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Tte SPORTING WORLD Captain Walder, Line Breaker. In hitting tho lino, dofonslvo work and In puutlug there nro few men on tho gridiron today who hnvo anything on Captain Gcorgo Walder of tho Cor noll football tenm. For sevcrnl years Walder has been the man to swing tho heavy attack of the Ithacnns. l'ho Cornell lino this season seems to present tho greatest difficulties. It has been sonio seasons since tho conches havo been found with quite such n problem. In tho Inst thrco years at Vcast Cornell has hnd some pretty Kood ' Z" OUOKOH WALUKn, OAITAIN OP THE COK NELL l'OOTDALIi TEAM. men from end to end. Last year In particular tho line was very strong, and tho contrast between present con ditions and those in tho years just gone by Is marked. But Captain Walder Is certainly ready for u hard year, and he will get one. With an uncertain team at his back, it will bo up to tho great full back to do more than over before and by his dashing play to cheer on his associates. Thlo Lfoks Impoaslblo. Certain newspapers in several cities uro worrying baseball fans with thoj question, "What is the mnxlmum num ber of hits a team can make in nine innings without scoring?" For fear the problem, which approaches tho "Ann's ago" puzzle, will causo too much trouble, hero it is: It is flfty-four, or six hits an inning. How? Well, tho first man up makes a single and Is caught stealing. The noxt batter also hits safely, and he, too, falls a victim to tho base purloin ing habit. Tho following thrco hitters make Infield swats, filling the bases. Now comes tho Joker. A batter cannot got credit for a hit where a base runner is caught, so wo are compelled to have one of the base runners hit with a batted ball, tho man thus winged being declared out, while the batter gets a hit under tho rules. No runs can bo scored. That makes six hits per Inning. Six multiplied by nine equals flfty-four. All right In theory, but nix on tho practice. Madden Brings Out Youngsters. When King James won the Annual Champion stnkcs at tho Grnvcscnd (Now York) race track recently, John E. Madden was warmly congratulated not only on the success of tho Plaudit colt, bred by him, but also on the remarka ble performances of practically all of the racers that hnvo borne bis colors on the metropolitan tracks this year. Hodden's success with his two-year-olds has been littlo short of phenome nal. In Sir Martin, by Ogden, ho has the champion two-year-old colt of tho Mason, while Fayette, also by this sire, is not far behind in point of qual ity. Sir Martin has won eight races, finishing second In four others, his conqueror In two of tho events being Payette, while Mr. Keono's Maskctte beat him in tho Futurity. Figuring up. Sir Martin's winnings so far amount to about $75,000. Madden docs not Intend to start him again this season, but will send him to Englund, together with Fayette and Lady Bedford. The Difference In Hitters. . Thoro are good hitters and hard hit ters In basoball. Sometimes tho words are synonymous;, sometimes they are not The good hitter Is not necessarily a bard hitter hard being used in tho sense of driving tho ball away from the bat hard, hitting It with great force. There are good hitters who do not send tho ball away hard, but who are proficient with tho club because thoy aro skillful and mako many hits because thoy mako big averages. Barclay Coaching Lafayette. George 0. Barclay, a former fcn fayetto college man, is now coaching tho football cloven representing that institution this year. Barclay left col lege In. 1800 to Join tho Rochester team of the Eastern baseball league and was with that club when it won tho pennant. Tlbbott a Great Back. Tad Jones pays Tlbbott, tho Trlnce ton halfback, tho compliment of saying that he was one of tho best backs de veloped last season. Walter Camp, however, did not mention Tlbbott on any of his three All American lineups for 1007. AMIONDMENT TO 'J'HK UONHTITIJ. TION mOPOBKD TO T1I1J CITI KISNS OK THIS COM HON V K A 1 .'P H Knit THEIR APPKOVAli OH llHJHCTlON HY T1II3 QENKHAI. ASSKMIIIjY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK 1'ENN RYIiVANlA. 1'UIU.ISHED 1JY OHDEll OK THE SECKETAIIY OK THE COM MONWEALTH, IN 1'UliaUANCE OK ARTICLE XVIII OK THE CONUT1TU TION. NUMTlEn ONU. A JOINT RESOLUTION TroposlnB amendments to tliu Constitu tion of thu Conininiiwcnlth of Pennsyl vania bo an to consolidate thu conrtH ot conmion pious it Philadelphia nnd Alle gheny counties, nnd to nlvu the (Jcncrnl Assembly power to establish u sepnrnto court In Philadelphia county, with crim inal nnd lnlrcclluncmm jtirlrdlellon. Section 1, lie It resolved by the Semite end IIoiibc ot Representatives In General Assembly met, That thu follow Inn amend mcnts to tho Constitution of PoimsylVji nla bo, and tho same, aro heieby, pro posed In accordance with the eighteenth urtlclu thereof: That section six of article five bo nmend ed by strlhhiK out thu said section nnd Inserting In place thereof tho following: Section 6. In tho comities of Philadel phia and Allegheny all thu jurisdiction and powers now vested In tho several (umbered courts c.f common pleas, shall bo vested In ono court of common pleiM In each of said counties, composed of all tho judges In commission In said cmiits, Such Jurisdiction nnd powers silmll ex tend to nil proceedings at law and In equity which shalt have been Instituted In tho several numbered conrls, and shall bo subject to such changes an may be mndo by law, and subject to change of venuo ns provided by law. The president Judge of each of the said courts shall be selected as provided by law. The number of Judges In each of said courts may be, by law. Increased from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the first Monday of Jnnunry succeeding Its adop tion. Section 2. Thnt article fflJr,. section eight, bo amended by inakln.r rr. addition thereto so that tho same shall rend as follows: Section 8. The said courts In the coun ties of Philadelphia and Allegheny re spectively shall, from time to time, In turn, detail onu or more of their judges to hold tho courts of oyer nnd terminer and the courts of ipiarler sessions of the pence of said counties. In such manner as may bo directed by law: Provided, That In thu county of Philadelphia the Genera! Assembly shall havo power to establish a separato court, consisting of not more than four Judges, which shall havo ex clusive Jurisdiction In criminal cases ami In such other matters as may bo provid ed by law. . A truo copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. ROHERT McAKEE, Secretary of tho Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS. OK THIS COMMONWEALTH KOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION I1Y THE GENERAL ASSEMMLY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENN SYLVANIA. PU11L1SIIED IIY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH. IN PURSUANCE OK ARTICLE XVIII OK THE CONSTiTU- TION. NUMimn two. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an nmcudment to the Consti tution of tho Commonwealth, allowing counties, cities, boroughs, townships, school districts, or other municipal or Incorporated districts, to Increase their Indebtedness. I!o It resolved by tho Senate nnd House of Representatives or tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, That section eight, article nine, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read ing as follows: "Section 8. Tho debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated dis trict, except as herein provided, shall nov cr exceed seven per centum upon the as sessed value of the taxable property therein; nor shall any such municipality or district incur any new debt or Increase Its indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valu ation of property, without the assent of tno electors thereof at n public election, In such manner as shall bo provided by law; but any city, tho debt of which now exceeds seven per centum ot such as sessed valuation, may bo authorized by law to increaso tho samo three per cen tum, In tho aggregate, at any ono time, upon such valuation," bo nmonded, In ac cordunco with tho provisions of tho eight eenth artlclo of said Constitution, so that Bald section, when amended, shall read as follows: Section 8. Tho debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated dis trict, except as heroin provided, shall nev er exceed ton per centum upon tho as sessed value pf tho taxablo property therein; nor shall any such municipality or district Incur any now debt or In cicaso its Indebtedness to an amount ex ceeding two per centum upon such as sessed valuation of property without tho assent of tho electors thereof at n public election, In such manner as shall bo pro vided by law. A truo copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. ROBERT McAKEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH KOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OP ARTICLE XVIII OP THE CONSTITU TION. KUMDEU THREE. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing amendmonts to sections eight and twenty-ono of article four, sections eleven and twelve of artlclo five, sec tions two, three, and fourteen of artlclo eight, soctlon ono of article twelve, nnd sections two nnd seven of artlclo four teen, of tho Constitution of Pennsylva nia, nnd providing a schedule for carry ing the amendments Into effect. Section 1. Bo It resolved by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met, That tho following aro proposed as amendments to tho Con stitution of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In accordanco with tho provi sions of tho eighteenth artlclo thereof: Amendment Ono To Artlclo Four, Sec tion Eight. Section 2. Amend soctlon eight ot arti cle four of tho C .Jstltution ot Pennsyl vania, which reads as follows: "He shall nomlnato and, by and with tho advice and consent of two-thirds of all the members of the Senato, appoint a Bocrctary of the Commonwealth and an Attornoy General during pleasure, a Su perintendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such othor ofllcers of tho Com monwealth ns he Is or may be authorized by tho Constitution or by lnw to appoint; he shall havo power to fill all vncaucles that may happen, In offices to which hu may appoint, during tho recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next ses sion; ho shall havo power to fill any va cancy that may happen, during thu recess of tho Senate, in tho olllco ot Auditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of In ternal Afl'alr3 or Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, In a Judicial office, or In any other elective olllco which ho Is or may bo authorized to fill; If tho vacancy shall happen during tho session uf thu Binato. the Governor shall nomlnato to tnu nuiiHie, tietoio tneir ttnut adjourn ment, n proper person to fill said vncuneyi but tu any such case of vacancy, In an elective olllce, a person shall bo chosen to said oflleu at tho next general election, unless the vnenncy shall happen within thrco calendar monthu Immediately pre ceding such election, In which cuhc tho election for snld olllco shall bo held at thil second succeeding gtiiiral election, In acting on executive nominations tho Sell' ate shall sit with open doors, mid, In con tinuing or rejecting tho nominations ot tho Governor, tho votu shall be taken by yens and uuys, and shall be entered on the Journal," so as to read iih follows: He Khali nominate uud, by and with tho advice and consent of two-llilrda ot all the menibei'h ot the Senate, appoint a VVerctiny of the 'uni..inuwc.ilth nnd an Attorney General during pleasure, u Su perintendent of t'ultllc! lnrtruetlon for four years, and such other ofllcers of tho Commonwealth ns be hi or may be i.u thorliiid by the Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to 1111 all vacancies that may happen, in olllees to which he may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at tho end. of their next session; he shall have p."ivor to 1111 nny vacancy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, hi the olllce of Audi tor General, Statu Treasurer, Secretary of Intirnnl Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruct Inn, in a Judicial otllco, or In any other elective office which ho Is or mny lie authorized to fill; If the vacancy shall happen dm Inn the session of the Senate, the Governor shall nomlnnto to the Senate, before their final adjourn ment, a proper person to till said va cancy; but In nny such ease of vacancy, In an elective olllce, a person shall be chosen to said olllce on the next election day appropriate to such olllce, according to the provisions of this Constitution, un less the vae.iney shall happen within two calendar months Immediately preceding such election day, In which ease the elec tion for salil ofller shall be held on the second succeeding election day appro priate to such olllce. In acting on ex ecutive nominations the Senate shall sit with open doio-s. and, In confirming or rejecting the nominations of the Gov ernor, tlie vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and shall be entered on the Journal. Amendment Trim To Article Four, Sec tion Twenty-one. Section 3. A-nend section twenty-one of nrllel-- four, which rood. as follows: "The term of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be four years; of the Audi tor Genera! three years: and of the Slate TreaKiuer two years. These ofllcers shall be chosen by the (pialtMcd electors of the Slate nt general elections. No person elected to the olllce of Auditor General or Slate Tf apinvr shall be capable of holding the sain" oillee for two consecu tive terms," so ns to rend: The terms of the Secretary of Internal A ff nil's. th Auditor General, and the Slate Treasurer shall each be four years; and they shMl be ehoen by the iiualllleil electors of Ihe State nt general elections; but a Slate Treasurer, elected In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd nine, shall serve for three years, nhd hi suc cessors shall be elected at the general election In the year one thousand nine hundred and twelve nnd In every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to the ofl'.ee of Auditor General or Stnte Treas urer rhnll be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec tion Eleven. Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle five, which reads ns follows: "Except as otherwise provided In this Constitution. Justices of the pence or aldermen shall bo elected In the sevcrnl wards, districts, boroughs nnd townships nt the time of the election of constables, by the qualified electors thereof, In such manner ns shnll be directed by law, and shnll be commissioned by the Governor for n term of five years. No township, ward, district or borough shnll elect more than two justices of the pence or alder men without the consent of a mnjnrlty of the qualified electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shnll be elected to such office unless ho shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for one yenr next preceding his election. Tn cities con taining over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more than one alderman shall be elected In each ward or district," so ns to read: Except ns otherwise provided in this Constitution, justices of tho penco or nl dcrmen shall bo elected In tho soveral wards, districts, boroughs or townships, by tho qualified electors thereof, nt tho municipal election, in such manner as shall bo directed by law, and shall be commissioned by tho Governor for a term of six years. No township, ward, dis trict or borough shall elect moro than two Justus of the pcaco or aldermen without tho consent of a majority of tho qualified electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall bo elected to such otllco unless ho shall havo resided within tho township, borough, ward or district for ono yenr next pre ceding his election. In cities containing over titty thousand inhabitants, not more than ono alderman shall' bo elected In each wnrd or district. Amendment Four To Artlclo Five, Sec tion Twelve. Section 5. Amend section twelve of nr tlclo flvo of tho Constitution, which reads ns follows: "In Philadelphia there shall bo estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, ono court, not of record, of police and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex ceeding ono hundred dollars; such courts shall bo hold by magistrates whoso term of ofllco shall bo flvo yonrs, and they shall be elected on general ticket by tho qualified voters at largo; and In' tho elec tion of the snld mnglstrntos no voter shnll vote for moro than two-thirds of tho number of persons to bo elected when moro than ono nro to bo chosen; they shall bo compensated only by fixed sala ries, to bo paid by said county; and shall exercise such jurisdiction, civil and crimi nal, except as herein provided, as Is now exercised by aldermen, subject to such changes, not Involving nn Increaso of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as mny be mndo by law. In Philadelphia tho offlco of alderman Is abolished," so as to read as follows: In Philadelphia thero shall bo estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhab itants, ono court, not of record, of police nnd civil causes, with jurisdiction not ex ceeding ono hundred dollars; such courts shall bo hold by magistrates whoso term of olllco shnll bo six years, nnd thoy shall bo elected on general ticket nt tho munic ipal election, by the qualified voters at large; and In tho election of the said magistrates no voter shnll voto for more than two-thirds of tho number of persons to bo elected when moro than ono aro to bo chosen; they shall bo compensated only by fixed salaries, to bo paid by said county; and shall exercise such Jurisdic tion, civil and criminal, except as heroin provided, as Is now exercised by alder men, subject to such changes, not Involv ing an Increase ot civil jurisdiction or conferring political duties, ns mny bo made by lnw. In Philadelphia tho otllco of alderman Is abolished. Amendment Five To Artlclo Eight, Sec tion Two. Section C. Amend lection two of artlclo eight, which reads as follows: "Tho general election shall bo held an nually on thu Tuesday noxt following tho first Monday of November, but the Gen eral Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thlrdn ot all Ihu members ot e.icli Houso consenting thereto," so as to read : Tho general election shall bo hold bien nially on thu Tuesday next following the first Monday of November In Bach aven- numucren yenr, Dut tno ucncral Assembly may by lnw fix a different day, two thlrdn of all tho members of each Hovsa consenting thereto: Provided, That Bch election shall always bo held In an ovon numbered year. v ! Amendment Six To Artlclo Eight, Sec I tlon Throe, Section 7. Amend section three of nrtl- sle eight, which reads as follows: "All elections for city. wnrd. borough md township ofllcers, for regular terms of service, shall bo held on tho third Tuesday of February, so ns to rend: All judges elected by tho electors of tho Blutn at largo may bo elected nt either a Eenernl or municipal election, as circum stances may require. All elections for Indges of tho courts for tho suvcrnl judl tlal districts, and for county, city, ward. Borough, and township ofllcers, Tor regu lar twins of service, shall be held on the municipal election day; nnniely, the Tues day next following the first Monday of November In each odd-numbered year, but the General Assembly may by law tlx a different day, two-thirds of nil tho members of each House consenting there to: Provided, That such election shnll al ways be held In an odd-numbered year. Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Sec tion Fourteen. Section 8. Amend section fourteen of ar tlclo eight, which reads ns follows: "District election boards shall consist jf a Judgo and two Inspectors, who shnll 3o chosen mutually by thu citizens. Each elector shall have tho right to vote for tile Judge and ono Inspector, and each In spector shnll uppolnt ono clerk. The first election board for nny now district shall be selected, and vacancies In election boards filled, ns shnll bu provided by lnw. Election officers Hhnll bo privileged from irrest upon days of election, nnd while engaged In making up and transmitting returns, except upon wnrrant of n court of record or Judgo thereof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wnnton breach of tho peacu. In cities they muy claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service," so ns to read: Dlntilct election boards shall consist of a Judgo nnd two Inspectors, who shall bo chosen biennially, by thu citizens at thu municipal election; but the General As sembly may require said boards to bo ap pointed In such manner as It may by law provide. Laws regulating thu appoint ment of said boards may bo enacted to apply to cities only: Provided, That such laws bo uniform for cities of tho samo clnss. Each elector-shall havo tho right to veto for the Judge nnd ono Inspector, and each Inspector shnll appoint one clerk. Tho first election board for any new district shall bo selected, and vacan cies In election boards filled, ns shall be provided by law. Election ofllcers shall be privileged from arres; upon days of election, nnd whllo engaged In making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of n court of record, or Judge thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of tho peace. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service. Amendment Eight To Article Twelve, Section Ono. Section 9. Amend section one, article twelve, which roads as follows: "All olllcor3, whoso selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall be elected or appointed ns mny be directed by law," so as to read:- All ofllcers, whoso selection Is not pro vided for In this Constitution, shnll bo ulected or appointed ns may bo directed by law: Provided, That elections of State olllcers shall bu huld on a general election day. and elections of locnl officers shall be held on a municipal election day, ex cept when, In cither case, special elec tions muy bo required to fill unexpired terms. Amendment Nine To Artlclo Fourteen, Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of artlclo fourteen, which reads as follows: "County officers shall bo elected nt'tho general elections nnd shall hold their olllees for thu term of three years, begin ning on tho first Monday of January next nftcr their election, nnd until their successors shall bo duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, rhnll bo filled in such manner ns may bo provided by law," so as to read: County officers shall bo elected at tho municipal elections nnd shnll hold their offices for tho term of four years, begin ning on tho first Monday of January noxt after their election, and until their successors shall be duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwlso provided for, shall bo filled In such manner as may be provided by law. Amendment Ten To Artlclo Fourteen, Section Seven, Section 11. Amend section seven, arti cle fourteen, which roads as follows: "Throo county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected In each county where such officers nro chosen, In tho year ono thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-flvo and every third yenr thereafter; and in tho election of said officers each qualified elector shall von for no more than two persons, nnd the throo persons having the highest number of votes shall bo elected; any casual va cancy In tho office ot county commls sloner or county auditor shall be filled, by tho court of common picas of tho county In which such vacancy shall oc cur, by tho appointment of nn elector of tho proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or auditor whose place Is to bo filled," so as to rend: Thrco county commissioners and three county nudltors shall be elected tn each county whore such officers are chosen, In the year one thousand nlno hundred and eleven and every fourth year thereafter; nnd hi tho election of said officers each qualified elector shall voto for no more than two persons, and tho threo persons having tho highest number of votes shall bo elected; any casual vacancy in tho offlco of county commissioner or county auditor shall bo filled, by tho court of common pleas of tho county In which such vacancy shall occur, by the ap pointment of an elector of tho proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or auditor whose place Is to bo filled. Schedulo for tho Amendments. Section 12. That no Inconvtnlenco may arlso from tho changes In tho Constitu tion of tho Commonwealth, and in order to carry tho samo Into compicto opera tion, It Is horcby declared, that In the caso of officers elected by the people, nil terms of offlco fixed by net of Assembly at an odd number of years shall each bo lengthened ono yoar, but tho Legislature may change tho length of tho term, provided tho terms for which Buch ofllcers nro elected shall always bo for an oven number of years. Tho nbovo extension of official terms shnll not affect officers elected at the gen cial election of ono thousand nlno hun dred nnd eight; nor nny city, wnrd, bor ough, township, or election division offi cers, whoso terms of ofllco, under exist ing law, end In tho year one thousand nlno hundred and ten. In the year ono thousand nine hundred and ten tho municipal election shall bo held on tho third Tuesday of February, as heretofore; but all ofilcors chosen at that election to nn ofllco tho regular term of which Is two years, nnd also all elec tion officers nnd assessors chosen at that election, shnll servo until tho first Mon day of December In tho yoar ono thou sand nlno hundred and eleven. All offi cers chosen ot that cluction to offices the term of which Is now four years, or Is mndo four years by the operation of these amendments or this schedulo. shall sorve until tho first Monday of December in tho year onu thousand nlno hundred and ihlrlccn. All Justices ot tho peace, mag istrates, and aldermen, chosen at that election, shall serve until tho first Mon day of December In thu year one thou sand nlA hundred d liftftfin. Afttf the year nineteen hundred and 'ten, and until tho Legislature shnll otherwlso provide, all terms of city, ward, borough, town ship, mid election division officers shall begin on tho first Monday of December ' In nn odd-numbered year. All city, ward, borough, nnd township I officers holding office at tho data of tho approval ot thesa amendments, whoso terms of office mny end In the year ono thousand nine hundred nnd eleven shall continue to lld their offices until tho first Monday of December of that yoar. All Judges of the rourts for tho several judicial districts, nnd nlso nil county offl- . cers, holding office nt the dnto of tho np prnvnl of these nmendments, whose terms of ofllco mny end In the year one thou sand nine hundred and eleven, shnll con tlnuo to hold their offices unlll the first Monday of Jnnunry, one thousand nine hundred nnd twelve. ' A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 3. ROHERT MoAFEE, Bocrctnry of tho Commomvonlth. Wliy not order direct from vs and envo ie retailer's profit? Only $25.20 For this htdi-nrndo Chamber Suit In selected Bolrtcn QUARTERED OAK. Dresser has tour drawers, two-drawer top, largo fnncy shaped bevel plate mir ror, beveled swell effect top and daintily carved mirror frumo. lied has fancy shaped cross-bund roll, wide quartered Oak panels urd curved to match dresser. Commodo bus thrco drawers nnd cabinet. Entire suit guaranteed ronstructlon and beautifully finished. Similar suits al ways retail In stores for JM.00. Carefully packed and shipped freight charges pre paid for t25.20. If you wish to save fully 25 per cent, on Furniture send TO-DAY for our factory-pricod catalogue. FREE. BIEGHAMTO M, JS. "I. WHKN THE ENOINE COMES is nn tintc to bp rpRtettiiiR your noglccl to get insured. A litllc care heforchnm is worth moro thnn any annum! of rr Kiet. KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HON ESDALE, PP. C H I LLY Fall N I GH TS Before the fires are lighted, when the evenings are chilly and damp, the room in which you sit should be warm and dry, for your health's sake as well as comfort. Perfection Oil HEATER Equipped with SMOKELESS DEVICE, is Just the Thing for this time of Year. Toucli a matcli to the wick Turn it up as far as it will go You CAN'T turn it too liiRli The .Smokeless Device prevents NO 1 NO SMOKE f ODOR! Bfiy Heats a largo room in n fow min utes nnd can ho carried eiifily from one room to another. Handsomely lliiifltcd in Nickel or .lanan, P.uriw nine hours with ono lllling. Kvery Heater War ranted. 0. M. SPETTIGUE. 0$n 111 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. , Attorncys-ot-Lnw. EM. SALMON, . ATTOHNEY A COt!NHKI,Oi;-AT-l,AW. Olllce Next door to post ollltc. l'ormei ly L'ruplcd by W. 11. Diinmick,' Huiicmuiic Tn, WMl H. Ll'.K, ATTOItNKY & COUNSEI.Olt-AT-I.AW. Olllco over post otllco. All lenl business promptly attended to. Honcsdaie, l'n, MH, SIMON!:, . A-nuit.N'K a coiiiai:i.oi:-AT-i,Av. Oi, I'oinKi.Biei bin ding rinuus Hand 10, HotU'sdale, I'd, E A 0. MUMKOKl), ATTOHNUV & rOttNHKI.OK-T-I.AV. Olllce Liberty llnl I bnlldlne. imn.xdln l. Post Olllce, lliinesdnle, I'll. Hl'.KMAA IlAKMhfr, AT' UNKY & COD.NBEI.Oi:-.. . I AW. rntentsnndticnsloussccurcd. oil, einthe Court House, lloncsdnlc, l'n. niiAKLKs a. Mccarty, J ATTOItNKY & COUNSELOlt-AT-LAW. Special and prompt ntlcntlon uImii tuthu collection of claims. Office over Itell'a new store. Honesdale, Pa, PETER II. ILOFE, ATTOItNKY & COUNBELOR-AT-t.AH'. Olllce Second lloor old Savings Hank building, Honesdale, l'n. Fl KIMBLE, ATTOItNKY & COUNSELOK-AT-I,An'. Olllce over the post olllce, Honesdale, l'u. A T. SEA RLE, il. ATTOItNKY A QOUNSELOU-AT-LAW. Olllce near Court House, Honesdale, l'n. 0L. ROWLAND, . ATTOItNKY A COUN8EI.OK-AT-I.AU'. Olllce over Post Olllce. Honesdn c. Pit. HOMER GREENE, A l l OHM, V A COUNBEI.OI.-AT-LAU'. Ofllci over Hell's store, Honesdule, Pa. H WILSON, ATTOItNKY A COtlNRKLOlt-AT-LAW. Olllce, Mnsonlc bulldlm;, second lloor. Honesdale. l'n. Dentists. DR. E. T. lJROWN, DKNl 1ST. , Ollice-Flrst lloor, old Savings Hank build Iiil', lloucdnle. I'll. Physicians. D R. II. ii, SEA HI, ICS, IIONKSDAI.K. I'A. Olllco nnd residence 1 1 lit Church street, Telephones. Olllce limits -L'UKI lo AM) nnd 7:00 to (MX), p. m. Llvcrlcs. n II. WHITNEY, UT. LIXKItY ANI OMNIIHIS LINE. liearof Aden House, Honesdale, l'n. All telephones. HONESDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT OKKKKH !H0,000 four per cent, coupon School Bonds for sale. These bonds are free ol tax and is sued in denominations of $.100 each, pay able in serieB of two, three, four and livo bonds annually, until all aro paid. Interest paynblu October 1st and April Isl. Nos. 1 to 8 payablo two each year from 11H) to 1012. Nos. 0 to L'3, three each year from 1012 to 1017. Nob. 24 to 55 four eacli year, from 1017 to 1925. Nos. 5(1 to 120, five each year, 1025 to I0.'!8. The Bonds and semi-annual interest coupons are payable at the Wayne County Savings Rank. The assessed valuation of Honesdale is over $2,(XX),000, and this issue constij lutes the bonded indebtedness of Hones d;le School District. Bidders who bid for less than all the bonds should specify the series intended or dale of bonds they bid for. SEALED BIDS for all or any part of these bonds with accrued interest from October 1, HKKS, will be received by A. M. Leiuu, Secretary, on or before Oc tober Ki, 1008. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. M. Leine, A. T. Seakle, Secretary. President. Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after using two-lhlrdi of a ft. 00 bottle of Kodol, you can honeitly lay It hai not bene fited you, ns will refund your money. Try Kodol today on thli'guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, pretent It to Ihe dealer at the time of nurclute. If It fails to satisfy Jou return tlie bottle containing one-tblrd of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought It, and wo will refund your money. State Sign here Cut ThltOnt- Digests WhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E. C. DoWITTlic CO., Cbicoso, XII. e lliive MlUfmi 111 Mi,,,,, ,,iiisiiea mill, liru made to tborniiL'hlv cleanse and save the T.. I. .. . . I. .. ( . . , ,..,. 1 . 1 . I . , I 1 teeth. They nro tho kind that clean leeth without leuvlnu' your mouth full ot bristles. We recommend Ihnso cost In;: 23 rents or more, as we can cunrantee them and will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture within thrco months, O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. & 11. Station, HONESDALE, PA. Hums, bruises ami scratches, hie nnd little culsor lu fact anything rciiulrliiR u salve, are best ami unlckvst soothed nnd healed by lluWItt's (.arbollzed Witch Hazel Salve. The best salve for piles. He sure you get Ue Wltt's. Sold by l'KIL. TheUrugelst- ilium ME