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Ill HIE IT SH Passing Vessel Saves Crew of Burned Schooner. AID GOMES IN NICK OF TIME. Inlie I. Pollard, a Four Master, and Cargo of Lumber Are Destroy ed on Way to New York. New York, Nov. 2. A story of fire nt sea nnd a timely rescue tvns brought to port by the stenmcr Admiral Schley, from Port Antonio. The Admiral Schley had on bonrd the captnin and crew of the schooner Lulle L. Pollard, which was bound for New York from Fernaudlna with a cargo of lumber and which was burned at sea. Captain J. O. Powell of the schooner told the story of the disaster. "My steward struck a match," he said, "In the engine room to light the side light. Immediately there was nn explosion, which set Arc to the entire forward house, containing two tanks of gaso line, "Nvhich was used to supply the hoisting engine. At the time of the explosion the mate was sitting on the doorstep of the engine room nnd, with the steward, was thrown on deck, but both miraculously escaped unhurt. "The fire spread so rapidly that It was Impossible to extinguish It, nnd the seamen were forced to flee to the stern without saving any of their ef fects. Had It not been for the timely arrival of the steamer Admiral Schley, which reached us about forty-five min utes after the fire started, nil might have perished, as a very high sea was running, and It would have been Im possible for a lifeboat to live." The Lulle L. Pollard was a four masted schooner of 471 tons,, built nt Milton, Del., In 1891 and was owned by Stclson & AYInsmore of Philadel phia. Tug Burned to Water's Edge. Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 2. The tug Bed Wing, owned by the Coastwise Dredging company of Norfolk, Va., caught fire and was burned to the wa ter's edge In this port. The origin of the fire Is unknown. HASKELL WHITES AGAIN. Sends Second Letter About Indians to the President. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 2. Governor Charles N. Haskell addressed n letter to President Roosevelt Involving the renewal of the oil lease on the Osage tribal lands. The letter In part fol lows: "Oct. 9 the acting secretary of the Interior, writing as he stated on ac count of your having referred my let ter to him, his explanation was that you had nothing to do with the lease except fixing the compensation that the landowners were to receive. I was not satisfied with the answer be cause that was the very thing we ob jected to namely, the grossly inade quate compensation to the landowners, which was the real complaint. "Your secretary of state says I am insolent. Mr. President, If honest ad herence to my duties is insolence, then let it be Insolence, but that absurd statement from your secretary of state will iot be accepted as a substitute for $15,000,000 or $20,000,000 due to the Osage Indians." BOMB WBECKS OFFICE. Physician Unable to Offer Any Theory as to Cause of Outrage. Waltham, Mass., Nov. 2. Detectives have been endeavoring to solve the mystery of a bomb which exploded in front of the home of Dr. Kdmond R. P. Fourtln. The explosion tore a hole In the con crete leading to the side entrance of the doctor's office and broke many windows In the house nnd surrounding .buildings. Dr. Fourtln can offer no theory as to the cause of the outrage, and as yet the police have found no clew to the bomb thrower. BIG TAFT VOTE IN JERSEY. Republican Candidates Carry the State by Large Majority. Trenton, N. J Nov. 4. William II. Taft has made a great sweep In this state, being made the choice for the presidency of 81,000 more voters than approved of Mr. Bryan's candidacy. Newark has gone Republican by 7,000. There was no election for governor, but a new legislature, ten congressmen and sheriffs were chosen. The Repub licans were generally successful In thu local elections. 0ASTELLANE HEARING. Count's Petition For Custody of His Children Comes Up Wednesday. Paris, Nov. 2. A hearing will be giv en Wednesday on the petition of Count Bonl de Castellane for a modification of the decree of divorce obtained by his .wife, who was Miss Anna Gould. The count wants his mother made the custodian of his children. Dr. Davis Dies Suddenly In Mexico. City of Mexico, Nov. 2. Dr. Samuel T. Davis while on a gunning expedi tion died of heart disease. He was a former president of the state board of health In Pennsylvania. MES. EEB'S BAIL FIXED. Dr. Meeker Testifies That Poison Was Found In Captain's Drink. Media, Pa., Nov. 2. After a hearing lasting eight hours Judge W. II. Bro mall, sitting In the county court here, nllowed a writ of habeas corpus In the case of Mrs. Florence C. Krb, who Is charged with being an accessory to the murder of her husband, Captain J. Clayton Erb, n prominent Philadelphia politician, nnd fixed ball for her re lease at $500. Captain Erb was shot and killed on the night of Oct. 0 last by Mrs. Erb's . ter, Mrs. Catharlno Belsel, following a quarrel between the three In the Erb summer homo, Red Gables, near here. Mrs. Belsel, who Is charged with the murder, Is In the county jail, and no effort has been made to procure her release pending the trial. Few new facts were developed In the hearing. The most Important testi mony was that of' Dr. George II. Mee ker of Philadelphia, who said that aft er examining a liquid handed to him by Captnin Erb as a part of one of the captain's "highballs" he found by analysis It contained 4.50 grains of tartar emetic, better known ns anti mony. Captain Erb asserted a short time before he was shot that some one in his household had placed poison In a beverage used by him nnd by Infer ence nceused Mrs. Erb. FOUR HURT IN AUTO CRASH. Machine Strikes Iron Trolley Pots and Is Demolished. Newark, N. J., Nov. 2. Four men were badly hurt, one of them probably mortally, In nn automobile accident. A touring car owned by M. R. Wnrd of Wayne, Ta., crashed into an Iron trol ley pole. Albert Felton, Ward's chauffeur, was driving the car from Wayne to Man hattan. With him were John Doyle of Roscmount, Pa., and John H. Meyer nnd John Carr of New Brunswick. While running nt a good speed the car struck n rail In the road, swerved and. crashed Into the pole. The occupants were shot through the nlr, Felton striking the pole head-on. He is suffering from concussion of the brain in St. James' hospital. The ma chine was almost completely wrecked. MOUNT VERNON MYSTERY. Skeleton Discovered on Estate That Was Home of Washington. Washington, Nov. 2. Through the finding of n skeleton on the historic Mount Vernon estate, at one time the home of George Washington, the au thorities have to solve what appears to be a murder mystery. Gatekeeper VIckers discovered the skeleton, together with the dead man's clothes, a gold watch, a bottle of whisky nnd a calendar, In a patch of woods near the entrance to the grounds. Upon the calendar the name "Antonio" was written, niid a bullet was discovered among the bones. The police theory is that a workman two years ago was shot by one of his fellow workmen. PACIFIC COAST FOR TAFT. Republicans Win In California, Oregon and Washington. San Francisco, Nov. 4. There was no state election In California to compll cate the Issues, and the Republican na tional ticket carried the state. In 1904 Roosevelt carried the state by 115,822 over Parker. Washington. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4. Washington's five electoral votes will be cast for Taft, the Republican candidate having carried this state. Samuel C. Cos grove, Republican, has been elected governor, and the state's legislature will remain Republican. Oregon. Portland, Ore., Nov. 4. Returns from all parts of the state Indicate that Taft has won. There was no state election. Bryan Loses In Utah. Salt Lake City, Nov. 4. Mr. Bryan Iins lost Utah by a majority estimated at 8,000. William Spry, Republican, has been elected governor by a small majority. Wyoming Republican. Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 4. This state's three electoral votes will be cast for William H. Taft, but his popular ma- Jorlty Is considerably below that of Mr. Roosevelt. Champ Clark Re-elected. St. Louis. Nov. 4. Champ Clark. Democrat, Ninth Missouri congression al district, has been re elected. COST OF HOUSING TROOPS. Over Two and a Half Millions to Bs Asked For New Barracks. Washington, Nov. 2. Au Item of $2, 000,110 for barracks and quarters at coast artillery posts will be included In the estimates of appropriations to be sent to congress by the war depart ment. Some of this money is required for barracks nt Fort Wadsworth, New York city, where the men are quar tered In old casemates. Six Firemen Hurt by Qos Explosion. New York, Nov. 2. In a tenement fire started by a gas explosion six fire men were overcome by gas fumes. Onptp'n Mauser may not survive. Kansas Still Republican. Topekn, Kan., Nov. 4. Kansas is again In the Republican column ttila year. Mr. Tnft's majority In the stato Is 20,000. Walter R. Stubbs, Repub lican, has beeu elected governor. Wifehood sad Pluck. "The pluckiest woman In America today" was the comment of a judge in the case of a wife who recently ap peared in court to free her uusbnjyl on a charge of bank wrecking. It was not the fact of tho wife's appearance in court to stand by her husband that provoked the remark, for that is an everyday occurrence. She bad turned tho sumptuous mansion once maintain ed with the profits of his mysterious dealings Into a fashionable boarding house and become a breadwinner to keep the wolf from the door. The drop from society lady to the rank of a breadwinner was undoubtedly humili ating to pride, but not more so than in the case of thousands who thus meet a similar emergency. Women who give up leisure nnd drop their social alms when family finances come to grief nnd go to work to save the home arc found In every American community. If no other motive spurs them it Is the hope of hiding the terri ble truth from the children and letting their lives go on just the same. In the child world these social tragedies are but a nine days' wonder when tho mother takes hold to straighten things out. Setting one wife nnd mother above any other in this respect seems a far cry for au idol. Tho modesty shown in Napier's celebrated eulogy on tho gallant Englishman who died "lead ing the van," as the soldier loves to die, on the very top of the ramparts at the storming of Badajos, is worthy of study by nsers "of tho superlative. "None fell that day with greater glory than he, yet many fell, and there was much glory." Praise hero for the hum blest who fell, yet admirers of the par ticular one referred to could miss noth ing in the tribute. Thousands of dis tressed wives arc plucky, and there's nothing nobler than being "one of the best." Canada's National Policies. Like our own election, the campaign in Canada this year involved many radical questions of national policy. The Laurlcr administration has en joyed a long lease of power, as power goes in a representative government, and has undertaken many works of national extent and importance, nota bly railways and waterways. A motto of the party in power has been "From a colony to a nation, 1890-1008." While the people paid the bills, of course, for all this, the ministry whose continua tion in authority was at stake In the election claimed a share in the credit. Tho leader of the Liberals and, as his adherents contend, tho strongest force in the movement for progress, Sir Wilfrid Laurler, gave to his party n personality of Indisputable strength. He fought on the defensive in the cam paign, and for a man of his character that was an attitude to rally strength In a political contest, however keen and well grounded the criticism of the opposition leveled nt the record of his administration might appear. The cam' palgn was notably thorough and vigor ous from the coast to the western bor der and on the part of the govcrnfejnt well organized throughout the prov inces. The World Policeman. It is evident from the Balkan busi ness that the world policeman is hydra headed. As soon as the Bulgarians, the Serbs, the Czechs, the Bosnians and Albanians began to do things every great nation was tipped off from some mysterious source to "sit on the safety valve." All Europe seemed bent on suppression, and the pent up forces were not allowed to break loose. It was not a cure, only a sedative. It remains to be seen whether the Initial work of the world policeman was well timed. Sometimes a club bing is the right thing in a riot, and again it is well to give the rioters room to have it out among themselves. How- over It goes this time, the real Balkan trouble Is not one to "blow over." And It may prove ono that no police club can settle. That new 27 knots nn hour battle ship Inflexible of the British navy makes all the Dreadnoughts and fast cruisers of the world back numbers, and now every nation must "lay down" vessels of tho newest type. JOHN B. JACKSON KILLED. Thrown From His Horse While Riding In Pittsburg. rittsburc. Nov. 2. John It. .Tnoltsnn was almost instantly killed by being mrown rrom ms uorse while riding in Grant boulevard. Ho was nreshlcnt of tho Fldnlltv Title and Trust company, was former president or the State Bankers' asso elation, former president of the Pitts burg chamber of commerce, n ininr. nntor of the Pittsburg orchestra and many times a millionaire. He was widower, aged sixty-four. Hughes Expresses Gratification. Albany, Nov. 4. Commenting on the result of the election, Governor Hughes said: "I am deeply gratified by the sue cess of Mr. Taft aud by our vlctorv in this state. To all those who labored so earnestly In sunnort of mv rnndi dacy I wish to express my warmest appreciation. With this expression of the confidence of the people ,1 shall de vote myself with renewed zeal to their service." Oneof Fate s Fancies ! Original. To one contemplating tho strange oc currences flesh is heir to it would seem that there is a real personal fate that is constantly amusing himself with our destinies. For Instance, nt the end of tho eighteenth century it showed a lit tle Corslcan the crown of France kick ed about by a mob In Paris. He picked It up, put it on his head and then pro ceeded to make kings and queens of his family. Per contra, fate designated the monarch who lost the crown the Corslcan appropriated to bo the one of a long Hue of sovereigns to lose it nnd his head at the same time. He was the only one of tho lot who In many yeara deserved to wear It. In the case recited In this story It would seem that this Inexorable fate took n cunning nnd malicious pleasure. A party of American sightseers abroad were "doing" the gardens of Versailles. A middle aged couple stroll ed away from the others nnd snt them selves down to rest. "At twenty," said the man, "I laid out a definite plan for ttiy life which I have followed to the present moment. Having tastes which I had no means to gratify, I resolved to spend twenty years In accumulating a fortune where with to spend another twenty years In an ldenl life. Before leaving America a month ago I closed out my business, having accumulated the requisite amount. Tho first twenty years of my life have been passed as I Intended. The second period Is before me. "Of that period I have spent but a month, and yet It is long enough to have taught me that to enjoy the world I must have somo ono to enjoy It with me. In you I have met that person the only woman I have over wished to make a life companion. It rests with you whether this second period shall bo a success or a failure. Will you spend It with mo as my wife?" There was a long silence between them, at the end of which the woman said: "Unlike you, I laid no plan for my life. At eighteen I loved, married and was for ten years supremely happy with my husband and my children. Then within a few months they were all swept away by death. I cannot be happy without them, therefore It would be Impossible for me to enable you as your companion to carry out the second part of your plan." "Which means that this part has al ready failed?" "If dependent upon me; not on an other." "Had I not fallen In with you I might possibly have been happy with another." The woman was looking on the ground, making marks on It with the end of her parasol. Presently she looked up into the man's face to see there n bitter disappointment resting on every feature. "In that case 1 will do my best for you. I consent," she said. There was a wedding In the Amer ican Parisian colony, after which Wal ter Lanier and his bride spent (to him) six delightful months in n laud where there Is every opportunity for a culti vated man to enjoy himself. The only shadow falling upon him was that, de spite a bravo struggle on the part of his wife, she occasionally showed that her heart was with those who had gone from her. The husband, seeing that occupation would be better for her, proposed that they return to Amer ica, where she might have the care of a home. Iu reply to this proposition she told him that whatever he wished was her preference. Lanier believed it would be better to take his wife where she would enjoy the companionship of those she had always known. Ho planned a surprise for her. He wrote a friend to buy a house for him iu the neighborhood In which his wife had been born and reared, where her father and mother and a sister would be near her. It happened that Just such a place was In tho market, aud It was purchased for Lanier. It needed no Improve ments, nnd as soon ns Lanier was ad vised that the papers had passed he and his bride sailed for America. By this time Mrs. Lanier had been weaned from a constant dwelling upon those she had lost. She had married a splendid man for her second hus baud and every day clung to him more and more. Indeed, she seemed to real ize that a living with the dead is an abnormal condition and resolved to live for her husband, On the day of their arrival at the place of their Intended future resi dence the wife expected to be taken temporarily to a hotel. They were met at tho station by a carriage and driven away. She did not know where and did not feel in a mood to ask, But presently she noticed that she was on familiar ground. She looked up at her husband Inquiringly. He put his arm about her affectionately, but said uothing. When they reached the lo cation of her old homo Mrs. Lanier put her hands on her eyes as if to shut out memory. Then tho carriage stopped, and her husband alighted, He had taken her band to help her out, and her foot was on the step wheu she looked up nt tho house her husband had provided for her. With a cry, she drew back Into the carriage, exclaiming "Take me away! It was my home!" For a moment he stood appalled, then re-eutered the carriage, closed the door and ordered the coachman to drive anywhere that would take them from the homo he had Intended for them. Now. why did fate take them to that particular house? bvclyn wiTwonra. SIREN CHAMPION S0REECHER. It Emits a Blast Which May Be Heard Forty Miles. Washington, Nov. 2. Examinations by naval experts In wireless telephony as to the sound which will carry the greatest distance develops that the steam siren under seventy-two pounds of steam pressure will emit a blast which may be heard forty miles. Next comes the steam whistle, the sound of which Is carried twenty miles. Among the softer sounds which car ry a considerable distance Is the whis tling buoy, which has frequently been heard fifteen miles. FORTY THOUSAND MARCH. Parade Brings to n Close Boston's Centenary Celebration. Boston, Nov. 2. What was probably the greatest parade of a religious char acter In the history of New England brought to a close the centenary cele bration of the founding of the Roman Catholic diocese of Boston. It is estimated that fully 40,000 men, representing the Holy Name societies, with over 150 priests, participated, marching to the music of 100 bands. The parade was reviewed by Cardi nal Gibbons. MRS. ASTOR'S FUNERAL TODAY Only Relatives and a Few Close Friends In Attendance. New York, Nov. 2. It wns announc ed that the funeral of Mrs. William Astor will be held from the residence, 842 Fifth avenue, at 2 o'clock this aft ernoon. The service will be for rela tives and personal friends only. The service will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stlres, rector of St. Thomas' church. The Safer Way. To steal a kiss Is not amiss, Though It may lead to sorrow. The burden of my sons Is this: To steal a kiss Is not amiss. But why become a thief of bliss When you can slmpl? borrowT To steal a kiss Is not amiss, Though It may lead to sorrow. Llpplncott's Magazine. Worse Yet. "Mrs. Blldad says that she talks In her sleep." "That Isn't the worst of it, either. She talks when she Is awake." New York Life. Through Space. Behold, the airship sets the pace And with a majesty serene Proceeds to take long flights through space The space In each month's magazine. Philadelphia Press. No Sport. "Better go slow, judge. I've got a pun. "uo you tuinK tuis a tug or war frnmat Mtnnf.f .1 - " Tl,l1nnlr.l.ln Ledcer. Altar-ation. "I am a married man," ho said, "Quite lately I was haltered And can't do things I used to do For now my life Is altar-ed." Kansas City Times. A Superior Person. "A lot of love is wasted on poodle docs." "Aw. forget It and be clad vou ain't a dog." Birmingham (Ala.) Herald. The Quicker Way. AU things como to him who waits. Perhaps that's true. Well, let 'em. With me, the only things I got I had to Co and get 'cm. Judge's Library. A Simple Deduction. "Yes, the population of this town Is Increasing very rapidly." "Then your chauffeurs must all be sane." Chicago Record-Herald. Isn't It Foolish? I saw the sea, a beauteous scene, And as I say I saw I saw A sea scene I had never seen I saw the sea see-saw! New York Globe. Two Working For Him. Mr. Claude How kin you nffohd t' dress In does like dera? Mr. Hillary Easy! Doan' yo know dat I'm o bigamist? Judge. The Aeroplane. I shot an arrow In tho air. It fell to earth I know not where. And If you look 'twill be In vain. You seldom sco an arrow-plain. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Dog Safe Enough. "Your dog Just bit mel" "Well, don't worry about him. You haven't the rabies, have you?" Atlan ta Constitution. Cause For Rejoicing. Ono day the neighbors did reJolc That fata had things adjusted. It was their time to celebrate Small Willie's drum had "busted." Detroit Tribune. She Couldn't Be. "The bride to bo Isn't very clever." "You know her, then?" "No; I know hlra." Kansas City Times. Autumn Gold. This leafy autumn gold tut, tutt It calls for naught of thanks. It's all right for the poets, but It's no good at the banks! . Washington Star. And He Was It. Mrs. Benham Do you know how lobsters are caught? Benham Only ono, my dear. Judge, Diagnosed. At tho advent of Athena Puzzled doctors tried in vsln To determine Zeus' trouble. He had daughter on the brain. Llpplncott's Magazine. PltOFESSXONAt, CARDS. Attorneya-atLaw. EM. SALMON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. OtUce Next door to Dost office. KnrmorW occupied by W. II. Dlmmlck. Honesdale. Pa. WM. II. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. omccovcr post office. AH legal business promptly attended to. llonesdale. Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce in Foster building rooms 9 and 10, Honesdnle, Pa. Ijl C. MUMFOKD, Li. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. ()lllri I.ihertv llnll hllllrilnfT. rmnnaltn lha Post Olllce, llonesdale. Pa. HERMAN IIARMES, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Putcnts ainlTxaisions secured. Office In the Court House, llonesdale. Pa. rtHARLES A. McCAliTY, U ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Sneclnl nnil nromnt attention plvpn in th collection of claims. Ofllco over Keifs new store, llonesdale. Pa. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Ofllcc Second floor old Savings Hank building, Honesdnle, Pa. FP. KIMBLE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce over the post olllce, llonesdale. Pa. AT. SEARLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office near Court House, Honesdale, Pa. 0L. ROWLAND, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Post Office, Honesdale, Pa. HOMUlt GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllce over Hclf's store, Honesdale. Pa. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Olllcp. Masonic ll"ltfllniT. finnnnrt flnnr Honesda.c. Pa. Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savings Bank build ing, llonesdale. Pa. Physicians. DR. II. B. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Ofllco nnd residence lllli Church street Telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 and iiuutosuu, p.m. Liveries. Gil. WHITNEY, LIVERY AND OMNIBUS LINE. Rear of Allen House. Hnnesdale. Pa. Altelephones. Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If. after mine two-third of s 1.00 bottle of Kodol, yon can honestly say It has not bene fited you, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sien tho following-, present It to the dealer at the time of purchise. If it tails to satisfy yon retnrn the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom yon bought it, and wo will refund your money. Sttte Slen here - 111 This Out- Digests WhaiYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweel K. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, III, Martin Caufield ARTISTIC MONUMENTAL WORK HONESDALE, PA. 1036 Main St. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build, ing, over O. O. Jadwin's drug store, Honesdnle. LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES? It will pay you to call at the finely equipped GOLOEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS, U South Main St.. CARBQNDALK. PA. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Estate of Albert Whitmore. late of Honesdale borough, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make Immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said estate are BiWU Administrator c. t. a