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CENT A WORD COLUMN WAYNE CCONTY TKACHERS will re ceive an artistic, new calendar during Insti tute week, at Petersen's. 31eol2 FOH KENT. Three rooms and basement. Call at m Sprine street. 31tf ANNOUNCEMENT. The eleventh annual ball of the Alert Klre Co.. of East Honesdnle. will be given at Alert Hall on Wednesday evening. Oct. 2M. 190t). A general Invitation is extended. Tickets. 50 cents. In connection with the ball, the Ladles' Improvement So cieties of East lloncsdale. Cliff. Cottage and ltlver Sts., will serve a supper In the dining room of the Hall, with first table at 5:30 p. m. Supper tickets, 35 cents, SSV2 WANTED. Everybody to know that Dr. D. Golden, eyesight specialist, of Carbondalo, will beat the (Sale, lloncsdale. Friday. Oot. 23, of this week, from !i:(X)a. ni..until 2:30 p.m.: and at Park View Cottage, Hawley, from 3:00 p. m until 8:00 p. m. WE HAVE a large assortment of ladders on hand for apple picking. U. Watts. 27t3 FOR SALE OR FOR" RENT. Dwelling house, corner of Court and Eighth streets. In quire of 11. Z. Russell. WE ARE NOW taking in winter apples and elder apples-highest cash price paid for same. C. A. Cortright. WANTED.-Success Magazine requires the services of a man in Honesdale to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special methods un usually effective: position permanent: prefer One with experience, but would consider any applicant with good natural qualilicatlons ; salary 1 1.50 per day, with commission option. Address, with references, it. C. Peacock,. Room lO.'.Snccess Magazine bldg. New York WAYNE FARM AfiENCY. If you have any farm proicrty or realty of any kind, you can register with us free of cost, and property will be advertised through the United States. Send for circular. WAYNE FARM AGENCY. Honesdale, Pa. FOR SALE.-House. 1019 Court St. C. T. Rent ley, Honesdale. Pa. LOCAL NEWS. The Citizen has made arrange ments with the Citizens' Telephone Co. whereby the paper will receive the elec tion newa on Tuesday night direct from New York, by longdistance phone. The returns, to such an extent as is possible will be thrown on the Spencer advertis ing screen near the town hall, by stere opticon. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the South Side Bank, of Scran ton, last week, S. S. Spruks, formerly of this place, was elected first vice presi dent and director, and J. Benjamin Dim mick also a member of the board of di rectors. There is not a banking concern or trust company in 'Scranton in which Honesdale families are not represented. It is stated that work willcommence very soon on the erection of the hospital buildings at Farview. A representative of the Philadelphia firm that was award ed the contract was in Way mart the early part of last week seeking ac commodations for fifty men who will be employed in the preliminary work. It is said that hotel accommodations at the present time at Waymart are not suffici ent to take care of that number of men. The Carbondale Leader says that if rumors prove true that city will lose between twenty-five and thirty residents owing to the recent change made by the Srie company in shipping west bound coal over the main line by way of Lack a waxen. The Leader thinks that if the reported arrangement is carried out Port Jervis will come in for a substan tial boom, as that is one of the big centers of the Erie, and more crews will be required at that point to handle the coal in transit from Lackawaxen to Susquehanna. The City Water Co., of Scranton, is considering a project for bringing a water supply to that town from the vicinity of Fleetville, plans involving a tunnel three miles long through the moun tain at Clark's Summit. The scheme, as outlined, is a gigantic one, estimated to cost two and a half million dollars to get in working border ; as it will neces sitate the draining of water for a dis tance of nearly ten miles, overland and through the tunnel, and from the Sum mit to Scranton, through pipes twenty six inches in diameter. Seeing the "Amendments to the Constitution" advertisement running co incidentally with the election proclama mation, a good many people are wonder ing how they will vote on the proposed amendments this fall, and inquiries have been fired at clerks in State, county and city offices. As a matter of information, it may bo stated that the people do not vote on them at all. The amendments are advertised for tho purpose of en lightening the people, and if the coming Legislature passes the resolutions they will be laid before the voters of the State next November. To-morrow evening is Hallowe'en. Let us hope, that the young people who are in the habit of taking advantage of the vigil not simply to indulge in the harmless pranks which older people arc disposed to overlook or excuse, but to destroy property, remove gates and signs, blockade streets and make them selves general nuisances, will behave with more propriety on this anniversary. Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls, without doubt, but there is no need for boys to become rowdies, or girls tom boys on Hallowe'en any more than on any other night. In many towns special policemen have been appointed with instructions to arrest such roysterers as violate ordinances and for the time be ing make themselves obnoxious to quiet citizens, but we can't believe that such precautions are needed here. Surely with this word of admonition our lads and lasses will temper their fun iwith a decent regard for the rights of others,. The Honesdale banks will be closed Tuesday, November 3rd. Election day. The "Dutch Supper" in the Presby terian chapel, on the evening of the 22d, was a most complete success. The in terior of the building was very elabor ately decorated with the German and American colors. The guests were pro vided for at tables neatly arranged around the gallery and in both of the parlors. They were presided over by "Dutch" matrons and maidens, becomingly at tired. There were songs by a number of little "Dutch" girls, and others. The net proceeds were $12G,21. A letter from Carlisle, Pa., dated Oct. 22, 1908, contains the following paragraph of personal interest : "ft may be of interest to you and to the readers of your paper to learn that at the recent election of officers for the Senior Class of the Dickinson School of Law, Chester A.Garrett, of White Mills, was unanimously elected to the office of Secretary. There is a considerable rival ry for the class offices, which speaks well for the popularity of the successful candidates. CheBter has always been one of the active men in his class, and is well thought of by all. He is one of the most industrious students in the School, and will deserve good rank up on his graduation in June, 1909." A very pleasant banquet was given with Commissioner J. K. Hornbeckand John Brown, of the Allen House, as hosts to about fifty of their personal friends at Hotel Heumann, on Tuesday evening last. The menu was excellent from the first course to the last. Hon. John Kuhbach presided as toastmastcr, and fine after-dinner speeches were made by A. T. Searle, M. J. Hanlan, E. B. Hardcnburgh and W. W. Wood. Vocal solos were rendered by William Jones and Edward Brown, O'Brien's orches tra enlivened the occasion with excellent instrumental music. We have been shown a letter from Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, Commissioner of the State Department of Health, to Health officer Dr. B. Schermerhorn, which sustains the doctor in his opinion that the water of a certain spring within the borough limits is contaminated, and suggests that it is at present inadvis able to use it for domestic purposes without half an hour's boiling. It is also advised that the spring be disinfected with unslaked lime ; then cleaned out and allowed to refill, after which fresh samples of the water should be subjected to analysis. The Commissioner's letter does not state positively, however, that there were any typhoid bacilli in the specimens already examined by the ex perts of his department, PERSONAL. Miss Rowena Ruppert, of Carbon dale, is visiting Honesdale friends. George W. Connor, of Cranberry Station, N. J., is a Honesdale visitor. The State prison inspector paid our county jail an official visit on Wednes day last. Mrs. John D. Weston went to New York city on Wednesday morning, for a week's sojourn. Miss AnnaKlinger, of Spring street, will entertain the German Lutheran choir, Hallowe'en. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barbour and son, Harold, of Dickson avenue, Scran ton, are visiting friends in Honesdale. Mrs. Joseph Waite and son Donald, of Scranton, are visiting Mrs. Waite's brother, Dr. E. W. Burns, of 10th street. Miss Mae Brown has returned from a visit of a few days with Carbondale friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doney, of Seely vilie, removed to Carbondale, last week. The former is a glass cutter by trade, and has entered the employ of the Car bondale glass plant. Lloyd C. Rosencrans has so nearly recovered from his long and serious ill ness as to be able to visit his parents' home. He camo over Wednesday after noon, and stood the journey remarkably well for one so weak. Mrs. Henry Blandin will vacate her rooms in C. M. Betz's house, on West street, the last of this week, and will board with Mrs. Charles Reury corner of Spring and High streets, until the first of tho year. She thinks of making her residence in Scranton in the spring. Miss Ama B. Ensign, of Waymart, will entertain a house party from the coming Saturday until Monday, com prising Mrs. Frank Erk, and Misses Mary H. Foster, Antoinette S. Durland, Mary A. Mumford, Etta Nielsen, Edna P. Dimock, all of Honesdaie, and Misses Mae Morgan and Marjorie Spencer, both of Carbondale. Dr. Warren Schoonover, of New York, president of the Schoonover Cem etery Association, and brother of Mrs."S. M. Decker, of Court street, and Mrs. C. M. Knapp, whose accident is mentioned elsewhere, himself met with a serious mishap on Tuesday of last week. He was a guest in the family of Frederick Brown, in Carbondale, and' on leaving the bathroom in the morning, stumbled and fell against the stairway railing, sliding along the banister to the bottom, and striking the newel post with such force as to fracture one or more ribs. The doctor telephoned an account of his accident to his son-in-law in New York, and the latter in making the trip to Car bondale, via Honesdale, incidentally learned here of the misfortune which had befallen the doctor's sister. Dr. Schoon over stopped in Honesdale over night on his way back to the city, being enter tained by his niece, Mrs, JohnKuhbRcb, William Jannsen, a grandson of the late Henry Dux, of Cth street, and nephew of Mrs. John Green, of Court street, is President of the Southside Republican Club, of Scranton, and Secretary of the Republican County Committee of Lack awanna county. He was employed in 1 the Herald office here for some time be fore settling permanently in Scranton, where he has attained a creditable stand ing, socially and politically. Five years ago last Sunday Rev. John J. Grifliin, whoso boyhood was spent in Honesdale, and who, after at taining the priesthood was stationed at the Cathedral in Scranton and became chancellor of the diocese, was appointed to St. Aloysius church, South Wilkes Barre. The anniversary was celebrated in a simple, yet befitting manner on Sunday, the 25th. The most impoitant feature of the celebration was the pre sentation to the church of three valua able gifts. The gifts consisted of a cha lice, a ciborium and ostensoriuni. A Letter From A New MHford Doctor. New Milford, Pa., Oct. 27, IMS. EmvAitn B. Gavittk, M. 1). White Mills, Pa. My Dear Doctor: Your letter of inquiry regarding the place of residence of my neighbor Col. C. C. Pratt received to-day. 1 am justly proud to state to you that Col. Pratt is a resident of New Milford, Pa. He was born and grew up in this town ; was away from here some seven or eight years when a young man, but for the last thirty years his residence has been here continuously. For the last five years he has closed his house for a few months in the win ter and gone to Biugliamton, where Mrs. Pratt's mother has her home and where the children could attend a high school without leaving home. He was here every few days to look after his business and to get his mail and always came here to vote. Now doctor, 1 have lived a near neigh bor to Col. C. C. Pratt for eighteen years, during which time 1 have been his family physician and have had many business dealings with him. He is a broad minded christian gentle man of more than average ability and n desire to see every man have a squat c deal, and especially to help the poor man who is trying to help himself. They have always lived in a rented house when in Binghamton, and Mrs. Pratt has an electric runabout which she runs herself and kept at a garage. The dealer who sold them the ear, Sherman Lewis, of Binghamton, pro cured a license to run the car gave the residence as Binghamton, N. Y., with out consulting them. I see that The Daily Times Record of Sayre, Pa., is claiming that this license to run a motor car in Binghamton is evidence that Mr. Pratt is a resident of Binghamton. Of course this will not injure Mr. Pratt where he is known, and I hope that the sensible people of tliif Congressional district will recognize tint political trick which is being worked on them. Col. C. C. Pratt should receive the vote of every man in this Congressional District who has the best interest of the country at heart regardless of his p:u ticular party. Yours fraternally, A. E. S.nydeh.'m. I). At The Lyric. Tho coming of "Girls" to the Lyric, on Wednesday, Nov. 4th, will bo anx iously awaited by local theatre goers. "Girls" is just what could bo expected from the pen of tho versatile and sur prising Clyde Fitch. Dramatic critics are loud in their praise of both play, production, and presenting company, and all seem to bo of tho same opinion that there is nothing so refreshing after a hard day's work as to spend an even ing with "Girls," and listen to tho spark ling dialogue of the "man-haters," and to witness tho innocent trouble they suc ceed in making for themselves. "Girls," or better still "Tho Man haters," the newest comedy by Clydo Fitch, who has given some wonderfu successes to tho stage, will bo the mag net that should pack tho Lyric Theatre Theatre on Wednesday, Novt 4th, OUR PLAN OP BATTLE. Tho skirmishing is all over, tho plan of battle is marked out. The Democratic leaders have concentrated their forces in the CENTER. Every one of their can didates is defending his job in the Court House. The Republicans are massing their forces all over the county. The men of Buckingham and Manchester under tho leadership of Polk Hornbeck; the men of Preston, Mount Pleasant and Lebanon will rally around Perham, who will be supported by Larrabee with the Scott and Starucca legions. "Up from the South at break of dawn" will come the old reliables of Lehigh, Dreher, Ster ling, Salem, Lake, Hawley, Paupack and South Canaan, with Madden and Lesher in the load. The tribes of Damascus and Oregon with the Berlinites will come fiom the East with banners Hying, shout ing and voting for Barnes ; Blake, with headquarters in the saddle, will marshal the men of Bethany, Dyberry, Clinton, Waymart, Prompton, and old Canaan, while' Braman will open up the fight with thefaithfnlof Honesdale and Texas, and a solid phalanx from White Mills. Stand by your party candidates. Re publicans CLOSE VP YOUR RANKS. "Wait until you see the square on the white ballot," then put a cross next to the word "Republican"and you will help shape the destiny of our country, which is destined to sliape the world's history in the future. OBITUARY. James Archbald Marvine died Satur day evening in Scranton, aged fifty-eight years. Mr. Marvine located in Green Ridge about forty years ago. For many years he was identified with the Dickson Manufacturing company, but retired when it was taken over by the Allis-Clialmers company. A severe at tack of pneumonia caused his death, lie was one of the board of trustees of die Green Ridge Presbyterian church, and a most ellicient member. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Millie Dim niick Marvine, one sister, Miss Francis Marvine, and two half-sisters, Mrs. Thos. Dickson and Mrs. G. V. Bentley. Mrs. Win. H. Ham and Mrs. Joseph A. Bo die, of this place are nieces of the de ceased. Angus Smith died in Starucca, Oct. 20, 1!H)S, aged 91 years and 2 months, lie was born in North Knapdale, Scot land, and came to America in 1S.V, land ing in New York city with his wife and three children, and "with but $25 in his pocket, lie assisted in building the first acid factory in this country, it being lo cated at Conklin, Broome' Co., N. Y., being tho pioneer manufacturer of wood acid in the United States. In 18(S he removed to Brandt, Susquehanna Co., and embarked in the manufacture of wood alcohol and acids : where he re mained until 18S0, when he became a resident ot btarucca, where he continued the above line of trade, in addition to the manufacture of charcoal, with sev eral parties. Mr. Smith was a thorough going Republican ; had filled several of the local offices in Starucca, and had been a member and elder of the Presbv- terian church for manv years. He died as he had lived, enjoying the conlidenci and respect of the entiie comnuinitv. Mr. Smith's wife died some two veim ago. lie is survived by live married daughters, to wit : Mesdanies A, C. Crosslev, L. 15. Smith and Charles Get ter, of Hiughamtou: II. W. Brown, ul Forest Citv, and .1. Wallace Young, ! Albnuv, N'. Y., and Misses Marv and Belle, at home. Dreher. Oct. 2fith. Henry Croft, who cut his knee sonic time ago, while cutting tie:- near Angels, anil was later taken to a private hospital in Scranton, died on Oct. 18th, from the effects of the wound and a much reduced svstein. He. is sur vived by his wife, lie was almost -I.') years of ago. His remains were brought to Gouldshoro for interment. A valuable horse belonging to W. C. Evans, State road contractor, and kept in the stables near Angels, died last Fri day from the effects of kidney trouble. George Plunkett, the blacksmith in the employ of Mr. Evans, has gone to his home at Snudcrton, Pa. On Wednesday night of last week, Robert Bovce caueht. a verv small hour cub in a trap that he had" set on the iseecn buinmit Lake property, known as the Marsh tract. On Fridav night John Hazelton caueht a bear weighing about 150 pounds in a trap set in the same locality. -Mrs. Arthur Denew and two dannh- ters, of New Milford, Pa., spent a part of last week with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. win. waltz. Clinton D. Gilpin has been at Pocono Inn, Mount Pocono, during tho summer season with his automobile and is now on a visit to New York with it. He was engaged in passenger traffic. A short time ago a party of hunters, six in number, were strande'd in Strouds burg by some unavoidable mistake in the run of passenger trains, and wanted to reach Gouldshoro in time to meet a conveyance to bring them to Sterling. They came from a suburb of Philadel phia and were anxious to reach their destination and there seemed to be no other way but to hire an auto and chaf feur to bring them through. Arrange ments were mane witn an "auto man for two machines at $2 per hour. Whether by some misunderstanding or not knowing the route over the Pocono mountains, the party were from 4 r. m.. until 10 r. m., in reaching their destina tion. Under protest tho trip cost the six hunters $30 which was only naid. Their good success and pleasure of the vacation atoneo in part tor the dram on their finances. Ilyman R. Miller is having a largo stable erected on the property adjoining 1 I 11 1 ... 1 1 1 m nun in hi. Hiiuu on i no runs. The l'ribolo Cider Mill is in operation four days each week, commencing on Tuesday. Mrs. Jane Brown is having a concrete foundation for a porch to her dwelling nouse on tuo worm ana houth turnpike. A lino rain here on Oct. 25th, has broken the drouth and refreshed the atmosphere, Death of Mrs. Charles G. Knopp. Mrs. Carrie J. Knapp, whose injury by a fall at the home of her sister on Saturday last was mentioned in tho last issue of The Citizen, died from shock following a fracture of trochanter of the femur, on Tuesday evening last, Oct. 27, 1908. Mrs. Knapp was a daughter of the late Daniel Schoonover and wife, and was born on the Schoonover home stead just above Honesdale, seventy-two years ago. May 13, 1S01, she was mar ried to Charles G. Knapp, of Madison, N. J., and since that date has lived in that State. She and her husband had come to Honesdale to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. S. M. Decker. She is survived by two brothers, Dr. Warren Schoonover, of New York city, and Daniel Schoonover, of Scranton, and four sisters, Mrs. S. M. Decker and Mrs. John P. Kimble, of Honesdale, Mrs. Maria Mulford, of Madison, N. J., and Mrs. George Pritchett, of Richmond Hill, Long Island. The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Decker, 1022 Court street, at two o'clock yester day afternoon, and the remains will be taken to Madison, N. J., this, Fridav, morning for interment. H. C. HAND, PlJEStDEKT. W. B. HOLMES. Vice Pkks. Wo want you to understand the reasons of tills -THE- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OP - 355,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 455,000.00 EYERY DOLLAR of which must bo lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. Its cash luiuls are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative management. Insured by the CAKKl'l'L I'KltSO.VAL ATTKNTION constantly elven the Hank's affairs liy a notably able lloanlof Directors assures the natrons of that SU1M1KMK SAI'KTY which is the prime essential ot a eood Hank. Total Assets, - Bar DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. DIRECTORS II. ('. HAND. A. T. SKA 151, K. C1IAS..T. SMITH. II. J.COXUKK. W. 1 SUYDAM. T. 15. CLARK, Now on Display-at Menner & Co., Keystone Stores Chic in Style. Latest in Cloth. Best in Fit. at (mm a'5 w Modols to fit all forms in Ladies, Misses and Juniors Long Coats. Evening Cloaks, Pur NEWEST FOR 190S. Menner & Co.'s Department Stores. MEANS MUCH To the level-headed young man, a bank account, added to a determination to make it larger, means much. The names of many such are enrolled on our books and'the number is steadily increasing. Are you among the number? FARMERS' and MECHANICS' BANK. Honesdale, Pa. Mary Emerson In The Making or Maddalcna. Mary Emerson will be scon at tho Lyric on Monday evening, Nov. 2d, in her new play, The Making of Madda lcna, a modern drama, with the scenes laid at tho present time. Tho first two acts are laid in Rome. Hero Maddalena is first seen, one of tho many models that abound in the old city. The first act takes place in an old studio at the top of an old Italian house, and hero the story of tho play is begun. Moving to a different quarter in the second act, the scene shifts in the third to tho great est of American cities, New York. Here again is Maddalena, now botraying only by a slight accent that she is" not an American woman. The new world has laid its hand upon her and she is in Tho Making, HYMENEAL. Miss Ella Abplanalp and C. L. Mc Connell were united in marriage at Otis ville, N. Y., on Thursday of last week, Oct. 22, 1903, Rev. R. S. Youngs offic iating. The groom is a resident of Tri States and employed as a trainman on the N. Y. division of the Eric, and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abplanalp, former residents of Hawley. H. S. SALMON, Cashiek. W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier for tho ABSOLUTE SECURITY Bank. - - $2,733,000.00 W. U. HOLMES. K.P. KIM1SLK. 11. S. SALMON. $32 529 Jackets, Collars and Muffs.