Newspaper Page Text
t CENT A WORD COLUMN; K 1 WATTRT1 A Qtpnnirrnnhpr with n knnwl- vueuui iuuKnix'luii; xiiiiuiiu Vsiur.i'ii mine. ... 1 ..i. T. ..I till ..111.... LOST. Wednesday, on the llonesdale fair grounds, n pockctbook containing n smnll amount of cash. In bills, a check for $12., mid other valuable papers to the owner. Pay ment has been stopped on the check. The finder may retain the cash If he will return the vocketbook anil other contents to the "Jou mil." l'cckvllle. Ia. lw WAYNE FARM ADKNCY.-H you have ny farm property or realty of any kind, you ..... thui nt nner n.i.l ttmtuirfv nny can i will ll beiulvertlsed through the bulled Stales. semi mr circular. WAYNK FARM AdUXCY, Honcsdnle. I'a. Hit I APPLES WANTED. Second grade apples will be loaded for ten days, comment-jug Thursday, Sept. ifltli. at l.uku Ariel station switch. KIS'lV Ml lllttlS. 2U4 WiVTiriii ci.iinltut- lii nvprv vnshln. Good pay for the right party, Inquire ("IT1 ZKX liKKIIMC. itttf MISS HARDENRKKUH. of Scranton. teacher of piano, theory and sight-reading. Private und class lessons. Fridays and Sat urdays in llonesdale. LOCAL NEWS. The Republican Club have placed a new sign nver'the entrance of their headquatters. Marl in Cauucld lias just erected a handsome granite monument over six feet high, on the RirdssM plot, in Glen Dyberry. JT The llonesdale Improvement Socic- ' ty is requested to meet in the lodge rooms in the Independent building, Tuos '"""fl'ay, Oct. (ith, at 4 o'clock. A large at ( tendance is desired. Friday, Oct. 2d, we !U Iiavc "Bus ter Hrown" at the Lyric ''hcatrc, with Master Heed in the titiv part. This ia one of the best of the many musical comedies that are now bidding for favor. The" chorus we are promised is said to be large and most comely of face and form. This attraction should offer us an en joyable evening at the playhouse. In 1830 there were only 23 miles of railroad in the United States; at present there are some 220,000 miles in opera tion. The Lackawanna is the highest priced railroad stock in the world. The par value of its shares is $50, and the price now ranges from $500 to $000. Its dividends are enormous. Its capital stock is only $20,200,000. The road is owned by the Rockefellers, Stillmans, Astors and others. Freeman's popular Theatoriam and Nickelette moving picture shows open every night, are maintaining their popu larity, notwithstanding the attractive ness of more costly entertainments. "The Blue and the Gray; or the Days of '01," on exhibition the balance of the week, will undoubtedly capture the old sol diers, all of whom are cordially invited by the management to attend without cost. Last Sunday's Philadelphia Press contained a very interesting illustrated article in which Frank G. Carpenter gave an account of the Kimbcrly diamond mines of South Africa, from which $25, 000,000 worth of glittering gems are pro duced annually. Among the pictures of Americans at Kimberly, the portrait of John T. Fuller, manager of the Dutoits pan mine, is recognizable in a group of three of the local officials. It was with Mr. Fuller, who is a son-in-law of An drew Thompson of this place, and now here with his wife and child, that Mr. Carpenter explored the underground Workings of the Dutoitspan, one of the largest diamond mines of the world, the profit on the ore raised daily amounting to $37,000, or 25 cents a minute, week in and week out. Over $100,000 a month for wages and $45,000 for other expenses, is also paid from the product of the blue ground. Mr. Fuller is a graduate of the Lehigh University, and had had considerable experience in the DeBeers mines before his marriage. Kimberly has wide streets and amusement groundi, theatre, churches and hotels. The city is lighted by electricity and has all mod ern improvements, water being brought from the Vaal river, seventeen miles away. The will of the late John Riefier has been probated. It was made August 26th last, and witnessed by Homer Greene and Walter M. Fowler. The ex ecutors are his children, John G. Riefier, William F. Riefier and Emma E. Taylor, and his son-in-law, E. Darwin Penwar den. First he provides that his burial plot in tho Lutheran cemetery shall have perpetual care, by the deposit of $100 with the Scranton Trust Company, the income of which is to be used for that purpose. To his daughter Lydia he gives all the furniture, plate, crockery, linen and other personal property in his dwelling at the time of his decease, with the exception of money, bonds or other securities or personal papers. His ex ecutors are to manago his share in the firm of Rieller & Sons', Incorporated, in the interest of his daughter Lydia, pay ing her the income derived therefrom as long as she lives. At her death, if sho dies without issuo,the bequeathed prop erty roverts to the general estato for dis tribution among tho other hoirs. With the exceptions named above, all of the decedent's property Is given to his living children and tho children of such as are deceased, the former to share alike and tho latter to tako equal parts of the slinro to which tho parent, if living, would have been entitled. Vernon Rief ier, a grandson, who has already been equitably provided for, is excepted from this arrangement. Anthony Bucrkett has purchased a handsome Ludwig piano of W. J. Mc Intvre. On account ot the Jewish holiday of Atonement, Katz Brothers store will be closed on Monday, Oct. 5th. A report of Pomona Grange, at South Canaan, by W. H. Bullock, ap pears on the fourth page of to-day's Citizen. "Forty Hours Devotion" starts at St. John's (R. C.) church at 10 o'clock mass, Sunday morning next, and ends on the Wednesday morning following. PERSONAL. -Daniel O'Keefe, of Scranton, is call ingou llonesdale friends. William Smith, of Scranton, ii spending n few days in town. -Mrs. Kate Allen, of New York citv, is being entertained by llonesdale rela tives. -On account of sickness, W. J. Mc- Intyre did not exhibit jiianos and organs at the Fair. Mrs. Win. Batten and son James, of Matamoras, are being entertained by Clemo relatives. -William Lynott, Sunt, of the 01 v- pliant Electric Light Co., was a visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. Lucy Mooney, of Olyphant, and Miss Alice Mooney, of Scranton, are spending a few days in town. Miss M. Grace Salmon, of North Main street, is the guest of her aunt, Mrp. Win. H. Millspaugh,of Port Jervis. Horace Lyons, of Olyphant, em braced the opportunity while visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ly ons, to tako a peep at the county fair. William Vetter, clerk" at the Hones- dale postoflice, has resigned his position. His successor is Fred. Lestrange, who has been substitute mail carrier. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Woodward, of Peckville, and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Will man, of Jcrniyn, attended the Wayne county fair on Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. H. Dorllinger, of White Mills, and Mrs. A. T. Searle, of llones dale, are passing this wesk in New York city, and are registered at the Hotel Wolcott. Marriage licenses have been grant ed to the following: Wm. Kinney and Pearl Eck, both of Tafton, L. II. Ruen berg, of Clifford, and Ruth II. Lamor caux, of Dundaff. Hon. and Mrs. A. B. Dunsmore, of Wellsboro, Tioga county, are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, their first born, Sept. 20th. Tho happy mother was formerly Miss Sadie E. Ball, of this place. ' " " Fred. WWanKirk is shaking hands with tho older llonesdale boys this week. If for no other reason, we ought to en courage the county fair for giving us at least an occasional sight of our former townsmen. George L. Waltz called at our office on Thursday morning, and we are pleased to note that time does nofc change him from being the 'same warm-hearted, genial comrade that we have known for so many years. Frederick Horn, grandson of Fred erick Schimmcll, of this place, was mar ried in Rochester, N. Y., on Wednesday last, September 30th, li)0S,to Mrs. Cath erine Stevetts. Mr. Schimmel was a guest at the wedding. James Cody, formerly of Keens, where he has a sister still living on the old family homestead farm, is paying his friends hereabouts a visit this week. He has attained aldcrnianic proportions dur ing his absence, and still wears tho gen ial smile of old. Willett rj. Sherwood, of Brooklyn, who has beeii accustomed to spending his summer vacations with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Menner, of this place, has been taken to a hos pital to undergo an operation for appen dicitis. His grandfather, Levi II. Slier wood, and his father, Hiram Sherwood are both natives of llonesdale. Henry Petersen, who died in Chi cago, of typhoid fever, a few days since, was a son of J. II. A. Petersen, who many years ago was organist of St John's Ev. Lutheran church, of this place, and a successful teacher of music. The deceased was twenty-three years of age, and besides a wife and infant child, is survived by his parents and a number of brothers and sisters. Willis P. Sweatnam, the well-known theatrical favorite, who has been spend ing his summer at his country home at Lako reedyuskung, Rowland, Pike Co., with his nieces, Dorothy and Virginia Allison, is a guest of O. L. Rowland, 10th street. The visitors ami their hosts occupied a box at the Lyric, on Wed nesday evening, and it was much to the credit of "The Lily and the Prince" that the veteran actor accorded thu perform ance his hearty applause. The familiar llguro of LeviL, Patter son is conspicuous by its absence on the Fair Ground race-track this year. Tim genial horseman is wearing his usual happy smile, however, hut it is not in spired by his usual victory on our trot ting course. On Tuesday a little girl visitor made her appearanco in his fam ily, and as she has given them to under stand that her call is likely to he a pro tracted one, Mr. Pat terson has wisely de ferred all Hther matters, in order to rou nder her that attention which is her due, Sidney R. Hcnwood, who has been an invalid for a number of years, was taken to Dr. Reed Burns's hospital, in Scranton, on Tucsdav, for treatment. Pickpockets appear to have got m pretty effective work during the present county fair. Among those who are re ported to have suffered from the atten tions of the light-fingered gentry to a greater or less extent arc J. W. Bnrchcr, E. B. Ilollistor, Ezra Wagner, Ex-Commissioner George W. Taylor, William Taylor and E. Quintin. "Tip of the Tongue," in Tuesday's New York Press, pays this tribute to Ed. H. Mott : . Who is to be the historian of Lacka wanna as Ed. Mott was of Erie? Mott was one of Charles A. Dana's "bright young men." He could write more nature fakes to the column than all the men summoned before President Roose velt: and it is amazing he did not get a call to the White House. His "History of Erie" is a standard work. Hu hunt ed, lished, dreamed and made his. living along the line by sending to several newspapers in New York marvelous yarns of men, quadrupeds, fishes, fowls of the air, etc. He imbibed the atmos phere of Erie, and when the psychologi cal moment arrived put everything into a hook, which sold at and is still selling at something like $7.50 a volume. Miss Edyth Totten, who is to appear in "Othello" on Tuesday evening next, at the Lyric, is one of tho leading club women in the United States, being a member of seventeen ladies' associa tions, and the organizer of several, in cluding the New Yorkers, one of the most prominent in the country. She has kindly consented to give a talk in the Odd Fellows' lodge room at 4 o'clock on Tuesdav afternoon, under the aus pices of the llonesdale Improvement Association, .which will doubtless prove instructive and interesting, and which will be free to all ladies who may desire to attend. A feature of peculiar interest in Mc- Clure's Magazine for October, following as it does Hugo Munsterberg's article on "Prohibition and Social Psychology," is a paper by Dr. Henry Smith Williams on "Alcohol and the Individual." Dr. Williams declares that experiments have shown that the effect of alcohol is every where depressive, that it is a narcotic, not astiinulant, and that its use, even in moderate quantities, reduces man working efficiency ten per cent. General Kuropatkin continues his secret history of the Russo-Japanese war, and Ellen Terry tells of the death of Henry Irving, the great, actor, who, when asked what he had got out of life, said: "Well, a good cigar, a good glass of wine, good friends." In fiction there is A Great Ghost Story by Perceval Landon; A Vivid RacingStoryby A. E.Thomas; Acliarm ing Love Story by Temple Bailev; A Weird Tale of an Oriental Adventure by 11. G. Dwight; A Stirring Western Ad venture Story by George C. Shedd; A Pathetic Story of Chicago Tenement Lift by Clara E. Laughlin. Church Notes. KPltiOOPAI,. The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Hoard of Missions in the Archdeaconry of Scranton will he held in Grace church, on Wednesday, October 7th, with the following program: 10:30 A. m. Holy Communion. 11:30 A. m. Business Meeting. 1:00 r. m. Luncheon. 2:30 r. M. Address by Miss Lindley, of the New York Junior Auxiliary, and Mrs. Harvey P. Waltz, who has resided in l'ortoiRico for the past two years, and is intimately acquainted with con ditions there. All are invited to hear these addresses. All communicant Chris tians are invited to the Holy Cominun ion. There will be a choral service at Grace Episcopal church, on Sunday evening at 7:30. Rev. A. L. Whittaker will preach at White Mills, on Sunday, at 3 r. m. FHESIlYTKItlAN. The Presbyterian Sunday school had tho most successful "Rally t Day" last Sunday in its history. The attendance was large, and enthusiasm and earnest ness marked all the exercises. The Lord's Supper will bo celebrated in the PresbyU-rian church next. Sunday morning. Service preparatory to the Communion on Fridav evening in the chapel. Rally Day for the Christian Endeavor Society next Sunday evening at (i:30 in the chapel. At 7:30 Sunday evening, Dr. Swift will speak on "An Example of Splendid Daring." The ladies of tho Presbyterian church win give one oi tneir novel suppers on Oct. 22d. Rev. Dr. Holmes, of Philadelphia editor, novelist and preacher of right eousness, a man well-known for his eloquence and power, will speak in the Presbyterian church, Sunday morning, Nov. 1st on "The Race Question." A Bkahtikiu, Every American with real red blood in his veins loves our flag. Hut do you possess a good one? You can get. a beautiful Hag al most free if you will send $3 50 to Tho Philadelphia Press. This will entitle you to The Press daily, except Sunday, for one year, by mail, postage paid, and olso a lino hand-sowed flag, size 3x." feet, fast colors, fully guaranteed. This Hag also is really worth the amount asked and then you get the great homo news paper of Philadelphia. If your children are set agood example thev will learn to love "Old Glory" as they should he taught. To-day is thu lime to order. Send all nidcrii to Circulation Depart meat of Tim Press, or hand your order to tho newsdealer or postmaster, COUNTY FAIR. If the managers of the county fair had had a special contract with the clerk of the weather, matters could not have turned out more auspiciously for the an nual cxhihition.of ' the Wayne County griculturnl Society. The copious rain of Monday and Monday night, although giving a discouraging outlook at the time, proved to be a great benefit, as the dust was effectually laid by the downpour, the roads and track beaten into excellent condition, and the people of the county put in the best of humor for an outing. This was not bo conspic uously manifested by thu attendance on Tuesday ; but on Wednesday the "record-breaker" got in its innings, thu grounds being invaded by the biggest crowd of people ever seen on the banks of the Dyberry. Yesterday was an other big day, so we may well infer that tho 1908 fair has been a pronounced suc cess financially, whatever rank it may tako as an exhibition. Indeed it mav honestly be said that in some past years, at least, the show of livestock and farm products has been more extensive than at this fair ; but when weather condi tions and other drawbacks are taken in to account there is small reason for fault, finding. As we expect to give a detailed report of tho exhibition, with a list of'tho pre miums awarded, later on. we refrain from further comment in this issue. The results of Tuesday's and Wednesday's trials of speed were as follows: The fair on Tuesday was not largely attended. The chief attraction was the excellent, acrobatic work of the Berry family, father, mother, two sons and a daughter, and the races. Joseph Mc- Mahon, of Susquehanna, was starter. Seven horses started in each of the two races. The 2:40 race resulted as fol lows : Lyndon, s. g., Gardner, Sheldrake, N. Y., Miss Starr, b. in., Osborn, 1 1 1 -Monticello, N. Y., Silvia Borgia, Theobald, llonesdale, Star B., hlk. g., Daisy Bell, b. in., Monies, llonesdale, Bell B., b. in., Lavalard Girl, Cramer, ayniart, Time: 2:35; 2:30; 2:30. 4 d'm Lavalard Girl had a wreck on the up per turn and was injured. The driver, Holand, was knocked out for a short time. The 2:10 race went four heats, Russell Dunn, breaking under the wire in the third heat, was put back to second place. Russell Dunn, b. g., Snyder, Duiimore, 1 Guy Tell, b. in., Crockenberg, Wavmart, 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 Spinner, ch. in., Machan, Monticello, N. Y., Vernie M., g. in., Lawrence, 3 2 3 Uurleyville, JN. l ., Miuisink Maid, blk. in., Hayne, Unionville, N. Y., Arlington Hoy, 8. h., McClusky, Newton, N. ,J., Post. Haste", b. g., Tenant, Clark's Summit, 4 0 4 3 f. 0 dr Time : 2:22 ; 2:23 ; 2:22 ; 2:23. Judges : L. Sherwood, Jcrmyn; Chas. A. McArdle, llonesdale. Timers, Wm. G. Blakney, llonesdale ; John O'Con noil, Susquehanna. Judge and starter, Joseph P. McMahon, liveryman, Susque haniia. There were two races on Wednesday, a colt race and a special race. F. J: Crockenberg's Midnight Bell captured tho colt, race in three straight heats Henry Theobald's Sylvia Borgia was a close second in every heat. Mr. Theo bald has a well-broken colt and barring accidents will push some of the fast ones. Results : Midnight Bell, bk. g ., Crock Theobald, enuerg, Waytnart Sylvia Borgia," s. in. 111 lionesuaie. Little Gem, Poeppel, Ilawley. Daisy Bell, b. m., Monies, llonesdale. Time : 2:39)4', 2:39M, 2:40. 4 3 3 3 4 4 The special race was a hot contest be tween Lone Sis and Vcrnia M., with Ar Iington Boy and Miss Star fighting for third money. Results : Lone Sis, b. m., Wynkoop, Ellenville, N. Y. Vernia M.,g. m., Lawrence, Uurleyville. 1 1 1 Arlington Boy. s. g., McClusky, jNOWtOll, rs. J. Miss Starr, b. m., Osborn, Monticello, N. Y. Time : 2:28, 2:2(1, 2:27 3 4 3 4 3 4 Candidate For Representative. W. E, PER1IAM. Autumn and Winter Goods Now on Display at Menner & Co., Keystone Stores . Chic in Style. Latest in Cloth. Best in Fit. . "Mo Models to fit all forms in Ladies, Misses and Juniors Long Coats. Evoning Cloaks, Fur Jackets, Collars and Muffs. NEWEST FOR 1908. Menner & Co.'s Department Stores. . The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealer's to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. THE ONIjY IIjACE IN HONESDAIjE ft II II TAU'O MIVFtTI DIIUTC AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE IfHIL I UN 0 illlAtU rAIR 15 is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS: 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. .. 2d The painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. j. i 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint? at his own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Painfthat proves defective. ' 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend its use to others. ' ' - Dreher. Sept. 29th. The dedication of the new Moravian church, at Newfoundland, on Sunday, Sept. 27th, was a notable event in the church history. The consecration sermon was delivered by Hev. W. Strohanorer, ,and short ad dresses were madeby Uev.A. E. Francke, the pastor, and Rev. Edward MacMillan, of Sterling. Tho music was of a high order, and the exercises, both in the afternoon and evening, were entertain ing and instructive, and reflect much credit, upon the pastor and congregation. Collections amounting to nearly $400 were taken up at theclose of the services, and there is still a small indebtedness on the church edifice. All danger from forest fires was al layed by tho heavy rain that fell in this section," and wo sincerely hopo that all the districts in danger of fire have had a liberal downpour. We certainly have reason to be thankful for the rain that has come in time to prevent suffering to both man and beast. A building that was used by lumber men years ago as a boarding house, situated south of the road leading from Newfoundland to Gouldsboro Station, was destroyed by fire on Sunday evening, catching from sparks from forest fires nearby. It was occupied by Peter Ben der aiid family, and they succeeded in saving a part of their household goods. A valuable horse belonging to Arthur Akers, of Sterling, was killed last Friday evening, near Gouldsboro Station. Mr. Akers was working at Gouldsboro, and while there turned thu animal in pasture and in some way it got on the railroad track and was struck by a passing train. Charles C. Bnrth has sold his farm to Mrs. Amelia Oppelt, from whom ho purchased it about one year ago. Mr. Barth is engaged in poultry breeding and raising, and is looking for a suitable place, for sale or rent, to continue the business. IJenj. Cross, a niotorman, of Scranton, spent Saturday and Sunday in Dreher. Mrs. Sallie Martin, a resident of Johns town, Pa., for two years or more, has returned to her old or former homo in Sterling. At tho residenco of Mrs. Addio Wolfe, of Dreher, mother of the bride, at noon of Sept. 23d, by Row E. MacMillan, of Sterling, Miss Lizzie Wolfe was united in matrimony to John Bigart, of Ariel. Miss Mao Walker, of Salem, was the bridesmaid, and Ernest Wolfe, brother of tho bride, was tho groom's attendant. The happy young couple went on a trip to Atlantic "City, and will, on their re turn, go to housekeeping at Lake Ariel. They have tho best wishes of a host of friends and relatives for success in wed ded life. Albert, an infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert George, was born Sept. 15th, and died Sept. 17th. Interment in tho old Moravian cemetery. Kodol Is a combination of natural . diges tive Juices und It divests all classes nt food nnd every kind of food, so you see It will do the work that tliu .stomach Itself does. Tho only difference, between It and the. stomach Is tho stomach can set out of order milt Kodol cannot, but Kodol can put thu stomach In good order, liny Kodol today. It is guaran teed. Hold by 1'KIL. Thu Druggist. Rums, bruises and scratches, big and llttlo cuts or in fact iinythlnu' reuulrlug a salve, aro best nnd oulckesl soothed nnd healed by DuWitt'D Cnrbollzcd Witch Hazel Salve. Tho best salvo for piles. Ro suro you get De Witt's. Bold by PEIL, TUo Drugefot' REPORT OP THE CONDITIONJ OF TUB HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK l AT HONESDALE, WAYNE COUNTY, PA., at the close ot business, Sept. 23, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 207,535 37 Overdraf ts.secured and unsecured None U. S. Ronds to secure circulation. 85,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Uonds 2,800 00 lionds. securities, etc 1,303,500 33 liankins-uousc, furniture and fix tures 10,000 00 Duo from National linnks (not - Reserve Agents) , 2,606 85 Duo from approved reserve-' ' "1 agents 123,163 64 Checks and other cash items.... 2,042 46 Notes of other National Hanks.. 220 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 220 46 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank. viz: Specie $86.054 00 Local tender notes 4.190 00 91,144 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu lation) 2.7S0HD0 Total fl,891.123iU LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In f 150.000 00 Surplus fund 150,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 73.352 13 National Rank notes outstanding 55.000 00 State Rank notes outstanding. ... BOO 00 Due to other National Ranks 1.664 72 Duo to Stato Ranks and Rankers 262 04 Individual deposits subject to check ...$1,434,016 53 Demand certificates ot deposit 23,1349)0 Certified checks l,7S7i74 Cashier's checks out standing 1,005 95 9.459,944 22 Roods borrowed None Notes and bills rcdlscounted Nono Rills payable. Including certifi cates ot deposit for money bor rowed None Liabilities other than thoso abovo stated None Total $1,891,123111 State of Pennsylvania, County ot Wayne, ss. I, Kdwin F. Torrey. Cashier of tho above named Rank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. ' E. K. TORREY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 26th day of Sept.. 1908. R. A. SMITH. N. P. Correct attest: Andrew Thompson, ) Homer Greene, -Directors. E. R. llARDENUERGII. ) 23w4 Sporting News. The .Hohe8dale Alumni nnd the high school foot ball tcaniB havo organized for the Benson. Tho former havo elected Harold Rowland, manager, nnd Walter Weaver, captain ; the latter Fred. Os born, captain, and Ralph Brown, mana ger. On tyedneadny evening the Crescent Athletic club held several boxing con tests at the nrmory. Tho first, n six found bout was between Joe Burke, of Vilkes-Rarro, nnd Kid Collins, of Harlo 1(011, mid the second contest between Jack 'Andicrs, of Binghnmton, and Kid Griflith, of Cnrbondalo. At any time when your stomach Is not in good condition, you. should tako Kodol, be causu Kodol digests all the food you out, and It supplies health and strength Mr the atom lu ll In that way. You take Kodol lust for a llttlo while, when you havo slight attack 61 Indigestion and you tako It Just nllttle longer In order to get relief from, severe attacks ot Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol today, Sold by vhwm ifrugBlit.