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ttt Scml-Weckly Founded Wayne County Organ of the REPUBLICAN PARTY 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844 i 65th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1908. NO. 23 r mm sun. I Country Safe No Matter Who Is Made President. COLONEL HUGHES OPTIMISTIC. Ib Addressing liaaariers' Cobtcb tio&Ia Denver He Declares Caa pfuga Contributioas Oaght to Be. Pablishcd. Denver, Sept 30. The day's session of the conrcutlou of the American Bankers association was devoted to the meeting of the trust company sec tion of the association at the Brown ralnce hotel. The programme included addresses of welcome by Governor ifonry A. Buchtel of Colorado and Colonel William EL Hughes, president of the Continental Trust company of Denver: the reply of Philip S. Babcock, president of the trust company section. and his annual address. William E. Ilughes In his speech of welcome congratulated the assembly that It was In no sense partisan. It was a truth apparent to all. he said, that tfierc Is a great moral awakening In the land, and neither of the great political parties could. In his opinion. hope to retain or acquire power that did not promptly recognize this fact. He believed that the masses demand that the tariff must be radically re formed, that Individual and state rights must be fully recognized and the hon csty and Independence of the courts be at all times maintained, and that trusts, corporations and combinations, espe cially those dealing with the necessa ries of life, must hereafter do their work in the open and under the direct supervision of government, state or na tion. Continuing, he said: Political bribery and secret political campaign contributions and all black mailing must en. Our forests and other national resources must hereafter be bet ter preserred and education -In the pa Wei,' school adapted to meet the practical wants of everyday life. An adequate navy must be provided, the standard of all trusteeships must be raised, and a better system of banking and currency must P given to the country. All fair minded men feel that they owe more to their country than to any party, and they should refuse to contribute to any political victory that they do not think will make for the final eood. The longer I live the moro I respect the pa triot and the less I respect the Intense political partisan. When parties "are misled by sophisticated, sympathy mad leaders trumpeting- false calls to re form" there comes up to every citizen the question, "Is It for the final good?" These words and the further words that the moral awakening and popular reforms we here speak of have been "the work of de cent men of all parties" were some time ago among the last utterances to the people of one of Democracy's greatest statesmen. Gentlemen of the American Bankers' Association We. have the promise of both the great parties that the tariff and most of the other reforms called for shall In the end be brought about, and we have this to congratulate ourselves with the country Is fairly safe whichever way the election goes; thls-wave of moral reform In politics will give us a tolerably good administration whichever party may be In power you pay your money and take your choice; the Issues are not now wide ly different on the vital questions. If you pay money, however, as a campaign contribution to either party, see to It that the payment Is duly published. It looks batter so. Besides, a reformed pop ular taste demands It. As to banks, banking, trusts and trus teeships. I wish to say that I am opposed, and I am In hopes this American Bank- era' association Is opposed, to having gov ernment or anybody taxed by govern ment guaranty bank deposits. This Is socialism. And if they are so opposed I hopo they will by proper resolutions apeak out and say so. This guaranteeing on the part of the government, as I view It, Is au wrong In principle. The secretary's report and the re ports of the executive committee and the committee on protective laws were presented, and the remainder of the day was taken up with addresses and discussions. OBJECT TO HONEY. Numismatics Say Indian Girl on Pan ny Is Irish. Philadelphia, Sept. 30. The coinage f the United States was criticised at Xhe opening session of the American Numismatic association. In the re port of the committee ou new coin de signs the present issue, with the ex ception of the St. Gaudeu's eagle and double eagle, were pronounced inar tistic and unapproprlate. "The head on the cent is Irish, the daughter of a die sinker In a United States mint," says the report. "Some feathers were wrapped about her bead and aoincbody liked the effect; hcuce the design." Accused f Bigamy, Man Kills Self. New York, Sept. 30. Following a quarrel, during which bis wife accused him of being a bigamist, George Von der Schulcnburg. a druggist living at 100 East One Hundred and Twenty eight street, hurled himself from a fourth floor wludow down nn alrnhaft to the basement. He died in Harlem . hospital of fracture of the skull YLAUBIN EXPLAINS. Sjvt Monev Must Be Obtained tmt Achieve Political Progress. New York. Sept. 30.-Ex-United States Senator John Lowndes Me-' Laurtn of South Carolina gave out the following statement regarding letters made public bj W. II. Hearst: "An effort has been made to create a sensation by the publication of cer-, tain correspondence Itelwecn John 1). Archbold. vice president of the Stand ard Oil company, and myself. At the time the letters were written I was engaged In a bitter struggle in which was Involved not only my own polit ical future, but the economic and m lltlcal principles for which I stood. "In the support of these principles and the hope of this progress I saw then no impropriety in enlisting if practicable the assistance of the most progressively administered nud the most Intelligently officered coriKira Uon that human Intelligence lias yet produced. "If itollticnl campaigns are to lip run without money and iolitical progress is JOHN D. ARCHBOLD. to be achieved without financial ex penditure. It Is high time that lioth par ties should be apprised of the arrival of that Utopian era, but until that pe riod has arrived I can sec no reason why I whcnTiattling for what I con ceived to be the right should refuse to seek or decline to accept the supixirt. whether financial or personal, of which I stood in need. "I believe that the south and espe cially the state of South Carolina. Is today throttled In Its natural progress and its Intelligent exercise of the right of self government by nn oligarchy which keeps alive the prejudices of a post generation through the perpetua tion of ignorance and the fertilization of corruption. I shall welcome the day when the educational propaganda, which can only be spread by the use of money, whether It be Standard Oil moneyonr railroad money or any other money save that derived from the gov ernmental sale of whisky, will enable the people to see more clearly their own best Interests and east out those leaders whose hypocritical morality and ill disguised selfishness is respon slble for the fact that In the south illit eracy is greater and the increase of population and wealth slower than In any other great section of the Union." CLEVELAND LETTER A FAKE Brandenburg Admits Former President Did Not Writo Taft Indorsement. New York, Sept 30. Broughton Brandenburg, who sold the New York Times a letter Indorsing William II. Taft for the presidency and purport ing to hove been the work of former President Cleveland, will be the sub ject of an investigation by District Attorney Jerome. Brandenburg admitted that Mr. Cleveland did not sign the letter, but explained that It bad been written from conversations with the former president. Kern Grips Sherman's Hand. Chicago, Sept. 30. James S. Sher man and John W. Kern, the vice presi dential candidates, met accidentally here, gripped hands nud had n long talk. Market Reports. WHEAT One cent lower; contract grade. October. tt.OJal.OIH. CORN Quiet, but steady; No. 2. for lo cal trade. S7aS7c. OATS Firm and In fair demand; No. white, natural, 51ViaSSc. LIVE POULTRY-Qulet, but steady fowls. lzaKc.; old roosters. 9lial0c.: Purine chickens, HalSc; do., ducks, llallHc.; oli ducks. lOHallc. DRESSED POULTRY Firm and In fair demand; fresh killed fowls, choice, lla Uttc; do., fair to good, 124alJV4c.; old roosters. SVialOc.; western roasting thick ens. 17al8c.; do., broiling, liaHc. BUTTER Creamery, specials, Kc; ex tras. Sa&ttc; firsts. SaSVic.; stato dairy, good to finest, z2ttaSc.; process, specials, zlHc.; extras, 20Hc; Imitation creamery, firsts, lSUalOc.; ladles, firsts, 19c.; packing stock. No. I. 17al7Vic CHEESE State, full cream, specials, llViaHKc.: fancy, small, lie.; fancy, large, IZVtc.: good to prime, llalttic.: skims, IM pound specials, ltojc.; fine, SUaSUc EGOS Fresh gathered, extras, Kc; ex tra firsts, Ita:iV4c ; firsts, Zlazlc.; seconds, Hatte.: dirties, fresh gathered. No. L candled, 18alc.: No. J. 17ulSc; checks, ValTc; refrigerator, firsts, stornco paid, Caztvic.; seconds, storage paid, 20la2t!io. MILK Tho wholesale price Is ft.Cl per 40 quart can. ' BEN BAN WINS STAKE RACE. Takes First Place Easily In Feature Event at Aqueduct. New York, Sept. 30.-OIdurate was the real good thing in the first nice at Aqueduct, but the best she could do was to finish second to Bird of Plight after making nearly all the running, The Woodmen? stakes was an easy win for lien Pan, which ran to his best form. Stargowan opened up a lead of a couple of lengths and raced with Ben Ban. The two went along In this order to the stretch, where Ben T.... it .... i t.i... 1 .1 i ' Ban easily passed him and. drawing nway, won easily by two lengths. The winners: First Kaco.-Blrd of Flight IL. first; Oltduratc, second: Tncle Jim, third. Second IJaee. Sanguine, lirsl: Sara- clncsca. second: Queen Marguerite. third. Third Race. Live Wire, first: Tony Boiiern, second: Fort Johnson, third. Fourth Itace. Ben Ban. first: Whip Top, second: Stargowan. third. Fifth Itace. e rgo W. Lei ml t. first: Dan Do Noyles. second; ICschali, third. Sixth Race. Shadow Glance, first; Cliaplct, second; Tennis, third. TAN" ATTACKS UMPIRE. Blow Breaks Nose of an American League Arbitrator. Chicago, Sept. CO. Iloliort E. Cant- well, the well known local lawyer, will 1k arrested on complaint of Umpire Kerln of the American league, who he nssaulted following a game lietwcen the White Sox and the Boston team on the south side. When the umpire was leaving the park Cantwell came uon him una wares and hit him full in the noc. breaking It and rendering his victiir unconscious. BASEBALL SC0BES. Results of Games Played In the Na tional and the American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York-New York. C: Philadel phia, 2. Batteries Mat hewson. ISrcsna lian and Needliam; McQuIIlin. Jacklitsch and Dooln. Second Game Philadelphia. 7: New York. 0. Batteries Connleski and Ponln; Crandall, Taylor. I3rcpnahan and NeeJ- haiu. At Cincinnati CUchro. G; Cincinnati. 2. Batteries Brown and Kline; Ewing, Sal- vidge and Sclilel. At Pittsburg Pittsburg. 7: St. Louis. 0. Batteries Camnitz and Gibson; IllsKin bothnm and Bliss. Second Game Pittsburg. C; St. Ixuis. 5. Batteries Maddux, Willis and Gibson; Sallee, Fronune. Ithoades and I'.liss. At Boston Boston. 5; Brooklyn. 2. Bat teries Llndaman and Graham; lloll nud Farmer. STANDING OF THE CH'BS. W. I- P.C. w. I P.c Chicago... W 54 .CS Cincinnati 71 7S New York it! .VI .t31 Boston.... ! SI .1 Pittsburg. S S3 .(SI Brooklyn. IS SS Phlla'phia'S C7 Mi St. Louis. 13 100 .323 AMERICAN LEAGI'E. At Detroit Detroit. 4; Washington, L Batteries Willett and Schmidt; Wither- up, Johnson, Street and Kalioe. Second Game Detroit, 7; Washington. 3. Batteries Summers and Schmidt; Johnson, Cates and Street. At Cleveland Cleveland, 5; Pliiladel Ihla, 4 Batteries Berger and Bcmis Flater and Egan. Second Game Cleveland, 9; Plilladel phla. 0. Batteries Ithoades, Bemis and Land; Kellogg and Egan. At Chicago Chicago. 5; Boston. 1. Bat teriesWalsh and Schreek; Birchell, Wood and Donohue. Second Game Chicago, 2; Boston, 0. Batteries Walsh and Sell reck; Steele and Donohue. At St. Louis St Louis, f.; New York. 0. Batteries Howell and SiHincer; Lake and Sweeney. Second Game St. Louis, 2; New York, 0. Batteries Dlnecn and Smith; Man ning and Bialr. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. U P.c. w. I P.c. Detroit.... Sfi CI .5S5 Boston.... 70 70 .173 Cleveland. KC C! .DS1 Phila'phiaiS 73 .131 Chicago... K3 62 .57$ Wash'ton. CI SI .13.1 St. Louis. S2 G5 .55S New York 4S 97 .331 M0BE VOTES FOB NEW Y0BK Suspended Sentence Doesn't Cancel Citizenship, Court Rules. Albany, X. Y., Sept. 30. In n deci sion handed down by the court of ap peals It Is held that a person who has been convicted of a crime and upon whom sentence was suspended can vote without first having been re stored to citizenship. It Is understood the decision will af fect the right of about 20,009 t0 vote in this shite. REJECTED HAN KILLS NIECE Shoots Widow While Her Children En deavor to Protect Her. New York, Sept. 30. Mrs. Helen Itonch, nn attractive widow, was shot dead by her uncle, ItolxTt Woods, be cause she refused to marry liliu. Po lice have been unable to find him. Ho entered the woman's sleeping npiirtmeiit nnd fired while her two chil dren, a boy nnd a girl, wero cllngiug to her neck. Canadian Pacific Strike Nearinjj End. Winnipeg, Mini., Sept. 30. Indica tions arc that the Canadian Pacific railroad mechanics' strike has col lapsed. Hell Hardy, who has been conducting the strike, arrived to con fer with Vice President Whyte and If possible arrange for the men to be taken back, It is said. Efficiency In the Public Schools. Colonel Charles W. Larncd's lndlct- meat of the nubile schools 6f the coun- try on the ground of their Inefficiency, recently published In the North Amerl- J Review, is timely In so, far as It , lnJprcss individual teachers of the country pcrhapi The educational , conventions of the year are over; plans for the school sessions ahead have been adopted and will be adhered to hi most cases. The colonel, who is in structor at West Point, bases his paper upon experience with applicants for admission to the Military academy who have come from the public schools. It appears that out of 351 applicants forthecadctships examined last March 223 failed, and all of them had studied an average of ten years In the coun try's common nnd high schools. Ap parently every swtlon and nearly every state was represented in the poor showing made by the failures. Colonel Lamed states that the require ments of the examination should easily be met by all graduates of any "well organized high school." The subjects called for were not above the high school classes, rerhaps the failures Included many who would have been expected by their past teachers to fall because of their lack of application while nt the public schools. Many pupils of this kind arc to bcv found In most all schools nnd, while they are nmbitious to get on In 'the world, ex pect to do so by sheer luck. Some times, it may be, student failures arc the fault of the school, but. as a rule, the teachable boy or girl can learn enough In the lower school to carry him to the classes higher up. One criticism of our educators Is that they attempt too much. Doubtless, too. many pupils nt school expect too much for the work they arc willing to put In and are surprised and resentful over what Is largely their own fault Anarchy That Is "Just as Bad. It seems that the firm of stockbro kers which failed In New York ow ing millions really used a capital of only $500,000 to manipulate stocks rep resenting over 10,000,000. There was little real value back of any of their deals, and the largo transactions In which they engaged were the wildest kind of gambling, even for Wall stree: This Is a condition of financial anarchy and Is us destructive of confidence. which Is the soul of business, as an other kind of anarchy is, or alms to be, of property. Conservative business men, even those who believe in stock Invest ments, arc continually decrying the wild methods of speculation which brought ruin to Brown & Co. and nnauclal loss to their clients. It Is an axiom with conservatives that one should not risk in stocks money they cannot afford to loose. The Brown firm risked but little, yet its patrons risked and lost millions, burely no knot of Investors can dropso much in one flurry wlthoutisonie of 'the number feeling It keenly. DTere Is .at least one field where guarantees of a fair deal are needed. And there already exists one form of- guarantee which eager in vestors too often overlook the guar antee thatigoes witli established repu tation. Broilers may be found in every financial center who draw the line at methods which If tliey shall become general, will destroy all confidence and bring anarchy on nlL the business -world. The Drift From Bryan. This drift of Democrats away from Dryan and over to Taft In many of the southern states has moro significance than may appear on the surface. It marks a tendency which is undoubt edly In operation all over the country. Whllo thd chango of base may not bo great enough to sweep au of the old southern Democratic fastnesses Into tho Republican column. It will count for much In the northern naid western states, whore there Is no negro Issue to hold men In lino for a ticket whoso head they distrust and whose princi ples they hate. Hundreds of thousands of men who voted for Bryan In his two previous canvasses will he against him this year. Coatesvllle Times. It seems like a steprfrom tho sublime to the ridiculous for the winner of a Marathon race to go upon thn vaude ville stage, but one cannot 11 vo and keep house on glory n!one. Here's hoping. that If nnvjfako lion hunter mistakes. Itoosovclt Ifor lawful game down In tho .African; Jungle he will do his shootlnguvlth nfako gun. When the nlry navies nvt to scrap ping, tin chief worry erf dho victors will be to.lnndithelr'captlviMshlpH. MemlHmi of (Don't Worrycluh:. don't, need to worayv5;r theJrjimpnld due LOCAL MENTION. Port Jcrvis people arc trying the oil reinwn lor me auaiemeiu oi im una nuisance on some of their streets, and aro much pleased with the results. T"e ' applied at intervals of about a J -William 1, a lormer station Qf that nllage. Her father was long con agent of the Erie Kailroad, atMastHoiw, nected ,Tith the Weston poUery in that is now confined in an insane asylum, at placei and when WM 8tm in her AewarK, a. j. mis nnnu uecau.e balanced by too much study and reading OI UIC lilUle. I As a compensation for the drouth, turkeys arc said to be plentiful for Thanksgiving. There was much dry weather all summer, which is just the kind to cause young turkeys to thrive. The brooding season was warm and there were nn heavy rains to kill off the young birds. There were only 173,000 idle freight cars in the United States, Sept. 10, 190S, the reduction in two weeks being -W.OOO. The greatest number of idle cars was at the end of April, of this year, the num- ber reaching -1 13,000. The above state- nient clearly show s that business con-1 ditions arc certainly improving. I The stretch of Stateroad, 7,700 feet in length, '.between the lUislikilL Creek bridge andthe Iliverside Hotel, Lehman township, Pike county, will be built by the HerrickConstructionCo.,of Strouds- lmr" il i rmilmrt nrire of $11 !V!) 4S I unr, .11 a conir.ici pritL oi ?ii,.hm -to. The section to be built is part of the fa-1 llious Mllfonl turnpike, which has long henn tn much in neivl nf remir nq In be I rurc " as lon as Jml are constipated. In UCCIl SO IllllCIl in Iieeu Ol ripair as lo UU . . Kennlvs Laxative -iiih Svmn. uiipassaoie in rainv w earner. I E. E. Stebbins, a well-known farm er, writes to the Star of Oneonta, -that despite the prevailing drought he has a spring from which he can furnish ten thousand people with a gallon of water each, even- day in the. year. As proof of his claim he gives the following rath er unique figures. "It takes just one minute to catch three gallons per hour, or -1,320 every twenty-four hours." This is almost as puzzling as the "If a hen and a-half, etc.," problem. Through the Waymart Exchange of the Consolidated. Telephony Co., Ilones- tlale, using the lines of the Northeastern Telephone Co., now has telephone con nection with Forest City, Dundaff, Clif ford, Welsh Hill, South Gibson, Gibson, Harford, Xew Milford, Heart Lake, .Montrose, Hallstead and Great Bend in usquehanna county. The Xorth East ern Jlias connections not only with the Consolidated, but with the York State Telephone Co., in Binghamton, N. Y., I he Pennsylvania Mutual Telephone Co., f Nicholson, Pa., and with the Susque hanna Telephone Co Wr take the following item concern ing a inruierpastorof the Baptist church f Ilouesdale, from the "Personal and reitinent"coluinn of last Friday's Scran ton Times One of the most versatile and one of the nioi-t interesting conversationalists, :uul one of the best read men I have met in some time is Kev. Dr. Edwin Mac- Minn, pastor of the Baptist church of Onlton. Pa. Dr. MncMinu's father was an nutitiuarinn nnd a naturalist and hot must ol more than onlmnrv nuihtv, and his son inherited his tastes. Dr. Mac- Minn has one of the finest, if not most -,mi..l(.ii. m-il hisl tmnnmlnfriptl enllie. ompiete ui.-t mini raiogicai conic- lions in the Nate, there is an impression in many parts of Pennsylvania that the roads built under the supervision of the State Highway Department, at an average ex pense of $8,000 a mile, are costing too much, and in some localities experiments 4 are being made to determine whether or not fhpv on ii lu constructed hv thn tow n- ship officials equally well and at a nulch lower figure. The plan has the approval ..r ,i. c,o... i : oughly tested in Loyalsock township, Lycoming county, where the supervisors have bough, a stone crusher and steam roller, mill fnnp tn work with a will, The section abounds in limestone, which is crushed on the spot , so that all freight charges are saved. , , ouldn't it be a good plan for some . . o. uut .iiiimi-ui oi oloii-csioiiui l'""'" , . , f . grapners to """race us opponumiy secure pictures oi "ine ureal urougm in Honesdale?" We have line views of tli trrnnt flnml slinwim. Inure niles of , " , , ... I.. 11.. 1 1 . .1 ,l.nM ctwania llnpl'- 11.1; 1111 lll,la.lll .Hilt if I III 4 aiut.wi u.uun ing travel, to be sure, but detracting lit tle from the general beauty and pictur esqueness of the town. Why not give us some photographs of the dearth, as well as superabundance of water, show ing dry river beds, empty lakes, silent fountains, and I he overworked sprinkler? Without some such reminders wc may "W "u" mcse ury, uubiy unu muok.v uiiys wneii again win. Ke.. .c pallor, murmur, falls the rain upon tho "'" tMiriiei(is,oiirroau8,ouriirea..., j and all nature, cry aloud that "it is a - 1 1HK between drinks." i Tired Mothers, worn out by the peevish, cross Imby have found Cactaswivt a boon ,, i.i,.kln!' I'.-ispMuuiq-l is for bailies imtl I t-lillilri'u.auil IsexiHfhillyuiKHl for the ills so j "i j I J harmful druus. Sold by 1'KlL.Tuo Urut'l-'lst. Ib Menorlaaa. Mrs. Elizabeth Baker Ketchum died in Wilcox, this State, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Clearwater, on Uie niornjng ( gcpt , j0i 190Sf at the age of 73 vears and 4 months. She was bom in ElenviIl e, X. Y., the onlv child of Allen Baker, a highly respected resident lceng , ,a,e William W. Weston hav ing mli,tan establishment for the manu factum nt ctna.u-i in Tfnnnculnln XIi- Baker came here and broueht Elizabeth with him, her mother having died when the child was two years old. In the early fifties Miss Baker was married to William Dav Ketchum, of Bcthanv, who died about twenty years ago, leaving to survive him, besides his wife, a son and daughter, the latter now Mrs. A. A Clearwater, and the former Allan Baker Ketchum, both of Wilcox. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Ketchum has been tenderly cared for at the home of her daughter. After some years of delicate health her death came suddenly, following only a few hours of suffering ; and a local journal says that "when it was known that "Grandma Ketchum" had passed away, it waa a great shock, and there was grief, earnest and sincere." nr.ryre.'iSn notonlyShUeaU irritation oi me mroat anu stops ine coucn. . . .. lho r flua 7S: through Its laxative principle by assuring a is the onlv wav to euro a raid. You cant com oy rr.iL.. ine uruscisi. AT THE LYRIC OCT. 6. With "Othello." SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE liKAL KSTATK.-By virtueof process is sued out of the Court oi Common picas or Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to ine directed nnd delivered. I have lev ied on and.w-ill exiiosc to public sale, at the Court House in Houesdale, on Kltin.VY. OCTOBER 9. 1908. at2r.M.. All flip defendant's rleht. title and Interest In the following described property, to wit: All that certain niece or parcel of land sit uate in the towntliip of Canaan, County ot Wayne. State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: "HKlilNMMi at the Mlirordanil uweco Turnpike: thence south seventeen decrees west about twenty-seven rods and twenty two links: thence sixty-four decrees east about nine rods and six links: tnence nortu seventeen decrees cast twenty-four rods to I lie tiinmlkR aforesaid:! hence west alone said I turnpike about elcht rods and six. links to ,ue p,aco t) ocsnl,m!j. CONTAINING one unit urnnan tiurua in num. nunc ui ma. Heme same lanu wnicn .Mommore ruunii conveyed to Truman Sprasrue by deed dated recorded In Deed Book No 97. pace 165. Upon said premises is a one and a half story house and frame barn and other Improve ments. Spired nnil t.'iWpn liipxprtiilnn ns tbODron; ertyot Truman Spracueat the suit of U. B liuiher. No. 157 June Term. 1908. Judement 1 vxinl dAiit AV7 ' Mumford. Attorney. TERMS OF SALK.-CASH. L hascr to pay . for deed as in Sherlfl's VM. r. HOADKNIGHT, Sheriff. sncrlirs uiuce. noncsuaie. -yEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is j.t hereby given that tho accouutanta nf Whviip Cnniitv. Pa., nml Mint thn same will cPr In llonesdaie. on the fourtn Monday or- un First and final account of B. C. Doyle, cx- iccuioroi mu estate ui alien u juium, 1 mart. I r .rsi unu unu. iiccuuuuui vr. anu j. h. Stevenson, executors of the estate oi if. I T ,lllnt.l.,. U',n..f -ahdnalnt of Paul E. O'Neill. administrator or the estate oi unarics v. v1.Vrst ami maiaccount'of Mavme Kc Carey, administratrix of the estate of will- nam II. Barey, Scrnnton. I.' I... .....1 1 Wl AV. i Aiioi'iiiiv. until ulujuiii. u. vj i iiuj ivuiur ui lucL-aiuiuuidi-SM: it . jiuyuca, i teu ton. First and final account of Emma Furle. ad ministratrix of the estate of Patrick Purlo, Preston. First and final account of A. E. Slsson and O, N. Uatcs, executors ot the estate ot 8. 11. Hales, Damascus. First and Html account of Lottie P. Ltmo, administratrix ot the estate ot Patrick F. Moran, Lebanon. Supplementary account of S. N. Cross, ad ministrator ot Harriet A. Cliff, Kterlluc, First nnd Html account ot Charles A. Mc carty, administrator of tho estate, ot An drew 1-natz. I ly berry. First ami Until account of Isaac I), (Invllt, executor ot the last will of.Vlolettu (lavllt, Damascus. First and final account of Minnie Kckbcck,, administratrix of the estate of John A. Kck-bet-k, l'mipack. , rirsi unu tllilll account ui v liimiu it. Osborne, executor of the estate of Carolina lllstel, lli-eher. First and lluiil account of-Koeene Swlncle. executor of the estate of Peter IleUol, South Canaan. I' irst and account of A. T. noarie, ex- eeiitor of the estuttt of .Maria j. nullum, rresloll K, W, Uahmkll, Kcelntur,