OCR Interpretation

Springfield daily republic. [volume] (Springfield, O. [Ohio]) 1887-1888, January 07, 1887, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076917/1887-01-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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attJaBitdipahjCfiaiBBsgisJsjs i i in. niw w .a
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COMMENCING MONDAY, JANUARY 3, Prices on Every Article in Store Marked Down. Bargains now to Every One who Calls, and are, in part, as Follows:
Qui home, hand-made Farmers' Kip Boots, reduced from Ladles' Goat, Flexible Sole, Button, reduced from $2 to
$1.50. Gents' Waukenphast, Lace and Congress, reduced from
I $3.75 to $2.75. Boys', Misses'. Children's and In
fant's Shoes discounted in Proportionate Prices.
Gents' Calf Boots, calf backs, reduced to $2 and $2.50 a pair.jGents Ladeg. and Mjsses, Embroidered SipperS) . .
Ladies' Kid, Flexible Sile, Button, reduced from $2 to $1.50. 'Gents' Button, Congress and Lace Shoes, reduced from $2.25 to
50c to $1 per pair.
This sale at present prices is for spot cash, and on all our
regular warranted goads.
m i ii i i Mil ' ' ii mm. i i i i.-mn
com si ice co.
Snecesor to C. C. Titjlor son,
President .-sec Treas.
II. VOOKS. Manager.
TTe krep a fall lino ol all brands or
Cinent, Plaster, Hair, Fire lirirk and
Clay, Chimney and Sewer IMpe.
Springfield gcpublit
Tee REPUBLIC print! the Sew lork d Wea
ten associated rresa Di.patrhnaad tat Kater
Cable (KorUm)TIrmi.
eTcnerenlin: except Sunday, and is deliv
ered at the rate ol 10c. per week. Single
copies 2c
every Thursday, and 1 one ol the most com
plete family newspapers In the country;
elKht pacei. .markets eorapletii. KepieU
lth newi and miscellany, ll-per year,
invariably cash In advanc.
All communications and cntributlons
should be addressed to Currus M Jhchols.
dltor.andall business letters to Thomis i
Uow. manager.
Telephone No. RO.
We have tired our oflice cat. He got aw ay
with the wrong manuscript.
W. s Holman is willing to be a 1'nited
States senator from Indiana.
Francis B. SUickbndce. of Kalamazoo, is
to be the new Tnited states senator lrom
Michigan. t
The republitans have an abundance of
mighty good presidential timlK-r. The
woods are full of it.
Henry Ward Uceeber make-, a break oc
casionally, but Plymouth church pews bring
even better prices than ever.
The men who are too good to mi in the
lirty pool of politics are the verv men who
should wade in and purifv it
The Bee Line now has a president Hon.
Stevensou Burke who lias great executive
ability. He will make dividends.
The HVitfcrii 5ftr, of Lebanon, thinks
the liKi'i-nuc has a right to be called the
ULonc. as it is a "good all-round paper."
If good citizens allow the bad citizens to
set tilings up at the caucuses they will be
setup the wrong way and it will le the
fault of the good citizens.
Major E. S. Wilson's fronton HojMcr
has eme out in quarto form. verv much im
proved in appearance. The RcqMcr is one
of the very best weekly papers in Ohio.
The good citizen is the very man who
should attend all his party caucuses and
conventions. He is just the pewm to be a
ward politician a worker at and betore
The way to promote good feeling among
any class of people is not only to say kind
and friendly things to them, but to deal
squarely and justly witli them. Fine words
with nothing else) butter no iarsiii.
We should have fewer labor troubles if
the parties immediately interested would
talk matters over with each other, courte
ously and frankly. In this lies at least a
partial solution of the great IaUir problem.
The JlourMiing of a pitchfork is a ioor
method of iiacificattng people.
We are forced to delay doing paragraphic
justice to the new Jiuhje (New fork) until
our abiiormallv-tntellectually developed
young man can grind out a new lot of su
perlatives that w ill meet the demands of
the occasion. We can now merel that
the Jwl'jc lawfully tremendous.
The republican of the ,-itj -hould think
over a few thine and decide, first wheth
er they will make party nominations for
city offices: second Iy what method they
will make them, if at all: and, third who,
of the good and capable men in tlwir ranks
they can elect (ileal practicM wisdom
must be eerci-ed. We imiM have no
The New York Mm prepaied a set of
New Year resolutions for the president,
which are as follows:
1. I will not touch, taste, or handle mug
wutnpery during tlie jear.
2. I hereby reolve to turn the republi
cans out and turn the democrats in.
3. I will try and not be too fresh about
i. I will ak Garland for his resiena
Uon. It does not seem that Mr. Cleveland takes
$ Sun. i
alTliiBTiififirfima!-'-----'-H---Sr - -..m . i '. i mm..j... . ... . . i. ... . ,, nil - - - ' i'mhIii Hal I I ill Bin I
The citizens of ElTia recently took a
caio t coals to Newcastle by giving a
banquet to a hotel man Mr. Artetnas Beebe
who gets up three good banquets a day
on his own hook. But he was so good a
citizen and kept so square a hotel (without
a bar. at that.) that the leading men of the
town wanted to do xomething lanre and
couldn't think of anything bigger than a
banquet. The Hon. Heuian Ely, mil of
the founder of the tonu, preidded, Mr.
Beebe being the ton of one of Sfr. KlyN
early associates, who built the hotel the
Heebe House. Hon. Hlchard C. rations
ot Cleveland. Hon. George (I. Washburn,
of the Ohio House and editor of the Eljria
RcpulMam, T. I. Nelson, eo,.. Hex. E. E.
Williams and others made speech?.
The liellesontaine Index edited by an
old ItKri-iiLic boy. Mr. V. S. Roebuck,
and Mr. J. C. Brand, jr., formerly of the
Urbaiia Citizen, says:
The Springfield Gi.onK-r.Krriii.tr has
dropped the Guuik from the name, and
will return to its pristine glory under the
KKl'inur. with Hon. C. M. Nichols as ed
itor in chief. The Springfield llnrruuc,
under Mr. Nichols in yean gone by. was
a paper of great influence at home and
As to our republicanism, the fmfor
seems to think it is "straight sixmIs." We
are sure there is none better.
Tim manhood ami the piiuleges of
an American citizen sdiould be recognized
in any person and in all persons irrespec
tive of their condition, blood, or occupation.
This is Mjuiething that cannot be co ered
out of sight or walked around. It is a solid
fact that all who wish to mold or nun e men
should take into consideration. The Amer
ican citizen tan be persuaded and con
vinced with fair and reasonable proposi
tions, but he objects to being tossed or bull
dozed. He would be a ror-sprited chap
if he did not.
The Columbus Iii;xiWi has the follow
ing statement of what we hope i a fact:
The press of this'state is united upon the
point that the go emor should have a pri
vate residence free of charge, or an increase
of salarj. Some papers advocate both.
The Cincinnati Timct-Sltir savs the legis
lature, w ithout f urtlier delay, ought to fur
nish the governor with a mansion and a
510,000 salary- This suggestion is in the
direction of a long stride, but we have a
ten thousand dollar governor and he ought !
to be paid accordingly.
The editor of the Bellefontaine Kxiim-i
incr ay. with neatness and force : .
We have known a number of good men!
to be saved from mteinerance by virtue of
the Murph plan, but not a single oi.e have
we known to be saved by virtue of temper
ance legislation.
The object of temperance legislation i to
protect, rather than "save." and vvie law
are no doubt etfective in that respect.
Oberlin college had 1.322 students last
jear. ''. of whom were Ohio people. The
college has four line new buildings, built of
stone- Peters Hall. ear Hall (library
buildingi. Taleott Hall and Baldvviu Cot
tage. Mr. Norton Kinuev, an eminent rail
road manager, at Milwaukee, is about to
put up another building at his own e)cne,
which will probablj eot a hundred tliou
smd dollar-, and perhaps more.
Fourteen letter iouchesanda large quan
tity of paperswere burned in theTifiiii (().)
railroad wreck.
The Iteliani-e Machine Works, of E. V.
AUis Co.. at Milwaukee, burned. Loss
estimated at 330,000.
The president sent to the senate Thur
daj tlie nomination of Judge Maiiiniiir. of
Louisv We, a minister to Mexico.
The house committee on elections in the
Indiana contest case of Kidd vs. Steele, re
port unanimously in favor of the latter.
Strikers exploded a dynamite bomb in the
cable tunnel at Sin Francisco, causing con
siderable damage to surrounding property.
Wittrock. Haight and Weaver. Adams
Evjuess robbers, were taken from St. I-ouis
to tlie .leflerson City penitentiary.
At a joint caucus of the republicans of
the Minnesotalegislature ex-Governor Cusli
man K. Davis was nominated for U.S.
The Connecticut legislature elected state
oHicers, owing to tlie failure of the popular
vote to give an) candidate a majorit . I'.
C. Lounsburv (republican) wa elected gov
ernor. The auditor and secretary of the state of
Ohio, and tlie attorney general, commis
sioners to redeem the Ohio state bonds,
have redeemed to date SI, 451. 518. 42, leav
ing about half a million outstanding.
Henry George's new paper, T7ic .fiml
nril, to be issued Saturday, 8th. will con
tain a long article by him reviewing tlie
McGlinn case. He will charge that the
hierarchy of Home is in league with the
rich against the poor, and that "never be
fore in the history of this country has there
been such a barefaced attempt to use the
Catholic chinch as a political machine
such an audacious exercise of ecclesiastical
power to stifle political opinion ami control
political action."
Tlie two houses id the Indiana legisla
ture met and organized m the uew capitol
at Indianapolis, interest centering in tlie
senate. Green Smith took the chair
against tlie protest of the republicans vv ho
wre not )cnniited to be heard, and who,
without voting, were counted as present,
tlie denueratic caucus nominees being
elected and a et of prepared rules adopt
ed, giving tlie majority all the power. In
the house the republican nominees were
elected, Hon. W. G. Savre as speaker, and
W. II. .Smith, chief clerk. Ite)oiid the
formal organization no business was trans
acted. Free Trade.
The reduction of internal revenue and
the taking off of revenue from Proprie
tary Medicines, no doubt has largelj bein
hted tlie coiiuniers. as well as relieving the
burden of home manufacturers. Esjieciall
is this tlie case with Orccn's Auyutt
FVitrer and Btischcc't German $imti. as
the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen,
has been added to increase tlie size of the
bottles containing these remedies,
thereby giving one-fifth more medi
cine in the 75 cent size. The Awjutt
Flower tor Dyspepsia and Llv er Complaint,
and the German Syrup for Cough and
Liver troubles, have perhaps, the largest
sale of any other medicines In tlie world.
The advantage of increased size of the
bottle will be greatly appreciated by tlie
sick and afflicted, in every town and vil
lage in civilized countries. Sample bottles
far 10 ctuts minala the. sane sizi.
Wherv Ier, Hear. rulitlter, TVIIil
Turkey. Ouall anil Rabbit Thrive.
"I wish that some of you fellow) who like
to talk alMit the sport you have hunting here
in the cold wist could just jxu'k up your
traps alKHit now- anil go back w it I) mo to a
countrv tli.il a chap can llvo in with pleas
ure an.l comfort w hile tho gales ami snow
and frost of this Atlantic climato are getting
their work in to the l,t kind of advan
tage," said "Chip" Mecguire of Spring
field, Mo , the other night. "Game is al
wajs plenty m southern Missouri," .d lie,
4 but tins year it seems to have outdone it
is'lf in abundance. I came over tho oil
Kansas City, Fort fvtt and Gulf railroad,
and although thnt was early in tho season
for tlie birds to lie making themselves con
spicuous, I'll bet that I counted a hundred
flisA. of wild turkeys, and there wasn't a
Hoik out of which I couldn't have shot one
or more ot the splendid birds from my win
dow in the car The railroad in ono place
runs on trestle over a swamp for several
nulis, and in the eiteiiMve. pondsand lwvyous
of that wild stretch of country thousands
upon tliousaii'ls of wiltl ducks and gee of
all vaiieties were feeding, some of the water
Ix-ing covered for acres with the fowl, uutil
then grour. looked like Ulands in tho lakes.
These fowl seemed to be so used to the noisu
of the trams that I did not see one move ita
position through being startled by the cais
bi all that distance
"Tlie d.iv before I left Spi ingfleld I saw
a btish Imeker come into town with a mule
team load of deer carcasses of the finest kind.
I Ixmght one kimply to obtain the magnifi
cent head and antlers and all I paid for the
whole business was 1 . There were at
least 'JH) i!inds of the best venison included
in the purchase. You could not get that
head and these horn here for hs than f 15.
Among the other large game reortod plenty
and waiting for the hunter is hew. This
gentle creature more particular!-, affect
tho jungl" and swamps of uorthef u Arkan
sas, and if nu unsuspis?tiiig portman is
going into these parts, he will have to keep
his ev sir.ned to find thoroughfares un
obstruited by bruin. Tho lynx, anil now
and then that relic of the days when the
country belonged to two-legged as well as
four foohsl savages, the Amercian panther,
still hold a land tenure in tliat garden
spot of the southwest, and I am told, greet
visitors after the manner of their kind. I
never dall with game of this kind, but 1
know men who do, and what they say may
be depended on.
"I went out for a rabbit hunt a few days
before I left home, and I got tired of trip
piug over tliem. That is no exaggeration,
for I give you my word that they jumped
out from ev ery bunch of bnish and leaves
that lay in vourjiath. After lagging all
I could carry 1 went to sliooting quail for I
friend w lio w as w ith tne to bring back home.
These bird actually paid no attention to
the gun at all. but tho flocks I shot into
kept right on feeding as if nothing had hap
pened, and ratlier objected to mv picking up
tho one I had shot We speak of gray and
black squint! out there as you might refer
to sparrow s bere, for tbey take pos-ession
of town andvillagesinaboutthesajne way
The Ix-mity of it all is that the later the
season grows the better the weather gets,
and any of vou fellows can come out there
New Year and strike it right, and spend
the remainder of the winter in clover You
won't be apt to see much snow. The Ozark
region is the greatest country I kno of,
and the water out there is immense. If
jou want to have a good hunt come out
and see me, and leave all your medii-ine at
home " w York Sun
Von Union Wanted "sfualral lteer."
I leniemlcr, when Von liulow was here,
I met that disciple of the ultra chusic in
musical art frequently. On one occasion it
was ct a Harvard concert, if I remember
right. Our seats chanced to be side by
side, and all through the ierformances he
kept murmuring, "Beautiful' Beautiful'"
in an ecstatic manner, but invariably ac-co-npanying
these little breathings of de
light with a discontented grunt
I tliougbt at first that, while admiring the
music, he w as displeased by the manner in
which it was interpreted: but he invariably
applauded at the end of each performance,
anil with every appearance of sincerity.
This wa irplexing, but the great man was
eccentric, and 1 attributed his gruntings
to some iecuHarity that hod fastened uion
At the end of the concert we went forth
together, uud were scarcely in the street
t when lie touclied mv arm and said, wit'iout
furtlii r prearation: "I am dying to be
vulgar, commonplace; anything but resjiect
able. lte-Hvlabihty is driving me crazy. I
want to hear some common music Take
me where 1 can be trunk on musical IVer
I am tired of musical Burgundy1'"
I tliousht he was posing for effect, in
act, I think so now, but he assured me
that lie was in solemn earnest; that he was
eager to neai what he called -some de
lightful disreputable music." in some place
where lie could lie back and listen to "ex
quisitely inconect harmony and thnrmingly
lisrai-eful tunes, onl) &ixtcu rhythmical
I .1, in length.'" lie desired to obtain this
' luxuiy in some out of the way place not
likely to lie visited by the tone elect, and
foussl, "as the vn in-law of Liszt and part
owner, with Wagner, of Mrs Von Bulow,"
to blush foi hi degraded musical appetite
I made an apjioititinent with him to go
to a musical show, hen he grasped my
hand heartily and greetsl me as his "lieber
Mephistoplieles " Before night, however,
1 reseived a uote fiom him, in wlnehlio
said. Taralw is not for me I am a
coward. I'm chained to high art I dare
not go. Weep for me' I have bought a
collation it negro melndie arranged for
tlit, aefrdioii Over these I will gloat in
the piUacy of mv own chamber Come to
me touioirow W will enjov tliem to
gether If you know- an accordion viituoso
bring him with ou But reuiemlier, to
hun I sin not Yon Ilulow bulMt Si htittzt
It--slou Satuidar Gazette
(Jfn. Kllpatrlrk and tlie Sergeant.
Kilpvtritk. when a lieutenant colonel of
cavalrv. n .-i with n. dewrved rebuke fur his
profanity ilisfer a with mm when he
nl up to a sergeant of the piard in his
regiment and swraimg at him tunously
oideied Iiitii to attend to a ceitam matter
th.t iia'l lsn r.egle,tcd The man folded
his arms ,. tnod tl ly tokiug Kilpat
riek s,i, ,i,.iv in the eve 'Do vnu hear
me, - voti'" si, the letter: "whv
don't vou do as 1 tell vou'-" When I
receive a proper onlei I shall obey." aid
the sr-.lihei to inly; 'the articles .if war
fi'iMd voi lo address Lie in the language
you Imv. ussl " Cus'-er 'uu kered right
out in meeting ' and said in a stage whis
per "Bv , he's got you. Kil ' Col
Kilpatnck aw the point lit once and in a
very' nianl) way changed his front and
apologized "Sergeant." sai J lis, "vou are
right, and I apologize; I should not have
uddiesed you as I did " Then he gave bis
order, the man touched his cap respect
fully and turned away to fulfill the com
mand, and Kiljuitrick rose many degrees in
the estimation of his soldiers Philadel
phia Ilecord.
Oregon hegt an tnoatl fattened on whsat .
jtjacobs 01
(iiulil not WMlk.
Mr (h,ir- .Jo-ss-'ph. Ill Landim M
c.n tram .., ..I -.its I Hi.ratm'.l my
it.iMeoh.iill) 1 ronl.1 nut na1. umttrl.sl
hIiiio: tMer)ttun.r known tvitli.mt rtti-r
when omMl.iy a frlt-wl '1i-l me to uj
M JHroifssOil I ilM -o and hu( )exitii
mikI womlerfull cuml
lammrtl llvrtneru (ark
" Iltt!i letT4enm' t(.iudht hi trsftuveen
rjirn. seterel) hrui-m; them. -,iys, vr M
U JolmMiii. r ttioU-ir-.lt.MI.il IIhium
o , "and my injuries were reliee.l !
tlie aw of M. Jaetrb- m Thi rtmotiy
attcunxl mo of antiruuiwl ankle
("on hi Srnrcrlj Moth.
IlotMan. Texn
Mr Wm II. Covle, Htief ut tire Ie
nartment. uyn: "i w,t- Merely injurM
Ity a fjlIlTic wall; cuuM m kh Ay nmtr
llv limine tt .Tacuh- Oil. m Umme-- lh
IIe.iriT nml I vta cured
An Injnretl lUck Cureit.
i;iTa ity, Mi
Mr Frank II. Uro-ik. t, innmjer ir
7fnr. v,rit "I htM.nsl tt (n-ert my
Ulcli kty when mv f,.t lii(el fnun
tinier tne an J I fell, xtrikim: tlo mH.il
of mr Ih k ( n an !nn raihnc I wa-i-.iintull)
itijurel ami rny hark wh j.m1
len ii'l li4tlorl, I umIm -Iki-oImOM
M-Teral time anJ apninptlv'iirMl
Cruotietl rndfrn ItnlMlnc.
11H1 SffvcntltM , !.M'"v'l!r k
While hhtlnc to remote a tniine hutM
Inc of tb (ity Hal'irajr o . It fell over
on me, jre-slnjj mo to the ffrounil un1
prainlRir my liar k I w- carriixt tumie
on a stretcher ami tl th tor- aTtemle
mo two wuek. when m wife ir-iuilr 1
me to um! M .Ia-.b- (il an-J tie in
wa soon cone entirety
jsrKit mtow lis
mix Fitnit on Ti:si , n rnisiiN.
PROMPT.fcJW ":rs"
Irriral Mlrr lllmirr Tillk.1,.
Vim riitcrtiiiiiing afiiT ilinner tiilkers
ure f iiind .inning tlie clrr There is
but one llocchcr, to Ik sure, lint tlii're are
sevpr.il other ministers in N'rn orl, and
Dmiai!n v lm piiinv the creature com
forts f a public banquet mid who lhii
MipnliMiiriit their fiast of the wxy uith a
flow of soul that is olti'niiiniis rich in
thought anil anecdote There Is Koliert
Collver, fur instance lie is an euthu
biaslir liuiiiiiet r Ills ljroal, leiiinant
counieuatiie lx-anis nilli ili'.isun: from
the time he dips his t-poun into the soup
until he ilutis his oveuo.it ti nil 'tat to pi
home. He is an mlercstum mlk.-r and is;
always e.ii rl lisitnolto Hi tmonte
theme is the nolnlit) of honest l.ilior. aud
he Ms?nis neir to tire of iw ailing his own
early sli-isj;!' - with poirrt) w Ik u lie was
an illllerate blai ksmith
TIio court h Assistunt Risliop Henry C.
Potter and the scholarly Dr. Storr, of
Brooklyn. Hre occasional participants in
public dinners The energetic I)e Will
Talmage is ns original and anuisiiif; m
the dinner table as lie is in his own pulpit.
The Kt John H. l'axttm. the lte B.
Hcber New ton and the Hev Charles S.
Katon all niing men are always wel
come zuest-. at u banquet, and their st
prandial elTorts will, asa rule, stand com
parison with those of the secular speaker
for liberalm of thought and vivacity of
language I)r Paxton is a particularly
vivucious sjHMker New York limes
The rininesi ;irl in sirkrlMlnwn,
Vas Susannah I.ulu S"irl,
But the belle of lieaiity she was made,
flj Chaniplln's Liijuid IVarl.
The Cincinnati board of trade and trans
portation hae endorsed the proosition to
issue 51,000.000 bonds to build a new citj
T rV P C thatare fretful, peevish,
JVv,vv! cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Tains, or
Stomach Disorders, can he relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains do Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 23 centi. Sold br
Frani, II. Coblentz. corner Market and
HlBU streets
DisictGcnnED Lake Who Use it.
It s in ' m ri n 1 1 1 it erw ud,
ftt Iwtk 1 ' I al - 'hf.
MubLi Adeflcft rttL
Levi " Ccj Jbi- I - " t nRMstfa!!;.
h tt ittfil mtnwr fi 1 m 4 j ut I 141 '
TWkU B or- ( MUtiu I m Unai
Fanny J&ruiuschek
I " i H f- o-i w . th 1 r I j-osrr3 brinj
Ciint, Louiae KtlloCK-
rf fu h 1 hi t s
r nnm-ri-i-4
Ltsl' lt I .RL J T
A(rv ttH ttaw1ti It
ili-. ecott-SUUlons.
rtr iW bini vtnai 1 r- k I tiot HithViH
ut) irrt t u nifti'!. S on tb -rWH-rt
Jrwie. Victor a and Hosinn Vokei
- fi plrwui, I, -ft-! i r t.-t1mintl4 ff
t i.tk r Tt s a w t f r tea uXWio
ttfL- wl ft with ur aatiafarbvc
Thppptw TitifH.
1 --rr I tut i I .hl h a viivllcnl e-snjrt
b 1 L-ta f sa mr to ft Mtlf -t tun ta vaxg It.
Fanny Uavenport.
&au Lrtjnl in fin n-n-i It to ut UJj fiVnd-i.
fjine Coombs.
fr iii t rt an anic af n Mad
la - .a lL. i- uir-.
.-Vjrnt- EUvL
1 f r la, r aB, , ta !- tb 1 rtt
I. 1 .
Mm. D r Bowm.
nfM-I' irsr . i -tt , r In
j nijii fw r(, ti, ? t rfai h J (Lrtrtlully fe
-lUlOrtlsl it
Ctarlottf Thompson.
f airir it .If M w t t r ta Vhi I
ha' i rt B- L 1 m ,- i, m,Tu4 It t.. ll mv
IrfOA anJ lb jiuMk g it-ml's
Bar Jew tt
ITftlIt w 14 t wl w , .. In ttia mL
teini rf j .-Mil. '
Minnie Oimsuni,
thauarwr Lwji t lti. U jiniii,U
KXPKESSED FRKE 2 Iarue TV. bottles,
whiteor pink, for S1.W. To many points 1 bot
tle for Tic. (Try your driucirlst first i Bsxed
secure from observations Cujiri.is Mil.
Co.. 115 1; ulton Ht X. V.
-Mention this pupar.
Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Kersey. Melton, Chinchilla, Beaver, Worsted, etc. The very best goods
in the market. I offer from this date a liberal Cash Discount. The prices remain marked in plain figures, from
which there is no deviation, under any circumstances, except during this sale. I will give every purchaser of an
Overcoat a Liberal Discount. I have just received a handsome stock of fins, Stylish Dress Suits, and have
marked them down to popular prices. Headquarters for Prince Albert Suits.
JttrUry Arther'w Jmtt;ineiit.
ilr. Piston one saiil to rcher Don t
vou come around Tattenham Corner soim.
times with jour heart in your month' '
"Oh, no," replii.l Archer; there is a
Komi deal of nonsense, fjilktsl alut that
crner I'll tell 3011 where, the pleat ihinr
in racinc comes. It is getting into a rm k
of horses ami oin;r down "
.rther thn related somo of his exnen-
t ence He vhuI that horses rarely tlrop-w.1
I suildenly on lhe -sours, although it 'llen
j looked to tlm mbhe that Ihey did so Wheu
. a horse going at a high rate of s;s.sl was
aliout to fall hecoulil fts?l it at once. The
horsrt would nually liegin to lean over a
little, and go, perhaps, forty or fifty feet 1
before he fell A jockey with an expert- '
enosl sent and eye could always tell when
this was going to hap'ii For himself, he 1
would take the horse bv the hoail and pull '
him out of tho nick at oni-e, if is5he flie
horso would tbTi land on his side and ,
Aicher would get oft" safely That was the
reason he had met with so few at , l.leutA In
the last l.-'ml or so of the nenrlj X (HK)
naces he liad ndden in. this precaution'try '
lookout had saed him from ieciiiiiga
cran h even N'ew York Sun
5-MV.P the Children. They are es-v-,vvvc
peciallr liable to sodden
r-IJ. sAHM, . r,fc. 1 : r il
V.1J1U9, wuuc, v'u', "UWlilIlg coagu, I
etc We guarantee Acker's English
Remedy a positive enre. It saves
hours of anxious watching. Sold by
Frank II. ("oblent, corner Market ami
Ilili streets.
Merchfitlt, Hertil Ttll..
To those subject to the vexations of busi
ness life, ihspepsia and a feeling of debil
ity, irritability and deopoiidiiicy. we sa,
takt'Simiiioiis I.irer I!euIator. The lleg
ulator is free from any injurious mineral
substances; not disagrwable; can lie taken
at any time without interferiiiK ith busi
ness or pleasure. It is wntle, safe and a
Rood dipestor. It is uneipialeii in the cure
Ol pue, iousiiiauou. uau ureuiu, .icr
headache and bilinus complaints.
There is no one article m the line of med
icines that (rivea so large a return for the
money as a good porous strengthening plas
ter, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Bella
onna Backache Plasters. 7r
Am. MEiiir.u. AtTiioiHTiEs agree, that
catarrh is no more nor less than an inflam
mation of the lining membrane of thena,sal
air passage. Nasal catarrh and all
catarrhal affections of the head are not di
seases of the blood, and it is a serious mis
take to treat them as such. Xo conscien
tious physician eer attempts to do so. It
is held by eminent medical men that sooner
or later a specific will be found for every
disease froui which humanity sutlers. The
tacts justify us in assuming that for catarrh
at least a positit e cure atread exists m
Klj's Cream Halm.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
ha iug had placed in his hands by an East
India missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for tlie speedy and per
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Xenons Debility and ail Nerous Com
plaints, after ha ing tested iu wonderful
curatiie powers in thousands of cases, has
felt it his duty to make It known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send free of charge, to all who desire
it, this recipe, in German, French er En
lish, with full directions for preparing aud
using. Sent by mall by addressing with
stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Xojes,
14 Tower's Block, Rochester. X. T.
If the litrferr From Consiiinptliin,
Scrofula, and general debility will try
Scott's Kmulsiou of Aure Cod Liter Oil,
with h) iiophosphites, they vs ill Ihul imme
diate relief and a permanent benefit. Dr.
II. V. Morr, Bretood, Cal., writes. "I
hae iisetl Scott's Emulsion with great ad
vAiitnep in rases of iihtliisis. scrofula and
wasting itiseases generall. It Is er )al-
Advice to Motliers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothinjr Syrup, for chil
dren teething, is the prescription of one of
the best female nurses and physicians in
the United States, and has been used for
years with never-failing success by millions
of mothers for their children. During the
process of teething itn value is incalculable.
It relieves the child from pain, cures djsen-1
tery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels I
and wind colic. By giving health to the
eMld It reststho mother. Prlre 25c a bottle.
A KlMi and (ih.NKKi'l IWm. -l!e A.
Harber, siiieiamiate ineiiilier ot St. l.ouis
I'onf. M. K chuieh, writes from Mnran, ,
Kansas: 'This recomnu'inlation Is written
without solicitation from anyone, but I owe
it to those similarly afflicted to say that bj i
the Use of the Shaker Extract of Knots '
(Siegel's Sjnipi I was cmeil ot an obstl-'
nale and .ilmost fatal indigestion both
stomach and lit rt being eompietels torpid.,
1 was rtdeed to a Jiving skeleton. Kriends, (
familj and phjsieian had glen me up. ii
was Lreping the spark of life alUe with a
diet of raw eggs and milk. No both i
stomach and Uer an performing their i
functions. I haie many friends in Western
Ohio. X. E. Iowa and S.W. Io. who would
j like to know this." I
Titf. Hom.it Sll kkii. although he does
not boast of his purity, alw a s makes goods
that can be relies! tioii; for instance. Insj
Shaker Extract of Hoots (Siegel'sSjrupi is
really a valuable article. It is not recom
mended as a cure-all, but as a remedy for
one single disease, viz:
Indigestion, in
I which disease It works like a charm.
-Mm tf-lCji fcf JML. 9 ONE PRICE CLOTHIER,
A Practically Perfect Preparation for Children's Complaints.
Corner lTf't Uigh 3t. "nil Walnut Allej
Itlark Kjok Work and Legal Blanks 4
TTVti X laf fw 1 t d.s tna noitslr t 9Up Vnt ttr
ft tla Ost U-o iVm ftorn kcala. 1mm ri
trsj rm i tu ts- u diMM or rm, ui
LTST or rtLU0 EtiCCNUsd UXm tMff 4T. I
mrrmat mj irmdf t cr U wocC exotk B "
M&er br flld U iv Taom fr B9t w rrHlBK
rr Brul at ooee lor trtiM Aixl Ftri Bll tta
Intniil rem,Jy Qtr ITrpn-t al PimiOSc. II cut Tl
tMuni lot inti, aj i wui nrnnfi
As1Jna4 I
1-3 rr1 St., ?! TTt-
1 hataapnoitt- rtmtdi for U aboTduttM;brtta
thonKii.U f tb vrri klnl ftod of tonr
land id f twn eurodj In, o ttmrKU my f ifi
In us Ccim-t, tnt will Mn4 TWO KOTTLLS KKX,
to. t&r wit & m V-!.U1BLK TREATlft cm ILU m
loaaf nearer. Gltcxprtf mdr O fwMir.
Drt. T. A. 3LOCUM. Ill rl St.,h Tetfc
Statc & Monnoc St . Chicaoo.
(.lAUftj M D&tMI lltnuih.
Ubuonm Mofpraffju.
Km lilt)trUwt sWrlblDC i
irlkl raWsl br Btda t Dnnl
". 1bcU4iii( RrfwaiBf Uam-
ta4f Atstttv Fawvts.il Kid ScsIm.
rumra Ntwi I sx-ik-. nj-uot, taA
9tc(.w t wi va name.
V r.IXf:i:i:l.(.ul iliellenwelnerl'ulvtfsrh-j
nlc Institute, Troy, . Y. The oldest engi
neering school in America. Next term begins
September 15th. The Register for 1546 contains
a list of the graduates fur the past 61 Tears.
nlth their positions, als.i course of study, re-1
quirements, expenses, etc Candidates from I
a distance, or those Iulng In distant states, by
special examinations at their homes, or at
such schools as they may be attending, may
determine the question or admission without
visiting Troy. For register and full Infonna
tlonaildress DaviuM Ubsex. Director.
j.houw jIm.
Uck that enTT f!hr
Ltc in bH wn'i banoa
It with the ntraoft
ar Jiiiett Mil tlttt TfriDtointl
I-I tTTlbls- rUIU of lrtf
Mtr tfrvl J4U1 Cllis-
HuitsKnd tut HV4j of Fim- (Of fa l Fmnre.)
llleH ar-i It. Tt-4timonusij from mtant LonJon Dos-tor
For Drain, ISscflf. Wknep, Lot Vlullty, Etc. Srt
orlTKulisL Krr Craltiilli. froins x,ttflr t.
CnlVIX AOLNCs, 111 1'vllm CU, c V.rt
iu w-mrij irsr "s itjswr siiiiiMksatJBJiiiiiiiaol
The Orfcrinnl and Only Cenninp-
tfc aivilT B:iWf vryrt of wr1hlr Imrtatiea.
I iti . M u LADIES. Atk jwr DrmfgiU t
MCklckrsrra tnUJtt,i! U. m Hlir, vr UoJm .
'tavpaito ' " tnicUrt in Utt by rttmrm m1L
NAME PAPER. lMkekfi-ljIC.
fUJJ mj nrwggtM Trnrwhfrtv Aik frf liffks9.
tcr KktfUal
it II" I'sTMJ
mjrwjml llUfc Ttki Mlvtu.
ASTHMA cured
IntAiitty rrinM lb rooft iJnt attAcV ind
fasiiintH cotnfrtKKI nU"n 0 WAITIYI tmr ut.
"ILfN-Bsnr fdt jinhiJitkm it act inn i fan
mMit (Jirvct ni rfflntn. ftod a cor i tha
rfKTtlt m svl) cirahiVru A sinclo trul coti
Tiocm thoraort kptka Prici-3. und $1 00
of any drujtspn. rr by mail 8rapJ Frrr for
rtaiop lr. lt.ClliyrMWrU.Paal,lla.
ACTIVE fluctuations In the market offer op
portunities to speculators to make money tn
grain, stocks, bonds and petroleum. Prompt
personal attention gben to orders received by
wire or mail Correspondence solicited. Fnll
Information about the markets In our book,
which will he fnruarded free on ArjnllCAtlnn.
H. D. KYLE, Banker oad Brokar,
Is Bread and 51 Sw itrts, Xw TorkCltj.
Iron roofihg
SAMPtH-s- a I2 - I4
. Prices -
'i Eisrats onio Afims,
sprlnSia, Ohio.
Flavor, j
No pains are I
to make
these meats '
DC3 1 j
that can bo J
Peojile o t
are highly
with them
f fyoar Oroeer or Marketman do not kerj
lacm. wsd stlcsect to IranurA' Co.. Ctale,f
J. Leuty's Sons.
Hsadtomeitsnd bfliUqalpped Dsil;
let la theSUU. Best BmI. Mutton
a, veal. Lamb
and Bait Meats to b had aarwbers. Customonea
and 10 South Market Bt.
vnilsiCTL fnrnurnunrebaxof VVaataUnbrold
errtUk.wnuldcotsl Intkeuu. WnoLiniH Palcl
Lii seat enly when application lBcccmp&als4 or
txuiaeM aaro.
mtM rrToum irrVH BKtV
I atsv
m&r &n
- IG 6.I8.EAST 2NO S
v - osjv. ssga
Sheet Metal in any form
0!3 r - . w
V KAlAMC n iron.
- rf -. --nv l.a:
Rooms bXt. Mitchell Block.
S. 2. Cor. Main and Market Sta.
viavis or achixo tiith CArria
Masonic Building.
Hs. U3IBOCKEK, M and57 Arcade. Print:
er. Engraver and Fashionable Stationer.
WeddlnE goods and calltCE cards a specialty.
cabifbt itAKXE.rACExa axd scrAiasa.
110 W. Main St.
Office and W&remom. i& W. Mkln St.
Residence 192 W. UUh St.
riTTIH HtlSt,
3a w. Washington street
Models carefollT made and patterns pro peril
gated tn all metals.
lusiu or Tat 1. 1. Bitairr k sox'a book
b fan gar.
178 West Columbia, street.
General Book Hinders and Blank Book Manu
facturer. MACHINISTS.
IT N. Center it.
Practical Machinist and General Job Shop,
66 and 6S E. Wasblniton St.
Uk yonr retafl-r fer the Orlrlnml S3 6asu
Beware or temattona.
?f one Genuine anleas bearlnc this Beamy
1 UaJ In Duttot3.Coscre A Laoau
loess CTHTiwrin. unexevaea xn
pturanee. Apoatlcardant
j ns wm crxngyon iiuonnv
uoa sow io gn uus aoov
toanrstiteor Tenitorr.
TMt shoe stands bUhtr ta tb rstlzutloa of
Wearm than any other tn the world. Thooaands
whowesarttntUtiUyou UMreajoatrjoacakthaia.
succesfully used monthly by orer 10,000
J SI per box by maiLor at dnigjrlsta. Sealttl
.PnrticuLirt t postage stamps. Addreaa
isx mm s,T?ricn. i&x, wnioa, "ej
49- Hold br Frank UvabltaU as 4 Ad.
Uskbaus A Co.
m tv -a
B v Jl
B l Wk
KJ V.A ,
9 vvj jv
e s&2TTii . ootron.

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