusement 'on the road,, but, after all, onewants to bo at rcst.1 - itST: The 1-aiest story is that told of a HhPde Island speculator, who picked the feathers from- a Shanghai fhen,:; spotted her,-black -and yellow and sold -her.. to; a travelling museum for a giraff. , . s .. r-fU- : .-:" ':. .... . L ' i sSv'l ou bachelors ought to bc taxed Csaid. a lady -to ft resolute, evader ;'.of the li - oos hoose matrimoniil. ; 'I agree .with: you 1 perfectly - maam,' was J the reply; 'for , bachelorism certainly is a luxury.' - - ' r '. ". -'- " Extraoreik-art Delusion is'a" Cleu- gyman. Wanted by a Rector, Avho is a disciple of Hahnneman, a Curate, who undertake the cure of souls by hom- wilh undertake the cure of souls by h oeopathy on a corresponding salary. ... , O 1 Al ' 1 " w I Ci.U.V-l viitl-' tiJ Li.V -in i -"'-an Acr.',i;u""ii',;,':5 '' Of Jurisdiction and Procedure before Jus . tiecpof the Peace.; aud of lhfe duties of : j.Cpnstblcjn Ci;U..Casee. ,J ,; , Seo. OQ.If either the plaintiff or de fendant iu their bill of particulars claim more, than twenty dollars, the case may be , appealed, 'to the Court of Common .Pleas, but if heither party demand a -greater sum than twenty dollars, and the case is tried by jury, there shall be no ap peal. , ; " .'' .-; r . i . Sec: 91.: If on appeal by the plaintiff, he shall uot ; recover a larger sum,., than twenty dollars, exclusive of interest since the rendition of -the judgment before the J ustice.. he shall be-, adjudged to pay all costs in the. Court of Common Pleas, (in cluding a fee of five dollars, to defendant's attorney,)- and in case the .defendant shdl lKm?,rn S,R'-n r OTTO r Hn hi-nnhr i . r- - v..wm jiars, and lie appeal, - and do not recover twenty dollars,-he shall in. Uke .manner ! nmr.oH o.-..-. . . .-. 11.. l !. 1 1 being rendered thereon, each . juror shall be entitled to. receive litytecnts at; the hands of the successful party; which shall be -taxed in tlx; costs against his adversa ry, .. When the jury shall -be unable to agree upon a verdict, tlie same compensa tion Daid them bv the narLv. cal- ling the jury, and the same. snail be;taxtd . . j... . i j tlie cost bill against the losing partv. .f-xa f , " f". y" innwi; oi.ttit .uc j tried by a jury before a Justice of the Peace, either party shall have tlie riht to except to the opinion of the Justice upon any. question of law. arising during tlie trial of the cause; and when eitlur, party shall allege such exception, it sh all t e the, duty of the Justice to sign and seal a bih containing such exception if truly alleg ed, with the point decided, so that the same may be madtpart of the record in the caiue. Arbitnttiofis. oec. .vi. At any time befora tna. judgment rendered, the plaintiff and tenaant, consenting thereto, may have the cause submitted to the arbitrament of three disinterested men, who "shall bc chosen by the parties; and if the ' aibitra- tors, be "present; they shall h ear an d de- j 'ermine the cause on oath or animation, be served by any constable or the par - ties, as they may agree. The fees of ar- bitrators shall be the same as that paid to jurors. Sec. 95. When the arbitrators convene and be qualified they shall pro c-eed to hear and determine the cause, and make out their award in writing, which shall be valied when signed by any two of them, and return the same to the Justice; who shall thereupon enter such award oni his docket, and, thereupon render judg ment and issue execution, as in other cases. :, ; .' Sec. SC.' Every mdyment rendered On such award, shall conclude the. rights of the parties thereto; unless itshall be made to appear to the Justice of the Peace who rendered such judgment, and .within ten days from the. rendition of the. same, or to the Court of Common Pleas, on an- peal, that .such .award .was obtained , by fraud, p.nmjril.ion. or other irn.tit tvjsiis . Sec. S7, ..Whenever satifactoi y; p-roof! shall be adduced before such Justice with- in the period aforesaid, that such ; award i fi LAWS OF OHIO- other undue mean?, it shall he competent,1 jlgmenlj may be.enxred fyr the red for such Justiceio. set aside - such award ! due. A defendant need not remit such . ' 1 x 1 1 1 ,l tl-r.rr-T-Ai. tiwpp,1 in s-nr-h Inal fri;l arrl judgment, , as if such -a ward, Lad ; never! been made.. '.; Sec. 93. Bui no appeal shall be allow ed to the court of common pleas, from a judgment of a Justice of the peace ren dered on an award, unless the p?rt'y pray ing such appeal shall file with sneh Jus tice' an affidavit-, therein' stating that he or she docs verily bedieye that such award was obtained by fraud, corruption; or other undue means. Sec. 99. And if on appeal from thejudg meut of a Justice rendered on any such award, the court of common pleas shall be satisfied thatthe award was obtained by corruption, or other undue means such court shall set aside the award, and pro ceed to hear and 'determine' the cause on the merits, as in other eases of ap peal. Sec. 1C0. But if the said court shall he of -Opinion that the award was-hot ob tained by fraud;' corruption or other un due means, the v . shall 'render' iiidgmcnt thereon and for the costs of suit; and a ward execution asr in other cases." ' !- ; Ti id of the rigid of property Jt$&'o7i or ctli.cneu. cec. iui. mien a cojSE.ii'KSievy i on or attach prcpcrtyilhtef''-J5y1rxiy per son or persons othe.Wifi-Vthfe ' party a-- gainst:whorn the gafipif. Pr attachment issued," the- clai yor'claSmants shall' give three days gi ve three days flViScMri wig, to. the) the adverse party with air least tone good plaintiff' or his gioTfound with-jand suffice n't surety to be approved of by iu the county, then such notice shall b served by leaving a copy thereof at his usual place of abode 4n siich county, of time and place of the trial of the right to such properly 'which trial sh all ' be had before some:t justice' 'of the township at lea.St"br.c day piiorto thW time appointed for 'the said of suciv fVoriertV;" Sec; ' 1 C-2. ' Tf on the trial the Justice J suaii be satiated Irom the proof that the! property, or any part thereof, belongs to the claimant or claimants,' such justice shall render judgment against the party in whose favor such execution or ; attach- i ment issued for the costs," and iuo cxe- cution therefor, and shall, moreover, give a written order to the constable who levi- ed on, or who may be charged with the duty of selling such property, directing him to restore the same, or so much there of as may have been found to belong to . , , .... such claimant or claimants. Sec. 103. ' But if the claimant or: it claimants fail tocst'ablishhis or their right to 'such property or to iny part thereof, the justice shall render judgment 'against Klirh (-.l'J.n-"-rnl. aut or claimants ior the costs .1 , , i . - , cnac nave accurrca on cccount oi Euch jtrialrand issue execution therefor, and the constable thall kot be liable to the cki- m :uu or -'claimants ' lor the property so taken. , ART f CLE VIII. Jail:; nzetils. IC-l. Jndo-m meats. that the actio; be dh:med without prejudice to a new action may be entered with co::U, in the following cases: 1 When the plainiilf voluntarily dis isscs the aetion before it. is finally sub- j fitted. 2 tV hen he fails to' appear at the time xA - i ; ' -i" iCIl or vritiiin or.e i-our . . : . - i -1 ter. . . . -' . ' When it h objected at the ti hd and a Fp. pears Dy u;e evidence tuat tne action is brought m tne wrongtownship. Sec. 105. -If the plamtitf fail to appear ai the return day of the summons, and his. bill of particular be not'liled and evi- dence be lore the Justice, the action must" be-dismissed. If. the defendant fail to 01 "l tne.piooi on ms pare, me appear at .the xeturnaay 01 the summons jby tLe justice of the -peace, 'and for 'ail or if either party fail to attend at the time ' ts that..have accrued in the cou-i" fid lRpdtowmcn a uu na. oeen aojoamea, 01 cxqcnm thereon, or .such court de tan to make, the necessary bid oi particu- msv" ' the ccncnt: of E;;h " ?Y;nf;1L,:. . tue lequeoi uie?eiatj anJ rcmanj tie c io ,tl-" j adverse -party, and judgment must be j jtica of the Peace, '" to be thereaf;e j g'en in con.ormity wii-a-ihe b:!i; .ot par- j . irs ana proo l.u. 11 i;t:i uu 'iiii; j f uau u-aii 1 tered: '' 2 Tna or corneas juagmcnt ioi the co-.- iwarded against him. i nat he notity m . vmang tne op- - posite party, hu agent or attorney, or cause ii to oe sone, oi cue opening oi sucn ; judgment and of the time and place -of trial at least five days before the time if j the party reside in the county, and if he be not a resident of the county by leav- .-! i J C xL xt 3 1 C ing -a, written notice thereof at the office of the Iustice ten days before the trial." -Sec. 107. Upon a verdict , the Justice I must immediately render judgment ae- cordingly- When the trial is by the Jus- ticer. judmenf must be entered immedi - ately alter: the cloee ot tne trial, it inc ite- j' fc-ndanthas been arrested or. Lb" property j attached: in other cases it must be en;er ed either at the close xf the trial or if tlieij T !. xl.'.. .1. T A. ..!!.., ;, .1 itjusiiuc biivi utt,uo,,tuni:fi tiitt. i-v tun - J rider, on,or by the.foi i bo'dl dftVS .liiCiUSlVC.- h day thereafter, Sec. IoC When tho amour au3 to : whicli mcr panv x, s i exct ihe sua duitiee i:3 aucaon. d to enter, iudg- rcmit the OVP-SS Silt! ay Y.iCLf.oia sprung ui Oil, and a recovery ' i( (h( icun .. i -; h.; off and allowed, or any pari thereof, not' bp a bar to Lb sahccpent act ua .for: the'f. mount, withheld. ' Sec. 1C9. If t defendant' before, trial, oiler in writing' to allow jud ment to be -taken agamst Lim.fora specifi - .ed sum,; thc.'pTaiatiif may immediately iiave juagmeni icrrnrn. f hprc iirfi v.-ir.n tl:n cosis then accrued..." But if he do not ceep: such oiTer before the trial and fall to re cover in the action a sum equal to the of- fer, he cannot recover : cost-j accrued af ter the' oiler, but costs must be adjudged against him. ' Bui the '-offer and failure to accept, it cannot be given "in evidence to anect the recovery otherwise than as to costs as' above 'provided.' J " ' I' ".I Sec' 110. Where judgment is render ed in a case where 'the defendant is snb-jc-ctto arrest and imprisonment, it must be so stated ia the -judgment, tered in his docket. sl and en- A f") 'n r nT -7 T -v : - j'lppeaut. . t ;!S:Eci:lli. Ia all cases ..not , otherwise specially provided for by law, either par- tymay appeal irom u,e Lnai juagmeui oi any Justice of the peace to the court. of common pleas ot the county,, .wen iiido-n-ient, v.-s rendered. . . tne fcEC. -lliJ. xne par.y appealing Miau, , - . - ....... ; . - -.- 11 - ! within den' 'davs:from the rendition of the' j iudment, enter into an 'undertaking '"tofan detention, or furcible detention oFreal such Justice, in a sum not less than fifty dollars inagy case, nor less than double j the' aar- of the "judgment' and costs cbnefft ' WHOLE t'NO;' 1)54 1-Tlialthe appellant will" prosecu!s "!3 appeal to eixyct, auJ.witiioat unncces- j.sary dehvr; ; " ' ,t. j " 2 That if' ju-mcat' b3'" ainil 'a- gainst him on the appeal; he will sl-ify such judgment and costs. fSueh undertaking need not be si -ne l by the appellant. '" " Sec. 1 13. And the T?ai! ."Justice", shall- make out a certified transcript of his pro- eeedings, iucjude'thc undertaking taken for such appeal and shall," on" demand, deliver the seme to the appellant, or ht? agent, who shall deliver the c-ame to ti e clerk of the court to which sujIi appeal may be tfiken on or before the second day of term thereof, next following' such, appeal; ind such J usLice shall al;o dehv, r or transmit the biil'or bill of particulars the depositions, and .all other original nk- jpersif any, used on the trial before l.'m, j to such-clerk,.- or before', the fcaii zee an I "yoi rusn .icrm; ana . iva . turther- mo 1 , i - : eeeuui.''s ueiure tiio jiujaoe ot ke ive:-X'', j in that ca,;e thalh cee and be; staverl i from .the lime of ..entering . iuto . such un-' deruiking, ; ;; ., , , ; ; Sec. 114. IIic eltik, oii;reeciuni..;h transcript, and other papers as aioresai 1 shall file the same, and dockc I . c-i-C i i - rrM. . . . t i r ,i j btov,' bc, plaintitf iu the . Cck s. Vl j Common Pleas: and Ikvrtk sl.Tl r..-r,- eeed, in all respects, in the same laaiuu-r s though the action had been origiii wiy Instituted in the said court. , Sec. ' 1 1 G. If -the appellant shall jo j jei:'V) er-the transcript, and other, pRperi. , u aiiv io liictierii, , ana Lave iii3 a'itai it any to tnc clerk, and Lave e ' -- - ... i - - - , ond day of the tcira of; said court next afcr such appeal, the appellee may at ih ! same tonn of said eo-rt. file ; a it-nsc-r- ! of the.;- proceeding r?id iudgmait; of j saelj JusiiCe, and the said caui ' dvti; on . motion" of the r.r,r(dlee. lie Ah4oA. n-i "lie court is authorized .and required. on his application, either tp enter up a judg- icn m ns i&vpr, similar :to that, entered d;sniiss the appoa at tte C33i of .t, proceeded in as if no apiicd had been ta izcn. - . ,. . . j upn 11T T" 1-.- pre act a pe tilion pi Qi wise neglect to prosecute the same : judgment, so that jsiicli phuut ,. ,; ,;, in i-i '' ;i,: -'-',, r j come-nouc-uxxi io sii-.u oe mo tiuiv Oi ;ours. xo render lujgmeaii agamss sucn ; i ,n0x x- ti, -,.-,x ,x? r :,,,.,..t i . . J O rendered against him by the Justice of tho Peace, together - with interest, accrued thereon, and for costs of suit, and to ward execution thereof, ks in other cases. ' ' '..; :. '' ' " ' . ; ' : Sec. 110,". If both parlies fail o enter such appeal within the time, limited' ks cer- i tiiica-te .irora.' the. clcik oi tae court-,. 1 ng that the 'appeal was: not 'eiitcicd ;t being entered" was dismissed as aforekiS, shall thereupon issue execution 'upon" "the j-gnieni, in the same manner iCs it ' ii$h appeal had never been'teken.'''7'-'":'d-''i 'l -. . i- " -.- f :.' ' i fcEc. . l i U. " ii any ptrsoa appeaun :. frcn, a judgment rendered 'in 'his fai-oV, I shall not recover a greater sum tiiaa' ilia SH02K. XOl ch'iujgirentVa rc re; I ; eoiii5 b.u,i ' me Xii.eivo, ;-.t.Ci . ... x ' , ' thercohevery such appellant sIk.I: jr t- r 1' ti ccsts of :f.uch" appeal. ' " - ' : ; :: ' 'Si-:c. 11'. When any "p'rea!- '"t hll' or wiiCn- raagrxlent siiv-li 'oe cn- tered iii th c toai i oi common p.ear' v.-. . c - 1 ' -..-. t dtrl:,! ppeuant, tne surety in tne hg shall be liable to t'A ij fcr tne'wholc'-eriount- of tl !anddma recoverir,g atriinst 'the ' ap oeaant. I- When an - appeal ;taka' :o ( the Court of Comriior.. Fleas : shail tliefe b? 'quashed by rea?ou of irregularity in 'ah -. ing or consuminaiin-v the same ti e cathe for quashing shall be - started in-'the -ordt r of the court, and a transcript of such v j jor shall be lodged' with such ju'iice,;wh shall thereupon proceed to "issue execu tion, in the :same manner as if no appe-:.! had been taken.' " - ; -"'; - : Sec. 1 2. In procee'dilig on appeal, wh( :i the surety in the undertaking shall be ih sufdeient: or such under tahin." may be -hi-sufficient,-in form or amount itshall be lawful for -the court, cn 'motion, to order a change' er renewal of such undertaking, ! ana uireec mat ine same be eernneaxo me Justice froniwho4-e! judgtrcT.t the appeal j was taken, or that it he recorded Ju sal. 1 court. - - 1 " - - - Sec. 123. Appeals i in -the-fellovring cases. shall rioi be allow d: --' 1 On judgments rendered on" confe;- c.ori. , - ( , . . . . f t" '. ' ' "" -j"' j xiio uuu ixfiwier jv-ir; v daini ia their bill vf particulara sum ex- l-UJ!a" I iio,-!irfp twftpfir T. .11 .. "'" 3 In the action . for tlie "forcible entry i proper. y ".-. . .. : .-- "; j 4 Iu truH of the right of, property, under the statutes, either levied upon: by executioner attached, : :. :;.r c" Sec. 121 . - When thp terra of o-See of ?. . Justice shall cx)ire between, the dte'.ofV . .. . : 1 i ' I 1 -JX: -. " " ";.- -. ---- -