Newspaper Page Text
CENT A WORD COLUMN! nOLIDAY KUHNITUUKnt IIHOWX'S. Ylirlnv Knit ot IlMiini'a ucuruum nuus uv iiruwil a. Couches at Hrown's, Fancy Chairs at llrown's. Dlnltie cane and wood Chairs nt Hrown's. NEXT WEKK you will find In our windows real bargains In Collar IMns. Veil Plus, licit Pins. Cult Links and Tic Pins. C. Petersen. WAYNE COUNTY TKACHKKS will re celve an artistic, new calendar during Insti tute week, at Petersen's. 31eol2 KOK IIKNT. Three rooms and basement. Call at im Spring street. 31tf FOR SALE OR FOR RKNT.-RwcIIIiib bouse, corner ot Court and Kighth streets. In quire ot II. Z. Russell. ,WE ARE NOW taklnc m winter apples and elder applcs-hlchcst rash price paid for same. C. A. Cortrlcht. WAYNE FARM AOKNCY.-If you have any larra property or realty or any ituiu, you nrt Mn1.f. ...til. . . ..... . 1 ...... -f ... niiuun im ii miiiitiiiti ,ihii,,ij will be advertised through the United States. oenu lor circular. WAYNE FARM AGENCY, Honcsdale. Pa . 2-.'tr ,.FOR8ALE.-IIouse. 1019 Court St. C. T. LOCAL MENTION. There are SKIII teachers employed in the public schools of Wnyne county. The net proceeds of the supper given by the ladies of St. John's Lutheran church, last Thursday evening, was $82.or. Letters uncalled for at the Uoncsr dale post office. Miss Lucy Deckins. Miss Linl Kennedv. Mr. and Mrs. Trafford Smith and Miss VanGorder. The annual meeting for the colloc tion and distribution of garments from the Needlework Guild, will take place on Thursday, Nov. 5th, at the Town Hall Collection at 10 o'clock a. m. Distribu tion at 2:30 r. M. When contemplating a trip to Huf falo, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, or any points South or West, write to W. O. Rock, Division Passenger Agent, Erie Railroad, Chambers Street, New York, for rates and full information. On Saturday morning last, Dr. A. W. Smith, of Scranton, assisted by Dr. H. B. Ely, of Honcsdale, performed an abdominal operation on Mrs. Frank I'. McKanna, for an ailment which has been troubling her for years. The operation was very successful. A petition in involuntary bankrupt cy has been filed in the United States court at Scranton, against Peter Hittin ger, the Main avenue clothier, of Haw ley, whose store was closed by the Sheriff some days ago. Judge Arch bald heard the case on Saturday' last. A new-Rural Free Delivery route covering considerable territory in north ern Wayne lias been determined upon, says a correspondent of the Forest City News. It will start from Mount Pleas ant depot, run through Mount Pleas ant, to Niagara and Winwood, and re turn. The equity case of A. G. Hollister against the Eric & Wyoming railroad company and the Erie railroad com pany, was argued in Scranton on Satur day last, decision being reserved by the court. The plaintiff seeks to restrain the defendants from taking water from the Paupack river in the vicinity of the Erie train yards near Maplewood. John Williams has just completed on his Dyberry farm at Beech Grove, probably one of the most up-to-date dairy stables in the county, 18x30 feet in width and length, and 8 feet high above foundation. It is of concrete all through, with nine 28x40 inch windows. In all respects it exceeds the Borden requirements. One of the finest pieces of retaining wall in Wayne county is that on one side of the Reed-Dorflinger plot in Glen Dy berry. It is about four feet high, and composed of cut stone, each about nine feet long, and a foot in thickness. The lot is reached by six stone steps from the roadway. The whole was the work of Martin Caufleld, Honesdale's expert granite and marble dealer. Travel via the Erie Railroad to Buf falo, Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Cincin nati, Chicago, and all points South and West. Through tickets sold and bag gage checked to destination. Service excellent and fares as low as any other line. Pullman sleeping cars, also dining cars on all through trains. For rates of fare, sleeping car reservations, and all information, call on the agent at Hones dale or East Honcsdale, or write to W. O. Rock, Division Passenger Agent, Chambers street, New York city. Sunday last, being nearest the 31st of October, was celebrated as Reforma tion Sunday in many Protestant churches, particularly the Evangelical Lutheran, as the 301st anniversary of the beginning of the great Reformation of the Christian church in the sixteenth century. On October 31st, 1617, Luther, the monk of Wittenberg, nailed up his celebrated ninety-five theses as a pro test against the abuses in the church of his time, and thus began that great movement which has more profoundly moved the world than any other since the establishment of Christianity. Spe cial services were held morning and eve ning in St. John's Ev. Lutheran church here, the pastor, Rev. W. L. IIopp, delivering interesting and ap propriate addresses to large congrega tions on both occasions. L. J. Pclton, of Hamlinton, is an extensive producer of honey, having put upon the market, this fall, something over 1,000 pounds. Attractive round trip fares to Pacific Coast, Mexico, and Southern and South western points, via Erie Railroad. Sec your local agent, or write to W. O. Rock, Division Passenger Agent, New York. While descending n stairway in the residence ot Mrs. Ann Delezennp, East street, on Saturday last, Miss Ruth Ter rcl, a member of the household, fell and sustained a fracture of the humerus of the right arm. Two car loads of tools arrived at Waymart, on Monday, for use on the work of excavating for the foundations of the buildings for the asylum for the criminal insane at Farview. The fore men will find quarters at Patrick Mc Nally's three story hotel, near Lake Lo dore, and the Italian laborers will be ac commodated in a new and large barn, near the same vicinity. Work began this morning. Levi VanKtlen, a prominent fanner of Doerpark, Orange county, X. Y., died on Thursday last from shock re sulting from the fracture of his right hip, through a fall from a step ladder. He was eighty-six years of age, and it was feared from ihe out.-et that the accident would result fatally. The deaths of Mr. VanKtten and Mis. Knapp, ho nearly the same date and from precisely the cause, was a somewhat striking coincidence. We are indebted to Win.. I. Grambs, of Seattle, Washington, for late copies of the Two Rivers Tribune, in which we find an illustrated description of the works of the Pasco Power & Water Co., a stupendous irrigating undertaking in which our former townsman is largely interested. The Tribune says that Henry W. (irambs, of Maiidan, N. D., also an old Honcsdale boy, who recently in spected the pumping machinery, pro nounced the plant "The easiest running piece of big machinery and the best all round irrigating outfit" he ever saw. Plenty of game is predicted for the next two years as a result of the forest fires which have raged in more than a dozen of the mid-state counties, by Dr. J. C. Kalbfus, Secretary to the State Game Commission, who has visited the the burned areas. He says that the damage done to the forests is great, but that small game did not suffer much as the animals and birds were sufficiently developed to get out of the way. The fire was so great that it destroyed the large trees, and the areas burned over will be covered with young grass and new shoots next year, so that there will be fine grazing grounds for the animals the coming summer. On Thursday, November 12, 1908, the New Jersey Central will operate a personally conducted Tour to Washing ton with through coaches. Lunch en route, two days' board in Washington, transfer to and from the hotel selected, and dinner on the return trip at Phila delphia, will be provided. The railroad fare will be $"."." from Scranton, and the other accommodations mentioned $7.50 additional, or $8.50 if board is taken at the Ebbitt, Riggs or Gordon hotels in Washington. The train will leave Scranton at 7:10 sharp, Thursday morning, arriving in Washington at 3:50 p. m. Returning, will leave Wash ington at 1:00 p. M., on Saturday the 14th. Make arrangements for the trip with C. J. Gummcrsback, passenger agent, Scranton. PERSONAL Asa E. Bryant, of East street, is now the possessor of an automobile. William J. Silverstone, of Scranton, is spending a few days with friends in town. Rev. W. II. llilli-r will preach at Hoadleys, next Sunday, Nov. 8th, at 2:30 p. m. The late John II. Smith, of Church street, carried life insurance to theamount of $4,000. Willis P. Sweatnam, the favorite actor, is a guest of O. L, Rowland and family, of Tenth street. Miss Antoinette S. Durland enter tained friends, last Thursday evening, with a Hallowe'en dinner, Regular services at the Methodist church, next Sunday, Preaching by the pastor, Miorning and evening, The engagement of Miss Nellie Roos, of Scranton, to Sigmund Katz, of Hones dale, has just been made public, Mr, and Mrs, Joshua A. Brown and son, Reuben, returned on Friday evening last from a visit in New York city. Miss Bertha Katz entertained a num ber of her friends at cards, last Thursday evening, at her home on Church street. Miss Mollie Weiss returned on Sat urday from a pleasant visit witn her sis ter, Mrs. S. J. Strauss, of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman, of Hamlinton, had an addition to the fam ily, a few days ago, of a thirteen pound daughter. -E. O. Mills, of Brookline, Mass., passed last Saturday in Honcsdale, at the homo of his father-in-law, William II. Holmes, Mrs. Daniel Davis and Mr. nnd Mrs. Willitm Davis, o(Canadt, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Carpenter, of South Edineston, N. Y., and Lavina Pethlck, of Bethany, visited E. J. 1'e.thick, John street, Car bondale, last week, Mrs. Elizabeth Bond, of East street, is making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. George S. Spettigue, of Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. R. N. Torrey and daughter, Miss Clara, went to New York city, on Monday morning, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur U, Hull. Mrs. W. W. Wood, wife of the manager of Tin: Citizen, and her daughter, Miss Mae, have returned from New York to resume their residence here. Mr. and Mrs. John Torrey Fuller and little son, Andrew Thompson, are visiting relatives in Wilkes-Barre, and will probably remain in that city until Christinas. Mrs. II. W. Weaver, of East street, is in Chicago, having been summoned to that city on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Jennie W. Hawes. Mrs. R. M. Stocker, her daughter, Miss Helen, nnd Mrs. Samuel II. Brown, arc spending a fortnight with Mrs. Ar thur Howell, Mrs. Stockcr's sister in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. M. Freundlich, of 28 West 127th street, New York city, an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Norma, to Samuel A. Katz, of New York city. Miss Amy E. Clark is entertaining her friend, Miss Helen Hurlburt, of Scranton, at the residence of the for mer's parents, Hon. and Mrs. Perry A. Clark, Dyberry Place. Miss Bessie Brown, of North Main street, went to Syracuse, N. Y., last Fri day, for a visit with her cousin, Miss Alice K. Simons, who is a student at the University, at that place. Ralph Brown entertained twenty young friends last Saturday evening, at his home on Main street. Hallowe'en games and pranks were indulged in and dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Thomas Charlcsworth, of Scranton, who has been paying a fort night's visit to her son, Edward Charles worth, and sister, Mrs. Corydon L. Whitney, returned to her home on Sat urday last. Charles Sandercock, who holds a responsible position in a large New York printing establishment, has been paying Honcsdale relatives and friendB a pleasant visit. He learned the "art preservative" in The Citizen and Her ald offices. Charles Knapp has sold his hotel property, at Lake Como, to William J. Healey, of Forest City. Possession given Nov. 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp will go to Mount demons, Michigan, at an early date, where the former will take a course of treatment for rheumatism. Among welcome visitors in The Citi zen sanctum on Saturday last were II. K. Winner, of Pleasant Mt., and William Pethick, of Bethany. Mr. Pethick claims to be almost ninety years "young," but he does not look much older than many men of half his age. By naval order issued on Satu rday last, Lieutenant RobertT. Menner, who ha? been spending a leave of absence of several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace T. Menner, of Church street, was assigned to the Navy Yard, New York, in connection with the Vestal, and other duties. Mrs. W. H. Histed, of Carbondale, and her daughter, Miss Madeline Ste vens, left on Thursday last for an ex tended western trip. They also expect to visit the former's sister in California, and will spend a short time in Ohio. Mrs. Histed and daughter do not intend to return cast until spring. Harry Klciuhans, of New York city, formerly of Milford, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Everly at Lake ville, Paupack township. He is a good shot, and the Hemlock Hollow big game would better keep a sharp lookout whilo he is prowling about Goose Pond and other favorite haunts of deer and bears. Miss Elizabeth Bowman, of Farra gut, Lycoming county, opened a regis tered letter, Oct. 22, 1008, and found it to contain $5,000 in bills. It proved to be from an aunt living in Ohio, after whom she was named. The date the letter was received was the recipient's 21st birthday anniversary. Frank W. Voltier, for some years superintendent of the National Elevator and Machine Works, of this place, has resigned, in order to accept a position with the Springfield Elevator and Pump Co., of Hartford Conn. Mr. Voltier, who is a man of recognized ability in his line, with his estimable family, will leave for his now field of labor on the 1st of next month. John W. Hutchinson, the last of the famous Hutchinson singers, before and during tho civil war, died at his home in Lynn, Mass., Oct. 29, 1908, aged 87 years. The family comprised sixteen children, twelve of them being boya. During tho war, by special permission of the war department, they visited many Union camps and sang for tho Boldiers. Tho remains of Mrs. Charles J. Knapp were taken to Madison, N. J., for interment on Friday 'last via the morning Erie train. Undertaker Brown accompanied Mr, Knapp and his niece, Mi6s Schoonover, on tho sad journey. The party were met by relatives and sympathizing friends atJersey City, and the balanco of the trip to Madison, where tho burial took place, was made in carnages, Edward Jacobs, of Hnwley, was operated upon for appendicitis at the West Sido Hospital, Scranton, week be fore last. He is reported to be making a most satisfactory recovery. The Dr. Treverton case will be tried at n special term of tho criminal court of Lackawanna county to be held in Scranton, commencing on the 7th dny of December next. OBITUARY. Raymond T., a son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lippcrt, of Dyberry, died at the home of his parents, Oct. 31, 1008, of scarlet fever, aged 11 years and 8 days. Interment in the Bethany cemetery. Truman Tyler died in Damascus, Oct. 21, 1008, after a short illness, aged 75 years, 4 months and 10 days. Rev. J. M. Coleman, of the M.E. church, officiat ed at the funeral. Mr. Tyler's wife died several years ago. He is survived by two sons, Ezra and Henry, both of Coming, N. Y. Rev. John Rowe, at one time pastor of the Equinunk Methodist Episcopal church, and laterof various Metropolitan churches, his ministry at the time of his death being in the Perry street M. E. church of New York city, died on Fri day last at the age of 02 years. He was born in St. Cleer, Cornwall, England, in 1840, and married at the age of nineteen to Miss Ellen J. Mandey; shortly after ward coming to this country. He is survived by three sons, Albert C. and J. E. Rowe, of New York city, and William C. Rowe, of Cottageville, S. C, and two daughters, Mrs. James Clark, of Morris- town, N. J., and Mrs. M. Fookes, of New Rochelle, N. Y. Gideon B. Wales, whose father, Gad Wales, was, in the old tannery days in Wayne county, well known to many of our citizens, especially in the townships bordering on the Delaware, died at Richmond Hill, Long Island, on Satur day, Oct. 24, 1008. Mr. Wales was born in Monticello, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1848, a son of Gad and Katherine (Stewart) Wales. He married Dec. 12, 1870, Margaret E. Secord, who died at Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1897, leaving one daughter, Grace E., wife of George E. Moran, of that city. Mr. Wales was a Monticello merchant until he made Middletown his place of residence about fifteen years ago. The Hawley Times prints an interest ing obituary notice of Louis Hensel, father of Ludolph Hensel, the photo graphic artist of that borough, who died on Sunday, Oct. 25, 1908, aged 91 years, 1 month and 24 days. Mr. Hensel was a man of varied attainments, which in cluded music, painting and carving in wood and ivory. He was a successful scene painter and did the work for ttic Mtennerchor and Liederkranz stages of Honesdale. Born in Helmstadt, Brum? wick, Germany, in 1817, he was reared and educated in that fortified city, but left home in 1830 to spend three years in Holland. The next year was spent at Strasburg and in 1840 he returned to his native place and served the military term incident to citizenship in that country Going back to the Netherlands in 1843, he married Sewetj Ames, and in 1848 the young pair fared to Paris, in which city he lived for four years, taking part in the revolution which ended the reign of King Louis Philinne in February, 1848. The next year he came to this country, spend ing several years in New York city, fol lowing which came seven years of farnv ing on Long Island. He then opened a fruitand confectionery store m Brooklyn, which he managed until he entered the Federal service during the civil war as a riding master for the U. S. cavalry. When the war ended he came to Matamoras Pike countv, and again engaged in farm ing, but finally abandoned this pursuit and going to Buffalo, N. Y., remained there for four years. The last removal of the family was to Hawley, about 24 years ago. The year after they settled there Mrs. Hensel died, and following that be reavement Mr. Hensel went to live with his son, at whose home he died after a greatly prolonged, useful, and praise worthy life. The funeral services were held on Tuesday of last week, Rev. Ru dolph Lucas, officiating, with interment in the Eddy cemetery. Tho deceased had been an honorary member of the Hawley Micnnerchor, and that organiza tion escorted the remains to the grave, and sang an appropriate selection as the body was laid to rest. Besides the son mentioned, Mr. Hensel is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ost, of Port .Tcrvis, N. Y In Memorlom. Whereas It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst John II. Smith, our fellow club member, who died October 21, 1908, therefore, HrsolvrA. That we svmnathlzo with his fam ily 111 the untimely death of tho husband and father, who was Just In the prime of manhood, with every promise of a bright and useful future before him. JCaolved, That wo shall greatly miss our menu ana leuow memuer, who oy ms gemai manner and high character had endeared himself to every member of our Club. That these resolutions bo entered upon tho records of our Club, a copy sent to the bereaved family, and publication thereof do maao in me local papers. EXCHANGE CLUH, N, Frank Fbailey, Secretary You can cure dyspepsia. Indigestion, sour or weaKsiomacn.or in raci any lorm or stom ach trouble It you will take Kodol occasion allylust at the times when you need It. Ko dol does not have to bo taken all the tlmu Ordinarily you only take Kodol now ami then, because It completely digests all the' ioou you eat ana alter a lew uays or a wook or io. the stomach can dleeflt the food with out the aid of Kodol Then von rion't nnod Kodol any longer. Try It to-day on our iruaraniee, wo Know wnai u will ao tor you Sold by PKIL Tho Druggist. The College Singing Girls. The County Institute Concert Course offers this attraction for Wednesday even ing, Nov. 11th, at the Lyric Theatre, confident that it has secured the bcBt high-class concert company, introducing novelties, that has ever been presented in Honesdale. The members of this com pany are professional singers, selected from young women who have been col lege students. Not only are the artists versatile, but they have exceptionally good voices, that properly blend in con certed work. That they are young wo men of refinement and culture is evident from their platform style. The concert is given with the dash and enthusiasm suggestive of college life. Many amusing and entertaining features are introduced, which add to the attractiveness of tho program. In the numbers requiring action they were drilled by a practical stage instructor, and in the instrumental numbers by tho best leaders obtainable. Special costumes are worn for each of the features, and no expense has been spared m securing that which would bo most appropriate. ........... .....i........ nvn-.T mill uuiiin lliut other tilings have failed to cure will heal ltnituna enrdtnltjio cik.d .....t I ....... unruly nun cumpiciciy wiien ynu use De Witt's Carbollml Witch Hurel Salve. It Is especially good for plies. Sold by PKII, The f irilKKlM. Tired mothers, worn out lie Mm iu-ovUIi cross haliy. liave found Cascnswcet a boom imil n blessing. Casiyiswcct Is for liable and elilldieii, mid It especially bimkI for the Ills so common in com weainer. look tor the In gredients printed on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by I'KILThe Druggist. II IE BEST The person who keeps a good account at a Bank always has a friend at hand when needed. OPEN NOW, either a savings or business account, at the HONESDALE IE BANK H This institution handles large or small sums and does anything in the line of bank ng business. I If you have children, teach them to save their pennies and dimes Instead of spending them. H If vou do nofhavo a household bank call and get one. It Is FREE. IF YOU DO NOT PAY YOUK HILLS 11Y CHECK. COMMENCE TO DO SO NOW. A CHECK IS ALWAYS A ItECEIPT. Three per cent. Compound Interest Paid. MONEY LOANED TO HOME PEOPLE. TEACHERS 1 "Tailormade Suits At a MUCH Lower during Net Waists We are showing Net Waists in Black, White. Cream and Ecru. Furs These are Brand Now, Choice Quality, at Special Prices Institute week. Winter Underwear The Celebrated Forest Mills Garments NOW. Millinery Trimmed Hats Correct copies of imported models. Women's Coat Sweaters Splendid Showing and Best Values in Honesdale. KATZ BRO'S. II. O. HAND, I'lIKSIDKNT. W. H. HOLMKS, Vice Pres. We want von to understand the reasons of this WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF . 355,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - . 455o0O.OO EVERY DOLLAR of which must bo lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for oyer 35 years, serving nn increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. ' ' ' ' Its cash funds aro protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative manaeement Insured l.y tho CAHUl-ur, PKHSONAI, ATTENTION constlnUy elveti the 1 VV!k ? i1! '! ! J?i'.!?5 i1. 1i,'ilJ!y.".bl0, ,.,)ar.d "'rectors assures the patrons llailk which Is the prime essential of a good Total Assets, ear deposits may -DIRECTORS CHAS. J.SMITH, H.J.CONtlKH. W. F. SUYlUto. II. 0. HANI). A. T. SKAHl.lC, T. II, 'JLAUK, Clinton. November 2nd. Word bos been re ceived here by relatives, of the death o f Mrs. Rose Styles Graniss, of Bodus Point, N. Y,, which occurred on Wed nesday, Oct. 28. She was 01 years old and leaves her husband and two daught ers to mourn their loss. A brother. O. II. Styles, and a sister, Mrs. Milton Lillie, reside in this place, where her early girlhood days were spent, and where her father, mother and sisters are buried. A sister, Mrs. Laura Sisson, lives in New York, and a brother, W. B. Styles, in Michigan. Mrs. Harriette Gardner, of Carbon dale, has invited her mother, Mrs. Louisa Curtis, of this place, to celebrate her eightieth birthday with her, which occurs today. Her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Rude, accompanied her. Mrs. Curtis is as active in every way on her eightieth birthday as many ladies are on their sixtieth. Nettie Loomis is on the sick list, and George Zazo is seriously ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cramer, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with the Iat ter's parent, Hamlin Bullock. Shirley Gaylord, of Pleasant Mount, re cently spent a few days with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lillie. Charley Sanders is a guest of relatives in Cortland, N. Y. Mabel Sanders gave a Hallowe'en party to her young friends Saturday evening. Leon Shermer, of Carbondale, but formerly of this place, has accepted a position in Syracuse, N. Y. The Supervisors are grading the hill west of the residence of Lewis Arnold ; a much needed piece of work, but also a very costly job. Tney have received some help by "bees" both by persons in the town and out of town, from peo ple who travel the road. Where Thousands of j People Keep Money. 1 Price than you ever expected, Institute week. H. S. SALMON, Casiiieh. W. J. WARD, Ass't Oabhike for tho ABSOLUTE SECURITY Hank. $2,733,000.00 be made by mail. W. B. HOLMKS. , f. K1MULK. . 8 SALMON.