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THE CITIZEN. rt'llMMIKI) KVMIY WHiSCMlAY AMI PlillllY 11V Tin: rni.i'N rrm noiiMi company. lOitcrcd as K'liiiiil-fl.i-f. mutter, nl tin' I'oi! olllcc. I'il. MJIiSCIMI'TJdN: ?!..' A VI.'Ml. IN MlVAM'i: K. !, llAKDKXI'Klilill. - I'JilWJIlKNT W. W. WOOli. - - MANAOKIi AMI SIVY niiinrieii: C. II. 1MH1FI IMir.H. M. 11. Al,l.l:.. IM.MiV UI.MIN. K. II. II MMH'Mirivllll. .. 1','idli. REPUBLICAN TICKET. NATIONAL, nil: ri:i..-itn nt. V1 I.I.I AM HOW A III i TA IT. of ( Hilu Kin: n-i: ruvfll'i.-ir. .tA.MKSS.SIU:i;.M.N.ol New Y.ttl;. STATK. i (ii: in (.I'.ur m pi mm: eot-iir. W.M. 1. POIM'Ki:. or All.-nltcny. Diyruicr. roi:, CIlAlil.KSC I'li.VIT.or SiiMiifli:inri:i. roi: ct h;m:nii:, SAMUKL V. Hori'OlMi. of Ciii Im.ii. COUNTY, nil: i:i:i'i:ii:n r ti vi:. V. K. I'Klill A.M. of .Mi.linl Pleasant. run mii:i:ii r. M. LICK 1 ". I ! A M AN, oMloneMlalc. run I'liuniuNiiTMiV. nr.. wallaci-: .i. r.Ai:.i:s.i.r iviiin. run t : i . ; i k i r.n ami im i oioh-.ii. ALI'liliDO. ISLAK K.uf Iti-tliany. run niiwiv ruMMisMuM.n-.. .1. K. IIOIiNI.KCK. uf K.iiitntniK. THOMAS C. M A I l LN. uf Htcli.-r. i un coi-nty M'niroo. aktiiui: v. LAi:i:Ai:i:i:.urst;uiiic:i. w. i:i;ocK LicsiiKK.uf siitIIiw. run niKTHKT atmhnkv. M YJION K. SIMONS, uf lloiieMlalc. Election. Tuesday. November II. I1KK. OM) SOIJMERS. One more opportunity to vote! It may bo our last! Do not spoil your Record by voting against the REPUBLICAN PARTY, which has always been j-our friend. Remember that Demo crat Kipp who is shouting about pensions, was shouting harder during the war against paying you the $13.00 a month you were then getting. Kipp is as old as many of your old comrades. What was he doing during the war? Up a tree or doing his best to plug you in the back. Now he wants your votes. Re member "When the Devil was sick, The Devil a monk would be, But when the Devil got well Devil a monk was he." Comrade, you remember how the Johnnys would don the blue, 60 us to get a chance to shoot you down. This is the old trick. Kipp promises pensions if elect ed. When elected he will line up with the Democratic party who always oppose pensions, but steal the credit when a Republican Committee grant them. One more vote, Comrades, for the Re publican Party, before Taps shall sound ! Another IJryan. Argument. In one of his Indiana speeches. Tues day, Mr. Bryan, arguing for Govern ment guarantee of bank deposits, illus trated his argument bv telling the storv of an old Nebraska farmer who asked for a loan of $.0(l from a bank. The bank agreed to accommodate the far mer provided he got some of his neigh bors to go security for the loan. I5y and by, having accumulated some surplus money, tne uanK solicited Ins deposit The farmer then said : . "Yes, I will let you have mv monev. but you should get your banker friends to go security. It is with' such arguments as these that Mr. liryan is underi :' iiigto deceive and fool bis audiences, .-..'thing could better illustrate the superficiality of Mr. Bryan's know ledge of banking than this story. Mr. liryan would lead bis hearers to believe that a bank gave no security for the money of its depositors. On the contrary, it is giving the largest measure of security. It is giing the Fccmity of its capital and surplus. It is giving the security of the double liability of its stockholders. It is giving the'securitv of a large cash reserve fund. It is giv ing the security of (io eminent examin ations of its accounts. On the other hand, the Nebraska far mer when he wanted that loan of a bank had no established ciedit, no cap ital or surplus, no double liability, no reserve fund, and no Government regu lation. Consequently, he bad to get somebody to go security for him. Yet Mr. liryan savs that the argument made by the simple farmer had more horse sense in it than all the arguments that the bankers had put out. Is Mr. liryan a self-hypnotist? Has he really persuaded himself to belie -! all that hosavB to the people? The Herald, which strenuously advo cates Mr. Jiryan's soap bubble theories, might possibly agree toenter intoa com bination with the Independent and Citi zen to guarantee the accounts payable of the combination, but we question if the Independent would agree, while we are absolutely positive wo would prefer to be burdened with only our own. Hoard Over The IMionc. Ting-ading. Telephone Ciirl Number V (Jailer (live mo tlie Court Houfc. ('unit Hour IlellnV Democratic Candidate Thin if ('audi- date talking. How dues it loul; V ('. 1). All right; tiling sue woiking fine. Tlie farmi-is wlio got (lie Pink) Dink at tlie primaries are getting in line, anil if we fellows in the editor will all pull together, uccan win out. ('and. I have been through the county and llnd a Mrottu M'lilimeiil fur tlx Ii'epiiblieans. especially lot the Com niissiuneis. C. 11. Don't let that worry you. We are going to votelwice for our Com iiiisiiucr. Cand. Mow are you going to do it ' I would like a little piece uf thai m self. C, II. Why we ale going to vote for only one Commissioner. Don't you fi that will count IwoV Cand. How will llawlev likethar' '1 In have a candidate on the ticket fur Commissioner. C. II. Keep mum ! When you pi to llawlev, just jull them alone. Tell them what a dandy ball team they have, and we will put them asleep election day. Cand. Say, that was a piod one on r.ramau. Who did the trick'.' C. II. Keep still ; some one may be lis tening. It was cute all right, but he ought to have pit his whiskey in llawlev, so as to let those fellows think tlie llawlev candidate was in on the game. Cand. Kilt .Mandevilleisagood, Ft might man and every one knows it. C. II. That's all true, but so is Kraiuan, but everybody don't know it. Cand. Say, do you know that a lot of the Democrats have got that grass hopper fever this year, and yon fel lows in the center have got to stop their hopping, or you will lose your jobs. You ought to come out in the Herald with an aflidavit that your lease on the Court House jobs will not be renewed after this trip. The Democratic farmers are getting tired of having their taxes raised in order to keep you fellows in your jobs? .lust then some one cut in and wanted the Coroner. C. C. l'KATT. The onlv issue the Democrats can find in their efforts to stop Wayne county voters from supporting C. C. I'ratt has been discovered. He is charged with the hideous crime of spending a few of the winter months with bis family at the home of his wife's mother, at Kiiighaiu tdii, and only spends from !l to III miuitli at his home in New Milfoid, which is about -' miles from Kiughaiuton, con sequently Mr. Kipp, the man with the wad, says that Mr. I'ratt is a New Yorker. Any one who has not served over six months in an insane asylum, would know that I'ratt could not obtain the nomina tion if he were not legally a lesident of Pennsylvania. If Kipp believed that I'ratt was not a resident of I'enn-ylva-nia be would be the last man to Iel it be known, for bis (.Kipp's) election would be assured, for no man not a legal resi dent of Pennsylvania could take his si at in Congress and represent that State. Kipp knows and so does his heelers that this talk is all rot, and is only a kippi.-h way of fooling the people. Col. Pratt bought a small three horse power electric runabout for his wife and children, while at Kiughaiuton, as the machine could only be used on the paved streets of a city, and where electricity could be pro cured, he took out a license in New York State and gave bis residence as Kinghamton, which was the only thing an honest man could do, as the niacbina was to be used in Kinghamton, and was not suitable for country roads, and for places that had no electric light plants. Pratt is the largest taxpayer in New Mil ford, has lived there all his life, and has the respect of the people to such an ex tent that all but three votes were cast for him at the'priniaries. Voters, coin pare Pratt's record with Kipp's. If you ar. in favor of Wallace .1. Karnes, and against third termism, vote a cross as follows REPUBLICAN BBBBBfl&'BHG"s""""P""7t j HBH""""""fsl and your vote will surely count. FOR AUDITOR. AliTIII I! W. I.AIiKAI'.KK. Aithur W. l.airnhee, one of the l!e piiblican candidates for re-election to theolliceof Count Auditor, is the son of I!e. K. Lairabec, a Methodist minister, and was born in .lack sun, Sus quehanna county, .Inly 7, ISlill. He was educated in the public schools of Thomp son, that county, and llonesdale. l'or four years he was a teacher, after which he became station agent and telegraph operator at Slarucca, remaining there for tluee years. In 1S!C, associated with M. C. Kenyoii, he bought the grist mill of II. K. Spencer, in Starncca, and four years later purchased his partner's in terest, and since that date has been sole proprietor of tlie business. In 1!K( he married Mis Kvclyn, daugbterof Charles II. Howell, of Mount Pleasant. Mr. l.arrabee deserves coihmeudation for a most painstaking discharge of his duties during his term as Auditor now drawing to a close, having made a record which affords every assurance that if elected he will "serve the tax payers of the county for the next three years with added ability, due to his experience. If you favor Al. Klake for Hcgister and Kecorder a vote tliuslv will be in REPUBLICAN 1 favor of a man who never held ollice, but as a business fanner is worthy of any man's confidence and vote. KIPP'S KECOUD, When such sterling Democrats as Judge George S. Purdy, A. P.. Ganuuell, 1!. M. Stocker, and Samuel Saunders join with such Republicans as Henry Wilson, T. Y. Koyd, Col. Coe Durland, and .lames C. Kirdsall, in calling a mass meeting of taxpayers to protest against the reckless extravagance of county of ficials and demand an examination of their accounts, it is very evident that something was "Kotten in Denmark." This meeting was called when George Kipp was President of the Wayne County Hoard of Commissioners, and the meet ing nominated a committee to examine the accounts of the Oiiiiinissioners, and their rcpoit would bring the blush of shame to the highest priced Reformer who is supporting Kipp in Kradford county. Such a mtten condition of af faiis is indescribable. An appeal was math to the courts, and some of the money which was illegally taken was returned, but how much was lost to the county was never exactly known. One bill of 150 days painting the Couit House, at $ii.7" per day tbig wages those days) was paid, hut Kipp and his associates did not know any more about the cor rectness of the bill than he does now about the number of pensions he has promised, if elected. Why does Kipp publish his birthplace as Green town ship, Wayne Co.'.' Don't he know where hi was born? There is no Green town shrp in Wayne. It is wonderful how quick and easily some men can change their politics, when a wad of money is the argument ucd. It is said that there are a lot of prominent men who are hav ing their pictures exhibited and giving their reasons for supporting Kipp. Most of these photos have been borrowed from I the Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. and others from the Peruna Co. A Hue lot of pall bearers they will make, IIARRISBURG LETTER. To a San Francisco paper must bo given the cicdit for one of the cleverest caitoonp of the present campaign. It is a squirrel in one of the usual round cages, the little creature ndoiued with the face and featuics of Kryan. The . squirrel was going at top notch speed. I Gazing at him was a sun of 1'rin, who exclaimp: "lie niver gets anywhere, but isn't he a great innncr?" Kryan, excels ntthat, though, liVe the squiircl! in the cage, to no purpose. j In his way Mr. Kryan is a most re- j markable man. No other Democtat in the country to-day, with the stigma of two defeats, could so arouse the hopes of the Democracy and make iheni be lieve he was the real Moses to lead them out of the wilderness where they have been starving, into fat offices, as Kryan. lie has the faculty of tickling the eais of the unstable and the power to s.ay large audiences to a rematkable degree. He turns from one issue to another with a rapidity that is dazzling, and repu diates during a campaign doctrines he treuuously advocated a few years be fore. In the opinion of Grover Cleve land, the greatest Democrat of recent years, Kryan is a dangerous man, and a menace U the Republic. Unstable as water, he would hinder and prevent the return of prosperity, which now seems waiting only the elec tion of Taft to the Presidency. His poli cies are unknown, even to himself. The proverbial bull in a china shop would be lost to sight, for the mischief that would be done. The attitude of the manufacturing interests will be one of waiting until it shall be definitely seen and known what amount of revision the tariff shall undergo. With very few ex ceptions the larger manufacturers, even in the South, are for Taft, and hoping and working for his election, and next to the farmers, this class of labor is the most numerous and important. The la bor vote should be cast for the party of protection. There must be considerable Irish in the make-up of the President, for be dearly loves a fight. Whether it is dig nified for the President to mix it up in political campaigns or not, Mr. Roose velt has not hesitated to deal some very telling blows for his party. Haskell's knockout, and later his remarks on the attitude of Kryan on theinjunction ques tion, show that the President is alert to the various issues. He is still very pop ular with the average man. Governor Hughes has rapidly taken rank among the foremost statesmen in the Republican party. He showed up Mr. Bryan as a shifty, evasive politician, who lacks constructive statesmanship and executive ability, but appeals to class prejudice and discontent for his support. Senator Knox, of our own state, has also made some excellent campaign speeches, while the Governor will d i some work alone tlie northern I tier next week. Over against Bryan's record as a talk . er must ue piuceu me record ol Tail, a man who does things. Whether on the I Bench, in the Philippines, in Cuba, at the Isthmus of Panama, or in charge of the Cabinet ollice he so ably adminis ters, he has a record that cannot be as sailed. He stands for all that is best in the Roosevelt policies and promises to carry them forward. Judged by what he has done, and taking him at his word for what he will do, in the event of his election, the country will be itu measurably safer with him as its Presi dent than with Bryan. It is not an ex periincnt with Taft. Since the founda tion of the Republic no candidate for the ollice of President on any ticket has had as good n record of service and ad niinistrative ability, fitting him for that high ollice, as Win. II. Taft. uoi. rrau continues to make gains through the district, and looks like a winner. He has the support of the party and in a district normally Re publican by 5,000 ho need have no fear. He has made a good, manly fight, and deserves hearty support. With his knowledge of the needs of the district, his wide acquaintance among influen tial men, and his desire to be of service to his constituents, the Fourteenth need have no cause to fear that its interests will suffer. Were the two men, Pratt and Kipp, equal in every respect, ex cept politics, we should choose, the for mer, for we want a Republican at Washington. Republican constructive policies are to lengthened and strength ened, currency questions settled, tho Panama canal dug, free silver buried a little deeper, corporations curbed and ' regulated, and we wantthatdone under Republican rule and management. Pratt should be the man to send. W. K. Perham may be handicapped somewhat by a lack of hot air, such as candidates often hand out, but he will till in all right as a worker at Harris burg next winter. The fellow that does things is always entitled to considera- i lion, and that is Perham. He has made I a splendid record as County Cominis ! sinner, and he will do even better as J Representative. Speaking of Commissioners, there are Messrs. Madden and Hombeck that de ' serve a second term. They are all right. And so we can say of Karnes, I.esher, ' Simons, I.arabec and the others. They are well quaimcu lor the positions to which they aspire and confidently ask for the support of their fellow citizens. It is a good year for Republicans to stand together, N, E, Hause, Spettigue's AM A A practical, reariy-io-lay Roofing ihat withstands all elements, tiie protection from which makes a roof necessary. Amazon is not a new nor untried Roofing. It has given Amazon the best of set vice in all climates and has in every case Is not a new thoroughly proven the statement that it is the best roofing Roofing. of its kind on the market. Amazon heads the list of so-called rubber roofings and leads them all in the qualities that make a perfect roofing. it and is as thoroughly waterproof, but there the resemblance ends, for Amazon is made of roofing materials only and affords a roof service that no composition of rubber could possibly offer. Amazon Hoofing consists of strong, long fibre, all-wool felt, thoroughly and uniformly saturated with a non-volatile compound, making a tough but pli able fabric, the strength of which is surprising. This fabric is then ipade abso lutely impervious to all elements by being heavily coated on both sides, making a roofing that is water, wind and weather proof in any climate Amazon Is and under all conditions. The coating on the under side heavily coated on ... both sides. protects against rising steam, vapors, gases, etc., and on the upper side makes a wear-and-weather-resisting surface that is far more durable in its protective qualities than the ordinary coating and sand dressing. No adtliliuiwl intii i is jkm.v.oii excipt for cementing be tween laps and painting tops of laps and caps. Amazon Hoofing is always pliable and flexible. Kxtrenies of tempera ture will not change this condition of the fabric. Continued zero weather will not Amazon shrink nor crack this rooting. It is not a guniniy prepara wlthstunda all tion and contains nothing that will run nor ooze out even in weathers. tlie hottest weather, neither will it dry out and become hard or brittle. It is simply not affected by heat or cold and remains flexible and pli able under all climatic conditions and any kind of exposure. Amazon As to fire resist ence, Amazon will not only withstand ex- Is practically trcme heat but live embers and but coals falling upon the fire proof. fabric w ill not more than char the actual space they cover. Amazon Roofing is for all kinds of buildings. Its cost permits its liberal Amazon Is for usu on c',l'aP sheds while its serviceable qualities make all buildings. AMAZON the best piepared roof for better buildings. It is easily applied, requiring neither skilled labor nor special tools. The di rections for laying which come with eacli roll are very simple, and if follow ed will result in a satisfactory roof every time. We are the largest dealers in ROOFING in -Wayne County. The person who keeps a good account at a Bank always has a friend at hand when needed. OPEN NOW, either a savings or business account, at the HOHESDALE DIME BANK 1 Tills Institution handles larse or small sums una does anything' In the Hue ot bank ing business. H If you have children, teacli (lii-iii to save their pennies and dimes Instead of siiendlug them. ii-' vou no not pay vouu in; J',hk;k;, commhnck to no so now. A C1IKCK IS AIAV.WS A UM'hUT. Three per cent. Compound Interest Paid. MONEY LOANED TO. HOME PEOPLII. If you want your accounts carefully and honestly audited, a vote like this REPUBLICAN X will count for Lesher and Larrabce, two accurate and painstaking accountants. nit.C. It. IIKADY, Dkntiht, lloiiesdule. Pa. OKKlfK ltOUKH-K U. III. to & p. 111. Any eveuiiiir by uuioliitiiii-iir. Cltltens" phone, ss, lteslOlnce, No, Mi X, ZON ROOFING It has the appearance of rubber, feels like Where Thousands of j People Keep Money. '. It vou do nolKliave household hunk call and eet one. It is KKKE. NOTICH OK AP.MINIKTK.VTION. Kstate of Albert Whitmoie, late of llniiesdiile hiiiiitiuh, ilii-i-used. All persons Indebted to .s:ild estate aie uutllk-d to muko immediate payment to the iuiilerlt;iied ; unit those liavlnu claims airulnl said estate are untitled to present theiu. dulv nl tested, for settlement' IIUNKY WILSON, itiwii Administrator!-, t. a Kodol Is a roiiililuatlon of natural diges tive juices and II l .-i-sls all classes ot food and every kind ot iihhI, mi you m-o It will do the work thai the stomach Itself does. Tho only difference between it and the stomach Is tho stomach can net out of order and Kodol cannot, but Kndnl can pid the stomach 111 food order, lluy Kodol today. His Imuran teed. BoiabyPKlLrueUrugglst.