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Thanksg iving In ity and Gountry. NEW SHERIDAN STATUE. Unveiling of Heroic Equestrian- Me morial In Washington Nov. 25. The unveiling of nu eauestrlaii statue 'of General Philip II. Sheridan In i Washington on Nov. 25 Is nn occasion of notable patriotic interest und marks Urban and Rural Palace and Cottage Arc i tim successful culmination of a move- One About the Savory Turkey and the Luscious Pump kin Pie. TtlE day on which we express our gratitude not by fasting, but by feasting, and when our Incense ascends not from an altar, but from a savory platter of steaming turkey, Is observed In the; great cities much ns It Is In the coun try. Thanksgiving is so thoroughly an American liollday that It wipes out uch artificial lines as those dividing urban from rural and makes all cf Undo Sam's large and growing family one people. What are outward circum stances, the presence or absence of a few houses or a few dollars, more or less, before a universal sentiment that Oils a nation? The Lord has been very good to us ns the months meas ured the year, we say, and we appoint a festival of joy and good cheer to ex press our gladness. It is most fitting, most characteristic of our land, moat In keeping with the constructive and optimistic spirit of our people This is true on Fifth nvenue and just as true on the farms of the west and south, truo at the Waldorf-Astoria and at the worklngman's table. Ordinarily we i place too much emphasis on the lndl- I rldual differences and not enough on 1 the social unity of our life. But on Thanksgiving the fundamental siml- tarlty becomes apparent we are all human and nil American, the walls of castle and cottage melt away, and wo , become of one genus, one mind and one heart. On the farm the children gather from 'near and far, and there is an old fash ioned family reunion. Bill and his "Wife come from the neighboring coun ty and Bob from the distant town. The old father and mother grow young again ns the prattle of grandchildren 'In the bouse tnkes them back to the (days when this same Bob and Bill were frowzy headed and dirty fnced ! 'boys. The turkey is home grown and 'home cooked, and therefore has any 'bird reared and roasted by we know ' not whom looking nllen and unappe tizing. The pumpkins that make up the thick and meaty pies are from the corn lot back of the barn. Everything on the well filled table except the cran- 'beifrles, coffee aud a few dry groceries is the combination or our own sec- 'on of American verythlng worth ment originated a number of years ago. The site of the statue Is Sheridan circle, at the crossing of Massachu setts avenue nnd Twenty-third street, a fashionable part of the beautiful na tional capital. The statue Itself, by the noted (sculptor Outzon Burglum, Is of heroic size, and the pose and treat ment are such as to realize the popu lar idea of Sherldnn as a hero of pe ?ullarly dashing qualities. Quite natu rally the historic scene when the bravo general reined up his steed at the end of Ills famous ride from Winchester Is chosen as the episode for reproduction. He Is shown holding his army cap in v , r &?itp i 1888 by act of congress, approve ;w ' s.. ' tres,l,ent Cleveland, the rank am GOODWIN'S FOURTH BRIDE. OSCAR CAKVINC1 A THANKSGIVING TUBKEY. ought to write nn adequate poem about Thanksgiving on the farm, but still It Is hardly necessary, for Thanksgiving on the farm is a poem in itself. It Is a far cry from our quiet coun tryside to tho Waldorf-Astoria and yet not so far on Thanksgiving as at other times, for at tho Waldorf folks eat turkey and pumpkin pies just ns they do at home and It is dollars to dough nuts do not enjoy them one whit more. Oscar, tho major domo about the big hotel, is famous for his pumpkin pie recipes, and what he does not know about buying, cooking and enrvlug the royal Thanksgiving bird is not worth mentioning. Hero is Oscar's recipe for cooking turkey in n little different way from the usual method: "Turkey, bourgeolse style, is an ex cellent dish and a good substitute for roast turkey If one Is tired of that fashion of cooking tho bird. Tho tur key is singed, drawn nnd trussed ns for roasting, but is not stuffed. Roast in a hot oven, basting well with but ter until nicely browned. Put n few slices of veal in tho bottom of n deep stewpan, put in tho turkey and cover with slices of bacon. Moisten to its height with stock or broth. Then put In n bunch of sweet herbs and season lo taste with pepper and salt. Lot it simmer besldo tho Are. "When cooked take out tho 'turkey und place it In a hot dish. Skim the fat off the cooking liquor and strain through a fine hair, Bieve over the bird and serve." There is a chance for everybody to have a "Waldorf turkey at his own' home. It sounds good enough to make even a pessimist thankful. ' 'f w It 1 Hod the Appearanoe. "How is Jenks getting along in busi ness?" "He la something of a plunger." "What is he trying to do?" "Well, 1 looked over his books, nndi I thought ho web trying to break Into the poorhouae," tlOSMM MlINNBB Thomas 11 COFYR1GHT, IOOS, BY OOOD1AJE THONM OW, eb'rybody ought to know dey's welkim as kain be, So pitch right in an' he'p yo selbs to eb'ryt'ing yo see. Jes' staht dem biskits goin' round', fo' dat's yo' job, ol' man, I An' chase dem wif de sweet pertaters quick 's dey lcab yo' ban'. (Now, Mose, yo' show yo' mannahs 'fo' dese folks, er Ah tell yo' Daih'll be a chile go hongry, an' he'll git a lickin' too). ! Heah, Oncle Dan, is de possum meat Ah's lookin' aftab. dat ' An' heah's a piece espesh'ly yonahs, all brown an' stveaked wif fat. 'HA'S fiat de graby? Don' yo' fret; it's comin' right up daih, An' sich! Wy, dat air possum fat enough, I do declaih, To mek enough er graby fo' de ma'chin' Isrulitcs. , Heah, Rev'end Mistah Fe'guson, be suah yo' gets yo' rights. Be smell am sweet ? Wy, man, yo' tas' an' den I bet yo' shout An' mek de neighbohs wondah wha' de fuss am all about. I Heah's little Eph. Now, chile, I's sabed yo' sumpin' nice an' sweet. Wha's dat ? Good lan' ! Dis boy is sayin' he don' lak possum meat. Autumn and Winter Goods Now on Display at Menner & Co., Keystone Stores Chic in Style. Latest in Cloth. Best in Fit. 8IIEMDAK STATUE, WAHHlfOTON. tils right hand and acknowledging the salutes of the soldiers whom he has rallied. The committee in charge of tho mod eling of the statue had considerable trouble in suiting the Sheridan family ! as to a likeness, but Mr. Borgluin's work is understood to be entirely sat I lsfnctory to both General Sheridan's ' widow and ills son, young I'lilllp Sher idan, now a regular army soldier. It was In February, 1S05, that Short bin received the thanks of congress for his "brilliant scries of victories in :he valley of the Sheunndoah, especial ly at Cedar creek." Four years later ! be was made lieutenant general by dirt. That makes 1 resilient urnm. on the retirement or while. Somebody General Sherman In 18S.'! ho succeeded to t no coiiimanu or tue army, nnu in ed by lid pay ot a full general were bestowed upon aim. Sheridan's parents were Irish and smlgratod to this country from County Cavan lu 1830. They went to live in Albany, N. Y and there tho future cavalry leader was bom, March (, In the following year. Soon afterward the family moved to the town of Som erset, O., where the boy went to school and for awhile worked in n store. Ob taining an appointment to the Tnlted States Military aendemy at West Point, he was graduated In July, isr.'i. The great soldier remained a bache lor until lie was forty-eight years old. Then, In 1S73, having been a lieutenant general for ten years, he married a flaughter of General Daniel 11. Kucker. She was a very beautiful girl, a belle In her day and is still a handsome woman. "51 ,. .-. OKTSW Models to fit all forms in Ladies.Misses and Juniors Long Coats. Evening Cloaks, Fur Jackets, Collars and Muffs. NEWEST FOR 1008. Menner & Co.'s Department Stores. MEANS MUCH Actor Is Second Husband of Former "Florodora" Girl, Edna Goodrich. SIr-i. dit Goodwin, nee Miss Edna Sondiieh, tho former "Florodora" girl, Is her actor husband's fourth bride, and Mr. Goodwin is her second bride groom. Mr. Goodwin's first marriage was to Elizabeth AVeathersby, a comedy ac- COPVmftHT 1908 V UN DC "WOOD ft. UNDCBWOOXl N'V. "NOW FO' BE POSSUM DINNER!" fE saize he don' lak possum meat, an' him a son o' mine ! Now, honey, tuhn to all dese folks an' knowledge up yo's lyin j Mek out 't'uz jes' a li'l joke to aggervate yo' ma, Or, 'clar' to goodness, Ah's jes' boun' to whup yo' till yo's raw ! Yo' speak de trufe, yo' li'l' imp ! Den wha's yo' doin' heah A-settin' up wif niggah folks to mek yo'se'f appeah A niggah, too, when eb'ry one, kain tell, in spite youah black, Dat tuhnin' 'way f'um possum meat yo' ain't de hones' fack? 'ELL, dere, yo' pa saize nebbah min', bekaze yo's such a mite ; Dat 'tain't youah fault yo' sum'ays missed youah nachul appetitt Hoi' out yo' plate ; dere's plenty mo' to fill a chile lak yo'. De good Lawd mek yo' suhtain ways, Ah spose, dat's got to do. Eut, lan' ! Ah's 'feared yo' grow up wrong an' mebbe be a shame To all de cullahd circle an' de 'spected fam'ly name, Fo' ebbah sence Ah's ol' enough to stan' upon ma feet Ah's s'pishoned any niggah dat would tuhn f'um. possum meat. EMPEROR AT THE PLOW. Peculiarities of China's Thanksgiving ' Celebration. In China at the beginning of winter a thanksgiving festival is held nt i which the deities are especially thank ed for tho preservation of life and health during the preceding twelvo rim rouitTU miis. ooodwin and 'her aotoi; nUSUANI). tress of distinction. They were mar ried in '1877. She died ten years later. Maxlno Elliot, starring in "Myself Bettlna," was the third nnd probably the most widely known "better half f Comedian Goodwin's several matri monial experiences. The present Mrs. Goodwin divorced lor first husband. i can partake. The feasting and rejoic ing nro kept up for days. On the flfteenth dny of the first moon tho emperor of China goes In great stato to a certain field, accompanied by tho chief officers of his household, and prostrates himself, touching the ground nine times with his head in honor of tho god Tien, nnd pronounces n prayer Invoking tho blessing of the great being. Then ns lilgli priest of the empire ho sacrifices n bullock to heaven ns the fountain of all good. Whllo tho victim is being offered a plow drawn by n pair of highly orna mented oxen is brought to tho emper or, who throws aside his imperial robe, lays hold of tho plow handles nnd opens several furrows. The principal mandarins follow his example, and tho festival, which is really n species of thanks in advance for good harvests, ends with n distribution of clothes and money to tho poor. To the level-headed young man, a bank account, added to a determination to make it larger, means . much. The names of many such are enrolled on our books and the number is steadily increasing. Are you among the number? RMERS' and MEGHAN ICS' BANK. Honestfale, Pa. he Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluge of new mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint, that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. T,,,;n S ha'-CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS IsJADWfN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for tho pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS: 1st No one can mix a better mixed paint. 2d The painters declare that il works easily and has won dorful covering qualities. Hd Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his own expense, ovdry surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who have used it, are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommenckits use to others. The person who keeps a good account at a Baivk always has a friend at hand when needed. OPEN NOW, either a savings or business account, at tho mm EHTEBOB Or-KNS BEVEBAIi PUBnOWB. months. Offerings are presented on the family altar, and tho 'ceremony is brought to a closo by a grand dinner nt which all members of tho family "RABBIT HUNTING DANCE." Odd Thanksgiving Festival Held by the Pueblo Indians. The "rabbit hunting dance" of tho Pueblo Indians nt Zuui, Acoma, Taos nnd Isleta is n festival contemporane ous with that of tho whlto man. In the dnnco tho Indians give thanks and pray for "filturo favors. Tho chief of each vlllago designates a day In No vember for tho festival, and tho dan cers, who aro dressed in whlto cotton shirts and pantaloons and carry guns; chant and danco as long as breath and strength remain. They begin at day light and after a pause for food at noon contlnuo dancing far Into the night They pray forvontly that the Great Spirit may give them power to slay plenty of rabbits and other game and also thank him for the game, the crops and the rain ot the season "past E SDALE 1 AI Where Thousands of j People Keep Money. ' This Institution handles laree or hiuiiII siiiiih und does anything In the line of hank ill; business. 1; It you have children, tench them to save their pennies and dimes instead ot spcndlnc them, T If you do not have a household hank call and set one. It is FKHIC. IF YOU IK) NOT PAT VOITIi 711 M.S I1Y CHUCK. COMMKNOK TO DO SO NOW. A CIIKOKIH ALWAYS A KKCKII'T. Three per cent. Compound Interest Paid. MONEY LOANED TO HOME PEOPLE. SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE CITIZEN" SS'- TheCITIZEN Publishing Co.