Newspaper Page Text
.. .. .: . - v.;:-,-, ' . " -- ''''.-vV'.. - . ' ' ' " ' -';''. -ci; -"' 7--:r:::-;:;''i;;'.' - t;t. ' .. "-..:-' r ' .- " ' ' - ' - ..";.:- ,:-."."' '" '-' ' '' " . ' iMiiimi'lUMUliUMii .n i I . j. LI H II I Ull. Ml , HI" ll JJT-.J j UJUWIHJ, l- - IHHI. .jl. . IJ " TIIOS2 FOJt WII021 WE CARE NOT. j roumlelby ctiarts, flags; ''fen ci siiials, ksTI fe:' s land vrLb a good stiflf rummer of ha f-snd- leaiiicd from out the dcj k . and : wut ing rnoss of men, VvliilcnoW and then, the dead, J- To tlos w lovctk-e -lecl gcd'to uightll ri v half, which; Lc. was coulcmpTiling wi h pe-1 heavy sound toU where the'. blade found I!titp.r.v attend, nad stare Bt, . V , 'euliKr compIacVncy. ? t S'C: u:" its 'sheath, or the bullofc pierced gome broad Whila Uw wjpr Uat Kxhe, . , . ;. r 'Ilillot mkHcr; voufe' Vu'iile-3.v -? w ' "ar.d bold bo:-om. -''The Spaniards, headed iJfylxi 'iClip7aper'o( yojw-Jieh by their leach ranUpolloikVjiuriy, but For roval mau liwsfcVr ihry .t?WIh v-- :' voufv-s tr s -xV, t-e ' v' :' ' -1 seamed wi h cuts,, :aud , blackened with ,1 II onth-jirfonifl tlioy, bynr not , Tlio'iiobleatrt'hat docks a crown, . . , TLo'peofi'le'a lovfr wfe'tare not.- " ' " ' ;: ',v;"t 1!fn 'if ?'' '' Tor avii-luiu'ii, who bend wnyath. . A despot yokeVy cf dare not ' ' ' '' ; rrondu'Tice'tl.e will, wLose tcry lrcatli ' Wcnilvl rend its linkawe" care! not. 'Strange sail in piht, says1 1 'skipper; swabs, and all," puaz1ed : about licV want you to make up'tliV number I've a:noli6rt itVapiuafe? , . ... T f . ..,. - - 'Pirate!' says Cuntlng1, while visions of prizo-mbnoy danced' tiirouh. his mind;'; and up ie sprang through the tWpanion,' and on deck in less "time "than I po'uld knoS a bowline I lollow'ed 'having first s owed away his allowance, and'found ,him oh deck J ll took a glass, and haVmg looked steadi lr bn the stranger, swept it round the hori zon, r.n J suJdnly arrested it on an object, whjch we bad, all overlooked, a, bh;p to ; windward, but, which not being'sp directly ."r tin the light,. had, escaped Pr obst'rvaiion, ; 'I thought 0,'.aid'theniasler, as hepom- ted it out to the captain 'that long-legged scoundrel is trying to work up to you dersliip ; j . r:..., : i . 'I'sec his game; beat to quarters said srhbbe, fought in desperation. ' Tor priest I j men , who covet sway '. ( And wealth , thou gh thry declare not; , . V.'liO. point, like finger post the way.;., t TUcy'ncvcr jo v.-c caro not. v Tor ninrtial men, who on their sword, lloive'or it conquers wear not Tho pledges of a soldier's word, . . Redeemed end pure -we calv not.. " For Lgsl niuu.wha plead for wrog, r . And , though to lias they swear not, . Archa'rdly letter Yhau the throng l Of those wha' to we care not ' . For-co'irlly men, who tcd upon The h.nd,Tdco grubs, and spare not y": ; The smalkst leaf,' where tlisy can putt Their crawling limbs wtj care not Forwealthv men, who keep their mines "l""vFFy ; r """i In daricnMs liidand sharVniif ::- A sail.on the shipar, and ; let us try ( our Thi paltry ore with him who pines j friend to larboard with the signal's.' la honest want wo cara not. ,v - v ...TJp went the white fold of France, but Fnrnnident maic'who hold the power "nq thing appeared.upon the schooners iug:. Of love aloof, biid bar not . 'iging; next the rod flag and cross of Britain . Their hearts iur.ny guardlesa hour ,'.- -;! rose to the peak, and as hauled down; the AO osailiv.s un;ui a vtvjuyi'! ' For' all in short, on land and eeti In camp or courtwho kk not, Vilio never wire, or e'er vrxt be , Good men and tree we care not ".'" It. was in vain the brawny arms of the boarders, clove their ;way to. the forecastle. Their leader went down, felled by a tre mendous blow from the handpfkeofatop man, arid his crew were 'forced down the hatchways, dragging with them the body of their capta.n. ' The hatches were clap ped on, the wounded' arid dead removed to our own ship- the sails' trimmed, and with a prize crow of twelve men, the schooner fvll into our wake. , Froiu tlwj lllnstmted Family Frcnd. n BOARDING A PIRAJE. ;. X SCENE OX THE BAHAMA. BAXas.. . - ;. - j- .-.1, . DcttiNCJ the summer and autumn ofthe year IS 2-, ' I was hi the West Indies, on bo ird'of one ot oar national vesselsjafwir'.' After leaving Havana, we had cruised for some time in the neighborhood of the Grand Bahama Bnks; from Key Westto the Cay coj. fi'u;-.;,.: krhi-- H:; hsp One'Fplendii after nodh,-the bright-' and glorious sun wfts sinkingr behind "the west em waveVtinmns: the "curling and ifoam- crested billows with purple and: golden. light, arid dying the spray that. rosc''and flew before the wind,' with prismatic hues.' While feaning upon the qusrter-rail,' 1 was musing on home and distant friends the ' deep, ho ar3c voice of:the captain of the I .. forecastle came ' upon my oi.r, calling, 1 ' 'Sail ia wghlt'- ' "v -,' - . 'Where away? was the response oi the lieutenant of the watch.'' ::?Lt X . Thji'ee points on the lee-bbw, sir .. ; ' . ; In a moment all the glasses' in the ship .trr.rr riinf in TPftliisiitinrii ETld evOTVOTlQ WES .V' . f j the tired watch slowly paced the" decks; the ship was uuder easy sail, moving about four - knots through- the water, - and the 6chooner about a quarter of a mile astern, whe-n we heard a stir and commotion on board her; the. clash ' of swords, and the ring of the pistol', sounded faintly to the nightsoon a shout, a cry; and the lieu tenant hastened to report, and ordered all hands up. But scarce could they rush up on deck, ere a terrible report came oyer the waves, making the ship stagger- Swith the "concussion, 'arid tho sails flap" heavily a gainstthe masts' theri rushed a spire of Ihirid flarn-ft hsvinclv "linwRK'lsV castinv:-a "Vr? j - - . ' I rich'caud heavy standard of Spain nextun-! t , c v i i - i . 1 ; r ' - - .- r; -.'-baleful and bickering glare upon the pahid sea, i.- (V, rolled itself to the; wind, and was answered ' - f. ... ,w i(. - - ,". l countenances of the men; for an- mstaitt it from theschoonerAYUh the, black and yel-. flashed tefTibly bright then fell; ahdt-a low fiaji and the smoke of a ran issued .:,l.-ai,v;n i V.4;fl;w! fiom her decks' and the ball danced ahead, - , , , . - r ... . i -i - - ' . . -'- . - . hung dark and gloomy over the s p.ot; w hue of us and fvll in the wavc. Again this , . . - , - , ,:. , . . . ,,. . , ' y -': - - ' , 5 i - the plash and hiss, as -the fahing- pieces was hauled down, and the-stnpesand.stars .. . ... ,. n f ... v ' . - - ;- , ., . n ; dropt in the wave, told but too Aveil the face of America. waved gauy in the breeze, c , . o.-m i .while the unioii'-iackran up to the foremast-1, , . w ' , i.r-, c i. . . -,-'''-' , i banner hungupon the bright brow oi night, head. Our friend on the left swunff-round , ,M - , .- . . :Ti . . j j - - .-. - , ' use & lunerarpaiLOVLT ine ana m stays, and. showing us a, neat and , well- - , , ,.: - e x- , , " v ; , ' '' i mangled relics of those free-hec?ried men. lurncu btLiu, away biiu .gi.ea over lu .waves, with all sail set. , . b- , i . Scene at ,S'myran-Americaa ' vs. Aui . . , , In our latest foreign news by telegraph brief mention was made of a o-allant action Of an American ofileer, which is here more fully detailed: ''.' ' ' It appears that M. Costa, a Hungarian, ex-aid-de-camp to Kossuth, and wlio had returned from the Uniied States,, was secreted in the house of a Sardinian, in Smyrna. His .whereabouts came to the ears of M. Vekbeckef, Austrian Consul General, who, under pretence of search ing for a thief, dragged Iiim out; gagged; handcuC'ed and conveyed him. on board the Austrian bri-of-war .Hus'sur. All the efforts of the other' Europeans, aided byAli Pacha and the "native officers, to liave tne prisoner nanaed over, to tne 10 cal tribunals, were in, vain. On the fol The moon now rode hbhin li'eav'en, and j f;-inf- dv the U . , o f.i i 'ate St. Louis, : ? LAWS OF OHIO. PIThiSrtlED':'i3Y 'A TJT IIO R I TT.' n The Crew stood in a' stupor of dismay and acnnicliTv-.nfit Tin?- q t.Tio 'rlrlf rli-mrl vnll.'rl The shin to windward , threw .her -bows , ;-, v '. i , , rt , . ' ' --' , , - by, 'life "was res ored to their limbs, and round, dashing, up the spray . DCxore. her, . r . . . .... . s. - ,- . ... . . . r . ' r- '.:- -'.with seamen's encrarr, the boats were and -displayed, American colors, . and rani , , . : .v: J ' J , , ' V ivleared before the order was fairly .given. downrtowara ua,withn ;fiovrtnjy- sheet, ; ' , , , . j XJ'- ll Ul (VlVC;) CI.AAVJL , .. , ' " ; .' - , ' ' ,' " a-ir were leaping rapidly over .the curling and refcluuf and staggering under her can- 9 p m, 1 , . r J , , : . , v ' .... T,.nu. i i-, -k chin urco mir -o nAii , nn.'i Oil I j If CO I ' t, I. t- V, 1 7 UU entered the port, and the captain of the frigate, accompained by the U. S. Ccin sul, immediately went on board (he Aus trian ship and demanded to talk w iih the Prisoner, whom they believed to have a claim to the protection of the United States. . The Austrian Lieutenant in com mand denied that he had any prisoners ori.board. The captain of the St. LoiAs and the Consul then went to the Austrian Consulate, , where, after a scene of the most violent kind, M. Yekbecker admitted that the prisoner was on board, and gave a forced consent to see him. , ' Returning on board the Austrian ves sel, the American Captain thus addressed Commahner Schwartz 'When,I came on board a short time since, your lieutenant lied to my face!. , The meanest of my cab in -boys would "not ''have' been guilty of such cowardice!- Where is the prisoner? I wish to see him." As " Commander Schwartz hesitated, the American added : 'Bear in mind that if the prisoner claims my protection, and has the -slightest right to it, I:.will remove myself and will not allow him to remain another ; minute on board.' Unfortunately, the generous ef forts of the Captain of . the St. Louis were useless, for the prisoner prevaricated and betrayed himself , so much in his-replies, that he did not giro his ' eftienders the - v;;.-vr' ''"-AN ACT.- ; j - ; .. '.'i .v. ?jDefiiimg the Juridietioa" and regulating the -Fraedee bf Probate Courts., . 1 iv.w i : ' - CHAPTER l. Jurisdiction of Probate Ccurtf. ; Sec. Be it enacted 'by the General Assembly , of the State of Ohio, There is established in each county of this State, a Probate', Cou it, which shall be, held at the county seat of each county: , jxdus'jve Jurisllcliun if JVohaie Courts. Sec. .2. ' The Probate Court shall haVe exclusive jurisdiction in Probate and Tes tamentary matters, except as hereinafter provided. . . , ; . 1.- To take the. proof of v ill.-, and to admit to record nticated copies of wdls executed, proved and allowed m the courts of any other State, Territory or county. ", .. . , . 2. -To grant and revoke letters testa mentary, and of administration: ,' " ' 3. -To direct arid control the conduct, and setde.the accounts of executors and administrators: ,. J . , 1 , 4. To enforce the payment of the:debts and legacies, of deceased. persons, and the. distribution of the estatelif jntestates; ' . Sec. C. No ProbatO Judge shall act .is Executor or 'Administrator bf any' estate, or as Guardian for "any minor, idoit, 'or lunatic; and if he shall be interested as heiiv.lfc'gatee, devise'; or in any other man ner, in any estate'. which may be required to bo settled in the., county where he re sides, , all .suclv estates , and . accounts of guardianship settled by the Court of - common Please of, such- countv; but i - - any Probate Judge .Svho f.Avas ; acting as Executor, Administrator or Guardian on the 25Lh day- of February, lC52. lmay continue to discharge the, duties; thereof, till said . trust 3 can' be duly closed' and setded. ;.'.-.;-:.-.' . .. ;? . raitacneu-an inaex : secure iv Doun.i in . ''Volume, which -shall at -ail ticics bis .. , - - up with tae.entnes therein, and refer - . Ltdcee?.' Sec'. 12. To each ofsaid 'booksVshalt'" DC thei; kept to such ; entries. elph abcUcally;- Jby, the"1, . . f . t . " " . i . names o:. tne pariies op person nt wiiicn it ik onginaljy5entered,-...indicatiag th.e pge , of ..the book y.Jicre, the, entry Tnade. , Where oljite'-lrfAtiawtJitw provided -wilb ' looks and-shillonawhs. Sec. 13ll;The; Probate -JaJge.-mu t keep an oScc at the county te.., open at all reasonable hours suitable forlaiusact tioh of . business, and fbr'the: ;deposit 'and safe keeping of the' public books,; records. v J and papers tmder hi3 .charge.;, ,:Such oSr5;--; Sect 9.; The Probate' Court shall have I ce shall be furnished by the. county.'Cojai-. . .'I a seal to be provided by the Commission ers of the proper ''county', having the same device' as the seals of the court " of common cases, for the 'safo kcepihg' and i presorva--, 'i. Hon of the books "and ..papers.v of -such- . court": and also1. with -such ,'station'ary. ras maybe required by such Justice, in, tl-.e discharge of his onicial.dutierv'at.,.thp.vf.x. Ipense of. the county. :y --.j iv,1J---;A.v--.,? . 5 To appoint and remove ' guardians,' to diract and control their conduct, arid to settle their accounts:. ! ' , ' - 6 To grant marriage licenses, and li: ctnses to ministers of Gospel to Vokmrdze marriages: ,. . -, f . . . . t 7. To make' inquests respecting luiia- ' ' tics, insane persons, idiois and deaf 'an J ''sha dumb persons subject by law to gv ship: , ' r ; " ' . . - 8. To make inquests of the amount of compensation to be made to the owners of real estates, when appropriated 'by any to make err ept there shall be en graved around tlre' rriargin thereof, in ad dition to the name bf the proper county; the words' "Probate Court' instead of the words "Common Pleas." All writs''' ...:. -;; --j and proccss;issu:ng from said court - shall - ' i j. v CIIAPTEIl: IILr be under the seal thereof, . and shall 'be poWERSV:AND DUTIES-i-'OB-THii'-- d'- dated and signed by the judge issuing the (tSoBATE JUI) GE IN CIVIL CASE; .sameu and all transcr!Tts-i:?'f.ii'ny fm-m said i j '. - . - . - .-- . court under the seal thereof, and sie-d-r "c" -r- J4f f v oy me juage ti.ereot, sLail do receiveel evidence of the faefs therein contained iri all the courts bf this State.' ' 1 ' hi-. ...v;,. .... '. jing tL.e business in their respeptiy c courts. ... . ?-1 ,:PoUiti:'.rrid they shall within one yearr rtU.; '" Supreme Uoitrt. Sec. 1 4... The sevcral. Probate Judges shall, from tirno to.ime,: make - rules t not Judje I o Lave care, &c".'; inconsistent wilh tlia, Liws. of tl V Xue If have the! " , - ' '..1.1 -11 1. O. A I.I. vass, he sprang away,. with the w;iad dead., , . ' - . - ' . -j stooct tor tne tatal epoi t r r r ' i . .- j, n , - -. ; t - - Ere the first cutter had., proceeded far, they found one of the -unfortunate prize i" As a square-rigged vessel has great a.d:. vanta6-e over a fore-and-aft; on this ooinB of sailing, we-gained on the schooner hand : crew, and drew him into the, boat, s.till a- ;;ve, tnougn Druisea, ana. w'un nis ehittered a-mi body blackened and seorch- over h.-.nd.. . . . ; ... ;-; - As the day waned, the wind lulled, and ere the sun sets sank again to a light breeze which nil ed the upper canvass, but did not swell the . lower.1 and heav ier sails. . The twilight of the tropics, short but bright, came rapidly on, and as the glorious ; sun cd." After a strict search, none others jvere found; but asthey returcedthe.corse of the Spanish captain met them upon, the crest of a wave, with the sarne .stern .nd unconquerable resolution depicted, on his screened hnnseli ;from view: behind bhe-L . , ',i -ii clasped lirmly-in one hand and the , other tlame-tinted waves, canopied by masses otj - -;r J . . - ,n;m.!-,rli-'Tir.aT v.'. t.h rI rflTio-fi ! 1 ' i i :i. ! ciencnea on a mmiaaire. ; . , i.niui.i.i..0 ...... jt ---- o enilloOH liUuUo, luc nuu snvti muoii luw i,. , I ; , craft, that by about four leeward; with all her spars," and the cob-web tracery of her rigging, distinct and 'clear in the briglit'light-which "enveloped 'her; -- : After a steady gazd of come 'moments, the lieutenant 'dropped his glass, and sign ing to one of the reefers,-bade ' him report to the captain'. ' - "rd' .:... . ' In -& few moments the, skipper appeared, . toek.'a sq'uint through his 'long carronaHe as the mids calleddvis-telcscope, and rotir cd, with thellrst lieutenant,' to the'sanctuni of the binnacle, where they stood in cloe j consultation ' '"-'i1 -'d -f- US t-ni'-' Amorig5 theTest.Iiprdduccdmy canya'ss covercd star-gazer,' and was.endeavoririg, with-inexperienced hand, to-fix-my (ej"e upon tho 6bject of attention;'. ' v.i Group - after group formed alorig Hhe decks!, eaeh around soma oraclo of the fore castle, 'and ' speculating sagely : upon' the probably character of the stranger;; ru Many shrewd gu'ess'es were formed, arid those 'respectaBle- characters, the . oldest sailors, wrere delivered of many awise'shake of the head, and muttered words of wist dom 'Old Bill Thompson;.; tho quaft'er gum'mer, who wasstndingnearthenain chains, rolling his quid from one check to the other, tipped his horwestcr, and striv ing to look gracious, with a phiz marvel lously resembling a gnarled and split oak fetunip; brought out in gruF tones, 'Mayr hap, 'Mr; Garnet, you'd lend me that 'ere peeper, for why; I've been - on salt water: longer nor you,' though there's, not a bet-. . jer eaaor iiuui a oi your lneues. . ; Delighted with. this fla'ttenh'g encomium upon my seamanship, I gave him' my t'cle- ' scope, and aftvjr pulling up his troukrs, anddrawhigds mahogany fist , across Yds tye-s, he took a 'long,' last, lingering gaze' - at the fiiry' craft. He' slowly took dotn the glass from his eye, turned round, hand ed it to me,' looked exceedingly . knowing, f.nd provokingly inclined to conceal hi knowledge, . took a fresh , quid froni his 'baccy box,' and. with a grin of infinite meaning, said nothing at all.; . I .Well, Old Bill said U 'what If she?', do you know her? speak, man m --t ' 1 . . : . 'Dol?' said he with a sepulchral tone,, and a look that would have immortalized him as the 'ghost in Hamlet-" 'Do IV. : ,j. ' . Now this was all we could wormtou.t of - the old lignumvitoe block, but the crew a- . round knew' that two words .from .-Bill; Thompson were worth a sermon from any one else,-aud all watched the.. movements ' ' f the stranger widi cyen graater mtont ness of observation. - . . . . . t . . While wondering, in my own mind, what hi radiance in the east stealing gradually on, as if loath to take the station just ab dicated by herprddecessor. -' And there, in the distance, with the long " He 'was brought on board, andoori af ter committed to the deep, a fitting sepul- chre for that form whose animating spirit J was as fierce and ungovernable m its pas- sligiitest chance to save him.' When this was unknown on' shore, great excitement broke" out, ' and the Italians w'ould -have burned the Austrian ' Consulate had it not been well deferided.' In their heat tbey attacked three Austrian midshipmea who were on shore, and killed one. On the other side, tha Greeks or Austrians-the account is somewhat obscure -laid the" plan to assassinate the American officers, but being warned in time, they avoided the danger. ' The Italians and their allies have sworn to . poignard the ten Greeks who arrested Costa, and the Greeks swear they will murder ten Italians for every Greek. The city continues in a ferment. Horrors of 'tlia CMie e War. ., -. mi t ecu. in. auu . !3 or s. t,ic .iviiu. cusoav .01 an j . l i .11 i-i.- . c. .l, ... . r . - viiii- . J 1 ' 3 WUUQO IVJi vi-1 -UviUli,'.li:i 'Hlj'il,. .. .t. .1. .(V - ' ' 1 1 ' -I lj uje x looaie ouice, ana are .nercuv au- .if; cases corporations legally ", authorized te such appropriations : 0. Iri the criminal specified: . . ' T O. To try contests of the" election "of Justices of . the Peace. , t? to o'iiice, an thoiized- and empowered , to perform'; the duties of clerks of their, own - courts. Every Probate Judge 'shall-"have... "power to appoint a deputy clerk or clerks, each C 1 .1. ..11 - 1 i ; : . - t Fowy 10 engup-. raleS) and to;. makother,and fur on ine-., auties . ins -. appointment, . tafce. an oath or affirmation, faithfully . to per-. form all his duties, as' deputy clerk,,, and when so qualified, . said deputy .may 'do. and perform, anyv. .all., the duties, ap- of :their rules and course of. proeecdkigs', to. the Supreme VCourt-and shall make hke? return; of- all-.their-, ruleSj thcVeaftcr made ; as ,-eopn as convenient .after ,makT ...i ing the same ; t.and - the f. Supreme Couri . amend all,. .1. .11 1 - J... -l., Saii e tuwtr to aiLcr ConcurreiU Jurisdiction vf Prolate Caur'$ c -d" i t".'n v i "in " 1" pertaining to -tho.-.x)fHce of clerk of said current jurisdiction;- I ji;.!'- . ;.: 1. In-the sale of . lands on petition by pppiiitr- court:-. Every. .'Probate Judge: may ' take such security-from his deputy, as he may , - , , i - i uvviu i.wvoM.-. w. o.i.UiV Viiu l.ll ...1 Ul fvpcntniis. sdminrs'-ralnvs. fpd friisrjir.n. . . r -- - . . i . . t ''..' ' . ,' I'foi-man'ce of the duties of hi and the assignment oi dowe-r-m sucn cas- f - w v-j 2! In the completion of' real con tracts.! on -petidon of., executors ravi,. administra tors: i-. J- '; -N; - i -t;- ther rules,; from timx; to aimp. for regu-.,. , J' laLingthe.prpcticdings :in,aJllhe Frobate- m f;.'.j Courts of this State, as they shall, - judge ,:t . . ' necessary in order-to introduce and main-. ; ;. ... t$,in regularity and uni-formity.ia the. said-; rsroceeamcrs.' -ExseiitWm QijicluLlZe'corls ' . Sec' 15. - Orders1 for the' payment- "of-'1-"'- 1 money ma r be enfo'rded b v "" execuiioil' cf?7- money Qtherwise, in the. sarne 'mariner 3. In allowing -and,, issuing wrlr 4ia merits m tne uourts oi uommonrieas.' - A'll'su'ch 'dxecu1,i3n's:shall ;be-s directed fe-:"' j I J Tke'iGaGWing bocks snail be . w. .. 6k'?.Afr- kgptby the Probate1 Court, '"and" Blank Sc'c'. 'RiJoks t'OTthe purpoar'TT rail hi '. procured. n - .l l.. i -l i . vc.i.xo till, i' lAiivi . n. i. , i..i. "i , . . -. e 9 :' j. i - acknowledgement : -oi ' deeds, mortga-es, aesenpave oi ene -great revoxuuon gomr , . ...r.- - ' . - - . . '., . - ,. , .i ! and other instruments of vNting -r on- m umna, we enppea tnis extract, re shadow of hertall masts and taperm-r pHIe i sions and as beautiful in its reposeras the iing to the capture of the great; city of f Zy. v. .. . . - ..... . x. ..-! . .v 14. .n t.:., i.j ,T- , ' itake depositi ed blue but speak could they but reveal 20,000, including the, families of the sob the scenes that havO passed in violence jdiers; women and children, were either fired repeatedly, without success the skipper, walked forward, and. pointed and ranged the gun, applied the match, of canvass reslirir? on the billow, lav. with untamed -waves that rolh over) his. head, i Nankin the bn-'hili-vht'dancinrourfd her'-race-' 01).! could the dark depths of theunfathom- '. "Of, the Tarter garrison, more than ful bows", the chase, which 'we had brought ju3t within range, as the wind died away to;a calm.' . There 'we lay, 'hammering a--"vay from the' bowehascrs at' the beautiful and graceful fabric 'which ''sported- before rus; as if the'ocean were its fairy home, and the elements its playfellows'. ' ' '" - " " The bow-guns being of too light metal to reach, her, as she almost insensibly left usj one of the . eigli teen-pounders from the main-deck was .wheeled into its place, .and At last l-ii.V Oi i) , cour beas corpus,, and indeterminiagthe vaiidi-;j by h e' County ty of .-the.. -caption: and-, detention. -of the persons brought before them onsueh' writs Of habeas corpus. : :, l i.;;; ".;,. To t.dminltsler vatLs and tane'jje&uoU'hdfi v menti and deposition's'- .0 ."; ' .-.j Sec! 4. ' 'Probate Judges'. -'shall have power to administer oaths in case's, -where' aiai-tor, ; at the- expense 'y- ; ' Crirainc VTiecard. the Sfc'e'.rii or in''-ab'sc'rl'cevcr disabilirvy' iaihe Coroner. 'Moiii Jj;'-- J IQ -Ifany.-i. person shall ..neglect,.,:, .-v or re fuse-to; perform any ; order .or -judg-j ... i ' r , .' , ' ', .; sraento a. Probate CourL other than for -jf 'i. A criminal record, in which shall;, - ' .-" , Vf,: vi ;" :r , . . , , . - - ! the paymentof monev: he snail be. deem- - jQi made, a.tair and accurate entry or i . ,. 1 . ' -4 --' . , '. . , led guilty of a contempt ci Court, and. - m .saia over their serene bosom and the knowl-' edge of which-has sunk with the corses, of the murdered, down,, -far .'down, until they rest safe" from mortal ken;' in its sedgy caves could the deeps but lift up their voice; oh; what tidings tci blanch, the. cheek" and dim the eye would they not tell! Shame that the beauty and purity of earth's loveliest should tints, by the violent hand of man; be polluted and desecrated 1' ), ; Day after day rolled bn, and our -unfortunate comrade lingered ori the brink -of death,' his reason shattered by the idread-i ful shock, and his body slowly recovering with dead bodies. its strength. -At last his "mind regained its sway, and he told us the circumstances of the' a w ful catastroph e. They were these: During' the second watch;, the hatches vere burst open, and the Spaniards, head ed by their, as we supposed mortally wounded, leader, broke ' out and attacked them. They were soon driven back, fight-' ing as'if oply desirous to "sell their lives dear, and their captain, seeing alltopelosty drew up his lofty form with an uneajrthly put to the sword or committed suicide, it being. a point of honor with, that singular people to perish rather, than to., yield. - Every one of . the priests, whether of the Budhist or Taouist rehgion, and who were very numerous there, , were massa cred. Their numbers could not have been less than 1,530 or.. 2,000; while those kil led in the assault, the mining of the walls, and the entry of the rebels, are said to amount to over 20,003 men. Very many families were completely annihilated by suicide. , .The , streets were. blockegj, up o reo uir- be ' acknowledged, " and to depositions "in all cases where; the same are authorized to be taken bv t laws of this State. - A ' Jurisdiction ixclimhe- P titer . Prolate' ' ;' : ' 'Judges: ' '''' ' . Sec. 5.,. The jurisdiction acquired by' any probate court oyer" a matter or pro ceedings, is exclusive of that of, sny,'oth- probate court,' except where provided by law. "J ' ' " II criminal action'; court, with, the 'in:'"- . ...i . -- , ; '- ' - i--.- .- ! ; .',, . . dill D-jektt. , . 2. A civil docket, in ; w hich" shall be noted the names of parties to ' all 'actions and proceedings,- - and the -name of the .deeeased person,' infant, insane person; idiot, or lunatic, in the matter of. whose ea.e the rail court shall exercise -juris- d'.c .ion: Itsliall also contain a 'minute of the time of the commencement of such ac tion and proceeding?, and filling tho. pa pers' relating ' to any matter in such court, T - o I . n -3 Tk 1 i-i c-.,.i.-i A i ,. - i I saia'i-roDate j uage snan issue a summons -- rocced:ny;3 had there-1 ,. , . ' . . , T- - -1. i directing him to appear-oeiore said Judge : '"otlierwict COURT. : CIIAPTEIl II. ORGANIZATION OF TBI : ; ' Ofu-lol: OatL. ; . , . ,'; See. "G. ' Before any Probate Judge shall enter upon the discharge. of the du ties of his office, he shall take an oath or affi'rmation to support the1 Constitution-of the United States, ' the - -Constitution -of th e, State of Ohio, and-that he -will faithfully diligently and impartially discharge the" duties 'of Probate 'Judge -to' the best -of his skill arid ability.'"-' He shall also f;ive I an undertaking to the State of Ohio, with public officers. , .In ' the - proclamation of; sumcient secumy xo oe appro vea oy tne-ihe-new Emperor it 'is very clearly put! board" of county commissioners of the forth, that all the Mandarins, the Tartars ProPer county ' or in the ;;cnce. xf any on,i ti-n r,v;,..C' c Ko t. Y rmJn onA o r, a ' two of said commissioners from the coun- una tj ivo I.U jii.Kx i. kj - valvi iuniawu unvi ii Should. Canton fall, an event which is anticipated, by many intelligent judg ments, a. scene even more awful will be witnessed.,'. The .local officers, all,, the priests, .with : the Tartar garrison, will doubtless be put. to death, when adherents of the new order of . tilings will fill the gun, app and the schooner's gatf-top-mast .flew in' sh'ivers, carrying with it the peak of ..the mainsail.., . - . . . , , , "'"'Lly, eyes,'-said the foremast men, in as tonishment. . ' : . .' ,r t , , ' (" ' Clear . away the boats, ; and call the boarders,' ,-shoutcd, .the dieutenant of the vratcb; and eoon, the- launch yas hoisted out. and the cutters dropped over the side, each with their, fighting . crew, composed of the picked men of the ship. , - , y, , , . The moon glanced on sheathless cutlass and polished pike,". they. -were passing from -'the dark. shade of the vessel, and the rollocks grated, as the oars; fell into them with simultaneous movement, , ..'Give way! and the crew rose to the. stroke', and kept time with the most beautiful precision. The cutters took the lead, diverging 'so as. to reach the bow and stern at once,r while the launch kept steadily on, with the pur pose of boarding a midships. . - n.. .' We perceived them getting out sweeps, and endeavoring to escape. 'Slowly we approached till we could see a dark mass collecting in the vrai'st of the schooner; sud denly it opened a flash and the whizf zing sound xf a heavy ball cut the air over 'A;couritry editor drops the disinterested us, and we; heard it dasli into the w"atcr far observation:--"Blessed are they, 'who do 1 M.' Howard, and several others, is but behind; ' 'Pull,-, men, pull give 'strong I not-advertise,- for they will rarely be trou-i little if 'any less. ' " ' j ' :-' I nccessai'v within two. days from .the service. . thereof, and show cause, why he should-. not be i punished for his contempt; .or if. itj appear, .hrrn to such Judge that he is secreting himself.; to avoid tho process, of the Court, or is..--about. to leave the county for" such pur posel. said Judge may issue an 'attachment'3 instead of the summons 'abovfe-incritioried '' ; commanding the "officer to whom the" at- 1 V tachment shall be directed, forthwith' to' ' ' bring such "'person" before; such" 'Judge -'" to- answer for Ids contempt;' a'n'd if no .suf-t-1 "' an'd also Irieffib'tl of all orders made' in I ficieni excuse be howu, he sliall be pu'n- ' J such action, proceeding, or -matter;- aiid ushed in the' sariie fnanner as provided for - ' ""' he time of entering the une. .., . . ' Jvinnrd. ' - - '. 3. A Journal, in which shall be kcr'.t minutes o: til official business transacted irt, or by the Probate actions and procce'd- in-itha Probate Ce Judge in ill. civil expression 'of : defiance Marid : scorn? -and u-ere is no doubt that -such will be thej touched, a tram previously prepared,-' and leading to. the magazine. ' 'Tis fired,' and the explosion hurled them all, - friend arid foe, vessel and crew, in 'wild commotion t - - - ... - into the air! He had escaped almost by miracle, and knew nothing more until he found himself upon his hammock in the hospital. ' "" ' "v" ' ' ' ; A few days more, arid . wre entered the harbor of Havana, and having delivered over the pirates to the fate , that awaited them, we returned to our ocean home, sad der and wiser men. . r case. v ; California 3Illioiiaries. .. ... : - ; Not the least. of the many; extraordi nary; novelties of California society is the weaLhiness of some of its cidzens, who, in four or five years of energetic attention to business, good luck, and , now and then a little trickery, made honorable out there by success, are the possessors, of proper ty from which they enjoy incomes almost equal to the great millionaire .fortunes of European Lords. It is said that the an nual income of Samuel Brannon, ...Esq., 5ve thousand dollars to. the eiieet; that ord3 ?4 judgments; and. which record i;e will truly and faithfully pay over ail . made up and ' completed wiihm ty, by the auditor" end recorder. 'of tl.e proper courity, in any sum not : less than fiv 1 Tl 1 ue win truly ana lanniuiiy ,paj moneys that may by hiin be . received in his official capasiiy, tiiat he will enter re cord all orders, judgments and proceed ings cf said court, and faithfully and im partially discharge and perform all the duties of his said office;' w hich undertak ing, wdtli his oath or affirmation endorsed upon the. same, shall be' lodged with the county treasurer, and such additional or J further undertaking may be required by . 1 1 'III Heron?. , l'"4. T-A record of ; wills in which shall he recorded all wills provided in such with a'ceTidficate of the Probate -thereof and all willsi proven.: elsewhere,.-.-with the-i cerifiicatepf probate authenticated .copies of whi-tdi htavebeen admitted to record by 'saiieouid: .-. . ':- . -v;; '.''; , y:", ' 4 Fi al W(c6rd cf cutrstt?.' - - ' - " -,. o. A final record, v,hi.di shall contain ace'mple te' record - in each cau::e or matter of all pcti imrV answers and demurrers, moiions, re - ui hs", reports, verdicts, awards, the punishrricn t bf contempts' in the Court;;?;''- of Common Picas.' - " -- - - -.- .'.-" ;.-V- : Slier If or ctLcr officer failing to serve pro? "cess, or pay 'over mohjehbw'puttisaid.V "'j Sec. 17. If any Sheriff,, Coroner or Constable shall neglect, or, refuse to serve, arid return any process .issued by sard . cd by - 1 is over two hundred- and fifty thousand tie - unt7 " Commissioners '.from " said dollars,, while that of J. L. Falson, W." D-. . Probate Judge, from tiraeto time, as the i. v -'? ! i : i i i . i tita.t'a nf KiKiiKt-sin h'tfi nfli'iv mil-- rri-lf r way; and with powerful strokes the launch was rapidly forced through the water; when again that fiasl, and ivo of the ' oars 'flew from the side, iearingout'th'e tholepins and flooring the stout topmc-n who pulled them. .We were now within ten yards of the schooner, and the cutters about the same distance, -when the bow-gun of the launch, loaded yriih nusket-lalis', was discharged and cleared a space on deck of which our the deuce Bill could mean, I heard the or- men availed themselves, and immediately der, 'Pass the word fer the master.' A -j boarded with the quick courage of seamen. way I sprang, down the dadder, into the A close and deadly struggle now cofhmcn They have decided in the,Conven-: tion of -Massachusetts, no!., to 'elect State' gun-room, where I found Bunting," sur- jced, pistol-shots crashed and- cutlasses ' officers by plurality vote, --l. -a bled with customers, Some of the ' merchants and s business men of - Upper , .Sandusky. ' are extremely well blessed, for they don't advertise their (Agoods at all; arid we hope their trou bles "iri the "business way will be few. : ; In : 1C47-8 hundreds of lots in' San Fraucu-co were purchased for fifteen and Judge n- i to practice lui? Sec,' 7. No Probate. Judge shall, prac- practice , oi law. in any .i i i i r.mniv r " f.vr tt-.f l.nsl ff.' r-r rsr m i meat shall Iaiye bceu madp in any of the matters aforesaid; and he shall also,' with in thirty, days after the. return' of the same record all .inventories, sale bills, and al lowances to widows, in a book to be pro vided for that purpose:' . , . j L'ecord ff a:.:cvvls. ; 6 A final' rceord; of accounts,',; which; shall contain an entry of the appointment of - executors, administrators; -and guardians,- and aH-parlkl . and .final accounts of executors, administrators and - guar dians, -and the, orders and proceedings of the courts tlierecn: .: ;. - ' " '' 'Execution Do.let. rhieh shall execu s issued by the Probate Judge both in twenty 'dollars ' that'- are now worth over tice or bo. associated . with, another ,as .,a W 7:"4n'(xeou:tioh doc'ketin'whi a hundred thousand. '; All those 'who then;! partner in the practice of law. in any of be"l"u''t-red;a;membr2ndu'mJ of all bought lots,' arid have had the sagacity to; the Courts of record of. this. State, or ap-jtioris h keep them, have grown rich. - '-'ipear as counsel before, any justice -ofthej civil and' criminal cases.'statlng the' name's- - We recollect that in the winter of 1 349-50 peace Or board of arbiirartois, or referees; ! of" the' parties the name bf the person to "ivHon. Neil S,' BrOwn, late Minister a merchant of Valparaiso, named Brown", but nothing in theeQtiou .contained shall j wkeni 'delivered 'and -his' return thereon'.l to Russia; arrived Tuesday in the -Frank4 who. left 'Albany, 'N: Y., some seventeen? prevent any. Probate Judge this ; State : It shall 'alio contain' the date of issuing liri - i-- .. ' -' - i years before, made &n investment OfotT,'-! trom finishing any business by, him com-1 the execution and the amount ordered to I 000, in certain corner lots in Saflr Francis- Vmcnccd prior to the" passage'" to' act, 1 be colLicted, stating the costs separately co, and on that investment-enjoyed a yearly rental of 47,000. His was not lu4 an unusual case cither- Cl- fit. not connected with his official business. I from the fine or damages, and all pay- Executor, Adt.iluht alor or ments there on hid the-s-.tiaction hereof Guardian. 1 I when the .same -is'd. ny. process Fiobate.Judge, and to him directed j and - delivered, or snail neglect or refuse to pay - - uf '-'-' -' ir-'S over any moneys by mm collected, to the, -.- - - J -. J J . -. ,, --. , --; - Probate Judge, or any other person,;-;'.,; when so directed by .Probate Judge, he shall be subject to. line, and amercement, il.te; proceed. ; .. "; Sec. 10. la tlie - case's ' 'enumerated;, in ihe preceding' "seclMr; if shall l)d the duty ;. of the Pi chare !J riege to issue a "eumnions ' directed to the -Sheriff,' dr'-other-offieer- -fl' therei;? named,-: commanding him ti sum-v' 1 mon the bracer giul'y -of 'suclv misconducEa v to appear within two days af,er the ser- r ( vice of such sum-riions, and show cause .-m why he should not be amerced; specifying ;A the cause of such- amercement;-"arid; iu' f case of neglect or refual'ttf serve' r or ie'i a turn -a'ny process issued by "suchProbato - Judge; and directed and deln drcd tosucli oilicer, if no suHicrent excuse be shown, "' such officer shall be fined by said Probate.-1 Judge in ariy'sum not exceeding one huri--ti dred dollars, to be paid intoi-th'fe '-county ?7 treasurer; and he amb his sureties -shall moreover be liable upon? hkoffichd- bond:'-: for all damages sustaiue'd by "any person by reasori of such misconduct' nd-inA case of refusal to pay- over anytf mOney:fi by him collected to the .Probate- Judge, V or any other person,'; when so directed by ;i such Probate Judges he shall be mtfi-cedj; for the use of the parties interested, in the amount by such; process - required, to ' be collected, -.together- w ith ten ..per cent, ' thereein; aud sueh ProbatetJudgo maj7 en force the colkction thereof,. by. execution, k or other process ; prby; imprisonment, j,as.. for a contempt, of i Court, or both i the. de- linquent officer - and -his .sureties shall,. moreover be liable on his official-boud, for . the, amount. of such amercement at the suit of the-person or. persons .. interested. . ' i - - i ' f . - . 15 " , - ." 'i r ARM