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THE CITIZEN. rUIILISIIKD KVKUY WKDNKSPAY AND FRIDAY nY THE CITI.HN I'Ullt.lHIIIMI COMPANY. Kntcrcd ns sproml-clnss matter, nt the post oltlro, llonosilalo, l'n. StllJROHII'TION: $1.50 A YKAIl, IN APVANCK k. it. iiAiti)i:Nin:it(!ii. - - 1'unrtinnNT V. V. WO(tl). - - MANAOUK ASM) SKC'Y DllilXTtiim: c. li. noitri.iNiit:it. m. 11. ai.i.i:n. iii:.nry wii.son. i:. 11. li mmii:mikii(iii. W. V. WOIII). REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATlo.VAI,. roil mii:sii):nt, WIM.IAM IIOWA lilt TA1T. ot Ohio. rou vici: i'iii:snn:.NT, JAMKSS. SIIKIiMAX. ot New York. STATU. for .iiiniir. or fit'riiitlon coi'itr. V.t. 1). l'OUTUIt. ot Allosliftiy. DISTKHT. FOI! I'ONdUl'.SM, U1IA.KI.KK C. 11! ATT, ot SiiMHii'lmimn. . . .. Foil STATU Si:N UOH. SA.MUUI, V. llOI'KOItD.otCiirlion. COUNTY. I'Olt IlKI'ItKSKNTATlVi:, V. K. rivlllIAM.of Mount l'lcasunl. ' ' " ' FOIl SlllllllFF, iM. l,KK Iili..M.iN, Ol IIOMl'SUIIIC. Foil PP.OTMONOTAKY. inO.. i WAIXACK.T. liAISNUS, of liorlln. foii ui:iiKTi:it ani in 'oi!in:ii, AI,KI!H1) (). Itl.AKi:, ot lii tliany. Foil COUNTY COMMISSIOM IIS, ,T. K. HOItNllKOK. of KiiullMlllk. THOMAS ('. MADDUX, or Divher. l'OIU'OllNTY AI'DIIOUS, AUTI1UKW. I.AISKAr.UK.ot Staiiucii. v. iiitocK i.i:siir.i, ot stot-nnw. FOIl DISTRICT ArrollNCY, MYltON H. SIMON'S, of lloui'silali-. tiled Ion Tuosilay. November :i. UKIS. The Fight by Hrynn. : Some time before the Denver Conven tion, Congressman Olliu M. .hunes, of Kentucky, inndvocntiiiKliisiioniinntiou, said: "For fifteen years Hrynn lias fought the battles of the Democratic party as no other man has done." The New York World, which then opposed Bryan, thus commented on Bryan's lighting record, and its results : "True, most diastronsly true. "Fifteen years ago the Democrats controlled 2.1 out of 4-1 states ; now they control 115 out of -10 states. "Fifteen years ago the Democrats had 44 United States Senators and the Hc publicans :1S ; now the Democrats have 31 and the Republicans 02. "Fifteen years ago the Democrats had 220 representatives in congress, the Kc publicans 120 ; now the Democrats have 104 nnd the Republicans 222. "Fifteen years ago the Democratic party was in control of the National government ; now the Democratic party is hovering between life and death. "Mr. James is quite right. For fif teen years Bryan has fought the battles of tho Democratic party as no other man. has done." - To this may be added a few more particulars of equal interest. Fifteen years ago last March, a Demo cratic President was inaugurated, cho sen by an electoral plurality of 1152 and a popular plurality of more than 375,000. Twelve years ago, Bryan, as candidate for the Presidency, was defeated by an electoral majority of 95, and a popular plurality of more than 000,000. Eight years ago, Bryan was defeated by an electoral majority of 137, and a popular plurality of more than StiO.OOO. Four years ago, with Bryan still fight ing tho battles of Democracy, Parker, the Presidential candidate, was defeated by an electoral majority of 1!K1, and a popular plurality of more than 2,500, 000. With these examples of the party's progressive gain with Bryan fighting the battles of the Democracy, the expert in political arithmetic may perhaps figure out the probable results of his present year's fighting. For Auditor. William Brock Le8her, one of the Republican candi dates for County Auditor, is a son of Austin and Marga ret Lesher,of Ster ling, in which town ship he was born Oct. ISth, 1870. lie was educated in the public school, and WM. n. i.eshkk. Wl0!1 seventeen years of age began teaching, himself For the five years following he taught through tho winter terms, attending the Scranton Business Collego during his summer vacations. Graduating from tho college in lh'Js, his attainments as an accountant and skill in penmanship at once secured him employment as a book keeper, which he relinquished r year later to accept a positi in with J. E Cross, of Sterling, involving, besides the duties of general clerk, those of assist post-master, a position which ho still holds. Threo years ago, when Mr. Lcs her was a successful candidate for the same oflice ho is now running for, one of his neighbors, a prominent citizen of Sterling, vouched for him as "aself-niado young man, honorable and upright in his business transactions, and accurate in figures." Mr. Lesher's term as Coun ty Auditor, now drawing to a close, has amply justified this cstimato of his char acter and attainments. lie has made a first-class officer, giving careful and searching attention to the accounts of our county officials, and tho statements prepared for publication by him and Ins colleagues havo been models of accuracy and comprehensiveness. His efficiency having been thus amply proved by his record, his re-election should be assured The CniulidutcH nml"Tlio Ooods" Taft has served tho country injudicial and executive positions of high responsi bility and importance, and haw perform- ed the duties of each with conspicuous 1 ability and success. In the language of I business, ho has always "delivered the goods." The only position in the public nerviee that Bryan lias filled is that of Coiigre.-."-nian. In that position, the only "goods" which he assisted in delivering wore in the form of the Sugar Trust tariff, which he aided in framing on thorough-going , free trade principles. Samuel tionipers, 'resident of the American l'ederation of nbor, reviewing this taiiff from the workingman'spoint of view, in one of his olllcial reports, declared that the period during which it was in force was the darkest that American labor had known for a generation, and that, under hoop- eration, two and a halt million woiUmg men of this country, who had had steady mployment and prosperity under pre vious tariff laws, were to a large extent thrown out of work. Bryan is again trying to deliver a tariff of the same character. Since his work on the Sugar Trust tariff, Bryan has been trying to deliver a ariety of "goods" which the people have refused to accept. In IKIHI he endeavored to deliver the bunco dollar, along with free trade, hut failed. In 1000 he again offered free trade and the bunco dollar, and as a "paramount issue," he tried to deliver Filipino inde pendence, with the abandonment ol tlm Philippines bytho United States; hut the people had nouse for these "goods." In 1001 he aided 111 a second attempt to deliver Filipino independence, with the trade marks of "anti-imperialism" and "anti-militarism;" also free trade; but again the people refused to accept his "goods." This year, he again offers free trade and Filipino independence ; together with a pair of pocket States made from the Territories of New Mexico and Ari zona, an income tax, government super vision of industries and restriction of output, and government paternalism in tins guaranty of bank deposits, with government ownership of railroads 011 the waiting list. In tho event of Republican success, the goods" to bo delivered by Taft are those with which the country is familiar; among the most important being pro tection and sound money, which the party has already delivered, with the regulation of trusts and the suppression of monopoly, which are already in courseof delivery as fast as existing con ditions will permit. The election of Taft will mean the maintenance of es tablished Republican principles in finance and economics, with the vigor ous development and aggressive main tenance of the system begun by Presi dent Roosevelt, and tersely described as the "Roosevelt policies." Toft And The Rural Vote. The New York "Herald" has made an interesting canvass of the Stale of New York. It is the earliest attempt to determine in advance the probable out come of the November election. It is not meant to be a "forecast," it simply presents the facts as they appear at the present time to experienced observers. The New York "Herald's" canvass shows that despite the vote Tainnianv will throw to Bryan in Greater New York the country vote "above the Bronx" w ill more than offset it, and that the elec toral vote of the Empire State will be cast for William U. Taft. When this u-countrv vote 111 New York State is analyzed, it will be seen that it is the rural voter who is deter mined to standby Republican principles and policies, and that it is tlie rural voter who makes Mr. Taft's supremacy certain, even against the swollen returns from the corrupt Tammany uistricts 111 New York. It has been declared by veteran poli ticians that the rural voter is better in formed on the issues pending 111 a cam paign ; that he gives greater anil more painstaking thought to the things that must uo settled at inepoiis man 111s city brother. Consequently, when one finds the rural voters ot a btate with their minds made up to support the liepub lican party, it is logical to assume that the rural voters throughout the country will act in hanjiony regarding the pub lic questions with which they are con fronted. Further confirmation of tlu statement that they are for the Repub lican ticket is available. The rural voters of Pennsylvania also are for Taft. In no other State of the Union are the farmers better informed regarding the issues of this campaign. They reali---the dangers that lie partially concealed in the candidacy of the leading expon ent of a freo trade, free silver, Populis- tic Democracy. The I'ennsylvaina ltr niers havo never tolerated Bryan. In 1890 and 1900 with their ballots they re pulsed the Democratic conspirators who sought to overthrow American institu tions, it was the tanner that enabled Pennsylvania to caBt such record-breaking majorities against Ilryanisin. The temper of tho Pennsylvania fanners has not changed. This 'year they will vote as they voted before. They will join with the farmers of New York and of Kansas and of Indiana and of Oregon and of every other northern and west ern State in demanding the election of the Republican ticket. The sowers in Paris aro well known to be infested with rats, but tho author ities adopt a neat and extremely humane rV l .1 . 1 t , way ofreducing the numbers In places where they aroVmd to be excessively numerous an electric wiro is laid, just an inch too luurli to bo rnneluul bv 1111 an inch too hiuh to bo reached bv an animal standing on all fours. Tempting delicacies are placed at frequent inter vals, and directly a rat raises himself and rests a paw upon tho wiro with the intention of getting at the food he is electrocuted, and there is an end of him, The Outlook. The political horoscope gave October 20th 11s the time when the Bryan-campaign would blow up. Indications are plentiful that everything is ripe for the collapse. The New York World, which advocated the election of I'.ryan very Mnmgly, lor a brief period, lias made a pontnl etnd canvas of New York State, and the reult poinU to an enormous majoiity for Taft. A most of Ncbnwka, the home of Hrynn, hIuiwh that he will get what theatrical people call the "Hook," which means that a bad nelor is yanked from public gaze In a place behind the scenes. Th" slot machines which the Demo cratic Nnlional Cniiiiniltoo placed in public places in New York city, for vol nulai contributions, have driven peo- I11 avoid those place, to such an ex- lent thai they have been replaced by the well-l-.nnwn chewing gum anil Weighing machine. This paper has arranged to have its special ecu lespondent report Mr. Bryan's farewell addiess (a-la I'atti) to his cam paign managers, on Nov. Ith. l-or Stale Senator, SAMUi-l. W. HOFPOKI), of Corbon. SainuolW. Ilofi'onl, candidate for State Senator in Hie Foitileenth Senatorial dis tiiel, is a self-made man in all the word implies. He sneeesl'iilly passed through the vat ions practical avocations from the menial handling of the pick and shovel to the hel'l wielding ol the pell. He wa Iuhii at While llnven, Liuernc Co., on March 2Sth, ISH7, but became a resi dent of Carbon county in April, 1807, when his patents moved' to Kidder town ship, lie was educated there and also al White Haven high school, lie learned the butcher trade and next handled the pick ami shovel on a gravel (rain of which his father was engineer; in build ing a double track for the I.elngh Vallev liailroad between I'enii Haven and I lock" -port tunnel, lie next accented a posi tion as brakeiiian on this tram and then as a eoiii and freight brakeman, finally becoming an extra fireman on the Wyo niing division, when he was dismissed on demand of his lather for railroading against the hitter's wishes. He is a prominent society man, being identified with llazle bodge, No. 327, F. and A. M.; I la.leton Chapter, No. 227, R. A.M.; Mount Vernon Coniinandery No. 73, K. T., and I rein Temple, Nobles of the Mys tic Shrine, Mr. llol'ford at present is employed as Chief Clerk to the Commis sioners of Carbon county. Lunxford IaikUv. Too Much "Thlrd-Tcrmlsm." Oct. 13th. W. V. Wood. We are glad yon ate in harness again, and for the ginger you can put in the politics of the county." What is the matter with touching up the thiid term business? Is llanlan a bigger man than Roose velt? liotli Koosevelt and llanlan prom ised not to ask for a third term; Koose velt kept his promise, but Mike Wants a third and a fourth, if he can gel it. Mike went through the countythree years ago, solemnly promising, if elected, lie would ask for no 'more. Now lie is hot-footed for a third term, and claims that he is running because the whole county is stuck on htm. What is the matter with giving him a life term and saving election expenses? All Ibis talk about his lieinir obliging and courteous is rot. Why shouldn't he be? What is he paid for?" It is his duty as a servant ol the people, and there are a number of other people who would like to have the chance to be obliging and com icons lor &MHHI a year. We have a good fellow in Berlin, who has been for years one of the largest rural tax payers in Wayne county ; a Justice of the Peace for fifteen years; a man who has settled more disputes ami cably than any Justice of the Peace in Wavne count v. How often do von hear of any appeal in court from our J. P.? Wallace J. Barnes is a candidate for l'rothonotary, and is just as capable as .Mike llanlan. lie is an upright, lion orable citizen, and if you give him a chance he will be just lis obliging and popular as llanlan. Third terniism is un-American, and to begin it 111 avne county is a mistake. A vote for Wallace J. Barnes is a vote against a third term, and in favor of giving other people a chance to hold of lice. JJHUM.V DEMOCRAT. M. LEE BRAMAN, Republican Candidate For Sheriff. Vi.i iXiiNd that her husband, William F. Krny,a rich farmerof Pino Township, Allegheny county, had not, to her know ledge and belief, taken a bath in the en , ', ft'" u .S ! ;. ' ' , V , ,', . ,,t,,t., ,w"i .1 .1 , VJi .w I testimony explained that the fact that tire eleven years she had been married her husband would not go near a bath tub had caused her much worry nnd pain infants', Children's ami Misses' win ter Cloaks at Mknnkh&Co.'h. New in styles, best in goods. 22eitf 11111 Knocking Society. Naturally all pcoplo who havo their Bay about "society" do not caro to have their views published nnd ap plied to all society. Doubtless tho actress, Ethel Barrymore, sometimes Indulges In tho thoughts recently at tributed to her with regard to soma pcoplo sho has known who oro "in society." Sho put In a denial for her self without disputing tho main drift of tho argument that had been placed on her Hps. Society is a very am biguous term, and Miss Barrymoro or Mrs. William Astor, whoso views also were recently published, or any other woman of experience can criticise cer tain social elements without meaning to condemn nil society. In this country It Is difficult to say who aro and who are not In society and, above all, to say which Is the best society" of any community. In monarchical countries the royalty and nobility stand at tho head, and all oth er elements of sdblcty aro graded upon them. Here there can be no leader ship except that which may bo voted by a given set or circle. Somo one gives ft function, and Invitations, like kissing, go by favor. Empty parlors mean that tho would be leader has made a mistake. Tho truth is that America has no "best society" and no arbitrary extremes. There is a varie ty of society, and those who aro so cially disposed can tako their choice. If there aro any who cannot fit in somcwhero the fault does not neces sarily rest with "society." Baseball Knthuilum, This year's Interest In baseball passed beyond tho stago which can be described as mere excitement or craze. V gcnulno enthusiasm which swept people from their foot and dwarfed all other questions of the hour was de veloped over tho battles on tho dia mond for the pennants and tho world's championship. Games which were vital in tho raco for the honors were witnessed by spectators numbering tens of thou sands. Yet that by no means ex presses the limit of enthusiasm. In every city thousands upon thousands surrounded the numerous bulletin boards to follow tho courso of tho games. Telephones In newspaper of fices were kept busy answering que ries from crowds gathered in Baloons and club'rooms. Hot political disputes had to watt until tho significance of the latest Bcoro was settled, and thrilling war news from the Balkans fell upon ears attuned only for what the American ball players wore doing. Teaching Pcoplo to 8avo. While tho opposition of the banking fraternity to government postal banks seems natural as a business policy, it goes against one of tho cardinal prin ciples of sound finance. People need to bo taught to save and have their money earn more money. Tho regular savings banks will al ways pay higher interest than tho gov ernment would allow and must con tinue to get the sparo money of tho thrifty having access to their vaults. The postal bank will send the dragnet into the byways of tho land and gath er In dollars that would otherwise bo hoarded In idleness or scattered on tho first tempting bargain or chanco for a good time. If tho pennies aro saved tho dollars will find tho right channel to tho best repositories for savings In bulk. An expert declares that some Euro pean powers could "land an army of 100,000 soldiers on our coasts quicker than wo could ourselves." Yes, and also beat us shedding tears ovor what happens then. Now York officials declare that tho city Is "now" practically fireproof. Thoy always say that between fires. It's time now to talk of "higher finance," so we'll put It on those who Invest In aeroplanes. Prophecies of tho earth burning up camo near making good for this hem isphere In 1008. Dissatisfaction with oth'W pooplo Is often rooted In dissatisfaction with ourselves. Tho new allotment for soldiers' ra 'tions is surely a faro deal for a square meal. , King Edward's announcement that his Inst personal debt is paid should be a hint to tltlo hunting Waldorf As tor that tho royal palm Is not Itching for a bribe. It may mean somothlng or mean nothing that two rovolutl.ons have been sprang on tho world recently without tho Itusslan students- mixing in. Tho Sheath gbwn may bo too much "on the bias," but nobody can kick at 11 sheath shoe, which gives corns room to swell without pinching. ( A platform guaranteeing to regulate coal prices in wlntor by the "dog days" demand would mako it easy figuring on election returns.. Ethel Barrymoro, tho actress, may havo talked In her sleep when sho said hard things about America's high so ciety, but sho voiced popular opinion pretty well just tho same. With every now airship going tho best one better, the projects for call ing on the north pole somo morning do not seem so flighty after all. Every now specimen from the pen of Englaud's poet laureate, Alfred Austin, makes us regret having eald that America has no poets. It looks llko nutting a premium on the affinity business to leave $20,000 to a pretty schoolma'am to stay un married. Evidently It wasn't because the pow er had run out that Oyster Bay ceased to be the center of political excitement. HELP WANTED! 25 GIRLS TO WORK ON MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Steady Work Guaranteed! Paid While Learning ! eAPPLY KATZ UNDERWEAR CO. Autumn and Winter Goods Now on Display at Menner & Co., Keystone Stores Chic in Style. Latest mm 14 I M 1 1 TV Vs.. 1TtJ J - . A' H sr 415 Models to fit' all forms in Latl?63, Misses and Juniors Long Coats. Evening Cloaks, Fur Jackets, Collars and Muffs. NEWEST FOR 1908. Menner & Co.'s Department Stores. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enttM prising dealer. s to get soinokind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. T1,SLKCHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS: 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at own expense, overy surface pain tod with Chilton Paint that ves defective. 4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied with it, recommend its use to others. 0 long as thirty miles an hour for a quarter of an hour is tho record for tho single passenger airship ocean liners may gq right ahead putting In. steam turbines. Coming ns 11 dessert to a political campaign with plenty of "ginger" In It, hunting In the Jungle will be like ly to turn out tamo sport. When the president of Tcru gets his hand In with modernizing his own country ho might reach out and give one Clprtano Castro a jolt. Having once worsted old Neptune, tho Dutch should be nblc to make short work of llttlo Mr. Castro. Tho Balkau mlxup should not end until the Turk is driven out of Europe, never to come back. Too many characters In modern plays have "no character to speak of." AT ONCE in Cloth. 52 D Best in Fit.