OCR Interpretation

Springfield globe-republic. (Springfield, Ohio) 1884-1887, July 11, 1885, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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S ,. . i i - ,.,.
Cor. Walnut Alley.
Dally tuition, pcrjeir,
Daily edition, per vvek,
. . $7.30
IS centi.
Weekly Globe-Republic.
Issued Every Thursday Morning,
Oiia DotiLiAi a 7 hah
K communication ihould be addressed t
Springfiaid, Otil.
Mr. II. a Bhtdki, 23 Park How, New York, It
the ULoBK-KKPt'tiLic's special re roentatlre, to
whom ll hattern AdTertlstDK Business, must be
(luvernur i
JlMLI'll II. i'oRAKKR,
Of Hamilton County.
I. In ii tenant Governor!
Of Lojjan County.
Stiiirt)tiie)Cuurt .lutlcw 1
Of Tuscarawas County.
John C. Brown,
Of Jefferson County.
Attiirnojtleiitinil I
Jacob A. Koiilkii,
Of Summit County.
Itmiril or 1'uhltc Works t
Wklls S. Jonkd,
Of l'ike County.
CotiimiMi IMeim .liiilfrei
JooKI'It V. O'Nkall,
Of Warren County.
Mint senator 1
Thomas J. Piuvgle,
Of Clarke County.
1 he author of a recently published work
on Nihilism is Professor Drag a-man-otl.
Lord Randolph. Churchill is chiefly
noted for his "skill in managing men."
His wile, (nn American girl,) is greatly
ahead of him in this respect.
'J he members of tho C. L S C , of
Clnllicolhe, had a supper, ami conversed
so freely ivlnlo they wcro eating that the
Jiegister now calls them the "Chaw-talk-ones
Mnleom Hay has resigned the oflice of
1'irst Assistant Postmaster General, and
the Prcsnlont has appointed an able bodied
Kentuckian in las pluce. These are the
shots waittd for by an ex-distinguishcd
citizen of Springfield.
'Hip Ohio soldiers who fought at Gettys
burg were holding a reunion at Columbus,
and it was also the Fourth of July, but
the Hoadly administration at Columbus
did not think it north while to display a
flag on the State House.
1 he mistakes of Leonard, if we may call
them by no mild a name, are likely to out
number the lice in Kgypt, at a certain his
torical period The Logan County Index
mentions one of them as follows.
Dr. A. Ii Leonard quoted George btemmer,
ot Toledo, as a Republican and a brewer, In
making one of bis strong points in his Spring
field speech. The Dr. only made two little
inaccuracies Id this brief statement. Stammer
is a Rectifier of Spirits ana a Democrat.
Hon. Mills Gardner, lecturer and practical
temperance advocate, was frequently spoken
of tor the nomination for governor by the
Prohibition party, but refused the use of his
name, saying "This is no time to aid and abet
In the continuation of the Coal Oilers in con
trol of the affairs of Ohio." Bellefontalne
And because Gardner would not bo their
caudidute tho cruel Wigwam orators actu
ally tried to sneer at biml Dreadful,
wasn't it?
The Springfield Globi-IUi-liilio says the
'ay to tixhl is to tfght." It really means
a way tu fight is to he," and it is lying
ut St, John a id the Prohibitionists with
jjj-like regularity. We judge the Gloiii
KI'DULIO is terribly alarmed at the propor
tions the Prohibition movement has assumed,
and knowing that il will draw from Foraker's
vote is screeching furiously. Cleveland Plain
This isn't at all nice and it isn't true.
lhuGl.oni.-lti.ruiti.ioia telling the truth
about St, John, und the Qlobb-Uvpublic
isn't at all alarmed. Bat we may be al
lowed to suggest that the Plain Dealer and
the Cincinnati I'liquirer are treading on
dungerous ground when tbey prance abont
as the champion of St. John and the
other Prohibitionists, for they ure arousing
the suspicions of the liquor clement, which
is the hack-bone ol the Democratic party,
and may frighten some of the saloon-keepers
into voting for I'oraker. Better look
a "Ieedlooud," Mr. Plain Dealer!
l'KNSKrt. The general public is slow perhaps to
beliuvo that St. John is it regularly hired
stumper fur tho partisan Prohibitionists,
and probably did not believe that ho re
ceived $100 und his expenses for coming to
SpriugCoid, but the following is from a lo
cal official source and must be received
an authoritative statement. It sufficiently
Accounts for the milk in St John's cocoa
tint, titul alioiilil bo ncoepti'd ns a settle
ment of ull titie-ations coiictrnlu lui iner-
ceiinry interest tuiJ Ins ilnplieity ns ii pnr
tisnti Prohibitionist
Kihtiih Uloiib Kii'inlLir As the above
jnl jfrt bill becomeone ot neemini; widespread
inti rent anil the occasion of nil maimer of
misrepresentation ami nliuw, pleise allow the
underslar.ed a tew worJs of correction anil
1st. Hon. John I1. St. John is speaKiiiR
nnJer the Jlrcct management of the National
Kiecutlre Commlltio of the l'rolilbition par
ty, or which Hon John II. Klnch Is chairman,
by which he Is panl a staled salary and ei-
li. All engagements are made through
snld committee.
3d It nutters not whether to, 100 or
$500 Is paid for one of his spmhes. Si John
would himself rectlre no more, no less
4th TLe committee regiihirlr charges 50
for his speechei certainly no unrihsuuiible
!th. Our State Executive Committee, when
It attempted to secure him as I nncipal speak
er for our State conyentlon, was Informed that
he alreadf had engagements for that time In
Wisconsin, and could not come.
Cth. Our local committee, on lfarniug
this, immediately telegraphed and wrote St
John and the National Committee that he
mu$t be at the Slate Convention that Ohio
demanded bis presence at whatever cost,
7th. The informlion came buck that they
recognized the call and he would come, that
to do so thru engngemenls must he cancelled
at $50 each and to be back to Madison, Wis.,
July 4 For this we tvere asked to pay $100
and" traveling expenses from Chicago and re
turn, to which an acceptance was at once
telegraphed. This money the State and not
the local committee paid not simply for au
hour and a ball address as seen above.
8th All dissatisfaction, so far s known,
with cost, manner or matter of St. John's
speech at the convention comes from outside
the Prohibition parly The fact that oirr
jour (houmwl people attempted to hear him
Wednesday night, that three tuousann ma
listen throughout to his able address, that he
wa treated courteously and respectfully by
all, and received always with enthu'iajii and
applause, testified to the wisdom ot the com
mittee's action in securing his presence
L. II. Miller.
Springheld, 0., July H.
London, Liigland.is not only the largest
city in tho world, but it m, just now, the
liveliest of nil cities. Indeed, the public
excitement in the metropolis is probably
greater than at the time the dynamite ex
plosions occurred at tho tower and the
Parliament buildings '1 lie Pall Mall Ga
7ette's exposure of the foul practices ol
certain icious clas-cs and its assertion
that certain of the nobility are implicated,
have created a profound impression and a
terrible tension of the public interest. It
is not alone tho foul dcni?cn3 of St. Giles
and of Kast London, the ule drunken
hags, who arc accused ot buying and train
ing girl children for l.ves of shame, but
persons in tho highest (') ranks of society
who are accused, as well, of participating
in the shameful and most damnable trttthc,
and we may safely say that while there are
in London many of the best and most ac
tive and beneiolent Christian men and
wityien, in charge of humane nnd evan
gelizing organizations, nnd while there are
hundreds of churches nnd free hospitals,
and local foreign missionary societ!csi
which send their representatives through
out all portions of the world, to carrj light
and healing, there are still, in that grot
city, the vilest and blackest sorts of
heathenism known Iherenreno such de
graded and utterly and atrociously foul
social conditions in the heart of Africa as
are to be found in Last London, there is
no such barbarism, no such ignorance, no
such depravity, no such murderous bru
tality in any part of the world as arc to be
found in the slums of the world's great
And it is no doubt beennso devoted
Christian men and women, who have taken
their very lives in their hands, and have
gone into the poisonous atmosphere of
fever and pestilence breeding dens, to
rescue the poor, godless, vicious, crimmil
and beastly wretches and cleinsc them,
physically and morally, have found
their work impeded and obstructed by men
' '
in high places, who have in this way shown
themselves to be the vilest of the vile that
Mr. Spurgean first lifted the wanting voice
from the pulpit of his great Tabernacle, on
the south side of the 'I bames, and that the
Pall Mall Gazette echoed the warning cry
on the north side, adding most startling de
tails, and now all London is in a state of
excitement and turmoil that is really mar
velous. The government has tried to suppress
the scnndal, as it is alleged to be, but the
proprietors of the Gazette had taken good
pains to collect the fucts before any publi
cation was made and certain parties will
be very cartful how they force them to
prove what they have said to be true. The
members of the nobility implicated will
wait for a very cold day colder than is
ever known in London or anywhere else
bcfoie they will dare to do anything which
may result in placing them on the witness
This eruption is timely. It comes at a
period when important legislation, intend
ed to cleanse the foulness of outcast Lon
don, is pending in Parliament, and at a
period, too, when the nobility itself is on
trial, or, to say the feuBt,wbcn that portion
of the nobility which is dissolute, vile and
corrupt seems to have filled its measure of
iniquity, for it must be conceded that an
other portion of the titled classes is com
posed of tho best and purest ol men and
and the most active, and generous, and
devoted of philanthropists, such as the
venerable Lord Shaftesbury, or his younger
co-worker, the Earl of Aberdeen Hut
while we have corresponding blots oi
heat) enism in New York, Chicago and
Cincinnati, we should be a little careful
bout moralizing too much over the sins
of the greater Sodom.
Onlv mi Inxfiit.
(in tlioiilmsoti clnlli of m Minli disk
ostium niiilli nlnl liitiii'iiiir
nr ii miiv n timid if IK liolii unit" nlmi't.
Mill In n-nn mil irnlil It li-alt win Ititpiil
VI lull It ItltllllltUIX "INKS Ml IV III tllil Ullll
n mill
With mh rttiiiirm'r jrnMriiKnl'd
IIiiiiii Ii iIhi llliii) iiiiii, In luminous
11 iniiiliinlti runt nils eif tin irlmlaimie Unlit.
(Ill the il' sk llillll Ii) II lllH I Inline I
IiiuhiiI "lili ti 1 Ik i)i il I lie msii I ut nnl
In It-illni lllli iiiliiil n faint ill kIp
Id n iiii.'i lliu.l for the t mi t II ill tlic,
l.iuMh It niiulcnili ellki n Mill,
I hen nun) It ml lur itttiinni lit a niti,
ii.l n mikiio ill Unlit hirril mi It hiiii-h
With ti.lslliM! iiiIkIiI lovviird the iintinl
oiiru .
Ami It I ol low iil Ihcfp'il tlirtiuiih nil iiii1)Iiim
Till It Kinnkiriil niul foil In the scokIiIiik
Ii ao
Iliizli d it if 1 Ktiinm il In tho lillinlliiir ptilu,
Oni' iiioim lit It minimi it. tin 11 row iimiln.
And ileum the lire ilrevvll nn with In charms
loiillvlinrmri In Itsiivvfiil iirni.
Anil now It Ilis 1111 the tnlili' h re.
Hi lore lit) ijes, chrUiliil mid me,
Ak I ell anil tiiiisoon Its Hen fate,
M111t tin nn iilntrii'cinlKht I ninllliiti '
1'or ir mil) I In in) ,mpli siinir
( unlit tell ) nil the uh) ot that llttU wroliir.
1 iniiiil till )ini nioiothnii the ilis pest pntro
(IT mlntlli'St loivnriir wlnmt sniro
Ami thr pniiici thut thrllhil Hi tin) frame
As Its puiiMti irc tllliil w th the itiiull)
A rliMli Union-Hint, llliiiriirilfiiil
In rh)me or In prope, no kii r has n n I
'Hut 11 moth,' oti cr), "Is n Ihlnn mi smnlll"
Ah, )i. hut h chiiuld It Mlffil ill nil!'
h) ehoiiiil 11 nob for the 1 iiuui ft Kiuiirt
One moment tlunti thmimh the tlnlist henrtl1
N Ii) In the Mho'o wllelllltlrL,
shoulil 11 fluirlu mil tool Hint primal cuistf
Nut ml the thioi t of littalitlct tiilinl,
UrthohulWml uormit huiimll kill I
Are of nikcpir "UkIiI In tin rliMli of tlilnus
'lhtin that Itifiit's lute "lilt the mumtkil
i.ouisr. niiem....
Tim Causes Hint Mailf III r I It rif lt vn
liltlmiM. A most sitik'ulnr ami e'trannliii;iry
woman, truly. (Jim ml'.'lit think lm
hail bi'oti cr.iillcil in revolutions, that
slii' liatl bicu the spintinl child of Ar
111 mil H irbos or 1-ouis lllauiiii, bom
irtecoiicilaliles, vvho pissul most of
thi'ir tumultuous lives in (itisun, I'scnp
inj,' ilofttli for political ollciisos ouly bv
combinations of citeiimstaiico. Hut
tliu otct contran is truo. Hiu novcr
I'uiicerut'il lieru"lf with politics until
sifter tlm fall of Ixiilis Napoleon, all her
cuilier ltfo was iias-i'il in tho cciimtiy,
her childhood, girlhood, ami youu"; wo
rn uihooil. except for 1111 unhappy at
tachment, wcro as -c'ri'iio as 11 nmriiiti";
in Miv. ishe was born, ! niii told, in
tin- oh"! province! of Artois, of pool, hut
educated pureiiK liur ii.icotnrs hiivni";
In in well to-ilo, ami uf consider ible
influence until they lo-t then' propeity
in the upheaval of 17U-1(J. She lost
In r father when ,1 child -lit' was the
onlv one,- and at lj went to livo at
an ancient ch itetui with her mother,
whoactul in tho capacity of liotisc
knper Mm was then ipiiticpreltv and
jrr.ici fnl, with 11 p-'Ilt,-t. air anil pioa
ant spi-i'cii. one nssisu-u
ami had the euro uf two
ilrcti. uuii her il ivs went
moiiotonuiislv bv until she
'J hen a vouii"; man, -011
her tiiothei,
small chll-
quiitly :tud
luil rc.iclicil
anil Inn of
the hoii-e.'ciiliit! fiom Pails to the (ha
tudti to spend the -iimiiiur. ami scuiijr
the ood-luokili. attrictivo ;" I"1''
In r much attention as a means of p iss
111,; the time. Win u she went out, as
she did daily, with tho children, - his
biothtr anil" sister, he uuully joined
them in tho grounds, as if by accident,
and thus spent hours with Louise Ills
altontiutis increase il, as he was '.'J,
coiinly of piisoti, interesting; in char
actor, "neiU.iiulod with cities and gal
lant in disposition, liko most of the
i-riuch. anil tho only finely rearcil muu
she hud 1 ver been thlowu with, it was
not -tt.iup- tli it she was strongly
urivvn to nun M10 knew nothing ol
tin world, slic was . iniioieiice ltsilf
lie 111 ule! love to her, he piulhilih was,
111 hi way, veiy fond of Ini, and she
siinutely returned his passu, u II ul he
been far less attl active ami hssdevotnl,
she would have. In e'li illllelcllt flum lie!
si, it sin had nut lost her In art to him.
He talk' d to her uj 111.1m ige, of hi?
desire to mike her his wife dfspito tho
ilillen nee in their sonal condition, ile
cl inng that he was a di moerat and a
disl in ver 111 the artitici'il distinctions
of Kuropc Ho himself wishi'd to teo
all titles swept awav, as they had been
in the first n public and as they would
U' again Lovo created cipialitv every
where. If a king loved a daughter of
tho lowest peasant, or if a erf loved an
empress, tliev were by that love plated
on a level. Ho cxprcsjid much moru of
that sort of -cntimcutalism which sounds
notwithstanding its cheapness, so de
lightful anil so truthful to nvomiggirl of
humble origin when ajoungniau of birth
nnd Ini tiling pours it into her gn edy
car Naturally, nliu coulided 111 him
fullv. bin; thought linn tho best and
noblest, as well a.s tho dearest nnd m-
ctrcst, of men Ker thing conspired
to ,n?"ru '" ' option. '1 he Milium r
1 was long it was blissfullv short toiler.
and uxceptiouilly beautiful; the grotimU
vteiu charming, they both were joung,
very young, and they wcro eoutiiiinlly
At tho end of tho season they parted,
with many ki"cs, prayors, nud tiais
Ho pioiuistd to wnto her ftcijuetitly,
and to return about Christmas time, as
ho would bu minorablo every hour he
spent out of hci society. His engage
ments in Pans wcro of such a natiiio
as to preclude his reinaiuiug loiiger by
her side Otherwise ho would not am!
could not leave her. Ho begged her
not to grieve, that they would lie all tliu
happier for their brii f absence, and thut
when the) wciu marrieil their life would
bo without 11 sorrow. He ilcp trtcil.
Shu waited pitlcutly, longingly, loving
ly, day after da, week utter week,
month after month, but no word emtio
from him to her, although his mother
had friquent tidiugs of him She win
wretched beyoud expri ssion; thoiolor
left her cheek, hopo died in In r bnsist.
She full 111 of a fev 1 r, mid for a foit
n'lit site was unconscious. In that
timu her luothtr, who nursed her tcu
ilcrlj, learned her si'ctet through her
iiiuttcrings am! rav lugs, but said noth
ing to her until sins had recotcicil mid
was tolerably strong ugain. hho told
Louiso that sho hud beun cruelly de
toned, but tho girl would not credit it.
Shu was co suro of her lov r's lidelity
that iihu would not listen to u word
against his honor until a letter 0111110 to
tho uhntoaii giving tho details of his
marriage to the daughter of a liritl-.h
1 lie) cilc'tt of tho intelligence ou
Louisiiwas overwhelming. For n low
days she was ducd and stunned Sho
went about silent, as in u ilreaiii llieu
sho grew weak, lost her appetite, trtnl
w as cvtniH'lh'd to take to her bed. '1 ho
fever, that had really novcr been cured,
rcturmil, but it was less violent, it was
low, long, consuming, bho did not
Icdvu huroom for three mouths, anil
when situ did sho was wasted to u skel
eton. "I feel," sho said to her mother,
"as if I hud died n second time, hut
still I shall live. Hut wo must unit this
place forever. Tho sight of It tortures
me. Wo will go to Paris, (it out titles,
like tho grave, swallow ui) our sonows.
I want to forget tho past iu work. Wo
will speak no more of him. Ishulluuvcr
out'.ou his name airain."
iiilliei tiicvi'nmu (,h X still devoted
to her lltothe'i) uud lumlo their liulliu ill
tho Italigtiolles a humble imuitei,
whi'ic theio iiit'inativ vety pom fami
lies and not n few of the most iliiuge't
iitis tliiui'litsof tliu til) I hero the
girl opi'iied a school -she was well
iUalllted to ti'.U'h and soon had a
iitiuiliei'uf pupils, whose' pav was very
small, but NUlllcioiit lot tho sli'iidcr
wants of her-uotlier mnl herself. A
niaikid change has bieii wtoughl iu
her -il was tliu revolution that matin
her u revolutionist. Hot Imtet uxpei
ieimiliail gtiiunitud a puwuuiuitu anil
lasting h Hied of the titled and the rich,
ami a eoi responding regard and pity
for the low lv and unforlunate. Shu oc
cupied a liifgu part of her It-mmx- iu
visiting tho poor and nllliUcd. bho
gained thou ooiihduni'ii uud allectlon,
and much that they told hir of their
wtoiigs und hirdships lucriMsul her
auiinosilv towiiul the upper classes.
Keseived uud cold as sho olteli appear
ed to strangers and lucre acquaintances,
she was all kindness and tendfrtiess to
her humhlo friends, who oaino in timo
utmost to worship her. Uf children
sho was pntticularly fond, nud they
were equally fond of" her, so thut shu
got tho uauit! of Mother Louiai) through
out hoi nuighboilioiHl, aud sho rarely
appcarnl iu the stuet without a follow
ing of little folk. Auothet change iu
her h vd l"fii from oxtreino tiiety to
vvlnt tliu ortlvodox would call down
right athclm, but which is littlo tlo
than scii'iitilie rationalism n treed, or
absence of oreed, sho still rrtaiiis 111
oven a grettor elegrt'O than then.
riiesiegii of Paris, after the ovor
tluow of the empire, slrined liei to her
inmost depths, for, like politicians
lore of atiy and every complexion, sho
is bubbling over with palnoltsin, all
her theories nnd projects centering 111
m hit she believes to be tho welfare of
Krance. Following the rupture between
the commune and tho assembly, she or
ganized tho cential committee of tho
union of women, ptesided ovcrtheclub
of tho revolution, which met nt tho
church of St. llernard, nud delivered
there many impassioned speeches. Sho
fought like, a common Mjldier, except
with more courage and desperation,
mid was bully wounded in defending
l'ort Issy. Iteforu her wound had fairly
healed slic was bitk in tho city, dis
playing tho greatest energy, fearless
ness, and resolution against the enemy.
She was arrested some tuuo after the
cutty of the government troops, nnd.
arraigned before tho council of war,
she nfusoil to oiler any defense. Sho
declared that she belonged entirely to
tho revolution, and had taken active
part iu tho attempt to lay Paris in
ashes. "1 wished, She continued, "to
oppose a btrricr of flames to the in
vaders of Versailles, and if I failed it
was no fault of mv will or purpose. If
it hid Ih'oii possible I should Into killed
'Hints. He, most of all, destrvtd to
bo si du by tliu lovers of their country.
1 have 110 deslie to live. I didicated
myself to France, and, unable, to n.ivo
hci, death would bu a boon. If you
are not cowards vott will order my exe
cution." No man over begged birder for lifo
titan this woman for death, ami shu
was ubsoliitely niuccrv She believed
it was ouly her sex th,nt pteveutid cap
ital punishment, und she Used every ef
fort to lustiru it. Such a s)ectuclc has
M'ldom been teen a woman pleading
for death at tho hands of her own
countrymen. She was linally traiis
poiteii to New Caledonia, nud was
afterward included hi the general par
don of tho government. Since then
she his lived here, and has been en
ergutio and fearless as over (sho has
ofteu been arrested for her fury ap
peals in tho advocacy of her extreme
social and revolutionary principles.
Her speeches am vehement, though full
of thought, indicating it line mind, an
ardent imagination, aud great com
mand of language. She is uow 0, but
looks older, her hair having silvered,
and lur burning spirit having worn
heavy lines and wrinkles iu her face.
She has been a terrible force She can
never bo extinguished save with death,
which -et ms at hand Sho is a late
citmplcof a life eouseetated to hu
manity, to the rights of tho people as
she understands them. She is an in
carnation of U10 xjmit of modem revo
lution Tin: ki:ivin; iilackihici).
The blackbird nook Is invariably the
Ijiveltist spot in tho neighborhood, and
is novel hard to hud, for with childlike
ingenuousness ho nnikus Iii!iim;M so con
siin uous, uud his business so apparent,
that the dullest obsi'i ver iMunot fail to
notlte him. 1Oiig; before you roach his
viennty you will hear his gleeful
"('onk-a-reo'" (or, more torrettlv,
"h'wa-ke t-i 0!" and as you nppioioh,
his loud "Chack! chack!" thillengiug
your right to intrude, ami demanding
your biiftiut 111 his retreat. LSttt draw
lieni, even if, ns sometimes happens, ho
grows Iielligeruut und swoops down
towiinU your face. You will liml a
clump of treoH at tho e-dgo of tho water,
generally hedged iu by low, thiek-grow-lug
shrubs. Part tho branches iu do
ll uicu of his angry protests, stoop, anil
you shall step into a most chat tiling
spot, his chosen home. If in a park it
will bo a bit of vvildurness loft as nature
pluuned it, untruipioutcd uud puiftetly
Ri'tliidi'd, though perhaps not ten feet
ft 0111 n common walk. Within tho
thick shrouding bushes tho ground is
bare, or thinly clad with low shrubs,
nnd tall trees completely shitlo tliu
leafy temple, which is cool and roomy,
ami icfiohiug in its pi'ciilinr green
light. Ono sidi) borders tho watoi, und
the re, low among the reeds, is doubtless
the lioiuestuuil sodiighly regarded, uud
so poorly concealed.
lint though tliu plnco bo lonely you
shall not enjoy it iu iM'iiee', for tills
anxious partut, the most fussy and
restless ol feathered folk, will iiolouaso
to scohl and scream so long as jou
stay, running along tliu branches uud
eyeing you ftom every side. Should
his matu he hitting, she will keep silent
uud show herself more wary than In r
Kpotiso, but if not thus engaged, she
will soon uppeur, bho eliflers so great
ly from him that you may not recoguio
her till she adds her volubility to tho
vu-ice, and you perceive that her oico
Is exactly like his. Shu is smaller, and
of an lueousplcuous gray mid brown
color, which butter lib her lor her 111 li
tem al duties; but her maimer of carry
ing herself, iier restlessness, anil tliu
expressive usu uf the tail butruy her re
lationship. Tho redwing hinisedf is tho most con
spicuous object Id the landscape. Shin
ing black from tho point of tho bill to
thu tip of tho Locs, his color harmoii
i.os with nothing lu nature, and Ids
gold-fringed ncurlet epaulets gleam
through thu trees liko irems Sit down
1 quietly and watch him Notwitlt-
stuueiiug 111s "oeiuiy " me, Liu Luis 1101
the slightest repose ol luauiicr. He is
litce.santly in motion; lo stuiiel still
while 011 look at him Is iiuoiMsiblu Lu
a blackbird. He will walk along a
small branch iu such u way that It
takes a close look to seu that ho does
j not nut ono loot before tho other. Ho
lUJI'l SlUil, UUl IlUlllB uls uociy IU 1110
rectloti he Is moving so ill u ono u
etuilvdeieived III the III ItleT 1 he II ho
will Jump heavily tei the next bough
mnl walk the length of th H. jet king
his lull at even sii p, ami all tho timo
scolding anil sere lining at tin top of
his voiio, till you an sun lite whole'
bitil wolld Wll'l lie liolllinl of the pies
ciicn of an iiiiiiiislilti tiiugii, with
suspicious m mill is
Should the' Jollllg be out, Villi Will
ijlilekh lie llifoi muled the fut by thu
presence of the nioele st giay inothii,
who will appeii. pel haps, with a
mouthful of food, whn h, hoivevel,
will not pleveiit hot title ring the hi ick
bild ( litiek' 1 hack' She will eir
ut'stlv ti'sent lout intiilsiou, hopping
tllitasllv about the tite, uixious to
can v her lo ul to the nest, vet fearing
to have votiie her, till at hngth she
will slip bi hiuil the tnuik. ami edlciitly
take wing fiom the futtliei side, while
her Ingenuous spouse, pel fe illy colili
dent ol lliii success eil bet illo, 1I1 Ihels
a tininipliaut "h w i-kot-ie Sucl.
fhilellike! faith is not to In- hi'trayi'd
You have not Ihe lieail to follow that
tloubleet inothii lo tho clump of low
bushes while hei lleasuie Is hlelde'ii,
yon me not hole as 1 tobbe'i, 01 viola
tor of homes, howevit sin ill, but us 11
student of life lo motion Von shall
n luin anil i'o the tl.iiliugs of the le'd
wing f.imilv out 011 the lii'o. whiih is
much more sati-f'ietoi 1 than to dis
till Ii the' nest, unit distiess the owners
of it
If ton keip still so long lint thu
lively "bit d foi gits vour piesoiiee and
I.. .,,,,.., I.t.i.1 11 .,1s 1 1 1 ,11 mill htm III II I si I
down oil a blanch, to ti -t aflei his ex
citement, lilting his tail lung stialght
eiovvii, and occasion illi slii'tohing out
his long neck till the fe ithers tind
apart, thou swell out his thioit mid
tle.it you to Ins song It tho hour is
light you 111 iv sio Inni hithi', and it is
worth" waiting foi. He is exeeidiuglv
fonil eif water, and sp itti rs and
spl islies with a good will, ami though
toocaiehss a follow to m ml iniicli
llmu nut his subsequent tollit, simply,
shaking hiiiisoll violenth and leaving
the sun to complete the drying, vet his
coil is Inight and shilling. Ultie
'Jtuiuc Mtllu in July Atlanta.
m m
e.onlal Iiini.it.
Mi. 1. 1111.11 is the genius of allability
in this ailmmisti ition. wutos a corres
iioinli nt of the St Paul l'ioncu-1'res:
lie is appio ichablo it all bonis, under
all circumstances, in his ollico in the
street-cat, at his lunch, even at mill
night in his bed, Heisi'Ve'i kind, ap
plet I itivc, anil it spuiisivc His loom
at the Mitel tot department is iisiiillv
crowded with 'ougn stneii, women,
labours, f.nmiis, wlic-piillcis, politi
cians, ditiioeiats of all sorts iu quest of
places. L ich gin st conns up to him
111 tlie pit'senci' eif the' whole now el and
makes his i n.tnd known. 'Ihe secre
tary listt us quit tly with a I u c as im
movable as Hi it of gimblii, lui illy
asks questions, in iki s a lucninraiiiliim",
take s a name. In mg pailicttl it as to
initials anil spelling, dismisses the ap
plicant, and calls foi the next To tho
last hour and the 1 1st caller ho is eve ill)
p itlelit never ell its -, never humus,
always listens, notes, mil con-cientious-1)
applies himself to tin business tint
conies befoie him One day I w is
walking back and forth iu 0110 toiuer
of his mom, waiting foi him to linlsli
nil lull'! l leu Uttll .1 llni'll 1 iillirit.hsllll II.
so til it I could iisk him a question ufl
news. Mlelileiil) tlie se citt.uy stopped
the conversation with the tongiessiiiaii,
wheeled, and slid in a lone of playful
"O coiii'spondent! omnipresent, om
niscient, aud some ij omnipotent,
what is j our tiquestJ '
I told'ltiiti wh it it was, and in a few
minutes nteiveel Ihe intelligence that I
desiiid, '1 be next day 1 was tlteio
again to ask, as I h ive for months, if a
Mil vet or gi nei tl Ii id )et bti'u appoint-
1 ll fill MilllK'sOt 1
"Mr , I should i0,o my appe
tite if you should fail to come and ask
me that question I do not know but
that 1 shall have it printed and hungup
win re 1 can see it lint 1 am afraid if
I did you would not tome to ask it, ami
1 want, to sie.vou even elay."
At another "time I .iskeel" him iu re
gard to a ceitain matter of uews, aud
iiit said nothing li.ul been done in re
gal el toil.
"Hut," I suet, ' 1 was told last night
on gooel autlionty, veiy diititly, that
)ou haii tli tided to do so ami so."
With a jolly laugh aud a slinging
slap 011 my knie, width I felt for h alt
mi hour. Mr. Lam ir nulled
"That's good; that s g
ul 3 Vn
, . . w
lulu t hear am tlnii" of llio kiml. V.m
made that up jut to ili.tw 1110 into a
discussion, ami gel the ntws. I want
you to iinileistand, sir, that this de-
n.itllilelit Is nuklllir :i it iitit.itwni inni.
ad iy for MCteey, and if you kiep on
gi mug uie news 0111 01 mu you Will
nun us "'
'Ihe other elay mi oldex-congics-m 111
from Ohio, win" sal iu the house with
Lunar Ixfore tho w ir, eamti 111 to pay
his icspetts to liini, not suspectiug for
an instant tint Mr- Lamar would recol
lect him 'I ho luolii' ut he came in thu
doot of Mr. Laniai's olllcu tliu Mcro
tary jumped up fiom his tliali, and ex
claimed. "How do you do, (ien. ? I knew
)our face thu instant I saw it."
This is tliu m in who, two mouths ago,
was pronounced ,an opium-cater uud
dreamer, who tould never nlteuil to tho
business of tho iutuior ilepirtmtnt.
Ytt it is a fact that fewer mist ikes of
tliu administration havu betu biotlght
homo to Se-tietary Lunar' s door tli 111
to that of any other iiitmbtrof tho cab
inet. (Jraiit'H lillsl hpeoe'li,
Wli.it Is bclii'Vcd to havo hoeu (Jen.
til .nil's List publiospccih was made at
a inciting of the 1 liaplaiusof llio north
itu and southern m tales In Id at Oceiu
Grove, N. J , m August last. At thu
gathering iu tliu glint auditorium, ltuv.
A. J. Palmer, of Now Yoik, who 111
lUleel at thu ago of 11 mid solved ull
through thu war, made an address of
weltome, dosing as follows. "Thu man
lutloxiblu in pinto, invinciblo in war,
Lalml11dtfe.it, magnanimous In victory-
stith a mail, 1 say, can never bo
ui littled or ellsgrate d by tjiu shai ks and
the sharpers of Wall street." When
thuchceis, which contiuiuil foi moro
than livu inlnuti-s, had at lust subsided,
(leu. drant lmiuu forward, and, lestiug
piiiufiiily 011 his crutch, said lu a low
voice, which, howevei, coiih'l bo heard
distinctly In tho deatli-llko hush; "An
hour ago I might havu made a speech,
but now 1 am almost af laid to try. 1
know, as few can, tho good theo chap
lains havo doue. Think of the conso
lation thuv havo given to llio sick and
dying, think of thu last messages of
tho boys in the held thuy havo sent to
anxious, sorruwlug inotheisiiiid futhers
atliomu' 1 liavo uot worels lo express
my thuuks for this welcome. 1 appro-
date" Tho sentence was 'never
liulshed. Teais stood iu tliu general's
eyes, uud ho diopiH.il back iu his seal
With a suppressed sob. This is be
lieved to bo (icu. Giant's lust formal
appoaraucu in public. Ilu was driven
back Unit ulght to his cottage at Long
Uruutu. B
mm mm .a fl
' w
This medicine, combining Iron with puro
Viicetnhlo totilrs, iiulrkly and roinplttil)
I urr lltrptn flifllarntlon, rnhnrs",
I mpurn lllnnil, ,1IntHrlH,Clilllii nuil Frtrrn,
anil Nrnrnutln.
It Is an unrnllln? remedy for Dlseason of tho
lililnrrs nnit l.lve-r.
It li IttviiluaLlii for Iilfcnscs tcullnr to
Ytniiirii, ami all who Icinl mtuitnr) lives
Itilmsnolliijiirotheteith cnusohrnilachoor ,
pnsltice foiistliatlon fllA-r Iron mttUcintt tin
Upiirlrhcsaiul pnrlllcs tlirUisxl stimulates
tho aipftlte, aids the assimilation nf fis'el re
lieves Itearthiirii ami Iielehlnit, and strength
ttts tho musilcs ami nervis
tor Intermittent levers Ijuwltmlc, iJick of
Kncrgry, Ac , It has no espial
The genuine has almv c trade mark ami
rrosse'i! ml Mm a on wrans-r Take' tin other
it? mm si yuan ti. in, HiiTiieiHt, in
Father, Mother, and Three Sisters Dead.
Mr. David Clayiiool, formerly Strgeaiit-nt-AnusofthoNew
Jersey Senate, nnel now
Notary Public nt Cedarville, duulicrhind
Co, N. J., makes the following startling
ftatciucnt: "My father, mother, nnd time
sisters all elicit with consiiiniition, nnd my
lungs wcro so weak Iraiseilblooil.NolKiily
thought 1 could live. My work (i-hip-fciiiitliing)-.t
as v try Btraining on 1110 vv itli my
wtak constitution, and I was rajiully going
to the grave. While in tills condition 1
commenced using Mishlcr's Herb Hitters,
and it saved my life. LVntiso it wns mi
difficult to get it in this littlo pi ice. und I
Itad improveu so much, 1 stoppeil taking 11
for n time, nnd the result is that I hivu
commenced going rapidly down hill ngiiin.
Somehow, Mishlcr's Herb Hitters gives
nppctito and strcngthensand builds me up
as nothing clso docs, and 1 must have 11
dozen bottles ut once. Use this commu
nication oh y ou please, and if any one w ants
to bo convinced of its truth, let llicin vv rite
me and I will make nftidavit to it, for 1
owe my life to Mishler's Herb Hitters."
Thoeecrctof tho almost invariable relief
unit cure of consumption, elyscnlcry, diir
rhna, d)sn'pHia, iudigistion, kidney and
livtr complaints, when Misldcr'sllitb
Hitters is used, is that it contains simple,
harmless, and yet powerful ingredients,
that act on the blood, kidneys, nnd liver,
and through them strengthens and inv iter
ates the whole system. Purely xcgitiiHe
in its composition; prepared by a, regular
physician; a standard medicinal prepara
tion; endorsed by physicians and eiriig
gists. Thoi-onrcfourstroug points iitfivor
of Mishlcr's Herb Hitters. Mishlcr's 1 Icrb
Hitters issold by all druggists. 1'rico J1.00
per large Isittle. C liottlcw for $.r).00.
Auk jour rimnint fur Mistitrn'a Ilrnn Ilrnrns
If tin i1, nut ki-n It, tin n tiikn atotlittiff i !ss but
M-nd a isitiil rnl tn Minnxn llmtrt Jtrrrriis CJo.,
U CumniiTre Hlnsst. rhllailoUlila.
I s tillered for more than live jeara with IndUes
tioo, urarnly able to rttaln the almi lent feud
uj-on my stomatli. Ihe burnlnic nenaatton ea
alruott Intolerable, and my whole b stem waade
ranged I wmwakofiil and could not ahep, and
conM imtiitly more or les ncrtotu all the time.
I declined Iu fleth, and mi lie red all the uittal de
pression flttindant ujkjd thla ttrrlhle disease. In
a word, 1 was mUirablo. l taut, fall I nt; to find
relief In anything else, I commenced the um. of
Swift's 'peclric. I began to Improve at oute
The medicine toned up the Btoinach, atreiiRtbentii
thedltttathe organ, and neon all that burning
ceased, and I could retain food without ulflcult)
ow uiy health la good, and can eat anything in
the ahapo of food, and digest It without the allght
eat dlttlculty I moat (liierfully War thN lentt
mony, because there are hundreda autrtrtng as I
was, and I am sure they can be aa read II) healed
Take the l reacrlbel dotte after eatlug. Instead of
before. JAM1.3 M NN, .No. It It M.
tltrta, (ia, May 13, lbH-
Froo From Malaria.
In the U of 18S1 I waa taken wlthataaof
malarial fever which i roatratcd me twlh holy and
mind. I was drugged afier the old fa hion with
mercury and other mineral mlxturea, hut with no
gcxid remits. My health wai ahuttered und u
em ry gone. My If gi udfeetwoull awell, and I
had what everybody thought utsdrotay. Thte
srniptouit alarmed me, and I waa ready to grim
at any remedy Rugeated. A friend advised me to
try tl!t'trpecltic. I procured three bottle biij
co it merited its iho. The swelling ihxju auhaided,
I hae taken the three bottles which hate male a
perfect cure, and I feel Hie a new man today
I here never waa a more meritorious medicine ot
fered to aufterlng humanity. It hai wrought
wondera for me. n mJujsjs,
Jeaburg, Uc County, Ga , March 11, lb
1-or aale by all drufglsta
Ticatlse on Itloo 1 and SMn Plaeabe mailed fret
niKswiFT sriciricco,
N. V 7 W. 2M fit. Drawer J, tlanta,(ia
Rick Headache and rellcro .11 the tronMc. Inci
dent to LUlou. aute of the .Tttem, inch as Hz
clncps, K.Oflca, DrowsuirsiR, Dismal af ttT eating,
l'ala In the Side, Ac. Wbita their moat niuui
ahlii aactoM ha Uca shown la caring
valuablu In Coiuilpalion, caring and piuvtuttog
tbta annoying coBiplaiit,ihUolhrr also cornet
all disorders of tho stomach, attmulate tho llrcr
auiltegulaielbelKiwiils. Srca li they onl curul
Arhn titer irnnldbcalmoitprlcclFri to thoao who
lUTtrfront this diatreafllng complaint; butfortu
Datel their gexictaeat doe. not rod hire, and thoao
who ones Uj them will nd theM little iillla vala
a bl e In ao many ways that they will not be willing
toelowlLboatUicm, Hut after all (Ick head
Ii Ihefcano of to tnasjr llrra that hero li whrrn we
make our crcat Loaat. Our JU1 cum It whilo
Cutcr'a Littla Llrer Tttl are ycrrrmall ana
Tery evj Lo take, Oneortwoplll.makeadoee.
Tin aro atrlclljr TeteUble anil do not grind or
parire, but by their gentle action pli a.e all who
mo them. lovlalaatHScniiat no fortl. buLl
lj ilxiigglaU cvuy where, m test bf mau,
McMonagle & Rogers1
wiDDitEvjewj?. n. v.
Their iuiik hkiioauv Liuiiiiienils Hum
to ull lovers uf unk fl.AVOitH, vvbllo
eeoiiomlsu appri'i lulu thu fact thut their
(litKAr hiiiK.Miril reiiilre. tliousoorinit
luiy niK nuA.srrrv orordlnury Flavor
iiiK hxtruou. Their own merits are their
best udvcrtlscuieut.
II s3r
m i ii ii I? mm
3UI I 13 ,iy
gi w
Iiver Warn
JiImt ami Kidney ('iiiiiliiliils,
Dlalx'd's, (iritM'l Slonu in thu
It'liliii'tH mnl llliiiltli-r,
llilglil's IHseasn, etc.
IPKI1KO 111 1IIK iii.siovkkv eir
Calculi Resolvent.
Tim following nro eiiclmoiiiof (onllmoiilAla he
In'iliilly tct.'Ucl Itv Die (nliult ItfmdTfiit Manu
faclur,ng( u t
(of i Miit, (, Arli
(Weill I rejolfetit MM'R Co.ClQTrUtulfO.i
ltfrtrHirn Onouf mr cuiimr linn been truu
hU 1 with Ithiiivy i iMiinhilnt, tiatt trIM nearly
ct ryltiiiiK rtinl hIih nulii.! Kntlli'mf Ciif
mil ItvpnUcitl lin clril tun Ut I r fnllr rrlloTrd nml
rtirnl. Up UoCh iiul wi lit Ills name mailo imblic,
but we can nny bo lu mcl nmrly frerylblntf for
bifl(iMilalm, but tltla time bejtruri Die rllit
mrilicfiK 4 ler rctfnlly,
Kai itiikoin I.ros , UniRlflta.
ri k f t ami, 0 , March 21, ISM.
CtlcuM Uf-wilrenl M IV 10 , 70 Water atrpet
Oentlfiiipn 1 r ri ..n t bin nt timet boon
t rou t'l il fiom tnrp'ti llvr, a it nUn, more or lei-i,
fiom Kbmey allecllitii Home timo. ago, when ti
tlio rntulhlonaboTe nuiitlot ul.I j roruirtl a 1m.UI
of your tub nil I e- hrm t ihe lime my urine
HAnTfryrrl nml tin i-r llmrnt arcmiHilatM tlur
(ng tbn night hi 1 tujiuew lint the m aranre of
brick ilust lefurv I had (om h vA the iHittle iny
liver arcmc I to art ' te a in w one, and tho urine
rlt arid tip the tjllrmlri) an ell left It. and now no
deioslt la foti rid wIkii It Ktnndi a few lioura, I glto
tli id stalemtnt unaikcd, an I, It worih anythlugln
railing the attention of lhoi tdmlliarly atUicted,
youmnyiiBO ItaayouUke ours truly,
jAMkH A, Youwc),
tSoltl bv ! .! 13rc-vvn.
:J3 east main street,
Win re Ion Will Find
In Abundance.
Bt Cull and ieu tho Handsomest Ico Creaui Par
lor In thi-weile
Attorney and Expert
ijvrrii:rsTrr cvsius.
(in -. Ai'iitiilo fltillfllitir.
W. II. Kiia.it. Minns M. fl
Lard. Baoou nnd Ilanu
Dr. T. L. James, Dentist
(I -.ii to of CMilitn n;o.)
Oentibtry in all of its Branches.
-j tc'alty of fine iil'irgs rcntortug psrtial loaa of
te tli without platen m 1 r storing to uaefullueaa
euund r uU hi. J brulleu tcth by crowning.
lid 1.2 West .Main Street.
Harnett Hillldll 1 1
Or. Frank 0. Runyan,
UouiiiK lii lltirtcIuktwuii'Bi KulIiltBg
nor 3ii.rfc.li A llroV Hlure.
perli.1 ttieitld ( nlr tb lMbetvlng
Hlurnl tfiftth
Tho Jloit ruU.'hlfttl
Tulaoo Btannera. Zaw lUtea.
Tour Trip per Week Between
And Every Weak Day Between
Write for our
"Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated.
CcnUliia Tall Particular!. Vatlul Vtm,
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co.
We Invite your attention to our new, clean and
(omenlrut at llcalion of the principle of i uuu-ler-l
ittiilioii. dbhuvn by our
Hlfclilr imlorscl l iiroTalnent uicmlera of the
jirufcMiun, for Die CI Ul of ljaetala, ILIimii
mnl l.iu, I'lilnful aud liillli ult MNntruiit lun,
I'll lirl-j, I'lilos III llio Slilr, Hill k, llowela
and Itliliioy.. I.icelleut fori IIOIhitA In all
form , w.ruiltijj lliu howeU und ehfcklnit ill.
charges hnpplitd to)otior nur patlenta through
ilniK more!, cr l,y niull on ieifiiuf fl feend for
iircuiar. and ti lomotiim iroiu nbv.ic
moiiUN from tih).lclani and lia-
tlenti .Viimd VNanikii ., Y,
A(ll.NL'l,.'i rlroaiWajr, N V
IVAP1KII 1.. I. Iir.Al.lJl
Rose Leaf, Fine Cut,
Navy Clippings
aTuf.t" i
i" a sisv..-: i'yy.
t JnrawiVi'L
a mvTO. "TB!P
(TV' T7
y f ihi is
'I ho Most SlrlUlui; Xott'lt) of the A(je.
lMe eiuouii or nJelu i In n moment. Album
eulafiel toany nia Ihti hinged uielal hack never
buttle IU j eculiar fouttructloii loumiamU Iu
atant uttmitton Juit Ihe thing for cauvaaeri.
ror termaand full paitlruhra lnoulrecf
'illKAl.l AI HUM (O, Jl.Ulto Ufok, Mich.
Ur,N1 I.I) Udlea iiml (ientlemeii lo take uk
iUbt, Iea n nt work, at their own homes.
Work eul by mill any illatance all the year round.
li lo f)a day can benulutly iuad nucauvaaalbie.
AiUuu Ktllahle M't'tf Co., 1'hlJa,. f. ii
4K. awBBalelaeBV
mtf vawefrL tarBiaw
aam. "m. wrraaW
im m
-.. )
"" ' r" i i'irTfWMiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiir . ,1

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